Newspaper Page Text
2 ' IHX KOCK ISLAXD ARGUS, JIOXDAY, JUNE. 9, .1913. J throe house members from this dis trict Campbell, Werts and Hartquist : to do a'l in their power to secure I desired legislation, and hope is lor their success. SILVJS : - i i DAVENPORT She will spend some tics In Germany schools, from where she graduated, 'before seeing other parts of Europe, as also she graduated from the Wal C. X. Voss. nresldert of the German i oott Lleh school. Deceased was a ' ' j Savings bank; accompanied by M3 j members of Fern Camp No. 37SS, R. X. Plant Changes Hands. The Sieg,w,fe acd daughter. Miss Hertha, de-1 A., and was very well liked in Wal Iron company has taken over the ! Parted Saturday for the east. Xexticott. The young girl s death 13 made stock of the Peter Lamp Iron com-1 Thursday at Baltimore they will take j especially sad by the fact that she pany, 213 West Third street the stock 1 PassaSe on "The Rhine" bSund for was engaged to be married in the fall to be moved to the plant of the pur-1 Bremen. They will spend several of tlii3 ' year lo William Elholm of chasing company on Fifth between ! nath3 in Europe. Walcott In addition to her parents Rock Island and Iowa streets and a I ! she la survived by her fiance, two Dew building will be erected on that! Police News. Arrested over a dis- j brothers, Arthur and Clarence Den ite to house the Increased stock. Both! pute regarding the possession of a ""V hr f "J??"!!-' -nrf ct the concerns are pioneer Davenport iL,frMB p, nn"Lh'. ...- ' " .trs. c. r. nroaers. cuuciiu 6c;itcs company hv VaristratB Rndrfpwia? Rnd the costs ,.u o i. , . - - - - n . i wprp iieiu iiL u i:iui uuai uuui mo family heme, M'ith interment In the I Walcott cametery. enterprises, the Sieg Iron lounuea in ana m!o( th9 casa as8fcSsed against J. C. rewr ump iron company several , BnimweI1( the. complaining witness. jcuib iiicimus iu mai lime. x wo ana a half years ago the Sler ron!.n i t and Sickles and Preston companies McGuinness. who was convicted in were consolidated. The proprietors .,r v,,r.., t vrnnrv of the Peter Lamp company during the last few years have been J. Lage and E. Lage, who will retire from business with the sale of their stock. The Sieg Iron and Sickles & Preston companies have expanded rapidly dur ing recent years. Elka to Convention. The Davenport He was sent to Jail for 10 days. Sen tences of 10 days each wen suspend ed over Mike Molick and William Mc Dermit, charged with vagrancy. Eota men agreed to go to work Immediate ly if clemency were shown them. Obituary Record. George Areger ach, a catice'of the Isle of Crete, MOLINE V L. ,41 1 j . . . wiu journey 10 me state con-! dled at 6 0-clock priday evening at ventton at Burlington on a special a r)avecport hospital, -fallowing a short tra n over the Milwaukee road. This , ulnesB teased was born in Crete, train will leave Davenport at 8:30 and at the tlme 0; dettth had pa89f,d o clock next Thursday morning and j hu 23rd birthday. He' had resided in "J DUUll siuy 111 .vi u B L K nil U. From the Pearl Button city ft will continue its Journey to Burlington over the Muscatine North & South road. It will be a through train, bag gage car and all, from Davenport to Burlington. Petersen's band of 30 pieces will accompany the local dele gation. The return trip will be made Friday evening. Davenport at Head. Three hundred replies from cities In the United States were received by Mayor Alfred C. Mueller and Secretary Norwood of the Commercial club In response to quer ies as to bow the street and alley cleaning problems were solved. Judg ing from the 300 communications the city of Davenport is far ahead of the average American city in the manner of handling its street and alley clean ing. In many cities the sprinkling of the streets Is charged to the prop erty owners on the thoroughfares flushed. In some cities local organi sations aside from the administration pay for the sweeping and sprinkling. Davenport Is ahead of most cities in its alley cleaning. Few municipal ities in America, according to the re