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THE ROCK ISLAND AUGUS. SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1014. FIRST PRIZE TO davenport hm Rock Island Building Operations rlinff Richard Takes Honors Af Sterling Richard Takes Honors in Big Eight Oratorical j Contest. ! KEWANEE ENTRANT -THIRD Rock Island Representative. First on he Program, Is Given Sixth Position. The American Home I William A. Radford, Editor William A. Radford will answer questions and Rive advice FREE OF COST on all subjects per taining to the subject of building;, for the readers of this paper. On account of his wide experience as Editor. Author and Manufacturer, he Is. wltnout doubt, the highest authority on all these subjects. Ad dress all inquiries to William, two-cent Btamp for reply. (Special tn Tho Argus. ) Gaiburg. III., May Z. In the steno graphic contest in the Big Eight high seheol meet today Kewanee secured first place, Moline second and Ke wa ne third. Rock Island did not secure s place. Stirling Richard of Davenport last evening on first place In the annual H;g Eicht Inch school oratorical con ten h'.l at Calesburg. William San frrd of Kewanee was second and Ueu Va Risiuirc of Oalcsburg was third. Tl?e winner's subject s "I'niversal peac"." which was :h same as that handled by the Galesburg representa- j trre. while th Kewanee entrant spoke ca "The t'hoeen Few.-' Gold, silver and bronze medals wcr , awarded winners respectively of first. ' second and third positiens. In eonsid-; eranon cf the Mexican crisis the prace oiatons wore timely. Tie judges were Rev. A. K Moody. A'eo: Professor J. R. Sayre. Knox j c"Kec and Professor B. W. McDow-; :i. Hearting collope. H. R. Willis, sup- S eria'enden: of th Galesburg schools. I A' airard'd the medals. , j y;j Reck Islander Speaks First, fri Tau! Pahlen. representative of the , Rock Island high school, speaking on . "Aeenda,"' scored sixth. He was j the first speaker on the pro- j rram. The other speakers of th evening and their topics wore: Leslie Maxson. MoKne. "The .Martyr of j M"laikl;" Willis Sthortness, Canton,; Tbe Awakening of the World"; Chris-1 trpher Foley, Monmouth, "Victory for Democracy": Truman Earle, Geneseo, '' "A Hero of Peace." I The contest was held at the Gales- j burc hieh school building, and before ; a small crowd. A program of music by the Gal'sburg high school orchestra was furnished. PHONE R. I. 74. 8 SEE Americen Electrical Engineering Co. ELECTRICAL .WIRING and FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS. REMEMBER O That there is a Wood- o working Establishment located on 1818 Fourth avenue, with a floor space of 19,000 square feet, equipped with all modcr nmachinery. We make Store Fix tures and line interior finish. Stair work a specialty. ux-' rTS-rt lrTm A. Radford, No. 1827 Prairie avenue. Chicago. 111., and only cnclos OOOCX30000000QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO H. TAPPENDORF 1623 THIRD AVENUE, ROCK ISLAND, ILL. R. C. VANCE, Mgr. TELEPHONE R. I. 979. 1818 Fourth Avenue. ROCK ISLAND, ILL. I OOQOQOOCXXXttOOOOQOXXGQ(XttOOQOOOQQ)OOOOQOOOOOOOC " PRONOUNCING Going ENGLISH. Use of Astra1 on the Correct "u mna e w bounds. A enrimr feature of the Enilish lan-p-iae as it is s;okon In hi pnrt of tb I'nlted Ststs i the prevalence of a dial systfin of prnnuii'-intion. The dti'narie t-il u t:nenivoaIly tliat Tt-e shoiiM pronounce "dew." "tiifw' ard "stew" we do "few," and th i ":i;ilpnr. "stTipld" and siimilur words should ! enuniate"l as If thnr were spplll "stieudenf and "sti;f'.vl.' "niKxIy. apparently, lisinte the nir rectnes of this niann-r of roinmiie lag "u" and "r"-yet her is a ru! y vpry rcucb more honfreii m ihe brein ii than in the observance. Kxc-pt for stage folks, the faculties and some of the students of S'-hoo! nji-1 rol'egr nd a few frfrons who mak n point of precise speaking, the acad-mic sound ef n" is disregarded alniist nniver a:iy. It is by no means thronzh ignorano that rorflt. snr aitu" nnil ".tofiniil' ' There sre worthy j-rsons who seem to feel that a gool American really ocgbt to say "xtoo"" and "stoopid. They think, apparently, that the ortho dox u and "ew'- are Anglicisms and re used In this country only by per sons pedantic or "affected." Of course, for all practical purposes one "ay of pronouncing is as good a cnother and usage has made both forms correct. Nevertheless, the right use of "u" and "ew" adds iuumc and variety to the Ei.g!ish language, and the younger generation might do well It pronounce according to the diction ary and gradually overcome an "Amer icanism" that has no real good excuse for being. Rochester Democrat end. Chronicle. House Cleaning Helps The drudgery connected with house-cleaning metheds used for doing the daily and weekly clean ing. Put no matter how dirty your floor covcrincs and household furnishings may be, A HOOVER SUCTION SWEEPER will easily, quickly and dustlessly clean them. ') It removes all forms of dirt, including hair, thread, lint and the larger particles ot dirt and litter. It resteres the original color ings to floor coverings be cause of the prolonging man- tier in which the soft ha-r brush (mechanically revolved! lifts the crushed-down nap and keeps it standing in its