Newspaper Page Text
THE ROCK ISLAND AKGUS. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 8, 1913. THE ARGUS. Publish Dally at im Bocond av eoa. Rock Island. TO. (Entered at tbe postofflce aa eacoac -class mat tar.) a klM Masaawe at tka Ai BY THE J. W. POTTEB CO. TKP.V8 Tan eanta par weak, by car rlar. In Rock UJand. Complalnte of a all wry aarrlca should mad to tba circulation department, which snooM also b notinad In every astatic wnara It Is datired to bar pa par dlsconttnaa. as can-tors have aa utborlty la ths promisee All eommuBloetlona af arrmnsntatlve rharaotar. political or religious, sauat have real name attached far publica tion. No aoct artlolas will b prlcted oyer fictitious sta-cateree. Tslepftonce In all departments: Cen tral Union. West Hi. 1141 and 1141; Union H3rtrlc II 41. Wednesday. January 8, 1913. : I New Hampshire can now boast of it t first democratic governor since 1874. You cannot send a hog by parcel post unless you cut him up into 11 pound packages. Somebody should get the hook for ,u" Proiwsor dq ueciaree , angle worms have reasoning powers. j information in public affairs, the ap- Having put an end to the last vestige j pointment of any of whom to a cabinet of aerfdom, Russia Is only held back by j position would add strength to Presi an antiquated "nobility" of unpro- dent Wilson's administration and make nouncable names. j an unsurpassed if not an unequaled - 1 , j record for service in the interests of Criticism of Judge Anderson for the 1 the common pood, sentences Imposed on thf labor lead- i The Argus hopes that President Wil ers Is not well based. "The certainty ; son will select one of these able dem of punlshmen', not ita severity," he . oerat'e democrats to be a member of said truly, "is 'he Important consid-1 his official family, eratlon." ! - - Ot'THK KIGHT MKTAL. State's Attorney Floyd E. Thompson 1 . . ... P1 . i. a.,... - ,w' ..i . State s Attorney Floyd E. Thompson Is deslrou) of the cooperation and aa- 1 slstanee of the tx-st legal talent that demonstrated before the board of su ran be provided in the conduct of hid pervisors yesterday afternoon that, he office, but he does not propone to be a i6 cf the right metal and calibre, figurehead. And he is right. Although young and inexperienced in There rbould be no backward step in Rock Island street Improvements. Had the city hesitated In the past, it would have been lost to all the benefits and advantages of progress. On with the good work wherever needed. Arthur Burrage Farwell announces he has written Governor Wilson re questing him to exert Influence upon Mayor Harrison of Chicago to law-and-orderlze Chicago. Arthur Burrage Farwell apparently doesn't know any thing about Woodrow Wilson's capaci ty for minding his own business. TH K CAR KOt'TINO IMIOI'OSITION j Commissioner R. R. Reynolds Is ab solutely correct in maintaining that In the car routing proposition the pa trons as well as the interested prop erty holders and merchants should be taken into consideration. This is the same idea that was originally ad vane- ed by H. E. Casteel, when, as president of the Rock Island club, be gave his views on a former occasion when the subject was under consideration. Brought down to the final analysis. the whole question may best be solved :m the basis of the greatest good to the greatest, number, and auch a solu - tion can only be reached by broad - minded, unselfish action on the part of all Interested. . It is a matter that pertains to Kock jTHK TULA TV AM) ClNAl, TOIXS Island in Ita entirety and whut is best , Te government of the United to contribute t the growth of the city i . , , . , , . , .. ' States bound itself, m the provisions as a whole, and tho consideration of; the people aa a whole, should be tho ; of Up Hay Par.ncefote trea'y, to give sole guiding motive. There Is no occa - rlon and no justification for the ar- raying of one class of property oi' one class of merchants against an- other and no present good or lasting benefit can come from auch a proced - ure. Ijpt us have a big business center as well as a big city the bigger the Let ter In both respects. THK l.HT MS YKAK. In the year 1813 the f3th congress of the I'nlted States assembled. That portentlous conjunction did not bring evil to the uation In which we are all most in erested. It is true that the republic was then In armed strife with Great Britain, but the year