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TIIK HOCK ISLAND ARGUS, MONDAY, Al'JUL 0, mil. TOMORROW WILL TELLTHESTORYON THE LIQUOR ISSUE Close Watch to Be Kept at Polls to Prevent Irregularity in Election. 'annexation IS IMPORTANT A!thoush Local Option I Main Issue. Securing of Territory Should tot Be Overlooked. ! 0iCS to the unusually heavy regis- trtion at t'-.e township primaries, the figures were all out of pro- do last omciai ifujus i tbe city. it Is proifacii? ntc i i;I be closely watched to- ire p:ce 0IW In order to prevent illegal vol te. The l-ocal Option league lias al ady announced its intention to Mop floaters' from voting, and claims per jury charges will be brought against tote who falsely snear in challenged totP5- who are not qualified to vote In Rock I.-Und. The league also fttte it lias made preparation to take before the grand jury such evidence M is ecureJ relative to illegal voting tai i'-' ner I'" r?AarJ u'r evl" dence lead:r.B to the arrest and con viction of thsa implicated in election frsuds. May Challenge Women. However, it is expected that if there U much challenging done, it ill be of non.on voting between the aee of IS lc1 Many of the -new" citizens re lawrnc ur.d-r the misappreheu ion t:tat they gain their I gal major ity at Is. hen as a matter of fact Uipy are not entitled to the franchise crtil they reach the ape of -1 years. Therefore girls under Ul should not viMt the poils or attempt to cast bal lots. It is probably trfle that the reris--ration lifts are far from accurate and that no such vote will be cast as. is resist ered. It U point :-d out that :he names of citizens who have d:ed or If ft town are probably on the poll books, as well as c-ountle.-s duplica tions where voters have moved from I - . - ' . TU ... one precint i iu woiuri. i r lam paign which has been waged by 'he wn and dry forces has been bitter and both factions will watch the polls doe!y to prevent illegal voting. Vote for Annexation. Although the local option issue is ! predominant at the eb-ction il is nat j the only important matter to be voted ; on tomorrow, rive strips of land trom South Rock Island township are seek ing admission to the city and citizens who desire the growth and develop ment of the city, should vote "yes" on each of the five propositions, which ill be ou a separate ballot. Democrats Gaining. As far as the tow nship candidates i are concerned, the indications all point to democratic success. The re- j publicans, in a desperate effort to rally j the old forces, are out with the old I cry -vote It straight, but the time has long; since passed when this kind of admonition carries weight. It has lot its potency and the individual voter is exercising his' Independence and casting his ballot for the men be-t fitted to handle the offices to which thy aspire. Polls Open. The polls will open tomorrow be tween the hours of 7 and 5. Separate ballots have been provided for the wo men, the latter not having the right to vote for the office of constable. Election judges are anticipating the heaviest day's work they have ever Put in. Special preparations have Wn mad for the accommodation of the women voters. Forty-six extra booths have b-en prov:I-d for them, as well as separate ballot Irf-.xes. The male and female vole will be counted separate!-, this provision having been mad" to prepare for any emergency "iiirh might ari-e should the supreme court declare the women's suffrage tr.ea.vjre unconstitutional. Pulse Stirrinq Meeker. ! Met-fcer wjD s afirr om- I'-cal pro-j hiij'tionis's tonight at l lirois theatre, j ":t'i. Metropolitan quartet will siig. ! !Adr j ! .-lA. - - -h-i, it ' I VI "Mv kingdom fr :i horse." j ,! proffered a defeated inon- jj jjll arch. lint the modern man J k;I rct an infinitely hettcr , means of transportation at lowest cost when he buys a Miirdv Ford. The econom ical Ford has made the hrsc an extravagance at any price. Fiv hundred dollars I In price of th Ford runabout; the touring car i tm ifiv: the town f. o. b. Detroit, complete ment. Get catalog nd from H0RST & STRIETER CO., Rock Island, III. Some Facts About County Affairs For the Consideration of Voters It is an old saying that where there is a great deaf of smoke there is likely to be some fire. But sometimes at a distance a cloud of dust looks a good deal like smoke. For several months there has been a smudge of some sort emanating from the Rock Island county court house. Perhaps some of it is smoke and if so there probably is some fire. But a good deal of it looks like dust. It has been