intended position. now and spare yourself the drudgery of this and ecleaning seasons and make your regular weekly ng a pleasure instead of a dangerous, back break ing task. it standing in us int ft Puy a HOOVER jj all succeeding house ".' sweeping and cleaniu 8 o Mi 8 We are prepared to make a time jcu may euy. demonstration in jour home at any Noozle Tools Supplied for Every Air Cleaning Purpose. Electric Construction & Machinery Co. i PHONE R. I. 280. ELECTRIC BUILDING. ROCK ISLAND, ILL. It Is surprising to one who has not given the matter thought, how many little points there are connected with the . planning of an up-to-date con venient residence that can be gotten all ' wrong If the architect is not ex ceedingly careful or doesn't know his business, and the house resulting be almost ruined, so far as comfort and the conveniences of housekeeping are concerned. It has frequently been suggested that architects doing residence work should seek advice of the women concerning many points, and find out from first-hand testimony just how the . housekeeper wants to have the many features which mean so much to her, but which mere man knows very little of. Some of these points that have been suggested are as fol lows: What woman would put In laundry tubs so deep that the luckless worker who Is of short or medium stature is in constant danger o.' pitching for ward upon her head, vhile the tall woman can at least recnon upon a headache or backache as the result of a few hours work; or, who but man would make the ledge between the tubs so wide that no ordinary wringer can be fitted to it? Would any wom an dream of standing a kitchen range so close to the wall on the side where the match has to be applied and the stop-cocks regulated that it is only by difficult maneuvering with the left hand that the range can be managed at all? Nor Is there any plausible reason for so arranging the wall spaces that the refrigerator must stand next to the stove, while the closet in the kitchen, which is to be used as a pantry, is as far away from the self same stove as it is possible to place it, presumably to give the cook some needed exercise in getting up a meal. Another idea which should suggest Itself to ti.e woman architect, or archi tect's assistant, is the fact that the toilet room, if there is but one, should be separate from the bathroom, as a matter of family convenience: also, if the bathroom is on the second floor, an extra toilet and laboratory saouia be provided on the first floor. There is no good reason, either, for setting e Jathtub a few Inches above the floor, thus leaving a space under neath which is almost Inaccessible and yet must be kept clean for sani tary reasons. Then. too. If the de mand were Insistent enough, manu facturers might see fit to market a washstand so made that a woman's hair would not Inevitably catch upon the faucet every time she washed her face. A clever woman assisting In plan ning houses or apartments would see the advantage of plain moldings and woodwork, oiled kitchen and bath room floors, and washable walls. An other feature that might be -easily in troduced In the kitchen, laundry and floors is a drain, so wi they could be flushed with v.-; would run off through connections with pipes. In the more luxurious homes, dish and clothes washers run by electricity would help materially to render the 'vork less disagreeable and to Induce the servant - problem to settle itself. Flreless cookers.' now used by cot a few tip-to-date housekeepers, might also be built In. Outdoor racks for garbage cans, with openings Into the kitchen, have at last found their way into a few of the better class apart ment houses, but these as well as soiled clothes chutes from upper floors to the laundry should be Installed In every well appointed private houBe. Indoor drying rooms for use on snowy or rainy washdays are another convenience that might easily be pro vided for in the cellar, but are gen erally lacking. These are but a few the things that a woman assistant could keep before the eyes of an architect In the domestic branch of the work. In buildings that are to be rented. It should be made an invariable rule to put in as many permanent features as possible, such as towel and eoap racks and medicine chest in bath rooms, utensil shelves and hooks in kitchen and pantry, as well as curtain hooks and portiere poles, in addition to shades and screens for windows and deors. For, where this Is not done, each succeeding tenant adds his mite to the disfigurement of walls and woodwork. In the design illustrated herewith, many of these suggestions have been taken advantage of. and this design Is offered as embodying numerous desir able features and labor-saving con veniences which the women appre ciate. In this design there are three large rooms on the main floor, besides pan try, downstairs toilet room, ice box alcove and back ei.try. The front of the house Is especially attractive, with the large living room lighted on three sides. Broad cased openings connect the stair hall with the living room on one side and the dining room on the other, making in all a very spa cious apartment. The kitchen is con venient to the dining room, also to the front door