Newspaper Page Text
THE ROCK" ISUAINI) ARGUS. TUKSUAY. AC GUST 5, 1913. TODAY'S MARKET QUOTATIONS Local and Foreign Chicago and New York market fur nished by E. W. Wagner & Co., mem bers Chicago Board of Trade; Krai a. provisions, stock and cotton; private wires to all financial centers. Corre spondents on th New York Stock and Cotton Exchanges. Tr'.-city office In Rock Island betel. Phone west 330. P. J. McCORMICK, Manager. CHICAGO MARKETS. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close Sept 87 87Vi 85T S6H-B Dec 91 91H S'J WB May 96H 96 95 95H B Com Sept. 70 704. 6ST4 69H Dec. J 67 67 65S 65 May 68 69 67 67" A Oats Sept 42 42 41 41 A Dec 44 44T 43 44 A May 47 47 46 47 A Pork Sept 20.35 20.62 20.33 20.50 Lard Sept 11.37 11.42 11 32 11.42 A Oct 11.42 11.55 11.42 11.55 Ribs Sept. 11.22 11.3211.17 11.25 Oct. 11.12 11.25 11.12 11.20 B Chicago Cash Grain. Wheat No. Sheep market inc lower; 30094.75; lambs 4.75117.25. Closing Market. Slow at early prices, 5c lower than yesterday's average. Mixed. J8.001I 9.10; good, $S.655 910; rough. $7.95 8.50; light, J8.S0f9.2O. Cattle steady. Sheep, 10 15c higher. Hog ReceipU. St. Louis 10.000 St. Joseph 1. 7.000 Sioux City 7,500 St Paul 2,600 Southwest Receipts. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Kansas City 12,000 16,000 5.000 Omaha 12,000 4,000 20,000 NEW YORK STOCKS. New York, Aug. 5. Following are the Quotations on the New York stock market today: Gas 114 Vnion Pacific 150 ! United States Steel, preferred .. 107 United States Steel, comon . . 60 I Reading 160 ! Rock Island, preferred 29 ! Rock Island, common 17 I Southern Pacific 92 Fleur. Feed and Fuel. S'raw. ton ,9-a Ftraw, bale Hay, prairie, bale Bran, ton Bran. cwt, Ear corn, bushel . Oats. load, bushel Corn chop, cwt. . ,.4045e ,...50cSCc , $23 00 $125 60c We ..$1.35 Shorts, ten s-i.uu Shorts, cwt. 1-25 Wheat, bushel 855 i Coal, lump, per ton $3.504.00 Timothy hay $143 $18 II WAGNER'S REVIEW II " 1 Rain, however, is badly needed. About I 40 reports are in this morning from all ! sections. Country dry everywnere and corn is losing. Ten counties in cen : tral Iowa report corn 100 and needing j rain badly. Missouri reports run 10 to j 60. Coles county, Illinois, says the Lord send us rain and cooler; our corn 10 per cent. Northwestern Ohio is afraid of a continued dry. Middle west Missouri reports run SO. Peters burg tn southern Indiana says In two counties corn is simply dying of drouth, looks 50, and oats going 10 bushels per acre. Reports show cash corn in Illinois 66 to 76 cents. Ien dota says 20 counties In northern Illi nois off 5 points to 80 condition. If corn breaks early today would take buying side unless rains result. If corn adopts another of those stiff early upturns today, would sell. Fluctuation Is now due in ail grains prior to the Aug. 8 report. Export demand for wheat has lessened. Vheat.ooks two sided. Oats are a long distance invest ment, but may sell a little lower. Pro ducts are lodged in a mild bear movement. 2. r, S6fi87; No. 3.'-w central r c flcei' . v- a - !"ct- v i Missouri racinc i-J r. So 86. No. 4. r, 82.R6, No. L Grpat Nortkern 128 h. 87; No. 2, h. 845S7; NO. 3, ?: No. 2. h. 840S7; No h, Soft S6; No. 4. li. 825 85; all new wheat; No. 1, ns. 9!93; No. 2, ns. 9091; No. 2. ns, RSO; No. 4. ns, 82SSS; No. 2. , 90f&91; No. 3, s, 88-8 90; No. 4. s. &2tjSS; No. 1, vc, S9?J90; No. 2, vc, 88 S9; No. 4, vc, 86 S7; No. 1. dur. 87SR9: No. 2, dur. 8788; No. 3. dur. 83 56. Torn No. 2, 69i?i7i: No. 2, w. y. C9fj70: No. 3. 