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8 DAVENPORT NOT SURE OF VICTORY WOLGAST-RITCHIE GO STIRS COAST; CADILLAC FARMER MAY LOSE CROWN S3 a on THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUSi TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1912. lowani Appear Dubious Re garding Outcome cf Thanks giving Day Game. MOLINERS ARE FAVORITES fcpeed of the Plow City Backfleld eem to Bo Source of Worry Weights of Squad. P"onow1n im what the Davenpcrt Democrat has to say regarding the approaching Turkey day battle be tween the high school football teams of Daren port and Moline: The football machines of the Dav enport and Moline high schools will tart the game on Thanksgiving af ternoon on a practically t-ven basis. The Swedes are of the same weight a the Davenport eleven but are a hade behind the local players in ex perience, Mollne, however, has a much faster backfleld than Coach Nix on's machine and with this speed they hope to gain a decisive victory. "Mollne backers are so sure of a Tlotory that they are giving odds if there Is any money to be setn. By the time the day of the battle arrives this fever will have subsided as the red and blue players are gaining favor. It Is probable that home backers will soon be giving odds as they are ore that the team will not fail them iu this crisis. WARM WEATHER NEEDED. With warm weather on Thanksgiv ing day Coach Nixon figures on win- sing the game. He has had his men through hard workouts all the past wek and has the players In the pink of condition for the final battle. For the remainder of the week only ignal practice will be handed out to the men. This will give the play ers a good rest and on the final day they will be in mind. Following are a scrappy frame of the weights of the two teams, Davenport Wt. Koch, c 152 Thomson, r. g 181 Feeney, 1. g 142 Hageboock, 1. t 164 Beiderbcke, r. t. ...145 I-angwlth, 1. e 138 Roche, r. e 144 Exp. 1 year 1 " 1 " 2 " 1 " Croekey, Noth. q. Hanssen, Day, 1. h. (capt.) f. b..l57 149 r. h 138 130 Mollne Wood, c Bwanson, r. g. . King. 1. g Willis. 1. t Bledes. r. t Neuhaus, 1. e. Ellle, r. e Kiel, q Isaacson (capt.) Wt. 100 157 133 . 144 138 142 14S f. b..l47 Exp. 1 ypar 1 " Arsenal Man Much Improved Has Suffered for Lonj Time Mr. A. C. Baird of 508 Forty-secc Street, Rock Island, and employed . the United States arsenal, ha this u aay of Plant Juice: "1 have been suffering with stomach and kidney trouble for some time. A filend who has been using Plant Juice advised me to try it. I have used eev- eral remedies, but Plant Juice 1b the f rst that has ever helped me. I have Just finished my first bottle, and my general health is much Improved, stomach and kidney trouble very much better; I sleep and rest well. My ap- FOR LAGRIP AND MALARIA NO BITTER TASTE i Scientifically combined, pure QUININE, pure WIIISKT. NO SUBSTITUTES USED Taken before meals restores appetl, taken before retiring insures sleep. A good medicine to keep in the house. A NATURAL TONIC Protected by U. S. registered labels, to imitate ia felony. Put up In bottles only and sold by all liquor dealers. Willi Ritchie and Ad Wolgast. The Wolgast-Ritehie go scheduled for Thanksgiving day Is stirring the Pacific roast. The lightweight championship is at stake, and there Is a pos sibility that the Cadillac farmer will have to give up his crown. Ritchie looms up as a formidable opponent. Ever since last Thanks giving day, when on 24 hours' notice he travelled from Los Angeles to San Francisco and gave Freddie Welch the battle of his career, Ritchie has been regarded as a dangerous boy. Fleming, r. h 136 1 " Stowe, 1. h 158 2 " Average eight of Davenport, 147 5-11; average Moline, 145 10-11. Average team experience, Davenport, 15-11 years: Moline, 13-11. Average Davenport backfleld, 1434; Moline backliald, 144. Writing on a Pillow. I Every one who has had occasion to I write while riding In a railway train i will be interested In the fact thnt the dN:ijrroeuble effects of the Jarring of Ibe cnrrluge are greatly mitigated by writing on a pillow. The pillow may be either held on the lap or placed on a table. The pad of paper and the arm which glides the pen or pencil should both rest on the pillow. In this tunmier It will be fonnd pos sible to write legibly and with com fot In n train flying at full sp(l 1'irjtlou Answers Marinette, Wis. Four sailors per-: iehed when the sailboat Three Sisters of Marinette became waterlogged at : Red River, near Green Bay. are Captain Phillip Klumb and An-1 drew Hansen, both of Marinette, and Neil Tillman of Green Bay. The fourth. man was from Marinette, but his iden tity hag not been established. r.nd Could Cet ITo Relief petite is good and I can enjoy a meal