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ROCK AND A HOME EDITION Exclusive Wire I SIXTV-TIIIKD VEAR. XO. 53. TIIUKSDAY, DKCKMKEK 18. 1013. TWELVE PAGES. PRICE TWO CEXTS. ! Associ2ted Press HE ROTS. MINERS' PLEA FOR PROBE IS BEING FUSHE House Rules Committee Hears Arguments by Labor Leaders. AIN'T SHE THE GIDDY OLD THING? SEEK END OF STRIKES C'f.cmi of IMirois Fears BloocJ chezi Unless There is Fed ora! interference. I c. l-i T v. I III. I" M ')!.. .- lor i i.t '! . f.i,. a ;n. i i i. riK .- I - r i cK-t : st !.!' ' , I i i, . ' i I- '.!. 1 r, i f.ri n i : b i; vh of I V. '' r rk C'a- Hits it. 1!1 p I'-r .v f r u in e ;.ii i i ,1 I I ami it ...-is ; ; i II lTi'i-l" fi r r-i .it t 'ii r . of : . 1 1 i;n ; -tr . r. t' ! jr rn t. i -! a ' T ii ' .i h::!f ''' i'iiI women r!-r.t:f t iJ :i H ;i peah-d fr o fit- people- may iMniivil" I :. i tl e.r the I I . i J : li 'ik ; . l-l'-i;raj.'M"'l i' ;: -::ii.. r f' r . J -t , , . , pr.-v i.l . -..:t.:- i'. of ! !-. Howlers. ij: t . I '.II! i i. a tl r .i u re of i :. - H -:.!! they of Ai,"sl':.t ! Pie .- . .. '..r ' 'ia rh. in r--;inr Knot. 1 ir:i;-r .. -. ;ov-rr:ir 1 1 ad! y III!.--- f the repubM ": ad Ii :i tut- vrt at " i. r - i: il oi.iitry t ii "':', :i rt put). T'-.r .f ( , ?;1rMdJlJ -v OUST GEORGE AS GOVERNOR ELH ii It. MOD iviE Kot-ecast Till 7 p. m. Tomorrow, for ; Rock Island, Davenport. Kollne ! and Vicinity. j Fanr tonicht and Friday, not much J 'change in temperature, with the low-' et tonight about ;?0 degrees. Mod- erate variable winds, becoming south- j erly. j Temperature at 7 a. m., 2S; highest! yesterday. 42; lowest last night. 27. j BOOT LEGGER IS KILLED IN POSSE FIGHT New York State Board of Charities Condemns Noted Social Worker. a. m.. 1 mile Velocity of wind at ' pt-r hour. Precipitation none. Relative humidity, at 7 a. m. SI. Stage of water. 3.3. a fall of lat 24 hour. J. M. SHKH1ER. Local Forecaster. Bonner, Kans., City Hall m so'atj the Scene of an Un- i ! i r ..i equal oauie. 1 in LOOSE MORAL CONDUCT ! Brings Downfall of Founder of j 8un ' Institution for Aiding Way- t ward Child, en. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. Eveniuir .Jupiter. Snnirn. Morn ins stars: Mars. Mercury. Venus. The i star HeKUlus of coustellution Leo is iu renlity n treniendnus sun. tivinj; out uenrly times as much light as our MARSHAL IS WOUNDED NATIONAL WIRES BURLESON'S PLAN Accused Man Refuses to Sub mit to Arrest and Shoots Until He Drops Dead. WILSON HOST AT CABINET DINNER w ould Jit-aro First State Function of Season Scheduled at the White House Tonight. lie (!unKcrn:is to the public ii.d safety." ! It will be (iimi to tl: commission ' to gicve iiitere-ted parties an oppnr- ITiiiiiTv In nffpr rvii!fnc in rccnt-rl t'i ' jact.-i. if any. flnoe Thaw's committal to Mdlft-awan, tcndiit? to sliow p.-r-j s'liial violence. When the report of tli commission j is presented the parties may have leave to be heard further on the fjui s- tion of bail. iii-t l! IV i f. ill ti : il( y hi t..- r fi' t!!- " Dcmanti L'pirt Ammoni. '.) . !-. I Sev prt iL'rt"-s it. ' f.e l rn::i aril , it i- ..' a .-trie li'.jt r c 'ii- to'lay it. .ft !. -i '!: .!rei-ts to .: : In il- :i..nei t:.Ht i"i rtt-r :ittiih f.t iiji.i'ar.v et.m- II in i in- 'ol r.i io lr.i.e ' ne 1 r ;i ' ti t::'lrary o;;.. ers. HEADACHES DRIVE EDITOR TO DEATH : ' Va-i;iii:t'u. In c. 1.- FrcM-iKnt Wilson uill give the first cabinet din-j : ner of ilie sennon at the White Louse i mniift.t. A few Invited guests outside tif the cabinet will be present, includ ing Mayor-elect Mitchell of New- York. The rrt state function of the season i JJeforrn i l-i to be loliowej uy uiniiers uy t .i.yi ret members t' t!ie preslijeut. and the u.