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V THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26. 1912. BUSINESS MEN FOR TWO PHONES AND GOOD ROADS Complimentary Luncheon at Rock Island Club Last Night Is Well Attended. CITY'S NEEDS DISCUSSED Many Are Heard Regarding Two Mat ter up for Consideration Harmony Prevail. attend a meeting at the Commercial club in Davenport this evening at tich time plans will be formulated for making the tri-clties a link In the cross country highway. EED FOR COMPETITIOjr. The telephone problem was brought up by Secretary O. H. Kingsbury, who read the ordinance which is to be sub mitted to the voters Dec 10 at a spe cial election, Hon. U S. McCabe, one of the promoters of the Automatic company, explained the Inten tions and the purposes of the new corporation. The new company, he said, will give better service than Is accorded now and thj competition will result in better work on the part of the Bell people so that the city in the long run will get tile phone ser vice that It is entitled to the best there is. Y. II. Carpenter in a brief talk con tended that the Bell company will "That the city of Rock Island needs ' raise its rates If the present phone the Home Automatic Telephone com- ordinance granting a fruichise to the pany, and should improve its roads to ',lw company is voted down and he ad- the country," was the consensus of, Opinion expressed last night when the Rock Island business men enjoyed a complimentary luncheon and a busi ness session at the Rock Iblar.d club. Arrangements had been made for a hundred at the meeting and every tick- vocated the two phone plan. J. T. Shields, F. J. Hodges, Ralph Lutt-n, F. A. RocTtwell and J. L. Ver all spoke in favor of the automat ic phor.e and advocated the granting of a franchise. M. H. Sexton in an emphatic talk ACT RESCINDED AT HOT SESSION OF COMMISSION Council Not to Shift Responsi bility to People in Water works Problem. CITIZENS ARE HEARD Commissioners Rudgren and Reynolds Remain Unmovable in Face of Many Protects. t apparently was used and the result disagreed with the otheis and opposed a a fine gathering of representative j the grant on the grounds that it would men, well qualified to discuss the city's mean the tearing up of much of the nteda. The program, excepting some newly laid paving. He also discussed entertainment by E. J. SraekhouHe, ! 'he apparent lack of harmony among who read in his charming manner a ! l'le c'l' commissioners and made some number of poems, consisted of brief omparisions between their actions talks by members of the organization!"'1 lDe manner in which the Moline who desired to be heard on the two commission is doing buiiiness. ubjects before the meeting tele- OT Tw TO,(" I'AVIXG. phones and good roada. j Major H. M. SchriveT followed Mr. talk coon KotUH Sexton and was non-committal re- H. A. Cleven.MnA nrt!Hn f K-rding the advisability of again hav- association presided. He opened the meeting with a report on the rapid progress which the organization has trade since its recent reorganization t ine two telephones in the city, but promised that in any case there will be no tearing up of newly laid paving. He took the Bell people to task for th will be held In December. tnd emDhaalzed th nrt fr fr,.nn I poor service affoided generally. W. "get together meetings," at which the I H- Thorns and K. ii. Krelr. opposed the City's best interests can be discussed granting of a new phone franchise on and harmony promoted. The general ilLe founds that the improved service discussion was then opened. j which such action would bring would W. B. Mclntyre reviewed the move-j be more than offaet bv t;he added ex ment for good roads and expressed ' I"-'nse and inconvenience of having two a belief that the time is not for dis-j tnt when Rock Island will boast of A feature of the evenlrg was a vlc- tbe best thoroughfares in the country, trola concert. Another "get togethe He also advised the promotion of har-! netting mony in the conducting of city affairs. H. S. Cable spoke at length on the teed for better roads and said that in his opinion there is no need for im proving the city and having fine things, big institutions and good stores here, If no provision is made for al lowing outnlders to cotne In to make use of them. "Good roads," said Mr. Cable, "Rre more important than the average man realizes. Good roads In crease the business and importance Of a City because people go where they can travel with the least troti tle." lie also discussed the proposed "ocean to ocean'' highway and deliver ed an invitation to Hoc k Inlanders to Noon Day Services at Y. M. C. A. Tomorrow noon at. the Y. M. C. A.! rooms. At 12:2o, there