Newspaper Page Text
(l THE ROCK ISIiAND ARGUS. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1914. II president Tearney Invited to Rock Island Socials Lose Championship Game INVITE TEARNEY TO ROCK ISLAND jvree I President May Stop Off Here on Way to Quincy Meeting. FAVORS TEAM IN CIRCUIT gitlmate featherweight by lumping on the scale at his training quarters at LlepersvlUe. Pa., today and proving that after exactly two days' work In five weeks he weighs Just 125 pounds. "Thafs nothing.- remarked Kilbane as he stepped off the scales. "I can make 118 pounds ringside and be Juxt about right for the championship battle." TreOpt Magnate Would Like place Franchise Here Jack Tlgh Will Enterta'n. to FEDERAL LEADERS RETAIN TORONTO I In Spite of Contrary Reports I Canadian City Will Not Drop president Al Tearney of the Three-I j From Circuit. Vg-i h rTe:e1 an invitation to j rca-e to tv.e tnnry EARLY BIRDS ARE FLYING SOUTH ; "WHEE V CRIES THE RABID FAN 0 of the meeting rune, which wiil he held tomorrow. Jack T.fhe. f,r',r Three I manager tre ard " known ha.-cball man. j fcn exte.nb ' invitation, and !!i puppar.y with other loj u fans and: r:pportrs of the rational pastime in : t5i. my will 'i a ':0t tn , . . . . V .. .- t i r- .. I l I n i ra jref.cerr. in m' m -. Tie baeba'l r;ue -t icri will be d:s fivted and j rorn-i ts i r a Thrco-1 t.n here nil! t!:.t main topic: of ranTeri: ion. Tearney fnv.-! Rock JIaoi fr the circuit a- c!. almost all tl the ot'.ier teams and lejcue mag rates, and It is t hnvicht Cat n, fran chise will DP xtrniel to t'. e city at tie n.eftit.e in O'lircy tomorrow Regarding the Meeting CLEVELAND AFTER BERTH Dispatch from Toronto, However, Says No Interest Shown There Star Signs With Feds. Chicago. 111.. Feb. 9. Magnates of i the Federal lea cue had a lone secret session In Chicago Saturday, and in fp'te of reports to the contrary, it now loots as though Toronto will retain Its franchise in the circuit this season. At any rate. President Gilmorc of the n-w league has announced that the Canadian city will not be kicked out, as It seems a display of money, play- as The follow ine il:-pat ii i snt out j ers an,i necessary fighting tpirit b j.t from Bloominrton. JH. regard-. been known. tod. r. toir.orrow's nieeMntr in Qut.-icy: A! tnp cit,s wor. represented and Bloominfrton. V.J . Feb. . Three--! j the meeting as held In the directors' magnates and mmb-r of the . rooln at ,nc Chicago Athletic associa tion. Some of the magnates were late in reaching the city and actual busl- ; ncss was not vutempted until late in the afterncon. reren:!y orcuifzed Sport Writer:;' asso- rUv'.ioo ill a-'-enible in Q .'-cy tomor row to attend ti.e mitl-w in' r meeting, postroa-d from t.e e.-nr' T'levdar in January. Uncertainty rrardir.-; the urbanisation In .several cities caused Freidr.t Tearr.ey to delay i-ulng the Cleveland After Franchise. The question of transferring the Tor- rail. At this carhering a schedule will i mo iraiicuise was ine iuji uridjiuins fc adopted and oilier business acted tpon. President Tf arr.ey In received four f;e-ltile rd one or two more may be r;bmittd at the coining niHtinj. The p-odartion showing the smallest milt re with the bet groupincs of the t'.ub mill be adopted and the maker awarded a prize of J.'.O. This is the frit aeason that such competition has ben inrited and it is believed that the plan will meet with favor. It was o'.ed at the meeting in Chicaco la.t October to open the season thi year on April 23 and close with the games 03 Labor Day, September 7. Revisions Proposed. Some revisions of the constitution Mr be made at the coming meeting. No cl acc in the salary 1'mlt i.i antic i patd. There will be no chance in the circuit, although a number of the cities will b represDetd with new direc tors and officers. There has be-n a radical chance at Dubu'iue. Spring f ld. I'eorla and iJecatur: It is be- cered lliat the new blond will prove 1 itimulating factor in every city. The n;w guarantee of f.'