and the stairs. The second floor of this house Is small, compared to the first-floor plan, since the living room is a one-story ing with flat roof. This, however, provides a very nice 6econd-story bal cony opening out of one of the bed rooms, which can be used very easily for an outdoor sleeping room in the summer time. Both of the bedrooms are of good size, and are nicely ar ranged for convenience. This house is designed along strict ly modern lines, giving the popular cement stucco outside finish. The bouse will cost from $3,500 to $4,000, depending on the local material and labor market. It is a design of a good deal of style and can be recom mended as generally satisfactory. Phil S. Wilcher Sheet Metal and Furnace Work 2104 FOURTH AVENUE, ROCK ISLAND, ILL. mmmm . ' h '-f--rwr-iea-i- 1 'g&U&m:. MUELLER LUMBER CO. Wholesale Retail and &0 BUILDERS' MATERIALS For that New House get the Best in the Mar THE WEIR1, PYR0LITE COAL HAS NO EQUAL. GET OUR PRICES. Corner Third Avenue and Twenty-fourth Street. PHONE R. I. 511. d oocccocoeocooocscocoooooocdoooooooooooooooooooooooo Be Certain of a 8 Schmidt -Robinson Installation absolutely Tight will stay Tight. and A good LOOKING house is sometimes a good house to live in and sometimes NOT. PEACE and HEALTH are not moulded bv stuc co, but the HEATING OUTFIT that blisters and chills at once, that does NOT heat o r CHANGE the AIR is the MASTER MAKER of SOUR men and SICK women a NIGHTMARE, an ever lasting REGRET. It's all in the IN STALLATION the T.ALMY air, the COM FORTABLE feeling of WARMTH an instal lation that means a CHANGE of ALL the AIR in ALL the house four times an hour. And the cost is no more. Schmidt & Robinson HIGH GRADE WARM AIR HEATING. 318 Twenty-first Street. Rock Island Sand & Gravel Co. . BUILDING MATERIAL AND COAL. 119 TWENTIETH ST., ROCK ISLAND, ILL, TELEPHONE R. I. 605. 014 Scottish Sanctuary. The old sanctonry of the abbey snd pelsce of nolyrood house, to quote the fu!l description, was an interesting in si'.tuUon. The debtor was free from arrest during the week. On entering the sanctuary be enrolled himself In u frrnal manner and obtained a room that Is. If be could pay for It. There was a public bouse within the bound ares and it waa not uncommon to see the debtor In the inn playing dominoes aad bis creditor standing looking In at the window witb wistful eyes. The debtor was safe, and be knew it. and j the face of the cteditor told the same tale. Sunday being a dlea non. the debtor co'i'.i lecve bis sanctuary and visit bis family, but be bad to be care ft'l to get back to Holy rood on Sunday cisfct. Sometime a debtor bad the temerity to lenve on a week day, but he did so at Ula perlL London Specta tor. Sunrise In Africa. Rev. Dr. XV. S. Bainsford recently described an African sunrise, as be ected It, In the "blue black Afrlcsn nlbt back of 5Iount Kllmangaro." He explained bo'V th? first blood red shaft of daylight shot over the peak and stained tie cloud back of tbe moun tain. "Impossible as it may seem." be said, "that red aialn dripped down and not up and spread toward the borlxon. It spread right and left until the still as blue- black as the night. Hood out in a dreadful silhouette. Ttien rime tLe steaming mists of the uornlng. and at frst red and then, pink ud then silvery and then sullen they covered the mountain after the dawn. fit.J it was m tbotigli it hnd never bf-n. Nowhere but In Africa. So liTe else." New York World. balbroom cocoooe-XKrcoco j -"3 .1 s;r .i- V'. Revero HHOSE It is a Moulded, Inde structible Hose for Lawn, Greenhouse, Stable and Garage. Being of continuous length, you can get any length wanted up to 500 feet in ONE PIECE thereby. avoiding leaky, couplings whenever long lengths are necessary. It disposes of all remnants usually left over from old time standard lengths of hose "a dislike to any Dealer" an,l which he must hold indefinitely as dead stock. Revero Garden Hose will not kink or burst at a sharp angle as does the old style or commonly termed "Wrap ped Duck Construction. Revero will withstand more abuse than any v feT-anrl nf Garden Hose. It is made in sizes, viz. Vt", " and ". There is nothing more convincing than a triaL COME IN AND SEE IT OR TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER. Channon & Dufva DOUBLE The Life of Your ROOF By Using Woodlife Shingle Stane Durable, Economical Artistic other three PHONE 143. DAVIS BLOCK Rock Island LumberS f Mfg. Co. I 8 PHONE R. I. 60. 6 . Strecker Lewis PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE. Southern Lead. ' Linseed Oil. Berry Bros. VarnisHes Moresco. Sanitas. Flat Wall Paint, , , House Painting. Paper Hanging. Wholesale and Retail. FIFTEENTH STREET and SECOND AVENUE. , PHONE R. I. 2496. LANGE TONN Contractors 1 133 Seventeenth Street. - All kinds of Carpenter Work, either new work or remodeling done satisfact orily and at Lowest Prices. Good work guaranteed. Estimates furnished cheer fully at any time. Esti mates on fire losses a specialty. ART STONE CO. NELSON BROTHERS, ftoprietors. T Some of the prettiest homes in the city are constructed of our ma terial. S Manufactures and De signers of '.. Cement Products Eighteenth . Avenue and Eleventh Street. : ROCK ISLAND ILL. It o