wit nessed a succession of American trl- umpba on shore aiid sea Commodore j nation to the prejudice of un-Amerl-1'erry'a victory was one of them, giv- can shippii.g interests. !ng us control of the Great Lakes The point made by the British Is w hich prepared the way (or 'he treaty conceded by many American states- cf Uhent iu 1814. and the glorious peace that has now endured tor al- moat a century between the two great F.nglish-epeakrtig peoples may It nev- er be broken or sullied bp fault of James Madtson was Inaugurated In 1M3 for his second term, as Woodrow Wi'son will be inaugurated in 1913 for his firs term. Europe was at war. That year saw the inception of tha alliance and the mighty operations which resulted In the overthrow of Napoleon. The "bat-, tie of the nations" at Lelpslc fore old Waterloo and a long period of peace and prosperous development. In that year Argentina threw o the yoke of Spain and established her In dependence. The resources of the printer's art a are enriched by the process of s ereo- typing. There were bom that year. among millions of others who exer tlsed more or lets Influence oa tho resultant line of human progress, Rloh srd Wagner, Henry Bessemer, David!ngstone. Isaae Pitman, Stephen A. lcub!as, Admiral Porter and John C. Fremont, th pathfinder. Such is a part of the record of a thirteen year that did not turn out very badly on the whole for the world we live la. There is going to be a lot happening between now and New Year's da- of 1914; and we violate no confidence when we announce that the planet is going to be better off at the end than at the beginning of the 12 month. ILLINOIS IN THE CABINET. Word comes from 'New Jersey ' that Governor Wilson has a friendly feeling for Illinois, and that the state may be represented in the cabinet if a proper democrat is presented tt him. Illinois has plenty of good demo cratic material men of brains and character who would honor their posi tion In the cabinet and serve the coun try with distinction. President, Cleveland selected one of the ablest chief Justices of the supreme court of the United States from Illi nois. He appointed a first assistant postmaster general from the state, and he made a special record in that posi tion, established the first rural free de livery In the country in Sangamon county, and acted for4he postmaster general in cabinet, meetings on many occasions. President Cleveland also selected a secretary of state from Illinois. Illinois has furnished presidents and Vlce Psiaents. aemocrauc ana repuo- ncan iwu no nave uouuieu uinr country. William J. Bryan, who has led the"cakes- or a combination of the yellow I democratic party for 16 years, although living In Nebraska, is a product of Illi nois. Illinois has many great democrats, Bpn)e of them nQt ,n pub,lc nfe who h,ve th. br-ln. the charactel. the wide tbe office of public prose'-utor, he knows the law governing ms duties. and he proposes to be guided absolute ly by It. Not only willing, but anxious to have the advice and cooperation of j the board of supervisors, and pledging , his entire acquiescence in all that the I board may desire, he nevertheless does not propose to be run out of office, or be stripped of his rights, or even ig nored. H will not consent to be made a mere figurehead In the office to j which the people have elected him. j : He fuels that he owes something to i j the people, to his office, to the law, ' and, not the last perhaps, to himself, j By his calmness in the presence of 1 the board, bffore whom he had been j summonod; by his knowledge of i law governing the conduct of ; his offce, by -his fair-mindedness, j but determination to stand un- i reservedly on hfs rights in the prcm-1 lses, he surprised the members of the ! ' board, who Imagined that in the new state's attorney the people had elected a youth who does not know his busi ness or who may be ignored or dis placed without warrant or occasion. The people feej that the new state's i attorney is entitled to a fair show with- i out prejudice, politically or otherwise, , aun by bis course In this procedure ' he has strengthened public confidence In him. - ' to all otliT nations both in peace and in war, exac tly the same rights in the j upe of the Panama caul that it re- 'mtvos for itself. , When by law adop ed several 1 months ago it exempted vessels en - paged in the coar-twise shipping trade j battle