.O for visit- fcf clubs, to include all rames except those played upon lioiiilays. and w hich ; U to fake erect ll-.l year for the tirst ' taie. U tie iao-t radical action taken . tU league in many years. T!i? w 7tera will torcw each city to b- . lf tupporting. only enough money j leg received on the rocd to pay ho- n . i i:uui criiriiCTi. riuui nun nil laitr iu ' I V y e Cam Say . ! vohhg OrVpe.F spkc "JTrAT RVt OU NV' " l 1 great deal of curiosity and Interest, as the game is little known .in this country. They arrived at Rome to day and are to remain here four days, playing in the stadium, the largest athletic ampitheatre on the peninsula. It is capable of holding over 100,000 spectators. Immediately after their arrival the members of the teams were received by the pope and sub sequently by Cardinal Merry del .Val, who Is a keen sportsman. All the ar rangements for these audiences and for the visiting the Vatican and St. Peter's have been made by Mgr. Charles Ohern, vice rector of the American college, as the rector. Bishop Kennedy, is in America on a visit to his sister. PLOW CITY FANS WANT MORE TIME Moline Enthusiasts Meet in Final Session and Ask Ex tension of Jnstice. The first squads of the big league teams are trekking southward. The pitchers and most of the recruits are already on their way and transporta tion has been mailed to most all the rest of the regulars. Pretty BoiTh the warm oil Iiixie sun will be beating down upon the moist and anxious brows of a nation's baseball talent and the spring training trip, that sea son of visionary pennants and hot sulphur baths, will be with us in flu', trrtttlf talpn from -Toronto A put in New York City, other reports I M:rch wp nave ,ur fil n-cr. that Cleveland woul.l take It back. I ,.t,i.M i i.. ,,,. ,ln the spring is one accent the franchise. Fred' Hramlev I teresting periods of the whole respects the training trip of the most in- ball Spring is the gala season for the player from the sticks. We may t.ever have heard of him before and we'li probably never hear of hint of Cleveland was on hand to take the j season. It is then that the sporting again, but for the several weeks ot Toronto franchise if such a thing were possible. It was not learned if any New York men were present. President Weeghman of Chicago op- scribes cf agile fancy, tune their typewriter to a high C and send in reports of rookies that outrage be lief. The sport writer after watch- SOCIALS ARE NOW OUT OF RUNNING posed the plan to keep the club In Tor-j ing a young inflelder around the dia onto, and other club owners sided with i mond returns to his hotel and writes him President Cilmore declared the six Dazes about the discoverv of an- site for a park, and had a lot of big players and would be ready to go to the post when the season opens in J April. Toronto mot Mopexui. On the other hand a dispatch sent t out today from Toronto indicates that i 'tlm project is not looked upon favor-j !ably by the Canadians. Following is j ;thToTonroront. Feb. 9.-Basebaii men 'Lose Game Saturday Night to ' today expressed doubt that a Federal j Davenport Y. M. C. A. and j leaeue club w ill be placed in Toronto, j Chance at Title, i There Is little local money to back such an enterprise, they say. No suit-' ,. '. able grounds are available. If tse 'new leamie doen finally include To ronto in its circuit the local club probably will be financed from outride. Bob Groom Signs Up. St. Iu!s. Feb. 9. Bob Groom, the the training season he struts in the twin spotlights. Along in March we eacerly gulp down every fascinating item in which he figures. And then six or eight weeks later when it apvears that he has been sold to Pawtucket we wonder where we ever heard of him before. ' DAVENPORT HIGH TRIMS PLOW CITY One Sided Contest Goes to Red and Blue Warriors Large Crowd Present. The Davenport high school basket ball team kept up its record of an un broken string of victories Saturday night, by easily defeating the Moline high team with a one sided count of 50 to 14. The game was played on the Moline high school gymnasium floor and attended by a large crowd of en thusiastic students from both schools. From beginning to end the Moline aggregation was outclassed. Every man on the Davenport team outplayed his opponent. The team work of Dav enport again asserted itself and kept PARK BADLY IS NEEDED Solicitors Have Money, They Claim, to Secure Franchise Many Cities .. After Berth. Moline baseball fans met "Saturday night in the Manufacturers hotel in the Plow City, in what waa supposed to- have been the final and deciding session of the supporters of the na tional game in that city, regarding the vacant Central association berth which Moline is after, and