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xIIE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER t, 1913. i THE ARGUS. Published dally at lit Second ave nue. Rock Island, 111. (Entered at the poptofflce aa second-class matter.) Keck Islaae Vtuher f the AMOrlatea Pre. BY THE . W. POTTER CO. TERMS Ten rents per week by car rier. In Rock Inland. Com plain ti of delivery service ahould he made to the circulation department, which ahould also be notified In every Instance -where It la desired to have paper discontinued, aa carriers have no authority In the premises. All communications of argumentative character, political or religious, mutt have real nam attached for publlca tlon. No euch articlea will be printed over fictitious signatures. Telephones In all departments. Cen tral Union, Rock Island 145. U4i and 1H1 r these Institutions to become a buffer for politicians. He has made "effi ciency" his rule and guide of action in dealing with the penal and reforma tory Institutions of the state. ; His determination to prevent atrocl-j ties at Pontiac. his interest in having acomplete exposure made of conditions that have existed there, and his de-1 termination to correct these evils and substitute humane for barbarous: methods, shows the light kind of in terest. All this proves that his pur pose is patriotic and not political; that he is opposed to exploitation of the wards of the state for political pur poses. So far as politics has entered Into the changes in state Institutions, all democrats named have been selected as measured by their qualifications to Improve conditions over which they have been given jurisdiction. In earning out his Hedges to fortify the t'.tte institutions against political jobber' and abuse, Governor Dunne has the hearty cooperation of the people of tic entire state. Capital Comment BY CLYDE H. TAVENNER Congressman frem tht Fourteenth District. TB ADCS ffig?J COUNCIL JO Tuesday, November 4, 1913. It's fairly appalling to think what a superb chief clerk of a board of elec tions is going to waste in Vlctoriano Huena. THE (EMHAL BMK PLAX. Frank A. Vanderllp, president of the City National bank o! New York (the Rockefeller bank), made a speech in Chicago last week in which he insisted that his central bank plan of currency should be adopted by congress, but feared it would not be because Presi dent Wilson firmly opposed it, and the house would not recede from the Giass- j Owen administration plan because the There are a lot of American and Na-i central bank was disapproved by the tloual league players who win either have to pay the Income tax or make admission. H cost a Boston man $'0,ono to call a girl his "booful baby" in black and white, books as If It's about time to try jail sentences. A careful perusal of the Massachu setts newspapers leads to the conclu sion that four men will be elected gov ernor of that state. i l laliy are the complications oi oo- 4 nestle life increasing. An eastern s ruled tnat nusuana una e no right to open each oth ers letters. CLYDE H. TAVENNER Vludge has 1 -wives hav A New Orleans man. getting tip in the middle of the ninnt, drank yeast instead of wa'er. lie undoubtedly rose at leant two hours earlier than, usual the uxt morning. As Mrs. Pankhurst minimizes the distressing effects of militant sufrag laru it la to be supposed that so far her house has not been burned or any of her plate glaas windows broken. Adolphus Buach was thoroughly American, despite his German birth and lineaa. fto he cut off his German sou In law. Lieutenant. Kcharer from any ahare In 'he big estate, if his wife should die. Knraged at the high cost of living, a Boston man w-recked a restaurant. smashing the tables, dishes and win dows, lie said he paid 42 cents for a plate of baked beans and only got 42. Tq ci t down any Boston man's beans ta pretty nearly a declaration of war. PRfe:IUKT RKtUK THK HIHI K. Woodrow Wilson writes as follows in the Pacific Baptist : "1 am sorry for the men who do not read the bible every day; I wonder why they depriv themselves of the strength and of the pleasure. It ta one of trt most, singular books in the v or.d, for every time you open it, some old text that you have read a score of times suddenly beams with a democratic national convention Baltimore. Mr. Yanderlip made an appeal for popular support of the central bank and for pressure to be brought upou congress in Its behalf. He asserts that the intellectual sentiment of the sen ate is in favor of the plan, but for po litical reasons does not care to dras tically antagonize the house and the president. Mr. Vnndtrlip's anxiety for the adop tion of lils central bank plan is similar to the unxMy exhibited by Nicholas Biddle. during the administration of President Jackson, to retain control of tho currency of the country through his central bank plan of that day. Mr. Biddle, who was a "financial magnate" like Mr. Vanderllp, went so for as to threaten President Jackson with the overthrow of his administra tion