plies received, have an annual clean up of alleys. On the whole the In formation thus obtained is highly grat ifying and shows that Davenport la one of the cieunest cities in America. Banks Close Friday, P. M. At a meeting of the Davenport Clearing House association Saturday morning, it was decided to close all iocal banks at 2 o'clock next Friday afternoon In order to allow v.U the attaches to at tend the river excursion of the trlcity bankers. A gala time la in prospect for the financiers. Divorce Mill. Mtr. Walter Petersen, wife of a local attorney, won her suit for separate maintenance Saturday morning in district court. The decree was issued by Judge Theophilua and provides that the defendant must pay Ills wife $100 a month for her sup port. Permission is also granted the plaintiff to at any time have the de cree changed to absolute divorce. A decree of divorce was granted by Judge Donegan to Anna Miller against Brent Miller on the grounds of cruel treatment. The couple was married May 8, 102. On the grounds of de sertion a decree of divorce was grant ed by Judge Maurice Donegan in dis trict court to Nora Bingham against Oorge ningham. The couple was married July 19, ISO'.. Mercy Hospital Graduates. There are nine In tiie class of the Mercy hospital training school for nurses, which will graduate next Tuesday. The xercls-8 ill be held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the Davenport Out ing club. The members of the class are a follows: Mary II. Freeze, Kllr:abetli D. Grossman. Mildred R. Grant. Mary T. Heger. Naomi G Hoges, Agnes F. Joynt. Ron M. Laugh- Davenport only about a year, having I come here directly after landing in Uhia country. The only surviving rela tive of the young man is an aged I father. Gustier Argerach in the old country. Funeral services were held i at 'i o'clock Saturday from the Halll I gan undertaking parlors, with lnter- ment in Oakdale cemetery. After an illness extending over the past four weeks, during which time she twice underwent an operation to save her life, but which were unsuc cessful, Viola Rosena Denkmann, aged 18 years, died at 10:30 o'clock Friday evening -at the home of her parents near Walcott. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Denkmann, and was born and raised in the vicinity of Walcott. She attended the grammer Following a lingering illness of sev eral weeks' duration Mrs. Augusta Haack-Zabel, aged 68 years, died late Friday afternoon at the home of tier daughter. Mrs. William Koeppen, Lo cust and Fine streets. Deceased was born Feb. 5, 1845, in Prenzau, Prus sian, Germany, where she grew to womanhood and where in the year 18C3, she was married to George Haack. Of this union six children were born, four of whom still sur vive. After the death of her husband and daughter, deceased embarked on a vessel, bound for America. She came to Muscatine, Iowa, directly af ter landing in this country, and lived there for a number of years. She was married in the Pearl city shortly after her arrival there to August Za bel, who also followed In the foot steps of hiT first husband, and died several years ago. For the past few years Mrs. Zabel has been making her home with her daughter in Davenpor. The survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Emma Carstens and Mrs. Bertha Koeppen of Davenport, Mrs. Anna Stark and Mrs. Anna Kocs In Ger many, and one son. Otto Haack, also residing in the old country, besides several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Judging From Results. "Has Polly got her 'music lesson mixed up with her gymnasium hour?" "Of course not. Why do you ask7" Fira Prevention Men Ccme Hsre Thursday. A change has been made in arrangements for the visit of mem bers of the Illincfs Fire Prevention as sociation to M-oline In that the meet ing here will be held Thursday of this week instead cf Friday. Inability to secure Turner hall Friday evening is the reason fcr the change. An in vestigation wiil be niada during tha day of -.he fire fighting equipment and cf the construction o? "'he