without fear of distress afterwards. I heartily endorse Plant Juice. Plant Juice attacks and destroys all poisons in the blood, corrects die- ,uulLiOU ot "omach. liver nu uUe,t, ua restores mem 10 a healthy, normal condition. Plant Juice demonstrations daily from 9 a. m. to r-J"- ,L , t3"ara "ru an uen- tal Co.. 106 Vest Second street. Dav- er port, la.; New Harper House Phar- n acy, Kock Island, and E. Jericho & Co., druggists, Moline. (Advertise rs nt.) HAVE NEW PLAYS FOR BIG CONTEST Independents to Try Some of Coach "Hurryup" Yost's Michigan Formations. SPRING VALLEY STRONG Visitors Expected to Put up Best Ex hibition of Football Seen on Field This Year. Heroic preparations are being made by the management and coach of the j Rock Island Independents for the game which will be Dlaved at Island ritv Park Sunday with the Spring Valley team n 'nich the stake is the cham- v 'wucuiy ux jiuuuiB aiiu a ciaim u v"",we title for the entire middle west.) Lee Liltt, former University of Illi-1 nols fullback and former high school etar- "H aid his brother, Dick, in coaching the team this week and to gether they will teach the boys a num ber of new plays. Among these will be some of the best Michigan univer sity's formations, diagrams of which have been sent to the Independents j by Joe Kelly, former high school play-, er and now a student in the school which Coa?h Yost has made famous in the football world. i All the members of the squad are in good condition despite their hard gnme of last Sunday and the coming contest will find them the strongest aggregation they have yet been. CONTEST IS COSTLY. Spring Valley demands a ' heavy guarantee to come here for the titular battle and as the expenses will be .,.alv lar th manamont decided to charge double admission for the day. Ladies will be admitted free os U8ual boy8 under 16 can get l7) for 25 cents but adultg wnl De charged 60 cents. The quality of the attraction, gives the management con fdence that there will be no KlcV on the extra charge. Thanksgiving morning the team will engage in Bcrimmage practice with the Maroons for the purpose of per fecting the new plays and learning their details under fire. j AT THE EMPIRE. i Do you plan on taking a western ! trip to get the out of doors atmo ' sphere and a change of scenery? Be i fore you purchase your railroad ticket, I go to the Empire theatre and buy an ! orchestra seat and in 30 minutes' time you will get enough western atmo 1 sphere to last you the winter. For his top of the bill this half Manager Dol ) ly has secured Gus Hornbrock's j "Cheyenne Days." The act can justly claim to be the Buffalo Bill show of j vaudeville and is a pocket edition of j the annual frontier day celebration i at Cheyenne, Wyo., which yearly ' brings to that city thousands of tour-' lets. A black steed, much resembling ' the notorious bucking broncho hero cf ' many a frontier day celebration, ! "Steamboat," is mounted and ridden by one of the cow punchers, and the chap does not "pull leather" once, in i spite of the frantic efforts of the ani-j mal to unseat its rider. Mingled; with the rough riding stunts, the lar iat throwing and the trick and fancy , riding, is a wealth of wholesome and : clean comedy. The act alone is worth i five times the price of admission. I The Alpha sextette, consisting of j two men and four young women, gives . a big Bong festival, ranging from grand opera to ragtime. All have pleasing voices and the act is decided-, ly artistic. The solo and choral num bers are excellent, and the young peo- j pie were greeted with. tumultous ap- j plauae. The rendition the sextette 1 HP You Meed a Siaift oir Q)9(Cpaf? Don't wait until winter is half over because you have not the ready money Open a Charge Account With Us and Pay as You Get Paid Special for m from "Lucia" has not been surpassed, and the tame holds true of the lighter numbers. "My Georgia Rose," a rag time number, was an immense hit, and was the signal for numerous en cores. Robert & Robert present a novelty playlet entitled, "A True Fried." The cast consists of a man and a bull dog with almost superhuman Intelligence, The canine easily carries off the hon ors. Charles Glbhs, the human phono graph, imitates various musical in struments and various animals in a realistic manner. He interjects some good comedy throughout his act and was favorably received. Mintz and Palmer, a singing dou ble, worked hard to please, and succeeded fairly well. Two ex cellent reels of pictures top o ffone of the best bills which has ever been seen in Rock Island. AT THE MAJESTIC. Three local boys, Isaac and Barney Brottman and Harry Ziffern, are rea tuting the bill the first half of this week at the Majestic theatre with a clever