Newspaper Page Text
15 DON'T LET THE WAR TALK SCARE YOU BATTLES ARE VERY COMMON. By Goldberg Copyright, 1014, by K. I,. Goldberg. Vou lAJOajT vou Re 3CT A PeMfoY UWTic, VoO FIV THG" . i HAVErT I ALWAYS 3 MiOUTGS jfueu oo PicrjRe-SHotv CVFR bow uOrTH THG HONEY AWfc. eAXGX) YOUR HVT RACK WHAT vAS Youe o0r aIORCj OF oon Or- IHfc t IIVOLOUS ?ecm?ST supposes ATTHe OFfiCF TH6 EATXCe fbR -me OF VMR.OMG NSUigR. HIK ROCK ISLAND A ROUS, SATURDAY, MAY-2. 1914. 'jrR l'M CURBZ CttlLb rXLWANCS . rLL HAVE HAS A PENCIL UfLe bO FO SOME brX He- MAY . V BeyJI BEQ3Me A CjTUT piece, op piec soHemifJS ( i'm 1 I Aftousib -n-ter House - r ) fe) At5nsr-'AW l! rBASA FITCH -v Y I MOT BARBG S TCH!) 1 v . . lfe- "THcr MCfOTH. Poor, out i fHTeOJ MORE- i 1 LX5S NlTT5eS.T i IF I CJE"ST i4rgcs- Branch Offices Jl For tha accommodation of 1U patronn la vartoua parta ot tba city. Tn Arjjua ka eiAbtlstiel a ayatcm ot branch ot ct. vbire aubscriptiona and want ad rUnn may bm rccrlvvd and any in formation latt teat may pertain ttr any 4partnent of tna paper, ntwj or buai bm. it la aiao planned to have at eich af these brancn office every evening- a apply of copies of Tne Argus of t be 4ar so tnat any subscriber who ni-y bare failed under any ctrcumstancea to receive tne per. will be supplied free of cfcarce. Tke Arc us chain of branch offices Includes tne foiiowlug: - I. i. K-ltp's notion store. 4al5 if th Ttaue. H. E. Howe's pharmacy. 4X18 Four teccLn avenue. acboeider-a drusr store, Twenty-aev-eata street. Seventn avenue. Lllemeyers drug store, feieventb ave- ue. Fifteenth street. Warner's roc try. (14 Fourth street, lira. inlim s notioa store, beventh Ctreet. Fourteenth- avenue iieiabeca's pnarmac. 23 Third ave nue. fcrnest Eberta grocery. 92a Eleventh ren je. Elm Street drug store. Thirtieth atree. and HUn avenue. College pharmacy. Eeventa avenue and Tbirty-eigbtn street. Olson grocery. Thirteenth avenue and Tblrtieh street. drug store, corner Fifth ire sue and Twenty-third street. Hssung sc Fw grocery. 1723 Ten-ty-sixth street. T. . Kelly Bon. grocery. Zi Kinth street. ron bucjit HotsBti. TOR RENT Five-room cottage. In Bears, to smail family. E. It. Fisher. , FOR RENT May 1st. eight room house, ! strictly modern, ii- F. Faulsen, 12ul . Twelfth street. FOR RENT Modern elx-room at I 7Z Twenty-nlntn street. Ing jire at leU First avnue. FOR RENT Modern nine-ro'm house, lura'.ed J43 Eifrhth avi-n'ie. Inquire 7l Twenty-flftn street. FOR RENT Five room htrise. water nd sewer. CuS Twelfth street. ln oulre 11 Twelfth street. FOR RENT Modern eight-room house. 111 Konrth avenue; rent, J3'i. ln aolra 1231 Fifth avenue. FOR RENT On sid- of four-room do.i 4ie houre at Third xtreet; water and sewer. Inquire within. FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, suitable for roomlns: houe; li'j7 Sixth avenue. J. I', riexton. FOR RENT Five-room house near Ing View. Call Ro. k Island 2207 after 7 p. m. or any time Sunday. FOR RENT New modern eleht-room boise on Twent v-third street. Ad dress "L. M.." care of The Aigus. FOR RENT New double house, six rooms and bath, each side; strictly modern. Inquire J101 Nlnth-and-a-hlf avenne. FOR EALe Five-room stucco cottage near Elm street -ar line, on Forty fourth street: price $1.'0: trms If Ie,lred. ph'.ne Molina 6i8-X between II m. and 1 p. m. FOR RENT Eeven-room hous. all . modern. $21; HI Twfniy-iwud street. r.iqulre MS Twfnlv-w."n'l street after 4 p. m.. or call Rock Is land FOB RtlT. BEFORE going house hunting, coma acd sea our lt of vacant h',je-a Wa Lava tha comp'eta list of trl elUea. and will assist you to gat lo ea.U4 without one cent of expense. BummeraoJd'a. HJ-lli East bacood atraet. Iavenport. Real Estate 1550 for a 4 room house with, water, ewsr and gas. Lot 65 x 265. Lo cated on 29th street. W300 for a 7 room bouse, all modern, east front. Located on Hi etreeL Buyer to assume) paving. 