according to many and varied reports sent OHt are not so jubilant over the situation as they have been. It is claimed that a sufficient amount has been secured ' to purchase a franchise and team, bnt the city has no park and no place to play. A park is an absolute necessity, and there will be no baseball In the Plow City this year unless one Is secured. A message was sent to President M. E. Justice of the association, ask ing an extension of time for a period of one or two weeks more, but those in a position to know are of the opin ion that Justice will not grant the tlie pmirH on hv fi n a nassinfir. Allen lead with the number of field 1 request, as there are too many cities baskets having eight to his credit, but And the boys with the cameras aren't idle either. Lovely large two-i column halftones tf all the pitching recruits are sent back to the papers to be printed for the perusal of the fan. Each and every morning the graflex brigade charge down ou the ball field. And sometimes in odd moments when they are not being photographed or are not telling their life story to the sporting scriveners the players get a chance to limber up their wings. enough to think Davenporters. they . can .trim the AUGUSTANA MAY PLAY AUGUSTANA ADDS ANOTHER VICTORY Collegians Trim Carthage 16 to 7 and Take Further Stride Toward Title. The Augustana quintet returned last Furious Game Staged at High School evcnin from Carthage. Ill .. where they uereaiea tannage couege FIGHTERS AWAIT SIGNAL TO START Schieberl and Mars Ready for Big Go at Cincinnati Wire Reports Here. Gymnasium Before Largest Crowd of Season. W and trav.-ling e.p n.-ies. I'nuer the riht handed pitcher of the Washing-j tw arraneenient the home club re. ! ton American League club, has signed ; tan all receipts except the t',0 g'iar-with the St, Louis Federals. This an- "Peanuts" Schieberl, local pug and cne of the best little featherweights of the ring world, is ready for his big go tonight at Cincinnati against "Knockout" Mars, the Ohio demon. evening by a score of 16 to 7. This ! Schieberl is in the pink of condition, adds another victory to conference j having trained diligently for this bout, record of the local college team. This, added to the victory of the night be fore with Heddiug college, makes and before leaving for the Ohio city he stated to friends and newspaper kes I nien that he expected to trim the Cincy II i Au-1 pug in quick fashion, and will try hard j wr The Rock Island Socials are now out at and the 10 Der cent to l.e f i. nounc.-inent was made by Groom to or the running lor tne in-city DasKei- four victories and no defeats as arded to the h-aeue treasury. one of his friends. Groom's home is ball title, owing to their defeat Satur- gustana s snowing toward lead In the: for a knockout. . !in Pelleville. II!.. and ho Is a studen: Aa- .-,.. . ,h hands of the fast noruiern division oi me conierence fit ft I I , TnfI !f.ll KCllOOl. ' ... - Hdtr. nlcrrit V t..m rn!,.. Kle ra n V.A.n at - --- - .1 I a X ril m I lift' I J tic niii 1"1juhui tr l. Iviiaiii rz a t .... . . - T a nntiiA nr Cattipr o v n(oh I - ing Kilbane. the champion of the fea- he was closely followed by Kelly and Rhodes who threw six apiece. Fabric ous. Kaufman and Thompson made one each. Shallberg made two field baskets for . Moline, while Hollowe threw the other. The game began with Moline throw ing a 'foul basket. Davenport started soon, however, and were never headed. The Davenporters missed several easy shots in this half. Moline did not have much chance to put there hands on the ball. The score at the end of the half was 19 to 4. The second half was more interest ing as the Davenporters seemed to wake up and made almost double the points that fhey made in the first half. Rhodes and Kaufman were playing in this period and they made the game livelier. Moline also braced up a bit and made a few more scores. The plying in this half was faster than in the preceding half, and the basket throwing of some of the Dav enporters was extraordinary. The longest basket of the game was made by Kelly. The shot was from way past the center of the floor and was a fine one. Ten minutes before tl.e game ended the Red and Blue men shifted the line-up, which seemed to daze the Moliners. Basket after basket was made by the Davenporters immediately after this change was made. Many