THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. MOXI5AY. JUXE n, 1913. THE ARGUS. Published dally at fit Second ave nue. Rock Mac lil. (Entered at the VoatoKr as second-class natter.) Rak Isltil Member nt tke AaMeiatcd Pi BY THE J. W. POTTtrR CO. TERMS Ten cents per week, by car tier, ta Rock IaUna. ' CorouUlnta of delivery service should i t made to tho circulation department which ctould also be notified in every instance, where It Is desired to hare Taper a.seotIrjed. as carriers have no uthotlty in tfce premises. Art C0TT.munl.-6tt0Qi of argumentative character, political or religious, wjet hare real nam at'.icfco.d for publica tion. N u"h articles will be printed Irw fictitious signatures. Telephones In sll departments: Cei irtl Union. West 145. 1115 and 2145. Monday, June 9, 1913. What is so rare as a day in .Juno ' when it is cold. Cut wasn't it delight ful? Fenator Penrose says lobbyists no ' longer exit. Senators of the Penrose i type usually do their own lobbying. If those striking barbers in Boston really wish to do something desper ately violent, they might tear up the Pucks and Judges. r , k: ...,, h ' For the ceremony of being presented to the king, Ambassador Page wore Jong trousers. Foolish and apian Americans a'one wear knickerbockers. President Wilson's refusal to inter fere in the death sentence of the negro condemned to die at Washington. D. C., for felonious assault on a white woman, will make him a few more friends. The doom of the ravisher is sealed and his fate deserved. The army is short of engineers and can not get tham for civil life, be cause men qualified to pass the ex-, amlnatlon can get 'higher pay else whare. In this emergency the hpad of the' service asks for a larger detail from West Point to the engineer corps. In view of the tremendous engineer ing problems llke)yjoon to confront the engineer corps in the matter of flood control, and the faint prospect of war, this seems to be a reasonable request. ' 8TR.ONO AT THK FINISH. The good roads bill passed the Illinois house last week, getting 111 votes, with only r3 opposing. The bill goes to the senate, where it will have to do some speeding to make a landing before the close of the session. The supporters of the measure in the house must have done some rather heavy work In the last days to make the showing. The week before mem bers of the house said the vote would be cIomh on this measure. Messrs. Tice the most extensive and largely attend end Abbott thought the bill would get ' d expositions ever given in Chicago, through, but they feit the margin was It was the greatest enterprise in which close. Opponents felt just as sure that Chicago churches ever have united, the bill would fail, though they ad- It is stated that the attendance, lu mltted it had almost enough votes. i eluding the workers, aggregated at So It was a surprise to learn that! on final roll call the measure had 111 j Pcgeant of Darkness and Light at votes in the house, ?,4 more thanjlhe Auditorium theativ between 400,. enough to pass it. There wasn't any-, ouo and 5l",000 duriiig the five weeks' Ihir.g close about that. It must be run. that a good many w ere made to see , The World in Chicaeo did not have the- light. However, there is yet no assurance I that the bill w ill become a law . Not l much time In left for pannage In the senate. If it doeR get through it will be because opposition in the senate is not rampant. TIlKMIUMUIjTOIL A novel experiment that was started in How an county, Kentucky, with a view to reducing the number of illi terates in the mountains of that state. has proved so successful that it will i likely be adopted In the mountainous regions Cf other soii'hern plates where illiteracy Is very prevalent. In the fail of 1911 Mrs. Cora Stew art. superintendent of education In Rowan county, opened "moonlight" ftchool for adults. Kvery moonlight riisht the 'schools were conducted in the schools houses that the children used In the daytime. As soon as tre plan wns undersood, the attendance increased rapidly, until now there are 46 of these schools in Rowan county, while th system has extended to 10 other counties in Kentucky. The reg ular teachers volunteered for the w,ork. asking no extra compensation. Cut off from communication with the more advanced sections of the state, the mountaineers of Kentucky have remained ignorant, but they are of good stock and have not been weak ened by the dissipations so common in cities. The same is true of the