2M0 f0r a 5 room bouse, all modern itb one-half acre of ground. Lo cated on 12th street. 12800 for an 8 room bouse, well, cis tern, electric lights, and garage. Lot 100 x 100. Located In Sears. 13000 for ten acres fine gardening, fruit, chickens, etc. Located close to Milan. 1500 for an all modern double bouse; a fine Investment. for Investments In business proper lF we bave soma very fine proposi Uons to offer. Eckhart&Buffum Room 14, 6tt Bank Bldfl. Rock Island, III. : v X " f I. i-A I . . V X -jar csi- fcr MP v. r- jrjwn i - - . u i .ir-f v i k n i i ' OPPINIC ftOMWnC USS - row BEST ROOMS. FOR RENT Well furnished room: lavatury In room, large closet, and every modern convenience; 933 Sev enteenth street. Phono Rock Island 1197-X. FOR RT.XT Furnished rooms at 1620i Fourth avenue. FOR RENT Modern furnished front room; 71S Seventeenth street. FOR RENT One modern furnished front room: 1627 Sixth avenue. FOR RENT Strictly modern furnished front room; 1128 Second avenue. FOR RENT Modern furnished light housekeeping rooms; 271C Fifth ave- nut FOR RENT Three unfurnished mod. riv rooms, upstairs, at 1125 Third avenue. For RENT Modern rooms for light hvu knfing. Inquire 229-217 Six teenth BtreeL FOR RENT Three modern furnished liuht housekeeping rooms at 2o2s Kishth avenue. FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms lor light housekeeping, inquire 12uu Third avenue. FOR RENT Modern housekeeping roorn.-s furnished or unfurnished, at 12u7 Fourth avtuue. FOR RENT Two strictly modern fur nished room for light housekeeping t 10; Fifth avenue. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished mod ern rm for MtfUt housekeeping, at C"2 Twenty-fourth street. FOR RENT Two furnished light house-k-,inK rooms: bath, hot and cold water; S2I2 Fifth avenue. FOR RENT Modern furnished H" h.Jekeef.Ing r. water. se er. 62. Twentieth street. FR RENT Modern newly furnished rims, sjltable for two or married couple; 2uo2 Flflh avenue. FOR RENT Two nice rooms furnlsh e.l fi- lisrht h'Misekeeping: fine loca tion; at ! Forly-llrst street.- FOR RENT Modern furnished room; reasonable rental, to one or two la dies: 437 Seventeenth street. FOR RENT Modern furnished room for gentleman: 2'Jlsty Third avenue. Flat 1. Fhono Kock Island ! FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping st 1 Twentv-flrst street. No children. FOR RENT Large front room: every convenience, near all cars: g-r',,e men c-nlv. Phone Rock Island i24. poll RENT Furnished room, all mod ern conveniences, suitable for one or two gentlemen; 718 Eighteenth street. FOR RENT Modern light housekeep ing rooms, every convenience, very ni.-e room, best location; 1116 Stcond avenue. For RENT Furnished light house keeping room"; also nice furnished sleeping room; board If desired; 04 Second avenue. FOR REVT one or two beautiful rooms, furnl-hed. In modern house with flne kitchen, laundry, tc; 01 Twentieth street. