Newspaper Page Text
YOU WW e,gE FL&CK..M6, To THE. T i f, . U I P-lMT CMy,.,!' P ST 100 BIXKft POOS. NOTjl HOKl. Y 1 1 r - I 21 , Argus Branch Offices j For the accommodation "f tf pntrons In various parts of the city, The Argus has established a system of brunch of fices, where Mibscrlpttafis end want ad vertising may be received and any lr. forma'lon left that ir.av pertain to nr.y department of the paper, n"rs or busi ness. Jt Is also planned to have at each of there brunch cft!c?s every evenlnij a supply of copies of The Argi:s of the day, so that any subscriber who mav have failed under any circumstances to receive the paper, will be supplied free of charge. The Arrus rhnln of branch offices Includes the following: J. J. Klpp's notion tore, 4113 Fifth avenue. H. B. Rowe'i pharmacy. 4118 Four teenth avenue. Schneider's drug store. Twenty-sev-eri'h street. Seventh svcn'ie. Ullemcyer'a drua; store. Uleventh ave Bi. Fifteenth street. Dui'ey's lunch room. 403 Fourth ave nue. Mr. London' notion rtore. Seventh treat. Fourteenth avenue. Helmbeck's pharmacy, 922 Third ave nue. Ernest Eberts' grocery, S25 Eleventh avenue. Rudert drug store. Thirtieth street and Fifth tter.ue. College pharmacy. Seventh avenue and Thlrt v-eirtith street. Olson rrocery. Thirteenth avenue and Thirtieth street. Stslner drug store, corirr Fifth ave nue fend Twenty-third street. for nm-iioi;Bs. FOR RENT Six -room modern H32 Twenty. flftli street. house; FOR BENT Modern eight-room Louse. Inbuilt) ICOti Thirtieth street. FOR RENT New strictly modern scv . cn-rom house. I'iione west 164,".. FOR RENT Modern five-room house, at 2Ml Ninth avenue. Inquire 22j Ninth iivenue. FOR RENT Elght-nxim modern house Bt 1)21 'Iweii-ieih ureft. J. L. Free man. -114 Safety building. FOR KENT Modern elfrht-room house at Jzii Twelfth rtrett. 1'or jiaiticu lars, call north Stf'JR. FOR Tt (TNT Modern tdcht-room noiise at 12i( Twelfth sireet. For particu lars, cull nort li 1 1 23-1.. FOR RENT Two-room co't:i2-e. fur. niched for Uirht housekeeping. In quire ISO" Sixth fivenuc. FOR RENT KIght-room Ii-l'y niod- ern house (if H uie'e. n . it M'.irr'k.. In 4 into 4'.' Salety buininiiv. I'l'H RENT Fart of f i r.1-:,e l nous.; four rot -.ii4 uuil l:uh; i w.lith street arnl Third iiveiiu.. I or iu;'oi inaiion. plume wist l.i'... FOR RENT Furnsl.ed modern 10 rotim restderiri Twentirtlt street, wl. I rent f'-r a few lnoiHlis. M. E. Swv n. y. ri.mic west 24 I . FOIt r.I5T i LA11, FOR RENT i ecorid ut H'.t.'i lit. -..I-, t lit. to ! . -1 : I ! l"wenVlli Hilil. FOR RENT -Five-room flat in Koestcr hiilld'.iik. iipti.isit: Rot k Ul.ind sta tlfii. ImiuiiB 'ie.xnu a Ilros. I'iione west 2'5 . FUR T'.ENT-Modern four-room flat and bath; references MMiuireii. Inquire 1011',, Thud avenue. Roaeliiutd apartment. rUU RENT Furnished i.iode-rn uart tnrnt, I ur loou.s und '.lath, at lljatu IlvltJ apartm. mi. 1 111 i'uirj uuuuo, icitr;:tt:i'i iniulied. FOR KEiT- MISCEI.I.AKEOt. FOR RENT Tart of oitlce f..ce at 315. iwnilifili litreeL I'iione west 1 4 lu-K FOIt RENT A barn prepared for a I yaraKe; i . ptr nioniii, 1 i . 1 A let n In ; 11 reel. FoR KENT Store room ut 1!21 Second uvei.uf. Iniulre t".l Sevnueentti street, or phone wrst li.o-X. f.oucr, iMiiF.n out. Maaoale. Masonic Tcrr.pV. Eighteenth rtrect and Fifth u t. ut. Tlir STATED MEETING OF TRIO 11 !t.lM .Ntt. ;.T. A. 1-. A. A.M. will "Ss l''1'1 on the lu -t ihuisday of jtr',u ii tnoi.tii. Sit, ml 'vr work ui tin -M. M. d.-Kc, Tnui'i-dHy. July li. at .' p. m Visiting l.ritnro.i Mie ror tiailv invited lty of L. E. Uriiicnway. W, ad.; W. li. Peine, secretary. (. A. lw Cl FOl:r POST. 143, G A. R.. meets regularly en tne und ami lourtn f.iuiu.iy rvenings of tacli mtmtli at . 3'1 tn Memorial fiaii ut me couri house. W. L Johnston, commander; E. li. Uu.k. fcdjut.i.r.. vtUirsttsiS.NAl. ATTORSfc... Jackson. nur.dT & Stafford ai- torneys-at-iaw. On.ce in Koca. ls.and National Unk bul.dir.g. RU A MARSHALL LAWyera. Money to load on good real estate security. Rooms. 