THE ROCE ISLAXD ARGUS. MOXT)AV, jiXTE 9, lnis. LODGE MEMBERS PAY TRIBUTE TO THE ABSENT ONES Odd Fellows Hold Annual Me morial Service 'or Departed Brothers. GIVES ADDRESS FOR ; .THE ODD FELLOWS Eulogy by rev. hawkins Patter of Spencer Memorial Church Makes Principal Address What He Said. tV v 'fox : ENGINEERS PAY THEIR RESPECTS TOTHE DEPARTED i Interesting Services Held by B. of J. E. at Reynolds Hall Sunday. SERMON BY REV. OTIS DALE DELIVERS SERMON TO THE ENGINEERS j Ail Life Is a Journey and Jesus Is the Way Declares Speaker in Annual Talk. Rev. C. E. Hawkins. Several hundred menders of the Odd Fellows and Rebek;th lodges of Hock Iiand gatnrred at new tem ple on Fourth avenue yesterday after noon and a fittii.g tribute was paid to thi d'partd members of the order. In the iiiorriiriR the various ceme teries of the city were visitd by a committee and -the graves of the dec-eased were st-ew n with flowers a tokens of sincerity. itkhi:nti; pnor;R. J. A. Heid. noble grand. prwided at the afteriioon exercises and the fol low ing program van carried out: I'rayer Kev. C. E. Haw Kins. Song Sextet. Proclamation of the Grand Sire J. A. Keid. Kvadirc of Names of Honored Dead A. I Luring. No. IS; S. R. Wright. No. r,os; yim. .J. A. Ileid, Ilehekah No. 73. Addr't-r-Kev. C. E. Hawkins. Song- Sextet. Closing Prejcr- K v. C K. Hawkins. The sexft was compo-cd of Mi-ses i do'.eful winds for sighs, the countless , there were two purposes In the serv- LinbTC I'Mirr. Nelson, and J li. Boll 'drops-of rain for tears, the broken; man, Albert Cook jittd Laurence Not-j niusic of the howling storm for wails, i on. .Mrs Tlionia-i iliron was the i for shrieks and cries, the earthquake's The Brotherhood of Locomotive En- I gineers, division Xo. 60, and ladies' ; auxiliary held their annual nemorial t ! services yesterday afternoon at 2 : o'clock at Reynolds hall at the foot .of I Thirtieth street. An interesting pro J gram had been arranged, the feature I being an address by Kev. Otis G. Dale ! of Central Presbyterian church. W. M. ! Johnston presided. Following prayer by Rev. Mr. Dale, j the roll call of departed brothers and I sisters was read. Two vocal solos were given by Mrs. Tenney. "Face to ! Face" and "Soldiers of Today and i Yesterday" and Miss Kail gave an in ! strumental number, "Rock of Ages." miss Marian imams rendered a very sever this chain. Oh that we may . know this force To describe it 1 , think the loftiest flight of imagination ' would be inadequate to the task. i W(IKI) PIITI'KK. "f'oulfl we ( hantse the inishtv ocean ! into paint, transform every slick into appropriate reading entitled "My a brush, make even- man an artist, 1ro" The exercises closed with a everv star a scaffold, and the out-! ?onS bv the assemblage. "God Be With itrnt'eh landless skv a canvas: i ou Til1 We Me Again." i could we take the dismal clouds fori t hkroks ok pehr. shade, the frightful lightnings for j Rev. Mr. Dale used two texts in his ! ting", the midnight's darkness for drv j reniarks, "Let not your hearts be trou ; pery und gloom; could we use the ' bied." and "I am the way." He stated ' t " ' ; - 4 r w x V , ,v w v - Otis G. Film g Equipment Rev. Dale. The increasing sales of filing cabinets, supplies, card index trays, box files, etc., indicate that we are able to supply your needs in these lines. Our prices are the same or lower than elsewhere for the same quality. The Globe-Wernicke Filing Cabinets in wood and steel bear the most careful inspection. Our representative will bring you catalogs and circulars without any obligation on your part to buy. "Try Rock Island First." E. O. VAILE, JR. Successor to "Crampton"" and "Kingsbury's " BOOKS : STATIONERY : OFFICE SUPPLIES ITIO GmJ A Telephone West 2026 ROCK ISLAND niick, Mangle.-idorf. A. V. Middleton, C. T. O'Prieu. J. A. Owen, J. O. Peter- m rivAAr, i Thursday at, 5:C0 o'clock. K. H. Skinner. Charles' Snell. S. R.' The Q"Pn Esther circle will give c... iv w ,.t v;ni,, ,i.