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, on car line. Inquire M. R-ggelburgge. Transfer Station. Sears, 111 KOT RENT Modern furnished room. a week, centrally located, on car line- 2226 Fourth avenue. Phone Kock Island 145S-K FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; ,lX-trlc light, bath, hot wter heat, and rhone; opposite court lyjuse, at 217 Fifteenth street. c-nn prT Modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping or sleeping; 1129 Fourteenth-and-a-half street phone Rock Island 2366 FOR RENT Seven rooms at 622 Twen tieth street. Inquire Murphy A Ur "on'. 1 omee. Hfty building. Phone Kock Island 112" mr RENT Newly furnished large modern" room, suitable for two; snap If taken at once; 11 Eignteentn ,t re" Phone Kock Island 13o4. FOR RFXT MUCELLASEOIS. FZ i?re..ed-brlci building "at 316-318- ;V Eighteenth 7-fsjn7P: JSe".:;SS ,rRoth. "' Twenty-third at reel. ABSTKAOTB of title prepared or con tinued to data eovarlng any real as. tat la ths county. Prompt and ac curate service at ra-onnie ratea Hock Island Title 4: Abstract com pany; J. J. Ingram, president; W. J fii,, secretary; 3oc-2u3. second floor People's National bank bulid-'-iock IslanS- s-OR RENT BrlcK wreH vi. it Twen-F??-fourth street and Third v.nua: 1;, ' e.t ,ivator; low rental; suit .h .or -toriga or light n.mnufa-tur-fi'g Inquire 2110 Th;rd avenue. Itock Island. ' . a mrtAcrs use title. I'ASTBO MALE HsUUP, WANTED At once, bellboys at the New Harper. WANTED Painters and paper hangers. Apply P. J. lee. 1203 Third avenue. WANTED At once, several paperhang ers and one harness maker. J. C McDowell. East iiollne. 111. YVJANED Roy who would like to learn wagon maker's trade. Apply William Klockau, Sixteenth street and Fourth avenue. WANTED Experienced millwrights for starch factory. Douglas company. Cedar Kapids. Iowa. WANTED Ten boys, 16 to IS years old, to work in onion patch Monday morn ing, fall at 424 Nlnetfiehth street, or phone Rock Island lu'J7. WANTED Three young men to sell foods on passenger trains: run to .Incoln. Neb. Apply at news stand. Ruck Island depot, Thirty-nrst street. WANTED Traveler, age 27 to 50. ex perience unnecessary; salary, com mission, and expense allowance to right man. J. i-. McBrady, Chicago, ill. WANTED High class specialty sales men, to handle nr Feptomlnt chew ing gum and other brands through jobbers; exclusive territory. We of fer an exceptional opportunity to go with us. 1- I". Larson, Jr.. Co., 321 . ii'3 Sir. Sheldon street. Chit ago. lil. WANTED Reliable married man to go to suburb of Mobile, Ala., to trversee help and tare lor orange groves, three t-ows. and horses; house and garden spot furnished; very healthy put: pure, sort spring water, and sunshine; must furnislie. references. Address "J. B. D.." care of The Ar gus, at once. WANTED At once, a number of men to learn the barber trade and accept positions offered my graduates throughout the country. 1 can fire pare you for much better wages than ou can command without a trade, will give my personal attention to the finishing of my summer class in my post-gruduate department. only place in the world where this degree of proficiency can be obtained. Tools given. our diplomas are rec-ognixed everywhere. The best Jobs are set-king the best men. See what 1 have to offer. Write today. f atalogues free. A. B. Moler, president Alder System of Colleges. H"5 South Fifth S venue, Chicago, ill. WANTED lirrATIOs. WANTED Situation by middle aged lady taking care of invalid. Address "Invalid." care of The