30k and IvJ Safety building. Rock Island. Ui. WILLIAM M. VVAI.KER Attorney; general law busiueo; corpora lion, probate and real estate law, 11 Peo ples bank building. Phono west 39. WALKER. INGRAM U SWEENEY At tnrnys and coubtrlora at law. Money to loan on real estate. Rooms 20u Svl. people's National bank building. alKMRT c M'ENIRl Attorneys. at law. Loan money on good security; make collections. References. Mitch ell at Lyn'e. bankers. Office. Mitchell Lnde sulldms;. MISCELLANEOUS. CAIJ, phtne wet 939 for bus service; rr.eet a)l night trains. New Harper House llua Service. LET Fross do your paper hanging, li cents a roll; wail paper at u ceuts a roll and op; Oft Twenty-fourth street . Phone west 18S4-K- IF TOU WANT to buy. sell, trade or rent anything. sgkge help or secure a situation, the Muil and Jv-urnal wants bring results. One-hlf cent per A'nrd Is the pru to al -like, casu in advance; two-tent stands mill do. ..vrnlr.g Saturday Mall nd Journal. ill. CAN'T BLAME BEN FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RHN'T Modern furnished room at 11P7 Fourth avenue. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms at 217 Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping at 307 Third street. FjR RENT Rooms newly furnished; it'll Seventeenth street. Phone west -"24. FUR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping at 27 Twentieth Etreet. FOR RENT Mortem burnished rooms for gentlemen. Inquire at 414 Twelfth street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for lipht housekeeping. Inquire 14y8 Third avenue. FOH RKNT Furnished rooms tor light housekeeping: HOi Fourth avenue. Fhono weft 221i. FUK RENT Two rooms for light housekeeping; laundry privileges. In q'lire 027 Sever. teem h street. F(R RENT Modern furnished rooms f'tr llnht housekeeping at 1101-Four-te. nth-and-a-r:ilf street. FUK RENT Three rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 2209. In- 1 lire 4i." Fifth avenue. FOH RENT Three furnished rooms, strictly modern, at 2717 Ninth ave nue. Phone wert 1739-X. FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms lor light housekeeping, In jui vato family; 1112 Second avenue. FOR RENT Modern furnisned front room, suitable for two; 71h Seven teenth street. Phone west 2721. FUR RENT Two nicely furnished moduli roc-nas for light housekeep ing at 6''2 Twenty-fourth street. yuk RIiINT Modern sleeping or light l.t.'usekeeping rooms, furnisned or uu fuimsiied, al 712 Second avenue. FOR RENT Modern furnished room for gentleman. Apply Fiat No. 1. IS.vccney Hats. 216 ia Third avenue. FOR RENT Furnished room, with hourd, in private family, at 2226 Fourth avenue; modern conveniences. Fuli KENT Modern furnished front room to one or two gentlemen at 51 T.ver.ij -llrat treet. i'liunw west t,y4-V. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished l oo nr. for sl cpm or light ln,-use-Rt iiii; Si a week, at out. (Sixth FOR RENT Two modern lijcht house kee;iug rtoa-.s, t iiany wunout cliil (irtii. at 12'J0 Tnird uienue, use of .,ie:;.-. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; gj?, bath, hot water heat, ai:d phone; i.rj pt r week, inquire, zli FilteenUi street. FOIt RENT Nicely furnished modern liont room, in juivate family, to gen ileinan, at 1210 Third avenue. I'iione west K2i-X. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room on first Umir for light house keeping, use ot plione. inquire at i.22 1A iiiticth street. I'll!. RENT Modern furnished cool lo.uiia lor liunt li'JusekeeitLiig; no inilJren or p. ., rales to t)ieuy peo ple; 1116 Set ond avenue. FOR RENT Nice, clean rooms for l.j.r.t Housekeeping, furnished or un furnished: ell .noucin; private ;"a:n llv. at lld Fourleeiitu-nd-a-half st r. - . Foil RENT Furnished modern front ro'iin. oi i;im cur line, at 712 Twenty HI in Btreei. Pnone west 2ill after 6 p. in., or call ili i. Ti'int. suit depart- j liieil., ni lunitd ot wuetnuv LOkT AND FOUND. LOST On Fourth avenuo car, -an en velope containing currency. Pleose It.tvc ni 'I ue Argus olnce and receive I e vi u nl. LUST On ferry or Long View car. edntsdiiy, bunch tf kejs. Return to I.uwr. tub Johnson. 