-.!aii eveniup cf readings by Miss Iva ic, a.iv in'pi,i i 51!.b.r t; o ' Pearce. ass:siet by c-, 1 Cr-lmfiolrl A I Tw iner X t! !Omb Twombly, A. G. Twombly. Ed Trow, acrompaii'Bt. 1 UK. l)l)ltl.. The address by Kev. C. E. iiawkins follows: "We rrp h"re this. af crimen, not to! attempt to add glory to any brother who Hal p:"s-d lo l.'s reward, or to take credit tn ourselves for what wel violent shock for agonizing pain, and i be long, loud rumbling thunder for piteous, dying groans; and could we, w th pious Joshua, command the glow ing sun to stand still in the west, and the full, blushing moon in the east, and there wait while 1. uoring artists dash the amazing horrors of sin on the ex its ice, to honor the memory cf those who have died and to prepare the living for the better life. He mentioned the confidence which the general traveling public has in the railroad men and characterized the men as heroes of peace, being members of the great in dustrial army in which battles are daily fought. "It is fitting that we hold this me morial service in honor of the soldiers P. H. Wells. G. W. Wallingford. C. W. Warren, I. Webster, C. W.. Wilcox, A. Whitney, F. Webber, W. W. Williams, T. F. Quinn, S. D. Trevillyn, A. C. Hotchkiss. M. li. Bennett. C. W. Wil liams, J. McConnell, H. Fehrmen PREVENTION OF FIRE THE THEME but trust to you "Life is also a journey. The Ixrd Jesus is the engineer. He is the Way. He has been through the dark valley. I urge you to put your trust in ,Him are doing. Each brother s giory is his pandir.g sheet, to Jelineate all its , ol peace, said the speaker. It is as ripened pcriein-.. in the school cf loathsome, horrible and everlasting j appropriate as to honor the memory life. The binds us is not ! effects, would quite exhaust the ocean, ! ol tne soldiers or w ar. ou have been ! . b-oke:,, only lengthened to the other wear out every instrument, tire every I as faithful, in a much longer struggle I shore They fougiit tli ir battles, won j artist, and more than fill heaven's im-than they. Daily our citinens leave j victories, and pa.ved from us to niensurable blue from pole to pole. their lives in your hands and trust to i Jilm. but the tie is not severed. , Brother, brother tried and true, will your bravery, faithfulness and intelli- i "If yo. r brother on the othf-r sidei" b-H" this monster of wrongdoing j gence. We embark upon travels. We; could speak to us they would sav:'t separate us, man from man, from , do not know how our destination is to I 'The best memorial r,u can hold for 1 '"" duty to the widow and our obll- be reached. We do not know the way u Is to earn' on to final completion! F'im to the orphan? the work loved and were doing the het we could whn called apon to I er k tip our account to report on tiie u.-.e uiuiie of o:ir talenV 'Brothers, Odd Fe low ship is a school ! it. which we are trained to make the i bcM merit o!' the talent entrust-; ed to ti. So'ne invest iu tulnei, stock! ' p ' bonds. Let us continue to invest;.. , . , . . in the widow and the orphan, wi ile ' Members of Illinois State Fre c relieve sintering i-nd administer to! vention Association to LEG BROKEN IN A BAD RUNAWAY Mrs. William H. Mass of Dav enport Injured When Horse Upsets Rig. Misses Grace Ho'- Effie Johnson. Lillie Orvin and Esther Grantham. Thursday evening at S:3' o'clock in the church auditorium. Aiksn Street Chapel The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. Otto Rahn st tjie chapel at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday. While Mass. re Mr. and in Mrs. the William II. northeastern German Methodist Prayer meeting will be held at the church Thursday evening at 7:43 o'clock. Spencer Memorial Methodist Bible reading Tuesday evening. Prayer meeting on Wednesday even ing. The Woman's Foreign Missionary so ciety will meet on Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Gracx: Crompton. Memorial Christian The Queen Es ther -suild w ill meet at the homo of INFANT HURLED UNDER SPEEDING AUTO UNINJURED Child Is Torn from Mother's Arms and Thrown Under Wheels. - WILL RECOVER IS HOPE Roadster Traveling 50 Miles Crashes Into Maucker Automobile s Yesterday. part of Davenport, were ridjng in their i Mrs. Martha Sollenberger, 1613 Thir- bugtry in that citv vesterdav morning,! ty-sventh street, this evening. the home became frightened