Argus. WANTED Position b experienced lady stenographer; bookkeeper; familiar with all kinds of office work. Tele phone Rock Island 2194. a?OR RE.1T-4M.ATS. FOR RENT Five-room modern flat. Inquire 1201 Twelfth street. FOR RENT Modern three-room flat; 831 Fourteenth-and-a-half street. FOR RENT Four-room modern flat, with heat: 603 Forty-fourth street. FOR RENT Modern seven-room heat ed flat. Inquire 420 Fourteenth street. FIR RENT Fire-room modern flat. Inquire Taxman Bros. . Phone Rock Island 205. FOR RENT Fire-room modern flat. Inquire Elm street pharmacy, 8000 Fifth avenue. FOR RENT New modern five-room flat. Inquire 609 Seventh street. Phone Rock Island 1661. FOR RENT Five-room flat, opposite Rock Island passenger depot. Phone Rock Island 39-L. FOR RENT Nicest apartment In the tri-cltles at 1117 Second avenue. Call Kock Island 1018 or 2154. FOR RENT Modern live-room flat at 633 Seventeenth street. Inquire Baker laundry. 633 Seventeenth street. FOR RENT Two furnished modern apartments, two rooms each, for light housekeeping, at- 1518 Seventh ave nue. FOR RENT Modern five-room flat: 1035 Seventeenth street. Inquire 16o:i Second avenue. Phone Kock Island 14 49. FOR RENT May 1. strictly modem five-room spartment. ely decora ted. Inquire 21 or 823 Twentieth street. prill RENT Housekeeping aulte. new ly furnished: gas range: phone; all conveniences: no other roomers; 17 Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Mar 1, flat 3. fnverforth apartments, 1303 Third avenue; cool lii summer, warm In winter, rhone Rock Island 2806. FOR RENT Modern two-room fur nished apartment and bath; refer ences required. RoaenUeld apart ments. 1811 Third avenue. FOR RENT Modern nve-room furnish ed apartment; $2n; convenient o street car and Sllvls ehop train. In quire S131Vs Tenth avenue, Kock is. land. a'lij, PAPER cleaning neatly a)one; "riaTonabia. Phone it "k Island 10. 1 TELL collar SOU - LOOK! -TH HAM WAJTTED rBXAU KXIJP. WANTED Girls for dining room ser vice. Rock Island house. WANTED Experienced girls at the liaker laundry, 633 seventeentn street. WANTED Girls to work on mangle. Souders laundry company, 601 Twelfth street. WANTED Girl to do general house work. Mrs. G. M. Babcock. Inquire 1U04 Twentieth street. WANTED Girl to nssfst with house work, mornings only. Apply SM3 Twenty-second street. W.ANTED Girl. IS years old. to as sist with housfwnrk : must go home nghts. Apply 1307 Eighth avenue. WANTED Young girl to care for baby; muRt go home nights. Inquire 313a Twentieth street. Call afternoons. WANTED Woman to do plain sewing at home for a largo Philadelphia firm; good money and steady work: no can vassing; ttend reply envelope for prices paid. I'nlversal company. Desk A. Walnut street. Philadelphia. Pa. WAJfTE m3CEI.l.A3IEOUS. WANTED Lace curtains to liupitr at 1448 Fourteenth street. Jur jueua Tllterlngton. WANTED House cleaning: send postal with phone number to Hit Dearborn street. Kuik IfclunU. WANTED Boarders or roomers; large pleasant rtx.m: 31t Fourth street. I'boiie Rock Island 2D lit. WANTED Paper cleaning and washing Pitlnt: work guuraiii.ed: references. fall Mariug Bios.. Pock Island WANTED To buy furniture, stoves; will pay best price. Call Kntft. Mo lina 751; 1620 Third avenue. Mcilne. WANTED Confinement cases, by prac tical nurse: tirice reasonable. Mis 11. Ayers. L'54 Seventh avenue. Phone Rock island 2J1-'. WANTED Stenographic work to do. dictation or typewriting: neat work, reasonable price; will call; send pos tal. "A. v. 2.." 