Published dally at 124 Second ave
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postoaica aa second-class matter.)
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Telephones in all departments. Cen
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C traces ! ?Siir i c o u k c 1 1 "3 i -
' 1 L --J M '
Wednesday. December 17, 1913.
Buy your Christmas
presents EARLY early
in the day, and do it
now. That -will be your
biggest gift of the holi
days to the workers be
hind the counters and
on the delivery wagons.
The Cleveland man w ho has offered
to be hanged in flare of the Connecti
cut murderers knows that his offer is
perfectly afe. ,
If f "or.BTfssmen Underwood and
Hobson shall deride to settle th-ir dif-i
ference ln th old fashioned southern,
way it is eer'ain fhir Ho be on will I
choose submarine rireadnaughts. catch'
as catch can. in the mirky waters of
the Potomac.
FRrc fa jnstjpira i.o; milt; v.
History has no paralU-I to the rec
ord of Francis Joseph of Austria, who
naa lust eomtieiea i. years o:
Que-n Victoria r lined l-ss than 64
yesrs. The nominal year- or Louis !
XIV of France and the 67 years of
Pharaoh, of the Srrlptures, besan
when they were young boys in tute
lage. Francis was over Is on Dec. 2.
1848. and he has been an actual ruler
every day.
I' is th fashion to r:t him as a
'"Hapless Hp'bi rs." Any man. much
more any k.ng. who lives years
must exrf-ct sorrow, and in his family
life the o.d emperor has h:id his share.
flut Austria-Hungary has not done to
badly. It was i.ar disruption in
1S4V only saved by Prussian troops.
V i tuch menace now t xifts. It was
defeated by I'niasi.i and France; but
u , I- i
rrussia. by Uismarck's
ente, took no toll of t-rr:"ory, and
the loss of the dis-o::t'-n'-d Lombards
and Venetians wait no ruianvty. Or
If calamity it was. it has' bfeu re- j
couped by the addition of 'he equally
rebellious Slavs of l;-j?i:ia and Heria!
govlna. i
In political freedom the d:;'". riin-j
archy does t-ot long !ae 'ar l-huid j
Germany, in fpi'e of the wronrs of the
southern Slavs and Roumanians and
the ragings of the CiThs and the
Italian Irred"nti.-s. In ma'ri.il prop
ress the country has ino-d with the
ret of the wotld.
Neer was the old r-i'.cr move
popular with hi mixed races than he
is now. A natural lr.-crest in hi
length of rim helps him a it helped
Vlvtoria of Kng!ard P it most of all
be draw rrp! and .l.v.z frm th
unpopularity of his mcesor. except
with a small military c'.iQue. When
the peop!e wish him lorg life and
heaHh they mean Just what they aay.
FFUI.R MKIlirAl. llOOI.a.
There are 14 fewer medical schools
in the United States than tl:ere were
a ear ago; 1.200 fewer persons stud
led medicine in 1913 than in 1512;
and there was a decrease cf i00 in the
number of medical graduates, accord
ing to figures compiled at the United
States bureau of education.
The reduction in the number rf
medical schools is part of a steady
movement for improved medical edu
cation that has been going on for the
past eight or nine years. The Ameri
can Medical association, the various
state medical societies, and other
agencies, have aroused public opinion
to such an extent that 79 medical
colleges have either ' merged with
other institutions or ceased to exist,
and the standard of medical training
has been raised considerably. Of the
101 medical schools cow listed at the
bureau. 63 are requiring one or more
years of college work as a prerequi
site to entering upon the study of
medicine. State examining boards in
North Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Colo
rado, Indiana, South Dakota and Ken
tucky have Introduced regulations, in
most cares to be made effective with
in a year or two. providing that every
applicant for a license to practice
medicine shail have studied two years
ical training. A similar require-,
ment covering one year of college!
work will soon be- enforced by the!
state boards of Connecticut, Kansas.
Utah. Vermont, Pennsylvania and
An interesting feature of the sta
tistics is the part played by women.
Although the total number of medical
students has decreased, the number
of women studying medicine has in
creased. In 1912 there was 18.451
medical students, of whom 712 were
women; in 1913 there were 17.238
students, of whom 835 were women.