70 71: No. 2 69 (9 69; No. 3. w, 70(g70; No. o'nn; . w. M"(Biu't, NO-, Atchison y. 6if,VA: SKm and sgy. 60 65. Amprican Locomotive Oats No. 2, new. 40$i41; No. 2. t;uei,r j Northern Pacific Ill j Louisville & Nashville 134 j Smelters 66 (Colorado Fuel & Iron 32 j Canadian Pacific 216 Illinois Central 107 I Pennsylvania 113 I 29 National Lead Chesapeake & Ohio 55 I'.ronklyn Rapid Transit 88 Baltimore & Ohio 96 97 Wagner's Review. New York, Aug. 5. "No rain in sight for next two days," is a familiar cry from the weather department. It came again last night. No rain fell is Iowa, according to the latest reports last night, and none is expected, al thoueh corn went off yesterday on private advices. Chicago interests are day; warmer tonight, cooler in north eeting apprehensive about corn. Three- Wednesday. fburths of the corn belt naeds rain I Iowa Unsettled Weather Outlook. Illinois Fair In south, probably i Ehowers in north tonight or Wednes- bidly. Would not buy stocks on bulges. They were run up yesterday to check sales, or for 6ales in case greater dam age happened to corn. It is a time for much caution in stocks. A ruling as to anthracite rates is not far off. If we see a cut there it would undoubtedly be reflected in stocks. w, nw, 4142; No. 2. w. old. St. Paul LOCAL MARKET CONDITIONS. Aug. 5. Following are the whole 42?42: No. 3. w. nc. 40 5 41 : ! Copper .o. o. w, om, 4U'r0z; iso. 4. w, new. ' ipjj.), Vallev 39 41; No. 4. w. old, 4041: stand- Republic Steel, common ard. new, 41f42; standard, old,! 42 42. Call Bids on Track Chicago. Wheat 10 days and August track, sale quotations oa tnn locai martlet N'o. 2, r, f6: No. 2. Ii. 86; Septem-! today: 3er track. No. 2, r. 86; No. 2. h. Butter, Eggs and Cheete. 36 i m in h,v. v ..' E5SS- frefh- dozea 19c n. " rck' ." "v." V .. -A. ! Butter, creamery, lb 29c No 3 y f,'j"4 ' Cutter, packing stock. O.ltn -!0 da vs. No P. v.: 40V- stand- Vegetables. Liverpool Situation. Liverpool, Aug. o. Wheat easier. American cables cfT, unfavorable Rus sian weather and the delayed move ment throughout Europe incident upon 4SS4 unfavorable weather during harvest ing. It is expectea mat me v:sioie here will show good decrease. Ameri can offers of winter are fewer and more firmly held. Later there was speculative realizing with small out ride demand for forward positions. At 1:30 p. m. undertone easy and un changed to 1-9 lower than Friday. Corn higher: the unfavorable weath- rP. 31 111 107 71 151 24 lb ..25c ..29c ..ISO ird, 41 irec';. N'o. w, 11: Septeml No. 2. w, 41. No. 2. w 41: August indar track, standard, 41; ! Potatoes. Pros CHICAGO LIVE STOCK, Opening of Market Hoes ll.r.nn; i-ft )pr 13.30ii. rertn ,r.o to I''c lower. Mix"d enod srn-SSn.! roueh 7 S'lfr S..V1 Uh'. S.7S19.1.". Cpt'lf S.fniii: s'pndv. Rherp tS.d'iO; a'K. Nine O'clock Market. Kr:; - Sfady to ."- nT than yos- bL'sn. bun;h oKatoes, greenhouse, lb. Onions, brnch I Cucumbers, each 12c, 7c 3c ! Lettuc0, ib 7c 40c 3 l3c 12e 2c BI1U VIVJJ H J 1 V O It villi .-wiK l ivu ww j caused firmer plate offers and as a re-; suit shorts covered with offers light, j American mixed spot grade showed an i I advance of 3 while plate was higher. European visible this week de creased 3,488.00. Last wpek decrease 4.100,000. Last year decrease 6,700,-000. Morning Grain Letter. Chicago. Aug. 5. The corn belt was without rain up to 7 p. m. on Monday. Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska tem peratures were high at 100 to 104. Temperatures were 91 m southern II; linois. All newspapers print special column in news about B. W. Snow on corn crop. He is talking a 2,600, with showers to night or Wednesday; cooler in west and warmer in east tonight. Indiana Fair tonight and Wednes day; cooler in northwest and warmer in northeast tonight.