2123 Fifth avenue. WANTED Your lawn mowers to sharp en at your home. 0 cents. I'tione i line 9-1 during business hours. J. 11. Darby. 1526 Fifth avenue. Moline. WANTED Large kitchen table, half doxen k'tchen chairs, refrigerator, gasoline stove. Call Oeorgo Mason. Hock Island 1666, from 7 to a this evening. WANTED Modern house, south of Fourth avenue between Seventeenth and Twenty-third streets; must con tain three bedroums. -J', w. Mctilone, Rock island house. WANTED Your carpenter repair work; screens and shingling a specialty; sketches cheerfully furnished. Spitx nas Miller, contractors and build ers. Phuna Rock Island 631-5, or Molina 245L lOST A5D FOBBU. LOST Russian gold brooch. Saturday morning. Return to 629 Vs Ninth street. LOST Eyeglasses, In or near post office. Reward it returned to 217 Six teenth street. LOST Lady's gold watch and chain; name inside. Return to The Argus rnttre. Reward. LOST Diamond lavalller; liberal re ward; 400 Nineteenth street. Call Rock Island 34J0. LOST Child's red coat, between town and the boatyard. Return to 523 Twentieth street- Reward. LOST Fridav morning, bunch of keys on chain, with Wright Bros." medal attached. Return to Y. M. C. A. build ing. Reward. LOT $100 reward for return to Mrs. William C. Wadsworth, 1009 Perry street, Davenport, black safety bag containing Jewelry and papers, lost between Davenport and Kock island, April 22. LODGES ni HECTOR T. Jtlnsoalc Masoolc Temple. Eighteenth street and Fifth avenue. THE STATED MEETINO OF TRIO Lodga No. 67. A, F. A A. it, J0,7 -will be held on tha first Thurs- day of each month, at 7:30 p. m. By order of John Pearson, V. M-; W. p. Pettlt. secretary 43. A. R. B I FORD POST. J3, O. A. R., meats regularly on the second snd fourth Saturday evenings of each month at 1 30 In Memorial hall at tha court house. V.'. VI- Johnston, commander; E, H. Buck, adjutant. CO .ITrtACTon 9 AXn Bt'ILDEHS. CONTRACTORS AJTD S7JH.PER& Manufacturers of Saah. Doors. Minds and Stairs. Interior finish of all kinds. i . wwd Veneer Flooring, and 'aalera la U'asa. l 1 and 823 Eighteenth stree -oO THP i "v but that's 7 I AP IT IS OAJ Ay- Ovj FOR SALE MISCELLAXEOI S. FOR SALE Some Pomerosa tomato plants; 1U16 Ninth avenue. FOR SAL.E2 Four cylinder Buick; good condition. Phone Rock Island 633-K, FOR SALE Oak dresser, nearly new, very cheap; 613 Thirtieth street; in quire upstairs. FOR SALE Automobile, five-passenger, cash or real estate; A 1 condition; 513 Thirtieth street. FOR SALE; Will sell rooming house; nice location; all the rooms are rent ed. Phone Rock Island 1176. FOR SALE -Ayrdale terrier puppies; Shetland ponies; eligible to register. K. 11. Soseman. Preemption. 111. FOR SALE Or trade, for anything, cheap work team; 318 Twenty-second street. Fhone Rock Island 981. FOR SALE An eight-room modern home on Seventeentn street; a splen did investment, on easy terms. Call Kock Island 2500. FOR SALE Two suits of men's clothes, A 1 condition. Inquire Moeller's liv ery, south barn. Seventeenth street and Fourth avenue. FOR SALE At a bargain, 6-horse pow er 22-foot launch, model hull; also runubuut auto; snap; tine conditions. 