mountaineers of Tennessee and some other southern states. They" are excel lent material on which to work, and great results are expected as soon as tha "moonlight" school system can be made general In those regions. A similar system in th northern states for the benefit of adult Immi grants who are Illiterate or cannot read or write in En.gllsh ought to prove effective. Teaching them would be more difficult but the diSculty could be overcome. WAIt SCARKS: THEIR PCRPOSE. Despite the fact that there is noth ing for Japan and the United States to fight about; regardless of the pacific attitude of the diplomats of the two countries; notwithstanding the very Intense feeling of friendship between the peoplo of Japan and this country, the jingoes continue their efforts to create a great war scare. LaFolieUe'a Magazine Quotes a newspaper correspondent, who w rote I in a recent dispatch from Paris: ' "I've been trying within the past lew weeks in Germany,- France and England to heft the awful war load which every man Jn these countries, trich and poor, is carrying. Every where I go in Europe I find that war hangs over every man, woman and child. Just at present the cloud ia very low, and the cry of the oppressed Frenchman and German is 'Ftr God's sake, let ns fight annhave it over i with We'd rather die in war than stagger along under this burden.' " The German government decided to! tax the people still further to the ex tent of $230,000,000 for war prepara- ' tions. And then something happened! j It was proved that the big armor, ! ammunition and war supplies manu-; facturers have paid agents w hose bus!-! ness it is to stir up war scares so that .' big contracts may be secured from the government. A special article from I,ondon to I the Christian Science Monitor con tains some timely revelations on this subject, showing conclusively how the war scare is planned and perpetuated to bring profits to privilege. The facts are astounding! The special London; article closes a? follows "Naturally the socialist are exploit-! ing these sensational cii.-closures as nu argument in favor of Babel's as sertions that 'capitalism is behind all , the wars and the war scares. ! "Newspapers in every country have seized upon this sinister connection between Inch finance and high politics as tue text Tor comment emphasizing i i the great strides that would be taken, loward international peace if the peo- ! pies or neighboring countries were i left to themselves, undisturbed by I mercenary 'war scares.' And every ! where there is the most vigorous de- nunciation of the special interests . ; mm uu ilia muji ttfli Hi SflunK peo- 1 plf-s at one another's throats, because that means millions in profits to those interests. Nothing more sordid in the unholy alliance between powerful bus iness ai d banking groups and govern ment can be imagined. "These revelations in Germany and in France, it is predicted by close ob servers, are certain to cause a revul sion of feeling in countries that have been shouldered with tremendous war burdens and give an impetus to a new type of 'high politics' that will not prove so hugely profitable to financiers and 'the armor ring.'". When one stops to think to what extreme of mendacity these agents of privilege will go in an effort to force war force the slaughter of thousands of lives and cause untold distress and disaster just to wring profits for a soulless, greedy, g'utonous corpora tion, he is justified in demanding ex posure of the whole rotten war scare system. Neither Japan nor the United States will be fooled by such jingoism. WORLD IN CHICAGO 1 COMES TO CLOSE Chicago, lil., June S. The World In Chicago, which closed Saturday night at the Coliseum, was not only one of the exposition the Coliseum and i at f,r it. oh ;.. finan,-:,,! , rial purpose, being strictly education al and religious. The efiort w as in j . . -.V.wUv.j tended to gic information with ref erence to the extension of Christian civilization throughout the world. The matiageiiKUt believes the attitude to wards missionary work, both at home and abroad, of thousands of people who do not regular! v co tn rhnrrh hna been changed from one of hostility or ! indifference to .iu'erest and eucour i ageiuent. I lu every Chicago (Lurch from which workers were enlisted there now ex- ists a group of men and women thor ouvhly inioiuiid with reference to the importance of the work of missions, whose interest and enthusiasm can be diverted into some form of church ac tivi'y. The finaii'.