12 15 Seventeenth tite.t. I'iione vet 72U-K. LOST S intlay at Watch Tower, a pock etiit.ok contairiiiK mostly gold coin; can descril1 same. Ketuin to 121 Wet Lot list street. Davenport. Phone . noriii 2'5e-L. Reward. ADS1KACTS OP TITLE. ABSTRACTS of title prepared or con tinued to date covering any real es tate in the county, prompt and ac curate service at reasonable rates Hock Island Title Ut Abstract com. pan;-; J. i. Ingram, president; W. J. Sweeney, secretary; JOO-203. second floor, people's National bank build Ing. Rock Island. fllCYCi r-S AND MOTORCTCLES. TI-tES (all makes), accessories, lamps, etc.; cut prices; Its Flying Merkel bicycles at wholesale price, 125 tor ange and blue enameled); MS-tle Etut Third street. Davenport. COLLECTIONS. COLLECTIONS MADE Hard accounts and claims collected. William M. Vialker. lawyer. Sll People's Bank building. t FLOaiSTS. HENRY GAETHJS proprietor Chip plannock nursery. Cut flowers and designs of all Hlnds. City store. 105 fcecend avenue. Phone Ilia. FOn RENT. WE have the complete list of every vacant house or room in the tri-citiea. it won't cost you one cent to ih this list Summorfleld's. 111-115 East S4to onj street. Davenport. EXCLUSIVB COnSET FARLORS. U11E. MARIETTE CORSETS, all sixes, lrf'est moiieis and materials, from S3. ii) up. Mme. Goodwin Corsets, al) sixes, latest models ar.d materials, fr--m Si up. Brassieres and bust ex tender from in: up. AH carefully fitted at G. H. Grabbe's, Ladies' Tall er and Dressmaker. South Putnam building. Davenport. Established! 1902. Phone north 733. Send for booklets. THE ROCK ISLAND FOR MAKING SORE W ANTED 31ALE BELr. WANTED Men; steady work; apply Rock Island Eridge & Irofe works, Mill street. WANTED A man to work on farm by the month. Apply P. H. Peterson, Thirty-eighth street road. WANTED Experienced drivers for ex press company. Rock Island Transfer company. 1714 Third avenue. WANTED Ambitious young man as salesman; bright prospects for right man with corporation. Call west 67. WANTED Salesman and collector; must be reliable and a hustler: good future prospects. Ask for manager; S10 Twentieth street. WANTED Inspector for hardware spe cialty factory; must be exBKTienced In general machine work; unto age. Salary wanted, and references. Ad dress 'Specialty Manufacturer," care Argus. WANTED Two good salesmen at onre; also one bpukkeeper and two gooa men io ao general worn. ;a tional Emaloyment AKe;icy. 401 South I'utnam building, Davenport. Flione nort.ii 43.JO-L,. WANTED Hen to learn tha barber trade; our method Is quick, cheap and inorougn; loo is igiven; waged while learning; loba alwayts waiting don't delay; start now; catalogue me :led free. Holer iiarber college. Chicago, jii. WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Girl to do general work in boarding house; iU13 iirtn avenue WANTED Girls at the Crescent Maca roni & Cracker company. Davenport, iowa. WANTED Experienced waitresses; ap ply Gould restaurant, 1K23 Second avenue. WANTED Good woman to do -general housework in country notel. Address "K. W.," care Argus. WANTED Girls In the sugar wafer department. Apply independent Bak iiig company, Davenport. WANTED Competent laundress, .first three days of week. Apply Airs. E ' 11. Gujtr, 72S Twenty-nri street. WANTED Girl to do general house work; must bo good cook; 715 Twen ty-second street. Phone west 1523- V WANTED Girl to do general house work; must be (f,uod cook; 715 Tweu ty-seioud street. Pnone west 152a-1', WANTED Young girl to care for chil dren afternooiis. Apply to .Mrs. C It. Chamberlain, Twenty-third street. ANTED Experienced dining room girls; $7 a week and aprons luriiisii ttl. Junes' restaurant, lblu Second avenue. WANTED Competent girl to do gen eral houseworK; goou wages; no washing; lsl7 Sixtu avenue. Phone west ai.2. WANTED Young girls as cashiers: must be experleiiceu ; also- waitresses. Apply Coin liiun. store No. 1, T'winl tietn street. WANTED Ladies to matte shields at , home; $20 per loo; ordinary, plain sewing; can make four an Hour; ma terial lurnishea; work sent prepaid, tend stamutd addressed envelope for particulars. Paragon Supply company, JbJ24 ilv itle avenue, Kansas .ily. Mo. WABTTU SITUATIONS. WANTED Petition at once; exerien- ed st.nograiiuer; can furnish best ct reference. iaii Miss Wan. west llti, or west 401-V. alter 6 p. m. MASSAGE. SWEDISH MOVEMENT Miss A. Elu arson. graduated Svtedisa masseuse, gives treatment In private homes and at office by appointuieut. I'noUe weal 21EV; office, tila beventeentn street. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. SI PERFLUOL'S hair and moles on and amis permanently removed with one to six ncealcs. Address ilisj A. Xi. Ktttrcdge, Fiat 1. Argyle Flats, i3rauy street, Uavenport. Old phone S136. INSURANCE. WE WILL BOND YOU Executors', ad minisiraiors , guaraians , trustees, or any kind of juuicial bonds; lodges and society ottlcers; city, state, or L". S. government omcials; contractors, po sitions of trust; in fact, any kind of bond you want texcept bail bonds). Terms reasonable. Hayes Cleave land. resident managers. Fidelity fc Deposit Company of Maryland. LEGAL. Administrator's Notice. Estate ceased. of Andrew J. Whitney, de- The undersigned having been ap pointed" administrators wuh the will annexed of the estate ' of Andrew J. Whitney, late of the county of Rock Island, state of Illinois, deceased, here by give notice that they will appear before the Hon. Benjamin Bell, judge of the probate court of Rock Island county, at the probate court room, in the city of Rock Island, at the Septem ber term, on the first Monday in Sep tember next, at which time all per sons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the tint ad usted. All perrons Indebted to said es tate are requested to make Immediate pavment to the undersigned. Dated l&th day of July. A. D. 1913. ARTTiCR WHITNEY. WILBUR WHITNEY. Administrators Witn the VtiU An- nexed. Netire ( FtamI Settteaaeat. Estate of Frank LiekefetL deceased. Public notice is Hereby given that the undersigned. John S. McConnell. has this day filed !.s final report and set tlement as such In the probate court of Rock Island county, and hearing on said report has been set for May 31 1912. at It) o'clock a. m.. at which time persons Interested may apvear and make objections thereto, ana if no ob jections are tiled, aald reyort will be ap proped at that time, and the under signed will ask for an orde.- of distri bution, ar.d aio ask to be dis charged. Rock Island. Ill, Uay 9. 1913 JOHN 8. McCONNELL. Administrator with the Will Annexed of Frank Liekefett. deceased, Jackson. Burst A Stafford, attorneys ARGUS.. WKDXKSD A HE WAS AWAKE ! WASTED MISCELLANEOTJa WANTED .Table boarders at 104 Thir teenth street. WANTED Wa-shing and ironing, nice ly tione, at ti. intuty-nttn street. WANTED Situation as cook in small family, inquire z.33 seventh avenue. WANTED To buy, a good second hand automobile. Address "Auto," care Argu?. WANTED To trade, vacant lots for automobile. Address "R. G.,'' care Argus. WANTED Lac curtains to launder at 144s Fourteenth street- Mrs. Luella 7'itteringtcn. WANTED Dressmaking and plain sewing. Inquire 745 Fourteenth-and-a-half street. WANTED To rent, five or six-room house; rent about S25. Address "G. G.," care Argus. WANTED To rent, on eight or 10-room house, close in. furnisned or unfur nished. I'iione west 2505. WANTED To trade, 10 acres of Ore gon fruit land lor gc-od automobile, phone west 1345 after s a. m. WANTED Ordera for all kinds of em broidery, work neatly done, at rea sonable prices. Phone west 20utf, WANTED--To buy, S. & H. green trad. ing tsiarap boons nuca or partly nil eU. Call at tl4 Eleventh street. WANTED Fashionable dressmaking. either by day or at home. I'iione west 1710-X. formerly with People's cure. WANTED Second hand steel or Iron smokestack or pipe net less than four leet in uiamete-r and 2 1 ieet long. Address ' F. J. jI.," Argus. WANTED To rent, by married couple without children, two unfurnished rooms or small cottage lor llgnt housekeeping. Address 'itoonio. care Argus. WANT If D Money If this ivd catches your eye, ana you need a little he. p. call, rue, pnone or Sena taeusengr boy to our new location, iuia Second avenue, KocK island, :or uil personal "loans, iucli as cuainor.ds, jew elry, furniture, pianos, or Intra sraae articles of any Kind; no wiiat It. may be. Private parlors for ladies or gents; 1619 Second avenue. Pnoe we.t 177. Johnny Jones, since I8t, manager. t Oilu-a boui Oisu - every evening. j WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Resident salesperson for office supplies and su.-io.rus; concern will cooperate htartily witn the rigut man tor woman,!. !'