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1 1 Associated Press Exclusive Wire SIXTY-THIKD YKAlt, MEXICAN MUST GIVE UP ALL ARMS IN STRIKEBELTS Order Applying to Color ado is Issued by Pres ident Wilson. DEMAND SWEEPING ONE Proclamation Includes Persons, Firms and Corporations in Several Counties. Denver. Colo.. May 2. Three men were bnrued to death early today In a lire that destroyed Watts' saloon and boarding bouse at Oak Creek mine, Rontt county, according to reporU re ceived at the governor's office. The dead are: ROBERT DOGGETT. JACK SNOW. rXIDEXTIKIED MAN. The governor was unable to verify a report that a woman and child also lost their live. Watts place was a "hang out for non-union men. n is saia. it ii reported that oil was poured over ;he front and back doors before it i if n: ted. Washington. D. C, May 2. Under authority of the president. Secretary of War Garrison today issued a proc lamation calling upon the people in the strike district of Colorado to sur render all arms and ammunition to federal army officers In charge of the troubled localities. Garrison's proclamation addressed to Major Holbrook. at Trinidad, is rcoit sleeping. The demand is to dis arm not only strikers, but mine guards. It applies only to localities wher the United States troops are present. Receipts will be Issued for all arms and ammunition delivered. The proclamation applies to individu als, firms, associations, and corpora tions. In explanation of the proclamation. Garrison said: "I learn from the commander in Colorado that the use of "rearms has been widespread. In the district from Walsenbnrg south, in the area of 400 miles, there are at least CO mines. They are located mainly in canyons difficult to reach. Strikers and sym pathizers recently organized and arm d themselves and the operators had aundreds of mine guards also armed. Stat troops in certain localities serv ed to aggravate the troubles. Certain '.ores in Walsenburg were broken into by state troops and articles taken. Conditions In the Canyon City district are similar to those in the Walsenburg district," Proclamation Pleases. Denver, Col., May 2. Several offi cials of coal companies and a number of anion representatives expressed sal ; isfaction at the proclamation of Secre tary of War Garrison. District Secre tary and Treasurer Doyle said: "If the Proclarntion means that mine guards, detectives, militia and strikers are to be disarmed and federal troops are to maintain peace, the trouble in the strike zone is at an end." Trinidad, Col.. May 2. United States cavalry today took possession of Lud low. The militia bas moved out. Still Harass Rockefeller. New fork. May 2. "Mourners" con tinued marching today fn front of the Standard Oil building in lower Broad way as a protest against the strike in Colorado, fn which the Rockefellers interested. Young Rockefeller rev named at home. Upton Sinclair v. conspicuous amone the marchers. A "load of detectives arrested Marie Ganr, orator of the Industrial Workers of the World, on a charge of making tnreats against Rockefeller. Iowa Defeat Missouri. Columbia, Mo., May 2. In a dual trick meet Iowa state college defeated Ue University of Missouri. Score: '. 63; Missouri, 62. CHINESE OFFICER A MURDER VICTIM Haw Lia Shuck, In Immigration Service, Dead in a St. Louis Mystery. St. Louis. Mo., May 2 The Chinese quarter was excited today as a result f the assassination last night of Haw Un Shuck, a Chinese Immigration of ficer of the United States. The police re seeking Chinamen said to have been sent here from New York or Chi-cago. T HEROCK NO. 1.(03 (ILLS H THE WEATHER jj "r,CI Till p m. Tomorrow, for Rock Island, Davenport. Molin and Vicinity. Unsettled and warmer tonight and Sunday, probably showers; moderate winds, mostly southerly. Temperature it7am, 48. Highest yesterday. 64; lowest last night. 45 Veolcity ot wind at 7 a. m. 6 miles per hour. Precipitation, none. Relative humidity at 7 p. m 52; at t a. m., 65. Stage of water. 5.2 a rise of .1 In last . nours. J. M. SHERIER, Local Forecaster. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. Evening stars: Mars. Venus, Saturn Morning stars: Mercury. Jupiter. Plan et Mars, south of moon. 1 degree and 36 mfnutes; in conjunction with that luminary In the morning. COBB HOMESTEAD BOUGHT AS SITE BY ELKS' LODGE Intimated That Fraternity In tends to Build a Club House There Soon. MATTER UP NEXT MONDAY Building Now on Lot Erected in 1840 and Is One of the Landmarks of the City.. A deal was completed yesterday af ternoon whereby Rock Island lodge No. 908, B. P. O. K. come into posses sion of the old Cobb homestead at'215 Fifteenth street. Connelly & Connel ly, administrators of the estate, re fused to make public the financial con. sideration in the deal. Same Ryer son, past exalted ruler of the Elks, and member of the board of trustees, when Interviewed today, stated that the fraternity intended to build a new home on the site though' not In the near future. A final decision on the matter is expected to be made at a meeting Monday night. The present home of the lodge is leased from UTe Peter Fries estate. The old homestead purchased was built by Benjamin J. Cobb in 1S40 or thereabouts. This city -was known as Stephenson at that time, the name be ing changed to Rock Island in 1841. The structure was built in colonial style, with nine spacious rooms and was considered a mansion at that time. When completed a celebration dance was held and attended by many of the well known early settlers in the county. Until the death of Mrs. Cobb in 1S91 the building remained the Cobb resi dence, and since then it has been in control of Connelly & Connelly, ad ministrators of the estate. Remembered by Major Hawes. xfatnr C W. Hawes, one of the old est of native born Rock Islanders, to- av told of having stood, a Doy ui , n th norch of the Cobb home and witnessing preparations for the exe cution of Colonel Davenport's murder ers in 1S45. The county ja where the execution took place, was then situated on the alley on Fifteenth street between Third and Fourth ave nues. Major Hawes- lamer, Hawes. was one of the guards and his uncle. Lemuel Andrews, was sheriff at the time, and occupied the south ern half of the Cobb home. Benjamin Cobb served as a deputy under Mr. Andrews, who also operated a general store in the two-story brick building just north of the Cobb home. This structure is reported to be the first brick building in Rock Island. Dr Patrick Gregg, the pioneer phy sician, and J. W. Drury. Judg e of the . . nrt In 1838. occupied bach elor quarters on the second floor of this building wnen mey ucBu professional careers. Important Meeting Place. There were very few white settlers In this county when the mansion was built and not more than three stores , ,v, town. Phil Mitchell remem bers of several instances when city of ficials met in a room of the southwest corner of the Cobb home, and trans acted Important business affecting the welfare of Rock Island. Planned to Kill Carnegie. Kew York. May 2. Three men be sides Mayor John Purroy Mltchel. whom Michael P. Mahoney attempted to kill on April 17, but instead wound ed Corporation Counsel Polk, were on the list of men Mahoney had marked for death, and one of these was An drew Carnegie, according to the testi mony of Dr. Manas 8. Gregory of the psychopathic ward at Bellevue hos pital at the inquiry Into Mahoney anlty yesterday. Charge Dismissed. The charge of Mrs. Frances Joseph. 1439i Sixteenth avenue, that Charles Kicbols attacked her last night was dismissed in police court todar. i r.Q . GERM SPAIN TAKES PART IN TALK TO STOP WAR Retirement of Minister Will Not Affect Peace Negotiations. CARRANZA KEEPS MUM Official Word From Rebel Chief as to Position on Armistice Is Awaited. Vera Cruz. Mexico, May 2. That Mrs. Clara Beckmeyer, a German wo man, who, according to the uncon firmed rumor, was mistaken for an American, was killed by a mob in the streets of Mexico City April 27, is news brought here today by refugees. President Huerta yesterday ordered the Immediate release of Dr. Edward Ryan, an American Red Cross official, who was threatened with execution as a spy in Zacatecas. The release was ordered after urgent, personal repre sentations to President Huerta by Wil liam W. Canada, the American consul here. Huerta telegraphed to Mr. Canada that he did not know that' Dr. Ryan was to be put to death, but that he bad ordered the federal commander at Za catecas to release him at once and give him transportation to Mexico City. From the capital here Huerta prom ised to send him to Vera Cruz. Representations in behalf of Dr. Ryan also were made by Sir Christo pher Craddock. commander, of the Brit ish naval squadron in Mexican waters. through Sir Lionel Carden, Brit'nh min ister and by the Brazilian