OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, August 05, 1913, HOME EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1913-08-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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' - "" "
Defeat Peoria, 7 to 1, and
Break Up String of Sev
en Losers.
Hits Single. Double and Triple in Four
Timet Up Other Result
Arcund Circuit.
! EASTERN TENNISERS If abound the circuit il
It begins to look as if Quincy had
the pennant cinched. Two victories
off Dubuque yesterday, makes it ap
parent that it is all over.
Poor old Davenport. Yesterday's
defeat makes seven straight with a
drop to sixth place. If the Bloomers
; could on'ywin two or three In a row
we could probably pass the Blue So.
When inclined to feel discouraged
over the slipping of the Bloomers,
think of Davenport. The Blue Sox
were batting for the pennant in June.
The 6ale of Coleman, Clemens and
Reed appear to. have wrecked the boat.
Bloomington Pantagraph.
Y. L.
Quincy 59
Dubuque 53
Springfield 51
Decatur 50
Davenport 47
I'invllie 40
Bloomington 4
I'cnrla 15
Davenport at Peoria.
Dubuque at Quincy.
Decatur at Danville.
Bloomington at Springfield.
Fprlngfleid at Davenport.
Peoria at Bloomington.
Decrtur at Dubuque.
Danville at Qulncy.
Peoria, 111.. Aug. 5. Eureka! Ex-
srlslor: Hip, hip, hurray! The Pret-1
Cls liave won a game. After showin?
nn inclination to lilt the cellar or i
bust, the Davenport athletes yester-j
day reconsidered their rash resolve j
ond won a ball game. For seven!
straight days they brought up the rear:
in a decidedly Ignominious manner, j
und then the worm turned. The Peoria .
team was defeated 7 to 1, largely due j r---
to Otto Koeppings stellar work w itli Seaman
the bludgeon. Otto tias tieen whang-1
Ire fie hall at a terrific rate, and he I
ret.. . - N
.sis X:? ; - "
.4S-r) : V '
.45 V
.4so: v yy
.HKK 2& sT
-K ,
to play the frames, and also relmbuse
ment for the financial loss sustained.
Mr. Weeks yesterday raised the sus
pension of Manager Marshall and
Catcher Nelson of the local team!
W. L.
New York 6S 29
Philadelphia 5S 35
Chicago 51 4S
Pittsburgh 49 47
i Brooklyn 43 o0
Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 5. Horace ! Boston 41 55
S. Fogel has been mentioned in con- j Cincinnati ? 40 62
nec'.ion with u revision of the Federal
league, v h .ch is scheduled to take
place after the close of the present
season. He is being considered in
same quarters as the right man to
head the organization. Fogel, who
has peer, in Indianapolis since Satur
St. Louis .., 38
Cleveland . .
Gustave F. Touchard (top) and
WaUoD 5L Washburn.
Gustave F. Touchard. former dou
hles champion, and Watson M. Wash
burn represented the east in the ten
nis doubles championship of America,
Aug. 4. at Chicago. The west, south
and Pacific states also htd two repre
sentatives each at the big match.
0 0 110
When the wife and family of the
local manager are unable to get seats,
it's a sign that there Is some crowd.
Mrs. Kahl did not arrive unil the end
of the first game and as everything
was taken, some of the park attaches
skirmished around and found a couple
of soda cases, which were placed in a
box for the leading "fannette" of.the
The camera men were much .'a evi
dence and snaps of the crowd and the
players were taken during the, inter
mission between tiie tw-o games.
Boss O'Leary was much peeved over
the outcome of the series here p.-id
would scarcely speak to some of bis
friends after dropping three games in
a row.
Ward has not lost his batting eye
since his vacation and is hitting .he
ball at a terrific clip. His double and
bonier in the Saturday game, is only a
sample of his swatting of late.