-iial o?!i ial n-ceptinns. The New J Year reception will not be held this J year. The president will leave 'ah-j Peoria. CHARGE NEGLECT TO PEORIA MAYOR ;forra Crusaders Also Assail Chief of Police in Campaign for a Clean Up. HARRISON FILLS 3 BOARD VACANCIES Chicago Mayer Appoints New School Directors to Take Places of Rebels. , inr'on immediately after signing currency bili. whith i expect d i reach him r.ext I le ill no fee ueek.- ttlH I to 111, Dec. A recently formed I-aw Knforc-emcnt league, head ed by Hev. Clement (I. Clarke. onday or Tuesday. until and remain two or I ' the r lrst t ongrepat loiial church, in To'f-iy he will take part ! a f iri ular signed "Tlie Committee of Pains Due to Accidental Shoot ir.g bv Son Cause Shabbona 1-ld.n to Suicide. in the ti'iinTti.i' oi an elm tree n;i t!;e Wl.ite Ik. live ;,v ii en liie sfiol where : the Cleveland e!;n w a- rprooteti Pi v- ral months au by a .-torm. Five." ciiarjres .ti.ijor r.. ootinin . . Harrv A. I.inskv. the fifth mem land Chief of Police V. VY. Rhoade.s j ber, whose resignation was accepted iih reflect of tiu-ir d.ities. I probably will be reappointed. Tii charges declare that a l'i-ycar 'old girl was given by Chief ithoades the custody of an ex -convict, who hail been sentenced for trafficking in wcMt-n. They charge that a certain n ember of the city administration h:.s Chicago, I)ec. IS. Three new tneiii- j bcrs of the school board were appoint I ed last night by Mayor Carter Harri- fir,rf till the places of three of the five -wlidse resignations he accepted as a result of their voting to oust Mrs. i Klla Flagg Young from the supeiin ! tendency. I The appointees are: I John A. Metz. president of the Car penters' District Council, to succeed J. J. Harding. John W. Kehhardt, former member Jot the. library board, to succeed H. V. ! 1 'uttmann: ' Josepli . ilelpuch to succeed J. 15. i Dibelka. I The niaj-or said he had not yet de- c ided on a successor to C. ) 1. 1: i. a. I I . J 5 . - ; !tt i 1 -i : ii.r . I.,- Ii..r....l ars a vi i. w I. i i: I ! .11.11 I is ii il. i;t a-.-etl ,H Ililit s TOWN IS DIVIDED ON MURDER CASE -ei l I 'l :..!-.. i-l"nr hit tl.i il. r K p:.'.!.' . Tt. . . .. r. avt i ! Io -nt pt r .lt d r ; eal..e ! re t a 'f I';- i t ii t .i i In- t t '.i N. . : o n ' ' I t Sl.abt.ona .1 i ,ir ) ;!'!;; v , pri: t la t t t . ' T:.e t i r rlit g t! ..-1 o v eM ii I i.- iii.;k.'ii- I .i : g-:. to i i i i. i ,.i I i is r n ! hi- v ir iliir r .Ni ka- 'l ami si ii )i..i a from ;.i Wealthy Woman Engages Ccun sel to Defend a Stenogra pher Accused of Crime. WARD'S DAUGHTER TO GET MILLIONS Only Child to Receive Bulk of Estate of Late Chicago Mail Order Man. Ciil. tfn. lit . Dec. Ik .Vl? Mar .'irio Ward s-. .1 L".. i- expected t' be tlie i'.ief b in i i.. i j i! t!.i- will ef A. Vontctiinery Ward i"'.e estate 1 lalued at 1 1 .",. (tii i i T:.e widow and u.i'.ig.:tt r are t e erly immediate lilem' ers cf t! t..l..:!v. Ti: wi:i of W i.i ani Dft-riue. the i ::;;::tn:;r';r;:'.1;. -i court grants thaw estimated ?:j He left i..,t!.-.i.c to;. .-tiling ; Tttl is N .J . Dec-. 1 -Ji. pii Moriarity. a .-(i-M.i.T.ipl:'-r, was placet on trial in the .-upretue court today ler the iinirdt-r of Mrs Carol:nt Tur ner, wife of an employe of tiie Lake wood estate of leoree J. Gould, who.-e truti'atcd body was found in April, in a iump of trees near her home. Moriarity :s wrho;i' neatis. but Trs. Ja.