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THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. TUESDAY. AUGUST 5. 1913. THE ARGUS. PoMishea dally at .1I4 Second ave OB& Ruck Island. 111. (Entered at the foetoaice aa aecond-cl. matter.) Rack Ilaad Member of the Associated rreaa. BY THE J. W. POTTER CO. i TERMS Tea centa per week toy car rier, in Rock Island. .Complaints of delivery aervice should ba made to the circulation department, which" should also l notified in every Instance wbcre K Is desired to hare paper discontinued, as carriers have no authority la the premises. All communications ct argumentative character, political or religious, must tare real name attached for publica tion. No such articleswill be printed over fictitious Big-natures. Telephones n all departments: Cen tral tJnlon. West It:-. U45 and 2146. Tuesday, August 5, 1913. Of (course, rather than have Great Britain boycott, the Panama exposition, we might present her with the canaL A 10-hour workday for the horse is the latest, reform. The regulation of the world goes on apace. For our part, we'd be glad if all the waiters agreed never to accept a tip under $90". The question now Is whether a man who admits he is a lobbyist needs to care If somebody calls him a black mailer. They are teaching children to sleep In England. Here in America it's about all father and mother can do to awaken them in time for breakfast. It Is said that the English language Is growing at the rate of 5.000 words per year. We will venture the opinion that before the tariff debate is fin ished that that rate will be surpassed, j Kvelvn Nesbit Thaw is broke again and ihas filed a voluntary petition in ; bankruptoy, her debts bring scheduled 1 r.t $VC4. her assets nt $2."0. Her hus band. Harry K , was not scheduled aniens the assets. Wisconsin's new rr.lntnnim wage law applies only to women, minors and country school teachers. If thre Is oiie class of workers more than an other needing protection of some sort against starvation wage?, it Is the teacher of the district school. She , rets the next thing to the Hole in a doughnut. Mayor O.aynor la not only a prolific a frank and original letter writer. Answering a letter from a minister pointing: out that the attorney general had rendered an opiuion adverse to Sunday biiM'ball and asserting that in the light of this decision It is clear that many of the baseball gaiues play ed In this city every Sunday is in clear violation of the law, and suggesting thut "you lrtforce t'.iu law." the mayor began hU nt at finent: letter In reply with this 'It may be I should cor- fret your In.idveru-nt niis' of grammar and spelling, hut I hesitate to tak that liberty." The hesitancy suggests the loathness the nepro par son was under to mention Mistah Johnson as the- author of the hencoop robbery. EXPOSITION NOT SI llDIl Great Prl'ain, an a government, will ! ticl take part in the Panama-Pacific xiosi;Ua tit, Sau Kraiicisio. Nether will Russia nt r Germany. Possibly one or two other important powers will take similar nctiru. The rciifons assigned nre various. Seine may be founded chiefly on ill leeling, cMv-rs oti sirhtly biuinesij icnsidera'ions. Th" effects will be th? same in tither case, and the big ehow h dest'r.ed to lose somewhat iu tpec tac.ilaj interest. Hut ihese refusals to take part in the exposition couceru only t,he &ov etliliient, in eviT.v ease. It la not meant t!i:it the'aeTarers, artists, mer- hunts mid other c'tjzeps of the Unit ed Kingdom. Pissia. and possibly oth r toiir.trii s will fail to send their products t- S;::i Francisco or iu any wr.y boco:t the fci'eat fair. On the contrary, it, is quite certain that Pr.tish. German, Ri:ss'an and Jl r."i!H merchandise will be much T evident p. Any other condition "'l'f'be cuntiary to precedent. It wcu'.d Indicate a degreo of indiffer r.ce or l-.ek of enterprise impossible lt belie And if ti e people of countries which do net ofI:eiall" narticlcate in the fan Franilfco exposition take their natural share in the vast U-monstra-t.'xn of the progress and achievements uf mank nd. the absence of certain pub lic functionaries and governmental ex hibits, and b.-i!M!:igs will be only a minor incident having Uttle v.-Sett Won a vast enterprise. i THE COMIXJ CENTENNIAL r If rightly prepared and properly con ducted, the coming Illinois centennial ".rill be the most important and impos ing event ever Vuown ia the history of the west. j The commissioners have started out tn the riuht path; they have refused to permit the preat historical evert to he used by self-seeking politicians to Kra.'t money from the state treasury r.nil have shown a detrrp:ir.atinn to make it all that it should be. It will !e held in 'he s'ate capital, and in stead of a few days exhibition it will rio douLt run over several weeks, as ii should. : The state board of agriculture will no doubt cooperate with the cemmis lon and tnay abandon the fair for Uat TRADE5l fflj COUNCIL year In order that the fair grounds I can be used for the exhibition. It