-nl results of the expo- BRYAN'S EDITOR TO GET FAT CANAL JOB Richard L. Metcalf. Richard L. Metcalf of TtebrasXa. w ho is ditor of Bryan's "Commoner," has been picked for governor of the Panama canal one. He will succeed W. M. Thatcher of Kentucky. The po sitioa pays $14,000 a year. . The Genial Cynic B7 CHARLES GRANT MILLER. LOVE'S PART The arrest of a young Ohio bridegroom on the charge of having stolen $20 to pay elopement expenses strikingly illustrates the very common fact that man's i IT.. financial, social and to an attempt to live beyond his means, and that the highest and purest of the human passions often plunges one to the lowest depths of degradation and dispair. Hardly a day passes that the newspapers do not contain some story of a man's destruction through mis doings prompted by his love for a woman. Lords of creation, masters of the world, as they are called by themselves, men are really the enslaved sex. For they have made themselves slaves to their emo tions, and consequently slaves to the women" who through their emotions govern them. The polygamous sultans of the east and the most exalted monarch s of enlightened Christendom are alike subjects to feminine influence, and "the power behind the throne" has become proverbial in all languages. It is not meant that all men who go wrong do so under the influence of women. And certainly it cannot be inferred that woman's chief influence upon man is vile. On the contrary she as well as the lowest, and brings out worst. CAPITAL BY CLYDE H. TAVENNER. CONGRESSMAN FROM THE TEENTH DISTRICT. FOUR- (Special Correspondence of The Argus.) , Washington, 11. C, June 7. "Boys, grow corn" is now established as the slogan of the department of agricul ture. The sen tence has taken the place of Horace- Greeley's fa m o u s advice: "Young man, go west" In the past five or six years the department has shown by demon stration that for young men there is greater oppor tunity in produc ing the gold of the corn crop than there ever was in gathering the gold from the placer mines of Califor nia. For no 10-year period has the United States ex CLYDE H. TAVENNER . corn yield of the ceeded an average of 2S bushels per acre. Not even the most fertile state has ever produced over 54 bushels per acre. Yet in practically every section of the country yields of over 100 bushels are continually being pro duced by good farmers. It is perfectly obvious than that the corn yield of the United States can be easily doubled by the spread of good farming methods. Or, if such a yield is beyond our needs, the acre age devoted to corn can be greatly reduced and the land devoted to oth er needed crops. There are untold billions of dollars which can be added to the wealth of the nation by increasing the corn pro duction. No other line' of activity offers such opportunities. The hope of the department and of j the country is in the boys. They, ' ,nore Quickly than men, grasp the I scientific principles underlying the sue- cessful breeding of corn for greater crops. Youthful enthusiasm guaran tees that the principles once learned will be applied to actual corn pro- ouction with conscientiousness and perseverance. Consequently we see the great and sition, which in the mind of the man agement has not been of first import ance, will not he known for a few weeks, as some time will be required in closing up the accounts and turning considerable in the way of assets into cash. The total expense approximates 3gK $200,000. The enterprise was financed rwu"-ureaa "ipatny wun ana sup by 300 Chicago men. who subscribed ! port for hollle and foreign missions to a guarantee fund of $100,000. i has ,)een' "eated, and it is believed ,, ... . . , A. i the financial support of the churches George W . Dixon, pres. dent of the.,, ,i, . , ... ii u- . , . I to the various dnor.