-fit r Lynch, a wealthy woman cf Lakewotj.l. ty wl.on, 'formerly eii.p!o d. las arranged to 1--l- "' j ? r.d i-'v.f has c:it?ag-i a rlj-tt r t l lawjeis. are oj n- d ii a strong array of legal taie:.t for t:.--state. Ti:e little c-curt room was crowded witii society women. Tlie t'as'.in::abl' co'ony is divided into two clans, one friendly o the prisoner and his 1 wealthy sponsor. ai:d the other !.u-tile. been connected with a gambling house; that street walking goes un chec Ke.l. and that one of an ; ii c-on ;ng giand jury has b- n ap-, proat-iicd atit "liX'd." Matr Woodruff on Saturday ap- a!l tti the Association of Com merce to a.-sist the administration in j disproving these c harges. The Asso- i ciation of Commerce named a com-' i.-.iitte c.f five to investigate t..e mat-j ttr state's. Attorney C K. McNc-inar 1 ha- set mi foot an investigation of the c ham that the machinery of the-! i ourfs I. as been fixed. lie made a : demand on Mr. Clarke ye st ni-iy that li e name and proofs Le furnished. Mr. Chirke said they woai-1 be furnish' i under certain conditinns soti.-iy Tl:- committee of live of the Lav! he wa- . I'c t-inent leagi.e has acreed to hoit! , fi rem wita tlie sin. liar oi.iii.u i ot bv the investigating committee. I The board recommends that more girls bo received and those now j there be removed to other institutions. It suggests that the courts of the re ! public, the grand jury and district at torney be abolished antl tint a super ! intendent deal with all offenses, j Refuge for Wayward. His retirement from the director ship of tlie national organisation of republics is believed forecast by tlie report. Tlie George Junior Republic vas founded by George as a refuge for bad boys. Pioneer members we're toughs of the old Dowery, youth who said they "never had a chance." These were taken to the hills of Freeville, near Ithaca, and under George's di rection governed themselves in the republic he founded. George was a benevolent despot. I lis chief aim was to bring back to home life wayward boys and girls. From the model at Freeville other George Junior Repub lics were founded throughout the coun try. Counsel for George was indignant and said that only witnesses against his client had been heard and that witnesses could have been called who would easily have disproved some of Seth-i the charges. George is 4, and has been in poor health more than a year. Has Hypnotic Powers. Tlie committee's report, which was J adopted by the board, says in part: in view oi cei tain coiiiessiun? auej i statements regarding George's exer cise of hypnotic influence upon tit i- I ens of the republic, his admissions of lapses of memory, as testified before the joint committee of the National Association of Junior Republics, his presence at the institution is clearly undesirable." It was brought out in the testimony by the; committee; of trustees that George could hynotize himself standing before a mirror. Cmolliim I . .li.l .... .....I ... I... Major General Bell to Leave Is- ;wBkf.11(.d from ,he'speii bv some .in lands and Come tO United !!-, being unable to throw it off him- G e r- TVTo - v. sell. fcjtaivo in i'iai tu New York. Dec. IS. Removal of i ii-:n: . T " . . - frnm u.