Only 70 women graduated this year,
however, as compared with 142 in
Statements made by Cardinal Gib
bons ln a sermon at Baltimore the
ether day should' serve to set at rest
fears that the church of which he is
a prince meditates assault upon
American Institutions. T do not wish
to see the day." the cardinal said,
"when the church will Invoke and
seek government aid to build our
churches or subsidize our clergy. For
tSen the civil rulers might dictate the
doctrines we are to preach."
In other words, the cardinal desires
no unions of church and state, which
uiiiODs serve the best interest of
neither church nor state. Continuing
the cardinal expressed the hope that
"the happy condition now existing
among us may always continue;
when the relations between the clergy
and the people will be direct and the
I people will be direct and Immediate;
iwben bishops and priests will bestow
on their spiritual children their volun
tary labors, and when they will re-
i reive in return the free-will offerings.
the devotion and gratitude of their be
loved flocks."
The cardinal further said that
whenever any encroachment upon the
sacred rights of civil and religious
liberty have been made by professing
members of the church, "these
wrongs, far from being perpetual with
her sanction, were committed in pal
pable violation of tier authority."
The dissolution of the concordat in
France has stimulated remarkably the
growth and influence of the church
there and It is in better condition
than, perhaps, it ever was before, a
fact proving that what is best for the
nation is also best for the church. In
no other country is the church so
prosperous as here, and the United
States is constantly referred to by
advocates of the separatist policy as
a shining exemplar of a nation that
confines government to it own path
and churches to their groove, to the
ult'mate good of both.
Those who sense a design in the
church to control this nation and to
establish here that intimacy which
the latin countries of the old world
are getting away from one by one,
and wisely, take not into account the
fact of the views of such ecclesiastics
as the cardinal and the Americanism
cf leading lay Catholics.
There Is as much prospect that lay
catholic influence ever will be exerted
in benair or cnurca ana state umou
or for whatever policy that wakes for
as that progress
will revert to
s s
Taylorville Official Dies.
Taylorvil'.e. 111., Dec. 17. A. O. Mur
phy, city treasurer of Taylorville, was
found dead in the Eagles' lodge room
here. He is thought to have been a
vi'-tim of heart disease.
Engineer Hurt in Collision.
I'ana. 111., Dec. 17. Illinois Central
passenger train No. 125 crashed into
ia freight engine at Pan a. Several
coacnes were aanmgea. r.. xin.ii, en
gineer on the pahsenger train, was in
jured severely.
320 Acres Sold for $76,000.
Kewanee. 111., Dec. 17. The largest
sale of high-priced farm land made in
this part of the state was effected yes
tetday when A. J. Dickey sold Sl'O
acres to Hugh Hutchinson for $76,000.
Illinois Pioneer Is Dead.
Sycamore, 111., Dec. 17. George M.
Sivw right, a pioneer merchant, died
yesterday, ared 76 years. He had
been a retddeut of Dekalb county sev
enty ears.
Killed for Calling Names.
Granite City. Ill, Dec. 17. J. A.
Dailey of Alton died yesterday in a
local Lopital as a result of being
beaten by railway section men in a
tight begun when he called them
name. Five men are prisoners.
Mrs. Flo Jamieson Miller Out.
Iilooming-on. III.. Dec. 17. Mrs. Flo
Jamleson M ller. 12 years superintendr
ent of the soldiers' widows' home at
Wilmington, has resigned, but will hold
the place pending the appointment of
her successor.
Charged With Farm Swindle.
Kansas City, Dec. 17. Cecil B.
Rhodes, a real estate dealer, was ar
rested by J. E. Morrison, deputy Unit
ed States marshal, charged with pro
moting a scheme to defraud. Rhodes
was indicted Dec 11 on a charge of
swindling Charles E. Fas tin of Ma
comb. Ill, out of as 18,000 Missouri
farm, trading for It stock ln the Kan
sas City Sash Weight Manufacturing
company. Eastln was to have the
position of manager of the company
with a salary of 1200 a month, accord
ing to Rhodes' promise, he alleged,
Man and Crl ef 14 Sought.
