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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, September 15, 1913, HOME EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press
Exclusive Wire
Church Officials Begin
Inquiry Into Record of
Rev. Schmidt.
New York Clergymen Con
fesses Killing Girl and Hack
ing Body to Pieces.
New York, Sept. 15. In the hope
f branding as an imposter and
pseudo priest. Rev. Hans Schmidt, al
leged self-confessed slayer of Anne
Aumuller, victim of New York's river
murder mystery, Roman Catholic
church authorities began today a
sweeping Investigation of Schmidt's
record and pretensions to ordination.
"We hope, of course, to be abie to
prove this unspeakable monster was
en imposter and had been using forg
d paper," declared Monsignor La
velle, general of the archdiocese of
New Ygrk.. "That is something we
are trying to clear up now. He came
to tliis diocese with credentials ap
parently in every way ah'hentic and
genuine, but we know practically
liothing of him. The crime is too hor
rible to conceive. We can only hope
he may prove to have been a
jscudo priest."
18 SI.AIN 1 IlKO.
In a cell at the Tombs, with a coat
for a pillow, Schmidt slept soundly
through the night, and aro? this
mom in to rartake 0r a hearty break
fast. He had little to add to his al
leged confession of last night, in
which he ir said to have told the po
lice he killed his victim as she lay
1n bed. cut up the body In the bath
tub of the apartment, where he had
':abliEhrd her, wrapped the parts In
five bundles and dropped them in the
Hudson river. .To Rev. L. J. Evers,
Tombs chaplalnV Schmidt was said to
have made the following declaration:
"I waa directed to kill her by St.
Elizabeth, who is my patron, as a
sacrifice to be consummated, as was
tlie sacrifice of Abraham in blood."
To the police Schmidt is alleged to
liave Fald: "I killed her because I
loved her." The police believe, how
er, he killed her because she was
oon to be a mother. They believe
t-lie accepted as genuine the marriage
ceremony through which she went
with the alleged slayer, last Febru
ary. In which he was both priest and
the bridegroom.
The police sought today to obtain
from Schmidt some statement of
what he micht know of the murder of
!phtyear-old Alma Kellner, whose
mutilated body was found in quick
lime in the basement, of St. John s
church In Louisville. Ky.. two years
and a half ago. From August, 1909
to loio Schmidt was a visitor iu
lxiuisville, not officially connected
with any church there, but as a
iniest at the home of Rev. Henry B.
Westermann. rector of the Church of
the Immacu'ate Conception. Alma
Kellner disappeared Dec. 3. 1909. Her
lio;ly waB found nine months after by
Joseph Wedllni;. janitor of St. John's
church, who is serving a life term
for 'he crime. Wendling stoutly de
nied his guilt, and the jury did not
consider the evidence sufficient to
lndKe against him a verdict of first de
cree murder.
The confession, which the police 6ay
Schmidt signed, follows: j
1 met Anna Aumuller two years
ugo at the parish house at St, Boni
face church. She was employed as a
servant there. I was attracted by
her beauty. I became infatuated with
her. I loved her.
"1 killed her because I loved her
so much. She was so beautiful, so
Kood, I could not let her live without
"I had made up my mind that she
and I could not live together. I waa
a priest and must remain with my
church. I could not let her go away
from me. So I opened the door of
the flat. I awakened her. I told her
1 had come to fulfill my threat. Then
I drew the knife across her throat.
"I cut the body Into six pieces. 1
made trips to the Fort bee ferry,
each time with a part of her precious
body in a. bundle. When the ferry
boat reached the middle of the stream
1 v ould throw a piece Into the water
and when the boat reached the other
fide of the river I would return and
j.o back fo the flat.
"After I had disposed of the body
I wanted to destroy all evidence of
the crime. 1 took the mattress on
which I had slain her and carried it
to a vacant lot and there burned It.
"I am guilty; that I all 1 can say.
1 must pay the penalty. There is
nothing else for me to do. But I lov
ed Anna Aumuller.
"She wanted nie to marry her and
Forecast Till 7 p. m. Tomorrow, for
Rock Uland, Davenport, Molina
and Vicinity.
Generally fair tonight and Tuesday,
not much change in temperature, mod
erate winds.
