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THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1913. 11 ORGANIZE FIRST TROUP OF SCOUTS Silyer Fox, Black Bear and Eagle Patrols Are United in One Division. ARE OUT ON LONG HIKES Scoutmaster Craig Plans Similar Journeys for Beys During Fall and Winter. Troop No. 1 of Rock Inland boy scouts was formally organl ed last night in a lively meeting of the boys, conducted by H. M. Craig' of the Y. M. C. A. This troop consists of the Silver Fox. Black Bear and Eagle patrols. and will number about 25 bors in all. William Willis of the Silver Fox patrol markable and undying utterance of the Gettysburg day in Illinois. The text of the governor's proclamation fol lows: Whereas, Our martyred president and idolized eon of Illinois, Abraham Lincoln, delivered his celebrated Gettysburg address on Nov. 19, 1863. on the battleground upon which the issue of the great enfranchisement of the slaves of the United States was de termined, and Whereas, Nov. 19, 1913, will be the 60th anniversary of the delivery of this immortal address, and Whereas, In common with many other citizens of the state, I deem it appropriate that this inspirational and eloquent utterance should be im pressed upon the minds of the people of the state as the typical expression of patriotism and humanity Now, Therefore, I respectfully nrge upon the people of Illinois,' and in par ticular upon those engaged In the edu ca'ion of the youth of the state, that they hold in our schools and other educational institutions and public places services at which shall be reed. with reverance and solemnity, this re- Betsy Bobbin and Hank; the Mule, in "Tik-Tok Man of Oz" was elected "troop scribe As new patrols are organized, they will be enrolled as a part of Troop No. 2. It Is reported that one or two groups of boys are already at work on their studies in preparation for enrollment In new patrols, and it is expected that the second troop will be completed within a short time. Mr. Craig is an enthusiastic scout master, and hopes to make the scout ing work one of the attractive fea tures of the Y. M. C. A. boys' depart ment. This morning he esoorted a group of the scouts on an expedition to the arsenal Island, and another group was scheduled for a short hike this afternoon. I.KIR MICH O HIKE. On these hikes the boys become ac quainted with the country surround ing the city, with the trees and birds and flowers and stones, and they eas ily acquire much useful, and lnterext ing information amid pleasant cir cumstances. As much work as possi ble will be done out of doors during the fine weather of the fall, and some of the activities will be continued in the open even through the winter season. GETTYSBURG DAY FIXED FOR NOV. 19 BY GOVERNOR Springfield, III.. Oct. 18. Governor Punne yesterday issued an official proclamation setting aside Nov. 19, the BOth anniversary of the address of Ab raham Lincoln a. Gettysburg, Pa., as great humanitarian of his age. In suggesting this observance I do not desire or request the suspension of or the Interference with the com mercial and business pursuits of our citizens, bearing in mind that within a few days thereafter our time-honored celebration of Thanksgiving day will be held under the proclamation of the president of the United States and of the governors of the several states of the union. . In accordance with the governor's proclamation a general observance of the day is expected. WHY 13 ROCKISLAND FIRM? Because Its Citins Have learned the Truth. After reading this generous and encouraging report from Miss Artz, those who bate the misfortune to suffer as she did. will naturally long to set similar relief. But to get the same good as Miss Arts has, you should get the same remedy. There arc of course, other kidney pills but there are no other kidney pills the same as Doan's. That is why Rock Island people demand the genuine. Miss Ktta Artz, 306 Fourth street. Rock Island, 111., says: 'Ooan's Kid ney Fills have been beneficial to me and I am pleased to recommend them. I had nervous spells and suf fered from backache and weak kid neys. When I heard about Doan's Kidney Tills I used some and they soon made me strong and well.". Fo sale by all dealers. I'rlce 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn company. Buf falo, New York, sole agents for the I nied States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. (Advertisement.) ILLINOIS. Oct 20-21 "Every woman." Oct. 22 "Tik Tok Man of Oa." Oct. 24 "Officer 666." Oct. 25 "Fine Feathers." Oct. 26 "That Trinter of Udells. Oct 30-31. Nov. 1-2 Dave Lewis la "Don't Lie to Your Wife." e EMPIRE. Vaudeville