O'Leary donned the mask and wir.d-
pad for the final game Saturday In in
j effort to stem the tide of defeat, but
, this availed nothing as Ward's hit
would have beaten the best team in
the business. Quincy Journal.
ni.ivii TKt iv a;ai.
Umpire Steve Cusack came in for a
panning from the fans in the first in
ning and the rageing resulted finally
In Manager Dan O'leary being bench
ed and then escorted off ths field bv
t . . - n
day looking over the ground, 'is anxious j L "'cngo
to get back in the harness. He is out, Bcston 46
to gain another foothold in baseball, j Detroit
and, whether or not he is taken into j st- "is
the league's official family, it is ex-1 New York ' 32
pected that he will enlist his services
in ' the Federal cause. Fogel came
to Indianapolis for the purpose of sub
mitting a proposition to the magnates ;
fo" an eight-club circuit next year.
H's proposition includes the addition piinnearolis
of New York. Philadelphia and Bal
timore and the dropping of one of
the cities now included in the six
club organisation. His suggestions met
with favor and a committee was
ramed to accompany Fogel east and
investigate conditions.
-.V. ' .v- . A ......
St. Paul
Kansas City
W. I . Pet
.66 45 .595
.62 47 .569
.60 43 .556
.59 50 .541
.50 56 .472
. 50 60 .455
.48 60 .444
.3S 67 .362
Total 1 7 24 11 1
kept up the go:d work yesterday. Paul Dubuque 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 I
of Tarsus Croucli was elected to twirl Quincy 0 0000300 3
Bti'l although ulld. the bean pole ;uh-! stolen brse Wolfe. Sacrifice hits
Irte rs Invincible when the t-.w pnths seaman. Kahl. Home run Kahl. '
v ere populated. O'Leary did the l ack- ' Rases on bullr; Off Seaman, 2. Struck i
Hopping himself. Alberts whs hit in ,,iRy Trrtter, 3: by Seaman. 5.
the pinches, hence the ukima'.e re- . Time 1 : 2'J. Umpires Knapp and'
i Sullivan. I
The present road trip has been the
tiiont dlHu:troitK of the season. For!- ih: I llt. i l ll.l.K. 3,
me ith time tins Mummer, tne nose; Danville. III.. Aue. 5. Kaiser pitched
lime slumped Into the second division. I mjporb ball, his teammates
BHIiMugh there is st'.II a lighting rhHnre iuts and inning with ease. Many of
.. . !. t J .1 t. .. 1 ' ... ......
! i.-.n, mh.uiu i iff .i ire:s.M1jf.(.2t.jr-s ,its were ot the infield var-
Bloomington, 111., Aug. 5. It's a se
cret no longer. Henry Keupper, j
Bloomington's winning pitcher, has:
jumped and has joined the St. Louis
Federal club of the Federal league. A
Bloomington man who was in St. Louis
Saturday, attended the game between
Chicago and St. Louis and recognized
Keupper. He is working under the
assumed name of "Hank" King. Ketip
per's admirers were loath to believe
that he would jump organised ball, and
an inquiry at his home brought the
intelligence that be was there. How
ever, he is believed t- have been with
the Federals off and on since leaving
Bloomington two weeks ago. The
Globe-Democrat says of the game:
the police. Peoria Herald-Transcript, i Manager O'Connor designated. Harry
I King to get the Terriers back in the
mokt: of sme. win column as well as put an end to
Cusack missed out on an incident Chicago's long list of victories, and it
Brooklyn Second Sacker Hits
Two Homers Dodgers
Cops Game, 7 to 1.
Trim Senators 5 to 3 Develop Win
ning Streak of Two Games
in Succession.
in the 12th. With Yelle on third and
Malloy on second and one down. Foun
tain, with one strike called on him,
attempted to squeeze Yelle home. Pet
ers scented the play and in his anxiety
to get the ball stepped up to the plate
and Fountain's bat connected with the
back of his glove. The ball and bat
must be said that the big southpaw
performed his duty in grand style.
