OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, April 10, 1914, HOME EDITION, Image 8

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Day's News Happenings in Rock Island's Sister City
while a tie occurred In the southern
district between GalesburK. Monmouth
and Canton. The (Jaleshurft team was
then chosen for the finals because that
-liooI was the director of the district
for this year.
Kewaneo is the director of the
finals and should a tie occur tonight
f Bonds Are Voted April 21iht '' l,e credited with the
Money Will Be Used to : oHne!, anirmntiv. team which de-
;bate here consists of Albert Sto
flcrbcrt I'-rsn and Kyal Montoni-
Good Advantage.
Issues Official Proclamation on
City Beautiful Campaign
in East Moline.
mer Wilson for the erection of a two
story residence at "II Sixteenth street,
for Mrs. Charlotte Adams. The house
will cost about $c,,imj.
Mayor Charles Goodwin of Kaat Mo
line has, issued the following procla
. cry with Herbert llutnason as the al
ternate: the negative which was ac
companied to CalesburR by Trofessor ; n,.,t jon calling for a cleanup week in
. . - . . i...- t ... 1 ; M..., j
.;"-. i . uuiiik, vunrifM i i--th- -".j , that ctfv:
ure insurance tompjmti nm r,".son. rarl Faust and Glen Trevor with
ably Reduce Present Rates If 1 Jjiiues Kllison as the alternate. i
i The Kewanee team which debates!
Another Important election in
which considerable interest is beinc
manifested by local voters, is up be
fore the people on Tuesday. April 21.
at which the voters will express their
approval or disapproval of the Issu
ance of bonds to the amount of $34.
.',00 for the modernization and motor
ization of the city f.re Cepartment
City Commissioner K. I- Eastman, ol
the department of public health and
rafety. expresses himself as heartily
in favor of the bonds. In regard to
the matter he stated today: "While
e hare no definite assurance that the
t'.re insurance companies and iir.der-
their rates in
here will consist of Wilbur Wedge
Glen Meyers and Stanley Anderson.
named in the order which they will!
Bishop Hartzell, Home on Visit, j
Is Preparing for Another
African Trio.
Whereas. A worthy effort Is now
In ing made to beautify our i-ity
and make it more attractive and a
more pleasant place In w hich to
live, nnd . .
Whereas. All of us are vitally
interested in furthering this most
desirable movement, and a gen
eral effort made by the people to
lean alleys and back yards Is the
most effective way iu which we
can help, now
Therefore. I do hereby set apart
and designate Saturday. April IS,
and Saturday, April 25. as clean
ing days, and urge all our people
to devote these days to the re
moval of rubbish and a general
cleaning and renovation of yards.'
vacant lots aud alleys. Let us
demonstrate practically that '
"East Moline makes good."
Republican Party Central Com
mittee Names Candidate to
Fill Vacancy.
Legal Difficulties in Way of Im
provement as a Public
The republican party central com
mittee has named Harvey Williams
to run for police magistrate on the
ticket, to fill the vacancy occasioned
when Frank Cjistafson decided to run
on the peoples' party ticket. Mr. Gus
tafson. who is the present magistrate,
bears the unique distinction of having
received the nomination from the re
publican, . democratic and peoples'
parties at the recent' primaries, and
his decision to run on' . the latter
ticket also leaves a vacancy on the
democratic ticket.
. Custafson was elected. to the office
he now hold. four years' ago on the
peoples' ticket and decided to run on
the saiue ticket again and uphold the
party which elected him. The elec
tion w ill be held April 21.
A police magistrate is the only city
officer to be elected April. 21, and the
only other proposition to be submitted
will be as to whether the city shall is-
writer w ill decrease their rates in ..iuimt- ur. .- t .......
this city if the fire department is mod- and is taking her proper stand as
ernized and motorized, it Is almost j (.adill:. American manufacturing cen-1
certain that sucii a step will lie taken. s..
The dancer of serious tire wo,d be I Ur ' Progressive -! $ CQU D HEARING SET FOR
creatly decreased. I sincerely hope t snip, sam i,i;ni .a-i-pn v . iiarici-u. j
that the voters look at this question; who has just arrived for a brief visit!
n the same light as myself, and that with his sister. Mrs. Margaret Holt.! .lunge h. boh nas bei aimi . partlnenL
they will approve of the issuance of preparatory to making his 13th trip ti the date for the secona public hearing-
bonds." Africa. The bishop is to occupy the j,, the county court of the east end BRICK ARRIVES FOR NEW
Where Money win oe speni . puipn i.-i .-e i me iar;ei ol i uu-a-. srwer project objections
According to the ordinance recently; gos churches Kasier Sunday, and has - f tnp project may be filed during the
approved by the city cominisMon, tne; come uuv uum a im in amui-, i( nays intervening.
i.avment of the bonds is to run through i nia. He spent some time while there.; on Feb. '.I a hearing was held and
J' years. J.I.Ooo to be paid on the prin-j with his sou. Dr. Moulton Hartzell. of i sjx property owners filed objections.