will j take plenty of room to show the ad-! vanceraent mads in a century In the; manufacture of machinery and In all other respects. The exhibition will have lectures of i a historical nature from ministers, lawyers, physicians, artisans ci all the various industries; these showing the -progress of the state from the Washington, Aug. 3. Major Sylves time of its entrance into the union un-; ter, chief of Washington, D. C police, til the end of the century. These !ec- who was "vindicated" by a senate com- t-.ires collected and made !nto books would give the greatest, history ever written and they would be Invaluable to the future student. The commission has started right, has selected good officials, and that the fondest hopes of the people will be realized we feel certain. DOLLAR PATRIOTISM. The demand for armed intervention by the United States in Mexico Is made by dollar patriots having prop erty interests in that country. Not because they think the dignity of this nation is being outraged, but because the revolutionary movement is costing them money in lost profits. interrupted business and, in Home cases, actual destruction of their prop erty, they are for sending the army across the border. Yet when they made their invest ments in Mexico they made them not withstanding the element of future in securi'y of their holdings. They made them subject to the laws of nations, which provide that lives taken or . pro perty lost by foreigners resident there shall be satisfied by Indemnity. It Is a matter giving them no con cern that the invasion of Mexico would cost the lives of thousands of men in the American army. The hold ings of property in Mexico outbalance in consideration these lives! Nei'her are they concerned with the thought that intervention would in volve this country in a war the cost of which in money would exceed a thous and times over the value of all the holdings cf every description of citi zens of the United States in Mexico. All these jlngoists are interested in is their pocket. Fortunately for all of us, the policy of doilar diplomacy expired with the outgoing administraMcn. Happy is this nation that at its head are those w-ho count it the hhest duty of this coun trv to be to mind its own business and not to pull from the fire the burned chestnuts of rpeculative millionaire citizens. nODCIMi OI.KO TAX. I A charge that the great oleomargar-! ine companies, most of them subsidi aries of the beef trust, escaped crim inal prosecution and evaded payment of jiooo.000 internal revenue taxes due in 1912, by offering a compromise of $100,000, which was accepted by the Taft administration as one of its last executive acts, has been made on the floor of the house by Representa tive W. K. Cox of Indiana, and 13 caus ing a sensation in Washington. The oleo law, which was passed for the protection of the American farm er, provided only a nominal internal re-venue tax of one-fourth cent a pound on white (uncolored) oleo. but a tax of ten cent;; per pound when the pro- j duct is artificially colored so that it can pass for butter in appearance. Af'.er the law was passed the manu facturers searched the world for a natural product which could properly go into the manufacture of oleo and which would give it the yellow color. !t was argued that if some wholesome oil. having a yellow color, could bo found, tlie oleo in which such oil was an ingredient, could not be termed arti fieiaiiv colored within the meaning of i the law, and would legally escape the i ten-cent tax. , Yellow oils from sesame, mustard I peed, peanut, soy beans and other vegetables we-re experimented wiin, but either the co,t of producing these oils was too great to be commercially practl 'able, or ele the flavor of the j olci was altered. i Finally a Louisville firm discovered a process of blowing sulphur fumes through boiling cotton seed oil and aft rwards refining the sulphur from the oil. This left a yellow oil in which even chemical tests would sometimes fail to detect sulphur. Oleo made from this oil was sub mitted to the treasury department for an opinion on the validity cf Its use as a natural colored oil. The govern ment analysis failed to detect artificial coloring, but the manufacturers were warned that if subsequent tests de tecting coloring, the oleo would be subject to the 10-cent tax. The manufacturers, nevertheless, during 1911 and 1912 put out this oleo paying only one-fourth cents per pound tax on it. Later the bureau of animal industry analysed samples of this oleo and found them to contain sulphur as a coloring matter. On this evidence the treasury department da manded to see the books of the oleo companies, and found that on the sul phur oleo already sold there was due the governmpnt $1.246,62S.62 ia taxes at 10 cents a pound. The manufacturers offered to settle for $101,100. At this point the house committee on expenditures in the treasury department of which Mr. Cox was chairman, made an investi gation. Its report recommended that the compromise be rejected. This re port was made Feb. 25. 