. V. M... 3U0 West Inuiana street, Chicago. W ANTED AGENTS. WANTED At once, five live agents at Gatoiy's, 3o& Twentielu street, on haiary and commission Guardian's Sale. State of Illinois, County of Hock Is land ss: By virtue o" a decretal order of the probate court of taid county, entered at the June term c-i said court, A. D. 1913, on the application of Frank Lnw ler, guardian ot the property of Helen Mo ran, minor, to sell tne following de scribed real estate, belonging to said minor, situate in the county of Rock Island, state of Illinois, tu-wit: Tne undivided one-fourth Hi) Interest in and to the east half of lot No. two (2), in block No. four 4, in that part o-f the city of Rock Island known as and called Howard's addition, I shall, on the 2lh day of July, A, U. 1913, at te south door of the county court house, in the city of Rock Island, in the county and state aforesaid, at the hour of lu a. m., sell all the Interest of'said minor In and to the said real estate at public vendue. Terms of sale: Cash in nand. FRANK LAWLER, Guardian of the property of Helen Mo ran, minor. Albert Huber. attorney. Sheriff's Saie. By virtue of a special execution is sued out of the cleric's office of the cir cuit court of Rock Island county, and state of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently oolained against Leroy J. Wolfe and Charles L. Bailey,' in favor of Volks Zeitung Publishing company, out of the lauds, tenements, goods and chat tels of the said Leroy J. Wolfe and Charles L. Bailey, I have levied on the following described property, to-wlt; Tne west forty (40) feet oi lot four 4), in block seventeen (17), in Spencer & Case's addition to the city of iiuck Is land. Hi. Therefore, according to said com mand, 1 shall expose lor sale at public auction, all the right, title and interest of the above named Leroy J. Wolfe and Charles L. Bailey in ana to the above described property, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 26th day of July, A. D. 1913, at the east door of the court house in Rock Island, 111. , Dated at Rock Island, 111., this 2nd day of July, A. D. 1913. -O. L. BRUNER. Sheriff Rock Inland County. Per William K. Brough. deputy. Exeratofa Notice. Estate of Joseph H. Chandler de ceased. The undersigned caving been ap pointed executor of the last will and testament o Joseph H. Chandler late of tne county of Hock Island state of Illinois dtrceued hereby gives notice that he will appear before the Hon. Benjamin F. Beii. judge of the probate court of Rock Island county, at the probate court room, in the city ol Rock Island, at the July term, on the first Monday in July next, at rvhicn time all persons hiving claims against said es tate are notified and requested to at tend for the purpose ot iicving the same adjusted. All persons indellfl to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment i" the undersigned. Dated atb day of May. A. D. lSli. FREDERICK APPELQUIST. Executor. James Vi. Maucker. attoyiey. V. JULY 23, 1913. FOR SALE CITV PROPKRTT. FOR SALE A four-room cottage, with witoo. sneas, at lweniiem ave nue. FOR SALE Partly modern six-room house, large lot. In South Rock Is land. Phone west 566. FOR SALE Good business property on Seventeenth street between Third and Fourth avenues; fine investment. Ad . drss "S. G. S.," care Argus. FOR SALE Six-room house on Four teenth street; sewer, water and gas; lot 40x140: price. 32,300, 3500 down and the balance on time. Eckhart & Buffuni. . . FOR SALE Two lots on Eighteenth avenue; 83x140; can be bought cheap If taken at once. Eckhart & Buflum. room 14, Stat Bank building. Rock Island. I1L FOR SALE! Lota In Sheuermann's fifth addition. Seventh strett and Fifteenth avenue: payment of (5 rer month. Call 1700 Slxtfl street. . Old phone west 126. FOR SALE Eight-room house; electric light, furnace, good well and cis tern, chicken house, barn: lot 125x 242. Inquire 2314 Twentieth avenue, ' South Heights. , FOR SALE: One choice, level lot 60x 180 feet, on Thirty-third street,' be tween Fourteenth and Sixtewnth ave nues; can be bought on easy terms. Inquire 415 Nineteenth street. FOR SALE On Thirty-fifth street, block from Elm car; sewer, city wa ter; two level lots. 46x120; for $"; six lots 40x180, half level, half roll- ing, 3900. Inquire 1200 Thirty-fifth street- FOR SALE Lots in Sou lu Heights, south of Aiken street, between Twelfth and Seventeenth streets; on easy terms; $25 down, balance in five years. E. W. Robinson, 1454 Rich mond street. Pnone west 1165-K. FOR SALE Practically new, modern eight-room house, with large sleep ing ivrch, two blocks from city lim its and Long View park; three lots, garage and chicken house; splendid location and view. Phone