and defeat for re-election, if he vetoed the bill to re-charter the cen tral bank which he, Mr. Biddle, had se cured the passage of. President Jackson defied the finan cial magnate and his allied bankers to do their w orst. He vetoed the bill, and made a ringing appeal to the people for support. The people responded and re-elected "Old Hickory" by a heavy majority. The democratic party has been con sistently and persistently opposed to every central bank plan since the days of Andrew Jackson, and it is not like ly that any pressure that Mr. Vander llp can secure will avail to alter th'e views of the democrats on the subject President Wilson lias thown that he is as firmly opposed to the central bank plan as Andrew Jackson was. Like Jackson, he cannot be scared by the loud cries of financial magnates or their threats of securing his political annihilation. He indorsed the demo cratic national platform when it was adopted, believes In its declarations, an 1 proposes to vitalize and maintain as far as possible. Mr. Vanderlip is wasting his valua ble time in trying to force upon the country his central bank plan. The people shall rule, not .he financial magnates! BY CONGRESSMAN CLYDE H. TAV ENNER. (Special Correspondence of The Argus.) Washington. D. C, 'Nov. 1- Govern ment ownership of the telegraph and possibly the tele phone will soon re ceive serious dis cussion in con gress. It is argued that the govern ment Is in a posi tion to operate both telegraph and telephone at a much less cost than private com panies; that it would save the rent private com panies are paying for its 23,000 of fices by having these stations In the postoffices; that the telegrams could be deliver ed by messenger boys already em ployed by the special delivery depart ment of the postofflce. The telegraph companies are capi talized at $200,000,000. It is claimed that only $50,000,000 of this sum rep resents actual value, and that the lines could he duplicated new for probably $20,000,000. To pay dividends on this estimated $150.0(0,000 of watered stock, it is ob vious the companies must either hold wages abnormally low or raise rates artificially high. They are doing both. The great indictment to he brought against the private telegraph monopoly of this country is that it fails to serve the public The American people have no idea of the possibilities of the tele graph how it is possible to cheapen the service eo that it can be used eco nomically by everyone for social com munication. IX JHK HURT OP BIRD. Have you noticed, Mr. Reader, that the crows in your neighborhood have been unusually noisy and jubilant the past few days? Perhaps you do not know the rea son. For several weeks Mr. and Mrs. Crow, and the large family of little crows, have been n trial for their lives befors the court of birds la Wash ington. Tes, there really is such a court. It is composed of high-salaried judges who hear all the evidence and then decide whether the bird defend ants shall he exterminated or permit ted to live out their natural lives. Some time ago charges were official ly filed against the crow family be fore the court of birds of the depart ment of agriculture, and the crow was officially placed on trial for his life. A verdict of "not guilty" was returned. From the minute study of the con tents of the stomachs of a large num ber of the birds the court concludes that the crow consumes enough grass hoppers, cutworms, white grubs and other injurious Insects to offset his one vicious habit, that of destroying young birds and bird eggs, i ne one positive danger these investigators found in the crow was when he ex isted iu large numbers. " RAII.KOAD4 WAST MOKK PAY. The railroads, in their present cam paign for more pay for hauling the mails. have neglected to inform the public that In addition to the pay they receive from Uncle Sam for hauling the mails, they are also paid several millions annually merely for the "rental'' of the mail cars. The sum w hich the government very generously pavs the railroadg for ren I tal alone in two years would buy the cars outright. There is no more reason why the government should pay rent for mail cars, in addition to the pay fr tne hauling of the mails, than that the passenger should pay for a seat in a passenger coach after buying bis rail road ticket The government should not deal in a niggardly fashion with the railroads or any other concern or individual with whom it does business. The railroads should be permitted to make a sufficient income to pay high wages to its employes and to make a high rate of interest on money actually invested: but the railroads have no right to expect the govern ment or the people to pay exorbitant rates simply to enable them "to pay dividends on the millions of dollars of railroad capitalization which repre sents only water and air. HENRY HOWLAND C arm DAY Pretty little maiden, yesterday a child. Free frr-m affectation, merely running i wild; Kicking up and laughing, climbing fences. too What a lot of