1913, and copies sent to Secretary of the Treasury MacYeagh. According to Mr. Cox. the attorneys for the oleo manufacturers, when they heard the house report, got busy put ting pressure on MacYeagh to accept the compromise. "At 11:53 o'clock on the morning of the 4th of last March one of the last acts performed by Secretary Mac Veaeh was to accept the compromise," said Mr. Cox. "He rendered that de cision, exempting them from paying $1,000,000, in the face of the law and in the face of the solemn facts in the case." Capital Comment BY CLYDE H. TAVENNER Congressman frcm the Fourteenth District. 'Special Correspondence of The Argus.) mittee of the charge that by im- properly policing i the suffrage par ade of March 3 he was directly re sponsible for the overwhelming of tnat pageant oy i the inauguration I is crowd, seems to have learned his lesson. The major evi dently has no in tention of fooling with public opin ion again. The re cent suffrage peti-tlon-in-boots as a demonstration for the equal suffrage amendment which CLYDE H. TAVELMNER . has been reported to the senate was as well -policed as any procession ever seen in Washing ton. There really was little chance for hoodlums to break up the recent pro cession even if there had been any at tempt to do so, for the petitioning women all rode in gaily decked auto mobiles, which rolled down Pennsyl vania avenue at a swift rate. But Major Sylvestor took no chances. There was a formidable police guard for the machines. In fact, a much stronger guard than the one which preceded the costumed foot-procession of March 3. which attempted vainly to march through streets jammed with half a million spectators. A CHAIN OF From the great lakes westward t,o the continental divide and along the Pacific slope to the Rocky mountains remarkable developments are taking I place in "good reads" projects. Sev : eral of them, undertaken at first inde pendently, are now being welded to gether so as to create a great highway from Chicago to Milwaukee, across the Btate cf Wisconsin, up the Missis- sinni vallev to MinneaDolis and St. Paul, across Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana to the Yellowstone Na tional park, thence in a great circle westward across the main range of the Rockies, northward along the Pa cific slope and easterly to Glacier ??a t.'onal park. The principal units which make up this highway are: The Lake-to-River road, from Chicago to Minneapolis and St. Paul; the Twin-Cities-Aberdeen-Yellowstone-Park trail, from Minneap olis and St. Paul to the Yellowstone park; and the Park-tp-Park road, from the western entrance of Yellowstone park to the western entrance of Gla cirr Irk. These projects represent only a WIRE SPARKS II Grand Forks. N. D. Mrs. J. John sen and her infant Fon, R. A. Steward and his daughter. Alice, were drowned in the Red river of the North near ' Drayton, i into the Their automobile plunged river. Mr. Johnson swam ashore. New York Edward A. Manice of the New York Stock Exchange was ex onerated by the exchange committee on business conduct of all blame in connection with the sale of $25,000 "The Young Lady The young lady across the way harshly of someone he called a if the poor fellow ought to be given lost his money. j Cv "" g o o t . "o o 0 o c C? T ' if j (j Far ahead of the recent automobile procession rode a contingent of motor cycle policemen in khaki uniforms waving traffic out of the street These were followed by two outriders mounted on horses. Then came a cor- don of a dozen mounted officers rid ing knee to knee. Finally just ahead of the parade was a big automobile loaded to the mudguards with foot to- licemen for emergencies. Major Sylvester has probably come to the realization that public opinion ( mightier than the verdict of any senatorial investigation committee. A just workmen's compensation law is to be one of the laws to result from a democratic administration. The object of such legislation is to supplant the old liability statutes. There are plenty of reasons why this should be done. When a workman is killed, it Is at present necessary for tlie widow to accept an unreasonable compromise or go to court. She is poor, and often absolutely penniless. The corporations have high-salaried counsel, and they know how to have the litigation continued and delayed. In the end the widow may be forced to accept a mere pittance. s The railroads pay yearly more than $11,000,000 for personal injuries. It is asserted that after the cases have been fought through court after court, cor porations being willing and able to carry a case to the supreme court sim ply to defeat the claim of some poor man who has lost a leg or an arm, that less than $3,000,000 of the $11,000,- 000 finds its way to the pockets of the injured. Th-. remainder is eaten up by attorneys' fees, costs, witness fees and general expenses. GOOD ROADS small part of the recent remarkable advance of the movement for good roads which has taken place in the northwestern states. In