) THE ROCK ISLAXD AUGUS. WElJXKSDA Y. JXTLY 23, 191?. DELEGATES URGE HIGHWAYS TO GET AID FROM STATE Meeting Held With Committee from Board cf Supervisors at the Courthouse MANY.MAFS ARE SUBMITTED Data From Each Township Is Pre sented Showing Roads and Other Information. Delegates from the various town i hips in the county were in attendance this morning at a meeting of the com- muit e irom ine Doaru or supervisors held at the courthouse, at which time the matter of the highways to receive Ktate aid under the provisions of the Tice law was considered. At a recent meeting of the hoard of supervisors a committee was selected to investigate the roads of the county and make a report at an adjourned meriting of the hoard which is to be held tomorrow afternoofL The person nel of the committee was Leslie Han r.a, Ziima; William Elliott. Buffalo I'rarie, nnd Henry Ruben, Rock Is land, members of the roads and bridges committee, and A. L. Peterson, Moline, and James McQuaid, Black Hawk, who wrro selected by 'Chair man George Richmond. The committee met todav for the j Port anJ expects to complete her purpose of formulating their report studies abroad in the very near future, wh'rh is to be submitted tomorrow I As a special feature of the Thursday uftornoon. Present at the conference evening band concert at Zum Alten ttils morning were representatives I dorf Miss Benkert will be heard in from the various townships. They I t,,e following numbers: "Lenn," by were present to urj;e that their roads j Hilbacn' and "SonB Supine." by be designated county highwavs in or- j Gorrin Thomas, der that they may be reciDients of! Otto's band will render an excellent fetate aid. vi rniiT m p. Ttiera was submitted from each townr.hlp a map showing the location of ror.rls. From these the committee will Rrcure the data they ned in for mulating their report and tomorrow It is expected that supervisors will name the roads which are to be known as county highways. Roads in order to be eligible for state aid must con nect the principal cities and trading points and with the state aid roads of r-.djf.lnlng counties. A map of the Hii'.a aid road.1 is to be sent to the liirhwny commission where such changes as is deemed advisable will be mnde. It la probable the prepara tion of the map will be considered to morrow. ILLINOIS GITY HAS THREATENING FIRE Frame Building Owned by Tom Hayes Is Burned to Ground $1,000 Damage. A tramp bui'ding owned by Tom Hayes at Illincls City was completely burned to the proind and other struc tures were threatened by a blaze that fr.r a time was thought would cause a heavy property loss in the village Mon day tiifcht. The many witnesses of the blaze formed a bucket brigade vhich ITevcnteJ the other buil.liiiea from burnin?. T. R. Trumphy. who oper- m..l a nooi rnm in th Mava h::iiri. itig. only recently was made the vic tim of thieves, some cigars, taiidy and ;mi::i having been taken from his p oce of business. His lows is placed at $500. W it li itisurauce on the build'.n,'. the netua! loss is placed at $4'J0, the place having been valued at ll.eim. The tire came as a great disappoint ir.etit to the owners, who had cam- I K trd plai:s for the sale of the build - ii.g in the afternoon. . h:le no posithe information cm l.e g uncd iu-i to the cause of the fire. It is believed to have bet a cf lncen - d.i.ry origin. Jill.- LIU.V , It li5 PttiU) " 4 11 A Uir ..!. . , . loom uuniirt-s 111 111. liiu v n, a iniiiiher of prominent residents hav ing voted in f.ivor of forbidding the oi'etiiiis if another place of amuse incut of t!: is Lind. WOMAN WALKER ON WAY TO PORTLAND F.dith Markham, who clahns to be some pedestrian, dropped into the city today. In February she came to the city en rout-. from Portland, Oregon, to New Journal, York city for the Portland the paper having agreed to give her $1,000 if she arrived in the eastern metropolis in four months. At Gary, Ind., the got "cold feet"' because of the extreme weather conditions and is now rtturnitg to the coast. SET APART A DAY TO LAUD SWEET CLOVER William O. Eckhardt. a Rock Islaud county boy and now agricultural ad viser in DeKalb county, will be cne of the speakers at a "sweet clover day" n-.ct tlr.g of the Clinton, Iowa, farmers