performances at 2:45 and 8:15. Two shows Wednesday and Sun. day nights. FAMILY, MOLIXE. Pantsges vaudeville Performances daily at 2:45 and 8:15. AT THE ILLINOIS. Next Monday and Tuesday Henry W. Savage will offer at the Illinois the same splendid production of the dra matic spectacle. "Everywoman," that was seen at the Burtis opera house, Davenport, last April. There will also be a popular matinee Tuesday. The organization comes back practically (the same as when seen last spring, there having been only a few- minor changes made in the cast, and these all with a view of Improvement This is the only company playing ' Kvery woman" in America, and Mr. I Savage declares it is the best produc tion of the morality play he has ever made. It includes in addition to an - it '' "' '' l-.-r-. fj,' ,, f ,- "V ' . : -: ' -., s 4 V .- & A? Ml yS k ' . v " v ' i' ' - - I - Y V1 j & -I : . . . eft ! 4." it j - 1010.60 Automatic Telephone Company Files 1 0,000 Surety Bond With the City . to Guarantee Pavements Will Be Placed in Good Condi tion and City Kept Free From Loss ln Any Way. The Automatic ' npany has filed with the city officl: . $10,000 bond to guarantee the ci' .gainst loss ln any way whatever d as an insurance that ths paving will be relaid in good condition. A .skilled workman can put back pavement better than It was be fore. Any man who is familiar with asphalt pavements will acknowledg" that a fatch Is better than the orig inal in that the patch is fresh material and the oil has not evaporated out of the asphalt, as it bas in that which was laid some time before. In this day and age a skilled workman can do anything as well or better than it was ever done before. Putting back pave ment better than it was before is an Infinitely easier job than many of rte engineering feats of today, such as the Panama canal, the Keokuk dam. and a sky-scraper a thousand feet high, etc. The streets of Rock Island belong to the city for the good of all and not for any one individual. The Automatic Telephone company has to put the pav ing back ln good condition or forfeit the bond to the city. The Automatic Telephone company will save the citizens of Rock Island a million dollars ln a few years. If Rock Island had as many telephones as a number of other cities in propor tion to the population. It would have 10,000 telephones, and the Automatic Telephone company will save on an ' average $15 per telephone per year;! This would equal $150,000 a year, or $1,000,000 in a little- over six years, j This large sum of money would re- pave the streets of Rock Island and add many other improvements, such as boulevards, parks, hospitals, libra ries, etc., and make Rock Island one. of the most beautiful cities in the coun try. (Adv.) EMPIRE THEATRE Don't Miss the Chorus Girls Contest TONIGHT Musical Comedy $1.50 play, 10c, 20c, 30c Coming Monday "Paid in Full" Another Big $1.50 Show for 10c, 20c, 30c Big House Big Shows Don't Mis3 Them. Phone Bock Island 708. witH i Mil' iw Jvfflarjii1 CM,vu,.si.lcaim Lenora Novasio plays Betsy Bobbin and Fred Woodward is the Mule In the delightful musical comedy to appear at the Illinois, next Wednesday .night. The original company, which has just concluded a long Chicago engagement, is to be seen here. CITY CHAT II ensemble of over 150 people a sym phony orchestra and a train load of scenery and electrical effects. The title role will be played by Thais Magrane. one of the most successful of the many leading women who have attempted the difficult character. She played the role during the long run i in C'hicapo, in Philadelphia and New York. Next Wednesday the latest of L. Frank Baum's story plays of Oz will be seen at the Illinois. This new Oct. 20-21 ILLINOIS 2,s Popular Mat. lon TUESDAY lUeS. IIENRY W. SAVAGE OFFERS The Tremendous Dramatic Spectacle Standing Solitary and Alone, the Culmination of Three Centuries of Dramatic Achievement. 150 People - A Symphony Orchestra A Dazzling, Bewildering Display of Costumes, Scenery and Electrical Effects. Largest Musical and Dramatic Organization Ever Toured n rvn I 14 VJ s member comes, under ' the . designa tion, "The Tik-Tok Man of O:;," ana depicts Betsy Bobbin, with her pet mule. Hank. Lenora Xovasie will be the Betsy and Frank Woodward, the most versatile of animal impersona tors, the mule. The two well known vaudeville headlines, Morton and Moore, will portray Tik-Tok and Shag gy. "The Tik-Tok Man of Oz" is a musical venture of Oliver Morosco, who of late has come into the lime light as a producer of such successes as "Peg o' My Heart," "The Bird of Paradise" and "The Mooney Moon." "The Tik-Ti?k Man of Ou" has the proud distinction of