principal buildings, particularly in the business district, with a view to making the evening meeting at Turii r hall of practical value to too city. The most modern me'hods of fire prevention will be explained by experts, who will be in the visitirg delegation. The meeting is to be held under auspices of the Greater Moline connnittes. -- c Dawson In Engineer's Office. F. A. Dawson of Reynolds, formerly em ployed as Inspector out of the United States Engineering office in Rock Is land, has commenced work as assist ant in the office cf City Engineer Lyle Paytcn. He has had broad experience in engineering work and succeeds John Soderstrcm, w ho retired a month, ago. o Obituary Record. Bern Ice, . S-year-cld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stevens of 1517 Twenty-eighth avenue, passed away at 4:20 Saturday morn ing after a brief illness. She was born In New Virginia, Iowa, May 9, 1910, and cams with her parents to this city Eve months r.eo. The funeral wi".l be held from the late home at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, and burial will be in Rock Riverview cemetery. o To Hear Davenporter. Members of the Retail Butchers and Grocers' as sociation are making preparations for their next meeting, Thursday evening, June 12, in the rooms of the Retail EX-KING MANUEL SHOWS FORESIGHT; YEARNS FOR THRONE AND FIANCEE'S RICH PA WOULD PAY WELL TO MAKE HER A QUEEN ana t tc, igz -Z. r4 j-i M 4 - i c Ltft to right: Ex-King Manuel, Princess Augustine Victoria and Prince William of Oohenzollern. London, June 9. The tinusu?.l fore sight of ex-King Manuel of Portugal is exemplified in his bethrothal to Prin cess Augustine Victorip. the eldest daughter of Prince William cf Hohen lollern. Ever tince Portugal became a republic the ex-king has been out ot a job. He would very much like to lln, Theresa B. Roacli and Dorothy B. ' et hack on the Job again. But he Shurtleff. I realizes that to bring about this happy o consummation he must have a good Will Tour Europe. Miss Theresa! deal of money. Now it develops tiat Hanauer left here Saturday for New nis fiance's father, who iz one of the York City. After spending nearly a month in the metropolis she will em bark on the steamer Bremen, which leaves for Bremen, Germany, Aug. 7. wealthiest men in Europe, is willing to dig far down into his Jeans to make his daughter a queen. According to the Portuguere mon archists, whore l.oadquarters are in prcctical'.y at te l.-ad cf hi3 house this city. Prince William has declared hold for the last year or tvo, and It his intention of dedicating his fortune la expected that she and Manuel will to the return of Manuel to his king- maintain an establiHhar.ent In Berlin dom and making his daughter a queri. as weU as having an apartment in He belongs to the elder branch of I Sigmaringen castle fitted up for them, the RohenolliWES, and the rights oi j Sigmaringen castle Is the home of his family in the tjerman empire, es- j Prince William and is ono of the most pecially in Prussia, were superior to : romantic and inaccessible p'.ices 1n those of the reigning line. These ail Germany. Manuel and his bride rights w ere surrendered to Prussia in wiil style themselves Kins and Quesn 1850, but ever since that time the fam- I of Portugal and be in activo commun! lly has longed to get near a throne j cation with the monarchists. It Is Mr. and Mrs.. Join IJTjjrn of Os- borne visited relatives here last Sen-' day. ; Mrs. Marietta Ccffman-Relmers de-1 parted for Grundy Center last week to j visit her mother. From there she will i so to Letts. Iowa to mk her home. 1 j Mrs. Reinaers, formerly or Moline, j i taught the fourth grade at school here ; the past two years. Last week Mrs. James Shannon had a3 guests Mr. and Mrs. E. Ver beck of Mcntena. Mrs. W. Emmett Is visiting rela tives at Ladora. Iowa. Mrs. Francis Steves recently had as a guest her daughter of Rockford. Mrs. M. Long of California was look ing after her property here last week. F. Haddick recently bought the house on Seventh street now occupied by Mr. Quinn and family. Mrs. H. Hill has arrived home from a visit with relatives at Perry, Iowst. Mrs. Al. J. Johns and little daughter, Virginia, have returned home from a visit at Brooklyn, Iowa. Miss Thelma Jchns will remain at Brooklyn all summer. Last Wednesday the G. I. A. met at. the Masonic hall. In the evening the ladies entertained at a card party. A. Johns entertained his brother of Rock Island last week. Mr. Kline and family have arrived home from a visit at Kansas. 