- Lower Michigan Unsettled. Upper Michigan Showers toaight or Wednesday. Wisconsin Unsettled, warmer m east tonight; cooler in east and south Wednesday afternoon. Minnesota Unsettled tonight and j j Wednesday; cooler in west tonight. North Dakota Generally fair to-1 night and Wednesday; cooler in south I tonigh. ' Scuth Dakota and Nebraska j C'lcudy and cooler tonight; 'Wednes-i day fair. Kansas Generally fair tonight and Wednesday; cooler in north tonight Mrntana Generally fair tonight and Wednesday; not much clianee. Wyoming Cloudv, probably show ers tonight or Wedneslay. ASKS BANKERS TO CONFER WITH HIM Pleasant Place to Stand Isn't It -In Front of an Electric Fan? There is a. lot cf comfort for a few cents a week in that little fan. Put one in your home and you will find use for it every minute of every hot day. In the evening, too, tc go to sleep by. Let it ran all night. A couple of cents will pay the bill for current. Ever hear of cheaper com fort? We are selling large numbers of the residence type fans this year. Decide to mak-1 your home comfortable with one. The 1913 models are the most economical and efficient, and the lightest fans ever made. Fans $10.00 to $25.00 PEOPLES POWER CO. Safety Building. WHAT THE ENGINEER CORPS OF THE U. S. ARMY IS DOING Secretary McAdoo Wants View3 ; op Distribution of Gov ernment Cash. Lettuce, head, pound .'.20c ! or less crop lt no rains occl,r" His in' $i.00 terview suggests he will make the corn condition 71 to 76. Immense buying New potatoes, bushel KG i Onion, Tp5 Rpm,', nH sYir ' ' corn fcr"ed corn hi!lcr yesterday fc'kin lb 6c. ie Chlcksna. Old :ocks Washington, D. C, Aug. 5. "Leav ing out the work going on to meet the demands of the big harbors of the country on the Atlantic, on the Paci fic and on the gulf coasts the widen ing and deepening of the channels to I these harbors the engineer corps of Fifty-nine of Larger Cities of the Coun-j the flpmv lin t ifK rilirins. ,hese TO USE IN MOVING CROPS' thickens 12c after the opening. Profit?! were taken J on the bulg on many millions of corn. : j In one sense the corn market is strong- C!Pr after this liquidation. The Record- try Picked to Handle the $50,000,000. Warhingtcn. D. C, Ar.g. 5. Repre- torrid August days, in an effort to make the rivers and navigable streams do their proper share in tbe upbuild ing of the country." With becoming modesty, a member ; Knrn .25c j Herald estimates holdings of corn are ; t.ijp Fish Market. Buffalo 8V4c : i i, roi.fcii ii , iig-u sn5j KZ", 1 Tcr:t ..4c to 7c pips CkWj l.-ilk ! Halibut, fresh 10c Cartlp rtrady. nevep 7.1 Ofi 3.00. j pi, kerel. lh Sc. rrws s.n i. Btockrrs S.5!5 s.rj, Tnut. lb i2c frxans r.'r.f; s.l j. westerns 0.40-5 7.10. Catfish, lb 15c alves ft .' O lO.r.o. I Halibut, lb 10c ."o.nort.or.o. Kastrn cash ccrn demand is quiet. The east is awaiting its chance to buy ecrn on ram?. Numerous auto parties covered the central west Sunday. Their reports indicate a con dition of 76 to 77. Corn in 7S per cent of the central west is well advanced and if ther is no blistering heat, can fight drouth for another agricultural regions of the south.' ...... .: a ui. . iiiucii ui me uetuii ui inn uuu iiai uui middle west, and Tacilc coast, have ' improvement, thus outlined wliat is been invited by Secretary McAdoo to'poing on throughout the nation in come to Washington to eonfer with ! bringing the rivers to the dooryards of the treasury department, regarding the Daily United States Weather Map U. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU. III I Probably liprht showvrs tonight or Wednesday; warmer tonight. V. ! 7 a ;i- EXPL-ANATORY'NOTES. f.7lJlni!iI? ,ilh?r?7?,!lldil0 i!T P" reduced to sea leiel. Isobars (conUnoon linei pas? tbrmiith points of qul sir preuure. Iihermf (dotted linM) pus tbroafn points of equal tempersture; drswn only for zero, freeiins. Vf. and 100. O !: partly cloudy. O cloudy: rain: mow: g) report mlsslnf. Arrows fly with tbe wind. First Bfures. lowest fperatOTS past 12 boon; second, precipitation of .01 Incn or more for part 24 bonrs: third, maximum wind Telocity ity tonight or Wednesday, with warm er tonight. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Low, . or relatively low, pressures irevail from Minnesota southward to Kansas, with the greatest barometric lepresion In northwestern Ioa, This i Atlantic City listurbance. together with a moderate Boston low which is appearing over British I Buffalo Columbia, has been attended by show- J Rock Island ers and thunderstorms In the northern . Denver 92 OBSERVATIONS. High. Low. ... S4 ...70 4 portion of the Rocky mountain region j Jacksonville and the upper Missouri valley. Mod-1 Kansas City cratelv low barometers also prevail j New Orleans tn is the gulf sections. The pressure I New York .. 