-;i'ition mission World in tlr.csgo, mada the following K0. ., , .. . , . , . ' . , . ,v i boards will he greatly increased as official statement of the results of the , .u ... ... . . the result of the exposition, exposition and pageant: 1 "The directors are more than grati- " fied by many of the results which have i BRAWNY BOATMEN OF PERU, been achieved. j 1 "There has been created a spirit ot ! They Liait"1 Lik Egyptian Galley unity among all the churches which! Slavss to a Traveler, it is impossible to exaeaerate. As' Harbors there are none from (Tuaya- ' many as churches belong to 22 ! denominations Have taken active part. . ""''" "-""ib bwm nun nine on These have.all forgotten for the time ! hor- a fjlct ,hat jn ,ne peaceful being their denominational differences j wstprs entails neither the discomforts and many have discovered how small j )or Inconveniences that it does on oth acd unimportant thev are. All have I r conflts- Her Eten we hoisted found it possible to cooperate with : our npw P""sengers aboard In a sort the utmost enthusiasm in a common I of cor uke tboe used ,D ro!!er eon8t missionary enterprise. j rs- 7our People t a time. Freight Is .,,., . , , . transferred in lighters which they call About 20,Of.O members of these . ,-. , , j w v, ;i. A .j. u u w lancias. Even before we had been churches, including the children, have .. j.. - . . . . . , . . . ' " j "received" by the captain of the port been serving ether as stewards in' . 2. ,., , . . i several of these could be seen ap- the exposition or participants in the j hi pageant. Their loyalty, devotion and I C DC Uf'j ,u . .kVti. . u , , How can I describe themt They are ability have not been exceded in any I . . , - , w I ' "bout the size of a seagoing schooner, city. An immense educational cam- . k , , , , . . ,, . . Five heavy beams laid across the bow paign has been accomplished among i , . , . . . ffc , , , . ..'7.1. form seats for ten men. whose brawny these people of which the churches' ,. , j , i r r , o I ,ii i unt wall Hap, inoH a 1 1 i( fl E -.-11 ,- . ,. , many years to come. "The general public has attended the exposition and pageant in increas- ing numbers as the weeks have pass- ed. The attendance at the pageant has exceeded that in any city in which it has been given, and multitudes who have never beer brought into imme diate touch with home and foreign missions hare been led to understand and to appreciate come of their meth ods and results. A very gratifying feature baa been the attendance of visitors not merely from the city and state but from all the jrroTjnding dis-1 tricts "The directors are now planning a campaign during the coming twelve months to conserve in the local churches the spiritual results of the IN CRIME. moral downfall is frequently dua impells him to the highest deeds the best that's in him as well as the COMMENT growing organizations of Boys' Corn clubs, promoted by schools, states, in dependent organisations and the na tional department of agriculture. Each year the champion boy corn growers of each state are given a free trip to Washington, where they meet the president and receive diplomas from the secretary of agriculture. The work of getting boys- interested in championship corn contests has advanced to a point where the depart ment is now showing its hand how it intends to utilise this organization of boys in the future. A bulletin has just been issued on the subject, and one sentence in the bulletin might have been written in this form: Wanted: A boy in every corn-growing county of the United Stat-s, who can prove his ability as a farmer by several years of superior work iy the corn contests, to act for the rest of his life as the officialseed-corn grower and distributor in his county for the government Pleasant and profitable work. For further information apply to Office of Corn Investigations, lJe partment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. In other words, it is the intention of the department to effect a perma nent organisation of boy champion corn growers. One in each county ia desired. By improving seed and fur nishing it to the farmers of his coun ty he will help toward the general plan for doubling the American corn crop. The name of the new bulletin is "How to Grow an Acre of Corn." It is a corn grower's textbook, written in short, pithy paragraphs, each giv ing a suggestion on how to improve corn. "Boys have splendid opportunities to produce better varieties than have ever been produced,' is the promise held out. It is also pointed out that while corn sells commercially for 50 or 75 cents per bushel, the successful torn breeder can sell his porn tn his npili. bors for seed for $2 or $3 a bushel. A boy who cau grow 100 bushels of this sort of corn on an acre spends a very profitable summer. Every boy in town, village or the country who has access to an acre of ground ought to write to his congress man for this bulletin and get into the corn growing contest. exposition. These are likely to be shown in a numoer of different ways. "Already it is clear quite a few of the workers in the exposition and pa seant will offer their