Chicago secured six hits and one run,
while St. Louis secured eight runs and
thirteen hits. Keupper struck out four.
In form. The battle-scarred warriors
return to the home pasture tomor
row afternoon for a week and a ! a'f,
and their showing then will decide
their ultimate destiny. Sprintf.eld,
Decatur. Danville and Blooniington
will opp-'se in turn. Tiie hnnie cries
ends .w. IT., when the Sox will take
to the road not to return v.ntii Sept.
1. w iien they will finish the season.
The score:
Ohland. rf
Carrik'an, If
Heed, hs
Promw ich, 0b .
Koike. H ....
Flaharty. cf . . .
Koeppii;, 2b .
O'Leary, c ....
Crouch, p ....
iety, the roughness of the Soldiers' 1
home diamoud making it almost im
possible to held them. The score:
Fa Ik. ss
VogpJ, 2b
Ohlln. If
Wallace, cf
Staley, lb
White. .'!b
Counter Diplomacy.
"T think veil will like this "OoCs.
makine is i hIt t!,e R,ove at tl"' same tin,e' t!le pi!1 ! modam." urged n salesman in a Euclid
iiicinii: J3irnllinir nut rn tlin riiamnnrl .rime two . . . . .. .... , .
avenue snop. -u is just me ining ior
a stout, middle aged lndy."
"Sirl" squealed the customer
trolling out on the diamond some two
feet. Peters picked it up and tagged
Yelle ?.s he came home. At first
AH. It. H. PV A. K. j Main. t '
.51110 0Ya!sh. p
" 113 0 Ojvvitte, p
.3 2 0 2 5 0
5 1 1 1 2 oj Total
.4 1 2 10 1 n De-atur.
.4 0 2 4 0 0Uiak,.,
.41021 0'yLnch. 3b
4 0 1 4 0 O f-thercr. rf
40003 0 ; Flanagan. If
SuKivan, cf .
Foiintpln. ss
Hecan, rf . . .
Fla-k. If
.Veer, lb . . .
Demond. "b
Wa'.liser. 2b .
I'.ow man. c . .
Albert f, p ..
12 0
AH. H. H PO. A. K.
." 0 14 0
4 113 1
4 0 2 3 1
4 0 0 3 0
10 17 0
4 0 10 0
4 0 0 1 1
4 0 0 fi 2
2 0 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 0
32 1 C 27 7
Bi!t :. cf ..
Duggan. lb
D er, S3 . .
McNeely. c
Kaiser, p .
H. H. PO. A. E.
110 10
0 0 2 4 0
0 110 0
0 13 0 0
0 0 11 2 0
0 0 0 3 0
113 0 0
1 0 7 2 1
0 0 0 4 n
0 0 0 2 0
3 4 27 IS 1
r. h. ro. a. e. ;
0 1 1 2 0,
110 10
. 1 2 2 1 01
2 3 1 0 Oj
2 3 5 0 0!
. 2 4 9 0 Oj
,112 4 0
, 0 0 6 0 0 !
Cusack ruled Yelle out. Then he
changed his decision and called the
play a "foul ball." What he should
have done was to send
in a
rnge. The clerk saw his faux pas and
recovered himself quickly.
'Pardou me." be smiled. "I mistook
was to send Fountain to : tnr. -m,. t.,.u- t,-i t,
first base, as Peters plainly interfered I i,wo vesterdav lookingfor something
with the Distiller captain in bis effort ! fnr hpr CT.nnflmother. Xnw th:.t T lonl;
to bunt the hall. Had Cusack been
"on the job" in this instance the Dis
tillers probably would have won tiie
Los Angeles, al., Aug. 5. Arthur
Perkey, generally accepted as tiie
heavyweight champion of the world,
last nigiit made a statemer( that
should win for him the respect of
every sporting man in America.
"Some people say that I am a fluke
champion." sa'd the big Canadian, as
nt you again, I see that this was nn
older person. Now. If you are buying
for yourself, we have something over
here that"
Cleveland Plain Dealor.