when! The Indies' Missionary society will uitfti on rnuuy aiicruuo'i ai me iiomc I 'ill more streets were iu running away, turned 1 , tiirowing out both oc Wifit we cutitirue to develop in our-n!ve-i virtues which keen us Visit City. I Second rud I reached and I the rig ovc jcupants. I Mrs. Masr. had a lojc broken and even as men put their trust in you. ; sustained severe wounds about the j He will lead you safely to your des- head and shoulders and possibly in- tination." terual injuries. . She was taken to hoi. i. ok in k An. Mercy hovpitu', where the is resting W. G. Hrindell. H. H. Baker. J. Bus-1 nicely. The husband escaped with well. P. I'. Parnhardt. J. C. Carter, J. j out injury. i V.. (,'olburn. Georee W. CvDhers. C. E. ! ' ' Carl, George J. M. Colburn. Fred Chan- j I non, J. W. Dyer, F. C. Evans, Thomas : lure, radiatil iud while ;.s though we hud he ;i bort' in the siiiibeam era-1 Members of he Illinois State Fire Med in the rainbow Mild baptued in Prevention association are expected to the silvery d'-u s :f the morning. , visit this city Wednesday as the guests a imoi lit ittiooii. j of the Business Men's association "We jic ii ur. therhool. bound uth'i'nd the Keck Island club. It is ex it hHin that cannot be broken. It ! pelted some 50 will be present from ; Greehey. J. Greehey. James George, Ed Heft'erman, F. Hamilton. A. B. ; Hinkley, M. Hcbbs, Zed Harding. S. W. ; Hoover, Ben Hawk. J. Horn, F. J. i Irons. William Brindel, W. H. Jeweil. i T. Jenkins, W. W. Lew is, M. Lenne ; ban, J. Mosley, J. R. Marven. J. Mor- Stats Hospital Changes. fcpnnghcic, III.. June !t. Dr. Isaac Kreepimel. a physician at Chicago hos pital, will be appointed assistant su perintendent at tiie Elgin state hos pital at Elgin to succeed ('. li. Dirks. The resignation of Superintendent Wiigus of the Kankakee asylum has been received by the board, of admlJi- I ii t - , , m , , . . . : . . . . , : ..... . ; . . . binds us man to man. This is what hi. ago and other poin's throughout i 1 tiie iiiiliii'iatcd see. It binds us to 1 'he slate. He widow. It bii.ds ua to the orphan. . In the. r veiling a smoker is to be It girdles the globe. It reaches to given at tiie Book Island club, to luaven arid binds heaven lo earth. j which all of the business men of the I "Theie is onlv ihhm that can ! citv will be welcome. The usual fire j sever this three links. That Is to vlo- hazards are to be discussed and sug- lute the teachings of the order. To treat lightly our most solemu obiiica-! tion. To divorce ourselves from the virtues of Oddfellow ship "It be a tremendous lorce to pestims made, relative to their cor rec'ion. It is a well known fact that the yearly lire loss in the I'nited States in many times greater per capita than in Europe. jrim..-ryv'.rrrtrccv. -age-; EXTRA HELP WANTED AT Young &McGombs For Positions in the Following Departments: Gents' Furnishings 2 Jewelry 1 Drugs . 1 Candy 1 R-.bbons 1 Lace Cellars 1 Handkerchiefs 2 Embroideries and Bargain Lane . . 2 Laces 2 Dress Goods 2 Domestics . . 2 N Linens . . . . 2 Millinery 5 Children's goods 1 Muslin Underwear 2 Furniture Helper 1 Draperies . . 1 Hosiery . Knit Underwear '. 30 People Wanted Apply at once Fifth Floor. YOUNG & McCOMBS Rock Island, 111. I . - -I I III I " - I I - i of Mrs. R. C. Smedley. SO?, Fifteenth street. I The officers and teadhers of the Sun I day school will meet Friday evening at the church. Free Methodist Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Stamp, world-wide evangelists, who witji their daughters conducted a scr ifs of special meetings at the Free Method'st church last fall, will preach Tuesday evening. Fir6t Swedish Lutheran. This even j ing the board of deacons will meet at 7 : :30 at the church. ! Prayer services will be held Wednes j day evening at the home of Emil Pe terson, 1121 Fourteenth btreet. i The choir meets for rehearsal Fri day evening at the church, j Saturday afternoon the Willing Help ers will meet with .Miss Lme Strom quist, 1120 Fourteenth street. Sunday morning and evening Yngve Joransan will preach at the church. The evening services will be in Eng lish. June 10 there will be an ice