estimated that investigations undertaken with the object of "getting something on" Sheriff 0. L. Bruner have cost the county something like $15,000 and he is not yet convicted. Indictments returned against former State's Attorney L. M. Magill are in connection with cases involving sums like wise small and secured, it is alleged, from sources similar to those on which the charges against Bruner are based. But for years before charges were preferred against Sheriff Bruner a system of petty politioal misdoings had pre vailed in the handling of the county's funds. Members of the county board have been in position to personally profit through contracts let and supplies purchased by the board. A few men have controlled that body and "I'll do something for you if you'll do something for me" has been their motto. A year ago evidence was brought before the grand jury which placed certain members of the board in a compromising position and State's Attorney Thompson then said the only reason in dictments were not returned was that it was evident these su pervisors were ignorant of the law! The present grand jury has found the same conditions and called attention to them, recommending radical reform in the method of purchasing county supplies. Thus it is evident that the situation is the same as it was a year ago when certain supervisors had the provisions of the law first called to their attention. And three of the present re publican candidates for places on the board from Rock Island and several from other township s have been members during that year! ' Furthermore, the same ar guments are being used in urg ing their reelection and they have the same backing as O. L. Bruner had when he was a candidate for sheriff. They are running on the same ticket. It has been argued that these men should be returned to office because they have done such a good job in the selecting of grand and petit jurors. Surely the beneficiaries of the pres ent system of spending the county's money are interested in having the "right kind of men" on the petit and grand juries. Arguments for the reelection of these men have been so worded as to lead one to think that the county is now out of debt and that it had been suddenly placed in a position of financial affluence through the keen financiering of the present republi can members. But is the county out of debt? County Treasurer W. E. Whiteside said today that the county owes $112,000 on notes given in anticipation of rev enues and probably $50,000 more which the banks of the county are carrying. This year's tax levy is $157,000 and when it is all paid in, perhaps within the next month, there will be enough on hand to pay off indebtedness excepting perhaps $10,000 or $20,000. But there will be no money left to run the county another year if this is done. It will be two or three years more, with the present ratio of income and expense, before the county is out of debt. And how did the county get into debt? Largely by pur suing the same careless, wasteful, of perhaps worse methods, it is now following in the purchasing of supplies and the letting of contracts. And practically the same old republican machine has been in control all the time. It is true that the county is in a fair way to get out of debt, but it will be done by raising taxes, not by economizing and eliminating petty political graft. A way has been found to in crease the county tax levy. You may have noticed that your county taxes were heavier this spring than last. The tax pay ers are going to pay off the debt, not the republican majority of the board, remember that. And how did it happen that they were able to increase the taxes? It has been intimated that there was a clever stroke of business there. Why, the state legislature passed a law which was intended and does give counties power to raise more rev. enue and the finance committee of the Rock Island county board found it out. There was no secret about the law. It was published all over the state and printed in the statute books, but the finance committee has been given great praise for learning about it. The democratic candidates for supervisor and assistant supervisors before the people of Rock Island at tomorrow's election are good, clean, able men and should be elected on that ground. But that is not the only reason. They should be elected because they will not line up with the republican ma chine, and are pledged to do all they can to give the people of the county a new and better deal. car even fifty with equip-particulars COLLECTOR FOR MOLINE THROUGH Over $360,000 Is Secured by Mrs. Emily Roseberg in Moline Township. Mr. Kmily Roseberg. collector for Moline township, turned in her tax books for real estate to W. IC. White side, county treasurer, today. sonal property book have not i : r tii : completed, although the total collected from both real estate and personal property ill exceed $''.""". The total amouniit charged for real estate is $1'7K9!..1:!: total delinquent, $62,214.41: total colle. ted. $21...i! 1.7-; total commission, $ I, .13 3. bit. LICENSED TO WED II X 5 Nathaniel X. Macormac. Mils Clarissa Flambeau Oney Nesbilt Miss Kate I'-be ....... William l.iindv Miss Nancy K. Burns . Rock Island j .'