changes hava come over you! Pretty little maiden, guileless in your glee. Yesterday you lightly sat upon my knee; Yesterday you kissed me when I went away; have found a woman In your place today. I; now lets talk of something else." Jack And then Tom Then well, we talked of something e:se. Boston Transcript. HITTING THE1 RICH MAX. The law which marked the start of the income tax In this country, the new meaning fcvldeutly the mood and , corporation tax law of 1!U9. subjected the thought of that day. bred by the I every corporation. Joint stock company circumstances that you cannot analyze has suddenly thrown its light upon that page and upon that passage, ana there springs out upon the page to you aouiething that you never saw lie upon It betore. TNere is no other book that 1 know of. of which this is true; there la no other book that yields i s mean ing so personally, that seems to fit it self so intimately to the very spirit Hat is seeking its guidance." 4 ODE TO TIIK t (SHUT. Why does no poet arise to sing the song of the carrot? The Cleveland Plain Dealer asks the question and then proceeds to furnish the poem. or association to a tax of 1 per cent "upon the entire net income over and above $5.0(K) received by it from all sources during such year, exclusive of amounts received by It as dividends upon slock of other corporations sub ject to the tax hereby imposed." save the corporation from paying a riuuhie tax that on its own earnings and that on dividends of another cor poration already" taxed on its net earn ing. The democratic administration show ed no such leu'-eney. It doubled the tax. knock nc cut not only the $5,000 exemption, but the provision exempt- Ths ia the carrot season, the time of i aK amounts received irom diviaenus harvesting the hardest worked veeta j UPU ,0, k of otner corporations. Here WIRE SPARKS ) Washington Secretary McAdoo has awarded gold medals of honor to 1C members of the life-saving service for bravery at the wreck of the steamer Rosecrans at the mouth of the Colum bia river. Washington The overcoat that Lin coln wore the night he was shot in Ford's theatre is in possession of John M. Kirby of this city. After the death of Lincoln his clothes were used by a sculptress who made the statue that now stands in Statuary hall. It was not known what became of the over coat until Mr. Kirby made public the fact that he had the garment. Madrid A firing squad of troops ex ecuted Captain Manuel Sanchez, an army officer found guilty of the mur der of Don Garcia Jalon, a land own er. The confession of Luisa Sanchez, said to be Sanchez's daughter, who was sentenced to 12 years' imprison ment as his accomplice, brought about his conviction. Jalon was lured to a flat and slain after he won $1,000 in a card game. Washington Secretary Daniels nounced that the question whether the great naval-dry dock at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, should be completed would he submitted to congress in December Columbus, Ohio Governor Cox granted a reprieve until Dec. 13 to Frank Kinney, sentenced to be elec trocuted Nov. 0. Kinney's plea for commutement of sentence is before the pardon board. South Bend, Ind. Attempts were made to unravel the mystery in the suicide of Edwin P. Alien of Chicago at the Oliver hotel. His brother, Charles D. Allen, who arrived to care for the body, said the decedent was liberally supplied with money. The body will be taken to St. Clair, N. Y Dallas, Texas Mrs. Ellie M. Lake, a widow, held as an accessory in the murder of Miss Florence Brown on as sertions made by Meade Bair, who confessed the killing, denied she had any knowledge of the crime. She at tributed Barr's attempt to implicate her to revenge for her refusal to ac cept his advances. hie. in the kingdom. Much is said iu favor of .the plethoric pumpkin, the gathering of corn is a commonplace theme, but the poor carrot ba btu neglected, yea, even scorned. For diversity of use. the carrot has pumpkin and corn hacked over the gar den wall. Men fd carrots to cattle. Increasing the daily ou'put; they feed them to other stock sometimes, im proving its temper. A carrot, artifi jially hollowed with a knife, makes au excellent Japanese va. Sufficiently hardened by harsh contact with the world, a carrot may be ued for a weapon, either operated l'Ve a mallet with a hanule or hurled like a Russian bomb. Carrots are sometimes even ued for food by human beiugs. They are a chief Ingredient in vegetable soup. Mixed with butter they improve its kr. They make better pumpkin pie than pumpkins themselves. Served as hubbard squash, they make one won der why squashes were invented. The answer to the high cost of liv ing cry is carrots. Johnson had his Boewell; whom will the carrot hake? "The Young Lady Across the Way" The Daily Story i AN IMAGINARY FEAST BY CLARISSA MACKIE. Copyrighted. I91S. by Associated Literary Bureau. Now your legs are hidden and you shout no more; You're a helplea creature you ao lithe before: You must be assisted