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Asjociated Press Exclusive Wire 'SIXTV-TIIIUD VKAILJS'O. f GIVE HUERTA ARMY GUARD; FEARATTAGK Mexico City Palace Sur rounded by Troops as Ugly Rumors Grow. TALK OF A CONSPIRACY: Opponents of Administration Reported to Have Planned Uprising. i M-xico Tity. M"1co. Feb. ..The fi.-.-al c;vilol 1 toda... T!ie authortli-A I.a l far. U rur, -pirators wajut tf.e administration cu!d at txpt S3 upri:r?. but no oi::.-e:.k oc- Troop uanl' J the palm . arM-i.u! t-d art:'.!t-ry barrat ks tiircii.i.oin U". 1 nijSt as a result of r port:-- that con spirators ;!ai.nej aeain: th.- liuerfa : ?orprcn:r;:. For s time la:,t niht cuntidr-hle ext it mint aud i.y activity of .ulda-ri and reports ihl an ou'br.aU had a -vaally oc-; rurred in GuaJalup". a .-ubu.-b seven Kile northea.-t and ri.tir.c is in pro-! jrn. Ti! phone n; ti-jsci today j i. d to confirm rumors of fighting. ! ! Is UiougM ti.e fart tl.ut iroop-i were j harrielly sent to tne n;!jrt in ac- of wcrk Cn thi!, oast tlie onlv gradu cordance mitb military plans to be in ; a-e rhinese Durse to foIow huci, a jnduuM for a possible as j rarpr sh? ,3 1? vparg oId nnd w rtponslble fo." the Gaadalape reports. , of the youll3,.K UUrse3 in the It as officially din.ed that the cotj-. f-rence of General I'.ianquef. minister ; 1 lva , , , of mar. and other officers during thei The Sirl has demonstrated her ab.l 4ht wa held to .insider any plot, j Hy for the work by nursing and pre Re3c: er- that '-'.oOO poIi- in the i scribing for the sick at the home. Two caml were involved in a plot and had ! yearn ago the left to enter the Piiila tirdred themselves to revolt with cer-i delphia institution. uia of the troops on Feb. !. the anni-j tT!ry Of tn f,.-t nf tie Q ixjt' Dorubardinri.'. ui ine capitoi by rrtels last year, Milch wit- loHowe br th death of President .Msder ?nd tt iou cf provisional prci-j imtj ty Huer;a. J Discredit Report cf Tunnel Deaths. j Juarei. Mt'o. Feii. T. 'v tiriio ad- ; ti as to the 'at" of the Am- ri'-aa nilroad men rajtur-d by Mexican baadits are still lackini:. but ofTirials art inclined to dinr-d;t lirst reports that at least sis re !o Y' in a tra!n tad lent to death in the Mazing ('tim bre tunnel. It Is believed the ptory surted by a Mexican wi'a intent to delay purMiit of the bandits and ibelr captives. Crave fears are now lift that fix ral'.road rr.on and 3.1 i assensrers per lhed In the Cun;bre tunnel when a Mexico Northwestern train ran into the tunnel We inesdav. Y SAYS HE WILL NOT RESIGN!; Sou f Ton.. titt t. . ' W 7 Declares ! ne Will Hold Down Job as ; Long as He Lives. j ' v ' -ew lork, Feb. 7 "I intend to : Uf here as long as I live," said j CWles F. Murphy todav. I By "here - he meant the leadership t Tammany hall His tutement wa called forth bv 1 Inquiry reeardlr, r.-nort thatlufer' "oyer at Kansas, intended aoon to retire and resign leadership to a committee of three nit friends. That is not true," said Murphy. Thomas F. Foley, the ex sheri.T named O the rumors as one of the three Poq whom the chief intended to drop " mantle eaid: -Aa thb ta;k i. started by outsiders ho made failures of themselves in I w own little towns and came here 10 tart something." Sf Bum Another House. ITrne. S-ot:and. Feb. 7 Hazel house, a highland residence, 15 from here, was dsToyed by b' militant suffraget. The hou?e "'ooBed to a widow of a county conn cCJw and waa temporar lv usweu. Pd. OflLY ONE OF 52 CONVICTS FALSE JohVt, ni., Feb 7. Only one out of convicts sent to the honor camp In ynd Detour. III., to build roads, was to the trust reponed in blm, it M learned today, when the men were "turned to the penitentiary. This attempted to smuggle a flask of Thick? into a tent. He a ent back w orison. "Mystety of HE FIRST CHINESE GIRL GRADUATED NURSE Miss Yoke Lon Lee. San Francisco, Feb. 7. Resetted from the clutches of Oakland and San Francisco Chinese tenps and brought up in an occidental manner by the Presbyterian rescue home. Miss Yoke I .on wiil shortly receive her di'i!.ma from the Philadelphia Pr-s- .ffjM bytfrian hospital to become the first ! l ore, successor to Wiley, w;n decme Chlnesr girl radua'ed nurse. 