as long as a century ago. Oth froni tiie payment of tolls and for- I ers are of historical value because of bad the operation through the canal o railroad owned ships, the Britist government pro ested against the dis- rriminu'on in favor of American coastwise Fhppin interests, no other nation being permitted to-engage in this trr.e. The BrlMsh foreign olfice raised the point tha' the law regulating tolls is ir. conflict with the treaty, and that the exemption of certain vessels from payment cf tolls exacted from vessels owned by ether na'ions was diseriml- , men to be well based, al hough Presl - dent Taft takes 'he view that there j lit no conflict between the treaty and j the law. He is encouraged to say that ; the thought in the mind of Mr. Hay, who draf ed the treaty, and In the mlisds of the senators who ratified It. was that the I'nlted States govern ment was simply guaranteeing in the treaty tha- there would be no discrim ination in favor of or against any for- e!gn power to tte profit or prejudice I of another foreign power, and that there was no thought that this govern ment was grafting the right of any other power to have voice in the con ditlons governing the operation of the canal where our priva'e Interests are concerned. This condition is a very good after- thought. But It Is no more than tha. i Tbe truth Is that this nation bungled In its diplomacy when It gave assent - ! to the treaty a drawn. If now it re- penis or its Bargain ratner man ....111.. 1. 1 1 1 , I. uuuiiy n uuiu ob L'cuer ewpiuea iu repealing ine law exempting Amen- can coas wise traffic from payment of csnal tolls. This exemption will pront not ths country but the eeast- wise shipping trust. 1 - . -: ISMrslice- eli,3 -M ANGEL AND SPONGE CAKES. There are many housekeepers who can make good cakes with butter and fail utterly with sponge or angel cakes. Their method of making and baking is entirely different, and should be considered separately when studying "cake making and" baking. While most rich butter cakes are im proved by beating, those without shortening are put 'ogether with as little beating as possible except eggs and sometimes eggs and sugar. . They are the very easiest cakes to make when one has once learned how to handle this particular batter or dough. They may be made in loaf or layer and white in layers or as a marble cake dividing the angel cake dough and adding two or three well beaten yolks. Remember, all sponge cakes have flour or sugar "cut" or "folded in," and one stroke too much only tough ens them. ANGEL CAKE. Material Whites of eggs, one cup; granulated sugar, one and one-half cups; pa6try flour, one cup; cream of tartar, one teaspoonf u". ; almond flav oring, one teaspoonful. MASSACHUSETTS YOIAX TO PRESERVE TROPHIES OF YANKEE NAVAL VICTORIES a- US' work lira. Fowler at Waltham, Mass. To preserve the trophies of many a hard fough. naval victory and to save from destruction by moth and age tho stars and stripes that waved over victorious Yankee ships of .war, Mrs. Amelia Fowler of Waltham has been se'.ec'ed by the government to supervise the expendl- t ture of $30,000, recently appropriated j by congress for the preservation of the collection of his orical battle j flags now in s'orage at the naval aca- j demy in Annapolis, ! Some of these flags were taken in j the world-famous seaughters over i whose battles they waved. All of i these, numbering 136, are now almos. j destrojpd by the ravages of time and the inroads of the ubiquitous moth. In the col.ection there is the bat le flag used as a signal fcr opening fire ' at the battle of Lake Erie. Another V. i it i i wmf j is a British royal standard, captured i stands of colors that are now showns a' York, Canada, iu 1813, by a squad-1 in the hal1 of flags in the Massachu ron under Commander Chauncey. The 8e'ts state house. ensign taken on the Alert in 1812 by I The fame of Mrs. Fowler's work- Captain David Porter is one of the most interesting flags in the collec tion. Other notable standards thaf are fast going to rack and rula are the flags flown by the Spanish equad- 1 ron in the battle of Manila Bay, the flag of ttie governor-general of the Philippine Islands, taken by Admiral Dewey in 1S98, and the ensign hoisted in Japan by Commodore Perry at the time with his interview with the Jap- anese commissioners at Urga, in 1854. The. deplorable condition of the old flags was not known un'll the great wooden boxes In which they are etor- ed waa opened In the spring of 1911. It waa discovered that, besides the natural decay of age, the moths had i gotten In and had ea en many of the! flags to shreds. Commander W. C. Cole of the academy immediately be- ; gan a aearch for someoae who knew j how to save the valuable relics in his ; care. The Smithsonian Institute was J consulted, but to no purpose, j Then the curator of flags " at the J Massachusetts state house was &ked to offer some suggestion aa to rhe best J method of bringing the precious tro- i pnies deck io a eemtjiance or their M . 