90 ..100 .. 94 .. 78 above the normal in the lake re- Norfolk 90 gion and the Ohio valley, and anoth- j Phoenix 104 er high, accompanied by cooler weath-j St. Louis 90 er, overlies the northern Rocky moun- j St. Paul S2 tain states. The eastward movement' San Diego 76 of the?e conditions mill probably oe.San Francisco 64 attended by light shr era in this vicin- Seattle 72 62 58 58 59 62 74 80 78 64 68 64 62 54 5S Prep. .00 .20 Washington, D. C. . RS 62 Winnipeg 84 5S Yellowstone Tark . 46 distribution of the $50,000,000 of gov ernment funds about to be deposited or 14 days, j in the national banks of t,hose sectiens . ' to facilitate the marketing ana inove- t ment of the crops. This step, which will call to Wash ! ington bankers from the centers that will finance the handling of the great crops soon Jo be harvested, is desfgn ed to give the secretary information and advice as to the specific and rela tive needs of each of the farming dis tricts. WILL, f;ET THE MOSEY. It has been tentatively decided to place the deposits in the 59 cities to be represented at the conference. Invitations were sent by telegraph to the presidents of the clearing house associations in each of the cities ask ing them to send representatives or committees to Washington. The conference with the representa tives from the southern cities held at, the treasury department next Thursday, with those from the west on Friday, and with those from the Pacific coast on thef ollowing Thurs day. GAI.ST ADDING CITIES. Secretary McAdoo announced it was not practicable to increase the num ber of cities and that he believed those selected were thoroughly repre sentative of the agricultural sections. Treasury officials declared the en tire $50,000,000 which has been offered will be deposited if the situation de mands it. It was explained that care would be taken to prevent any unduo Inflation of the circulating volume of money and that the government would deposit only what was needed to as sist in moving the crops, with the s-ipulation that it must be returned to the treasury as soon as that need shall have passed. At the conference with the bankers Secretary McAdoo will discuss the amount needed and the dates to be named for the gradual re'.urn of the the people, and furnishing the out-of- the-way places with increased means of transportation for the output of farms, mines and factories. And what i6 the engineer corps do ing, besides completing the Panama canal, in the way of river and harbor work? It is completing the Ambrose channel to a depth of 40 feet at mean low water, and a width of 2,00 fer: throughout its entire length. And tiis work is upwards of 98 per cent finish ed, so that when the next annual river and harbor bill is passed, instead of appropriating for further . construc tion it will provide for the mainten ance of this magnificent entrance to New York harbor, a work which, in many ways, is on a par with the build ing of the Isthmian canal, for it in volved an estimated excavation of about 42,500.000 cubic yards of ma terial or a length of seven miles ol channel. But this is not all the engineer corps is doing in the way of deepening and widening channels to our seaports. It is working on a 35-foot channel into Boston harbor; and one of the same depth from Delaware bay into the har bor of Philadelphia, with a width ofi 800 feet in the straight parts, 1,200 j feet wide at Bulkhead bar, and 1,000 : feet wide at tbe other bends of the j Delaware river. The latter improve ment will cost $10,920,000 and there : wiil be an annual charge of $300,000 j for maintenance. I Baltimore is to have a channel of 35 J feet at low mean water, and 