'appeals formerly sent to tlie board. The tase or Yoke C-ju I.e.? was one j The Norris resolution directing tl'.e of th" most sensational in lite rt cord interstate commerce commission I'J of t!ie old China'ow n casts. As a babe J i:iiinue Investigating the New Haven in arms the was snatched from a I u- j railway affairs was passed by the scn turo life or slavery in Oakland's ' ate in modified form. Kenycn of Chinatown and bro;iht to the Pres-jioa charaCerlsed the exposure of byterian rescue home lure. the New Haven affairs a tale of the Within two months Mits Lee wi 1 bei"lnfamy of fcans blunderers. pradiiated with honors from the east ern hospital and enter hr chosen fMd gMOOSEHEftRTHAS" A S10,G00 BLAZE Fifty Children, Wards of Order, Sleep in Peace While Fire Is Fought. Aurora. 111.. Feb. 7. A Huge frame 1 building of the Loyal Order of Moose, i at Mooseheart, seven miles from here, was destroyed by fire last niht. Fifty j littlo children, orphan wards of the order, slept undisturbed in another' ouiiaing iu roas away wime nrem fought the blaze. The damage is $10,000. PCSTOFFICE NOMINEES ENDORSED BY SENATORS Washington, I). C. Feb. 7. The sen- i Ive session, confirmed the ! nominations for postmasters , James W. Patton at Springfield, vice ' Ixjren L. Wheeler, commission ex- pind. first class oflice. located in gov- eminent buildiug with city delivery: saIiir'. $3.00 a year; William H. J. Hoeft at Geneseo, vice Frank 11. Green, commission expired, second class, with city delivery. J2.300; Ian- iel W. Totthey, at Hume, office Just be- come presidential: S. J. Jackson at Kankakee, vice Edward A. Jeffers, commission expired, first class office. ? government building, with city de- vice. tVtnftotd C Dinn..IT I 1 i.i-Ji .io c, .'. T I coming from Patchln mine, two miles third class, $1,00; James M. Daco at1. ... ,, , , ., . t wo , r, ii..- I tm the railway. Navajo Indian Odin third class. $1,200; Barney A. Iaun at Oiney, vice T. A. Fritchey. resigned. i second class, with cltv delivery. $2.- 500; Adam A. Funk at St. Joseph, vice L. G. Richardson, removed, third S."1' 00 J.fi0: V,t $1,100; Herman Richan at Paul Spltzer, resir-.ed. third diss. $1,700; resigned, at Wya nett, third class, $1,100. New Punishment for Girl. Aurora. 111.. Feb. 7. The state board of administration has issued Instruc tions to Superintendent Carrie O'Ccn nor of the Geneva State School for Girls that no girl In the Institution shall suffer physical punishment. Punishment is to be one day in soli tary confinement for viola'ion of rules if punished by the matron and three days' similar punishment if the su perintendent is obliged to rule in the case. Insane Man Smashes Hotel. Aurora 111., Feb. 7. An escaped ward of the Elgin asylum en tered a hotel at Maple Park yester day. Finding on one in the office he started to break up the furniture. Then he battered down several door and broke windows. A posse of ci'I zen finally cap'ured him. The asy lum authorities mere notified aid be w 'II be taken back. Boule Cabinet' Great Serial, Begins Today. ROCK SATURDAY, DRUGS BOARD IS ABOLISHED AS NEEDLESS Bureau Attacked by Wiley is Dispensed With by Secretary. ALBERG IS TO BE JUDGE Held Chief Chemist of Agricul tural Department Is Compe tent to Settle Appeals. Washington, D. C, Feb. 7. Th board of food and drug ins-pection of the del artmer.t or agriculture watsj abo'.is'.ied today by the secretary on I the ground of economy. The board of l't. attacked by former Chief t'heni I!ar-y V. Wiley end Dr. Carl AI- t The modification was that the com mission need not duplicate previous work and could decide if the previous investigation had developed a'l the facts. House Bill Substituted. The house immigration bill today was substituted for all other pending senate bills and with amendments w 111 be taken to the floor very soon. The president sifried the Kenycn bill abolishing the Washington segre gated district. wrll THY AIIRnPA WnrJ!fllI MEMBER OF POLICE FORCE Aurora. 