OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, December 17, 1912, HOME EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1912-12-17/ed-1/seq-7/

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John Peake Turns Up in Bock
Island After Five Years
of Wandering.
At Age of 14, He Answered the Sum
mon! of a Reetleea Spirit and
Started Out.
John Peake, the runaway Rock Ie
land boy, who mysteriously ditsappear
ed from his parents' home five years
ao and for whom an unsuccessful
countrywide search was institu:ed.
haB be-n found. When John' ran away
to see the world in July, 1907, he was
a little shaver In short pants. Yester
day afternoon a grown man presented
himself to Commissioner Jonas Bear,
who at the time of the dlsapiiearance
v an active In promoting the search, and
who notified Odd Fellow lodges all
over the I'nlted States. He Introduced
hiniH-If. and immediately Mr. Bear re
called the circumstances surrounding
tin- rah", which a-tracted such wide
attention. Even to this day Peake's
parents, who reside In Denver, Col., are
unaware of the prodigal's whereabouts.
Jin'i a preat surprise Is In store for
them when they receive the joyful tid
ing. W n KKTI.F..
John. Jr., in the son of Mr. and Mrs.
J'.tin penke. who resided on Twenty
filth street, between Sixth and Seventh
avenues, in this city, a number of years
hko Mr. Peake was employed at 'he
Jtofk Inland Plow company.
Ji lv IS. the only son. who was al
was possessed of a roving and restlens
(llf-pciHition, tnsteriously disappeared
fr' m h!s home, and up until yesterday
Iiuk never been henrd from. The par
ents were heart-broken over the mat er
mid etillHted the aid of Mr. Bear in the
case, but it was unsuccessful.
The hoy has seen theorld and yes
,n!ay mine to Mr. Hear asking for
work. Mr. Hear immediately communi
a ed with the parents in Denver and
will assist the son in an effort to raise
funds to take him to Denver.
Heads of Local Union No. 313
Are Named for Ensuing
Year. i
1 he members of Street Railway Era-!
P'oves' local union No. 313, which com-!
p:ises the street car men employed in!
Ki c k iB'and, Moline and Hast Moline. '
held their 'annual election of officers!
:.esterday. The voting was done ac-i
i-ordintc to the Australian ballot sys-l
teni. the polls being, at tiie street car1
burn in Kock Island where votes:ould!
In deposited from 8 o'clock in the!
ruining until 8 at night. A count of!
the votes showed the following men
wiii be in charge for the coming year:
1 resident J. C. Kinsley.
Vice President P. W. Walker.
Secretary C. L. Weaver.
Treasurer F. O. Reddig.
Conductor J. L. McCloskey.
Warder B. B. Jacksou.
Sentinel B. Fetterman.
Members of Executive Board
Cc orge Brown, A. C. Carlson, F. O.
George Ratling, F. O. Reddig, C. L.
Werner, and P. W. Walker.
Delegates to Trl-City Federation of
Iibor -A. C. Carlson, J. C. Kinsley.
i;.org Railing. F. O. Reddig and P.
W. Walker.
Dc!gutes to Rock Island Industrial;
llinie association James McCabe, A.!
J. Chaon and L.. Washburn. )
Correspondent for "Motorman and'
C.nductor" D. A. Harrah. 1
Blootnington, 111., Dec. 17. John
Burton of Somerset. Ky., yesterday j
as held by the coroner to the grand
Jury on a charge of killing George t
Gott&chalk. a farmer. Mrs. Go'tschalk !.
was held as an accessory and was 1
placed in jail immediately after the in- !
ejuest. I
Burtou was on employe of Cou
nt halk and declares he shot the farmer
In self defense, but evidence Intro-
Sixth Year Here
You Can Pay for Treatment When
No knife, no paraffin, no injection, or j
detention Irom ousuxss j
1 have Mice eslully nia.de a specialty 1
of nipt wre low down ami hard 10 hold
ruptures fuiUiwm; operations, navel
rupture, fulling of the wmub. and all
bad cases m men. womtn and ehil- I
uren. and hae my gieatest success i
with na lent. who have failed to get a!
cure plscw here. :
If you nuist wear a trass and or.lv '
knew what comfort ' j
TtP Truss That Never Fa:).- !
hrirgs to you vou wouldn't lie without'
one a single day. It holds ruotures'
easier -nan other trusses aud after all
others fail Sixty days' ti ial. Worn and .
endorsed by thou.;anls.
No leg straps, elastic bands or steel i
fr-rines. I
Examination free Call or write.
fclowen MiasBrsg, Giuls Pi?
The Store With
5 mart Cltfhos
Grossman Leads
Others Follow'
60OMBT1. fcllSS6-SGlRkS. fs
oaosww) L1AO& omens rouow
Silk Lined
That formerly sold from $12
to $33.50, on sale tomorrow in
two lots at 7.98 and 14.90.