Alberts in r.Inth.
... 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 0-
0 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 0-
iKisri. i iiiic i.iv. empire nan- tne jast week in seDtemtier.
; not;.
Batted for
Davenport . ,
Stolen hacjia O'l An' '(wr Ko.n. I
pii.g. Hoike. Sacrifice hits Flahart, r. mk poi iiicn.
Heed. Sacrifice fly Carrlgan. ILMke. Fprinefield. ni.. Au. 5.-The Spring
Two base blts-Neer. Flahirty. Koep. , f e!d.Boom.npton game scheduled yes
ping Three-base hlts-Ohland. Kwp-t?rdav was ,)0s,pnn(,d.
pir.g. P.ase on balls -Oft Alberts. 3; '
off ( ro'.ah. 3. Struck out Hy Alberts, "Chiv" Is Peacemaker.
L. bv Crouch, 4. Wild pitch --Alberts, Minneapolis. Minn . Aug. 5. The re
2. Tin.e 2:00. I'mplre Cus:ick. .cent trouble between Manager Harry
qtlM ), Si iiibkiii:, l. lJ "ark of Milw aukee and President Can-
Quincy. III., Aug. 5 Tretter was jn-;ti:lon cf Minneapolis has been settled,
vincihie with men on bases and would and everything is serene in local base
have scored a shutout w ith perfect I ba,! circles, as a result of the visit
Mipport. In the sixth a walk, a force- hPt yesterday of President Chiving
out. a hingle, and Kahl's homer gavelon of t:'e American association. The
tages theatre ready to answer the
call boy. "Maybe I am, but, perhaps,
I'm the real thinz. I don't know the
i .
-tnswer myself, but we will soon find
Total 0 18 27 9 0 out all about it.
Decatur 0 1 1 1 6000 0 9 j "I claim no credit for beating poor
Danville 0 0003000 03 ! Luther McCarty. but the title has been
Sti'en baes -Flanagan, Duggan. ! forced tn me and I'm going to de
0!vir.. Sacrifice hit -Dyer. Two-base ! fend it. I am ready to fight myself
hits-Hilt:;. Dyer, Wallace. Hits Off j through all opposition. Any heavy
Walsh. 1 4 in live inning; off Witte. 4 in j "eight that is entitled to a match
three innings. Struck out Hy Witte. will go it. so long as I hold my pres
2: by Kaiser. 5. Bases on balls Off j ent position."
Walsh. 2: off Wi'te. i; or Kaiser. 6. Pelky will cut short his stage work
Hit by pxeher Y a:sh. Wild pitch lend return to the ring no later than
Quincy three runs and the game, 3
to 1. The score:
Kerwin. !f 1
Conger. P3 1
Kahl. 2b 1
Pilling, c 0
Cohln. lb 0
Ward, cf 0
I o'. I ins, rf 0
Wolfe, 3b 0
Trettor. p 0
R. H. PO.
trouble broke . Friday w hen Cantlllon
charg"d Clark with using obscene lan
guage during the game here between
0 ! MinLcapolis and Milwaukee. Clark,
gjwho was suspended pending an inves
q tigation. was allowed to play yester-
day. but li is said he will be fined.
: 'barley Miller, the San Francisco
n Morman, will be Pelkey's first oppo
nent, the big men to meet in a sched
uled 20-round contest before the
Tdcihc Athletic club at Vernon.
Woman Bookie Convicted.
New York. Aug. 5. Margaret
Wright. S3 years old, was yesterday
convicted for "making a book" on
horse races. She was placed under
probation, with a warning from the
court that a repetition of the offense
Killing the Bad Taste.
"Mr.ybe I won't have to take medi
cine atrrin. and even if I do have to
take it maybe the doctor will prescribe
an ambrosial mixture, but if I should
be condemned for my sins to swallow
vile doses I know bow I'll take thm."
a ciry salesman volunteered. "A man
who was doctoring himself In the drug
store showed me the way.