-ti-V'O T V I T" 1 1 - I V llliaiil IV. urui f.c ' v . . i ... -- cipation in the affairs fo the George Junior Republic at Freeville. N. Y., founded by him more than ten years: ago, is recommended by the state board of charities. His moral conduct is severely condemned. The investigation w-as liegun more than six months ago. More than DO witnesses from six states were ex amined in regard to charges of loose i living made against George by young j women, former members of the re ! public. The oldest of these charges j dated back to 1S04. The testimony is i n n iirin t:hle :ind no verdict whether I i.l.e rh.irees were i.roved was rendered j government ownership of telephone i Postmaster General Says Tele graph Is Monopoly Which Public Should Own. TAKES UP TELEPHONES, TOO Declares Congress Has Laid Basis for Taking Over Both the Systems. Washington, Dec. IS. A sweeping declaration in favor of the principle Bonner Springs, Kas., Dec. IS. la I a battle that ensn.ed when a posse cT j 15 surrounded the city hall building. ! on the second floor of which w as Rolla i Harvey, an alleged boot-legger rur- pected of conducting a "joint," Har- will be reappointed. Mr.! ! Lipsky sent Mr. Harrison a letter ex ! plaining that he had cast a blank bal i lot in order that on the second he' might announce he would vote for Mrs. I Youiik. turning the title in her favor. CHANGES AFFECT NUMBER OFFICERS Washington. Dec. IS.--The war de partment today announced important changes in hifli ranking ofiicers. :- r presenting tlie As-soe lation t'on.inerce Friday afternoon. T;:e charges !gaint Mayor Woo 1 r;tt and Chief Ilhoades are denied in "" rial circles. At a meeting of the !.a.v Ki.forc enu-nt league he ld la-t - v r r: ' r!t ,11 Y.f ftas eviiresverf l! nl . , , . ... i i f . ... I'.nh-'adier Ly'ii.-oi oi suiiir ji inc i : i.t t - couiii Lie furnished Republic Population 124. Georg o!!i ially w ithdrew from the in.uiatrt ni' lit of tlie institution in 1!0S and accept e '. entice in connection with i the Nation-jl Association of Junior He. Major General Harry, commanding ),,,,, jrs J low ever, he cont inued to re th eastern division at Governors IH-side in a house adjoining the repub- I ... ,1 ci. fi. ti.. lI,iI..r. jlunorl. I .. . ... ' .-e.. IIU a titi until rece ntlv had mor, ment in March to relieve Major Gen- ,,.ts inllu.nce in the ewal L'ell. wtio returns to the LitiUad St-ites in May. ?.!:ijor General Carter, commanding or and telegraph lines and an assertion lie ! Ilint iho nnctal corvine ti M u.- aetf- supporting for the first time since 1SS3 are features of the annual report of Postmaster General Hurlesou, transmitted to congress yesterday. He urges that he be authorized to con tract for experimental aerial mail ser vice and says his department has sub mitted a request for 550,000 to use for that purpose. Discussing the policy of government ownership of telegraph and telephone lines. Mr. Purleson says: "A study of the constitutional pur poses of the postal establishment leads to the conviction that the post office department should have control over all means of the communication of intelligence. "The first telegraph line in this country was maintained and operated as a part of the postal service, and it is to be regretted that congress saw fit to relinquish this facility to private enterprise. The monopolistic nature of the telegraph business makes it of vital importance to the eople that it be conducted by unselfish inter'ests, and this can be accomplished only through government ownership. "The act of July 24, I860, providing for the government acquisition of the telenranh lines upon payment of an armraised valuation and the act of PtOL' directing the postmaster general 'to report to congress the probable cost of connecting a telegraph and telephone system