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THE ROCK - ISLAND ARGUS. TUESDAY. AUGUST 5, 1912. MOLINE'S SECTION OF THE ARGUS Day's News Happenings in Rock Island's Sister City KING BROS. FIND AN ASTHMA CURE Propose to Give It to Suffering Humanity Free of Any Charge. TO LIVE ON CHOLERA CURE Sunday morning, he was removed to the hospital. The accident occurred by a horse being frightened by some of the farm machinery and running away, throwing the man out of the rig. Bucolic Benefactors Now in Double Role for the Good of the Entire World. Henry and Joseph King, the broth ers who are farmers oa Bridge lane. and whose discovery of a remrdy for hog cholera was told in these columns yesterday, appear, it seems, in a dou ble rt-le as benefactors tor humanity, only this time it is for the real humans, not the animals, and in this la'tcr case it Is their intention to give the remedy for asthma absolutely free to any one desiring it. I)etails of the new cur" are not available yet, because the brothers are thoroughly testing their discovery, but it Is known that at least in one case, that of a Mrs. H. W. Johnson, the mother of B. v. Strattyn. who works in Pctrrs-on's horseshci i!:g place on Sixteenth street, a cur.1 was effected after the woman had been suffering for 13 years from the maladv. OHIll. ih.:i OM.V. Furthermore, the brothers declined to tak? anything for the m dieino fur nished Strattcnfor his moth'T, save a merely nominal charge, so small, in fait, that it is hardly worth mention ing. Mt. Johnson was paid to be at the po'nt of dat,h when the remedy was administered, nnd she was so ni'ich improved at the end of a wc k Unit, she w;ik able to travel CORYN SLATED FOR HONORS AT BANQUET Edward Ccryn, recently made a knight of .the. Order of Leopold, by King Albert of Belgium, is to be hon ored by three societies, the Belgian American club, the Belgian Working men's union, and the William Tell ch b at a banquet which win probably '.ake place in the Manufacturers' hotel on the night of Thursday, August 21. Neither ttie place or date, have been ' actually arranged as yet, but it is I thought tha. the cemmittees in charge j will agree cn the time and locality mentioned. Speakers of prominence JOHN HANSEN IS FOUND DEAD Eemains Discovered on Rear Porch at Home of Mrs. -John Anderson. WALKED TWELVE MILES Wanted to Say Goodbye to Person Who Had Befriended Him in Hi Adversity. ... of the place Monday morning. Wag ner has not announced his future arrangements. 'WARE MILK AND SEDUCTIVE "ICE" Sample Analysis Shows Star tling Results Prosecu tions Will Follow. MILITIA CAPTAIN READY FOR WAR Gets Army Clothes in Shape for. . . Invading Mexico Some Time This Fall. John Hansen, aged 61 years, was found dead on the rear "porch at the heme of Mrs.. Anaerson. 1544 Nine teenth avenue, shortly after 5 o'clock both from Mcline and other cities will j this morning. b present. FARMERS PICNIC K) BE HELD AUGUST 28 I.yfcrd's grove, near Port Byron, is to be the Ecne of the annual farmers' picnic Aug. s, this arrangement hav ing b-'en determined upon by the direc tors of the Rock Island County farm ers' association. Committees in charge of the various events have Ik en appointed, and a program which The old man had walked a distance cf lZ'miles from the county poor farm to the heme cf Mrs. Anderson, widow of htB former employe, the only person he. regarded as a friend. Knowing that he was about to pas's to the great fl f d h t 1 I 1 L inCvMns. . will prove attractive to all who attend; in i has be?n outlined. . is prudent and A. ; of the association. beyond, he s'arted from the infirmary presumably Sunday night arriving at his deFtinaticn yesterday afternoon in a half-dying condition. He said he just wantd to say good-bye to one who had befriended him during his adversity. Mrs. Andersen allowed him to sleep the barn, but ear'.y this morning W. H. Ashdownj being in the throes of death, and un- CONTAGIOUS DISEASE Saddor'.s secretary able to walk, it is thought he crawled to tiie perch and attempted to make Mr. Andersen hear. Deceased is supposed o have a wite and a son living in Minneapolis and a REPORT MADE PUBLIC; f1a7torLeml)loyecl in cre cf the Dr. Perry WesstTs report to tiie city