west 1150. FOR SALE The finest bungalow in the city ;east front, screened-in porch, cement sidewalks, full window screens, gas and electric lights, enamel bathroom, large attic, seven foot . cellar, cement lloor, laundry, china closet, etc. If you want an Ideal home, look at this one. Eckhart & Buffum. FOR SALE Or exchange, new eight room house on Eleventn street; wired for light; has coic-nnade, bath room. furnace, sink, and gas; will sacrifice for quick sale; cash or small payment uowii, balance to sun; will tawe va cant lot. email property, or horso and buggy as part pay. Particulars at 21S2 Ninth street, South Rock island. FOB SALE 'LANDS. FOR SALE Choice Iowa cora land, for sale w exchange. Write us or list. I. E. Espy, Ollumwa, Iowa. FOR SALE 160 acres; good improve ments; tnree miles or Wyoming, Iowa 322,0-JO; easy terms. Address ' M. E.,' care Argus. FOR SALE Well improved 120-aere farm: six miles west ot Andalusia. For particulars, see F. J. behave, the owner, on tho place. FOR SALE Eunice Mill farm, located one-fourth mil Horn Barstow, three irhles from Silvis; good lo-roomhouse. G. H. Hagins, 48 l ltteentti street. FOR SALE Four fine. Improved farms, in corn belt, south of St. Paul; black soil; easy terms. Owner. D. A. Reed, 400 Beacon street, St. Paul, .Minn . FOR SALE Schrocder farm of 60 acres, Improved, one mile from car line pn Thirtieth btreet; also residence prop erty c-n Second avenue; will be sold by master in chancery, public auc tion, at 10 o'clock Saturday morn Ing, July 26, at court house. FOR BALE Two choice quarter sec tions of land in Fall River county, South Dakota, bordering Chejenne river, two miles from station, one half mile from school house. It. F. D. and telephone; will consider trade for South Rock Island property. For particulars, call west 1155-K. FOR SALE 160-acre farm, with new 10-room house, modern in every way; large barn and all outbuilding nearly new; farm is well tilled; nas deep loam; every acre tillable; located one mile from town on main line of liock Island railroad; 60 miles southwest of Davenport. Address Fred Williams, 215 Norm Dubuque street, Iowa City, Iowa. BlIVKS WPPORTUN1TY. GOOD ccrner for grocery, one block from city limits; iree lease to rife t party. Call evenings at 2133 Nlnlu street culh Rock Island. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Manufacturers of Sash. Doors, Blinds and Stairs. Interior finish of all kinds. Hardwood Veneer Fooring and deal ers in Glass. 311 and 323 Eignteentb street. A Little In Advance. A Washington man and his wife. domestic complications are fre quent, but not serious, had one evening called nrion a married couple. On their way home the lady said: "Now. In the case of the Parkers, 1 should say It was an ideal marriage. Really, I believe they both think abso- ! lutely alike." -i "Charming people, charming p?ople!" j said bubby. "But about the thlnliln -, i Gladys, if you will notice, she generai ty tnlnts Orst" Uppincott's- Drawn (or this mn FOR SALE MIsm.LANEOCS. FOR SALE 517-X-. A surrey; phone west FOR SALE Horses at 318 Twenty-second street. FOR SALE Four Phone west 1069 Twelfth avenue. rugs (S-3xl0-S. or call at 1910 FOR SALE Wide Ure. board side dump wagon, cheap if taken at once; 2117 Fifth avenue. FOR SALE My slightly used roadster and touring car; a bargain for quick salu. Address "112." care Argus . FOR SALE 1910 four-horse power Ex. celsior motorcycle, all overhauled, 185. Call at 546 Twenty-fifth street. KOR SALE A five-passenger automo bile. 1S12 model, in excellent condi tion. Call at 2939 Thirteenth ave nue. alng pony; will sell cncaH if taken at dnce. Phone west 1305. Inquire at 120 Eighteenth street. . FOR SALE Store selling confection ery, notions and school supplies; bar gain if taken at once. Address 'Con fectionery," Argus. FOR SALE Five-passenger touring car; excellent condition, 40-horse power, and four new tires; a bargain. Address "Auto,' care Argus. FOR SALE A rubber tired two-seated rig, upholstered in tan corduroy, at a bargain it taken at once. Phone west 404, or inquire at 2321 Fifth avenue. FOR SALE One Molino 30-horse pow er five-passenger car, recently over hauled at Moline shops; in first class condition. Inquire 1107 Twenty-lust street. FOR SALE Cigar case, also woll case, cheap if called for at