with the postal ser vice by some feasible plan are evl dences of the policy of this govern ment ultimately to acquire and oper ate these electrical means of com munication as postal facilities, as is done by all the prlnciap! nations, the t'nited States, alone excepted. Lauds Parcel Post. "Tiie successful operation of the parcel post has demonstrated the ca pacity of the government to conduct the public utilities which fall properly within the postal provision of the con stitution. "Kvery argument in favor of the government ownership of telegraph lint's may be advanced with equal logic and force in favor of the govern ment ownership of te-lephone lines. It has he-en completely decided that a t, l - phone me.ssaye and i telegram are tlie tame within the meaning of the vey was killed and two other men wounded. More than 50 shots were fired. Marshal Kasling attempted to arrest, Harvey and his companion on the street, on bootlegging charge. Har vey fired twice ami Kasling and his companion fled. The shots missed. Kasling went about town awakening citizi-ns and recruited an armed posse. Harvey lived with his wife and two children in three rooms in the city hall building on Main street. . Th posse took positions at four sides of the building. In response to a shot f'arvey appeared at the door. "Sur render," shouted Kasling, "we are 15 strong. You don't want your family hurt." Given Revolver by Wife. Mrs. Harvey handed her husband a revolver and retired. Harvey opened fire. Before a shower of bullets brought him down he had shot C. H. Weber in the leg and grazed Kasllng s scalp. The posse swarmed up the steps and found the body of Harvey cm the porch riddled by bullets and charges from shotguns. Before the battle was over half the population of the town was lu the vicinity of the city hall. telegraph servb $ lh; republics present population of i iaw- governing tin citizens is l-'l. of which 41 are girls. . ;,n,i there-tore it is believed that the No iierr-on is admitted und'-r 14. and I t . ...... i.h., h, . tl ..,.....1 ..;,:,, ,,.,. ; t--j " . .... .. ...... it b'""i"'iiin ' ' ' the averasre age Is about l,. J l.e prop- goes to the; Hawaiian department to!,.r,.. si. t of -ion ..,,ii -n , rclfeve Brigadier General Futiston. Lull-line who in April wi;i return to trie I nite-i States for t command. assignment to a brigade ! mani I w ill I George to exhibit undue i w':th tiirl citizens. Whs I have been his ii. olive his familiarity eve r may exar-iple in - orii!frt d I.e.' had .! ;:Xt c'irectk l. ! irii.g I enoupn i;fe hull. I SON ACCUSED OF CHAINING FATHER A HEARING FOR BAIL li. tui tord. N It . Ie . 2 v - A sion t-i examir.e Harry K. Thaw to de termine whether his liberty under bail would be dar.ger.jas to public safety ' waa announced in a rescript issued by J Judge Aldnerii iu t..e federal court; yesterday. j In the rescript, wh:.!: i on Thaw's application for admission t bail under! the habeas corpus p: ot t t-cii::s. Judge; Max Gla- Aldrich says; .iay by the "The cotun.i.-sk u is not tppohited I lor t;:e purpose of listening to ex perts upon no advisory hearing, but! keeper, two morths ugo. Since thit time cabaret shows, ail nielit rettau- r:r.T-i m-iii valoons. and all rmhllr.L' i:ou-es have been closed; the Law Kn-' :',300,J ' e . i. .... i.,- i i Brigadie r (ill I ( illlil ' tt ur un. ir r i mrij uu'l , .t...n .llarlinr tet. tl,... i depart lueut Of m.tii'i i.e eiKiiiii ui i-;diir a .-'ail r ran all saloons w iil be forced out on Sun day; the segregated district d. ar.d the lid put on prize lighting. ci.