Have Not Yet Found a Way to Charge
Admission to Any Games. Which j
Are Played There.
P. L... Simmons and Henry Eckland,
contractors who will build the new i
high school, have rushed the building j ballot at the city election April 21,
I'nforeseen Jegal difficulties will
temporarily delay plans of the Greater
Moline committee in the improvement
and extension of Browning field for
use. as public playgrounds, and may,,
perhaps, result in the ultimate aban
donment of the entire project. This
information developed at the meeting
of the committee at noon today.
Attorney Shallberg, who was sent to
Chicago to interview Wood & Oakley,
bonding attorneys, reported that the
state laws require that a project of
this nature be submitted to a vote of
the people. Consequently the Ciripp
tract adjoining Browning field cannot
be annexed as part of the playground
without permission of the voters.
The Chicago attorneys were also of
the opinion that the proposed plan of
forming a stock company to finance
the improvements would be equiva
lent to a bond issue and illegal with
out the issue being voted on.
Suggest Vote April 21.
Suggestion is offered that a bond is
sue of $25.0fKi, for the purpose of im
proving the grounds and purchasing
the Gripp property, be placed on the
cipal each year until the last, w hen i i.it alpha, ana in lil.ing speaKins : Much cf the opposition shown at tne ; material lor tne new structure to tins . wnen a uona ot ?.i4,oui ior mouernizing
the payment w ill be $l.".no. The pre- j date.? throughout the state.
ent Intention Is :o spend the ?:J4.i
time was due to the fact 'that the ord-city. ahead of a threatened shortage
It has been nearly two years since j inunce covering the subject required I
bricks. A strike of national lin
ns follows if the proposition carries at; the bishop visited this city. Soon af-: payment cf the assessments in five J portance is threatened and the brick
the polls: iter his arrival here yesterday lie was j years, but a change was made in tho industry and the contractors believed
JlO.ii'Mi for construction of a fire : taken fcr a ride through the bluff dis- ; ordinance since that time, extending I that to be on the safe side tney naa
trict and to a point overlooking Hock j the period to 10 years. Therefore, h ; better secure the brick at once, even
river. Tiie region where the bishop j reassessment was occasioned and the ' though it will be some time before it
used to roam over the fields and for-1 second hearing bas been set as speci-ils ready tor use.
ejts as a boy. with a gun or fishing j fied above.
rod. L; now a populous residence cen-j
proof station for company No. 2. to
be located at l.VS Fifteenth street.
$9.o for an aerial and city service
hook and ladder truck to be kept at
the central station on Sixteen!! street.
$4.5oO for an eighty horsepower mo
tor truck for company No. 2.
$1."0 for an eighty horsepower mo
tor truck for company No. 3.
$4..""i for an eighty horsepower mo
tor truck for company No. 4.
Jl.r.nO for fire alarm, hose and other
$.".0 for a motor runabout for the
chief of the department.
Election Being: Over the People
Are Turning1 More Atten
tion to the Contests.
Workmen are now busy Installing
the steel framework on the building.
Moline Debaters Meet Kewanee
and Galesburg Teams in
Final Contests.
Now that the election is over with
the people of Moline have time once doubled by this addition.
more to take part in the city beautiful
campaign which is being undertaken
by the civic department of the Moline i
Woman's club. A special committee
Observe 35th Anniversary,
.Senator and Mrs. F. A. Kan dee of
The city building inspector has given this city yesterday celebrated the 35th
'two permits for buildings to be erect- anniversary of their -wedded life at
ed in this city in the near future, the their home in this city. Miss Marion
total value to he about $21,0'i0. j l.andee. their daughter, arrived home
The largest of the two buildings is frcm Champaign, 111., to assist them in
an extension to the Crystal laundry, i the celebration. Miss lindee will re
1131 Fourth avenue, to cost about $13,-main over Sunday with her parents.
ooil. The addition will be built at the :
west end or the present building. Aus-J To Serve On Jury,
tin Schaible has secured the contract j Klmer E. Morgan, a local real estate
for the two-story brick structure from , dealer, will serve on the federal grand
tlie proprietor, Mrs. Ella Wehrend. The I jury in Peoria this month. He has re
capacity of the Crystal laundry will be , ceived a subpoena notifying him to be
in I'ecria ready for duty Monday,
A contract has been awarded to El-' April 20. . j
the fire department Is to come before
the people.