of the Moline fans, see ing their team was decisively wallop ed, left before the end of the half. . The line-ups of the two teams was as follows: Davenport Rhodes, Fabricious and Kelly, forwards; Allen and Kaufman, center; Thompson and. King, guards. Moline Shallberg and Hollowe, for wards; Kiel, center; Warren and Will iams, guards. I SUNDAY SCHOOL LJift.UUi NIGHT. that Augustana would win. The dtv mlrni ti -ill T A n II' T'.'urono fsir- nlnrlnp nenr h's si i tow n and the financial induce- 'oral high school gymnasium. l lie po liar(! fought as the one with Hed- ments offered him by Manacer Mor- two teams have played once before ding. From the start it was evident jde-al Ilrown are the reasons advanced and if the Socials had won Saturday by Groom for his Jump from the or- gar.Ized fold. He sned for three I ears. The addition of Groom makes If "Peanuts'' captures honors to- CAMES TOMORROW Socl!s vs. O.itlaws. Karoo ns v. Independents. Aagustara V3. Cer.trals. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. eodala 4 o ladepecdrif t 1 ugutar.a ?, 2 Catr: " 1 3 ut:a s 1 4 yrovr.s i ,4 thev would have had a good chance at , . jjiuius cut; inc-u iinu-du mi a jiiui e ag gressive game. This accounted for the small score on either side, the being determined to score at any hazards. the title. The 6Core of the the .ended 33 to 30 in favor of the associa- 'fifth major league pitcher on the local tion quintet, and the play was furious Carthage man fino Federal league reserve list. ' Edgar antl rouKh throughout. A large crow d ' I,old dova ne ...... . . . . . . t : vjten whb the iWillett of Detroit is one. Another is; " Mordecal Brow-n himself, w ho was j . . . , . L ll.lll v 1 1 iy i. . i . .!- v ...-.. ..... - of fans attended. Sten was the high score maker for ' Augustana, making all the points in Visitors ' field rnaln nnd free thrown with the .I'OO .200 RESULTS LAST NIGHT. Indepefcflent: . 20; Outlaws. 15. Augu-taaa. 21; Maroons. 13. The Summary. The summary of Saturday right's teae i3 as follows: Independent 20 Outlaws (15) hoamann rf ' Reeves Mcris If Friestat ! liacManus c Andrew s j Chicago Bantamweight . .i 1 1 1 -r The team work of the games and lo-t 12. in spite of the Cin-- rue. ruj-i.i .. - " exception or one DasKei maae Dy Kerg. cinnatl Reds. Who the other men on ' unable to surmount the fast and well , , the Iast haf Swanbeck was substi- ted for Anderson as forward and ed the last ten minutes of the , therweight division, and local fans are jubilant over his prospects. Wire re j ports will be received here tonight di rect from ringside. The go with Mars tonight is the most important battle in Schieberl's ring history, and if victory smiles upon his efforts, this will be his 50th straight win in professional battles. He has never been defeated. cinnatl Reds. Who the other men on ." , m 11 i Brownie's roster are is a matter for grilled machine which took the floor, tlItP( 'conjecture. under the training of Coach and Phy-ipIav ICOULON TO FrlEET i ENGLISH CHAMP 6ical Director Johnson. Time and ; came. Augustana's lineup: again Davenport threw baskets after, sten, Anderson and Swanbeck, for working the ball all about the floor n 1 wards: Swedberg, center; Berg and jaome of the cleverest passing one j Hulteren. guards. ITALY ENTERTAINS BASEBALL TOURISTS Rome. Feb. 9 The New York and Chicago baseball teams which have. arrived in Italy are the objects of a j RESULTS OF THE GAMES. Senior Division. Central Presbyterians 16, Memorial Christians 5. First Methodists 23, Fifteenth Ave nue Christians 12. Swedish Lutherans 10,' Baptists 4. Broadway Presbyterians 30, South Park Presbyterians 4. Junior Division. Central Presbyterians 10, Metho dists 8. Fifteenth Avenue Christians 14, Broadway Presbyterians 12. Central Presbyterians 10, South Park Presbyterians 2. Baptists 20, Broadway Presbyter ians 8. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Older Boys' League. BASKETBALL, ITS ORIGIN AND PURPOSE would care to witness at a basketball J game. j At no time was the result In doubt and only toward the last few moments M , . 