where you used te climb. You must guard your actions gravely all the time. You hava loat the freedom of the care less child: You no more may aver gallop, glad and wild: Wholly artificial, you must lace and frls And be cold and proper what a shams It la: They had started out In lack Hen shaw's cabined launch for a cruise among the Islands, with duck shooting as their object. It was a fair day in November, with an Indian summer warmth did not bint of a sudden change In the weather. There were six In the party Frank Care- an his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hajden and pretty Phyllis Hay den. and Jack Hen sbavr. The three women occupied the cablu of the launch, and the men made themselves comfortable with blankets and sailcloth on deck. The first day bad passed unevent fully, without even a shot at a duck. The second passed likewise, and the third dawned In the same glow of am ber haze and rudJy sun. "It looks very much as though we would have to return without those promised ducks for Thanksgiving day." observed Jack restlessly as he took the wheel after breakfast. "If it would blow up a bit colder we might bag a few today. If my pro phetic instinct serves me right those clouds yonder look like wind and rain.' Bob Hayden puffed out a cloud Luck. "Well, I'm convinced that It's an 111 wind that blows good to nobody." "What has caused you to arrive at your present opinion?" "You know the Billingers?" "You mean Horace Billlnger, who recently got so badly squeezed In the Stock market?" "Yes. You see, we lived next door to the Billingers for a number of years. Since they have lost their money and been compelled to give'up their automobiles and discharge most of their servants, and in other ways get along on as little as possible, my wife has found that we can live on much less than It formerly cost us." HIM. Jack and JNI on the Matrlmonla Jack and Jill went up the hill T'je hill of matrimony; Wl.le they were on the upward way Bhe waa his "ownest ovrney." He helped her where the path waa rough, Bhe atlll was young and slender; Hta word a were never ehort or gruff. His every act waa tender. At lest they reached the top, and there A little while they tarried: A preacher aald things, and the pair Were then securely married. Aa anon aa they found out that all Their wooing had been ended They hastily went down the hill. And fought as they descended. is the provision of the new law m m e jne normal tax herein before imposed (the normal tax la 1 per rent) upon Individuals likewise shall be levied, assessed and paid an nually upon the entire net Income aris ing or accruing from all sources during the preceding calendar year to every corporation, joint stock company or as sociation and every insurance com pany organized in the United States, no matter how created or organized, not including the partnerships." This section reaches the holding com pany, offensive in the eyes of everyone except those havrng stock in it. In taxing the same money every time It sbos itself as profit, the democratic congress clearly intended to use the tax'.cg power to bring about the de struction of trusts and holding com-r-anies GOVCR.IOB DIMSC AND PKMI. I STITl 1U5. It Is Insinuated by some of the crit ic of Governor Dunte that partisan politics entered "argeiy into the Pon tiac reformatory inquiry and report. There U no ground for et ch an in sinuation. From the inception of his I axtminutxaoon ine governor nas eaten a keen Interest in these institutions. Vile bag repeatedly refused to allow Ncgi's Narva Tonic. Having been dedicated to the pro fession of arms. General Nogi was ! taken, while etilka small boy, to see a criminal decapitated and was rebuked ror snuddering at the spectacle. After nightfall, when all was darkness and silence, he was required to go alone to the burial ground and bring back the culprit's bead. The ordeal was de signed to strengthen his nerves and leach him to fear nothing, Lving or dead. Francis E. Leupp in Atlantic. Neatly Turned. Jack I hear that you called on your girl's father. How did you come out? Tom So so! I said to him. "Mr. 3C, I love your daughter. fcLJlm A Couldn't Overlook the Chance. "Alas, the leaves are gleaming golden In the sun," said the rich old maid who sometimes wrote poetry. "Speaking of things golden in the sun," replied her impecunious neph ew, "don't forget that, having no son of your own, there is one whose affection for you could be no stronger than It is if you were really his moth er. Need I say more?" The young lady across the way says she overheard her father say that one of his friends was somewhat too tnnrh arfriirteri tn hihnloaitv hnf for He aa'd, "So da j her part she didn't tfclnk a person could read tie bible too much. Easy. . "Captain," the beautiful girl asked, "how did vou manage to ston that Central American revolution?" "It waa very simple," replied the naval hero. "I sent six marines ashore with orders to disperse the revolu tionary army, and wthen it saw them coming