'The drugjst had mixed a particu
larly obnoxious dose. The man before
taking it asked for crai k"d Ice. The
errand boy brought It, several spoon
fuls nearly pulverized. The sick man
held that in his mouth until H melted,
offer which the medicine seemed as
mild us tea.
"4I always prepare my mouth that
way for a disagreeable medicine,' the
man said. "The ice numbs the nerves,
and the medicine slips down without
leaving any taste, good or bad.' "Exchange.
Quincy, 3; Dubuue, 1.
Peoria. 1; Davenport, 7.
Danville, 3; Decatur, 9.
Chicago. 1; Brooklyn." 7. .
Pittsburgh, 1; New York, 2.
St. Lot-is, 3: Philadelphia, 6.
Cincinnati, 13; Boston, 4. ' ' ' -.
Washington, 3: Chicago, 5.
Philadelphia, 7; Cleveland, 1.
New York, 6: Detroit, 4.
Boston-St. Lcuis. rain.
Toledo, 5; Columbus, 4.
Louisville, 7; Indianapolis, fi.
, Minneapolis, 1; Milwaukee, 0.
St. Paul-Kansas City, postponed.
5; St. Joseph. 4.
Des Moines, 5; Wichita, 3.
Sicux City. 10; Denver, 7.
S. Louis, 9; Chicago, 5.
Indianapolis, 2; Cleveland, 4.
Fend du Lac, 6; Oshkosh, 5 (twelve
Racine, 9; Appleton, 2.
Rockl'ord, 0; Green Bay
Madison, 3; Wausau, 2.
Wcterloo, 1; Cedar Rapids, 0. f
Burlington, 5: Keokuk, 4.
Monmouth, 3; Kewanee, 4.
... VV'fe
Gen. William II. Cixby.
In ' order
Washington. D. C. -
that his friend. Colonel William T.
Rossell, may have the highest place
in the engineer corps of the United
Chicago, Aug. 5. George Cutshaw,
with two crashing home runs, and
Frank Allen, by dishing up an assort
ment of puzaling southpaw shoots, yes
terday heaped more worries upon
Manager John Evers. H. Tempera
mental Zimmerman, although in no ar
guments witu arbiter or boss, contri
buted to the troubles of the Cub lead
er by a twobase error, all of which,
summed up. gave Bill Dahlen's strug
gling Dodgers an easy 7 to 1 victory
over the care-ridden Trojans.
The "Keystone King" was unusual
ly iuiet during the m itinee, benching
himself to allow Cadet Arthur Phelan
in on a chance to produce, and only
once did Manager John decorate the
coaching line, he disappearing after
Brooklyn annexed a three-run lead.
States army, Gen. William H. Bixby, I The coaching and talking of all the
present chief of engineers of the armv. i Cubs w as suppressed, as if the . at-
will retire on Aug. 11. He would not
leave. the active service on account
of age until next December, two
months after the dute upon which Col
onel Rossel must retire.
General Bixby,' Who is a native of
Charlestown. Mass., whs graduated
from West Point in 1S73, and in his
long career in the army has bad to i
do with most of the great engineering
projects which have fallen to the army
engineers, notably the improvement of
the Mississippi river. He is an au
thority on the construction of bridges
and has demonstrated the practicabil
ity of a 3,000 foot span across the Hud
sou river.
Colonel Rossell is a native of Ala
bama, and Is a West Pointer, having
been in charge of some of the most im
Dortant river and harbor nroi.'cts in
the South and is at nresent eiiirine,'r 1 JAr her
of the Eastern division, with headquar
ters in New York.
mosphere of the West Side park was
charged with an unknown power,
which might be set off at any moment
and which might destroy any in the
j way. Even the Cub president left
(the grounds in the early innings and
jwas not to be found after the show
Jot out. The score:
Bull" Durham Week Being Celebra
ted in Rock Island by Attrac
tive Gift Scheme.
m W. Barr.roft of the American To-
Ottumwa, 4; Muscatine, 5 (eleven in-1 hacco company, assisted by .1.