Temperature at 7 a. m. 49. Highest
yesterday 76, lowest last night 49.
Velocity of wind at 7 a. m. 10 miles
per hour.
Precipitation none.
Relative humidity at 7 p. m. 33, at
7 a. nt. 71.
Stage of water 2.4, no change In last
48 hours.
J. it. SHERIER, Local Forecaster.
Evening star: Jupiter. Morning
stars: Saturn. Venus. Mars. Mercury.
Total eclipse of the moon visible part
ly in the United States. Moon enters
Bhadow at Charleston. S. C, 5:33 a.
m.; Chicago. 5:2:1 a. m.; Denver, 3:52:5
a. m.; San Francisco 2:42:3 a. m.
Galesburg,' 111., Sept. 15.
Aviator Lillie was killed at the
district fair today when a gust
of wind hit his machine when
several hundred feet in the air
Several thousand saw the
I procured a marriage license. She
trusted me. I am a priest and ordain
ed to perform the marriage ceremony,
so when she insisted upon a ceremony
I married myself to her. There. was
no need of any other priest doing it.
It was just as absolute as If I had
called in another person with author
ity to perform a marriage ceTemony.
She was my wife."
The priest, according to his story,
was born in Aschaffenburg, Germany,
in 1881. He attended college and at
the age of 18 enrolled in St. Augus
tine's seminary in Mainz and on Dec.
"6. 1904. was ordained. He held sev
eral charges in Germany and then
came to America because of poor
After remaining In New York City
a short time he was assigned to a
church at Louisville, Ky. In 1909 he
went to Trenton. N. J., and in Decem
ber, 1910, he became assistant to
Father Braun, rector of St. Boniface's
church, where he met the Aumuller
In November, 1912. Schmidt left St.
Boniface to become assistant rector
(Continued on Page Five.)
Impressive Honors Paid the
Memory of "Big Tim" Sulli
van in Gotham.
New York, Sept. 15. "Big Tim'
Sullivan passed through the streets of
the East Side the last time today. The
body was taken this morning to the
old cathedral St. Patrick's a quarter
of a mile from the rooms of the asso
ciation bearing his name, where it lay
in state since Saturday afternoon.
Tens of thousands of men and women
from every section of New York had
gazed on the features there, and a
throng as only the East Side can fur
nish followed it today to the cathedral
and to the last resting place in Cal
vary cemetery, Brooklyn. A delega
tion of congressmen led the mourn
ers and behind them marched the
longest funeral trains the East Side
has ever seen. A thousand members
of the Timothy D. Sullivan association
and a dozen other East Side organiza
tions and an army of the Bowery's
poor were in line.
Washington, D. C, Sept 15. For
mer Representative Cole of Ohio to
day before the house lobby commit
tee, branded as false the charges made
against him by Mulhall.
"Mulhall came to my office." said
Cole, "and started to tell me I had to
stop my fight on Speaker Cannon. I
ordered Mulhall out of the room and
told him if he returned I would throw
him out of the window. From that
day I have neTer seen Mulhall. That's
the way I served the national manu
facturers. "
Washington, D. C Sept 15. The
progressive congressional campaign
committee organized today and 19
progressives of the house and Sena-
tor Polndexter were named upon iL
Sulzer Sleuth Charges
Party Leader Keeping
Campaign Funds.
Alleged Contractors Contribut
ed Large Sums in Fight
Jor Governorship.
Albany, N. Y., Sept. 15. Instead of
appearing before Judge A. Hennessy,
Governor Sulzer's special investigator,
to answer charges of having failed to
account for money contributed to him
in the gubernatorial campaign of 1903,
Norman E. Mack, former chairman of
the democratic national and state com
mittees, today through his secretary
served Hennessv with a summons and
complaint in a $5,000 libel suit.