minister act ing for-lhft, United Slates. - Washington. D. C, May 2. Licenti ate Esteba Ruiz has been appointed minister of foreign affairs in the Hu erta cabinet to succeed Portillo Rojas, retired. Ruiz was under Secretary Rojas. He has assisted in the media tion negotiations, and it is authorita tively stated the change will not affect continued progress of the mediation plans. Ruiz has been referred to as a probable Huerta commissioner in case the mediators proposed a commission representing all parties to the contro versy. Spanish Ambassador Riano car ried the announcement of Ruiz's ap pointment to the Argentine legation. The mediators were at once called to gether and a conference began, with the Spanish ambassador taking part. The mediators stated that the retire ment of Portillo Rojas would in no way affect negotiations. Awaiting Word from Carranza. After a conference 'with Secretary Bryan, Brazilian Ambassador DeGama said he did not fear any interference with mediation negotiations as the re sult of the appointment of Ruiz. The mediators, De Gama said, were still awaiting a reply from Carranza to the armistice proposal, but "No untoward developments are expected in that di rection." It was learned that the medi ating envoys are expecting the arrival in Washington of representatives of both Huerta and constitutionalists' governments. Whether the Mexican factions would send representatives was problematical, but the diplomats hoped to have some one on the ground with whom they could confer. Sailors and marines killed at Vera Cruz will be honored with funeral ser vices of a national character on the arrival of the bodies on the cruiser Montana at New York, it is announced. A. B. Emery, manager of the Eng lish-owned mine, reported held for ran som by federals at Zacatecas. is safe in Mexico City. Refugees Return to Homes. Two hundred refugees who fled from the mining districts of Sonora have returned to their former homes there. Reports tell of the safety of many ref ugees for whom inquiries have been made of the state department. Admiral Howard, on the west coast of Mexico, reported fighting between federals and constitutionalists still continues at Mazatlan, but that condi tions at Manzanillo are improved. Shipping along the west coast has practically been suspended. Admiral Badger reported today thai the federal garrison at Tampico bad been somewhat reinforced, but fighting ceased yesterday, and had not been re sumed at midnight last night. German Army Flyer Killed. Halberstadt. Germany. May 2. Lieutenant Meyer of the German army met his death In an aeroplane accident oear Halberstadt yesterday. Accom panied by Lieutenant Niemeler. he was traveling in a biplane from Doeberiti. ie machine was upset by a gust of wind. Niemeier was dangerously injured. ISLAND ARGU SATURDAY. MAY - li14. -SIXTEEN PAGES! ; AS GOOD DOUGHERTY SENT LTD $TATRIS0N Motion for a Rehearing on Charge of Forgery Denied Former Peoria Educator. Peoria, I II, May 5. Newton C. Dougherty is a prisoner in the bull pen in the Peoria county Jail. Judge T. N. Green yesterday denied Dough erty's motion for a new trial on the charge of forgery and sentenced him to serve one to fourteen years in the penitentiary at Joliet. Dougherty asked Howard Tuttle turnkey at the Jail, to give him a cell on the second floor, but all were oc cuoied. and the former president of the National Educational association was placed in the big cell where prts oners of low degree are domiciled. Dougherty kept his nerve and smiled throughout his examination in the jail His money, watch, and all personal effects except his handkerchif were removed from his clothing. Joseph Weil, attorney for Dougherty, is preparing an appeal to the supreme court. He was allowed ten days to prepare his bill of exceptions, but was denied a stay of judgment by Judge Green. Sheriff Minor said he would give Weil time to get a supersedeas and bond before he took Dougherty to the penitentiary. FAVORABLE VOTE FOR A TRUST BILL House Judiciary Committee Re ports on Measure Restrict ing Big Business. Washington D. C, May 2. The house judiciary committee today fav orably reported the omnibus anti-trust bill. Chairman Clayton plans to de fer taking up his duties as federal judge in Alabama until after the bill Is disposed of by the house. The bill includes provisions against interlock ing directorates, holding companies and