-co. TRAIN REFUGEES FROM CHIHUAHUA St. IvOuis. Mo.. I c 1 : r. i..ed ;. as !,, :; j lii.liee chair.ej to Siwr of a room . i .e rear Ui a o - ii...ri s-..oj iuu l-.. i-iis m.u auiii) ucaribK. uuii i -w -. i..rti T';e Kill r. when kr- ' fiir ro-.kil.ff -.ueil iili...riurrn. null ev. I i. .-,..! ..;i-iii....I .. r . i ... 1 1 flat M. un.ii.aliiin A if f t frt n . !. a .a ! ' Tain f.t: .e.- :.,! ::;.oi f . 1 i:or KT ft r ! to Thaw s present cor.ditioa: and ! t r ':!.- .".ir- M rris ehla.. -r. w ho whether he is Jnsar.e or r.ot. its opin-1 con.l:';o;;s in the Mexica:ic;'y . ;:.. .i ii.e -,o.:. .'. j-oiii i.e-r i ; u s ba cd ion i oougl.t upon the t-H.'e and sole J occupation by Villa, re ! e l c: t on-.. 1. rc-J h.- s.-'l r ..i.-are and did ciuection wh-l!ier it is j ere su.r i-.l v. at i '.cfj iu an ao'luiu. ;proLable tLat his liberty under tail icf all fcrt acfiiiire, upon liie payment of an ap praised valuation, the telegraph lines of the country will enable the govern- Famliar With Girls. , me nt to acquire the telephone network The re (rt of the t ouiinitte e says I of the c-ountry. (ieneral Macomb. com- i further: "Kv id-ne-c- show- tiiat fori Inquiry Now in Progress. g the first Hawaiian brigade. any y-ar.s it has b.-.n the cu-tom of, ... JuIJ, ,aht .. colnmj,tee was an- ccme to Wafchingron to relie ve 'George to exhibit undue familiarity j - , . . . . f this subject, to determine the x"'elim inary ttc p.-t necessary for the govern- ; merit te tak toward the iice.uisition of i the telegraph lines tt the; c-cdintry in ' aceordancej with bee tion o2C7 of the i reiiseC (i!!itiili.!l Th(u rfirn ,,i it I K Pershintr of tlit. I A I tout a year atio it ln-.inii' apparent! ' . ." .. , ti.uum oi inej ..... ... now engaged in nreoarini; its prelim- will coni-lto those- in contrcl 'i ti. e rep.tiiic . . . .- . ' . ... ; win corn- iiir reoort urni if the hnrlirifse iiitifv L.lil. . ' J I I ' 1 1 . J III.IUI.I .11 . ililllllli;.! ZJl isted. As Crflort to eradic-cte the; evil resulted i:i the arrest ind convi'.tion of several ciii :eiis of b;th sexes. I'n til recently there have been many op portunities for i:::inorality among tlie citizens. We finel it lias been tlie cus- T',.- tinrtfv rniltr?i t ft O' 1 1 irrrn: t K t of the killing of ?peci..l or.;.er 0,.,. ' 'r-Padier General Liggett as president ,, .- ... -..t i eif t'-.e army war collesre. Liegett will lliieiti u mil i-iiiiiMt-i, A .a.looil- ., .... . i.t... ..A .....l ,1.. i..d, ......... .1 ,l I relieve isngaoi'-r cje-nerai l.awanls. i .!- "e ,.,..,rZ,,- . - ... nic.-e ! eommanding the sixth brigade, now in ! e-ts as show n by witnesses l ad the who goes to Hawaii to relieve ! fff(? fading " immoral acts of a nuinhfr of older girls and boys. I Genera! Pershing of the i A I tout a year aco it became apparent Mindanao will rnmhto those- in contrc4 ot the his general financial policy Postmas ter General Burleson says: "The postal service should be ex tended with duo regard for the exigen cies of public revenue, wherever Its benefits, commercial and social, war rant the expenditure necessary, ir respective of whether or not the rcve nue from each extension will defray the cost thereof." Changes Asked in Laws. Among the new laws which Mr. Bur leson auks congress to enact are: A law granting to tho postollicej de partment exclusive jurisdiction ovel the selection of the sites for public buildings to be used wholly for post oftloo purposes and Joint authority with the secretary of the treasury ia