111., Feb. 7. Miss Ann For-: and upper lake region - today with syth. a wealthy young woman, has ; P' of bringing the lowest tern ' . . peratures of the year. Storm warn- gone to worK as Aurora a nrsi poucu woman, at a monthly salary of $75. She has given up magazine writing and newspaper work to travel a beat as the lowest paid officer In the police department. Miss Forsyth has outlined her ideas 0f what a police woman's duties should be. She believes that she should Take care of special cases "brought to her attention or paroled to her by tjie juvenile judge. Have supervision of public places where minors congregate for recrea tion. Cooperate with employers of young people for their physical and moral betterment. Supervise waiting rooms, dance halls, and other Dlaces where girls con- gregate as stringently as the law will permit. "One of the first reforms I Tvill ask will affect dance halls." Miss Forsyth 8lu,j. "I will ask all dance hall man- agers to stop giving pass out checks after dancers are once In the hall. This will stop young men from run ning down stairs to saloons." II WIRE SPARKS II Albuquerque, N. M. Deputy sheriffs found traces of the men who wrecked Santa Fe east-bound tram No. 10 near Gallup. Drills and crowbars used in tearing out a rail were identified as trackers started on the trail from the mine. New York Lorenzo B. Adams, ar raigned before the United States com missioner on the charge of using the mails to defraud, is accused of swind ling the promoters of newly formed corporations out of $100,000 through a system by which he promised to sell their securities. Washington At a conference of In dian commissioners here Kdward H Ayer of Chicago reported that the Mo nominee Indians were running a aw. mill successfully, and lie declared that if business methods were substituted for government red tape $o,'ifli) or ir.o.oiVi could be saved annually to the Menoni Inees. APPEAL GRANTED MISSOURI ROADS Kansas City, Feb. 7. After years of litigation the Missouri two-cent fare arid maximum freight rate cases go back to the I'hited States supreme court. The railroads were allowed an appeal by Judge MePhruon la tUa federal district cour ISLAND ARGUS.. SPSS FKBKUARY 7. 1014. SIXTEEN IVGZS. COLD WAVE IS ON WAY TO ATLANTIC Storm Warnings Ordered From Delaware to Maine Bliz zard Strikes Milwaukee. B8uiu?u.n,AJ-i i-eD.. .om frosty blanket orer the Ohio valley u were ordered ud alone the Athletic coast from Delaware to Maine. It is predicted the cold wave will be over Uie Atlantic coast district and lower lake region by tonight and stay over Sunday. Zero temperatures in the Missouri valley and plains states are moving eastward. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 7. The first real blizzard of the winter in Milwau kee and vicinity brought a snowfall of about six inches at 8 this morning and 12 above zero. The storm is gen eral throughout the state. With the absence of high winds there is little or no wire trouble. Dallas, Texas, Feb. 7. Cold covered the entire ' state, ranging from four above at Amarillo to freezing at Gal veston. Sioux City, Iowa, Feb. 7. It was 16 below, the coldest of the winter, in this section. URGING DECISION ONSUFFRAGEACT Test Case of Illinois Law on Call in the Supreme Court for Next Friday. Chicago. 111., Feb. 7. The Illinois woman's suffrage test case is on call in the state supreme court for Friday, Fc j. The answer to the appellants who are attacking the constitutional ity of the suffrage act will be filed in the supreme court before Friday. It is the hope to get a decision before the string elections. PROTESTS T0 PRESIDENT Borcher Resents Action on Clinton, HU Posmasterchip. Washington, Feb. 7. Representa tive Borchers of the Nineteenth dis trict of Illinois went to the White house yesterday and protested .to President Wilson agains the rejection of Harve Campbell, ex-sheriff of De Witt county, whom Mr. Borchers rec ommended for appointment as post master at Clinton. Some time ago Postmaster General Burleson declined to name Mr. Camp bell and asked Representative Bor chers to suggest another name. This Mr. Borchers declined to do. I Thereupon the president Bent to the senate t lie nomination of George B. Marvel, a lawyer and banker of Clin- ! tfhti. vlin ua rerommencle1 hv Tinker C. Sullivan aud by William F. Mv Comb?, chairman of the democratic na tional ccnimiltee. Mr. Borchers 6ald he would not al low Mr. Sullivan to "r.araa posttuat ers ia my d'strlct." SOME WINTER DIVERSIONS u THE WEATHER y Forecast Till 7 p. m. Tomorrow, for Reck Icland, Davenport, Molino and Vicinity. Fair tonight and Sunday, somewhat colder tonight with the lowest tem perature about zero or somewhat low er; moderate northwest winds. Temperature at 7 a. m., 7. Highest yesterday, 23; lowest last night, 7. Velocity of wind at 7 a. m. 13 miles : i FeD. 7 Miss Sylvia Pank per hour. j uurst, daughter of the militant suf- Precipitatlon, .35 inches. 