cream sociable on the lawn at the parsonage. v Only through a miracle were no lives lost yesterday afternoon when a speeding roadster, traveling at the rate of 50 miles an hour, crashed into a machine driven by James W. Maucker at the corner of Thirty-eighth street and Seventh avenue. Mrs. Maucker was in the front seat hold ing her nine-months-old baby and when the crash came the infant was hurled to the pavement and directly under the wheels of the roadster. The child was badly bruised about the head, but the wheels passed on eit?tr side of the little form, and unless in ternal injuries develop, no st-rious re sults are apprehended. Both machines were badly wrecked. SPKKI AC( II)F.T. The accident occurred about 5:30. Mr. Maucker was driving his car south on Thirty-eighth street at a rate, of from S to 10 miles an hour and had just started to turn east on Seventh avenue. The Velie roadster, driven by Delmar Dooley, was traveling west on Seventh avenue, and witnesses of the accident claim it to have, attain ed a speed of at least 50 miles an hour. Mr. Maucker's car was traveling so slowly that there was no chance to get out of the road. The roadster crashed into the slowly moving machine with frightful ve locity, throwing it backward a dis tance of almost 30 feet, caving in the radiator, smashing wheels and body, bending the hind axle and smashing the back seat. llOR 1V.HH1K.S. The force of the collision jarred the baby loose from Mrs. Maucker's arms. That lady was thrown clear out of the machine and in falling her hail was caught in the seat, tearing a sec tion of skin from her scalp. She was also badly bruised about the head anil body. The Misses Agnes and Eliza beth Maucker, who w ere in tho back , seat, were uninjured, aside from mi nor bruises, as was the driver. The Dooley car was badly battered, a lamp being torn loose and the fen der smashed. Today the baby is rest ing easy as is its mother, and no serious results are expected. "She Looks Old" and Not Yet 40. Many women fade early, 6imply be cause they do not take proper care of themselves. They constantly over do and overlook those ailments that if not checked, rob them of all health and beauty. At the first symptoms of a function al disturbance or an organic derange ment, if women will only rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, that, great woman's remedy for woman's ills. It will aid the roses to return t,o their cheeks, sallow looks depart, spirits brighten and backache and headaches caused by such trou bles to be known no more. (Adv.) First Baptist Wednesday evening prayer services will be held at the church. The topic, "Christ's Promises as Found in t.he Four Gospels." Friday all day the Ladies' Aid so iety will mee'l for wcrk in the church parlors. At uoon a picnic dinner w'll be served. a meeting at the church tlrs evening at 7:4.1 o'i lock. Tuesday evening the pas'or will COUNTY DOCTORS TO GATHER IN MOLINE j give a lecture ad s'ci -eopticon views Tiinity Episcopal Miss L!r.d'c y, the educational secretary oi the Woman's auxiliary, will he present all day Tuesday to confer with ihe women of j the on the wcrk of the a -ixili- i ary. The first meeting will be held at i 10 a. in., tiie second at 2 p. m. a", the parish house. Luncheon will lie served . at 12 o'clock. i St. Elizabeth's fulll wiil hold its an- nual sale of fancy goods a".d aprons i in the parish house Wednesday even- ! itig. A special program will he given i and refreshments of ice cream, straw- " ' 1 ' . . i 1 vnno "1.1 J - c,t l CU, UC- ' ginning at H:"a o'clock. A meeting of the Rock Island Coun- on "The World in Ch'cago." It will ly Medical society will be held tomor he followed by a soi :a lioi.r and re- i row ever ing at 0:30 at the Manufac frrsh meats.. Everybody is invited. turers' hotel. Moline. An interesting Wednesday even'og ihe usual praer 'program has been arranged as fol- nieetlns at 7:45 oVloek. 'lows: Thursday the Ladi's' 'Aid society Special Clinical Report (selected); wili meet fi;r an all dav sp.