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THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1913. ORDINANCES ARE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMISSION Council Takes Up All the Propo sitions at an Informal Meeting. CITY SETTLES AN OLD CLAIM Compromise U Effected With Mrs. Bert Capmann for $250 Sunday Baseball Matter Taken Up. Only four of the ordinances provid ing for the bis bond issue to be voted on August 26 were ready for presen tation at the weekly session of the city commission yesterday afternoon. It was decided to take no action on them but to hold a session at 10 o'clock this morning at which time It Is expected all the ordinances will be ready. A communication from O. W. Ret tig was read asking: permission to tear tip the asphalt in front of the L. Simon building on Second avenue between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets In order to 'make repairs on a bursted water pipe. Opposition developed at -nce to the proposition which was merely received and placed on file. SETTl.E TIf E CLAIM. The council settled an old Claim yes terday afternoon, which had been lirousht against tho city by Mrs. Bert Capmann, nee Miss Jessie Flannlgan, some years ago. She was employed as a stenographer in the office of form r Mayor George V. McCaskrin and claims that near the close of the lat ter's administration her name was mitted from the salary list. Some time later the brought action in clr- uit court to recover $300 and the suit Jias been pending for many months. Several attempts were made by Mrs. Capmann to secure a settlement with the present council but these proved Tutiie. les'erday aiternoan former Mayor McCaskrin appeared before the council with a proposition to compro mise the claim for $200 and a motion to this effect carried unanimously. EWKR ( OMI'l.AINT. C. H. Tonn made complaint to the council relative to a sewer assess ment which he asked the council to ray. He stated that when he built a house on Seventeenth avenue and Tenth street, it was his understanding that the sewer wag to come in from the alley. However, the original plans were changed and the sewer was put In from the street, necessitating con siderable expense which he askeJ the council to pay. ISTI,I. JEW I.K.I1TS. The matter of the installation of i ornamental boulevard lights on Third avenue between Fifteenth and Six teenth streets was brought up and permUhlon was given to sign for the city. L C. Kberbardt asked and re ceived permission to place light posts; in front of his place on Fourth avenue ' and Twenty-third street. j TO .Olt I.ANbl AGH. j Commissioner Jonas Bear introduced i a resolution urging that the park com- mlssioners stop the use of vicious and i obscene language used at Reservoir I park during Sunday lit-11 games and ' If no relief came to refuse to allow ! frames on the Sabbath day. The reso- lution provoked considerable discus-1 slon. Mayor Schrlver said he favored ' It and Commissioner Hart thought that j Sunday pames were all right and that ! a park policeman might spend Sunday hfiernoons on the field to preserve or der. Commissioner Rudgren question- Pacific Limited ; NewAU-SteelTraurt In Service Daily To California Perfect in equipment, rich in all those things which make for travel comfort complete in every detail and yet A'o Extra Fare Is Charged Library -observation car, draw ing room -compartment stan dard sleeping cars, tourist sleeping cars and dining cars are operated daily through to both San Francisco and Los Angeles on fast schedule via Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul Union Pacific Line IjQW Fares West TickMi. tlerping ear nwiiiiiofi and lull tntormatwc from local Chi cago. Milwaukee & St Paul agent. GEO. B. HAYNFS I l Hi! L General Passmgrr Agent CHICAGO ed it the park commissioners had any control over . the park in question, claiming that the work they did there was gratis to the city, and large"! j a matter of accommodation. Follow.! ing the discussion. Commissioner Bear withdrew the resolution, acting on the suggestion of Commissioner Rudgren that the park commissioners be oon sulted about the matter without any