. Davenport ; Rock Island ; . I)uenport : Des Moines , i.u Mnins i raul Tranchite.l Chicago Miss John Carrie Tlngblal iiusiineu il M,u.llr Davenport Holt.. ........ Davenport i Mlt.s Eva M. ! iiimi lltif Paul and ociety Dancers will appear every afternoon commencing NEW il Tango Dances Wednesday and Satrday Evenings at New Harper Hall. Admission SO Cents Paul and Ethel Locke every evening fro m 6to 8 LOCAL OPTION TO . BE VOTED ON IN EI8HT TOWNSHIPS Fate of 196 Saloons in Rock Island County Is to Be Determined. WATCHING WOMEN'S VOTE Effect Newly Enfranchised Citizens Will Have on Question an Interesting Probem. The local option question is to be an issue tomorrow not only in Itock Is land and Moline. but in six other town ships of the county. The fate of 196 saloons is in the balance. Out of a total of 18 townships in the county 10 are dry at the present time and eight are wet. The wet townships and the number of saloons in each follows: Itock Island 9-'.' Moline 6:?. South Moline 10. Hampton 11. Hlack Hawk 4. Coal Valley 4. Andalusia 1. South Rork Island 1. In all of tiiem. the question of es tablishing anti-saloon territory will be put up to the voters. The effect enfranchising the women will have on the saloon ques tion is being watched with great in terest. Following the lead of the men, who formed the Local Option league for the dry faction and the Municipal league for the wets, the new citizens likewise organised, the drys into the Women's laical Option league and the wets into the Women's Liberal league. Name Supervisors. In 11 townships tomorrow, super visors will be chosen, the terms of 19 members of th board expiring as fol lows: Coe William McRoberts. rep. Mollycoddle Laxatives Of the many laxatives on the mar ket, most merely clear the intestinal tract, hut do not release the damrued up Uile. which is the great poison de stroyer of the body. To relieve such trouble as bad breath, headache, dizziness. loss of ap petite, constipation, biliousness, you. must release the dammed up HUe. Merely washing out the intestines w'th salts." mineral uaters, oils and other mollycoddle laxatives ill not re'ease the Uile. a I'd but its ; ir nil less suusi n mv - ''"ltl unH erlnim:. nauseating ef ,Ji" r ia- fects made it unpopular. PoDoLax Releases the Bile. For ears chemi.Us have been tryinS to take the bitterness, gripe and nau sea out of Podophy lin. recocnizinj that it would then be the ideal l.iver regulator. At last this has beeu dixia and given to t ie world under the name of PoDol-ax. .. j.. TV..I....1., II.., fi.rmilla I' is u i .,iu,... ..... with all undesirable f-a'ures taken out. Pulol.a is -for every nu mber of the family -joung or old. I' shou d be in everv medicine cabinet. You will thank us for explaining It alter have tried it. :et a bottle loua ' as soon as you nonce a coa..- ' tongue or bad breath. Start the uu -Nature dees the rcst.i AJvJ Ethel Locke 9 &pHl At The HARPE will dance at the New Harper and 10 to 12 p. m. Canoe Creek E. H. McMurphy, rep. Port Byron Henry C. Schafer, dem. Hampton W. J. Odendahl, pro. South Moline Zach Kinfeldt, rep. Moline Charles Brunstrom, rep.; Robert J. Pears, rep.; Dalton H. Dun can, rep.; K. H. Sleight, rep.; M. F. Bockaert. 