Minnesota and Wisconsin, especially, road improve ment Is under way or projected in al most every section- of the In numerable good roads associations have been formed, and villages, towns, cities, counties, commercial bodieE, and private interests are cooperating in the work. The impetus was given by vigorous campaigns conducted to arouse the public to a realization of the economic losses through bad roads and by the demands of those who use automobiles for business or pleasure; and the construction of new roads and the improvement of the old were made possible by enlightened and progres sive legislation. Minnesota has today as advanced and liberal laws as to road construction, maintenance regu lations, and appropriations as any state iu the union, and Wisconsin is not far behind. From "Good Roads Activities in the Northwest," by Wal ter C. Tiffany, in the American Review of Reviews for August. worth of government 2 per cent bonds at 95, a low record. Milwaukee John Mielens and Jo seph Paulsen, loug term prisoners in the house of correction, escaped through the ceiling and roof with chisels they had stolen. Washington New York shipbuild ing company was the lowest bidder for construction oi torpeao ooat oesiroy- j ers, its terms being $825,000 each for two boats. Six vessels are to be built and the contracts for four may go to higher bidders. Across the Way' says she overheard her father speak- very moral bankrupt and it did seem to her as credit for being moral even if he had mi HEiW howland Br .fa? I see them trudging down the street. His head Is bent, his hair Is white; Though she is old her smile Is sweet. And, best of all, her heart Is light. He fondly guards her from the harm That threatens where the crowd la dense. Her, hand is laid upon hia arm With long, long cherished confidence. He has not won enduring fame. Nor gathered riches that are vast; But she is proud to bear hia name. And he will love her till the last. V- To him she still is young and fair. To her he still is brave and strong; Tne way is strewn with roses where They slowly, gladly trudge along. Queer. "I had a curious experience not long ago," said a Chicago traveling man. "I was anxious to get Into the city to spend Sunday with my family, and had driven across country for seven mi'i for the purpose of catching a through train on one of the important rail roads. When I ar:ved at the station I found on looking at the bulletin board that the train was 40 minutes late." "Well, what was queer about that?" be was asked. "The queer thing about it was that the train was only 40 minutes late." REAL TROUBLE. "t find it harder and harder to live within my means." "That ought to be easy enough. What I'm trying to do is live with in the means my wife is endeavor ing to make the public believe we have." The Cost cf Raw Materials. Who tells me she hrvs learncti to bake; i She says she woui'l not bf afraid To match the biscuits fhr ran make With those? that mother maiic; the pie She makes is moat delicious, too; Her charms appeal to me. and I Am sure that she'd U sweet and true. I know that she can-broil a stpak. i Tlrr rlrn'fr'niit!S r.ft fc.ivp me rla.-1 Once with a piece of anscl cake She cheered mo when my heart waa sad ; But she, alas. i.i not for me; Her waiFt I ne'er ni3V hope to hook; I could not bi;y the things that she Would wish, if she were mine, to cook. Probably. "My w ife scolds me eve, y time I take out a new life insurance pol icy." "Why does she scold you? For liv ing?" He May Be Good Now. "I never trouble myself about the future," he said. "No wonder," she replied. "It must keep you protty busy thinking about your past." Cruel. "My friends," said the man who-had been making a long and tiresome speech, "there is little more that I can say on this subject." "Why more?' " asked an impatient one who had Just finished yawning. Avoiding Trouble. "Do you have any trouble with your Janitor?" asked Mrs. Flatleigh. "Oh, no. Both my husband and I believe in devoting all our spare moments-to the pursuit of pleasure." Self-Reatralr.t. "My wife. Is a woman who can prac tice great self-restraint." "lies. She came over to see our new baby the other day, and didn't say 'Ain't he cunning?'" Brilliancy and Cleverness. The difference hetween brilliance and cleverness Is that a clever man may seem to be brilliant when he Isn't. Happiest Man. Happier than the man who thinks that whatever is his Is right is he who thinks that whatever is bt is test Literary Not.- - The teacher had been talking to her pupils on Oulda's story. "The Dog of Flanders," nnd she followed her tall bv an oral test. "Now. what is the name of the au thor?" she queried. Small and Slangy Boy Oh, Yon Ida. Boston Record. ' i 1 All 1 7 l The Daily Story THE RED WIND BY CLARISSA MAOKIE. Copyrighted. 