services in the home and foreign missionary field. A I"'1- Ecuador, to Caliio. ;'eru. the i -' ' 'i" udw.uo .... pectorals would do honor to trained athletes. Their type the broad, flat face, the hlgb check bone, the narrow eyes set atilt and the drooping mus tache plainly shows their descent from the Chimus. that stranje Chinese race whose civilization seems to have centered about Trnjillo. somewhnt far ther down the coast. Clad enly in Jer seys and tronsers. bareheaded or shad ed by wide rimmed straw hats, each lays hold of a gigantic sweep, five on ! a side. And bow they row, wing and i wing, throwing the whole weight of j their mighty frames opon the oars, rising'in their seats till standing the only boatmen I ever saw who suggest ed the galley slaves of the Egyptians r the men who manned the Roman triremes. Ernest Piexatto la Scrib cer't Magaziae lOlRflM Each day he watched the trains go by; He'd pause behind his plow to gaze. And many a time he heaved a sigh And thought be wasted precious days; The breeze blew sweetly from the sky. His flocks and herds grazed on tho slopes. But, turning when the trains went past. His countenance was overcast And envy blighted all his hopes. 1 Kts children played among the trees. His fields were wide and rich and green; A thousand things were there to please By sading beauty to the scene. Eut. longiny for the sjght of seas And far-off mountains looming hish, A dozen times a day he turned And in his bosom envy burned What time he watched the trains go bj. He looked across his acres wide And saw his billowy fields of wheat. And heard the thundering trains and sighed. Although the breeze was soft and sweet. And many a weary one who spied Him standing out there brown and trim. Thought of his freedom frorc. all cara. Thought of his independence there, ; And, riding onward, envied him. S. Holmes, Jr. "Hah'" exclaimed Sherlock Holmes, Jr. "Very well, Sbert," said Dr. What on, "if you wish it I will hah! But what is the occasion for hahing?" "Have you noticed that man with i.he grayish hair and the important manner?" ' Of course. I could not very well help doing so. He would attract at tention anywhere." "He was born in the country and spent his boyhood either on a farm or in a small town." "What is his name?' "I don't kuow." "If you don't know his name, how have you found out that he was once a country boy? There is no hiiyseed in his hair, and I can see nothing about him to indicate that he has not always been used to city ways." "Of course you can't. There Isn't anything of that kind about him. But didn't you hear that man who pointed him out a moment ago say he was tha greatest man in this great city?" "Ah. Sherlock, they can't beat you as & deducer. Since you explain It, the whole thing rs as plain as day." All His Own Way. "I understand that Coshington In tends to run for congress in this dis trict again." "Yes, and he'll have it all his own way, too." v "What makes you think so?" "Why, look at the record he has made. Been in two terms now, with out offering a resolution or making a speech. How can such a man's op ponents find an issue to fight him oh?" The Secret. Father took me to the circus. And wehad a fine old time. All the clown6 were awful funny, And he let me spend a dime; But he made me premise never To tell mother and I'll not How the lady barebeck rider Threv him kisses that he caught. Overworked. "I hear that you were the only man at a luncheon the other day, where there were about fifty women." "Yes." "How did you enjoy yourself?" "Well, I got rather tired passing the pickles." As Plain as Day. "Emersbn says it is impossible for a man to be cheated by any one but ! himeelf." j "Evidently nobody ever went to ! Emerson for the purpose of inducing : him to have his photograph enlarged j and colored." Sha Thought He Might Be. Ie your husband a baseball fan?" I "I think? fce must be. He wants me I to try to find somebody who will adopt our baby, eo he may have more time tt figure, up tue batting averages " "What's the matter, dear?" ssked a woman of her troubled looking hus band. " "Oh. I'm worried about the money market." be testily responded. "And I'm bothered about the market money." quietly remarked the wom an as ehe counted the contents of be parse. London Tit-Bit. infill feSi rmm mi ail The Daily Story An Insult Avenged By Marian Wilson. . Copyrighted. 