1 f. lt 1 1 . I vl ytay urni me ouiiaia itui iu mane? j Signs' aT,y kind a showing against the i Basketball, unlike a majority or our j inaction to a great many persons who . . . T , T-f : uui v 1 urn mo ..,-. saui, i.i uui -. il ouiuuuu, inijujeu panicipaiiou in a n uoiesome Articles to Scrap JOnn t OX cmmPV !but is a modern synthetic oroduct of form of romnrtltinn. rir lilsier 'r!Jon lg.... Evans. James j Field baskets Behnamann 2. Mor-j i 2 Mac.Vanus 2. Paridon I. Andrew s V Reeves 2. James 1. ) .tree throws Independents. Mac-; . tj,- Atlantic. Johnn v i Krabbenhoft anui. 2 in 2 attempts. Outlaws. . , , . , I Block Kesves. 3 In 5 attempts Augustana 24j Maroons (1 in London. According to reports which irouelton .rf Coulon. present bantamweight title 'holder, and who" received a 10-round Myers ' lacing not long afto at the hands of I The Summary. i t-i ..,.,,.- iv. 0 ,, .,. the office. Dr. Naismith says that Arthur y Tabor ' the Principles were established, the Voss r"'68 iormuiaieii auu pui inio xype 1". ' i written form before any attempt was . . ... i .... . ... ... ! marie to ipfi us vaiue. n was nrsi ine w niier season mat wouia nave me reach I Frieholdt 1 1- , . V. .C. .G. A Winter Sport. Basketball was introduced as a de liberate attempt to supply a game for Robb Newton, Duley...G Anderson Field baskets Arthur 7. Crabben hoft 4. Frieholdt 3, Swanson 3. Voss 3, ! described at the Y. M. C. A. training I same interest for' the young man that arr. 1S92. .If.. . . c . , -rg. .lc. . Morris our Rock island pug. "Young" Frankle ; Tabor 5. i . . . J Sinnet. is to meet Joe Fox before the . Paridon ! ..... National sporting ciuo in i.onacn. Davenport Miller Carlson Carlson Vaient in -Jersoa Flel4 l..JD1... .- a i f r, r Z. K. Carlson 1. Mvers 6 Free throws -AnniKtanA SAmnel-, on. 1 In 5 attempts; R. Carlson. 1 In I not hold the champlonahip honors. ' attempts. Maroons. Myers. 3 in 6 i Fox Is the present bantamweight '-teijipts. ! kf-i of England, and Coulon has ex- June 27th or 30th having been select ed as the date. The Smnct-Coulon I fight went w ithout an official decision and for that reason the local boy does rev Robb. Free throws Davenport. Frieholdf. 3 out of 6 attempts: Krabbenhoft. 2 In 3 attempts. Socials. Voss S in 11 attempts. Referoe Johnson. ' Fmpire Robb. Time of halves 20 minutes. Augustana Not to Play. Owing to an exceptionally heavy schedule the Augustana quintet will ductlon is attributed three factors. Kirsf, to i which h; j The pi s been filled bv basketball. primarily there was na i absolute neea ror such a contnhu-, was based were, first, that it should tion: second, it was founded upon j demand of and develop In the players fundamental principles; third, it was ' the highest type of physical and ath produced In an international fnstitu- ietic development. iiarf hnth tn wehrh in at 118 pounds. KILBANE WFIfiHS 1? I RS The general opinion of the local fans Is that Coulon will whip the Knellsh- Featherweight Champ Trains but Two Day. anj Claim He Can Make 118. Hi.Udeiphia. Feb. 'j. Johnny Kil fcane. featherweight champion of the or id, deiuoctiratad that he l a le- ni.iu. linnet's managers have been mak ing; an effort to match the Ialanrler with Coulon and a'eo with Williams. who won ths recent coast battle. tion, which gave It a world-wide in terest. In the early nineties, athletics as thev are known today wero verv little used in the work of the department of I Thrc second principle was that it should b so easily taken up that any indiv'uual could make a fair showing without a long period of practice. The third principle was that, on ac- W. L. Pet. Lees 5 0 1.000 Dopps -. 4 1 .500 Louis 2 3 .400 ! Bobs 2 3 .400 Dons 1 4 .200 Jims 1 4 .200 Senior Division. Broadway Presbyterian. .5 0 1,000 First Methodist .v. 4 (1 .800 Swedish Lutheran ......4 1 .SOO Baptists 3 2 .600 Central Presbyterian 2 3 .400 South Park 1 4 .200 Memorial Christian 1 4 .200 j 13th Ave. Christian 0 5 .000 Junior Division. Methodist 7 0 1,000 Baptist ..." C 2 .730 Broadway Presbyterian. .3 4 .429 Central Presbyterian 3 4 .429 13th Ave. Christian 2 4 .339 South Park 0 C .000 : 1 CUBS ANNOUNCE DATES Jj after the franchise. Rock Island business men have de clared themselves in favor of the Cen tral association and it is thought that an immediate effort will be made to se cure the berth which Moline was after. Influential men of the city expect to get busy on the propositi n at any rate, and success now practically seems assured here. Rock Island has always been a good baseball town and the city is very anxious to get in.o the Central. Many After Berth. ' "jr The following dispatch sent out to day from B'lrji.iKtcn, Towa, will prone of considerable interest to local base ball fans: Burlington, Iowa, Fsb. 0. 