her commission, which was submitted So strong Is the belief of Captain R. E. Willis of company F, that the United States will invade Mexico this fall that it is understood he has taken his army clothes to the armory, or dered the men of the company to be in readiness to depart at very short notice', and appointed Lieutenant L. J. Quick a special recruiting officer. All this is the result of talking with regular army officers at the " recent ehcampmeut at Springfield,' who, he avers, confidently predict that opera tions against the country of the Dons will be in effect by September at the latest Company F arrived in Moline Sunday morning tired but happy, and browned by exposure to the weather. Drills will be discontinued for six weeks in order to give all hands a chance to rest up from the arduous duties of of those who have "been found to!camD life- and t0 make the rest more "doDe" their milk and ice cream will etlective, the entertainment committee City Chemist L. A. Frit.te, under the direction of Dr. J. H. Long, has made tests of thirteen ruiik. samples and four samples of ice cream, which is being panned off on Moline patrons. as "pure." Eight of the milk samples did not contain enough butter fat and showed an excessive amount of bac teria. One dealer had gone so far as to use formaldehyde as a preservative in the milk he had on sale. This rev elation will doubtless result in the pay ment of stiff fine by the offender with probably a jail sentence. Authorities are making a rigorous investigation ard intend to punish the. guilty dealers to the full extent. Arrests are ex- Your IVfoney and Your Future Neither will take care of itself. The money will take care of the future if you place part of every dolar you earn in a Savings Account in this strong bank at 4 per cent-even if you are able to save only a small amount each week or each month. Make Our Bank Your Bank be published. The exposure comes as a severe jolt, as the wares, of several dealers were regarded beyond reproach. Erie heme. She appears tc have bera completely (uteri, and is a!d to have; cured two fricrirlH with wha' remained of th' con Witt of the boUV. The Kings; have aniioiin r:l that tiny do not im -::! to ma!,'' anything out of their discovery, but i hat th:jy do propni- to ;"-t Mim'-thing out of the n wly derr. er d (hoi ra cure. Monday, shows that at the end of the month there were only two cases of contagious di -eases in the city. Elev en sue!) ta?es were discovered during the course of the month, among which were included three of diph theria, and one each of scarlet fever, tuberculosis, typhoid and smallpox. Fifty patieuts ate now in tiie hospital. One hiT.dred ten were received dur- CITY IS AFTER EAR BEER JEWELERS TO CLOSE WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Moline jewelers held a meeting last evening and decided not o have their stores remain open after 6 o'clock on j Wednesday evenings and evenings preceding holidays as has been the custom. 1 ne practice to Close every evening except Saturday will be fol lowed until Oct. 1, according to an agreement entered into at the meeting. H. E. CASTEEL, President. M. S. HEAGY, Vice Tree. 11. B. Simmon, Cash. Southwest corner Second avenue and Eighteenth street. rIEN is planning for a series of dances to be held at the armory and club rooms. Captain Willis won fifth place in the individual contest for marksmanship with a score of S3 out o 100, being topped by only two men, one from Rock Island and the other from Gen- eseo. In the battalion shoot, the j Second, including teams from Moline, j Geneseo and Rock Island won first place. It is understood that Fort Benjamin Harrison, located near In dianapolis, will be the scene ot" the encampment next year. II OBITUARY RECORD i'K.i.ii: mkiv.s i: . Tim- vaP htou'.-bi aU.ut by one small in the month, and 112 discharged :rktr In h h:id iippod threagh ai hole i.i a f iice win re c r:ain herbs wire .-.Towinv. W'atch'n-.: this animal, .inri noting that lie applied to bp im mune from any eho'era. the brothers (included that the herbs mentioned were responsible for t::e cur.'