official action by Che council. "It Is not that I am opposed to Sun day ball games," declared Commission er Bear, "but I am opposed to the use of vulgar and indecent language and think some action ought to be taken at once to protect the property own ers in. the vicinity of the park from rowdy and unbecoming conduct on the part of those playing ball there." MOXTHLT HEPORTS. Monthly reports from the various officers in his department were given by Commissioner Archie Hart. In Po lice Magistrate Smith's court, there were 90 state case and 52 civil suits, bringing In a total of $580.40 In fees. There were SO ambulance calls and 128 wagon runs. Thirty-two lights were out. for a total of 283 hours. There were 97 electrical permits is sued during the month, making a total of $S4.5S in fees and 78 building per mits Issued with fees amounting to $118, bringing the grand total to $202.58. The plumbing Inspector re ported fees to the extent of $312. Commissioner ' Archie Hart nltro duced an ordinance changing the year ly fees for automobile cabs from $30 to $20 and the measure was adopted. The fees here have been considerably higher than in other cities. E. G. Fraser asked the council rela tive to the status of the petition from the Burlington to install switch tracks south of the depot. The city attor ney had not reported and no action on the matter could be taken. The coun cil then adjourned. NEAR NEW HEAT RECORD FOR MONTH OF AUGUST Sunday's maximum temperature, while not very noticeable in view of the kind of weather we have been having, came within .3 of a degree ot springing the heat record for August. Sunday's high mark was 9S.2, which is several degrees below the altitude the mercury accomplished a few days earlier. August's hottest day was the 9th, 1894, when the mark reached was 93.5 degrees. R0CKF0RD SEES RED FLAG Citizens Indignant at Its Use Over the Stars and Stripes. Rockford, 111., Aug. 5. Rockford citizens were up in arms yesterday because of the action cf the Indus trial Workers of the World in defiant ly flaunting the red flag at the head of their parade preliminary to their picnic In one of 'he city parks. The custod'an of Black Hawk park inter posed an objection to the prominence given the red flag over the stars and stripes, but was informed by Park Commissioner Alfred G. Olson, a so cialist, that the Industrial Workers of the "World were within their right3. Dr. Olson is said to have assured them there would be no molestation of the I. W. W. as long as he is park commis sioner. SENATE CONFIRMS TODD N.w Voricr s Made Assistant to At torney General McReynolds. Washington, D. C, Aug. 5. The sen ate last night confirmed the appointr ment of George Harold Todd of Xew york t0 be assistant to the attorney , e..- a.k. I ilk 1 O I Ui IUC lAlltU k3iaCO, AUUUjri ; I effort to bring about the conflrtnat'on " , of the appointment of James Coffey of South Dakota as internal revenue col lector for the division of North Da- kota and South Dakota resulted in a protracted filibuster, which ended with- out action having been taken on the; appointment. NOTICE OF SALE OF THE OLD Y. M. C. A. BUILDING To all whom it may concern. You are hereby notified that the olu Young Men's Christian Association I mrnpr rf Third avnna art i Vino. ' j rtenth street in the cit-y of Reck Is- . land. ill., is for sale to the highest and . best bidder, and that sealed bids wl.) I 1 be received by the building committee ' of said Young Men's Christian Associa tion, ior me purcnase tnereoi, at any time before S o'clock a. m. Aug. 11, A. D. 1S13. Said sealed bids to be ac companied by certified check of not less than Five hundred (1500.00) dol lars. The right is hereby reserved to re ject any and all bids at the pleasure of aid bulld'ng committee. Bids may be left with H. K. CASTEEL, Chairman of the Building Committee. Young Men's Christian Association Rock Island. Illinois. (Advj j Inflammatory Rheumatism i Relieved. Quickly Morton L. Hill of Lebanon, Ind, says: "My wife had Inflammatory ' rheunyitlsm la every muscla and joint; her suffering was teni'ele and j her body and face were swollen al i most beyond recognition; had been in bed for six weeks and had eight t physicians, but received no benefit I until she tried Dr. Detchon's Relief : for Rheumatism. It gave Immediate j relief and she was able to walk In ; three days. I am sure it saved her j life." Sold by Otto Grotjan. 