having outlived the hot spring and ; summer months in Chicago and to - have played to record business despite the hot nights that the Windy City has been noted for the past few months ago. This attraction, further, carries more stage effects than any other yet booked for the coming season- and rby far the largest clforus and the most expensive cast so tar nocked into this city. Considering the enormity of this pro duction, the coming of "The Tik-Tok Man of Oz" has auspicious attributes not to be undervalued. Considerable interest attaches to the first engagement here of "Fine Feath ers," which H. H. Frazee will pre sent here Oct. 25, at the Illinois in next week at the Empire, having betn booked for the first three days. "Paid in Full," of which Eugene Walter is the author, is the story of a sullen, vicious, resentful husband, who has become, embittered by the daily grind, so that every spark of manhood has honor has been wiped out. He finally sacrifices his wife,' to smear over. If possible, with his employer, his theft. The very goodness, and innocence of the wife is her most effective shield. THE MOVIES II Phils Plan for 1914. FhKadelphia, Pa., Oct. 18. P'jans to reorganize the Phillies are under way. A meeting of the officers of the club was to have been held yesterday (Advertisement.) Buy a home of Reldy Bros. For express, cs.ll William Trefx Trl-Clty Towel Supply company. Independent Express Co. West 981. Six per cent farm mortgages. Lilten Roberts. People's Nations', bank building. Pittsburgh Henry Clay Frick, ! while on a visit to this city, had his auernoon ai .auonal .eague par, oui attentlon caUed to publ!shed reports had to be postponed owing to the nb- ,.. hp . rt nrpHpn.prt tn h, snn Childs Frick, $12,000,000 and to the sence of Fred C. Chandler, one of the directors. Since the death of Wil- loMar'n YivwIa CO (tfi ftftft Ham H. Locke, the president of the I ,, ,.."' .' ri,. , . it. A ti i. after the wedding in Baltimore last club, two months ago Mr. Baker has been acting as the head of the club. It is reported tUat Mr. Baker will be elected president when the meeting is hold Monday. that this latest of Eugene Walter's i dramatic successes filled its entire first season with capacity engage ments in the Cort theatre, Chicago, where it was produced Aug. 12, 1912, and ended in New York Aug. 9, of this year. Described as a modern drama of today in four acts by the : author of "Paid in Full," "The Easiest i Way," "The Wolf." "The Trail of the i Invites Benot to visit him. Discov "Money's Merciless Might," Is the title of a feature to be seen tomor row at the Family, which is rapidly gaining a reputation for offering the better things in moving pictures. In this film," which preaches the sorry lesson that money can accomplish everything, pretty Su.;anne Grandais shows great powers of facial expres sion and dramatic ability and the film would be enjoyable vere It but for her alone. Many suitors are courting Suzanne, the daughter of the pros perous broker, Julius Leciere. Among them are Serge Renot, a young avia tor with whom she is In love, and Runctman, an American millionaire, who asserts that she will marry him whether she wishes to or not. Finan cial difficulties overwhelm the brok er and he dies of the shock. Suzanne decided that in her penniless condi tion she will be unable to marry Serge, and that she must go abroad. There she meets a well-to-do young lieutenant whom she promises to marry. Runciman discovers this and Chavez vs. Campi. Los Angeles. Cal., Oct. 18. Negotia tions for a 20-round bout between Eddie Campi of San Francisco and Benny Chavez, the Denver bantam weight, at Vernon Nov. 4, were virtual ly completed yesterday when Campi accepted the terms offered by an ath letic club here. An effort will be made to match the wintfer with Champion Johnny Coulon for the bantamweight title. Kilbane vs. K. O. Mars. Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct 18. It was an nounced here yesterday that Johnny Kilbane of Cleveland, the champion featherweight of the world, and Knock-' out Mars of this city had been match ed to meet in a 10-round boxing con test here Oct. 30. Tuesday. He denied the stories, call ing them "preposterously ridicblous." EVERY Saturday & Sunday Hear the Electric Unaphone. Dance on the largest floor. The place with the thousand lights. The leader of them alL o Grand Hallowe'en Masquerade Sat., Oct. 25 Q. G. PETERSEN In Charge HAIRDRESSING SHAMPOOING. CHILDREN'S HAIR BOBBING. FACIAL MASSAGE. MANICURING. SCALP TREATMENTS. CHIROPODY. Hair goods made to order. Elec trolysis a specialty. MISS BLANCHE WILSON Best Building Room 410. Rock Island 2024. We