wit be a prayer 1 meeting conducted by E. B. McKown. The topic will be "Thanksgiving." All are invited to drop in for the few minuUs of prayer and discussion. In a stormy session, punctuated by heated flashes of repartee on the part of the mayor, the commissioners and representative citizens who had as sembled to voice their sentiments in regard to the waterworks question, and during the course of which the lie was passed between Commissioner M. T. Rudgren and Captain W. A. Rosen field, the commission of the city of Rock Island yesterday afternoon vot ed to rescind its previous action, re ferring the question of creating the of fice of "superintendent of waterworks and filtration" to a vote of the people at the special phone election of Dec. 10, and skirmish No. 1 was won by the mayor. Commissioners Bear and Hart and the Fifty Thousand club. FIGHT STARTS EARLY. The fight began immediately after the clerk had finished the reading of the minutes when Mayor Schrlver an nounced that a body of citizens was present for the purpose of discussing the waterworks question. B. D. Con nelly, who had been appointed spokes man for the Fifty Thousand club, to gether with Hon. William Jackson, Hon. William McEniry and E. H. Guy er, arose to present a set of resolu tions in behalf of the citizens, when Commissioner Reynolds offered for adoption a resolution, deferring the discussion of the waterworks question until next Tuesday evening, his con- tntion being that all of the people were anxious to engage in the discus sion, and that the holding of the meet- Many school cnildren suffer from constipation, which is often the cause of seeming stupidity at let.sons. Cham 1 erlain's Stomach and I..iber tablets are an ideal medicine to give a child for they are mild and guitle in their rfrV'ct and will cure even chronic con f Miration. Sold by all druggists. '. Advertisement.) out of order by the chair and Mr. Con nelly was allowed to proceed. PRESENTS RESOLVTIOX. "In behalf of the Fifty Thousand club, which was organized for the pur pose of furthering the welfare of the city at large, I desire to present the following set of resolutions, which ex press the general sentiments reflected at the meeting of a few nights ago, when the waterworks question was up for discussion," said Mr. Connelly. Whereas, we learn that the water works of the city is in need of an ex pert for it management and that an ordinance has been introduced before the city council of the city of Rock Is land providing for a superintendent of waterworks at a salary of $200 per month and that the qualifications for such superintendent must be such that he will understand the engineering and mechanical operation of the plant and to have such knowledge of chemistry as to enable him to properly analyze the water and that said ordinance has been by resolution of said city council referred to the electors of the city of Rock Island to be voted upon at a spe cial election to be held on the loth day of December, 1912, and Whereas, the laws of the state of Illinois with reference to commission form of government prov'des that the council may submit a proposiiicn for the repeal of any ordinance or for amendment thereto to be voted on 2t any succeeling general city cr ullage election, and .Whereas, tne elen'on which this proposition is to be voted upon is a special election and the submission f this prop b'.-.ion to the tyetial elec tion is in violation r,f tie law, and Wheieas, we have a waterworks plant that represents in value $1,090, 000 and is second to none in the Unit ed States, be it Resolved: That the action of the city council of the city of Rock Island in submitting the waterworks ordinance to the electors of this city at the spe cial election to be held on the 10th day of December, 1912, is hereby con demned, and believing that it Is to the best interesTsjjf the city, that said ordi nance be passed by the city council and a competent man employed to as sume charge of the waterworks plant, we respectfully petition the city coun cil of this city to pass said ordinance and select some competent person to assume the management of the water works. TWO ARE IX MOVABLE. Commissioners Rudgren and Rey- itg in the afternoon prevented such a course. The motion was seconded ! nclds held their ground firmly through- by Commissioner Rudgren, and when ; out the entire affair, and refused to remarks were called for Mr. Connelly j budge one inch, and it was only after proceeded with the reading of the Commissioner Hart had gone over to paper. He had read but a few para graphs, when Commissioner Reynolds again Interrupted saying: "Mr. May or, there is a motion before the house and should be acted upon