1913, by AssHiatel Literary Bureau. "Grandpn. tell n a story for the J Fourth of July." j "You'll hnve to go to some one young- j er than I for a story about celebrat- j ins the Fourth of July, but if you want j one about what w-e celebrate 1 can give it to you." , "What do yon mean by tliat?" "The Fourth of July is celebrated to commemorate our becoming a na tion nnd not a colony of Great Britain. Our Independence was achieved fv the .Revolutionary war. I will tell you of an incident of thtit war. "One evening during the beriod of the American Revolution a young British officer rode up to a house in northern New Jersey and, dismounting, went to the door and knocked. In thnt day the colonies, or the eastern states, were like rural England. Manj of the most aristocratic families of New TorU lived in country homes within, say, fifty miles of the city, nnd It was at one of these houses that the young officer stopped. "His. summons wns answered by a negro, servant, whom he directed to ask his mistress if he could have some sup rer. The negro disappeared, and pres ently there was a rustle of skirts on the winding staircase, nnd a tall girl "OH, EEAVENS, I HAVE KILLED HTM P of dignified mien appeared before 4the strnuger. He doffed his hat to her with all the bearing of a young marquis and said: " I am on my way to join onr forces nt Monmouth, I hnve had nothing to e:it all day and would be very thank ful for something that will stay my 'junger. "The girl, with no less grace than his. invited him into the living room and told him that if he would wnlt a few minutes she would hnve something prepared for blm. Presently the col ored servant reappeared nnd invited him into the dining room. There at the table behind n sliver urn sat the girl who had admitted him, w hile be fore her were the dishes that consti tuted The supper. " 'Really,' the officer said, 'this kind ness overw helms me.' "'You are nn enemy,' she said, 'but yon are hungry, nnd I would not deny you meat and drink. And, giving you such, I treat you for the time being as a guest Will you have coffee?" " 'Thanks. Mistress' " 'I am Dorothy Halo.' "There wns something hl.'ih bred about the girl to excite the admiration of the young scion of a noble house In England. . Hut the English nobleman of thnt dny wns not overscrupulous in his dealings with his own countrywo men, and as for one who lived 3.000 miles from court he had no conscience whatever. Indeed, the courtliness of Mistress Dorothy Hale wns but an In centive to n conquest Having finish ed his repast, he nrose and, laying down his napkin, said: "'Mistress Hale. 1 feel myself re stricted from offering you payment for the delicious repnst you hnve given me, but I cannot go away without Vja soTiie way showing my appreciation of your kindness.' With that he stepped np to her, put bis arms about her and kissed her. "When he saw the red flush he had called to her cheek, the .flash of fire in her eye. he knew he had made a mistake. He stammered a few words of apology, to which she made no re ply, and. backing himself out of the room, went to where he had left his borse snd rode away. "He had gone perhaps a mile when he henrd bebiud him the sound of a galloping horse. It occurred to blrn thnt the rider was coming with some tnessnge connected with the insult he had offered bis benefactress and Judg ed that he might be called to account for whnt be had done But be was eo toward and wns r-.dy to piy for the kiss he had taken in any coin required. Eo. instead of pushing on. he drew rein and waited for the approaching horseman, who. when be came up proved to be a negro boy. - "'Missy Dorothy tole me to gib yo' Act.' he said, handkig the young man a bit of foided paper on which were a few words, as follows: "Sir You have Insulted a defenseless wo man who gsve you meat end drink. My trotner will te, at home this evening and will xpect satisfaction In the wood back of the bouse at sunrise tomorrow morn ing " 'Tel! yonr mistress.' said the officer, that 1 must doubtless give the rebel General Wcsb'.nston satisfaction tomor row or soon after, and If ana spared L return to her I will do so a sooa a JLca-a rax. m. l&ava of aben. But tell her I would minor racet her friend or her lover than ber brother, for I would not injure her for King George's dominions.' "With that he turned his horse's bead in the direction he been going, and the boy went bfick to his mistress. Within a few days General Wash ington attacked General Howe, who was marching from f'hiladelphla to New York. Washington hoping to pre vent him from reaching his destina tion. Rut Geuernl Chnrles