-sion at the Ur li Love, East Moline. "It cured me," or "It saved the lifo of my child," are the expressions you hear every day about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. This is true the world over where this valuable remedy has been introduced. No other medicine in -use for diar rhoea or bowel complaints has receiv ed such general approval. The secret of the success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy Is that It cures. Sold by all druggists. (Adv.) JJLG church. Lunch will bt- served at noon. United Presbyterian Prayer mcet- -Dr. W. D. -Dr. Wednesday evening ing will be he!d ac the chui i h. The Woman's Missionary Eociety , will hold the usual meeting at the par- i sonag Friday evening. A business meeting of ihe voung peo- ! pie w ill be held at the home cf the j Misses Toenniges, 207 Fourth avenu Friday evening. Serums and Vaccines Snivery, Rook Island. Demonstration of the Pulmotor A. H. Arp, Moline. Tuberculosis of the Nose and Throat Dv. J. E. Asay, Rock Island. A the news ail the time Tho Argus:. PrtsbyteHan Tuesday meeting of South Park fvfnia;r the regular Brot.h rhood occurs The Jun'ors will held a meeting at 2:30 o'clo k Wednesday. The choir rehearsal will take Friday evening at 7: SO o'clock. Grace Lutheran The Forward so ciey will meet tlrs evening at the borne or .Miss Uiiua u:ng, ,10 roriv- me I fourth street The parochial school is conducted rvery day from & to 12 o'clock. Chcir practice cn Wednesday even ing at the thurch. place Broadway Presbyterian The ses sion will meet this evening at 7:30. The Helen Miils circle will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock atthe home of Mrs. Charlotte F. HueEing, M2 Twentieth street, Prayer meeting wiil be held Wednes day evening. The Ruth s band wil! meet Wtdues- NOT BECOMING FOR YOUTH Unsightly Gray and Faded Hair. JLo Just Above LcCJairc on the Beautiful Mississippi. Opens June 15 Why not have beautiful, dark, glossy, natural colored hair, full of life and Zicn Swedish Lutheran Wednesday i h. !.r.n vm.i.!f vimmr Innkin" htlcl Thir- evening prayer mreting wiil at S. T. Samuelson's borne, 1 t-second stum. Thursday ai 2:30 o't lock :b. Lad.c s' Aid society will meet with I?v. and Mis. Kraft on Thirty-eighhi street. Chicken Dinners, Meat and Fish Dinners and Lunches Served at Reasonable Rates. German Evargsiical Thursday a?- and fascinat:lg? It's eo easy and sim- j pie to !o if you w ill get a bottle or 'Ha's Hair HaUh today. You'll no j tict. a change after cn or .two appli I c aliens how tpiickly the gray hair ' vanish Low glossy, full of life and Ivrality Haj'b Ha.r Hca'.th will' keep ' vc ur hair. day afternoon at the home of .Mrs. C. ' 'Tacon tne Ladios be:ng circle willi Don waste time, g? t a bottle today. E. Sharpe. 1C-J9 Twenty-first street. meet in the church bastuietn. ' . j Your 'Ir.'gg-si is selling more Hay's The Juniors w;ll meet Thursday at; Thursday a:trnooa aad evening the ; Hair Heahh thau ail others, because 4 o'clock in the primary room. j young people will-give- an ice ci tain 'he knows it's tbe most satisfactory-. The, Boys'- club win mt Friday er-; sociable at the- church. ho- nicest and clearest to use and enins at 7 o'clock. The subject will; . really doer, restore color, to gray hair.) be "Some American Boys in Japan." i Flrat Methodist The Daughters cf Fif e: Sign ibis cdv. and take it to I The Indus' Aid society will ho!d a ; the covenant wiil meer, in reejlar es- I the following druggists and gn a 5c ' cuu-e uuin . vj i oiocic rnoay nr-iua h rn ..i;6s .icfept:n .coK, bottle of Hay's Hair Health adn a 25c I tne home or Mrs. f. R. Harrington, Twn-ieth street, Tuesday evening 'cake of Harfina soap for 00c- or SIM 1AA1 Tnanfiall, 1 of - " '. . , 1 . ' - t, . - ' t.sii .miirvu cutu. a i u UUl IV. 1 I.C.rilC CI Hav S Hair lUlll. art.l fun The usual rcid-w.ek services at 7:00 2."ic cal.f-s nf Harfina aran re tr i D e ancm; cenery, i rres lion a a 11 All 1 Twenty-five Acres Afford ing' Ample Space for Ball ' Games, Basket Picnics, etc- jFrequent Intcrurban TrainL Central Presbyterian j school officers and teachers wiil hold The Sunday 1 o'clcci: Wodnrsda ' The Social e.; services at evening. Service Study club 1 T. H. Thomas, W. T. Hartz, T. D. C. will ) Walker, J. Sengston. (Adv.) IE