1- , . . - ; lormer sireugui ana oeauiy. rormeri Governor Curtis Guild. Jr., heanug of jthergeu need of an expert, at once , recommended Mrs. Fowler, and the government requested that 6he exam - Line the tattered flags and make some j Gitchdl I5rk Utensils Large platter, flat wire beater, measuring cup, loaf pan. Directions Separate the eggs, measuring the whites in the cup; turn on the platter, sif : flour and sugar to gether faree or four times; have the pan and flavoring ready; beat the eggs until very light; add the cream ! oi tartar and beat until sun. inis is all the beating 'necessary. Now cut and fold in the flour and sugar, and last the flavoring. Bake in an un buffered pan 60 minutes In a very slow oven. It must raise to Its full height before browning. Remove from the oven when done and invert the pan while cooling and let stand until perfectly cold. LEMON SPONGE CAKE. Material Eggs, five; granulated su gar, one and one-fourth cups; pastry one and one.four cops; juice rind of lemon, one. Utensils Measuring cup, lemon squeezer, flat wire beater, platter, gratr er, bowl, cake pan. Directions Beat the whites of the eggs on the pla'ter until perfectly dry. Beat the yolks in the bowl very light, and gradually beat in the sugar and the grated rind and juice of a lemon. Cut and fold in half the whites, then half the flour, then the remaining whites and flour. Bake in a loaf cake pan in a moderate oven 50 minutes or until done. Be sure to let the cake raise to its full height before brown ing. SPONGE WARES. 1 Use the above recipe for any of the small cakes, which are nice used with fruits for dessert. V C7) Boston Photo Nawi Co. oa one of the Haas. ' estimate. If possible, of the expense i squired to place the damaged fabric in sucn conaiuon tnat me colors might again be staffed and placed on exhibition. Although the officers of the naval academy had considered $3,000 suffi cient to perform 4he task, Mrs. Fow ler, after carefully examining each of the 136 flags, fixed the minimum at $26,000. She based her estimate upon the probab'e time required by a corps of experienced seamstresses to perform the work under her direc'Ion at a daily wage of $1.28. Mrs. Fowler insisted that the only ! method practicable in the restoration j of the Hags would be liat used in tbe j making of the Bayeux tapestries by ! the Duchess of Burgundy more than ! 1000 years ago. This method is known ! today by no one but Mrs. Fowler, and u waa Dy thls Process tha- she made i Practically Indestructible the many hitherto has beea confined to Massa chusetts, where her skill has made the collection of battle flags at the state bouse one of the most remarkable of its kind In the world. Originally the work was taken up as a pastime, but her skill could not be long unknown. At first her atten- j tion was given entirely to the making of new flags and banners. She has j embroidered colors for every state 1 regiment and the Ancient and Honor- able Artillery, besides many banners for civil bodies. An original ltch has enabled her to place a design on t one ijde of a piece of silk different from the design on the other side. She revived a method of work that was eupposed to have been' lost, The flats a.ready made bv Mn Fowler are embroidered upon white ! B imported from France at a cost of $16 a yard. The embroidery silk was made in the United States espe cially for the purpose and waa subject ed to every known tett for fast color lug. Military shades have been used. The ccat of arms of the state has been followed exactly "Oh. Ye of Little Faith!" Aniiotis ftifomee-Are you sure tht y0u have thai medicine mixed r!jrtt nrucclst No I urn ii.m hut l"r not it ! mixed the way the doctor ordered lu Judge's Library. Yv 1 6 i . Tllliii! 