singing and dancing act en titled "Those Three College Chappies." The "chappies" received a warm wel come from their local admirers at the matinee Monday afternoon. They also , RrnrMi n hit lnor amateur Tifcrht ! the Family in Moline. When Mana- gers Linehan and Bender recelved i word that there had been a train vireck near St. Louis, preventing the coming of the bisr feature act. Arthur Lavine & Co., in "The Flying Dread- naught," they made haste to fill the bill with good local talent. Milano & Al- V1L present a laughable comedy sketch, "Only a Joke," which took well at yesterday's performance. The two Dupars have a neat clog dancing e.ct. Fred Pero is good in a comedy barrel Jumping and Juggling sketch. Two reels of pictures complete the bill. At High School Another custom at the high school i of this city has been done away with ' by the jun'ors of that institution. This year no Junior hop, or foo ball dance will be given, but in its place, the jun iors will entertain the football men at a party, t obe held Friday, Dec. 6, ac cording to the decision reached by the third year class at a meeting held last i evening. Heretofore the juniors have annually given a dance in honor of the eleven, but complaint having been made against the practice by the board of education. I The date set for the party last night at the class meeting, was Friday Dec. 6, but a question was. raised by a I a member of the basketball team, if this could be done, as he said the high : school faculty basketball game was to i be played at that time. If this is true, the party will probably be given on Saturday following, Dec. 7. The place is not as yet definitely been decided but will probably be held in the gym nasium of the high school. President Will Whisler of the juniors, has ap pointed a number of committees to ar range so that all present will have the time of their life. The number of in vitations to the affair have been re stricted. The committees appointed are as follows: Games, Elizabeth Sperry, lies Gansert, and Winifred Reck; decorations, Horace Mason, Margaret Cook, and Mary Morrison; refreshments, Elizabeth Chaney, Earl Chalk, Will Whisler, and Hazel Wel- F M P 1 R p THEATRE JL' Tri-Cities' Safest Playhouse rf y THREE DAYS ONLY Fe aiming Gus Hornbrook's "Broncho Busters" WITH LUCILLE MULHALL, America's Greatest Rough Rider, Presenting "CHEYENNE DAYS" PHONE WEST 708. This Week Black Melton overcoat ' with silk velvet collar Cloth Opposite Harper House . T ler; invitations, tana Curry, Helen : Marshall, and Margaret Myers. there It remained, safe and sotoucbed. The high school team will he aug- j on the top of a pot In the open Btreet!" mented In Thursday's game by the I That was in eighteenth century Lon return of Sexton and Andrews, neith j don. Could it happen now? London er of whoni played in the game Satur- j Chronicle, day against the "Peoria team. With j ' confidence born from the excellent A criu Coincidence, showing of Saturday, the local boys are Tb Rtor-v of a lueer coincidence was expecting to take the measure of the told l,v Slr Arthur Conau Doyle. .While Normalltes. Sexton Is to nlnv In the traveling upon the continent he visited backfleld where his speed is a big fao tor and Andrews will brace the line j to a considerable extent. . Only light I signal work will be in order until the ! game is called as Coach Corneal feels that there is no need for scrim mage. The Shopgirl's Christmas There are many people to whom the Christmas season is a nightmare. Among these are the postofflce employ ees, the expressmen, the deliverymen and the clerks of both sexes, especial ly in the department stores. Of all these the clerks orobablv get the worst f , and women c,erks fee, the bnrden most because they are less able physically to bear the strain. As Christmas approaches their work grows heavier and their hours longer. They are compelled to do night work. their lunch hour and relaxation periods are curtailed, and they work at high tension and In a rush that saps their vitality. Christmas eve is especially terrible. Then they must hurry at breakneck speed in a turmoil frequent ly till midnight, when they are physi cally and mentally exhausted from the grilling labor. In what condition ia one of thet& shopgirls to enjoy Christmas? She has contrlbnted to the happiness of others, but has none of It for herself. Much of her burden could be relieved If the trading public were only thought ful and would SHOP EARLY. The very soul of Christmas is tbonghtfulness for the happiness of others Why cannot sre begin it by be tng thoughtful of these, our helpers, who make the celebration of the day possible? They are human beings, the same sort for whom the Master died. Think