1601 Seo !ond avenue. Rock Island, and Gust j Schlegel & Son, 220 Second street, i Davenport. (Adv.) Be sure and take a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea j Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be ' obtained on board the trains or steam j ers. Changes of water and climate often cause sudden attacks of diar rhoea, and it Is best to be prepared. Sold by all druggist. (Adv.) August Records Will be Shattered Wednesday! Cuad This week we have some es pecially good bargains to offer. We are cutting prices on every patent remedy in our store. For instance: Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, $1 value 85c California Syrup of Figs, 50c value 41c Palne's Celery Compound, $1 value 79c Pompeian Massage Cream, $1 value 59c Sal Hepatica, $1.25 value ..95c Sylvia Cold Cream. 50c sine 45c ,1 pint Pure Grain Alcohol . . .40s 1 pint Pure Castor Oil 35c 1 pint Pure Glycerine 45c Just received a full Una or Fuller Bath and Shampoo Brushes, absolutely guaranteed pure China bristles. These i-.rustes are of A-l quality and retail at si ana ji.oo; to imr luce tbem we will start the:n at EOc si;d $1.15 for 10 days or!j All our prices In the Drug department are in proportion to those given aoove. our prescription department is en tirely up to date and we save you from 2u to 50 per cent on every prescription filled. Come in and see us. The Drug Store, Main Floor 22hc Ribbons 15c One lot of all silk taffeta Ribbon, black and colors, 22V2C values, 15c yard. Summer Furniture 25 Off 5c Laces 3c One lot of linen and tor chon Edges and Insertions, 5c values, 2c yard. Lace and Embroidery Rem nants, l2 price. Hammocks 25 Off 5c Hdkfs. 3c Women's satin stripe and plain white hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 5c value, 3c each. Refrigerators 25 Off $1.25 Blouses 98c J1.25 Norfolk and Middy Blouses with red,, navy or cadet blue col-! lars and black patent leather belts, j a very neat blouse for outing and I camping 98c. Trunks For Sale! Every good kind has been gathered : Good quality Steamer Trunks, made to stand the wear. Fin ished in heavy polished brass trimmings, only $7.50. Best quality Steamer Trunks, high class finish, cloth lined, only $9.75. Women's fine Dress Trunks, 36-inch size, double trays, hand riveted. Finest finish through out. Special prices at (22, $20, $18, $15 and $13. Basement Salesrooms. McCairs Books of Fashion quality Here REALTY CHANGES Chas. W. Lundahl and wife to J. H. Greer. Lots 1 and Z, block 1, Lun mrnm This is not an institution of intermittent energy. All our efforts are constantly exerted in your behalf. Every commercial conquest is quickly turned to your advantage. We are building on the. solid foundation of LOWEST PRICES, linked with WORTHIEST QUALITY. And the result is seen in a great and growing business that is leaping . ahead each year with splendid rapidity. Nothing can stay our progress your appreciation and patronage give us the encouragement that makes unbounded success certain. You willherefore read tonight's "Young & McCombs" story with interest. It's news well worth telling news that concerns you and brings the foremost needs within closer reach than ever " get the Some of Golden Oak Dressers $42.00 Value ; $33.60 $40.00 Value $32.00 $21.10 $20.80 $24.80 $18.80 $28.00 Value $26.00 Value' $31.00 Value $23.00 Value $18.50 Value $14.83 $16.25 Value $13.00 $14.50 Value $11.70 fBlPl WK ' : i , , ; ' ' fT) ' " ' i i i For4Bays--ASale of Daintv Amazingly- Price Slashed In this broad out-sweep of practically every thing we ovn, on the Second Floor, expect to see superb models many copies of importa- ,tions. Don't miss the distinguished little dressy creations to be found in the Southwest corner! Jreat Sale at q Dresses that were made up for us to ?w . 