Coverdale, four miles west of Deiraar The affair is being arranged by Pro fesstr Mosher, agricultural adviser o? Clinun county. A dozen o'her men who are well known in agricultural circles wi'.I be there from outside COL r. ties. Mr. Coverdale has lung been a friend of sweot clover. tne weed", that some Rock Island county farmers have been trying for years to eradi cate. He was one of the first to see the benefits that it brought to the soil and bo he began experiraening with the various varieties. Now he has sweet clover pastures and meadows, with a quantity of sweet clover hay stored away for the winter. He is also prepared to demonstrate the results of feeding sweet clover to farm anima'.s. RUTH BENKERT TO SING AT CONCERT 'Western Nightingale" to Be Heard With Otto's Band in Davenport. Arrangements nave been made by Charjes T. Kindt and William J. Klinck whereby Miss Ruth Benkert, the 17-year-old Davenport girl, known as the "Western Nightingale," will ap-J pear a3 soloist with Otto's concert band. ' She will make her premiere appearance tomorrow night at Schuet zen park. Hiss Benkert is considered a marvel hy critics. She is a dramatic snp-ano and has attained great suc cess on several short concert tours. Iast spring at the. music festival held at Mt Vernon, Iowa, she was heard by the celebrated Henri Scott, basso of the Chicago Grand Opera company, who highly praised her singing. He has recommended her to the impres sario of the Chicago company because of the favorable impression which she made at that time. Shs is a pupil of Mrs. Ainalia Schmidt-Gobble of Daven- program of both clarsical and popular numbers, and judging by the recep tion which it has met on previous oc casions, there will be a great turnout of tri-city music lovers. MOOSE ORDER IS NAMED IN SUIT Local Member Brings Legal Ac tion Again3t Order for Sick Benefit Claim. Through bis attorneys, Schriver & Schriver, J. L. Frankhauser of the police force has brought suit against the local order of Moose. The plaintiff seeks to recover the sum of US, which lie claims Is due him on a sick benefit. Frankhauser has been ill for the past 45 days. He filed a s'ck claim with the lodge, but sarr.e was not allowed, it is alleged. The papers have been filed with Justice C. J. Schroeder, and the case wiS probably come up for hearing Friday. II PERSONAL POINTS !! Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bugee left last night for the northwest and the Pa cific coast. Miss Louise Lightncr of Dixon came last evening for a relatives here. Miss Elizabeth Doeckcl left yester- j sPend h"r vacation with Mrs. George ' day for Muscatine where she will Kane. S. R. Kenworthy left last night for an cuting of several weeks in the moun'ains. He will spend much of the time at Glacier park in Montana. Mrs. William Toenges and son Oran of Denver, Colo., have arrived in the city to make an extended visit with .Mrs. Toenges daughter, Mrs. H. Rie- 1 gel. K G. McAloon has returned from ; Stillwater. Minn., for a week's stav, ; at the ead of wnich period ne wi , to Minneapcl-.s, where he has secured j tmri0vment. . , Mr. and Mrs. J. Shadle and son. Clyde, of Moline have returned home frcm a six months' visit with Mrs. I), H. Holmes of Portland Dro anil nthcr I relatives in the west. J. A. Waddell, Bert Zitnmer and H. C. I.uchtr.ann are in Chicago todiy junhasing furniture for the new Rock Island House which the.- have i leased. They wiii also visit Grand I Kapids, Michigan, before returning. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Anderson lc-ft yesterday morning for their home la I Omaha. Neb. after a week's visit at j the horre of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bur- ! ton. I,. Burton who has also been a j guest at the Burton home for the past three weens left yesterday home in Newark, Ohio. for his CITY COMMISSION HOLDS A SESSION The city commission held another ' informal session this mcrn'ng at which time various estimates on the projects to be voted cn at the special election August 26. were considered. Much work is involved in getting the pro posed ordinances in shape. II LICENSED TO WED II John E. Carlson Miss Ethel Anderson Moi!n Molina end all the standard corset at tin Moonlight Excursion. equaled