Mack, complains that Hennessy
caused to be published "charges to the
effect that the plaintiff unlawfully ap
propriated to his own use moneys con
tributed by others as a campaign fund
toward the election of John A. Dix as
governor." Mack said the publication
also charges in effect that the plaintiff
blackmailed corporations and Individ
uals with the collection of campaign
Hennessy in a statement today said
he has personal knowledge that canal
and highway contractors and others
were blackmailed for sums approxi
mating $1100,010, which were not re
ported by Mack. "I predict the libel
suit will never come to trial," said
Hennessy. ".Mack could not be drawn
into court even by his bosses and
friends, Charley Murphy and Ross
Concerning Arthur A. McLean of
the democratic state committee, who
failed to appear today. Hennessy'3
efwnent says: . . ,
"McLean of course does not dare
come. In any event his case is for
the first grand jury we can take it
to." Charges of the gravest nature
respecting alleged misuse of campaign
(funds are included in Hennessy's
New York, Sept. 15. Frederick L.
Colwell of Yonkers, regarded as the i
star witness against Governor Sulser
at the forthcoming trial of impeach
ment charges, has disappeared, accord
ing to a statement of the impeach
ment managers.
Puterbaugh, Craig and Shay
Nominated for Supreme
Court Vacancy.
of Galesburg Democrat
of Peoria Republican
of Streator Progressive
Returns received from the 10
counties in the Fifth supreme court
district indicate an unusually light
vote polled in the primary elections
for supreme court Justice to succeed
John P. Hand. In Peoria county the
vote was only about one-tenth of the
normal poll.
The nomination of Leslie D. Puter
baugh of Peoria, republican, is assur
ed, he being the only candidate ou
that ticket. On the basis of returns
received Charles C. Craig of Gales
burg, democrat, is nominated on that
ticket over A. M. Bergland of Galva.
On the progressive ticket the nom
ination of Arthur H. Shay of Streat
or is assured. The other progressive
in the race was John Root of Galva.
Writer and Promoter of Boxing
and Baseball Passes at
Philadelphia Home.
Philadelphia, Pa., Sept 15. FrJrnk
L. Hough, sporting editor of the Phila
delphia Enquirer, Is dead at his home
after a long Illness. He was 55, and
waa known from coast to coast At
various times he had a financial inter
est In both boxing and baseball. In
1901 he was Instrumental in placing
the American league on a firm founda
tion in this city and had much to do
with bringing players of the National
league to the American. Last fall he
sold his interest in the local Ameri
can's to Connie Mack,
National Commission Has Flan
Up for Consideration at
Cincinnati Meeting-.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 15. Major
and minor league magnates and
others interested in 'lie drafting of
players Ty major league club's froS
minor leagues were present when tha
national baseball 'commission began
its annual meeting today. More
drafts are entered than In any year
since the national agreement went In
to effect. It is reported the commis
sion will discuss a new plan for draft
ing players which would give an ad
vantage to second division teams in
major leagues which would help
them build up. At present all clubs
in the big leagues have equal advan
tage. Chafrman Hermann announced that
instead of the old way of placing in I
a hat the names of major league clubs
who had entered drafts for same play
er of a class A or AA club and con
fining the selection to the player
named winner in the lottery be given i
opportunity to choose any player from j
that club on which drafts have been
made by auy club. The old rule pro
vided only one player could be draft
ed from one club and the winner in
a drawing could only obtain the man
for whom it entered a draft
Big Coal Companies Located in
Chicago Are in Hands of
Chicago, 111., Sept 15. Fred A.
Bussa and T. J. O'Gara, appointed
Saturday as receivers for the O'Gara
coal company of Harrisburg, the Big
Muddy Coal company, Harrisburg and
the Saline Colliery company, with li
abilities of $1,500,000, were today ap
pointed by Federal Judge Carpenter,
acting on a petition of creditors, re
ceivers for the Middle States Coal
company. The Vivian Colleries com
pany and the Imperial Mining com
pany, Illinois corporations, whose li
abi'iities aggregate $1,000,000. Coun
sel Hanecy for the creditors, said the
insolvency was brought about by a
new rule of the United States com
merce commission requiring railroads
to insist upon payment of freight
bills within 30 days.
Memphis, Tenn., Sept 15. The po
lice are searching for D. E. Baxter, 35,
a telephone lineman, who it is said,
eirly today went to the home of his
wife's father, Henry Smith, and shot
and killed Smith and his wife and
son Oscar, 16. Baxter and his wife
have been separated. Mrs. Baxter suc
ceeded in eluding her husband and
escaped from the house.