before Mr. the oth?r side that the motion to re scind was carried by a vote of three to two. Commissioner Reynolds explained his position in clean, manly and should be called when it is desired to purchase a horse or some Are hose for the city, as to use it in this case. It is a question of the city's reputa tion." DRAWS COMPARISON. M. H. Sexton said: "Before the commission form of government was introduced in Rock Island the people, were not asked to vote when a new fil-' ter was installed, nor when various other improvements were made. Whyi now? It appears to me that the com- missioners are quarreling among1 themselves. It is time that you com-j missioners understand this matter. If tills quarreling does not stop, you will kill the commission form of gov ernment. In no other city is there so much dissatisfaction with the. sys tem as in Rock Island." TOO MANY ELECTIONS. Hon. William Jackson said: "You commissioners are responsible for the health of the people. This is no 1 time for prejudice. You pledged your- j selves to the people that you were competent to perform your duties, and j 1 you were not competent, you should ' not have been candidates. You pledg ed yourselves as being competent and we expect you to keep your pledges. The waterworks is most important. It has suffered in the past because of the lack of a competent man at its head. You commissioners are brought Into contact with it daily and are able to judge what is needed, better than the great mass of the people. There are too many elections in the city. We are stirred up all the time. It Is injurious. It is time for the people to stop this incessant struggle and get down to business. Do not humiliate the people you represent by confessing to your incompetency in this matter, by sub mitting It to a referendum." CONTRARY TO LAW. William McEniry said: "It is time to eliminate all this contention and re store confidence in our public officials. If the commissioners follow the law they will do no wrong,: and the law In this case forbids the submitting of this matter at a special election." City Attorney J. F. Witter was then called upon and he agreed in a meas ure witn the lawyers who had pre viously spoken, as to the non-legality of the proposed step. He stated that although he could find nothing in the law permitting such a referendum, there was also nothing forbidding it. He maintained that, it resolved itself into a niestion of whether or not the city had the right to spend the money to print the ballots, and stated that in his opinion, it had not. Rt'UGREN TKKS FLOOR. Commissioner Rudgren then took the floor in defense of his stand, 'and j addressed the chair as follows: Mr. Mayor: I feel that I am as deep ly interested as any man in the city in the success of all department in the city government and in the wa- ft T Don't AT Worry SPENCER FURNITURE CO. All Prices in Plain Fitturej 4 Off All Suit Values to his former Annual Thanksgiving Sale of all women's suits in our big department, plain tailored suits, partially trimmed suits to smart cut-a-way effects handsome ly trimmed in Serges, Worsteds, Bedford Cords, Cheviots, Give tone novelty effects, Boulevard Velvets, Corduroys, English Vel ours and Broadcloth all the fsishionable fall and vinter col orings, charmingly trimmed and tailored. Sizes for all sized women. Exceptional price concessions: Connelly enters upon a general dis-i straightforward manner, and had the1 cussion of the ordinance." courage to follow his convictions, j rworks department as much as any Commissioner Reynolds was ruled He acted the gentleman throughout. I other department except he street de but the same cannot be said of Com-1 rartment ana tnis exception only be mlssioner Rudgren, who went straight cause of my Interest in that of which up in the air. and was eaucy, impudent j 1 have Personal charge, and vindictive. He acted the part of1 1 have voted niv convictions on he an overgrown school bov and was ai'l"0511'011 of creating the office of super- luieuueui oi me waierworKS ana ot filtration and am prepared to take 'he personal, consequences of my vote whatever they may be. We have had In charge of the flltra- tlon plant, Mr. Birdsall, who came here : well recommended. Mr. Birdsall j stated Ime and again that the water I was pure and that statement has care ! fully been given widespread publicity. If tha- statement is true, then what : need have we except to employ a chem . 