'Children's day waa observed here last Saturday . morning in both churches with appropriate exercises. Mrs. W. W. Green has as a guest her sister. Miss Anna Wilson, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Hazel Jackson has arrived home from Jacksonville where she has been attending school. J. W. Pike is ill at the Moline city hospital where he was taken last Wednesday, having a severe attack of pneumonia. j Miss Josephine Nelson had as a j guest Miss Clara Larson of Iowa City the past week. Miss Ella Thompson of Rock Island visited the Misses Helen and Pearl Bali Thursday. Waldo McKinley is working as call boy for the Rock Island railroad. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harvey are visling relatives in Pennsylvania. Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. G. De Bomcey entertainei the M. A. A. club. Mr. and Mrs. R. Walsh are visiting relatives at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lund have arrived home from Peoria. The village was the scene of a lively old fashioned charivari last Tuesday evening, it being the occasion of the marriage of William Janen of Silvis to Mrs. Ann Stevens of Rock Island. The coivple will reside on Fifth street. Mr. Janen is a grocer in Silvis. Mrs. Mary Harper returned last week from a visit with relatives at Victor, Iowa. Miss Helen Yockes was married last Wednesday morning to John Nav in of Spring Valley. Miss Yockes has resided here five years and made a large number of friends. They de parted on the evening train for Peoria. Rev. Loyal Thompson Is expected home this week with his bride from Wlsccnsin. Mrs. M. Harpbr la vUlting at Vic tor. Iowa. Dr. A. C. Hanson and family have arrived home from a visit at Fulton with relatives. Mist Marie Hagedorn and parents of Brainard Minn., are visiting relative here. The Per Se club met with Mrs. S. Lee vsednosday Mrs. Eugene Lund w ill be- the next hostess. Mrs. A. Otto has returned home from a visit at Peoria with relatives. The eighth grade had their annual plrnle at the Watch Tower Tuesday. Mrs. Swanson has a guest, her daughter, of Decatur. A number cf the members of the fifth and sixth grades enjoyed them selves at a picnic at Campbell's island lest Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lund have returned home from a brief visit at Pjoria, Emil Klebo will ' move ht fami.y Into the house vacated by Mr. Stsvena who wiil move into the house vacated ty Mr. Welsh who moved t3 Marhall-to--n. Iowa. M IS. - . - roa si, Seeing In Two Weeks Leave Chicnco from Union Station at 10.15 a. m. Sunday on "COLORADO SPECIAL" electric lighted througout standard drawing room sleeper over block signal protected scientifically ballasted Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Union Pacific Line Arrive Denver 1.30 p. m. Moxdar. TuiJj$e Statf .Sc hool of Mines, Mt. Morrison. Eldorado Springs. llednnday MotTatt Fkod. ThursJaj Sight Seeing Trolley or Auto around Denver. Friday Estes Park. Saturday Long Peak. Sunday Colorado Springs. Monday Manitoti Williams Canyon Cave cf the Wind. Tuesday Glen Eyri Garden of (iods Pikes Peak. Wednesday Seve'n Falls South Cheyenne Canyon. Thursday Crystal Park Auto trip. Friday Cripple Creek. , Saturday Back to Denver. Leave Saturday Might 10 p. m. on Chicago Express Arrive Chicago 7.20 a. ni. Monday ready and fit for business. Low Round Trip Fares To Denver. Colorado Springs and Poebjo Tickets on asle daily. June 1st t September 30th, return limit October 1915. Write for handsomely illustrated litera ture and detailed information about the cos', ot bide Trips. C. M. St. P. Ry. 303 Brady Street Davenport, lova I'nion Pacific System 230 S. CUrk Street Chicago, 1U. 4? Yellowstone Park Season June 16 to Sept. 16. hoka. Mo., after a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson. Frank Hallberg cf Hammond, Ind., is a visitor in Orion. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Anderson of Rock Island visited Friday with Mrs. Anderson's rather. Rev. P. J. Brodine. Miss Ulle Peterson of Galva was a guest at the home of Rev. P. J. Bro dine. C. A. Asplund wa3 In Peoria Tues day and Wednesday on business. Mrs. Mary Vincent is enjoying a visit from her grandsons, Dyas and Vincent Burnett of Louistown, Mo. George P. Wilson has purchased b!x and one-half acres of Mrs. Amoa Dyal, just at the south edge of town. Miss Gertrude Ilusenberry is visit ing friends in Chicago. Before re turning horn sho will stop for a short visit with relatives In Hammond. Ind The Swastika Sewing society was entertained by Miss Dora Lawson at the home Tuesday afternoon. A pleasant time was enjoyed. The Lutheran Aid Bcclety met Tues day afternoon in the basement of the church. After the work of the after noon waa finished refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wirsiim left Tuesday for an extended visit in Penn tylvnnia. Miss O'.lve Forsell closed her school in Atkinson Friday and returned noma Saturday for the summer. Confirmation exercises will be held In tho Lutheran church Sunday com mencing at 9:30 a. in. Gust Asplund went with a shipment of cattle and hogs to Chicago Tuesday, hjppod by Asplund and son. Serpoant Gus Gusta'son of Orion Is ilirt'n Weig wns in Alpha the first of the week on buslucf s. Bgxo oa a short vacation. He is now Servian his second term of enlist- ORION II again. The best chance seems to be via Portugal. The bride-eiect. her father's eldest child and only daughter, has been likely, too, that they will spend con Eldorabie time in England, plotting with the monarchists the overthrow oi the Portuguese republic. Ho man is Stronger Than Iiis Stomach Tht Medical Adviterby Jt. V. Fierce, M. D., Buf falo, N. Y. c mn ert hosts cf delicate questions abfivt which every men cr woman, tingle or mar ried ought to know. Sent fret on receipt of St ox cent stamp to pay for wrapping and mailing. LET tli Rreatest ithlet have dyspepsia and' hia strentrih will soon fail. Ore'a stamina force fullness and atret.gth of mind or muscle depend upfon the blood, and the blxd in turn, requires a healthy ttomach, for the stomach is.the laboratory where the food is digested and such "ele ments are taken up or assimilated which makm blood. In consequence all the organs of the body, such aa heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, as well as the nervous system, feel the bad etfect if the etczn acb it deranged. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery help tha stomach to digest food properly, starts tba 1ivr into new activity, removing the poisons from the blood, and tba various organs get rich, red blood, in stead of being illy nourished. The refreshing influence) of this extract of native medicinal plants has been favorably known for over 40 years. Everywhere some aeigfcbor can tell you of the good H has done. titd fcr all oaaaUctato term ! liqaU or Uial-t forsal r ar mt ts Dr. Pterev. Iiiu kiotol, Baffaia, aad a trial box will b aaaiical jmm. j -i taousnt from the way nhe vrns playing she might have thoughtlessly taken the pinno for a punching bag." London Stray Stories. Financial. A woman carris a pnrse In her hand a thnt otl'.er women will see it A man carries his in hi Inside pocket so thnt Ills wife will not see It. New Orleans Picnytme. Got the Whoto List. "! know nil his wife's faults." 