Nutwood. 111.. Dec. 17 Deputy sher
iffs are searching for Louis Neuring-
ham of Nutwood on a charge of hav
ing eloped with Bessie Ridenhark, 14
yearold daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Hi
ram Ridcnbark of Nutwood. An order
for Neurinpbam's arrest has been is
sued. The girl left home Friday. Two
years ago Neuringbam was arrested on
a charge of bigamy. The arrest grew
out of his elorement with Mrs. George
Meyers of Fulton. Mo, wife of his em
ployer at the time. Neuringham tooki
Congressman from
(Special Correspondence o The Argus.)
Washington. Dec. 13. Some inter
esting facts in connection with the
operation of the postal savings bank
were Drought in a
recent debate in
the house over a
postoffice bill. Ac
cording to mem
bers familiar with
the figures the ac
tual operation of
the system, which
is now- going on
three years of age,
has shown:
hat the postal
banks have not
pulled money from
local banks to any
That the bank
is chiefly used ln
cities having a
large percentage
of foreign-born
population. while
in small rural
communities scarcely any use i made
of it.
That the money deposited in it is
chiefly savings that were formerly
That the money deposited ha3 not
been sent away to foreign countries
to any extent.
That the 2 per cent bonds offered
to postal bank depositors have not
proved to be a popular investment.
That, although the deposits are
steadily growing, the bank, on paper
at least, has cost the government al
ready a loss of nearly 51,000,000. The
service has cost $1,486,000. Against
this the government has received in
interest from banks selected as pos
tal savings depositaries $537,932. The
difference, or nearly $1,000,000, is net
It was explained, however, that the
figures indicating expense are largely
bookkeeping entries, and do not in
volve the actual payment of money
by the government. This is due to
the fact that the postmasters of the
Having introduced medical inspec-, action and the character of the car
tion in 1872, Elmira, N. Y., claims toloes. Shipping law is also part of
have been the first American city to
adopt health supervision of school chil
The equivalent of one school year
for more than 400 children is lost be
cause of contact with minor contag
ious diseases, according to figures re
cently compiled for Pittsburgh.
A shipbuilding shop is maintained in
connection with the high school at
San Pedro, Cal., where, under the prac
tical instruction of a nautical archi
tect, the students learn how to build
a boat, make and place the engine and
launch and run the craft. Classes in
boat building and marine construction
make trips to the wharves and aboard
ship to Etudy ship construction, engine
the woman to Jersey county, where a
ceremony was performed. Neuring
ham was convicted and served a term
in prison.
Line to Tap Coat Districts.
Rockford. 111., Dec. 17. The Illinois
Midland Railway company, from the
south border of Kankakee county to
Rockford. with an incorporated capi
tal stock of $25,000, is to be launched
next year, according to an announce
"The Young Lady
t r . i3i ii ii if ii
i . illlL lif
We asked the young lady across the way If she were a student of contem
poraneous history and she said not to any greet extent and it was about all
she could do to keep informed about things th-t w ere happening In her ow n
tha Fourteenth C (strict.
country in transacting musiness with
Washington and with patrons in con
nection with the postal bank use a
distinctive stamp adopted by the de
partment for this purpose. The use
of these stamps enables the postoffice
accountants to keep track of the num
ber of letters handled in connection
with nostal savines. Of course, the
use of these stamps is merely a book
keeping device, since postmasters do
not have to pay for them.
The banks of the country fought
long against postal savings. Now
they see that the system has been a
great benefit to them. It has brought
hoarded money from hiding places to
the postoffice. which, in turn, has de-
Dosited it with the local banks. Of
Sy2.300.000 now on deposit with the
government. 95 per cent has been
redeposited with local banks.
The postoffice department is now
turning its attention to the problem
of ending the deficit in the postal
bank and making it show- a profit.
This, in the light of experience, it is
believed can be done. In the first
place, the limit of $300 which it Is per
mitted any Individual to deposit, is
too low. The tendency Is steadily to
ward larger deposits by Individuals.
In 1912 the average deposit w-as $S3;
today it Is $102. Accounts are fre
quently turned away because the law
forbids the acceptance of more than
$300 in a single deposit. The depart
ment is asking that the limit be re
moved altogether.
The department deposits the postal
savings with local banks, charging
only 2 per cent interest. The bank,
in turn, loans the money at interest
rates at from 6 to 8 per cent. Banks
pay 3 and 4 per cent interest on sav
ings deposits, and could well afford to
pay 3 per cent on deposits as perma
nent as those of the postoffice. The
department is considering raising the
rate to be paid by banks to 3 per cent.