The question arose as to the legal
right of tlie city to lease the park to
individuals. Attorney Shallberg said
the city might permit the use of the
park for individuals, but that no ad
mission could be charged. A commit
tee in charge of this matter is work
ing to overcome these .several difficul
ties and expects to have a more favor
able report to make at the next meeting.
Great Dress-Designing Contest
$200 in Prizes
To the Women of Davenport,
Rock Island, Moline and Vicinity
Every woman who receives this paper
.should look for and carefully read the full page
.announcement which will appear in the Satur
day ARGUS, regarding" the $200 prize contest
used as a special feature during the opening
week of the new Local Branch of the American
College of Dressmaking.
101 Prizes will he awarded, ranging in value
from $1.00 to $30.00 each. It is the most unique
'. and most liberal contest ever announced there
is nothing for you to buy in order for you to en
ter the contest, and there are no strings tied to
1 .the prizes. .
It is a very interesting plan which will
surely appeal with great force to every woman
in this city and vicinity.
Look for the announcement in The-Saturday
church. Surviving relatives are the
husband. Peter Olson, three sons.
Swan, Olaf and Andrew of this city,
and one sister.
Funeral services will be held Sun
day afternoon at the home of the son,
at 2 o'clock, and will be private. Rev.
A. F. Bergstrom will officiate with in
terment in Riverside cemetery.
Workers in the local option cause of
the recent campaign will meet at the
Y. M. C. A. this evening, commencing
at 7:30. At this time a report of the
business affairs of the league will be
local option campaign nothing wai
done about the case, for the reawn,
says Mr. Eastman, that if the dry force
had won, the wholesalers would also
have been driven out of the city. . .
The two wholesale liquor dealers re
ferred to by the commissioner ar
Charles O. Carlson of this city aa)j X,
D. Huesing of Rock Island.
Mrs. Anna Olson.
Mrs. Anna Olson died at the home
of her son. Andrew Peterson, 2424
Fourth street, from the infirmities of
age. She was 79 years old.
Peaceased was born in Sweden in
1S05, and was married 52 years ago in
her native laud. In 1S99 the couple
came to this city where they have
since resided. She was a life long
member of the Swedish Lutheran
Rev. P. H. McDowell, pastor of Cal
vary church of Davenport, is to give
an address this evening at the Good
Friday service in the Y. M. C. A. main
lobby, commencing at 8 o'clock. The
subject of the address is announced as
"It is Finished." A musical program
will precede the talk.
Commissioner "E. L.. Eastman declar
ed today that two wholesale liquor
dealers are still holding out in their
failure to secure the license required
by the city ordinance recently passed,
and the present intention is to start
proceeding sagainst them. During the
Something new in Easter mornir.
devotional services is being planned
by six churches of the bluff district of
the city, when the ministers will fire
way to the young people. The idea of
a 6 o'clock praise service originated
with C. A. F. Smith, president of tii
Second Congregational church, and ft
was taken up with enthusiasm by th
young people of other churches, tit
Swedish Methodist, Salem Lutheran,
First Christian, Second Methodist ani
Swedish Free Evangelical. .-
A committee maae up or tne me
bers of the six young people's:' socletlei
of these churches has drawn np t
program which will commence prompt
ly at 6 o'clock in the morning of Eas
ter Sunday, and which will be entlrfr
ly in the charge of the young peopls.
(Additional Moline on page 12).
j of the Moline Commercial club under
i took to raise $:100 to J.'.OO for the pur-
The Big Eight debating title will poe of awarding substantial prizes
to any property owners in the city
who desired to enter contests. Thi.
amount was also to be used to defray
be decided tonight when Moline high
school's debating teams meet Gales
burg at that city and Kewanee here.
in the final contents of the season. A any necessary expenses incurred dur
contest is to be beld in each of the j ing the campaign. The election inter
thre cities to determine the winners jest was so high that the club decided
of the league title. The affirmative j to postpone the work until after it was
teams of Uie competing schools w ill 1 over w ith, and the active campaign Urn
defend on the home floors, while the! again been taken up. and the people
negative teams will debate on foreign j of the city are showing a renewed in
floors. The Moline negative team willjterest in making the city a beautirul
leave for Galesburg today to meet the 1 civic center.
affirmative team of that city, while Mayor M. R. Carlson. C. K. Mansur
the Moline affirmative and Kewanee! and P. S. Glynn, the committee of
negative teams meet here tonight. The j solicitors appointed by the Greater
third debate of the triangular will bet Moline committee to secure funds for
ft aged at Kewanee between Gals-1 the campaign, report the following
Bed Room Furniture
New Patterns
burg high school's negative and Ke
uanee'n affirmative teams.