Loach, cf
I'helan, 21)
Schulte, rf
Saier, lb
Mitchell, If ..
Brid well, ss . .
Needhain. c . .
Bresnahan, c
Moore, p . . . .
Pierce, p
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
4 10 2 10
1 0- I 2 5 0
4 0 01 1 0 0
4 0 10 12
.3 0 0 8 1 0
4 0 0 2 0 0
3 0 1 5 4 0
2 0 0 2 4 0
.0 0 0 2 0 0
2 0 0 1 3 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
29 1 4 27 19 2
'Batted for Needhain in seventh,
t Halted for Moore In seventh.
Batted for Pierce in ninth.
Chattanooga, 2; Atlanta, 5.
Nashville, 7; Birmingham, C.
Fort Wayne, 4; Terre Haute,
(eleven innings).
Grand Rapids, 8; Springfield, 4.
Dayton, 3; Evansville, 0.
Cubs After Stack.
Angling for material with which to
bolster up the slab staff, emissaries
of the Cubs have approached one
major league pitcher and are bidding
for a former shipmate of the West Side
machine, Ed Stack of the Brooklyn
club was sought out yesterday hy a
member of the Cub staff and asked
how he would enjoy a berth under
Manager Evers. When Evers allowed
Mike Heckinger to go to the Dodgers
it is understood that he forced
agreement with Dahlen whereby he
could secure a twirler at some later
Another Chappell.
Calgary, Alta., Aug. 5. Jack Roche,
CaJgarv tatcher. seems sure to go to
one of the big league teams. White
Sox. Cubs, Cardinals and Y'ankees are
all bidding for the youngster. He is
batting .354 and fielding .9SG. Comis-
key made the first bid, but no price
was set Murphy has since requested
the price, but has been asked to make
an offer. Indianapolis, Louisville, Mo
bile and Ix)s Angeles also are after
him. The sale is likely to bo made
Schafcr, is 'n Rock Island this week
advertising '.he famous old "Bull" Dur
ham tobacco.
This week, at tcbacco dealers all
over town purchasers of a 5c bag of
"Bull" Durham are being presented
wit,h serviceable fans, which havr;
been dubbed "Fans for Fans." The
name is due to the fact that on each
Scheer, rf
Cutshaw, 2b
Stengel, cf .
Wheat. If .
Daubert. lb
j Smith, 3b . .
Fisher, ss .
Miller, c ..
Allen, p . .
AB. R. II. PO. A. E.
2 2 0
4 2 2
4 0 1
4 0 2
4 12
2 0 0
3 12
4 0 1
3 11
Total 30 7 11 27 10 1
Chicago .'.001 00000 01
Brooklyn 1 0200031 07
Home runs Cutshaw, 2. Struck
mil - llv Monro iMIenl: bv Pierca
fan there appears the likeness, in rol-1 (ymith, Allent; bv Allen (Moore, 2;
rrs, of some famous baseball player, j Srlnl-,t.,f i.cuch. Mitchell). Bases on
These fans have made a big bit with j baIls orf MoT,rc, 0. Double plays
both men and women fa is. who are j Kis1ipr to c.tshaw to Daubert, Moor
crllocting the likenespes of their fa-; ,,, i!riri,V(.!i , Phelan to Saier. Fisher
Star's Son to Eoston.
Boston, Mass., Aug. 3. The Boston
Red Sox yesterday purchas.ed Jimmy
Cooney, the shortstop of the Worces
ter team of the New England league.