'pro. Rock Island William Trefjs. dem.; James E. I-arkin. rep.; Ezra Wilcher, rep.; S. R. Wright, rep.; Oscar Oberg, rep. Black Hawk James McQuaid, rep. Bowling John Upton, rep. Andalusia J. C. Burgoyne. rep. Buffalo Prairie William Elliott, dem. Statements by Opposing Sides in Dry Campaign By W. H. CAMPBELL, Secretary Municipal League. We expect a large vote and we are going to win. By LOCAL OPTION LEAGUE. We confidently look, for victory. The sentiment of the majority of the citizens of Rock Island is for a clean-up. The women will vote overwhelmingly for the dry cause. Sentiment all over the nation is landsliding towards the overthrow of the liquor traffic. Its days are numbered everywhere. We have a spfendid volunteer corps of election workers, and they will try their best to prevent any illegal voting and to discount enance disorder. Any person who there is reason to believe is illeg ally registered or who has no right to vote will be instantly challenged. It Is alleged that in certain quarters colonies of illegal voters have been planted by the liquor interests and any person at tempting to swear in any illegal voter -will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Notes of the Campaign THE RIGHT TOWN TICKET. If you- want your town affairs ad ministered faithfully and satisfactorily these are the men to vote for. They are the candidates ou the democratic tnket: For Supervisor William Trefz. For Assistant Supervisors W. C. Peck, John F. Dindinger, Albert C. Schmidt, Addison Rush. For Assessor S. A. La Vanway.. For Collector Henry R. Wynes. For Town Clerk George W. Cox. For Constable Herman Sturm. Do not let interest in the local op tion question cause you to forget that there is another issue before the vot ers tomorrow cleaning up in the county board. The republicans have nominated men for members of the board of supervisors wiio in the past have lined up with the old machine i which has dominated that body for many years, and which is making des pera'.e efforts to entrenc'.i Itself in pow er. Election of the democratic nomi nees. William Trefz for supervisor, and i Addison Rush. A. G. Schmidt, W. C. i Peck and John F. Dindinger for assis tant supervisors, will assist materia'ly in providing a majority which will in augurate a new regime. George W. Cox, democratic nominee I for town clerk, ha every desirable : qualific ation for one holding that office, i and if elected Vote for him. he will be on the job. Herman Sturm, a property owner I aud a family man with nine children, j is one of the best tilted candiJaten I ever put before the peop'e of Rock Is- j lrud to faithfully and cocBClentloubly j i ML-- vfim The Cafe discharge the duties of constable, he will also be elected. And For assessor S. A. La Vanway, the democratic candidate, is by far the best qualified man appearing on the ticket. The people desire a change in this office, and he wi':l be elected. The next tax collector of Roclc Is land township will be Henry R. Wynes. whose fidelity to duty and courtesy in dealing with the public during a long term of years insures united support at the polls tomorrow. Once more don't forget to vote yes on all five annexation propositions. It will be worth while. Make Early Run. An early morning blaze at the home of A. Freedburg, 426 Fifth, street, caused a loss of about $40. The call was sent in at 1:30 this morning and uroiture ON Installment IPlan Spencer's have the reputation of doing business dif ferently from the average Furniture store doing business' on the installment plan. In the first place we -y Price All Goods in Plain Figures x to that there can le no juggling of prices no advance in price to the man who desires to Buy Furniture and Pay a Little at a time. Then, too. we don't give credit to every man or woman' who asks it we must know that you are honest. that you fay Your Bills for by doing this, our losses are small, we can afford to carry the Honest Man on payments at a fair margin of profit on our goods the ordinary credit store that will sell anyone, good or bad, must neces sarily mark their goods High in order to cover the many -Losses. ' If you are Honest in Paying Your Bills you can get" the finest kind of Credit here. Hoosier Bed Davenports of every style and price. A fine piece of furniture in the day time .and a very comfortable bed at night. Pay for it while 220-224 West Third St. the firemen quickly extinguished the flames with chemicals. The fire start ed presumably from mice chewing on matches in a cabinet in the kitchen cn the firs floor. CLUB MEMBERS MAKE FIRST RUN TO ORION The proposed run to Clinton by the Tri-City Motorcycle club was post, poued yesterday owing to the small number of riders present to make tha trip. Fourteen members enjoyed a run to Orion in the morning, and in the afternoon 2 members participated in a trip to Eldridge, Iowa. The day was perfect and the roads excellent. The next meeting of the club will be held Thursday at Streed & Schepper's bicycle shop in Moline. All the Argus. news all the time Tha THE Kitchen Cabinets Costs less than many others not half as good and you can pay for it at rate of $1.00 weekly. fTrrrrrTTTrrrTTT ui m . - Tt,. V Ask to See the DAVEN-0 using it every day Davenport, Iow i