Tonight's contents will be the final
to decide the title, a these three
Mchools were the winners in the dis
trict debates held March 20. At that
time the Moline team eliminated both
I lock Island and Davenport. Kewanee
eliminated Geneseo and Princeton,
You cannot examine the works
of a watch when you purchase;
you must take the seller's word.
For 44 7ars Ramser's name
bas ben the final word for re
liability. We r watch inspectors for
three railroads; that means we
sell the best watches made. Ask
the railroad men about
"Ramser's Watches"
Our line of bracelet watches
Is the largest in this vicinity.
$12.00 to $75.00
Three expert watchmakers
keep your watch tuned up. A
good reason for having your
watch attended to cere.
Mary Stephens Iluntoon L'.YOO
Katherine D. Butterworth 23.00
Mrs. Ada Stephens 23.00
Moline Dally Dispatch 10.00
K. H. Ixurie 10.00
A. Harbor 10.0U
G. 1 Benson 5.0U
. 1
'..-,j.'v "";?$
Total 1120.00!
The high school senior class which
graduates this year, realized $175 iu 1
I clear profits from their class play
J presented in the Moline theatre on
I April 3. The title of the play w as
"Esmeralda." Plans are now being
discussed over the advisability of tak
ing the cast to Geneseo and giving an
entertainment there. 1
Rev. A. F. Bergstrom has been se- j
lected to deliver the baccalaureate
sermon on the evening of Sunday.
May 24. !
J. fiamser Sons
Bids' for three alley concrete pav- j
ing jobs were opwied yesterday by
the city commission and. contracts ;
were awarded to the Concrete Con
struction company of Moline and Dun-;
nlgan & Masters of Shenandoah, Iowa.
The latter firm has another big con-!
tract here.
Benefit for Rebekaha.
Myrtle ItebtkaU Iodg No. Z:C, I. O.
O. admitted three candidates to
membership at a meeting held in the
lodge rooms Wednesday evening. Xext
Monday evening the lodge will have a
benefit at the Mirror theatre, the pro
ceeds of the entertainment to be do
nated to the Odd Fellows' orphan
Full Colonial style,
made of best quar
tered oak, is exactly
like cut and measures
42 inches across base,
mirror is large, beinp;
26x30. This is a real
piece of furniture and
is handsomely polish
ed. Price $28.00
Chiffonier to Mateh
Priee $24.00
. 74 .jgiM
Chairs and Rockers
of the Better Grade
Solid Oak Dresser
with heavy built up
top, is exaetly like
eut and the best
thing we have ever
offered for the
monev. Base 20x38.
. ..ti:'.2u
Special Beds for Sleeping Porck
m mm
ins m
A Jioosier for You
Don't forget to select your
rug now while you can save
20.7. Over 100 patterns,
which the mills have decided
to discontinue every one a
perfect piece of merchandise
and at 20 less than our
regular price.
you select if you are not
ready to have it delivered at
the same time giving vou the
20 discount.
TTe do not believe vou
find a better or larger line
than we are now showing.
We have the Fireside
chairs in either tapes
try or cane with
frames of either oak
or mahogany. They
are made for comfort
as well as beauty and
you will be surprised
how reasonable the
prices are. t
BUNGALOW BEDS are especial
ly good for sleeping porches, be
cause they have low head and foot.
This prevents them from being
seen from the street. AVe have
them in sizes, and in either
white or Vein is Martin finish. We
are well equipped to furnish your
sleeping porch right.
220-24 West Third Street
House Furnishing Departm t
So many of our customers have repeatedly come
to us for articles generallv carried in a depart
ment of this kind that we" have felt it our duty
to accommodate them and have added the follow
ing lines to our general stock. Xo cheap goods
will be carried as every article must be of such
quality that it can carry the usual broad guaran
tee of Spencer's.
Galvanized Tubs, Wash Boilers, Wash Boards,
Washing Machines, (Hand or Electric) Step Lad
ders, Clothes Wringers, Ironing Boards, Dishes,
Davenport, Iowa
I home at Uncola.

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