it jumped on a mule and hur ried into an adjoining republic." Justifiable Hate. "I should hate to live after all my friends were dead." "I don't blame you. It's always hard to borrow money from strangers." They Are Wrong. Too many people seem to think good nature exists only to be Imposed upon. Pride. Nothing makes a woman prouder than to find out that she had a gov erness when she waa a child. The Point ef View. Bhe They have been married tan years and act like lovers yet He Heavens, how sickening! for If He Has No Wife. Fata generally gets the blame for arhax is a man's own fault. Crushed. "Miss Gladys, can you cook?" in quired the prospective suitor cau "1 can, ' she answered sweetly, "but tke young man I am engaged to as sures me that I won't have to." Kan- u-s City Journal. of smoke and leaned laxiiy over the rail. "I hope it doesn't storm. If we don't hurry we won't get back to Cromore In time for dinner tomorrow," said bis wife. "What's the matter with Thanksgiv ing dinner aboard the Nautilus?" asked her owner. "It would be perfectly lovely, of course, only you know k couldn't seem like a real Thanksgiving feast Every thing is tinned or bottled. All the Thanksgivings 1 ever remember are accompanied by the aroma of delicious goodies cooking in the kitchen.'' "Enough said." returned Jack grim ly. "You spurn my Invitation to din ner: therefore It Is up to me to turn and beat it for Cromore. We will have barely time to make It before nightfall." They might have done so easily had not those threatening clouds gradually massed toward the zenith and slowly covered tha rest of the blue sky. Then came a thick blanketing fog that blot ted out the world and left them, iso lated In a dense white world of drip ping moisture. There was consternation aboard the Xautilus after that. Those November fogs were very deceiving, and It might be many hours, perhaps days, before the mist lifted. If they could keep In the winding channel among the islands they would be all right but If they missed their way and nosed around outside In the track of the big steam ers there was no kuowing what would be the fate of the little craft and her passengers. They anchored for awhile, and then, impatient of the delay that would pre vent them from arriving home In time for Thanksgiving dinner, they started out again, feeling their way. Jack Hensuaw at the wheel and Frank Carevr blowing the siren at Intervals. Bob Hayden and the three women re mained in the cabin and played bridge by tin light of the lamp. It was very cheerful In there, away from the fog. Jck Henshaw stared at the lighted windows of the cabin and thought rather ruefully that bis task would be more attractive if Phyllis Hayden would come out and share his turn at the wheel. The little Nautilus felt ber way among the bidden rocks in the chan nel that snaked among the little islands, and it seemed that hours passed be fore the fog thinned sufficiently for theiu to glimpse the dark bulk of an island near at hand. With the lifting of the fog. which was driven before a nasty easterly wind, the channel became unpleasantly choppy, changing to dashing waves as the wind Increased. While they debated whether to go on or to make an anchorage among the islands their fate was decided for them. A big jvave rushed along the narrow channel, lifted the Nautilus upon its crest and sent ber crashing upon the rocks of the nearest Island, where she wedged tightly between two bowlders. It all came so suddenly tbnt the duck hunters hardly realized what bad happened before Jack Henshaw bustled them ashore with their belongings. "She's sprung a leak, a big hole In her port bow. We can't. do a thins; except to carry a couple of lines ashore and fasten them to some of those large cedara " He was hurrying them ashore with their burdens of hastily snatched clothing and bedding. He followed with all the provisions be could gather and later sent the small oil stove from the galley. By scrambling over the slippery rocks they could reach the firm white beach where ancient cedars fringed the foot of the saud bluffs. Here the women waited while the three men made the Nautilus fast In her cradle among the rocks Id the manner suggested by Jack. When all was completed the six pleasure seek ers gathered ruefully about their pos sessions. Goodby. Thanksgiving dinner! said Carew in n hollow tone. "And nolKMlv knows how soon we mny get to cromore tor auy meals," added Mrs. Carew mournfully. Phyllis Hayden and Jack Henshaw exchanged glances of amusement. To them the adventure savored of ro mance. To be cast away upon a des ert island was a novel experience enough, but to be cast away to gether, these two. who were in love with each other, made that island a paradise. "Ah. you're a cheerful lot of Robin ton Crusocs!" chided Jack at last. "Yon may never have the chance to be cast ashore ajniu. and you sit here bemoan ing because you can't spend Thanks giving In the conventional way." "Can't vou be thankful without i Laiiue nruddrtl br