By removing the limit of deposits a
double quantity of deposits can be
handled by the present postoffice force
without increased office expense. By
these methods, therefore, it is hoped
to make the bank return a profit.
the course.
Night schools of cosmopolitan char
acter are by no means confined to con
gested centers in the east. At Gallup.
McKinley county. New Mexico, the fol
lowing nationalities were represented
in a recently established evening
school: American, Spanish, Slavonian,
Italian. Servian, Austrian, German,
French, Danish, Swedish, Irish. Scotch,
English and Cherokee Indian. Twenty
five different occupations, were repre
sented. In ages the pupils ranged
from. 15 to 62. Many of them desired
the ordinary elementary branches, but
there was also a strong demand for j
such subjects as bookkeeping, short
hand, typewriting, Spanish, mechanical
and architectural drawing.
ment of the promoters here today. It
will tap rich coal districts in Kanka
kee and Ogle counties and mean cheap
er coal for Rockford, Kankakee. Ken
dall, Grundy, Dekalb, Ogle and Winne
bago counties are included in the pro
posed route. Sidney N. Ware. Oscar
W. Ware and L. D. Zielke of Chicago,
Samuel G. Durant of Philadelphia and
Fayette S. Munroe of Rockford are di
rectors. The offices are to be In Chi
cago. Across the Way
am longing for the pleasures that the
fields alone can give:
Z am sick of being' crowded where tha
lucklea millions live;
Z am yearning for the freedom that tn
farmer's boy enfoys
Out there where no busy builders are pro
ducing ceaselecs noise.
Where the frost has made tha wattles of
the troubled rooster blue
And the kitchen door-step's burled under
snow a foot or two.
I am sighing for the pleasure that the
farmer doubtless feels
As he wadea out in the mornings to give
Boss and Spot their meals:
How I long to be there helping to haul
wood upon the sled
And to have the Joy ef chopping up the.
chunks behind the shed;
X can hardly keep from turning from the
city with Its Ills
To go out and help the fanner who is
doping for his chills.
What a Joy 'twould tx to never have to
dodge or skip and Jump;
And how sweet In zero weather It wonldl
be to thaw the pump;
How I banker for such gladness aa tha
farmer may possess
While he has to do the milking when lit
ten below or less;
I would say cood-by forever to the city
if I could
Gee, I'd like to be a farmer in the winter
A Resentful Man.
"I see that your wife's father and
mother are living with you now."
"The old gentleman has permanent
ly retired from business, has he?"
"Retired? That's hardly the name
for.lt. He has been kicked out."
"I'm sorry to hear that. Didn't he
have anything saved up to keep him
and his wife in their old age?"
"Not a cent. I'll have to support
them the rest of their lives."
"Well, it's lucky that you are able
to do so."
"It may be lucky enough, but there's
one thing that makes me mighty sore
whenever I think of It."
"What's that?"
"The lofty way In which the old
man asked me, when I told him I
wanted to marry his daughter, if I
thought I would be able to support
her in the style to which she had been
An Artistic Triumph,
"How did the moving picture of the
wedding turn out?"
"Oh. splendidly. They caught the
bride when she was knocked senseless
by being hit with an old shoe, so that
it is just as natural as life."
Profitless Thinking.
Many a man who wishes ha
Might be praised aa lavishly
As the famous are
Sits around and picks his teeth.
Thinking ha was born beneath
Aa unlucky star.
So That the World May Know.
A good many widows get married
merely to show that they can. and not
because they have any liking for mat
"What's the cause of all that yell
ing across the street?"
"The captain of our football team is
over there having a tooth pulled."
Who Rode in ths Chariots With Them 7
History is curiously silent concern
ing the names of people who made np
the committees that were sent out to
meet Alexander and Oaesar.
They Never Let JJp.
One reason why men hate to admit
that they have been wrong Is that
other people want them to keep on
admitting it over and over again.
The Saddle and the Steed.
It is good to keep hoping for better
things, but hope is merely a saddle
that is to be placed upon the sted
which Is known as Effort
Standing Prosperity.
Some men are unable to stand pros
perity, but women can't stand the
prosperity of their neighbors.
Gloating Over the Victim.
"Tour teeth are in pretty bad condi
tion." "They must be," sighed the patient.
