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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, September 15, 1913, HOME EDITION, Image 13

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1913-09-15/ed-1/seq-13/

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Attack Is Made as Result of
Wrangle Over Crap Game
at Lincoln Club.
some thirty negroes of both sexes.) taking a few drinks at the bar, Klepec
Two of the negroes, Arthur Browning j participated in a crap game in the
and Frank James, are claimed by ine- alley at the west of the club building.
tackcd The men rolled the "bones" on the
Police Make Raid in "Black Belt"
After Crime Two Are Held
as Guilty.
The ofUrepeated promise of the
Rock Island police department to
'clean out" the undesirable negroes
Jaaa again been reiterated. Saturday
night another white man was carved
by negroes in a wrangle over a crap
frame, which was staged In an alley at
the rear of the Lincoln club, in full
view of pedestrians and any members
of the police force who might happen
by. Nick Klepec of Joliet, the victim.
Is now lying at St. Anthony's hospital
In a critical condition with a dep
razor wound across the abdominal
Aroused to immediate action follow
ing the cutting scrape, the police
threw out a dragnet and made a whole,
sale raid of the black belt, arresting
police to be the ones who. a
Klepec, and in court this morning
were held under $2,0M) bonds, charged
with assault with a deadly weapon.
Their cases have been continued until
Sept. 24. The remainder of the "catch"
has been consigned to the county jail,
vagrancy charges being preferred in
almost every instance, and 10-day sen
tences being given. A few of those
arrested escaped with lighter fines.
The bad negroes in Rock Island
have never in the history of the city
been so troublesome as during the
past few weeks, during which time
there have been three cutting scrapes.
White men have been repeatedly held
up, beaten and robbed by the black
men, nearly all of whom carry razors
on their persons. They have openly
defied the police, and when the raid
was made early Sunday morning the
authorities found a number of negroes
who were caught in the haul made
one week ago and who were ordered to
leave town.
The affair of Saturday night was
staged at the re ar of the Lincoln club,
a notorious joint, where 1. fs alleged
that gambling is carried on with im
pumty. uotn Dlack and wntte men
mingle at craps and stud poker, it is
Klepfc, who is employed as a driver
for a Davenport commission house.
came to Rock Island Saturday night
with a companion and made a round
of the saloons. Finally rhey wound
up at the Lincoln club dive. After
ground under the light at the club en
trance. An argument was started over
the game, and Klepec and a colored
man stepped out of the circle to settle
their differences. Suddenly the black
whipped out a razor, and with a vicious
swine, slashed the white man across
the abdomen. Inflicting a deep wound
almost a foot in length. The police
were notified, and the injured man was
rushed to the hospital. His chances
for recovery are but slight.
Officers Are Elected, Adolph
Peterson of Davenport Be-.
ing Made President.
ii WkS, iLn iUl
I h P f V y '3r
1 'VM'C
t ill i
Banquet at Turner Hall Greatly En
joyedMayor H. M. Schriver
One of the Speakers.
FREE, Second Prize
Fine Ladies' or Gents' Gold Watch, Guaranteed for
Ten Years
TT TU: T: Fine Gold Headed
Tree I bird rrizeBukUmbreiia
Free Fourth Prize Gold Brooch
Fine Brooch Set with Precious Stones
Also a Fine Souvenir Present to Every Contestant
Can You Give Us the Correct Answer to This Rebus?
Mrs. Herman H. Harjci.
Mrs. Herman H. Harjes is the Amer
ican wife of the Paris financier who
! recently raced across the Atlantic
; ocean in order that her son might be
born on American soil. As the date
for the birth of her second child drew
.ner.r she determined that he must be
a natural born American citizen. She
-mved n Nw York just six nours
before the baby opened its eyes on
uip worlfi.
Mrs. Harjes wa
Krcderica r.ervind
Mr. Hnrjos war, born
1 American parents.
DIRKi TIGNS Correct solution of the
above rebus expresses a statement of
fact complimentary to our firm and
To the above Rebus, we wiil giv absolutely FREE the 8500 Piano.
To the next best a ladies" or gent's gold wtch. To the next best, a
fine gold headed umbrella. To the next best a fine gold brooch.
The next five nearest correct solutions will receive credit
orders or vouchers for $145.00. The next five credit
vouchers for $138. The next five credit vouchers for $135. And all
persons answering this- Rebus will receive a credit voucher for at
least $25. alao another premium, and should there be more than one
correct answer, or two or more tie in being correct in their solution,
awards will then be made to the contestant presenting his or her so
lution displayed in the most attractive manner, and of the greatest
value .from an advertising viewpoint. Only one person in a family
can enter. All contestants will be notified by mail and all premiums
must be called for within ten days from the closing of the contest.
The Judges of this contest will be three prominent business men of
this city.