He will report to the world's cham
pions at the close oi the New England
league season. Young Coonoy's fath
I to Daubert, Phelan to Bridwell to
said Mr. Barcroft tot?;ljPr. Hits Off Moore, 8 in seven In
nings. Left on bases Chicago, 9;
Brooklyn,:). Time 2:00. Umpires
iBrennan and Eason.
voritte players.
"Do you know.
an Argus reporter, "that 'Huil' Dur
ham Is the most extensively handled !
article la the world? Sounds pretty
big. doesn t it,? and yet it is a fact, j
More than (lon.MOO dealers handle j Washington. D. C. Aug. 5.-By dis
Bull' Durham in the I niUil States : covering the knack of hitting in the
'':1rnt. 'pinches. Callahan's White Sox downed
"Yvi might think that salt, or sugar : Griffith's terrors yesterday in a raln
or flour was more extensively sudd than j soaked performance. The initial clash.
'Bull,' but, such is not the ci.se. Salt f n,,. K.ri;s wound up with the count
and other products are sold only by I r, and 3. making two wins for the
grocers, of which there, are perhaps a ChioagoatiH hince tlwy set out on their
ouurfer of a million in this country. ; present eastern jaunt. Incidentally.
Bull" Durham U sold by nearly all. they established a winning streak of
grocers, and by tobacco stores, res.-two game;;. The score:
taurants, news stands and ether places Chicago.
AB.'R. H. PO. A. E.
or played shortstop on the Chicago Fo ,hi!, the total s"n" I! abovL' Cu".-jCliapprt!. If .
Nationals in the '.SO's. Cooney lias
been with the Worcester team but six
Bercer, 2b
Rivers-Cross Go O. K.
Los Angeles, Aug. 5. Joe Rivers
and Leach Cross were yesterday after
noon matched to box 20 rounds before
the Pacific A. C. in the Vernon arena
on the afternoon of Labor day. The
boys will fight for 00 per cent of the
gross ''receipts and w ill make 133
pounds several hours before the bat
tle. Cross will train at Doyle's camp
an. and Rivers will work at Venice.
"Last yra'-the total sab's of this fa-; Lord, 3b
mo'is tobacco werc'352.'in.(iftt sacks, Cha'-e, lb
nearly a million for rvery tiiy on the Collins, f
calendar. It is (he 'universal' luxury, j Founder, rf .
being smoked by every class, from Schalk, c ....
college professor or millionaire to the j Weaver, ss ...
cowboy on th-j plains.. It, Is a regular Russell, 1
ration in the army and navy, and a ha-; Cicot'e, p ....
of 'Bull' Eticking out of the sailor's
blouse or the sJdier's khaki sshirt is Ttal
a familiar sight. Washington.
'Better buy a 'bag of "Bull"' at our I Moeller, 1
result ia a penitentiary sen- date. Stack may be a Cub in a few
tence. days
This is said to be tiie first Instance
of a woman being convicted for book
making in New York City. In plead
ing for leniency Miss Wright, who
said she was a waitress, tearfully de
clared that she herself was a victim
of bookmakers. Nearly all of her
wages for years past, she said, had
! been lost in betting on the races.
Total 3
JuJe. If
Boatty. lb
R. Larrir.ger. ss
H Darringer, rf
S ar. son, cf ....
( oucher, c
Erlewein. 2b ....
Ismcs, 2b
R. II. PO.
2 0
1 10
0 2
0 2
0 2
2 a
0 2
2 0
New York, Aug. 5. New York yes
terday won the first of the series
from Detroit by 6 to 4. Both teams
bit herd, but Fisher kept the visitors'
hits scattered. New York threw away
many chances to score by poor base of this city by Mr. Weeks
0 (tunning, but a muff by Cobb enabled
0 j them to win in the seventh, w hen they
0 1 scored five rur.s. four of them coming
lji:. after Cobb's muff, which should
0 I rave retired the :de.
Probe Rockford Row.
Rockford, 111., Aug. 5. Affidavits
are being obtained by the Rockford
club of the Wisconsin-Illinois league,
at the request of President F. R.