iu j smell of uuutn- ain pie and roast turkey?" demauded rhyllis scornfully. "Let us contrive a shelter from the tarpaulins, and you four may sit there and play bridge. Miss Phyllis and 1 will concoct a Tbaoksglvlug feast for you to enjoy tomorrow." The others shamelessly agreed to this unfair division of labor, and after a very practical shelter had been con structed against the sloping bluff and ouder the shade of two wind blown cedars the married people made them selves very comfortable with cushions from the boat and by the light of a ship's lantern phiyed bridge. - In the meantime Jack Heushaw and Phyllis Hayden held several confer ences, during which they displayed much merriment and a thorough con tentment with their lot. They fussed around a hastily impro vised shelter that Jack arranged for a little kitchen, and there they prepared the evening meal with the aid of the oil stove. A creditable meal it proved ta be. though canned beans formed the prin cipal dish, and other canned and bot tled delicacies rounded out the menu. I oiormng orotignt sunshine ana scud ding clouds across the blue sky. The wind still blew heavily, but from an other quarter, and the waves were dashing over the deck of the Nautilus. The castaways tried to be cheerful, but it proved a dismal failure, except In the case of Jack and Phyllis. Those two seemed to have tapped some re sourceful flow of good humor, for they laughed and jested and promised a most Inviting dinner for the others, who clung to their bridge playing, now sittlug on the sandy beach with their cards. 'Jack and Phyllis disappeared and were gone for a couple of hours. While they were gone those left be hind heard the report of Jack's gun. "Aha! We'll have a duck, at any rate," murmured Carew. "I'm afraid not" said his wife. "I notice that the supply of oil is gone, and the Nautilus is washed over with water. Every stick of wood on the Island Is too wet to burn. Cold canned beef and crackers and peanut butter will constitute our menu today," she ended drearily. There was nothing cheering in the sight of Jack and Phyllis returning with a brace of ducks, for there was no fire to cook them by. When this evil news was announced to the youug pair they merely lnughed and aaid there was oil enough to boll coffee and heat some beans. "Dinner's ready!" sang out Jack, and they gathered about the hastily prepared meal. "I thought it was to be a big din ner with trimmings," remarked Carew as he unfolded a . paper napkin and sniffed hungrily at the tinned soup. To the four older ones of the party it was a ghastly feast With most un seemly levity Jack and Phyllis insist ed on referring to the various tinned foods as though they were delicious viands served at a well appointed Thanksgiving table. "Do have some more turkey," Insist ed Jack, passing the tinued beans around. "And some of the cranberry sauce." added Phyllis, holding up a bottle of tomato ketchup. "This chest;ut stuffing is delicious," commented Jack, nibbling a crisp cracker- "Mrs. Carew, you are not going to pass up the mince pie?" "I've eaten many a badly cooked meal," observed Bob Hayden bitterly, "and I've partaken of food from Bom bay to Bangor, but this is the Orst time I've ever eaten an imaginary meal. It gives me mental ludigestion to think of it." "Then what we all need is exercise!" cried Jack. And. having disposed of the. remnanta of the meal by tossing them Into the swift waters of tho channel, be drove bis guests before him up the steep bank and into a plowed field. "This doesn't look like any of the islands I've met around here." nar veled Carew, gazing thoughtfully around. "We went a good deal farther than we realized in the fog. Til lead you to a place. Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Cromore!" A surprised shout went up as they found themselves on the bill back of Jack Hensbaw's home. A curl pf blue smoke from the kitchen chimney bore witness that dinner might be expected there after all. They looked nt Jack for explanation.' "We struck the mainland instead of an Island. I haven't been In that spot for years and didn't recognize it till Phyllis and I went out this morning. We shot a brace of ducks, and I be lieve mother has prevailed upon Chloe to Include them In the dinner" "A real dinner!" yelled Hayden and Carew in chorus. ' "Yes." Jack laughed as the two men broke awsy pellmell toward the bouse. Mrs. Carew and Mrs. Hayden (oukea at blushing Phyllis and happy Jack. "I believe yon two have found some thing else to be thankful fur," said Phyllis mother softly. Nov. 4 in American History. 1752 George Washington, then a tow jor in the service of Great Britain, was initiated into Lodge No. 4, Free and Accepted Masons, t Fredericksburg. Va. An Washing ton was not yet twenty-one years of age, he was admitted by a aie dal dispensation. 182Tr-Klrst boat through the Erie canal arrived at New York. 190K-Dr. Charles W. Eliot resigned as president of Harvard university. All the news all the time - The Argiu.