OTlce; can be seen at Lock island ho-use. Inquire Fryer second hand store, 1505 Second avenue. FOR SALE Dining table, six chairs, hall tree, kitchen table, sanitary couch and mattress, cot and other household goods. Inquire 1501 Twen-ty-tU'th street. FOR SALE A good two-room build ing, formerly the Long View Floral company office; to be removed from premises; can be used as garage; 1115 Fifteenth street. FOR SALE Fine llttlo restaurant in Iowa; located on farmers' market; doing good business; can oe managed easily by two: lino proposition. Ad dress "Restaurant," care Argus. FOR SALE Four six-cylinder, seven passenger, 60-horse power standard automobile; electric starter, lights and liorn; win sacrifice for quick sale. Address "T.," care Argus. FOR SALE High power, Franklin auto, in A 1 condition; must be sold before Aug. 1; terms, $2uu cash. For dem onstration, call on Frank Stafford, 004 Tenth street, after 7:30 p. m. FOR SALE Brother Tot, pacing horse, winning several Utilises on local track luis season; mark, 2:2114; bar gain if taken at once. Inquire Otto Seldlitz, manager Edelweiss Beer comany. FOR SALE One 5-horse power heavy duty marine engine ,anu one 4-cycle 2 Vi -horse power stationary engine; for salo cheau if taken at once. Ap ply to A. H. Lambert, 928 First ave nue. Phone west 873-K. . FOR SAME With small payment down. will buy at great bascltice three pool tables anei one billiard table, with complete fixtures; regulation size, all absolutely new and Just bought from the Brunswick-Balk peo ple 60 days ago. ' Come 'and we will show thtm to you. Call or phone the Cut Rate Loan eomnany, 1C19 Second avenue. Rock Island, 111. J. W. Jones, manager. Proverb Against Proverb. A trenlthy lawyer and a downtrod den litigant were conversing together. The lawyer had not always been wealthy; the client had not always been downtrodden. Jn tbs elevators of Ufa they had passed each other, one going down, the other going np. says thu Cleveland Plain Dealer. And now they were quoting proverbs at each other. "A fool and his money are eoon part ed!" sneered the attorney. ; "Lawyers' houses are built with fools' money!" came back the client. Which showed the man who heard this bit of repartee the truth of the statement that those who live in glass bouses shouldn't throw stones. A few more might be added, but this will do for the present. ' Birds and Insects and Vegetation. ! A well known French scientist has asserted that without birds to check the ravages of Insects upon vegetation human life would vanish from this planet in the space of nine years. But for tha vegetation the insects would perish; but for the insects the birds would perish, and but for the birds vegetation would be destroyed. Na ture has therefore formed a delicate balance of rtower which cannot h din. i turbed without bringing great loss and unhappiness to the world. London Tit-Bits. For the Sake of Others. "Gave you ever done anything for the sake of promoting the happiness of others without selfish reward?" asked J the idealist. "I should say so." replied Mr. Growchor. "I have bought any quan tity of stock that never paid divi dends." Washington Star. Plenty of Room. She A Woman has a greater capacity for learning than a man. Ue Tes; a woman Is never so full of gcwslp that she -aa't hold more. Philadelphia Jtwcord. All the news all the time The "US- " ' 11 By Gail Ed LEGAL. Notice of Final Settlement. Estate of Louis A. Schmidt, deceased. Public notice is hereby given that the undersigned. Benjamin F. Schrlver, has this day fliod his tinnl report and settlement as suck in the probate court of Rock Island county, and hearing on said report has been stl for the first Monday in Soot ember. A. U. 1913, at 10 o'clock n. ni., at which time persons interested may appear und make ob jections thereto, and if no objections are lllod. said report will he approved . at that time, and tho undersigned' will ask for an order o;' distribution, and will also nsk to ho discharged. liock island. 11!.. Julv 11. 