savings for inftance, Jl cor Don't fail to attend the moonlight 1 cets at 69c. Likewise hosierv at hand- xcursioa on the barge Mississippi fuesday and Wednesday evening, July 22 and 23. (Adv.) LABOR DAY PLANS ARE FORMULATED FOR THIS YEAR Committees Make Beports at Regular Meeting of In dustrial Home. BIG TIME IS PROMISED Celebration Is to Be Held in Rock Is land Parade Permits to Be Issued. At the regular meeting of the Rock Island Industrial Home association held Monday evening in the Industrial home, the various committees made reports showing elaborate and exten- ( F.ivp nrTnrarior rr Veinc maita for - , - -, . ... - the I-abor day parade and celebration to be held in Rock Island this year. EXTK.VD INVITATION. An invitation will be extended to the city officials of the tri-cities to participate in the parade, and a gen eral invitation is extended to all busi ness houses or others desiring to enter Coats to do so, provided they first re ceive a permit from the parade com 'imttoe. This action was deemed ne cessary to prevent a repetition of the unfortunate termination of ite major portion of the parade In Moline 15st year and is consistent with the idea that the day is dedicated to labor and its interests and the parade should be dedicated to labor and its interests also. BHJ TIMK IM..NNEr. The various committees report grati fying results an are sparing no efforts or expense to make this year's cele bration the greatest ever held in the tri-cities and one long to be remem bered. The many unions are working together for their general welfare and advancement, and with this harmony and good-will prevalent the local as sociation feels fully justified in mak ing such elaborate preparations. The Review Publishing company was given the contract to publish the official program and the contract wa3 read and approved. The committees on grounds, speak ers, concessions, parade and amuse ments are all working diligently and final announcements will be made as Loon as possible. It is planned to have a baseball game between two fast tri city teams, race and other amuse ments. NAME TREASURER FOP, THE Y.M.G.A. J. Green Selected at Monthly Meeting cf Eoard of Directors. At the monthly meeting of the board of directors cf the Y. M. C. A. held last evening, I. J. Green was named as treasurer. This completes the list of officials for the institution. C. D. McLain is the president, E. B. McKown vice president and W. E. Martin recording-secretary. Mr. McKown gave an interesting ac- Dixon, 111., 1 count of the recent ass jctallon confer-1 health department and according to visit with!fnfe which he attended at Lake,an official atatemfent there ls ,,, one ! Geneva. Plans regarding the new building were discussed. Excellent I-rogress is' being made on the build ing and it will not be long before the association has a beautiful new home ready for occupancy. POLICE NEWS il Hugh Cunningham, arrested on com plaint of his wife, was arraigned in police court this morning and a $20 fins suspended over his head. Cun ningham is alleged to have raised a disturbance at his home last evening. A drunken Mexican, EJ Lopus, walked along Second avenue last night insulting every woman he met. Officer Furlong p'.aced the man under arrest and this morning a fine of $1 j and cost was assessed for drunkenness. II ! OBITUARY I: Ft NF.KAI. OF MRS. INCiAI.l.S. The funeral of Mrs. J. B. Ingalls v. as held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the heme. Cj9 Twentieth street. Rev. T. E. Newland was in charge of the services and interment was made in Riverside cemetery, Moline. K. & K. BUYERS ARE IN THE EAST Orders Are For a Peremptory Clear ance of All Stocks. From the M. & K. buyers who are in the east come orders to clean all summer stocks no matter what tne sacrifice. So here goes Stylish tailor ed suits, values to $45, at $11. Beau tiful summer lingerie dresses at half price and even less. Waists in end lees variety of new summer ideas at hdlf price and less. Kimonas, silk petticoat and negligees at discounts of 20 to 50 per cent. Smart millinery at less than the cost of the trimmings. Aiadame Irene corsets at decided re ductions. Including $5 rradea at S3 5ft 1 T ' some savings and underwear of