. Put ting this, and th;it tcgi th.T the rem edy remit' d. and. an related yrsterday, rccms to ho what h;:s lor; been, de sin (' liy f;:nnr.!. FIKD NUDE MAN IN STREET Officials Working on Ordinances Which Will Place Product Under License. HICI.KN K. Kill. Hei-sn E. Eib. the 4-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eib. Hamp ton, died at her home eariy this morn ing. At a (orcner's inquest, conduct ed this morning atithe Allsbrow under- ONLY ONE BID FOR A POLICE RUNABOUT John Lird May Pay Penalty of Getting Drunk With HIc Lite. Civ.- officials are determined to plaice the near beer men i.i the cattsorv where they belong, according to ofli-; C( oy tue j'jrv' Whether the city officials did not properly spend the amount necessary in printers' ink for advertising for bids for the new police runabout or not is an unknown quantity, but fact remains that there was only one bid submitted, that of Fred Ostlund, which called for a Ford roadster, two passenger, at $449. The necessary electric lights called for by the spect- CITY TREASURER HANDS IN HIS REPORT FOR JULY The report of City Treasurer R. C. Shallberg for July, which has been handed in to tiie commission, shows a very healthy state of financial affairs for the city. The details given are: Balance ou hand June SO. ..$320,036.05 Received 24,6S84.yi Paid cut 58.37S.5H home. 500 Twelfth street. Moline. Th6 accident occurred Sunday. It is hard- i ly likely that he will regain his vision. in that particular s. CORROBORATION Of Interest to Argus Reader. For months Roi Island citizens have seen in these columns enthusi astic praise of Doan's Kidney Pills by ROSS WINS DIAMOND RING ! death from natural causes was return- cialdom, that is, their product should j he lic.enrcd just the same as any other f ' alcoholic. liouor, and to that end Com-! up in a I ruissioner Anderson uroDosed an ordi- taklsg parlors by Dr. R. C. J. Meyer. fications will cost an - additional $25. Following the law relating to such matters, the final answer was deferred or the present, but in all likelihood the bill will be accepted. o. noa 'nance at the mentinsr Mnndav wliprphv and us a itvjit was picked nude and unccust'iGU.-; state morning in iront ot n;s rooming , wholesalers would have to dev S500 house, 12:" Tiiird avenue, with li'-s and retailers 100. frkuK fractured, presumably from h-jv-1 Mayor Carlson wanted to go him ins f-i!ln from the t-.prcr window inon(, bolter, however, so he reouested the night whiie under the influence of that the proposition of the cominis whisky. He w;:8 tsikeu to the city j siorcr be hold over, stati.ig that he l:e:-pi!al and operated on. but small ! himself was working in coniucction ' "' l.ite t for hopes arc rv: n t.t for hiR recovery. witli th city attorney on a movement utlr.-.' of the employe . , i;0 ilti(i in-'nJe! going to Cejar'to brine tiie dealers under the recu- Tool com; any. with i J'.apids Sati:rih;y night. ! lar femoral laws, whereby they would n,ent of iusl'cc lead officials to con. for the iiia-;1. A! ; have to ante the regulation $1,000 to ! clude tUat "ie-state charge of black. THRFW IRON AT KIDS: FINFD ithe city for a license. de. practically had been dropped, and TOOL CO. EMPLOYES WILL PICNIC SATURDAY, AUG. 23 S'lVirrtay. tli big a:it :i:ii ( f t,h" .lo!in ('ampin 1 I'd i'.a'iil inciting of tht! iiitn was Ik lei Monday NATION. NOT STATE. WILL PROSECUTE BLACKMAILERS Washington, Aug. .5. The release from custody at New Orleans of the agents of the department of justice charged with accepting a bribe to prevent the arrert of former Governor IJrito at Canipeche, Mexico, means, it is believed by officials here, the trans fer of the case from the state to the federal authorities. The meager of ficial advices received by the depart- Dalance on hand July SI... 280,342.45 I 'ck lsiana resiaents. wouia tneso prominent people remommena a rem edy that had not provjen reliable? Would they confirm their statements after years had elapsed if personal ex perience had not shown the remedy to be worthy of endorsement? The f r.llrnv i n tr c t : t tinmr t ahmilft rarpv rnn. recipient of the diamond ring r. the. ur tne I East Moline Eagles Have Highly Sue- j cesstui uuting on sunaay. Lloyd Ross of Moline was the lucky cuting of the Eat Mcline Eagles hist Sunday. The affair was he:d in a grove at Second street