We want to assure you that every one entering this contest has
an equal opportunity of securing one of the largest premiums. The
Judges will be three disinterested men of this city. Don't delav an
swering, but send your solution today. COMEST CLOSES SEPT.
22nd at p. m.
The Newman Bros. Co.
313 West Third St.
Phone 4940 Davenport, la.
Checkered Career of the
j Parisian Cathedral.
i Some account of the history nud
1 vicissitudes of Notre Dame appears fti
the London Strand Mapazlne. The
! first ciithedral was erected in the year
j 52S by Childebert and afterward de
! moiished. tbe same site belli? used for
; eM'in uiiiiu:n. wiik'U was uegun i
in 110a and finished in 1301.
Alexander til. laid the foundation
stone, tbe first mass being celebrated
by the patriarch Heraclius. The prand
old building has been sorely beset by
many dangers and has witnessed many
strange and stirring scenes.
The reign of terror in 1793 led to
such disgraceful orgies within the pre
cincts of the cathedral that it was
closed to the public as a place of di
vine worship in 1794. but was reopen
ed in 1S02 by Napoleon. The interior
has suffered severely at times nt tbe
hands of tbe mob and. individuals.
The worst offender was perhaps Louis
XIV, who. carrying out his father's
vow, caused the destruction of the
fourteenth century stalls, the high al
tar embellished with gold and silver
statuettes, the cloisters, tombs and
unique stained glasswork. In 1345
restoration was necessary In many
parts of the building, the work being
successfully undertaken by Lassus.
Vlollet le Due and Boeswillwald.
In 1S71, also during tbe commune,
Notre Dame was menaced with grave
dangers owing to the fury of the
communists, who. having effected an
entrance, collected all the available
chairs end other combustible material
and, piling them in a bonfire, drench
ed with oil In the center of the choir,
attempted to destroy the cathedral
by fire. Tbe evil designs of the In
cendiaries were, however, happily
frustrated by the arrival of tbe na
tional guard.
The German Newspapermens' con
vention which had been in session
here for several days came to a close
yesterday. The visitors were shown
an excellent time during their stay in
the tri-cities and thoBe who had
charge of the entertainment are en
titled to much credit for the success
ful manner in which all of the details
cf the gathering had been arranged.
Sunday morning was held the elec
tion of officers. All of the officials of
the association were retained as fol
lows: President Adolph Petersen, Dav
enport. First Vice President Peter Klein.
Second Vice President H. . Kaul,
Oak Park.
Treasurer H. C. Finner. Waterloo.
Dubuque was decided upon as the
meeting place for the 1914 convention
and the association will meet there
tbe second week In September cf next
year. At the conclusion of the busi
ness the delegates were taken for an
excursion on the Mississippi and went
through the locks to Campbell's is
land and back down the river over
the rapids and landed at Turner's is
land where was held the annual pic
nic. Mr. Swansig, editor of the La Salle
County Herald tendered a tribute on
behalf of the association to Dr. Ricn-
ter, who for 40 years has been con
nected with the Davenport Democrat.
The picnic was a big success and all
went away praising John Oswald, ed
itor of the Volk Zeitung for his earn
est efforts in arranging such a pleas
ant gatherine and the excellent way
in which he handled the affairs of the
As an appreciation of the efforts of
C. F. Gaetjer and Lothar Harms in
helping with the entertainment of the
visiting delegates, these two men
were elected honorary members of
the German Newf papermens' associ
t:cn. -
n.wQiET Hia.n.
The delezates were entertained at
tne rormer .nss a l5anfuet a- Rock Island Turner
of Philadelphia. : 3,trfiav pvpnine at which Jos-
j cph L. Haas of this city acted as
i toaslmaster. Mr. Haas introduced C.
F. Gaetjcr who gave a short address
!cf welccmo to the visitors and then
Mavor H. M. Schriver was introduced.
Wonderful . .... ' .h tl, Lev of thp citv
j lIiJ IU urn V'.! 1 " " 'J "
1 to the German press. Otto Peterson
j of the Iowa Reform of Davenport re-
spended to Mayor Schriver's talk
with a few humorous remarks con-
if ' -'
t 4 li M $ .'
: '11)1 v 9 Wm
! 1 nil 0 ? v
X Jrim r W
Mrs. Adele Welsh
cordially invites you
to the
Tuesday Sept. 1 6
1704 Second Avenue
gave a most interesting account and
report of that meeting.
in France of i
Dr. S. B. Hall of this city has pre
sented to the school authorities for
use In the Manual Arts building a
mica plate static machine of Wagner
make. It is to be installed in the
physical aud electrical laboratory, al
though at present it is placed on the
second floor of the building, awaiting
the arrangement of the laboratory. At
present there is no class in electrical
science although one will be organized
in the future. The machine, which is
valued at about $300, is complete in
every way and will be used for scien
tific experiments. The machine also
has an X-ray attachment.
Mister Are Second Class.