600 feet wide at bottom, with increased widths j at the entrances and the bends from j Fort McHenry to deep water in Chesa- of the greatest projects which the en gineer corps has under way, anil upon which a cool S10.000 monthly is be ing spent, is the improvement of the Hudson river in the vi-inity cf Albany j and Troy, where locks and dams ai-3 being built to connect the channel I with the slate barge canal, the aim of! the engineers of the army being to 1 complete their portion of the work be- j fore the completion of the canal prop-j er another engineering feat rivaling I in some respects, the construction of the great ditch across the Isthmus of Panama. In the scheme of building an interior waterway from the rugged rock3 of Maine to the sand spits of Florida, congress early recognized the ncces- jsity of connecting up well defined j water avenues along the Atlantic j coast, to the end that the perils of iiaueras a:m oiner uanger spots along the Atlantic shores might be avoided. As a part of the project the Chesa peake and Albemarle canal was pur chased by the federal government at an upset price of $500,000, title to the same having passed to the United States within the last 60 days. This Norfolk, Va., and Beaufort, N. C, be-! ing a part of the Boston to Beaufort I inlet (N. C.) section of the proposed j continuous inland waterway from New j England to the Rio Grande. The pur-; chase of the canal having been accom-' plbhed, the engineer corps will short-', ly advertise for bids tj deepen this ' waterway to 12 feet, with a width of 200 feet. To aid in the work of exca-j I vation, a dredge wiil ah:o be contract j ed for. I "We are conducting the iniprove i mcnts on our rivers and harbors on ' the theory that we will a river ana harbor bill every, year, as con gress has outlined will be done," said the engineer officer referred to, "and our estimates for completing projects or continuing work on them are based upon the assumption thst the money appropriated will be usi-tl up, and that there will be no handovers. "What is true of betterments going on along the Atlantic, Pacific and gulf coasts is also true of activities along the Ohio, the Mississippi and in the lake region." When the digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural craving and relish for food. When this is lacking you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs, im prove the pppetite and regulate the bowels. Sold by all druggists. (Adv.) All the news all the time The Argua. We Buy and Sell Deere and Company Moline now Co. Root & Van Dervoort stocks Inquiries Solicited. LITTEN & ROBERTS Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages. Peoples National Bank Building Rock Island, HI. CSS BIBS 3B .00; .00 'money t the government. .10 .00 .00 .00 MISSISSIPPI RIVER. flood. Height. Chng. St. Taul 14 Red Wing 14 Reeds Landing ... 12 La Crosse 12 .00 ; Lansing 15 .00; Prairie du Chlen ..18 .00 ; Dubuque 18 .02 ;Le Claire 10 .96 i Rock Island 15 .00! 3.8 4 1 . 4.1 4.7 55 6.4 2.7 4.6 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 I a n ! x02 0.0 0.0 BEG IX THIS MONTH. The treasury department expects to begin making the deposits before the close of August and gradually to feed the money in'.o the selected centers as the demand grows through the crop moving period. SPECIALISTS FOR DISEASED SIEN WHO ARE WORKING EVERY DAY, WHO ARE NOT SICK ENOUGH TO BE IS RED, SHOLID SOT WAIT tXTIl SItKAESS LAYS 111 KM Lf. TIIEY SIIOLI.D CO-VSILT AT U.VCE AN HONEST DOCTOR 'ho Will Render Them High-Class Service. .00 RIVER FORECAST. .00 ; Nearly stationary stages in the Mls .00 sissippi will prevail from below Du .OOjbuiue to Muscatine. M. SHERIER, Local Forecaster. Truce Prolonged. Bucharest, Aug. 5. An extension of three days of the armistice between the Balkan states was agreed to yes terday by the peace delegates of Rou man'a, SerTia, Greece. Montenegro, and Bulgaria. This action was taken I