Weeks, in the matter of the trouble
here last Wednesday which resulted
in the Oshkosh team being called out
The league
president has been here in conference
w ith the local officials.
The Rockford club will demand a
Catcher Dies of Heart Trouble.
Coatesville. Pa., Aug. 5. After catch
ing two games of baseball for a semi
professional .team Saturday, George
Quinn, 24 years old, was found deal
in bed yesterday. The coroner ren
dered a verdict giving the cause of
death as heart disease superinduced
by overexertion.
Chance Offers $10,000 for Maizel.
Baltimore, Md., Aug. l. Manager
Frank Chance of the New York Amer
icans yesterday made cn offer of
$10,000 and two players for Frft
Maizel of the local International
league team. Stalling of tiie Boston
Braves ia also bidding for t'.ie star ath-1
0 0
3 5
0 0
13 - 0
2 0
2 0
.32 5 5 27 14 1
AH. R. H. PO. A. E.
dealer's this week, and get, cue of the 'Foster,
baseball fans." (Adv.)
St. Louis Life insurance company
that contested the claim of Mrs. Kim
mel Bonslett of Chicago for $23,400 in
surance on the life of her brother,
George. Kimmel, appealed to the state
supreme court. The circuit court had
decided in favor of Mrs. Bonalett.
New Pitcher for Sox.
Ashland, Wis., Aug. 5. Charles
iQuarders, who has been pitching for
the Ashland baseball team, a semi-
. professional nine, was signed yester
day by the Chicago White Sox. Scout
Jack Doyle of the Chicago club closed
Milan, cf ,.. 4
Gandil, lb 3
Morgan, 2b 4
Laporte, rf 4
McBrido. ss . ; . 4
Alnsnjith, c 4
Kngel. p 1
I liilier. ft . 1
Wiliiam.s 1
1 1
1 0
1 3
0 u
1 0
3 1
9 27 12 &
Not Like Real Life.
I like novels."
"Although the Dlot mar thicken, thu ithe deal with the J'oung pitcher. Quard-
berolne always remains beautifully j ers 'lu rePrt to the White Sox at
thIn."-Wcshinston Herald.
the close of the Ashland season.
If Tour liver Is slni?ish and nut nf
Revolutionary. tone, and vou feel dull, bilious, const!-
"Miss De Bunk Insists that she ta i pated, take a dose of Chamberlain's
daughter of the revolution." ; Ktomarh and Liver Tablets tonieht be-
"Wby so?"
forfeit of the unplayed games of the.! "Her dmi l a grindstone maker
Oshkosh. series if it is not nossible 1 Indianapolis Star.
fore retiring and you will feel all right
In the morning. Sold by all druggists.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 5. Three hits
were all that the Pirates could col
lect off Demaree's delivery, and the
Giants grabbed yesterday's game, 3
to 2. Demaree was taken out In the
eighth after a triple and a base on
J alls had been secured by the Pirates,
all of which had been turned Into one
run. Marquard finished the game and
was never in danger of being charged
with a defeat to break his string of
victories. Demaree's feat yesterday
ties him with Marquard for consecu
tive wins nine.
Total 37
B.itted for Engel in the fifth. t
t Batted for Hughes in the ninth, s
Chicago 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-f5
Washington ....0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 O-j-3
Two-base hits Lord. Chase, Ijt
porte, Collins. Three-base hit Afli
smith. Home run McBrlde.. Struik
out By Knpel (Fournier, Russejl,
Ird); by Hughes (Weaver. Chappell,
Collins); by Cicotte (McBride, Gandil,
Alnsmith . Bases on balls Off EDgil,
2. Hits-Off Engel, a In five inning:
off Russell,' 3 in one and two-thirds
Innings. Passed balls AlnHmith. 2.
Left on bases Chicago.' 4; Washing
ton, 8. Time 2:20. Umpires Rvai
and Hildebraud. i

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