the selection of sites for federal build ings to be used jointly by the postal and other branches of the government service. An amendment to existing law tn allow $2,000 indemnity for accidental death of any officer or employe of the postal service, or for death w ithin one year caused by Injuries suffered lu tho service in tne line ot uuiy. Legal provision to leave, with full pay for a period of one year, tor in juries suffered in the line or ciuiy, and them at half pay for not exceed ing one year additional. A law to authorize the postmabter general to contract for experimental aerial mail service, for which an esti mate of $50,000 has be-eu submitted. A law to authorize the ismiance ot oostal money orde-rs payable at unj money order office'. A law to authorize h rerpoval ol the limitation on the amount of postil savings deposits, with the proviso thai interest shall not be paid on more than $l,ooo. This will permit postal sav ings depositors to deposit any amount. IMITATION f.ILI( FOR INDIANAPOLIS VANDALS WRECK LIBRARY'S INSIDE , such action, proper recommeiidatToii ! i will be made Ly the department at a . later date." I Postina.-ter General Burl-.-Hon pre sents an elaborate btate;nent of the financial ejperations of the postofhee.- j i torn to " virU to do housejwork ! partuiM.t, including a discussion of me meiuoa oi oooKiceepuig, wunni has changc-d. Indianapolis. Ind . Dec. 18 Manu factured milk made by mixing a pow der with water and adding butter fat has been bold here for some time, ac cording to the largest companies of the. city. It htands all tests required of mi:k. The discovery was brought about when one company put too much butter fat in its supply, caus ing the cream to settle at the bottom inste-ad of the top. The health board has ordered the manufactured milk at) labeled. I in hoiise-s occupied by boys.' sc. Texa. Dec ::h r"'ii refute g rtac-I.e-d here tcv'a 1 v A t-pecial ; Spanish Rout iMcors. ; "It :s gratifying to report," says he, Oh.ri::: (!.:c. Uc. IS. Vandals las- ; Madrid. Sriain. D is v lamn ; "t'n.i the k.-.- i pn,.n.e of maintalnine night wrecked the inuricr of the Car-1 force of Moorish trio'-smeii was rout-1 the postal se-.rvice for the fiscal year by troops i ended .l int; 3'). 1!13, is found to be at Muley Absfelam, Spanisii Murrocc o. ; e.xc edt-d by the revenues for the same . l;l.r-j.. 11.. I iiiri'lv .v- Ol.rl.T. I .. ,.-;,l. I . .... .... 1.. ... : . - I . ... ... J - . .. ... tJJ V. . r- ll.UICU n III! i. ' tl . 1 J ill. iu i iiiii ij- : ,- , , cxi!et:c and tr.e town. i t-e j sain az.:i,.Jj uere throws s L.Ce e3 mard. r. as to : rar.i dt-parture B-i'rs from tha: v.i:n;t.v. Books and ma; in confusion and j The Spa::: card i.-iicx f.ies d-sroied. Rstcra ; "A veritah! tie:; w:i c ,-t fevera'. thousand. Thfc by Spanisli pt-! f ir.s st tbe fnitj; body !. re- j the Moors, ij'.niiLlu. i war cf5ce. v a.-, c ori.-irjerahie. rin of bon.rjs wa tos.:ed ' the midst of said a di patch to the period; thar there is an actual surplus of $.T,;4i,'iei;.7S; and that 'lie postal service is now for the fir ft time since 18S3 self-supporting Woman Acquitted of Murder. Peoria. III., Dec. 18. A Jury in tu circuit court eysterday returned a ver dict of not guilty in the case of Mrs. Ada Heathcoat, charged with the murder of George V. Barrlck. The al leged crime occurred on the morning of Oct. 5 in an alley in the 1600 block on South Washington street. Sanga. mon Hugglns, 11 years old, asserted Ltj the course of his discus.bion of J he was an eyewitness. 1