Here are examples of the ex
traordinary values that pre
vail throucrhout our entire
stork this particular offer
ing gives you the choice of a
wide selection suits of the
regular Grossman standard,
made of the best materials,
linings and workmanship and
all the styles that have found
favo.' this season. Suits that
w(-re $12, $16. $19, $23, $30
and $33.50, tomorrow and dur
ing this Pre-Inventory Sale
7.9K and 14.90." ;
mm v
Final Clean
Up in Our
Your unrestricted choice dur
ing this IVe-Inventory sale
of any hat in our store, val
ues at $3, $5 and $7, at 1.75.
Any child's hat in our store
during this sale, valued to
2.9S at 75c.
Beginning December 18th
Continuing to January 1st..
After, a thoro consideration of the matter, we decided that the best time
for us to take our inventory, would be January 1st.
With this settled, after a general survey of stocks we decided that we would be doing a
great benefit-if we could hold our "Pre-Inventory Sate" before Christmas, and we would help
ourselves by making it possible for us to clear out many odd sizes in Coats, Suits, etc., etc.
You will profit by this sale because of the time of its announcement, and we will profit be
cause we will, through increased sales, be compensated for the great reductions we have made
on everything in our store. - .
That a number of lines are priced at cost will be evident to you when you come here.
This is trulyan event and a Christmas chance which is seldom offered to buyers. There are
so many articles shown here which would make ideal gifts that we will leave it to you to choose
them note the items below:
15.00 to 22.50 Coats for 10.00
300 coats in 75 attractive models, interpreting every
new and modish style. You never attended a sale
where such genuinely good value-giving abounded. In
cluded are chinchilla coats, plush coats, heavy broad
cloth coats, with fully, guaranteed satin linings, two
faced wale coats, two-toned boucle coats, rich novelty
fabric coats, full-lined chinchilla coats, camels' hair
mixture coats the style range is so extensive and va
ried that satisfactory choice to every one is certain.
All sizes for juniors, misses and women up to 55.
Coats worth $15.00 to $22.50 in this Pre-Inventory sale
beginning tomorrow, choice for 10.00.
Street, IMotoring and
Evening Coats, 16.25
Rich seal plush coats, full satin lined, chinchillas, Bau
nockburn and Bengalines, tweeds, Tough shaggy wales,
Scotch mixtures, broadcloths, Kerseys; coats for all
occasions, motoring, street and general service wear,
and you are not limited to 3 or 4 styles. "We have
more than 25 smart styles, and all original and a choice
of all sizes. Pre-Inventory sale beginning tomorrow
8.00, 10.00
and 12.50
Coats for ,
Included are about 200 coats
in ten different models every
one stylishly correct, includ
ing heavy novelty fabrics,
heavy soft woolens, two-faced
materials and warm wales in
all the wanted colors and
black, loose backs, belted
b'aeks, plain semi-fitting mod
els, wide collars, some of con
trasting colors - innumerable
effects to please everyone
coats actually worth $8.00 and
$10.00 and $12.50 ,in this Pre
Inventory sale beginning to
morrow, choice of any for $5.
Girls' Melton and Cheviot Coats, worth 6.00 and 7.00, sizes 6 to 14, Pre-Inventory price 3.90
Fresh New Evening Gowns
at 16.75
If we didn't sell more dresses than any other three Mo
line houses combined and also control many of the best
lines, we could never offer such values. We bought this
lot (about 200) at about half price. Gowns for which
you would expect to pay from $30 to $3o.
They are so fresh, spic and span looking
that it is really a pleasure to behold them'.
The styles are all new, of duchess satin,
chiffon and charmeuse some with beaded
and lace tunics and draped skirts in all
colors and black and all sizes for women,
Misses and little women, all priced in one
lot during this Pre-Inventory sale at 16.75
75c Neckwear, 19c
A choice line of neckwear novelties in cro
chet bows, rosebuds, tabs, jabots, stocks
and many others, choice during this Pre
Inventory sale 19c.
8.00 and 10.00 Dresses for 4.98
Serges and messallne silk, in all the desirable col
ors, a good assortment of styles, trimmings of lace,
braid and buttons; low or high neck, full length
sleeves, high waist line, sizes for girls, misses and
women, during this Pre-Inventory sale $4.98.
This Store Will Be Open Every
Evening Until Christmas Shop
House Dresses, 1.50 and 1.25
Values, 89c
"Women 's house dresses in a good assortment of light
and medium colors, as well as the ever popular nurse
stripe effects. Choice tomorrow and during this Tre
Inventory sale 89c.