"You look so happy." Judge.
He Is half done who has made a
good beginning. Old Saylnz.
The Daily Story
Copyrighted. iJIS. by Associated Literary Bureau.
The manager of the Sloan Detective
agency pressed a button as he bung
up the telephone receiver.
"Send Birch in," he ordered aa a
shock beaded office boy appeared.
-Yes. sir."
Almost Instantly the door opened to
admit a broad shouldered young man,
alert of manner, with keen gray eyes
and resolute mouth.
"You wish to see me, Mr. Sloan f he
The other nodded. "Sit down there.
I say. Bob, there's been another one of
those confounded murders. It's Hin
man, the banker, this time.
"Josiab Hinman?" Birch' eyebrows
went np. "Onr greatest philanthropist
and the most harmless of men! What
are the details, sir?"
"Oh. same as ths other three. He
was fonnd mnrdered in his bed this
morning. Doors of the bouse locked,
no signs of windows being tampered
with, servants all old retainers, not an
enemy in the world that we know
about, and yet found dead by his
"Hovr -was it done?"
Tn just the same manner as Flick-
inger, the railroad king, and Benson,
who was, as you remember, Flickin
ger's right hand man stabbed through
the heart with a dagger of foreign
make. I'm going np there, and I want
yon to come on with me."
"You know I'd like nothing better,"
returned the other eagerly. "Mr. Hin
man was very kind to me when I was
a boy. He gave me my first chance ln
the world."
"I know. He's helped a lot of other
leople too. He was a fine old chap.
Funny how they've picked out three
men nil interested in the L. B. M. rail
road. I've no doubt the same gang
turned the three tricks.'
"There wasn't a clew ln the other
two cases," mused Birch as the man
ager's automobile stopped before a
handsome stone bouse on the finest
avenue of the small city.
In five minutes they were in the
death chamber of the mansion and
Sloan was rapping out questions to the
agitated valet faster than the man
could find replies. When the Interview
was concluded they were not much
wiser than before.
"I have not touched a thing, nor has
the doctor," ended Blunt tearfully. "He
must have been asleep, for the papers
were folded on the bedside table, as
was his custom, and the light was out,
although the murderer might have done
"Very true," said Sloan. "Now, my
man. If yon will leave us alone"
Blunt went out and closed the door,
and the two detectives were left alone
in the room from which Mr. Hinman's
body had been removed a short while
after their arrival. The two men had
diligently searched the luxurious apart
ment and after that every room in the
house, and now they stood silently re
garding the only clew at hand.
The slender, blood stained dagger.
"What data have you concerning the
Flicklnger and the Benson jases?" ask
ed Sloan.
Birch referred to bis memorandum
The most important Is that I learn
ed that four men who bad been
discharged by the railroad company
had threatened harm to Mr. Flickln
ger and his secretary. I could find no
trace of these men. It was said that
one of them was really a titled foreign
er down on his lock, that be bad pass
ed through sll the phases of good and
bad fortune and be bad failed to make
"I guess he's the man we're after,"
said Sloan. "What name?"
"Vao Benjidck."
"You've searched every room in the
bouse, Birch?"
"Yes. and had a man to take records
of ail flncrr r.rint9. I sav every room :
in the house. There s one place I've 17t-Birth at Clinton. Mass.. of Deb
been through, and I've a notion to go orah. Sampson, heroine of the Rev
there again. Come with me." I lotion; served three yenrs In tba
Sloan followed Birch through tb j colonial army us n soMier.
hall anil no a flizbt of stairs to the !
third floor, where there were several
bedchambers and a billiard room un
der the mansard roof. From the pas
sage a door led into an open sttlc that
ran across the back of the house. A
window at the back overlooked the
wing containing the servants' quarters.
and overhead was a trapdoor leading
to the roof,
the trapdoor.
A narrow ladder led t!
From the doorway where they stood 1
tiey couhi se that the dut of th
noor was nntracked near the window,
and any hope that the murderer might
have gained the roof of the wing and
entered the bouse by the attic window
was at once dispelled.
Suddenly Birch touched his chief's arm.
"Look there, sir!" he whispered.