'Acquainted with hcrV" "No: Just been Introduced to OMther." Detroit Free Pre. his Merchants' association. John K. Scl-.atfer, cne of the prominent grocers of Davenport, will deliver tn address which is calculated lo bo of special in terest and profit to the merchants here. Cc mmissjoner E. L.. Eastman la also slatpd for an address. A social meeting and banquet will also add to tiie attractiveness of the cciacion. Hatchery Favored by Senate. With the pasfcUg this week of Senator F. A.' Landeea flea hatchery bill in the senate prospects are bright for a state tppropriation cf $S,Q00 for esiabUsh- c-ient cf a fish hatchery in Reck river. noar the mouth of Green riT3r. Tho Lame shoulder is almost Invariably f 3 originally intrcduced. called caused r-y rheumatism of the muscles j cr $12,000, bat vras trimmed 4n cam and yields tjnickly to the free aprM- i mittes- A bill Eitnilar to the La-ndee cation of Chamberlain's Liniment j cenate measure was introduced in the This liniment is not only prompt and ! ho--isa by Hcprecen'ative Kartqniat j effectual, but in no way disagreeable J b.;i it has yt to be passed there. to use. Sold by all druggist. (AdT.) Senator Lndeo last week urged tie The following !s the program gl7en at the farmers' Social club's p'caic held at William Stevenson's Satur, day, June 7: Voca! Soio Mrs. Elmer Whitney Reading Mrs. Xell Gustafson Song Indies Quartet Itecitatl&n Irene Long Piano Sclo ....Mrs. Mauda Stevenson Vocal Sclo Miss Irene Combs Song Ladies' Quartet A large number of members and irienas were present ana report a Pleasant day. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church win meet with Mrs. Jessica Gustafccn, June 11. Text word "Re member". Edgar C. Love and Albert Swanson were ia Chicago Tuesday. Raymond Anderson left Thursday fcf..err.con for Cambridge for an ex tended visit with relatives. Mr. end Mrs. Gilbert Swanson aro the parents of a sen born Monday, June 2. Mies Marie Gresnwcod of Sherrard la visiting relieves in Orion. airs, iiecestrora . of Moline spent n j ouuuay wnn ner parents, ilr. and Mrs. J. P. Peterson. Mrs. v. A. Kee". has returned to her borne In Moline after visiting a few aayg wna relatives la and arounl Orion. iirs. c. L. Fiea and to children hare returned to their hoxe la Ka- ment in the V. S. marines, and on his last enlistment he was advanced in of fice. Children's day exercises will be given by the Baptist Sunday school Sunday evening, June 8. The program beginning at 8 o'clock. Miss Alice Cal'.away visited schools, in the trl-cities Thursday and Friday. The Woman's Home Missionary so ciety of the M. E. church met at the home cf Mrs. J. S. Peterson Friday afternoon. Dr. Long has received word rrom Pr. Percy of ilie Galc3burg hospital that Mrs. Carrie Anderson is getting along nicely. Mrs. Eva Nelson and Miss Lillie Garland are home from a visit with friends in Chicago. Mrs. Frank Munson and two chil dren have returned to their home In Oricn nfter a ten days' visit lu Thorn sen and Fulton, 111. The Pliilathea class will hold Its regular social meeting at the home of Miss Ruth Swanson Thursday. Miss Adelia Swanson is home from Rochester, Minn., for her summer va cation. Mrs. John Stohl and two children of South Omaha. Xeb.. and Miss Ntn3 Johnson of Harvard, Neb., arrived In Orlcn Wednesday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. CUarles Forsell and family. The ladies of the Eastern Star gave pn afternoon coffee Friday at the home cf Mrs. G. H. Vayne. ' Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Swan 8wanson motored to Coal Valley Saturday noon for a hhort visit with Mrs. L. M. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rlioadarmer and chi'dren attended the social In tin Maernic hall In Coal Valley Saturday evening, making the trip in Mr. Rhoadarmer's auto. Bell 1 Mkfi System "Back to the Land 99 The Long Distance TelepLipne is doing wonders' to make American farm life pleas ant and profitable. It helps the man or the woman in the country to help himself. ; It helps the city man and woman "to o operate with those in the country to the advancement of ali. Producer and consumer, the gardener, the, commission house,, the marketer, the local merchant and the city wholesaler, the live stock dealer and the dairyman, all rely on the Long Distance Telephone. Central Union Telephone Company, A . J. Bevcrlin, Manager. Teleohone West loo