1. lA-'- . I He used to hate the Idle rich. And often spoke with dread About the fearful dangers which Were looming up ahead; He saw a time whpn blood would How, And anarchy be rife; But that was when his funds were low. He had the luck a year ago To get a wealthy wife. He used to say the . millionaires Were blinded by their greed; He thought the world and ita affaire Were managed wrong. Indeed; He saw the time when class and mass. Would wage a bloody strife. When chaos would prevail. Alas! Since rnen a change has come to passi He has a wealthy wife. He cannot understand today Why those who toll complain: The ills he feared are cleared away. No signs of strife remain. Content to let thlnss drift along. He lives an easy life. Forgetting, if sometimes the strong Oppress the weak, that it is wrong: He has a wealthy wife. Financial Genius. "Do you think there is any such thing as financial genius?" ' "I am sure there is. I know a young man who has It in a marked do- j gree. After he had persuaded the'; beautiful daughter of one of our most prominent jewelers to become his wife ' be went around and induced the old : man to let fci have an engagement ring at the cost, price." J "I don't see any Indication of re- markable financial genius about that." "Wait. When he and the girl broke their engagement he took the ring! back to her father and got him to pay 8 per cent, interest on the money i that had been invested." Her Preference. "After all," said Mrs. Oldcastle, as they were returning from the picture gallery to the drawing room, "I think! my preference is for Boticelli. W ell," replied her hostess, "I can t say that mine is. For me It don't f seem that there's anything to beat good old-fashioned rawsberry Jam." Knew the Public. Tn this play of yours," the critio cou. plained, "you have violated all tha milAsi i7Arcrnlri(v Hramotln o yf " viva Qwvv.Aaiaufj iw.i aaav "Yes, I know it," replied the play, wrlght. "That must be one of the reasons why it is having such a long run here and drawing better than ever." Her Reason. "How did you ever happen to call your little daughter Dagmar?" "My wife found after careful in quiry that it waB about the only thing we could call the little one without running the risk of naming her after some relative of mine." B-r-r-rJ l leei a nunarea years oia mis eve Ding, sne said. . "You don't look it," the other worn- an replied. "Thank you." "Not by at Iea6t sixty years." ! To Be Remembered. "Shakespeare says, in 'Hamlet,' I believe, 'There's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow.' " . "Yes, but the sparrow doesn't fall because he slips on a banana peel." Easy. "It is hard," says Colonel Henry Watterson, "to lose the savings of a lifetime." "We know people who have done it without half trying." His MSS. Always Cornea Back. "I suppose you are writing for pos terity ?" "No, I seem to be writing merely for the purpose of increasing tha postal revenues." Imitative Host. The trouble with too many people la that they are unwilling to try to do a thing until they have found out that some one else can do it. Never. I Consistency la a jewel en which tbe ! euMotns inspectors never levy duty. . ' 0 ' " ' 1 Wanted No Favorites. She I will have no smoking in this bouse. Do you understand? He-Yes; please extend this prohibition to tbe atovea. Baltimore American. Vessels large may venture more, bet little boats should keep near aborew Franklin. The Argus A Divorce Case By Donald Chamberlin. Copyr3entj. oy Associated Literary Uureau The first transition that came over Harmony was when certain citizens, realizing that there must be some- ; tbins done to Improve the situation, or j ganized a town government and estab lished a court. The latter whs oppose! j by some oa the ground tbatit would ; stand in" the way of timlins out "who doue things." But the conservatives j particular friends Interrupted the Uia ! said that It was not their object to logue. . bring in all the devices lawyers use to ; obscure crime, but f. have Just a c-iti- ! zen judge who should tell the jury i what kind of a verdict to brins in. j beard Mrs. Burraj;c's nest door lieiirli This was considered well enough in it? I b0r. Mrs. McOuire, purapiu' fiRht In- way, and Jim Simpson was appointed city Judge. Jim kept the supply store of the place and had once sued a mau for defamation of s character. His knowledge of the law acquired nt that time was all there was in the town. A