su kinds at lowest prt-es ever known for J similar quaTls can't we -persuade you just to come and take a look? You won't be asked to buy you'll do that without the 7 asking. In all our business career we've never sold such fine merchandise at such little prices. We do it now to clean the decks as well as to add new customers. Won't you let us help you add to your sav ings? What you buy we stand by. M. & K, (Adv.) TWO MEN IN FIGHT OVER FAIR WOMAN Battle Staged Back of Erick son Hall Results in the Arrest of Three. A fierce fight was staged back or Erickson hall at Augustana !ast even ing in which a man giving his name as G. Milling'on was painfully cut about the head. He was taken in custody by the po'.ice and latter his two com panions Blanche Milliagton and Harry Clarke were also arrested. The trio are being held at the station pending an investigation. - It is alleged that the two men got Into a discussion relative to the gill end a battle royal ensued. It is said the woman, whose real name is claim ed to be Nellie Adams, is frcm Bush nel", but has been working in Moline for some time. WATER SHUT OFF ON DELINQUENTS Patrons Who Have Not Paid Up Find Service Is Being Discontinued. That the waterworks department means business in its threat to cut off all delinquent water patrons, was evi dent yesterday when the service was discontinued for one user. It is said this citizen owns some 35 or 40 houses and that it w-as necessary to take tbe same stringent method last winter fn order to get him to pay up. Three attachments are said to be slated for discontinuance tomorrow. They are No. 569, No. 1493 and No. 3230. It is said that most of the diffi culty comes from well to do people 8nd that poor people, as a rule, have kept their water bills paid up. Commissioner Jonas Bear stated this morning that he has arranged to be at his office in the evenings begin ning next Monday from 7 to 8 for the convenience of patrons who wish to confer with him relative to delinquent bills. SMALLPOX IS NOT ON A RAGE AGAR Reports Th X City Is in Grip of Another Epidemic Are Branded as False Reports that the city Is in the grip of another epidemic of smallpox were branded as false this morning by the an official statement there is but one case of the disease under quarantine in Rock Island at the present time. The thorough inspection of the infect ed district ha3 had the desired effect and local health officers' are congratu lating themselves upon having the epidemic checked before it gained very serious proportions. Dr. Craig stated this morning that he expected to have a detailed report rt tVio rni-or t dnldtimin frtmnliitarl in the next few days. The head of the health department has been wait ing until the city is free from the disease before issuing a report of the situation. II COAL VALLEY II Pe'e Conner cf Matherville visited with his parents over Sunday. Mrs. James McWilllams and son, Raymond, spent Sunday and Monday at Matherville. i Coal Valley played baseball Sunday with the Berry Shoe Co. of Davenport. The Valley team won the game the score being 5 to 6." Mrs. Henry Posten and two chil dren, who have been visiting in Mo line for the past week, returned home Friday night, Ben Phillips was a business caller here Saturday evening.. The Sunshine band will hold a so ciable on the church lawn Thursday, July 24. An Interesting program has been prepared. ', Mrs. J. Ccnley spent' Mouday and Tuesday in Rock Itland. Mis Kate Sommerson and Miss Street came from Moline Friday nigh: to see Miss Pearl Sommersan who is ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. R. Fuday. James Sachville, Fred Gregg, Mr. Krapp and Mr. Velie motored to Geneseo Sunday to the ball game. coat alley is suffering a serious) water famine. The town well is being repaired and the supply of water has been ehut off. Miss Edna Andersen, who has teen staying with her grandma, Mrs. Carl sen, returned "home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. August fclsomqulst of Rock Island 6pent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Eloomquist's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson south cf town. Mrs. Greer of Eherrard called here on eld friends Wednesday. Mrs. Rose Unger and Mrs. Marie Have You Seen The Summer Dresses at 1 The See Hibe on the Corner Second and "Brady Streets, Dabenport wire WILLIAM KOCKEFELLER DEMONSTRATES CONVINCINGLY THAT HE CAN "COME BACK' l i r 'm:m' : t . 