and Railroad avenue, and it is estimated that fully 259 .members and their families and friends were in attendance. The usual games were played and a general good time prevailed. MOLINE EAGLES PLANNING TO HOLD BASKET PICNIC Some time in the very near future the Moline Eagles will hold a basket pi"nic, the event probably to take place at "Tha Elms," Forty-sixth street and River drive. The affair will be for members and their families cnly. At the meeting of the lodge tonight final arrangements and the ex act date will be announced. noon at. the factory, and a committee I . i Action Horoii'ti d to arrungo for :U! d taMs of Albert Miller, Lir.crran, Will Be More t!l pre-ent, but it is understood that the inilllit ittion. Tiie cominii ei is: I rpftui in th. rutum the matter v ill be thcrouehlv eone inti mail originally preferred against Spe- was theref-o nosinnnt-rt f r,r ' -"eeni inaunows. J . L,. won. nis AliMi't Miil'i-. lineman, 'working' within the very near future, and the i that . the fe(leI"al government would Chiirle.i Hint, Kr:tilv K. Smith. Gcnrg .H iin:' :i. r,C y t'i'ts'ens. I.fnry M.ul:, t for tie Op.trai rnion Telephoae com- officials are in hopes of devising a Euttuid Hai'ATiiian. and Joliu Ensl'sli. . mnv. beenme incen.rd nt tho annnv. ; ure and certain means of letting the i ' nr.w in VfKt iffntA in Hptprn.iTip i-Violhrr any attempt had been made to solicit . i ... ... .i , . . . tt Q hpihp nT7 thnca ami'jon Thlc wrmlrt nniM.i ...-nn Hnn till' KII1W W l fV BfO t T-l I U T n (T " ' w..i... w v. j . ..u.u HORSE REARS: THROWS B0Y!rkinB Monday, ard picking up a1""""-'-' either diuised or otherwise. a federal offense. The charge of iiicro ff urrnti iron hnvt it in thoif : BYLUND CHALLENGED BY 3 DIFFERENf EVIEN Will Core Has Hit Bck Eprained by i (iirei tion. He said in court uitorwards Fall From Equine While Ridirg. (that he didn't intend to hit anyone, t Will (Jore. u lit ycai-oid boy living ; merely re koning on sciring them, and j ai 2:'-','t E'evt ntli and tUree-iiuarteis las a matter of 1'jct, he didn't hit anv-i avenue, was riding a horse to water in ; body, either, but that didn't satisfy j Rcbort Bylund, champion welter tho yurd of the prcmisos Monday noon, j the mother of ot:e of the kids, who had j weight wrestler of Moiine has re and rs the animal ns a trifle too slow I'ulm arrested, charged will-, di.-orderly , ceived challenges from three different conuuet. lie was tmej ?j.t)j. 'men recently, james Parnon. of Chi- i cago; Waiter Evans, cf Peoria, and DROUTH RUINS MELON CROPimas J. Rolswieg, of Chicago, be- i ing the trio who are anxious to meet But Other Good Thirgs to Eat Appear i Vhe lecal man on the mat. The match and Partially Make Up. ! with - has been partially ar- Tiie long continued spell of hot ' ranged by the Olympic club, the in v.eather has put the crop of water-i tent 'on being to stage it early next melons on the fril.t, as it were, and lovers of that delectable fruit will (have to leave mott of this season's Sondition.of Farmer, Hurt Two Weeks j supply to their imagination, as far as Ago, Is Very Crave. local producers are concrrtie,d. any- T'.io c nJitic.ii of Henry Hicks, the, way. Tomatoes have appeared in 'armor living at Cambridge, who was j abundance, however, and egg plant hart in u runaway in Ms hayfieU two j had also made its appearance. Tiie blackmail was originally preferred, it is said on the assumption that the telegram directing the arrest of Brito was a fake, but as this was a genuine dispatch, the allegation resolves itself into a question of alleged bribery- in n it movements to i-ult the lad. a harp cut w:th a whip administer ed The animal reared, throwin i boy, spraining Lis back, a'ld rendering him uncont-clous for a time. Ir. A. li. Up was called in attendance. The 'jcy will bo confined to his bod for sev ?ral days. HENRY HICKS MAY DIE! SHOPMAN MAY LOSE EYE Matthew L. Murrin Victim of Accident While Employed at Silvis. Matthew L. Murrin, one of the Sil vis shopmen, may lose the sight of TiTs left eye, due to a piece of iron flying off of one of the hammers at the works and striking him in the organ men tioned. Dr. Hanson of Silvis attended the man and had him taken to his leader. Mrs. A. .1. Johnson, 