of the shopgirl nd BUY THOSE CHRISTMAS THINGS NOW. AN INGENIOUS CLOCK." Curious Automaton That Was Made In London a Century Ago. One of the most wonderful time keepers known to horologists was made in London, England, a hundred years ago and was sent by the presi dent of the East India compnny as a gift to the eniperor of China. The case was made iu the form of a chariot in which was seated the figure of a woman. This figure was of pure ivory and gold, and the right hand rested upon a i tiny clock, fastened to the side of the chariot. Portions of the wheels which kept track of the flight of time were hidden in the lody of a tiny bird, which had seeininaly just alighted upon the woman's finder. There was a canopy al'nve, so ar ranged as to conceal a silver bell. The bell was fitted with a little hammer, also of silver, which, although it did not appear to have any connection I with the clock, struck the hours regu j larly and could lie mmle to repeat by i touching a diamond on the woiuau's j bodice. in the chariot, at the woman's feet j there was a goltleu Azure of a iloz. i and alxive were two birds, apparently i flying before the chariot. This heautl I fal ornament was made almost entire ! ly of pold and was elaforate!y adorned j with precious stones. St Louis Glolie- Democrat Never Can Happen Again. j The Montenegrin law which ordains that any found valuable shall be placed i where the loser can find it reminds one of an anecdote told of (irimaldi's grand father In Dickens' life of the famous clown. On one of his visits to Leadc-u-hall market with nearly 400 in gold i and silver upon him "he found that hlx ' j shoe had become unbuckled and. tak-' : lng from his pocket the bag. he placed j I It upon a neighboring post and i!ic-d j proceeded to adjust hi buckle." J( ' lng afterward to pay for a pur ' be missed big bag of gold and ! back to the poet where he ha$ his shoe.. "Although more th Company quarters of an hour had elapsed. a certain mountain inn', which was in winter, he learned, occupied only by two men. These men, prisoned In a waste of snow and ice. had for all that period no cotauinnicution with the worM below. Here was a situation for a novelist? And the novelist accord ingly began to let his imagination play about the possibiltes of tragedy sur rounding the two men on their moun tain height. But the story was never written, for. happening to come upon a volume of Guy de Maupassant which was new to him. he found therein, un der the title of "L'Aulerge." the verr story he hnd meant to write Bread both are f ooda Dr. Wiley, formerly the United States Government expert on pure foods, writes: "Deer is a. veritable food product." excels in iood values, possessing all the nourishing elements of hardy barley that makes blood, bone and muscle and the exquisite natural tonic in Old Style Lager derived from perfect hops imparts vigor to the system, aiding the tired brain and strengthening the nerves. , In Crystal White Bottles so that you can feast your eye as well as your stomach. Brewery's Own Bottling M. ZIFFRIN. 2410 Third Ave, Old Phone mm OWN YOUR OWN GARAGE J. C. Stevens, 1810 Third avenue, Bock Island. Sales Agent for The Euby Manufactorinsr Co., Jackson, Mich. TAXI-CAB SERVICE Night call3 Janes' Restau rant. Phone Ratre Parties Depot mora; menace, U. . not he peojTTfrip tern themselve.. Sharp Tongoed Bernhardt. Sarah Bernhardt Is quotml as having paid hef respects to Isabella of Ba varia, consort of Charles VI. of France, in this wise: "It Is to her that we ewe the invention of the corset, but It waa she. too. who sold the half of France to. England. There was no crime of which that woman was not capubJe." Told Hr Why. "I'd tike to know why yon hired a young woman for a typewriter?" de manded Mrs. Hilow of her husband. "So I could have some one to dictate to," replied the unhappy man. New York Sun. The Way He Put It He I have a compliment for you. dear. She What Is it? H Mrs. Jones says you have the hanchtomest husband in town. Life. Go on and make errors and fall and get up again. Only go on' Braekett and Beer Pure Tood "Law Local Aent. Rock Island, III. West 833. 892 Buys Itself in One Year Gives a Lifetime of Wear Ruby tollable Steel buildings for every purpose are fireproof, weather-tight, inexpensive, indes tructible. The one best portable building made all sizes for any purpose. Private garages, cottages, boat houses, storage bouses, tool Louses, workbbops, engine houses, contractors' buildings, raUway bulldlngB, votin? booths, etc. Quick shipments save time. All steel construction save money your money. Bee me about your building requirements. 1329 Day calls Trevor-8nlder Garage West 230 Calls Pleasure Rides GEORGE CAMP AN A, Mgr.