'J I M William Rockefeller. New York, July 21. William Rocke feller, who was supposed t,o be at death's door and certain to pass if he ex-srtsd himself or tried to talk when the Pujo committee wished to examine him, has demonstrated that, he can ' Come DaCK He appeared at the meeting of New Haven d'rectors that ousted President Mellen, sitting through a session near ly five hours long and taking his full share in the discussion. Just after 1 p. m. Rockefeller ar rived at the Grand Central terminal in his automobile. Ilia color was good, almost ruddy, and hie eye as br'ght as his step was springy. Jumping from his automobile, he called to the driver in a voice quite loud, "Pa back hers at 3 o'clock," and rushed into the buiiding. Rockefeller arrived as his associates Howe of Mathersville visited with Mrs. Fred Gregg Wednesday. Miss Mary Schrier is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Fred Scliellman in Milan for a few days. Gertrude, Mary and Iafayette Nice ly and Elsie Pe"ei sen drove to Moline Thursday to attend the circus. Mrs. Charles La son 'of Moline is epending a few days at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Adolpb Larson. Mr. and Mrs. George Nitz of Moline Fpent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Niz at this place. ESwcou Gregg of Rock Island spent j Sunday at home here. T. R. Lees and family mbtored to Moline Thursday to attend Ring'.ing Bros', circus. Lester Savers, Clyde Henderson, Edwin Nichols and John Carruthers stent Sunday at the Watch Tower. Everett Pcston was in Coal Valley Saturday calline on old frien.l vr ! little dauehter l.r. Blackweil, accompanied him to make a few days' visit wi h" their grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Posten. Mr. and -Mrs. A. Larson and son Arthur, and Mrs. C. Larson and Lillian Carlson drove to Mcline-Monday. Mrs. R. C. Si:i , and two children, Alice and Dale cf Watertown and Mrs. F. Sievers and little sen. Perry, of Reck Island came Saturday to visit with their parents, Mr. and MrsJ M. W. The Bee Hibe at $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 If yon haven't.' we want yon to see them, es pecially some of the more recent additions to these groups. Better fabrics and smarter styles, than any we have yet shown at these prices. Spe cial purchases from makers anxious to clear stocks for fall, together with scores of dresses from our regular stocks now going at Clearance "rices. Nelv House Dresses at 69c, 98c and $1.2$ Hundreds of fresh, new dresses at these prices have just been unpacked many of them suitable for street wear. Made in most becoming styles of percales, ginghams and lawns, in light and. dark' colors. Practical, becoming and perfect fitting. More White P. K. Skirts M 9$e ' More Summer Waists -at OSc Another shipment in. and all Many new lots of fresh dainty sizes here again, just enough lingerie waists. Middy and for a week's selling don't Balkan blouses have been delay. A splendid $1.50 skirt added to the sale of waists for 9Sc at 9Sc Coats for Cool TLbenings Cloth Coats, Silk Coats, Linen Coats, Rain Coats. Plenty of stiish, practical coats for these cool evenings, for motoring and for traveling. ' New Jail sweater coats are ready It 4 Wsv b- were lynching, but having had his lunch he did not partake, confining his attention to the matter in hand and a hotje of mineral water. After the luncheon he went into the bo,ard room and shortly before 3 o'clock when it was appar?nt the meeting wculd last longer than he had antici pated, he telephoned to h's chauffeur not to come until notified. Just, before 5 o'clock Percy Rocke feller arrived at the terminal and went into the directors' room. He cams out In a r.iinute apparently much annoyed tit the prolonged stny of his father, and drove cff. After the meeting, the elder Rockefeller was silent as the tra ditional clam. So far as inquiries di rected at him wer? concerned, jhe might as well huve been stone deaf. He gaz ed straight ahead, dodged into an eleva tor and was on his way to his horns. Poston. Mrs. Seivers