1915. by Assoclatcl Literary Bureau. -How lovely!" mocked Hester. "And ! my father? Whatxf him?" "He runs awny on another man's legs." she said gloomily, and. beckon ins her stolid companion to follow, she grouted farewell nod went wearily up the trail toward the reservation. The two Indians pnnsed on a knoll j nnd looked away into the west, where i, a dark cloud marked the horizon. An i nie stretched ont a lean arm and point ; ed. and Frightened Fawn threw up her hands and went wailing out of sight "They look like two old priestesses performing some horrid rite." shud dered Ilester -as she locked the door and went back to her father. "There is danger, Ilester?" he asked anxiously. "The same sort that we always en-! counter at this season." the girl said calmly. "Remember, every season since we have lived here we have fear- rd the grass fire, and so far it has nev er come?" "It has never come so close before. Alkali Is only twenty miles nway, and the smoke is driving this way." "I know it. but it may shift." Hes ter's voice betrayed a strained note that her father was quick to catch. "What can we do. dear? Have yon made any preparations in case it does come?" he nsked quickly. Oh. yes. dad! There Isn't much we can do, you know! I've had the hay wagon bedded with blankets and sup plied with food and water for a week rast Every portable treasure Is ready to be dropped in at the last moment. I have nursed old r.enjy along so that he will be able to pull the wagon when the time comes, if It does." The July day drew to its sultry ena. The sagebrush stretched to the hori zon, a crisp gray-browu expanse of dry herbage from which the sun had drained every drop of moisture. Hester Moore, standing in the door way of the ranch house, scanned the prairie from under the arch of her bent hand. The sun was setting, a grent ball of fire dropping below the sky line. "nester," came her father's voice from the house, "it's getting cooler, Isu't it, dear?" "Just a little, father,'' she said gen tly. She went into a room where he whs stretched on a wicker couch be fore an open window, his broken leg propped sliflly on n pillow. She took dowu the sheet that hung before the window and dipped it once more in a pail of water, wrung it lightly and re turned it to the window. The injured man stirred beneath the grateful coolness. "That feels good, Hester," he murmured. "If I hadn't had the ill luck to step into the gopher hole we might have had a little run up into the hills for a spell, at least until this blistering weather is over." "Never mind, father. If you -hadn't broken your leg you know you would not have taken a vacation. Perhaps you will get rested now," smiled Hes ter, fanning him gently. "Perhaps. Where ia Henderson?" "He went to look-up the herd. I may as well tell you now. dad" and Hester's eyes clouded with anxiety "that the herd has been missing 6lnce Monday, and Mr. Henderson is afraid that Dixon and his gang have rustled them." Mr. Moore struggled to sit up. groan ed and SHnk again upon his pillow. "Confound it all. Hester, why did it happen at this time, when 1 am on my back and can't stir a step?" "Because you are helpless, I suppose. If you had been as active as usual I hardly think that Dixon would have dared to steal them." "What is that. Hester?" Mr. Moore sniffed the air suspiciously and tried to look through the screened door, but it was out of his range of vision. Hester went to the door, looked out and came hurriedly back. "Fires at Alkali," she said briefly. "They seem to be coming this way, but the wind is south and " There came a rap nt the kitchen door. Hester answered it, leaving her re mark unfinished. Two Indian women snt on the door stop, their blankets sagging from their bent shoulders. Their black eyes were mutely appealing. "Well. Annie, how?" said Hester pleasantly. "Bread, meat, drink?" uttered Annie gutturally. ' "Of course." Hester went to the pantry and prepared several large sand wiches for the two women. She pour ed two great glasses of lemonade and carried the whole to the doorstep. The women fell upon It ravenously. When it had disappeared Annie lifted her eyes to those of the pretty white girl. "Fortune?" she muttered. "Again r laughed nester. "Why, Annie, yon tell my fortune every time you come! The last time yon promised. roe a husband and a bag of gold, and I haven't seen a sign of them yet." On the way," muttered Annie, snatching at Hester's brown little hand and scanning the palm closely. "He tides before the red wind. He brings 1 peace and plenty. The lost cattle come home, and the maiden marries her I lover." ! "Where are the other horses, your own little Bess?" be demanded Bharply. "Gone stolen," she murmured hope lessly, and he swore harshly. nester went info the kitchen to pre pare the evening meal. Now and then she paused before the open door to look searchingly Into the dusk that was creeping fast over the land. The smoke was growing thicker, and she noticed with a start of terror that the sky was obscured. Something brushed . Hester's face. She caught it la her hand and found it was a charred cinder. She darted Into the house and light ed a lamp. ' "The fire has come, father," she said calmlx, ''I will at the waoa. read ana one it to tnedoor. I think