Crimes Committed During thi?
Night at Atkinson Not Dis
covered Till Morning.
Talcing Chance on Explosion Arousing
Citizens Thieves Try Again
With Poor Results.'-
especial to The Argrus.)
Atkinson, 111., Sept. 15. Yeggmen
blew safes in two business houses here
last night and escaped with $118 cash.
Being disappointed in the size of their
first haul they risked the chance of
the first explosion awakening citizens'
and broke into a second bifflding. Only
one resident of the village heard the
charges fired and he
i was not awarej
and Old not give
of their significance
an alarm.
The first place entered was the hard
ware store of M. T. Boo:h. The front
door was pried off the hinges and
nitroglycerine used in blowing up the
safe, which was completely destroyed.
All the currency in it, $100, was taken.
At Vie other place, Rumler's gro
cery, a rear door was forced open and
the method used in forcing the safe re
peated. But $18 was found here.
The robberies were not discovered
till the morning. Then there were no
n)romisrng clues to work on. It is be
lieved that the yeggs came and went
by auto.
Annual Encampment of Grand
Army of Republic Opens at
. Chattanooga.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept 15. As
sembled for the first time in a South
ern city, more than 14,000 Union vet
erans are here today for the opening
of the 47th annual encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic. Several
thousand representatives of allied or
ganizations, meeting in this city sim
ultaneously with the annual encamp
ment are also in the city. Incoming
trains today swelled the attendance
and a record crowd is predicted dur
ing the encampment week, which ends
Saturday. Today is "Lookout Moun
tain Day." Despite a light rain hun
dreds visited the famous batte field.
Minneapolis, Minn., Sept 15. The
39th annual sovereign grand lodge of
the Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows formally opened this morning.
Delegates are present in every part of
the United States and Canada, Euro
pean countries, Phillipine Islands and
Hawaail. Many thousands of visitors
mere already arrived and more are
expected during the week.
Boston, Mass., Sept. 15. The Con
vention of the International Brother
hood of Electrical Workers opened In
Faneull hall today. The first time in
the history of the brotherhood, women
' .were seated as delegates on the floorjeta tea.
Protection of United States Al
lays Fears of Attempts at
Colebrook, N. H., Sept. 15. Harry
Thaw awaited anxiously today the ar
rival of Federal .JacshaV Nute bear-4
lng notice to Sheriff Drew that the
fugitive must be produced on a writ
of habeas corpus before Judge Aid
rich at Littleton tomorrow morning.
Thaw will then be under the protec
tion of the United States pending dis
position of the writ.and this guarantee
of safety in the face of many rumors
of kidnapping was a source of relief
to him. Thaw lawyers desired to
have the argument continued in order
that the writ may be available at a
later date, should it be found neces
sary to block extraditon. If Aldrich
I insists that the argument proceed to
morrow it might result in freeing
Tnaw at Qnce prior to the extradltion
, , whinh firwernnr PVlker lia
set for Wednesday. With Thaw free
again serious complications would be
possible. His lawyers would be act
ing within their rights if they attempt
ed to rush him from the state. Jerome
and his forces would of course seek to
hold him. - A physical struggle be
tween the factions is not out of the
question as both sides have a lot of
private detectives rn hand.
Concord, N. H., Sept. 15. Governor
Felker's desk i3 burled beneath a pile
of letters and telegrams relating to
the Thaw case. Most of these mess
ages appeared to be the result of a
movement originating in Kansas to
create sentiment favorable to Thaw.
The governor is not expected at the
statehouse today. Official request for
the extraditon of Thaw has been filed
at the governor's office.
Increase in Elgin District Is
Ten Cents per Hundred
Over Last Year.
Elgin, 111., Sept. 15. Winter con
tracts for milk opened in the Elgin
district today by big dealers offering
an increase of 10 cents a hundred on
a flat rate over last year's price. This
year's flat rate offer Is $1.75. For
milk that tests 3.8 or over the aver
age price offered Is $1.85. Producers
in Elgin signed up freely, but in other
localities it is declared the farmers
are holding off for an average of
$1.92 for the winter months, Octo
ber to March inclusive.'
St Louis Merchant Dead.