Lee. who. It hnd recently been discovered, bad turn ed traitor to the American caus(t dis obeyed orders and rendered Washing ton's plan fruitless. "A couple of weeks after the battle Mistress Dorothy Hale was sitting on the porch of her father's house when a redcoat came riding along the road and drew rein before the gate. "Mistress Hale.' he said, 'I have come to give you satisfaction through yonr chnropion. whoever he may be, but I .bear you to spare me a meeting with your own brother.' "He was about to dismount and come tip to joiu her, but she arose and stood looking down upon him as a figure of justice regarding a criminal and for bade his entrance. Then she noticed that he "was very pale. " 'Yon do not look fj condition to fight for your life. Go away and come again when you are stronger.' "I am strong enough to fight yonr brother,' he said. Tor I shall stand only on the defensive.' "The girl remained silent a moment then added: 'I presume you have been, wounded in the recent battle. An apology will be accepted. " 'One holding the king's commission cannot apologize in facec of a chal lenge.' 'Very well.' said the girl; 'go to tha wood behind the house, and my broth er will Join you there.' " 'Does your brother remain at home in these times? One would suppose that a man capable of championing bis sister would be fighting on one side or the other.' " 'He was wounded, though slightly. In the battle. He is now quite recov ered and is to rejoin his regiment to morrowthat is, if you do not prevent his doing so.' "The officer reluctantly tethered Tola horse to a post before the gate and walked around the house to the wood In rear. There he waited half an hour when he saw a man coming in the uni form of a Continental soldier. " 'My sister tells me. sir,' said young Hale, 'that you asked ber for supper, she gave it to you with her own hands and you returned her kindness by an Insult' " 'Has not your sister,' ssld the Eng lishman, 'some one else than you to champion her? Should I kill you I should fancy that I killed her, so mark ed is the likeness between you.' " 'We are twins.' said young Hale. 'Rut enough of talk. Defend yourself" "There were no weapons except a sword Hnlc bud brought with him from the house and the sword the officer wore by his side. " 'One 11101116111.' ealdt the latter. Should you kill me it will be well for you to know who lam. I am Lieuten ant Richard Trevelyan of the th Brit ish foot, second son of the Earl of An gletou.' "'In case" you fall your remains shall be sent to England.' " 'Rather send them to the colouel of my regiment. Were it not that I have but little strength I would not think of tnklng these precautions against a beardless boy. Now, sir, I am ready. "U w-as not a spirited contest on either side. Hale did not appear to rel ish it any more than Trevelyan. The Litter seemed to fear killing bis op ponent, while the former grew paler nnd paler, bis thrusts at the same time growing weaker. At last Hnle. while parrying a thrust of bis enemy, ran the point of his sword Into his opponent's co:it Ulood followed, and. as soon as he saw It Hnle threw away his sword ami, clasping his hands on his breast, exclaimed: " 'Oh. heavens. 1 have killed him! , "Trevelyan looked at hbn in aston ishment. Then, throwing away his sword, he snid: '"You are not a man.. Tou are a woman. You are Miss Dorothy Hale. " 'Hnve I killed you?' "'Killed mel No. You 'have but broken the skin.' "He threw open his coat and display ed a wound a few inches long and bait an Inch deep "'Come,' said Dorothy. '1 ana avenged.' "Trerelyan kneeled before her and begged her forgiveness for his conduct, then went with hir to the bouse, wbere she dressed the wound she bad given him. "When the war was over and the In dependence of the United States estab lished Trevelyon a regiment was with drawn to England. Before leaving be made Dorothy Hnl more ample amends th;in the scratch ne had Indicted upon him by marrying her and taking her home to England with him." June 9 in American History. 1311- Saran Tayson Willis (Fanny Fern), author. Lorn in Portsmouth. Me.: died 172. 1SG3 Spirited cavalry action was fougli at Brendy Station. Va.. be tween General Alfred Pleasonton'a Federal command and General J. E. B. Stuart's Confederate troopers. 1002 Celebration at West Point com memorating tba centenary of the National Military academy. 1312 Rear Admiral B. V. Lamberton. U. S. N, retired, died ia Washing ton. ' AH tha nt-! aQ the time Tue Argua.