l ean transfer you from the couch to the wagon." "Very well, dear. Wheel me to the door nnd give me two canes. Have you got your mother's picture?" "Safe, father, and all your papers and plaus and books and clothes. Per haps the house will be spared after all. These adobe walls ought not to burn." "Ah!" he cried sharply. nnd pointed away to the southwest, where a long, lurid line was creeping across the width of the prairie. Henderson's place was to the east of it. Perhaps his men would start a back fire and head it off. "Back fire. Hester." he ordered, and the girl flew to a place beyond the cor ral where earlier la the day Dick Hen derson had plowed a wide furrow ot fresh earth around the homestead. She touched a match to the tinder dry grass ou the far side of the fur row. It blazed up and ran in licking leaps up and down the' edge of the fresh earth: thou it reached c::t red tongues of flame, and a broad blanket of fire went out to meet that other red fire from the southwest. Back she went to the house and tried to lift her father to the wagon. Once, twice, she exerted all her strength, but he was a heavy man. nnd now hia weight was Inert. "Leave me here and go, dear," bo begged. "Never:" she said scornfully, pausing for breath. In that instant n bunch of cattle ran 1 snorting past the? house nnd startled the restless Benjy to action. Without warning he dashed away to safety, dragging the loaded wagon in his wake, leaving Hester nnd her father to the fate of the red wind behind. Hester's face went dowu into her palms. "Oh, father!" she cried piti fully, but his gaze was bent upon her tenderly. , "It will come out nil r!ght. daugh ter," he said gravely. "Hang wet sheets to the windows and doors. Close the doors and we will take our chances b,ere." Nearer the two lines of fire crept. When they met there was a leaping wall of flnme thirty feet high, nnd the dreaded happened. A liyiug cinder drifted across the furrow end ignited the dry grass of the corral. There was a lurid flare of light nnd the chlckena in the houses squawked noisily. In n few moments the wooden doors and window frames would bo ablaze and the contents of the bouse would follow. Hester was thankful that the artesian well had been piped to the kitchen. She flew to it and pumped pall after pail of water nnd bad them In readiness. She filled wash boilers and tubs and gave her father a long handled dipper so that he might help. Then it was that there came a thun der of horses' hoofs outside and men's voices shouting. Hester flung open the door, nnd Dick Henderson staggered in. "You nre here!" he cried breath lessly. "I hoped you had gone!" j Hester explained. ' "Get on Dipsie. Hester, nnd ride for your life. I will bring your father, and the boys will fight the fire." Without a word Hester obeyed the young man. Dick Henderson had al ways been a good neighbor, nnd he had not failed them in their greatest need. Then Dick lifted Mr. Moore In his strong arms nud carried him out to where n mun offered a horse and help ed the two on its back. Then away fhey went before the red wind that Indian Annie predicted. Miles nwny in n little canyon Hester found refuge beside the sagacious Uenjy. who had arrived there safely M-ith his load. Later, w hen Dick Hen tlerson came with his unconscious bur den, the two worked together to make the injured ninn comfortable. "You have done so much for me," . said Hester gratefully, when he told her that that the fire had broken up Dixon's gang and that the stolen cattle I.nd been driven to n safe place, while the rustlers bad escaped over the bor er. "Because I love you. nester." he Uuited out suddenly, and then, over come by his shyness, be hurried awny t.i the mouth of the canyon to view the f rogress of the fire. After awhile, when he could report that the worst was over nnd that they might returu to the ranch, he went Lack to Hester, who had made a little fcre or sticks in the dry bed of the creek nud was cooking supper. "What are you smiling at?" he ask ed sheepishly. "At Indian Annie's prophecy," said Hester demurely. "She came tonight and said that my lover would ride be fore the red wind and that he would bring peace and p'enty; the lost cat tle would come home and father would run away on another man's legs." Dick Henderson shifted uneasily. "Did she soy er that you er -i what did she say, Hester?" "She said the maiden married her lover," whispered Hester. . "Will she?" whispered Diet 1 "Of course Just to make the propb.-! ecy come true," was Hester's answer. Aug. 5 in American History. 17T7 Battle of Oriskany; defeat of th . . British under St. Legcr by colonials led by General Cansevoort. Gen eral Nicholas Herkimer, who brought a force to the aid of Ganse voorL .was mortally wounded. 1858 The American end of the first Atlantic cable laid at Trinity bay, Newfoundland. 1S8S General Philip Henry Sheridan, V. 8. A., died; born 1831. 1910 President Taft dedicated monu. ment at Provlncetown, ass., to the Pilgrim fathers. All the news all the time-rne Argua