1 seU at up to $10, choice rr a 50 New Summer Frocks, $4.49 An attractive lot of pretty new summer frocks. In variety of styles, including the combination coat effects and other desirable models. Materials are 6triped voile, linen, ra tine, imported ginghams, crepe voile, lawn and tissue. All colors end sizes. Worth i iQ much more. Special Wednesday 4TT 100 High Grade Skirts $4.19 100 of these high grade skirts, especially made from -materials purchased at a great discount at the end of the season, will be disposed of at one price, $4.19. Ordinarily every skin in this lot would bring from $6 to $10; made up of heavy S Ju-t'Jor materialswn the very Pi r newest styles for Fall. For four days 3 1 s dahl's Ninenteentb. Street addition, n Jdoiine; aou. 1 T - 1 T". ill- . n i f iun DamiDg 10 Luanes a. f aimer, I Lot 8, block 2, Palmer & Hartzeles 1st 1 arMftrn vn. ti r.n - j Chas. A. Palmer and wife to Cora r AUGUST Furniture Sale NEWS! Well on to twelve train-carloads of Furniture is price-lessened here, or coming. And there is an equal amount of Rugs, Draperies and Lin oleum August-priced. And this is the Sale whose advantages are yours. Buying is to be' done promptly, if you would utmost limit of assortment and tage, through, of course, the Sale will be in progress forsome time. COME! the Furniture Prices: G olden Oak Chiffonieres $14.00 Value $13.50 Value $15.50 Value $10.00 Value $16.50 Value $30.00 Value $41.00 Value $11.80 $11.23 $12.40 $,8.03 $13.20 $24.00 $32.80 Mason. Lot 11. black 2, Cottage Grove addition, East Mollne; $400. Chas. A. Palmer and wife to Harry Palmer. Lot 19, blark 3. Cottage Grove addition. East Moline; $1.00. Swan Oscar Berklund and wife to Dresses N L "J m advan Sanitary Pouch and Pad, $8.50 value, $5.69. Porch Rocker, value $1.00, 75c. 6 golden oak Dining Chairs, polished leather seats, boxed frame, value $18.00, for $11.88. 0P .1 Carl Linus Beckman. North half lot 10, Ridgeview, Moline; $2,C0O. Forrest Donald and wife to KBwin H. Grantham. Part lot 3, Child's Second addition, Moline; $2,000. Peter Bjorklucd and wife to Gustaf ..,.131 I. 1 ' f it )PfW& Lioen Sedlion 45-inch Handkerchief Linen, sheer or cambric finish, $1.00 grade 75c S5c grade .....69e 75c grade 59c 59c grade 48c Natural Cold Linen, suitable for dresses, 50c grade, yard 33c 35c grade, yard 25c 50 dozen Bleached Hemstitched huck Towels, 25c value, each 18c Domestics 1,000 yards 32-inch Dress Ging hams, in plaids and stripes, 15c grade yard 9c. 10 pieces of Shirting Cheviots in desirable patterns, 12Hc grade, yard 10c. 42-inch Pillow Tubing, depend able quality, 20c value, yard 14c, "Notions" 20c white Finishing Braid, per bolt, IOC. $1 Manicure Sets 89c Women's Manicure Sets in leather cases, fitted with nail file, scissors, orange stick and cuticle knife, size 5 y8 by 2y2 .regular value $1.00 for 89c. Gloves $1.25 long silk Gloves, ggrj pair. . -, , 4 Stationery 15c Mottoes, each. Crepe Paper Napkins, dainty floral and gold designs 5c. Crepe Table Covers 20c, 5x7 feet -Main Floor Shoe Sale AU Oxfords and Pumps, $2.00. White Shoes, l4 Off. Summer Candies Pineapple Squares, 20c H Cocoa Dainties, 25c Hickory Nut Gems, 25c Bessie Kisses, 15c lb. New Candles, Main Floor Needlework Package Goods of one lot, , Price. " Vi Petticoats Women's black and colored messaline Petticoats, pleated flounces, Klosfit styles, $1.25 values, 95c. ( Children's gingham Aprons, 49c values, 35c. Two Wonderful Voiles on the Aisle j Today l I Printed cotton voile, special at a yard 14c. Silk striped cotton voile, 39c for 58c kind. The printed voile at 14c la another big purchase at late season prices; the same quali ties have been selling at 15c and 18c. All-white (rounds, with lots ot pretty stripes and plain patterns, besides a vari ety of borders. . Of the sllk-triped voile at 25c instead of 38c there is only enough for a day's seling. The pretty stripe patterns are sprinkled over white grounds. Accumulation of wanted cot ton wash goods; usable lengths: priced at savings that will make them fairly "jump" out of the store tomorrow. One-half price. McCall's Bathing Suit qualitv) Patterns 15c Gunnerson. Lot 9, block 1, Child's ad dition, Moline; $2,000. Thomas Agan and wife to John Hunting. Part section 8 T. S. 1; $1- All the nows all toe time The Axgui.