1st in Mr. Birdsall's place? If it be 19.95 Values at $14.97 22.50 Values at 16.88 25.00 Values at 18.75 29.50 Values at 22.13 35.00 Values at 26.35 39.50 Values at 29.63 45.00 Values at 33.75 49.50 Values at 37.13 55.00 Values at 41.25 60.00 Values at 45.00 Plush Coats 100 $35.00 plush, real sealette coats, made by plush coat spe cialist, has just been received. Made .with handsome shawl col lar, lined with guaranteed satin, trimmed with two beautiful silk frogs and accompany links, , luade with pockets Q f fl and shields ? jZi U XJKJ Off 1 m$mm I'M. 1 I I T 771' w " 'W I 1 I r 1 cr . t v j i munity who are competent to act as ! superintended of the waterworks. I hive nothing against Mr. Sharp, who seems to be a fine man, but we have nu n here who are qualified to manage the waterworks and as Mr. Rudgren has pointed out, Mr. Sharp is not under the law eligible to 'he office. I feel that the real question before us now is not the change in the ordinance itself but the question shall the peo- mm post removes grease quickly from pots and pans Head-to-Foot Outfitters For Man.Woman & Child TtoCKlSLANDjLL.; kOft great disappointment friends. RIDCREN MAKES ATTACK. In backing his stand. Commissioner Rudgren accused The Argus of slan dering bim and then turning his at tack on Captain Walter A. Rosenfield he said: "As to the alleged statement of Walter Rosenfield, stating that I am a candidate for mayor, I wish to state thai is a lie. Furthermore, as to E. H. Guyer's statement that if we do not do as we are requested, that n'A . n Kn .onntln1 T ... 1 1 1 n . a. . u i . need 3d. I am and I know Mr. Rudgren to go before the people at any time,1, . , . . , , . , t . . ' ... . is in favor of ob aining a pure water bubject to a vote as to their prefer- . . , ' , i supply and it is unjust to us to repre- ence, along with the other commission- , v,, ', , . . ,,, . A, sent us as holding otherwise, ers, and I will venture to sav that my , . ,. . , . A, , I believe we have men in this com- uauie wouiu uui ue ai me uouum 01 the list either." After Commissioner Reynolds had expressed his views, Mr. Rosenfield took the floor and addressing Mr. Rud gren said: "I have no fault to find with Mr. Reynolds' statement, but 1 do ob ject to the epithet liar, which Mr. Rud gren has applied to me. No gentle man would use such language. Pre vious to this time I have always cher ished the highest respect for Mr. Rud gren, but I am free to confess that my views have changed." CITIZENS HEARD FROM. Immediately after the reading of the resolutions by Mr. Connelly, var ious citizens were heard from. Cap tain W. A, Rosenfield was the first. He claimed that the submitting of the question to the people at the special election was illegal and stated that if there was to be a referendum on ev ery public question, the commission ers could be readily dispensed with. Dr. Joseph De Silva dwelt upon the importance of pure water to the city, and claimed that whether or not the matter was submitted to the people, j to the people. He accused the com-j missioners of attempting to shift the, responsibility on the people, who were! not as familiar with the proposition! as the men at the head of the munici-l pality. the commission and felt sure the people would stand back of such ac-J tion. He made a plea for a continu-j ance of the progress which has been! made under L. I. Birdsall's regime and : nlAallul that tho HipVl Btan.turH n-Vttfh ! had been attained should be main tained. EL H. Guyer said: "There Is no ques-j tion but what the waterworks plant needs a competent man at its head. The commissioners were elected to manage the city affairs in all details, and the proposed referendum is a thifting cf responsibility and a dodg ing of the issue. I ask you to rescind your action." I. S. White said: 'The commission Is competent to care for this proposi tion but show a desire to shift re sponsibility and not to perform the duties for which you were elected. The rich and poor man alike will benefit by good water. It is just as reason aide to expect that a referendum Universal HEATERS As Low AS $9.60 Keep H Smiling DISCOUNT On All Healers GBACEFUL UNIVERSAL OVERSTOCKED That's the reason we offer you this 20 per cent discount right now in the stove season. Cash or Credit It's going to get cold it's bound to, so why not buy now. Save 20 per cent and a good Universal. All Universal STEEL RANGES at Off You can buy a Universal steel range now as low as vMAKVEL UNIVERSAL A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS $29.20 220-224 West Third St. Davenport, Iowa pie of this city be given the oppor tunity to vote on the creation of this new office. Not a part of the people not 100 or 200 of the people, but the whole people should have a chance to be heard in the matter. We have resolved to give them this opportunity at a time when the sub mission of the question will cost prac tically nothing and less 'han 29 days the people are not capable of deciding