peake bay. When this project Is com- j pleted and reports in the engineer's j office in this city show that substan-l tial results have already been achiev- i ed this busy, growing metropolis of the south will hav'e one of the great i harbors of the country. j What is true of Baltimore, Boston, New York and Philadelphia also is ; true of Norfolk harbor, for here, too, j the work of giving Norfolk a 35-foot ' channel, with a width of 4"0 feet from deep water in Hampton roads to i the navy yard at Portsmouth, Va., a distance of about 11 miles, is we'.l un-! der way, with hope of completion by j the close of the next fiscal year. Whiie the engineer corps is ex- j tremely busy on the big harbors of the 1 Atlantic coast, the same hoidi true of J conditions on the Pacific si33 cf the; continent, for two jetties aro being; constructed at the mouth of tbe Colum- j b!a, while big work is going on ai 1 08 : Angeles. Ou tbe gulf coast, a 35-foot i channel into Galveston harbor and a j 35-foot at r r y-.yyus City are be-; ing rapidly constructed. ! Leaving out of consideration the mil-! maa iieciui kihski; ururi. i.uuua a ri r V fl I I NERVOUS am OKf" I I 1 1 I morninga. nu ; nllU IWW ,iy ,atinuf(i..t to er.aoie me piemnotentlaries to en- lions that ar heine snpnt nn th j deavor to reconcile the differences and j enlng and deepening of the channels j claims of the various states. J into the big harbors of the nition, one Thous. nd of young and old men can look back at their liytiooil days or early :nar.hool with a tlili of remorse. Bl.oOb and CilHONIC: DltilCASKS aa Iho very lite eiU vitality ol t:ic viciitr. It you are 4 vic tim of any clirunn; dismse. consuit us llrst. Don't waste time or money experimenting with patent med icines or common treatments, our large unices aro equipped with all the latest appliances, including th X-ray. When you treat with us you are not expert-EXMI VATIO -mer.ted on. but we atart you nam in witn the i-anic l-UJ.-.t-;. treatment that has cured thousands of others. Tho many years' exper ience In this specialty has placed u Ijeyona the expt rimentul F.tuijv We scetMlnlir treat .Mrrvuua Debility, arii-ue i i-Ium, i:uliu-e,l Proa, tate, Hcera, burn, Hioud I'utaou, Kidney und tllaililer lii.rn.iir . ad Ilectui l)leae: Heart, i.uuca. ( aiurrh. Mumm-li und l.r...,,. dekpond.-nt; weak or debilitated: tired ainUil-lOU UiCKe.-., .i.t.1iv,. ;,ww . ... -. excitable anu irr:i.:i-. eves s.iii... ,. and blurred; pimples on face; restleas. hoggiud-Iooking; weak back bone pains, hair loose, ulcers, sore throat; va.-.o.-c vena, lacti oi en ergy and confidence? fceek the counsel and of an l.oce.-.i Ouvlor or tais kiud. wno offers you a helping hand. We vl!l aid you t rise above your wrongdoing, and make a man ot you. We orr.-r you h..t,.-jit. faith ful service, new, advanced treatn-tit. expert skill and rt.i'onable chare, es. patients from out of town iic-u i.ut iciu.ii ben. oat tan rc-iuru home acme day. GUARANTEED CURES on account of never having receive,, relief elsewhere, and they in most become so alepti:al a to think there was no c:re for them. Wa want an opportunity to treat just such men, and it muk'-s no umerenca how many have failed to cure y.,u. Come to us lor an exaniniulio.i any-' way and it will not cost you a dollar. U'e will not accept pay rr any services unless we believe your cas curable. tion t hesitate, if you have any diseases or wekhKiS p-c, iu 11.1 n. out come -1 once. Kvery Uiing; strictly confidential. COPENHAGEN MEN SPECIALISTS 41 1 Ftftr.'.lb M Second Floor i JIOI.INK. :t.i Hours Open only on tayj xrem x in tne ai lemti ,,n un ui S in the and : ri:ay evening to v. and Sunrtii mornings. 9 to 12. Murine otaer days call at Davenport office. N. V. Cor. Fonrth nail Brady Streets. Davenport, lona. Honrs Every dav. 9 a. m. to S n m-. xcepi ean.;a.ty. Wednesdav u . ;. t" 1 - only, urdsv evcr.'.njjs. 7 aunaays. Tuesday and Sal- to V. Closed un I- : ' -