191H. LENJAMIN F. SC1I RIVER. Executor. Schriver & Schriver. attorneys. F.xeeutor'i Notice, Estate of Celcstia E. Hunger, de ceased. T!i undersigned 1 having been ap 3MiUed executor of the last will and testament of Celcstia E. Mung.r. late of tho county of Rock Island, state of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that ho will appear before the Hon. Benjamin Bell, judge of the probate court of Rock Island county, at tho probate court room. In tho city of Rock Isalnd. at the September term, on tho first Monday in September next, a. which timo all persons having claims against sa;d estate are notified and re quested to attend fe-r tho purpose of having tho saino adjusted. All persons Indented to said estate arc requested to make imnrodiale payment to thu under signd. Dated Ifith day of Julv. A. P. 1913. J. FRANK Ml'NOER, Executor. Hugh E. Curtis, attorney. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Frank Stempel. deceased. The undersigned having been up pointed administratrix of the estate of Frank Stempel, late of the county of Rock Island, state of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will ap pear before the I-lon. Benjamin Bell, judge of the Hrobate court of Rock Is land county, at tin probate court room, in the city of Rock Island, at the Sep tember term, m the first Monday in September next, at which time all per sons having claims against said estate ure notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same ad justed. All persons indebted to sold estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated 2MV. day- of Juno, A. D. 1913. MRS. AEWjA 11. STROEHLE. Administratrix. Administrator's Notice. Estato of Robert McCluskey, de ceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed uaniinistratrix of the estate of Robert McCluskey, late of the county of Rock Island, stale o-f Illinois, de ceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear before tho Hon. Benjamin Bell, Judge of tho probate court of Rock Is land county, at tne probate court room. In tho city of Rock Isluncl, at the Sep tember term, on the llrst MmiJay in September next, at which time nil per sons halng claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the puriftse of having the same adjust ed. All porsoiiB indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment to tho underslitned. ...... ..i ni.tu ...... ,.r i,,i.- a n iai MARY JANE FENWICK. Administratrix. tjcnru'er & sennver. attorney u. Notice of Publication. To All Persona Whom it May Con cern: Notice Is hereby given that the un ilersigficd, Francis K. Webster, guard Ian of Louis Vaughn Webster, minor, will make application to the probata court of Rock Island county, at a reg ular term thereof, to bo held at tne court house in the -ity of Rock Island, in said county, on tho first Monday 'rf August, A. D. 1913, being mo fourth day thereof, for an older and decree of said court, directing her, us said guard Ian, to fell the following real estate belonging to said minor, i.-r so much thereof as shall seem to said court to be to the interest of said minor, situated in the county of Schuyler anil state of Illinois, to-wit: The undivided cne tenth interest in lot No. eleven (111! the north one-half of lot No. ten l'O, and five feet off this south side of lot No. twelve (12). all in block three cf William McCreery's addition to the town (now city) of RushviUe. except eight v feet off tho west end of all of said tracts; lot No. two (2) in block two 2l c-t James G. McCreery's First audi tiol to the town (now city) of Rush viUe, in said county and state; for the support and education of said minor, and for the pui u .so of Investing such of the pnrceeds oi said sale as shall not be immediately requisite for said sup port and education. In other real estate, or of otherwise Investing the same. FRANCIS K. WEBSTER. Guardian of Said Minor. II. P. Lewis, and Walker, Ingram & Sweeney, solicitors. -. A Steamboat trip ina upper mwuuippt The gangplank is lifted, the vhistia blows, and you glide 'no pleasures and scenes that are new to you. Hundreds of miles ol pi"tnreque travel; Cool river breeze: music, dancing game. Farcies trips ashore at intermuct points includinc the Keokuk dm,therJ8.(tori,ooe nnle-lonz, hydrc-elo tric power plantl. America's best rivar servica" Strecklus Steamers provide trm of from 2tol0dars Lartjeht.en'cr.t river steam ers In the country. Ill if comfortable electric lighted, ventilated stateroom; and the finest meais you ever ate Gel illustrated Vacation Foloar ITKECKFl'9 STEAMBOAT MSB R. J. FULI.KRTO'V. f.ocul Act. air