what is for their own good? Is there a body of men in this community who are so wise, so powerful, and so far seeing tha- they can determine for us what the people shall be allowed to vote upon and what they shall not be allowed to vote upon. There are hun dreds of men in the Rock Island Plow shops and other large fac ories who, by reason of their knowledge of me chanics, are as well fitted to pass on Cleaning the pots and pans and kettles is usually a most disagreeable piece of work, but like everything else there is an easier way to do it, if one knows how. As soon as the food is re He urged action on the part of m0ved, pour in water and dis- solve in it Gold DUSt in the pro portion of one tablespoonful to a gallon of water. Leave to soak while washing the dishes, then pour off the water and fill with clean suds made in the same way. If particles of food still adhere to the inside of the utensils, use potrings for removing them. win ha nenrlerl tn cet thin vote I See that Mr. McEniry does not like the' the ordinance In question as are you referendum. That is a law that -he . ut public has been asking for and It is rlM nave ou ' 8a that thes men a part or tne commission law. air. Jackson says that we are having too , 8aT they will be influenced by passion many elections too much disorder and a,lu v'- " w discontent. How many elec'ions have 'l " " we had under the commission law? 'ney wl" 83 a"a "nprejuauci We have had one on the liquor ques-j a any an here. Are not these men t-on onH twn nn thn telenhonft matters.; whose labor has built Up this City and No one can deny that i was proper that thesa elections be held undur the law as it now stands. Another election has been made necessary by whose labor maintains this city as fit to vote on thls qu' s Ion as you or I? I do not Ixlfeve the tii'i1 has come in this or any other American community a telephone company, a corporation w,"'n ,u,: "ory u)a- uie peopie at which is seeking a franchise and by are unlit to vote will he tolera- a majority vote of this council we have As 'he attacks mndo upon us by Mr. Rosenfield. .Mr. Guyer aixi others wh- Recuse uk of playing petty politics ami say that Mr. Kulgreu ami I are both (Continued on 1'nije Tulrlwuj Gold Dust :i old in 5C size zmi large pack ages. The large package meant rrcatereconomy. "Ut thm COLD DUST TWINS do decided to take advantage of the op portunity to submit to the people a question in the decision of which they should have a voice. For this we have been criticized by the members of the organization present here today. It has been said here that we are treating the telephone company unfairly by placing another question upon the bal lot and hus obscuring the issue. The telephone company is seeking a val uable franchise from the people. If their proposition is a good one for Rock Island they have nothing to fear from a large vote being brought out. If, on the o her hand. It is bad, it should be defeated and the fact that they are to pay one-half of the expenses of the election gives tuem no ngn. j Any abrasion of the s!.t:.. cut. boll, to the exclusive use of the ballot. I blihtt-r. roli 01 or en tore not. is dau- An attempt is being made by the . lft). Fifty Thousand club o get ua to re- ; bhoulrl be treatc-.l pionaaiy vttii Vu- lam, i he an i tic heailug rmedy. 1'oi.lanl readily Khows i tower to kill germ life uy bIot'D'Uk ail itchinu ana auinK trie trouble, to uiau;ear. POSLAM Mi FIRST AID WHEN II SKIM AILS scind our action In submitting the wa terworks ordinance to the people. I am Informed through the press and through other sources 'hat threats ; Poblani acts tn thia maimer iu any skia have been made that those of us who "f. '!" ' ecvuia. acne. : rait iiirum. i'jr u.m -,. fcj-: sveu- year itch, barters' iv-h. aud e.'i.iiar dU- are responsible for the action taken will be recalled if we do not back down. I consider that an at'empt to influ ence the vote of a commissioner by threat of a recall is as outrageous as an attempt to influence his vo'e by a bribe and is as dangerous to public morals. What is the reason for this menace, thia threat of a recall? Are not "he people of this city fit to gov ern themselves T Are yon- afraid that earses. Minor anec-iion. such a tdm pies raiihes, hives, etc.. are quickly driven awav. POSI.AM SOAV keeps he skin secure arainst disease, improves its color and texture, soothes tender sk'n. makes coinDlexiont! dear, hands soft. The beat fchamono for dandruff. A. J. Heiss, N. W t& einer. H. O. Rolfs and ail drugiii&ti sell Poalam (price &) cents and I'gslam Soao (price 25 cent). For free samolei, write to the Kmereenev I-ahoratorie-, 32 West Twentv-Hfth street. New York ci.y. lAavcruseiceut.)