young graduate of an eastern law achrml who hHtl !roiij west to crow nn ! with the country, bearing that Har mony had established a court, deter mined to settle there. His reception I was not cordial. A number of citizens who had patiently endured certain wrongs, finding that they had a lawyer willing to right them, concluded to have them righted by process. j This rendered Mr. Cartrisht. the attor- j ney. unpopular, the wag of the place asserting that his coining had deprived the town of the right to its name. John Burrage and his wife had lived together peaceably for twenty years. They had had their spats and got over them, finally settling down to that con dition common between most couples who have learned to work in double iMirness that is, their bickerings, when they occurred, which was not often, were not considered of much impor- J tance. But one day after the organiz ing of the court and the advent of the lawyer Mrs. Burrage had a headache, or a toothache, which is worse, and 'IT'S MY 1NTFNTION TO PUT HHRTUKKH," uv.vuieo ihe jcuus. when .lohu came in for diuner he found her spoiling for a light. John could have undoubtedly pacified the woman, i,ut the toothache was another matter. ne was obliged to go out again, leavins her wrathful. Mrs. MeGuire. her next door" neigh bor, received an account of her "III j treatment" and declared she wouldn't I live with a brute like that for anything. ! When Mrs. Burrage asked what she would do in the premises, Mrs. Me- Guire said she would get a divorce, und she kindly offered to Introduce her friend to the lawyer, just to see what could be done about it. Mrs. Burrage was ready to go with ter riffht off. toothache and all, to Mr. Cartright's ofnee. j The result was that before Mrs. Bur rage realized what site was about she bad paid the lawyer $20 as a setaining fee. That settled the prosecution of her divorce suit. She could not recover the fee. and she did not propose to lo'-.e it. She had always got the worth of j her money and must do so now. John Burrage was much astonished ! on returning to supper to find his wife ; ponei tbe )awyer waiting for him ti serve a notice upon him that she bad left his bed and board and would sua for a divorce with alimony. He couldn t quite make it out. The disagreement that bad bioomed into a divorce case was a mere bagatelle compared with past squabbles that had been weath ered without any nnp! result. But there was the lawyer, and there was the document with red tape and red ink embellishment. The wife was evidently under otlter influences, and John believed that nn attempt on his part to dissuace ner rrom ronowing uie course injected Into her wonid be un successful. He therefore decided to Ut tbe casp go to trial. Judge Jim Simmons not having a Ju dicial gown did the next best thing t putting one on by wearlnjr hi coat and refraining from putting bis legs on the table lefore him. It had been found necessary to appoint some one to counteract the effect of the lawyer. so Cy Harknt-ss had bee:i made prose- j cutlng uttorr.ey, with Instructions tn j content himself with prevetitlti; his I opponent from obstrucllng Justice to i horse thieves, but on no account to ' Interfere In any other case. When j the court was ready to try the B;tr- .4 1 . n . flirt rit-trMT Ai.nn. ' el stated her reasons for applying for tbe separation. He did no In legni phraMeolojry, concluding with the words. "The said John Burrage. her lawful spouse, had by bis cruelty ren dered her life miserable and utterly unbearable." While the lawyer waa ! making the statement the Judue show- j ed considerable feeling, changing bis j position la bis chair several tluuri. ' When It was finished he s:ild: "Young niau, do you menu (o say that our respected feller cltixvu. John mm Daily Story m Burrapre. !s l.e kind of man to mis treat a womnnV ' ''Such is the allegation, your honor." "And who's the nlilfrator?" "My client, the r'nlntiff." "Air yon shure tl.erewlti't no other alligator in the case?" At this point one of the defendant's ".le-.lsre." he said. "I reckon my wife can tell vo:i who's t'.ie real alllsator b hind this case. Mv wife savs slie over- ter" "I object, your honor." interposed the plaintiffs counsel. "This Is not ouly evidence coming thronch a second per son, but is not properly brought for ward. It is not yet time for the wit nesses for the defense to testify. ".Tedre." Mr. Harkness