Though one cannot decide what Is a
lady by rule of thumb, there are cer
tain kindred problems that can bs
solved in that way. and the railway
company Udows bow to solve them.
Afe yon. for Instance, an esquire or
only a plain mister? Tbe railway com
pany can tell at once. If yoa hold a
econd class season ticket eny letter
comes addressed to Mr. Blank, but If
you rie to a first class you become
at once A. Blank. Esq. That is where
the railway has the pnll over the mo
torbus. on which there are no classes.
London Globe.
tion present. The Maenaechor ren
dered several appropriate selections,
alter which Hans Demuth cf Sioux
Falls. S. D., and president of the Ger
man Press association of South Da
kota, addressed the gathering. May
or Carlson of Moline also spoke and
after his address a double quartet or
the Rock Island Maennechor sang
several German songs, and Mr. Wulf
cf Peoria, a noted tenor grea'ly pleas
ed the delegates with his selections.
Last quarterly conference for the
year of the First Methodist-church.
Annual business meeting of the
Spencer Memorial Methodist church.
Circuit court In session.
Mercer county fair opens at Aledo.
Annual election of officers of Trl
City Press club at the Davenport ho
tel. Season for Island City Bowling
league opens.
Circuit court in session.
Mercer county fair at Aledo.
Central Illinois Methodist . confer
ence open in Galesburg.
Buy a home of Reldy Bros.
For express, call William Trefa.
Trl-City Towel Supply company.
Independent Express Co. West 981.
Six per cent farm mortgages. Litten
Roberta. People's National bank
The residence of Mrs. Richard
Crampton, 527 19th street, Is now for
sale to any one wishing a comfortable
home with good yard and vapor heat
ing plant. In the heart of the city.
Rents for $50. (Adv.)
Mrs. Angeline Tubali, aged 76, and
residing at 2011 Seventeenth street.
South Rock Island, was removed to
St. Anthony's hospital yesterday after
noon as the result of a painful acci
dent. Friday evening, Mrs. Tubah sud
denly became dizzy, and losing her bal
ance fell down a flight of steps, frac
turing the left hip. Her conditions
gradually became wor:-e, and yester
day it was deemed advisable to re
move her to the hospital, where her
Injuries would receive better attention.
Today she is reported as doing nicely.
Grand Rapids Man Shot to
Death in Endeavor to Pro
tect His Home.
Mich., Sept. 15.
his bed early tuir.
Grand Rapids,
Summoned from
morning to protect his wife and chil
dren from a strange man. who had
entered his home, William Harding,
aged 49 years, was shot through the
heart by the intruder.
The murderer escaped, and although
the detective force of the city has
made every effort to discover him,
he still remains at largo.
Mrs. Harding, awakened by a pe
culiar noise, tiptoed from her bed
room to the door of the room where
the two children lay sleeping. She
saw a man kneeling at the foot of
their bed fumbling with a pair of
trousers. As she saw him she gasp
ed and fled back to the bedside of
her husband and awakened him.
Harding jumped from his bed, and,
rushing out of the room, saw the
man starting down the stairway.
He called on him to halt and
the' man turned and shot twice. The
first bullet missed its mark, but, the
second struck Harding and penetrat
ed his heart.
H reached the stairway and took
l several steps before he jritched for
ward and rolled to the bottom dead.
His body struck the heels of his mur
derer as he ran.
Mrs. Harding fle.i to her sons'
room and one of them arose and pass
ed over the body of his father to no"l
fy the police. The murderer left no
clew on which the authorities might
Harding enjoyed the reputation of
being thrifty and he always maintain
ed that he had no use for banks. At
times he kept several hundred dol
lars hidden in his home, and it, Is be
lieved some one familiar with this
habit attempted to secure the money.
All the news all the time The Argus.
Famous For
Square Dealing
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Is today the best
known medicine In use for the relief
and cure of bowel complaints. It
cures griplngi diarrhoea, dysenterr.
and should be taken at the first un
natural looseness .cf the bowels. It
is equally valuable for
adulu. It always cures. Sold bv ail i
Gives Report of Presbytery,
At the hour of worship at South
Park Presbyterian church yesterday
F. A. Bledsoe, a delegate from the
church to the meeting of presbytery
held during the week at Coal Valley,
207-209 W. 2nd St. Davenport, Iowa
take pleasure in announcing that on
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs
day, Sept. 16, 17, 18
They will hold their Fall Opening
On these days will be displayed Suits, Coats, Gowns,
Dancing Frocks and Millinery. The exhibition is certain Jo
be the most extensive and interesting we have ever held
and tells the complete fashion story, from the original con
ceplions of the foreign designers to the copies and adap
tation of the joremosl American cfo'.hes arlis's.
Your presence is requested
any or all of the days.
I "They're Coming Back" I i
Deeds, Not
Words ,
3 Idruggisu. (Adv.)

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