restriction of the power of injunc tions and restraining orders. SALTILLO HAS NOT BEEN EVACUATED Rebel3 Declare an Important Battle Will Occur Before the City Is Taken. Chihuahua, Mexico. May 1. via El Paso, Tex. Reports of the evacuation of Saltillo are premature it is officially stated here. Rebels expect an import ant battle before the city is taken and for this purpose forces are now in ac tion, for Monterey and Torreon. ROJAS QUITS HUERTA'S CABINET OLD SUMMER APPROACHES NO MOBILIZATION OF STATE'S GUARD Governor and Adjutant Declare Troops Will Not Be As sembled at Present. Springfield, 111., May 2. There will be no mobilization of the Illinois Na tional Guard in anticipation of a call from the federal government for troops. This was settled today when both Governor Dunne and Adjutant General Dickson gave out statements on the subject, both declaring them selves opposed to such procedure. "From present indications there will be no war with Mexico," said Gover nor Dunne. "If, unfortunately, war should arise there will be ample time to mobilize and season the National Guard for active duty after the presi dent has issued the call for troops. "Mobilization before any call for troops is made would have the appear ance of forcing the hand of the presi dent and would be playing into the hands of those who want war. even when war is unjustifiable and un necessary. "Moreover, mobilization of state troops at the present time without no tice to the employers of the men in the National Guard would occasion them great loss and inconvenience.'' General Dickson does not look kind ly upon the suggestion of mobilizing state troops for the purpose of hard ening the guardsmen. "If the purpose of this proposed state mobilization is tclely the idea of 'hardening the men for field sei vice, its purpose would be dereated by the limitations of our law should mobilization be ordered by the gover nor in the absence of a federal call," said the adjutant general. "For in the absence of such federal call for active service the mobilization would ot necessity be for instructional pur poses. 'The impossibility of 'hardening' the troops in the period of 12 days, which is the limit possible under the state law, is obvious. The legal impossi bility of either paying or subsisting beyond that limit would necessitate the return of these organizations to their home station at the expiration of the 12 days period." Three Workmen Are Asphyxiated. Ottawa. Ill, May 2. John George, Enrico Macchi and Peter Masama ghetti, workmen employed by the Mar. quette Cement company at Oglesby, were found dead yesterday from as phyxiation in a tunnel where they had been dynamiting. George was foreman of the blasting crew. The men did .not return from work last night and a searching party found their bodies 200 feet from the mouth qj he tunnel. In preparation for the coming fire season In California 110 miles of fire lines have been built on the Sierra na tional forest. AMERICAN DYING IN MEXICAN JAIL Release of James Byington, Held by Rebels at Campas, Sonora, Demanded. Nogales, Aria., May 2. On informa tion brought by refugees that James Byington, an American, Imprisoned nine months at Cumpas, Sonora, with out trial, is slowly dying of neglect another protest was sent to constitu tionalists authorities at Cumpas for his immediate release. The American who arrived today said he found the prisoner half naked, apparently slowly starving to death and a mental wreclc. "Byington was moving about a dark cell like a dumb animal, said the refugee. "There was a Mexican charged with murder in the cell with him. The smell was awful. Byington could give no intelligent information about himself as he looked at me with glassy eyes. I attempted to send wholesome food to Byington, but the jefe would not permit him to re ceive it. He explained 5 cents a day was provided each prisoner and that was sufficient." The state department made demands that Byington be released or givei a trial. It is charged that he located a mine claim near Cuppas, and on the assumption that papers legalizing the claim were on the way from Mexico City, prepared to car ore for ship- ment. He was arreste don a charge that he had not established a claim. The amount involved is said to be less than $300. SIBERIA SAFE IN PORT OF MANILA Alarming Reports Concerning Mail Steamer Due to Con fusion in Signals. Tokio. Japan, May 2. Great