1 fra?ist - leader, yesterday announced Relative humidity at 7 p. m., li.'u; a: 7 a. m., 100. . Stage of water, 2.7; a fall of .2 i ! last 24 hours. J. M. SHERIER. Local Forecaster. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. Evening stars: Mars. Saturn. Morn injr stars: Venus, Jupiter. The planet Mars seen very near the moon on tni south. SOUNDS WARNING ON USING RADIUM New York, Feb. 7. The city health department has issued a warning against quacks who may take advant age of the wide publicity given radium in relation to its treatment of cancer. The warning points out that the only cases of cancer benefited have been skin cancers and says there is great danger in connection with treatment by those who lack knowledge of the use of radium. It is a loss of time that will give cancer a better hold on the victim. Washington, D. C, Feb. 7. A rad ium bill introduced by Senator Walsh would give the government the first right to buy" ores found on private ground as well as on public lands. Fraternal Order Won't Quit. Springfield, III., Feb. 7. The Inde- pendent Order of Foresters of Toron to. Ont.. which some time ago notified Insurance Superintendent Potts ii would withdraw from business in Illi nois and surrender its charter, yester day filed a withdrawal of its letter of w.thdrawal. . The insurance superin tendent issued a certificate to it to continue business in this state. Rock Island Shares Fall. New York, Feb. 7. New low rec ords in the Rock Island company's common and preferred shares aud col lateral to bonds made the entire stock market unsettled. At the oflice of the Rock Island it w-as said no definite announcement would be made for some time on reorganization plans under consideration. GUN SHOTS STOP GOTHAM SPEEDER Ne.v York. Feb. 7. Wallace Malley. on of a millionaire of New Haven, was caught by he police after a wild chase up Mtidison avenue, during which many tlio; were fired at the youug man In a speeding automobile. He had knocked dewu a pedestrian and seriously hurt him. MISS PANKHURST QUITS OLD GUARD Sylvia Secedes from Mother's Cause to Be Ultra -Militant Leader. 1 SoCession from the Woman's So- cial and Political union, the militant women's organization. Her East End of London federation, which hitherto has been a branch of the parent or ganization, will be independent. 1 The rift among the militant suffrag ists is Eaid to be due to Miss Sylvia Pankhurst's ultra-revolutionary as pirations, which the leaders xt the Women's" Social and Political union are beginning to believe are damag ing their cause. Reports of dissensions in the inner circles of the militant organization involving the Pankhurst triumvirate have been in circulation for some time. According to these, Christabel Pankhurst is anxious to end her long exile in Paris and return to London and take control of the organization, for it is doubtful if her mother, Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, who still is in Switzerland, will be well enough for some months to resume her duties as i commander in chief. t But Christabel, the report says, de-! sires to come back under conditions that win not necessitate frequent Collectors at Cleveland Not terms of imprisonment for her under, Worried Because of Absence the "cat and mouse" act. Therefore, . . . it Ib said, she wants militancy dropped. OI uu aj,nST irom btate. Sylvia Pankhurst, on the other hand, -is not prepared to abandon militancy . Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 7. With John until she has fully tested the fighting D. Rockefeller in New York, where he capacity of her "people's army," which went yesterday. Deputy State Tax she organized in the East End of Lon- Commissioners Fackler and Agnew don and with which she Is credited as said they would take no action to list believing she can start a revolution Rockefeller's $900,000,000 personal which will force the government to property on the Cuyahoga county dup enfranchise women. licate here until Monday. Today Several of the younger and more marks the expiration of the time pro ambitious members of the Women's vided by law for Rockefeller to volun Social and Political union view with tarily list his property here in corn- unconcealed satisfaction the Pank- nurst ieua, Deiieving max n euu ciais last Monday. Fakler and Agnew the autocratic sway the Pankhursts plan to place all of the oil king's se have exercised over the society since curities they can find on the duplicate. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pethick Law- The prospective legal fight to make rence were driven out of it last year, him pay taxes in this state is not ex- ' pected to come up until next Decern- Trial rrogresse aiowiy. Houghton, Mich., Feb. 7. There is slow progress in the Seebervllle mur der triaL Stanlo Stepech, one of the men shot, testified he did not witness the killing of Putrlch, for the alleged murder of whom two deputy sheriff? and three Waddell-Mahon guards are on trial. Millions in Road Graft. ' j New York. Feb. 7. "Millions of dollars are wasted through the al anoe of contractors and i&liticians,'' i said James Osborne, former Governor Glynn's graft Investigator, who will recommend the taking of the State highway system out of poliiics. I Tango Held Misdemeanor. j Norwalk. Wis.. Feb. 7. The village j council passed an ordinance making i the dancing of the tango within thei i.uuiicipu'. limits a misdemeanor, pun-: lshable by fine, and imprisonment. Aviator Bell Die of Injuries. Meridian. Miss., Feb. 7. Aviator Bell, who fell 300 feet In an exhibition flight Jan. 5, died of injuries today. '" J PK1CK TWO CENTS. M Ml I lllff I- 111 Ilia. vvumi.iv UIL n n ni"Ain T Ad A Ht5UL I OF JEALOUSY fnfatuated Eastern Girt Kills Wife of Man She Wishes to Marry. THEN SWALLOWS DRUG Confesses Crime in Montclalr Hospital When Told That She Cannot Survive. Newark, N. J., Feb. 7. As she lay dying in a hospital at Montclalr, this ; afternoon. Miss' Mabel Herdman, : aged 20, confessed that it was she who I last night shot and killed Mrs. Harriet ! Manning in the home of the latter, j After shooting Mrs. Manning Miss j Herdman took poison, i She stated that she took Mrs. Man : ning's life because of the failure of ! Mrs. Manning to get a divorce from j Charles Manning, an automobile agent, ; with whom the young woman was ir '. fatuated. -Miss Herdman died at 3:10 this aft ' ernoon. Manning and his wife have been separated three years. Manning is 30 years of age. Friend from Philadelphia. Mrs.. Manning made her home with, her mother and her niece. At 8 o'clock last night a strange woman called at the home of Mrs. Manning. The latter's mother answered the door bell. As the caller, heavily veiled, was shown to the parlor, she announc ed herself as a friend from Philadel ; phia who wished to have a talk with Mrs. Manning. As the'latter entered the parlor, and before she could titter a word, she was foiled by a bullet, which penetrated her brain. . During the confusion the myrterious woman disappeared. The police put out a dragnet and the first arrest made was that of Manning, husband of the dead woman. Two women were subsequently arrested and latter re leased. Taken as Suspect. One of these, it was discovered to day, was Miss Herdman. After she had been given her freedom by the police she took the dose of poison that resulted In her death today. When she realized that she could not live she called the hospital at- tendants, who notified the authorities. and her confession of last night' murder followed. ROCKEFELLER TAX IS TO BE FORCED pliance with the demand of tax offi- ber whe m b d f , lection Three Year for A. R. Carey. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 7. Arthu R. Carey of Chicago was sentenced to three years at Fort Leavenworth pris on yesterday for violation of the Mann act. Laura Fleuker, 18 years old. Green Bay. Wis., was the girl Carey was convicted of transporting to Minneapolis, Minn., for immoral purposes. USE WIRELESS TO LOCATE LOST TUG Washington. D. C Feb. 7. Wireless calls were sent out in search of the navy tug, Potomac, lost In the ico after an effort to rescue the crews of the schooners Lowell and Willard along the Newfoundland coast Navy offi cials aay they hope the wireless pick up the Potomac tom time UhUa