St Louis, Mo., Sept 15. Eliaa
Michael, president of one of the largest
wholesale and retail dry goods firms In
St Louis, Is dead, aged 59.
ASK $25,000,000
Washington, D. C, Sept. 15. Sena
tors Thornton and Bankhead introduc
ed bills appropriating $25,000,0tl0 for
good roads - peration with
No Official Confirmation
of Reported Imprison
ment by Rebels. '
Senate Passes House Resolu
tion for $100,000 to Be
Immediately Available.
Washington, D. C, Sept 15. The
senate today passed without reference
to committee the house joint resolu
tion appropriating $100,000 to get
Americans out of Mexico.
The state department have no offi
cial dispatches regarding 100 Ameri
can fugitives in the Mexican desert
between Torreon and Saltillo, men
tioned in unofficial dispatches, being
hurt by bandits. Officials here are In
clined to believe the Americans are in
no danger. Agents of the constitu
tionalists' movement stoutly main
tained the Americans to be In no
danger at all, and would be protected
by constitutionalist forces against any
marauding bands. The territory .the
Americans are traveling is controlled
entirely by constitutionalists, and their
agents have been given to understand
the United States looks to them' for
Mexico City, Sept. 15. One hundred
Americans, including a number of
women and children, refugees from
Torreon, are reported to have fallen
into the hands of rebels while proceed
ing overland to Saltillo. The authori
ties at Saltillo decline to take the re
sponsibility of sending a force to their
rescue, fearing, WiJW'IW Inkf-nrS"
rebels might commit atrocities upon,
the refugees, which possibly otherwise,
would be avoided.
The report comes from an official
source at Saltillo, but has not been'
confirmed. The American embassy!
has been advised and has called upon
the Mexican forces to investigate the
matter and do whatever is possible to,
relieve the Americans should the re
port prove true.
Senor Gamboa, the foreign minister,
has had no advices further than the
communication to the embassy. He
expresses regret but added that it was
no more than might be expected as;
the result of the "neutrality policy"
of the United States which had ham-,
pered the administration in proceed
ing with a strong hand against rebels
and bandits.
Gen. Trucy Aubert, a federal com
mander, with 1.000 men, who Is pro
ceeding from the north to the relief'
of Torreon, passed Saltillo yesterday.
He is traveling over approximately the
same route as the Americans and it
is regarded as possible that the rebels
will disappear before his advance. He
is, however, making slow progress.
Meantime the fate of the refugees re
mains in doubt.
The Americans are headed by Dep
uty Consul General J. C. Allen of
Monterey, who went to Torreon to
notify American residents, there of
President Wilson's exit warning. They
left Torreon on Sept. 1, traveling by ,
the most available conveyance across
the plains in the direction of Saltillo,
there having been no railroad com
munication for many weeks.
They were passed on the way by
J. R. Everett of Palestine, Texas, rear
Pcrras, about half way to Saltillo, or
approximately 80 miles from Torreon.
Everett reached Saltillo Sept. 1, and
reported that the caravan was making
slow headway owing to the bad roads
and poor equipment
Conception del Oro, In Zacatecas,
where some Americans have been ma
rooned for several months. Is about
to be relieved by Gen. Pena, who is
proceeding southward from Saltillo.
Aguascallentes, which has been re
ported threatened by rebels. Is said
to be sufficiently garrisoned to Insure
Its safety. Popolobampo, a seaport of
SInaloa, Is reported to have been re
taken by federals, assisted by the gun
boat Tampico.
Mexico City, Sept. 15. Dr. Aurell
ano Urrutia. Mexican minister of tne;
Interior, author of the so-called ultl-j
matum. to the United States, which,!
was promptly repudiated by Foreign
Minister Gamblo, has left the cabinet
His resignation was accepted at mid
night by Huerta. It is said foreign
diplomats here were opposed to the
retention of Urmtia because of bis
anti-foreign sentiments.
On Long Trip.
Friends in the city have received
word that Bert Mayo of Mollne has
arrived at Salt Lake City on his over
land trip in an auto hearse. He H
. - Tv. An ! to Boston
(rurvuic , i urn - o .
and expects to stop here on bis yaajj

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