returned Satur day evening leaving her son Perry to visit with his grandparents. Miss Alice Willams of Moline spent Sunday at home here. Edward Bhremer and Harvey Wol ley drove to Moline Sunday. Henry Poston of Moline motored to Coal Valley one day last week to visit friends. . John Poaton is spending weeks with his sisters, Mrs. and Mrs. Norris of Mo". ine. Rev. Mr. Beard is sick. Louis Long ' motored to Thursday to attend the circus. a few Paris Moline Miss Josie Murphy i3 visiting in Moline and Rock Island. Tcm'Daviscn of Sherrard is camp-! ing near Reck river. Mrs. Ei Normyle and two childrel are visiting Mrs. Normyle's father, Mr. Murphy. Mrs. G. Thour and daughter cf Sherrard visited in Coal Valley Monday. The H. H. Sunday school cl2es was entertained at Janet Frank's home Wednesday afternoon. The nest meet ing will be at Florence Murdock's home, July,30.. Mab e NeUon of Aledo and Evelyn Fester of Wyoming ere visiting with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fos ter. - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cbrisman and 4 their two children of Warner speni Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Gimpsey. The dancing club will give a dance Saturday. NOT AFRAID OF COFFINS. Among the Chinese They Are Gladly Accepted as Present. Some one who knows Chinese peo ple very well once told a tnle to show that they do not permit themselves the luxury of nerves. She said she had gone one day. before the Boser riots, to visit no old lady who lived out 1a the country far beyond Weinslen. When the American woman arrived the old lady was out. but presently she came in and announced that she had just been out "watching the men dltf her grave, but as it began to rain she had told them to wait for a pleasanter day." She did not die for years after that but she had the comforting as surance that her grave was ready for her without any unseemly haste when ever she cared tn occupy It The same American had the expe rience of sleeping In a room with: a very large coffin when she was visiting a Chinese friend, and the next morning the old grandfather of the family call ed her attention to Its excellences and explained that his son bad made bim a present of it "Isn't the wood flnej" be asked admiringly. "It cost a lot of money." Old people accept such pres ents as marks of filial love, and not at nil ns a hint for them to occupy the coffin. New York Post . .' Priceless Tears. Before General Luke Wright became governor general of the Philippines he practiced law In Memphis. It so befell on one occuslor. tluit he was engaged to defend a man for murder, while Ills son was the state prosecutor. In bis final argument while pleading with the jurors to free bis client Gen eral Wright wept copiously. As he fin ished bis speech and sat down, wiping his still streaming eyes, tbe younger Wright rose to close the case for tbe commonwealth. "Gentlemen of the Jury," be began. "I nra overcome with udmlrution for my father. lie has powers wblcb even I. bis son. did not suspect be pos sessed. You behold him shedding tears for bis client, who. I am Informed, bai paid him only a ninall fee. Gentle men of tbe Jury, I never before knesv my father could weep in court for lei than $.").O0O:" Saturday Evening Po"t Relax In the Water. - ; Lew Sarett explains the difficulty which the nonswitiuner has tn remain ing afloat In "The Knack of Learning to Swim." in Outing, us follow: "The lionswimiuer, fearing the wa ter, very naturally tenses his muscles us he struggles to keep bis head above the water until be is as hard as a rock, and. like a rock, he sinks, whereas tbe swimmer, having no fear, relaxes bis muscles and bence becomes buoyant. The explanation Is a simple physical one. Tense, taut muscles increase the specific gravity of tbe body and make it sink In water; loose, relaxed muscles (given an ordinary supply of air in th iungsj will make the body Boat". Good Reaean.' -! "Hello. Spr.-id.lle"'' "HeMo. Ilitrom. I Imren't seen you for n wk - -No: I've twrn seeing you first Ririiilriglinm Age Herald. If I am hulldins s mountain snd stop before the lust hiiketful of earth -Is pinced on the minimi! I have failed, ConfiK iim . ', All tbe Argus, news' all tie Urns Th