1 the di rectors of the Central association have held any doubts about the ability to fill the vacancies in this league made by the resignations ot Monmouth and Kewanee, they have all vanished away. They are in the position of one now having an embarrassment ot riches. Several good towns are knocking, at the Central association door and . are willing to meet all requirements. These cities are Rock Island, Du buque, Moline, Aurora, Oskaloosa, Marshalltown and Clinton, Iowa. Any one of these cities would be a decided improvement on what they have had. But at present the Central association : appears to be tied up with Moline. J Some kind of an option was given to that city. It appears, which allowed,' them time to arrange to get away from '' the influence of the Three-I league. ; Meanwhile Marshalltown, Iowa, has come forward with no strings of any kind tied to it, and offering to pay all moneys required. It is a good sized city and has an abundance of enthus iasm, judging from the meetings that have been- held there by the fans re garding getting into the Central asso ciation circuit. Marshalltown wa;a charter member of the old Iowa league, out of which the Central association was created. if It is expected that the matter it membership will soon be settled aad then one of the best seasons of the league will be assured. AH the man agers have been very busy with the lining up of their teams, and many of them know about what their teams will consist of now. A number of them have already scheduled exhibitioa games for the training season. The old embargo against Central as sociation teams playing exhibition games with each other was abolished at the annual meeting of the league, ' and most of the teams will book such contests. 1 March 16. 17, 18, Athletics, Jacksonville March 19 Savannah March 20 Birmingham March 21". 22 Memphis SOO March 26 to 29 Louisville March 30 Evansviile March 31 Terre Haute April 1 to 5 Indianapolis April 12 Cleveland April 14 ..Open season at Cincinnati pressed his tn'ennon ci merung i"" . not mPrt tnw Davenport Y. M. C. A. physical rducat'on at any place. In- count cf the size nnd conditions of the e season. . dividual who in the fall season were various gymnasiums of the country at Illinois in Interested and took part in football that time, il could be- played In any to the! found that In the winter season np until at least the end of thf The Intercollegiate title of a much more Important Item school five than the trl clty honors ' paratus work was more or less tire. and for that reason there will be nusomo and uninteresting, while thrj in further contests for the title for some fluenre It might have upon the Indi time, unlets some other Rock Island t rldual did not greatly appeal to our or Moline team becomes cheity youth. This left a period of physical ordinary gymnnsium. The fourth prlnclp'e was that It should be capable of being developed to BUfh an extent as to hold the In terest of the Individual after he bad learned ths fundamental of ths game. Chicago, 111.. Feb.9. The following spring training' dates have been an nounced for the Chicago National league tea'm: ' . . ' Feb. 16 ....,. .....v . Leave Chicago Feb. 18 Arrive Tampa Feb. 26 ........ Louisville at Tampa Feb. 27. 28, St. Ixtuis Browns at Tampa March 3 ....Louisville nt Fort Myers March 5. 6. St. Louis Browns, S". Pe tersburg. March 12, 18. 14, AthleUca at Tampa . PEORIA PLANS FOR COMING OF REGATTA Peoria, 111., Feb. 9. Motor boat en thusiasts of Peoria have commenced preparations for the entertainment cf the annual regatta of the Mississippi Valley Power Boat association. The dates chosen, July 2, 3 and 4, are sat isfactory to the Peoria Canoe club. This makes the Illinois river event the first racing competition of the season, Insuring more entries than would have been the case had a later date been chosen, with conflicts with east, em racing dates. The list of prises and - program of events will be an nounced in the near future. ALL STARS TRIM CROSS COUNTRYS The All Stars of the Twin City Bowl, lug league won yesterday from the Cross Countrj'8 of the same league Ja a game for a 25 aide bet. The con- ' tet was clone and good sized crowd i preseut. Cr