spoke op, "as prosecttin' attorney o' this yere town, I want to say" "Your honor." Mr. Cartripht Inter posed, "this Is not s case requiring a nrosocutltm nttornev. Tbe defendant Is entitled to counsel, "net if Mr. Flark nes3 reproserits him he should be beard; otherwise" "It don't matter what you call blin.' interrupted the Judge. "He's at) otflret! o' this court, and 1 don't want you to try to run him out by sllngin' these law names at him. Cy Harkness, what was ': you goln to say?" '. "I was goln' to say that as prose- ; cutln' attorney or counsel fer the de- t . fendant or whatever I am, I want to. object to a citizen o' this yere town in (' good standin' like John Burrage. who . gives good measure and has uever beea , known to pass a counterfeit bill, bein' called names even if they be law .' names by a stranger who has como v among tw to throw dust iu our eyes by his lnw talk. Ef he's a uilud to come down to plain American languidge ami ' toll us what John Burrage's wife has - got ug'in John Burrage let him do it; otherwise let him ever after hold his peace." "This ain't a weddin', Cy," suid one of the Jurymen, pulilng the 6peaker' cont sleeve; "It's a divorce. You got the marriage service In the wrong , pluce." "Your honor," said the plaintiff's counsel, "we're making no headway ; with this case. If you will allow me to ;t give yo;i a bit of posting. I would say i that in courts of Ipw the plaintiffs tes- ? tlmony Is brought ftrward, then the opposite side is introduced, and tbe re- buttal" "I want you to understand, young . man. there'll be no buttln' in yere in . this court. You needn't try It neither. But we ain't gettlu' on tiohow. There's : too much city lnw in the case. Every- body's talkln' but the pussen as ought : to talk. You. Susan Burrage, ttand up , and tell the court what you got ag'ia yer man." Mrs. Burrage arose. The toothache bad subsided, and she was lu nu excel "r"t humor. 'Tt Is not my Intention to put my clieut on the witness stand," Mr. Cart riglit interposed. "Well, it's my intention to put her there," replied the judge, "and If you interfere with any o' your law lingo I'll put you out. Now, Susan Burrage, fire away." "Well. Judge, it'a this way: My taus lan' comes home when 1 wasn't fee I in' very well, and 1 sasses him. He didn't sa-ssi buck, itud that made me mad. Tbe " most excoriatin' man Is ene aa won't sass back. Ef he'd a stayed a minute longer I'd 'a' throw ed a plate at his bead. But he got out, and I was tellin' my troubles to my neighbor, Mrs Me Guire" "The alligator?" Interrupted the Judge. ' "I dunno. Mrs. McGulre, she intfce duced me to Mr. Cartrlj;ht to find out what could be done between me and John. The first informushun he give me was that he wauled a ren trainer fee of Well, went to John's atockln', where he keeps his money, and got the $20 ami tul; It to the lawyer, and be talked a blue streak, and when my tooth stopped achiu' 1 found myself in a divorce suit." "Well?" "What could I do but go on with it or lose my money? If I don't get my divorce I II be out $20." The effect of this evidence on the court and spectators was such that Mr. Cartright turned pale. "(Jentlrmen of the Jury." said the Judge, "it bein' my duty to instruct you as to the la .v In this case. I'll tell you that It's all on the side of John Bur rage. Vow got nothln" to do with no di vorce. What you rt to do is to bring in a vcrilic' returniu' Susan P.uiTnce her $20 restralnln' fee. Then you want' j-to ,)Ut tll(. (.os(s -artrlgTit. with the , re,,lie!lt that he ,Il:lU(. himself scarce t,fon. s,i(iown tonitht with all hl law books and slch. This yere town U not to be improved by city law. and we don't want none of it In Harmony." The Judge's Instructions were carried out to ti e letter. Mr. Cartrlght was es corted out of tov.-n. and John and Su-f-an Burraze went home together, feel ing thiit they had escaped the horrors of u divorce by the skin of their teeth. Jan. 6 in American History. 1S1.-General Andrew Jackson won Lis extraordinary victory at New Or leans. Over''.Kio Britons fell. Jack sou's loss was 8 killed and 13 wounded. i 1S-J: ;-Ge:rge ("roghan. hero of the b;i ties of T:;.pecauoe. Fort Meigs and Sandusky, died lu New Orlestus born 17il. lWC-Genernl FrancU J. Ilerron. noted l"i-lcr.'!l officer in the civil d! 1: born lsio. ' ! lblii- General Newton Martin Cnrtl " hero of fort Fisher." died; boru ' I 1