Sweaters For Gifts
At a saving of one-fourth and one-half during this
Pre-Inventory sale, $5.00 values (ruff necks, Nor
folks, and mannish effects, every one guaranteed
ail wool, white, black, navy blue, cardinal, gray
and brown, special during this Pre-Inventory sale '
$2.98. Others worth $10 at 4.00, 6.00 and 8.00.
Silk Petticoats Splendid Gifts
A silk petticoat purchased from this store can be re
lied on to give satisfactory wear. We want to know
when one fails to do so. Messallne petticoats, black
and colors, $4.00 value, petticoats of excellent qual
ity messallne with tailored or plaited flounce, 500 to
choose from during this Pre-Inventory sale 1.89.
Black only, Heatherbloom, extra deep embroidered
flounce, sold in many trl-city stores at $1.50; Pre-Inventory
sale 78c.
Flannelette Petticoats
All colors, also dark gray, etc., 50c value,
during this Pre-Inventory sale 37c. "
Flannelette Dressing Sacques
Flannelette Dressing Sacques, fancy printed designs,
shirred backs, regular 69c value, during this Pre
Inventory sale 33c.
Fine Tennis Flannel
Pink and blue, made full width and length,
of heavy material, 65c value ,tomorrow
and during this Pre-Inventory sale 38c.
Genuine Serpentine
Crepe Long Kimonas
Beautiful Persian, Japanese and conven
tional designs variety of new styles, col
ors absolutely fast ,$2.00 value, Pre-Inventory
sale price 88c'.
Christmas shoppers Will Be Interested in the Extra Special Values in Our
Waist Dept. During this Pre-Inventory Sale. Waists Suitable jor Gift Purposes.
1 .00 Lingerie and Linen Waists 49c
Made of fine quality batiste and trimmed
with val. and cluny lace and insertion; low
neck and short sleeves, also some linen
waists with dutch neck, all sizes, during
this Pre-Inventory sale 49c.
1.25 and 1.50 Shirts, 93c
Mannish shirts with French collar and
cuffs, percales ,madras, linens,. pique and
Fjrench flannels, all colors and sizes, sold
in every store in Moline at 1.25 and 1.50;
during this Pre-Inventory sala 93c.
Pretty Waists Worth
Up to 3.98, Sale
Price 1.90
Sale of Gitt Furs Save Nearly Half
A splendid lot of the prettiest models shown this .j- qq black Hudson lvnx sets 9 98
$16.50 black, extra large wolf mutts, 9.98.
$19.50 white Iceland fox sets 14.75.
season, all new and fresh from the original boxes
including chiffon, mescaline and satin in the pret
tiest styles and in ail the fail shadings, also black;
the values are so exceptional that you will want
more than one of them for your own use and for
gifts the identical waists that we have heretofore
been selling up to $3.98 are included in this Pre
Inventory sale at 1.90.
$35.00 black marten sets 24.75.
$33.50 red fox sets 24.75.
23.75 Japanese mink sets 19.50.
20.00 natural opossum sets 12.98.
4.00 All Wool
Serge Skirts,
Spring 1913 Models -
Our friendly relations with one of the
largest skirtmakers in St. Louis were
responsible for him grauting our re
quest that Ve make up several hun
dred serge skirts in the new spring
1913 styles (shirred and belted backs)
for us to offer to the Christmas-buying
crowds. Therefore we are of
fering styles which other stores In
the tri-cities will be unable to show
for at least eifcht to ten weeks. All
colors, also black, guaranteed all
wool serge; during this F're-Iuventory
sale 2.98.
state contending Burton placed the
weapon in GottEcbalk'g pocket af'er
iuced at the inquest supported the ! ten by the woman and photographs I told of seeing the couple at theatres
. . 1 . I - n...n . ' r.t It,, note tQbAm tnnl.tV.fi. t Ti OAVATfll nrASimiQ ' 1
Next visit to Hock Island Reck Island n,'ltt'1 the deed in order that ne nr.gni aucea as eviaence. une note read: ! it was also brought out in .the tvi- j "au BIlul " ,u tu
Honn. Thursday Dec. 19 S v-t i Mrs- Go tschalk. i"My Darius is John Bur.on and I will denre that the revolver found en Got-j en his Plea of elf dianse.
a. ui. to 4 p. ul (Adv. i A cumber of letters written to Bur-jmarry him ia spile of Witnesses schalk's body belonged to Burton, the j Mrs. Gottschalk denied on the stand
that she had urged Burton to shoot I brought, in last rt;ght by a Jury in the
her husband. j trlai of jt8eph Wilson, who killed bf
I wife Rosa, a former actress, by shoof-
Columbus, Ohio "Gui ty of murder ing her t0 df,ath , the corridor of the
in the second degree" was, the verdict J city hall a month ago. j

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