Sloan bent his keen eyes to the floor
and saw the trace of footprints in the
dust Some one had passed from the
ladder to the passageway and gone
back again. Instantly Birch had mad
a detour so as not to disturb the toll
tale marks with his own boots and bo
was nit the ladder and was lifting the
"Unfastened, sir." he reported: "evl
dently pried up from the roof lock
He passed np on to the roof, and
Sloan followed.
The large expanse of flat tinned roof
was surrounded by a fanciful iron rail
ing. In one place the railing had dis
appeared. There was a gap of per
haps fifteen feet Birch crept to the
edge of the roof and peered over.
"Funny thing." he commented: "that
iron railing is down on the ground
there looks as though it had recently
fallen. Let's have Blunt up here." Ila
fetched the valot. and the two detec
tives pointed out the broken railing to
the astonished servant
"But sir," he protested. "I am sure
It was not broken yesterday, because
the gardener would have removed it
He cut the grass yesterday snd cleaned
up the yard thoroughly. You see. It
has fallen directly underneath the li
brary windows, and some of it sticks
right np in the turf."
"You beard no sound ln the night,
yon are sure?"
"I am sure, sir. I sleep in the wing
yonder, and at the head of my bed is
a bell that connects with Mr. Hin
man's room. One of the servants ln
the house next door was coming borne
from a party very late last night or
early this morning, and she declares
she saw a big blackbird hovering over
this house. She is very superstitious,
sir, and I suppose 6 he's imagined that
since bearing of the murder."
"Tery likely," said Sloan ln a pecul
iar tone, and his eyes met those of his
young assistant with a significant
glance. "Thank you, Blunt That will
do for the present"
When the valet had disappeared
down the trapdoor Birch dropped to
his knees and made a searching ex
amination of the roof. In the slight
layer of dust some clew might be
"Ifs here, sir" he looked op with a
smiling face "the tracks of the 'big
blackbird.' And the discovery reveal
how the other two murders were com
mitted." Slonn knelt down beside him and
watched the movement of Birch's fin
gers ss he pointed out the tracks mari
by the rubber tired landing wheels of
an aeroplane. When the machine hart
made its departure it had carried away
fifteen feet of the ornamental railing
from the roof.
1 "Find a foreigner who answers to
the description of Van Benjidck. If
he is a skilled aviator he's your man,"
was Sloan's decision.
"You remember that the residence of
Mr. Flicklnger is of this same type
flat roof and so forth?" questioned
Birch as they returned to the office.
"I remember, and I also recollect
that Thomas Benson lived at the Hotel
Bat well, and bis room was in the an
nex, a flat roofed wing.
Once ln the office Sloan picked np
the afternoon edition of a New York
newspaper. Suddenly he uttered a
sharp exclamation and pointed to a
glaring headline on the front page.
"You won't have to look any further.
Birch! Your man's found and lost
gone to bis reward! Listen to this:
'"Another daring aviator met death
early this morning in some unknown
manner. Rudolf Benjidck. well known
as a fearless flier, was found crushed
to death under the body of his heavy
aeroplane on the grounds of the Broad- '
brook Country club. It is not known
at what moment or under what circum
stances Benjidck met his death, but it
is supposed that he was trying out the
big machine which be recently pur
chased. An investigation is being
made into the matter.' "
Robert Birch bad arisen and was but
toning bis coat.
"I'll be there at that investigation."
he said grimly.
Two days afterward he returned to
the office with a chain of evidence that
left no doubt that the unlucky aviator
had been the murderer of the three
men. whom he believed had worked
him harm. The shoes lie had worn cor
responded in every detail with the foot
priuts found in the attic of the Hin
man house, and in his pockets were
found not only Mr. Hinman's Jewelry,
but diamonds that were afterward
Identified as the property of James
There was nothing left to do In the
matter. Retribution had overtaken tti
murderer before be couid make use of
his guilty gains. The "big blackbird"
bad proved a bird of evil omen to tin,
Dec. 17 in American
3S07 John ;i-eebluaf Whittler,
born in LiaverblM. Mah.: died
1S81 Isaac Israel Hayes, arctic explor
er, died: born 1S32.
j 1012 The United Ktates Informed Rus
sia that the treaty of 1S32 would
terminate on Jan. 1, 1013.
Yatlowad Handkerchiefs.
Handkerchiefs which have becom
yellow can be made snow white by
waking mem in pipeciay ana wnier tor
twenty - four hours.