relief was felt here at the news from Manila that the steamer Siberia, reported yes terday by wireless to have been in great peril, is safe at Manila. There has been no satisfactory explanation of how the alarming reports yesterday came to be disseminated. Japanese authorities will investigate. A despatch' from Manila last night said Siberia steamed into that port at 11 a. m. yesterday after an Utieventful voyage, from Nagasaki. Captain Zee der believed reports that the Siberia was in distress arose over confusion in letters of the steamer Persia with which he bad been in communication. These letters are .M . S." and they doubtless were mistaken for the S. O. S." marine wireless appeal for aid. The Imports of matches into China greatly exceed in value any other wood product. Most of the matches come in rom Japan. ' HOME EDITION PRICE TWO CENTS. Mfnnnriu uni n ViUIVlLlvnULU PARADES FOR VOTESCAUSE Monster Demonstration of the Day Claimed by Chi cago Suffragists. LINE OF 2-MILE LENGTH Nation-Wide Celebration Give Support to Pending Shafroth Amendment. to Chicago, 111, May 2. Thousands of women in many oi me larger cmes ui the country gave active expression ox their desire for extension of the right to vote by joining in parades, attend ing mass meetings and by word and mouth seeking to advance the cause of votes for women. Chicago suffragists, with a marching column two miles long, claimed the credit for the monster parade of the day. , The parade, which Is to start at 5 this afternoon, is to be headed by a squad of mounted police and a detail of cavalry followed by Grand Marshal Mrs. Grace Wilbur Trout, president of the Illinois Equal Suffrage association. Then come the aids. Such of them as represent political or other organiza tions will carry banners of their clubs, This array of triumphal banners U to be the only demonstration of the kind in the long line. Women riders will bring up the rear. Every woman who can side and who can get a horse has been urged to come mounted and a cavalry brigade of more than 100 is expected to be reining in its steeds ,1 1 ,nIHi Cm.v to wheel into line before 5 o'clock. As in the other suffrage parades men were urged to join the marchers and many responded. No headgears were provided for men marchers, but they will carry flags. The streets of Philadelphia were en livened by a parade of suffragists. New York, St. Louis, Detroit, Indian apolis, Kansas City and hundreds oi smaller cities joined in the natlon-V wide celebration. No Parade in New York. New York, May 2. With hundreds of workers in automobiles and on foot, suffragists of Greater New York ob served suffrage day in open air meet ings in the place ot the annual parade. ' Rochester, Buffalo, Troy, and Syracuse celebrated much on the order of New York city. Sixty-five upstate towns celebrated with parades or in other ways. Kansas City, Mo, May 2. A big demonstration for woman suffrage is taking place today. There will be a moter car parade this afternoon. - Pennsylvania Enthusiastic. Pittsburg, Pa, May 2. A monster parade of suffragists and a mass meet ing will be held this afternoon in an ef fort to arouse enthusiasm ot voters over the Shafroth amendment to the constitution, now pending in congress. Sixty similar demonstrations will be held in Pennsylvania. TWINS OF 82 CELEBRATE. Mrs. Mary A. Severn and Slater Hope to Reach Century Mark. Aurora, 111, May 2. Mrs. Mary A. Severn s of this city and Mrs. Eliza beth M. Krouskup of Oak avenue, said to be the oldest twins in Illinois, ob served their 82d birthday today. The sisters, long Identified with the de velopment of Grundy county, are in the best of health, and friends believe they will realize a wish to round out a fui: century. They were born in Ger many and when they were about 3 years old their parents, Mr. and Mr George Ader, emigrated to the United States. The voyage occupied 14 , weeks. CAILLAUX WANTS TO FIGHT A DUEL Husband of Calmette Slayer Challenges His Opponent in -Race for Chamber. Paris, France, May 2. Joseph Cail laux. who was reelected to the cham ber of deputies last week, hart chal lenged Fernand D'Aillieres, liberal candidate for the chamber against him, to fight a duel, alleging D'AM- ilerea Insulted voters by posting bills saying clean electors would refuse to '. become "accomplices In crime," refer , ring to the assassination of Editor j Calmette by Madame Caillaux, ; 1 : . 1