410 Ninth street. Rock Island, 111., says: "I still think as highly of Doan's Kidney Pills aa I did in 1909 when 1 publicly recom mended them. ' I had been suffering from weak back and painB across my kidneys. After being on my feet for any length of time, I was tired out. Dean's Kidney Pills were so highly recommended that I got a supply at the Harper House pharmacy. They pave me relief at once and three brxes made me well." For sale by all dealers. Price GO cents. Foster-Milburn company, Buf falo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. (Adv.) 7JSZ mcnth. Parnon has been training with Cus Pappas. Evan3 met Bylung lant spring, and now wants a return match. Not much is known of the last man named. Bylund is now in training for tiie bout with Parnon. 'm ago. i'.nd later conveyed to the scarcity of corn caused the supply the city hospital, is very grave, and the I other day to vanish with startling man may not live. He was for some time thought to l cn the road to re covcrey, but suffering a relapse last Pool Room Changes Hand3. The biliiard and pool rooms at Ninth street and Fifteenth avenue. rapidity, and spring chickens also i tcrniei ly owced by lhomas Wagner speedily changed hands when brought 1 hve ben sold to J. Vail of Daven to the local market 1 port- The new took possession ACCEPTS PASSENGER CUT Great Western Gives Notice Ending I Long Litigation Over Rates. j St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 5. The Chi jcago Great Western railroad will, with i in 10 days, jvit into ecect, the new 2 cent passenger rates as ordered by the United Stnte snnrpmn rnnrt in Us I , i recent decision in the Minnesota rate cases. This announcement was made last nigiit following a conference be tween Attorney General Smith, rail road commissioners, and officials of the Great Western. The injunction preventing seven rail roads from -enforcing the 2 cent pas senger rates, granted by Judge San born, never had been dismissed in the case of the Great Western. The state had filed notice it would seek dissolution of the injunction against the road, and many believed the result would be a long period "of litigation. m mi retire- r-cnrn HAD RUN OF WAR OFFICE! 1 Th,(n nsf-man Ciffirr-r TalkH I Freely to Krupp Agents. Berlin, Aug. 5. Lieu'enant Hogue, one of the seven ordnance officers ac cused of betraying military secrets, admitted yesterday before the court martial that he communicated five se cret reports to Max Brandt, the Ber lin agent of the Krupps. He said, how ever, he did not realize at the time ths serious nature of his offense, es pecially as the Krupp people had a free run of the war office. This was the chief feature of the testimony, which was concluded yesterday. New York Mrs. tienry G. Elliott, whose husband shot and killed her cou sin, Ella Sidley. and then committed suicide near Macomb's Dam park Sun day, appeared at the Fordham hospital and after identifying the two bodies gave an order to an undertaker for their interment Wednesday morning. The "Bee Hibe for "Black and Whiie Chech Skirts For the past two weeks our buyer, Mr. Dcutsch, has been in he eastern markets selecting garments for fall and immediate wear and already the new things are be ginning to arrive. . "Worthy of special mention is a splendid assortment of the popular black and white cheek skirts. The newest ideas in draped, slashed and belted ef fects, stunning looking, skirts in many different models, and in all sizes. $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 $5.98 More White P. K. Skirts at 98c, $1.69, $1.98 More New House-Dresses at 69c, 98c, $1.25 More Gigham Petticoats at 25c and 39c Nelv Slveater Coats for Tall are Here Handsomer and Smarter Than TLver The popularity of these knitted coats continues to grow greater every year. Xo other garment seems to be so handy and practical for all-year-round wear., Better chose yours now and have it for the cool evenings com ing, or to take with you on that outing. Plain Coats Norfolks arid Rough Keck Styles in many new weaves and colors. $1.98 to $5.98 Children's Sweater Coats, 75c to $2.50. The "Bee Hibe on the Corner Second and "Brady Streets, Dabenport mm, p 1 ' li'nio'.f A All tha Arena. news ail tie Um The