Offer ROCK ISLAND PAVING BONDS TO YIELD 67o - LITTEN & ROBERTS Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages. Peoples National Bank Building Rock Island, IIL - Rockdale, Texas Seven of the eight miners caught in the Vogel and Law rence mine, near here, when the roof of the mine caved ln and the mine was flooded, are still alive, but en tombed by a water barrier 90 feet, below the surface. OCC!OOCCXCKTOCCKCKCO MOLINE THEATRE, Thursday, Oct. 30, at 8:15 8 AUSPICES MUSICAL DEPARTMENT. MOLINE WOMAN'S CLUB PUTNAM GRISWOLD Basso (METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE) PRICES $1.00, $1.50 AND $2.00. BOX SEATS $4.00. Reservation of subscription tickets from 10 to 12 a. m., Thursday, OcL 23. Regular seat sale opens at 1 p. m. of the same day at the Moline theatre. . Seats on Sale at the Cable Music House, oocoocxxxocoocooococxxxoccxx PRICES Night, 50c 76c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Matin.., 25c, 60c, 76c, $1.00, $1.50. SEATS NOW SELLING. Family Theatre Sunday Exclusive Feature Program from 1 p. m. to 11 p. m. No Waits Two Machines Two Operators. Caumont Presents "MOONEY MERCILESS MIGHT" THREE PARTS Kaj Bee Feature "THE GREEN SHADOW" TWO PARTS Apollo Comedy, "THE SPEED BEAR." TWO SHOWS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. Lonesome Pine, etc., "Fine Feath lers" comes heralded as the one big j American play of today in which the human emotion, pulsate throughout : The first act opens in a fine spirit !of original comedy, which permeates I the happy home of "Bob Reynolds" 1 and his wife who struggle cheerfully j i to keep up an installment plan estab lishment in Suten Island on $25 a (week. Action and "atmosphere" deep en into drama when John Brand, the tempter arrives, and the way in which the storm clouds of impend ing evil gather Is contrived with a master hand. It is said that no play in recent years has been written in which action and atmosphere are made to accumulate into such an avalanche of evil which the chief characters in "Fine Feathers' are powerless to escape. The portraiture of the young chemist, corrupted, whose submission to his wife's passion for the things money can buy, turns him first grafter, then blackmailer, is said to be a character study such as only T. . 1 . cugeue Burr, among all or our dramatists, has been able to write. The high principled but weak-willed young husband is a character which, despite its criminal weaknesses, nev- j er loses sympathy an U followed with 'breathless interest ln Us iUiccrinr steps down the hill which leads to moral oblivion. It strikes a note of Inevitability, of a supine struggle against destiny. AT THE EMPIRE. "Paid U Full" having made the round, of the legitimate theatres for j several seasons, proving one of the j biggest box office winners of a decade, ibaa now been boiled down for vaude i rille consumption. In the latter form It will have its first local presentation ering the lieutenant and Suzanne out riding one day. Serge Js overcome with jealousy and challenges him to a duel. The lieutenant is "-killed and Suzanne tells Serge that she can nev er forgive Mm, her love having changed to hate. Runciman again proposes to her, but js rejected and before leaving says that she need send him but one word when she is ready for him and that word is "come." The next day Suzanne receives a letter from Serge saying that if she does not come to him by 3 o'clock he will go up in his aeroplane and meet with an accident which will kill him. Suzanne hastens to the. aviation field when she hears this, but she is too late Serge's monoplane can be seen speeding away in the distance. Sud denly it collapses and falls to the ground, killing Renot Susanne is 'heartbroken. She and j her mother return to their home and find everything in the hands of the receiver. She has reached the end of her rope, and with defeat written on her face, she at last sit. down at her desk - and writes one word. The letter is addressed to William Runciman. Removal Notice. Dr. S.B. Hall has moved hi. office to Robinson building, 208 Eighteenth street. Dr. F. H. First has moved bis office to Robinson building, 208 Eighteenth street (Adv.) The pleasant purgative effect ex perienced by all who use Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create, makes one feel JoyfuL Sold by ali druggists. (Adv.) r 2C Illinois Wed. Oct. 22 BOOK BY L. FRANK BAUM. MUSIC BY LOUIS F. COTT8CHALK. TEN GORGEOUS STAGE PICTURES. TWENTY ENCHANTING SONG HITS TAKE THE CHILDREN FOR A TRIP THROUGH THE LAND OF "OZ" WITH BET8Y BOBBIN AND HANK, THE MULE. PRICES 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Seat Sale Monday. 21