1'hone Kock Island 1U2K-X. FOR SALE Two brats sidelights for launch, $4; also a pair of oak spoon oars. Call at 526 Vs Sixteenth street alter 5 p. in. .North side of hall. FOR SALE Roll tup desk, dining room furniture, bed. icebox, bookcase, gas oline and heating stoves, etc. Phone Rock Island 254; 1721 Twenty-nitii street. FOR SALE Black and White Orping ton liens and male birds; also young spring chickens; eggs at half price. A. Bourdeau, Twenty-fourth street and Twentieth avenue, city. FOR SALE Cash or payments, one up right piano, one lot of household goods .one National cash register; all good as new; will sell separate. Phone Kock Island 17i." or call at 1619 Sec ond avenue. FOR SALE "Wilton" piano, bought new last summer; colonial mahogany case, satin linish, good as new; cost 3450, will sell for $275 cash; party leaving city. Inquire at 2915 Eleventh-and-a-half avenue. FOR SALE A fine family launch, with top and side curtains. 23 teet long, k horse power l'crro engine, life pre server cushions, and tools; all in first class condition. Inquire at A. H. Lambert s. 92S First avenue. Phone Kock Island &73-K. FOR SALE At a bargain, at the Na tional Neckyoke company. Rock Is land, 111., sixth avenue and First street, one 4-horse power Fairbanks. Morse &. Co.'s make gasoline engine, complete with supply and cooling tanks and connections; engine in goo J condition. EXCLUSIVE CORSET PARLORS. MME. MARIETTE CORSETS, all sixes, latest models and materials; from $3.5o up. line. Goodwin Corsets, all sizes, latest models and materials, $5 up. Brassieres and bust extenders from 60c up. All carefully fitted at O. H. Grabbeladies" tailor and dress maker. Two private fitting rooms. South building. Davenport. Established 1902. Send for booklets. LfXiAL jiiiKe ul Publication. State of Illinois. Rock Inland Coun ty sa in the Circuit Court. To the May term. A. L. 1914. in Chancery. Dorsey A. aorham. complainant, vs. Charles Reynolds, tne unknown heirs or devisees of CnarRs iCeynolds, de ceased; Larkln KeynolOs, the uckuown heirs or devisees or Larkin Keynoids. deceased; John Kclluui .Lhc unknown heirs or devisees ot jcjin Keliuiu. de ceased; Sophia KeiU'in; vl.ourn Camp Keed, tha unknown htliJ (i ceviseea ui Wilburu Can?;. K-.ed. cewaned; Mary Heed. Ihc' li heiis or devisees of Maty Kecd, ocftased; Frederick M. Wuud. the. urknowu neirs or devlsi-es of i r.uenck iL Wood, deceased; Henry A. U-ie-. tne iiknowu nens or otvi ne ot licr.ry A. Aiulicr, aeceaseJ; the liaknoici i-vciierr oi the norti.cast quar ter of the ntiuieiiit querie ot section number c!;iil c. in w udny number sixteen iiii, i.oiiii cf ruara number live 6, v ert i I the fourth 4th) l M in tno county of Rot i: isluini u.:.J state of ll.tnt is, i.nt tn unk.i.'Aa heirs or devnecs of any aeccuted persjr. or per sons Wi. i.ia. he iaui sit-d in said leal estate, octni'iaals. Blit to Quiet Vltie. To the mute;ed deicnuanta and each ana evi ry one of yoj: Affidavit of your non-rv.-idence, and of the non-r' sidnce oi catii of you, having bee, i Ule:l in tbu BLr.o entitled cause in tne orr.r of tile undersigned clerk of the circuit -iUi t of if f. couuty of Kock Islanu, mm Slat- of Illinois, you ara hereoy nouneu th"t. the abtve named complmniuit bat ntid in said court his blti of contriamt against you, on the chancery side of said lourt; that a summons in chunory hu been Issued in sold cause ai;uinct you, returnable to tne May term, A. D. l!14. of said court, to ba begun and holden in the court house in the city of Kock Inland. In auid county and state, on the first Monday of May, A. 1. 1914, at which tune and place you wlil appear and plead, answer or demur to rid bill of complaint, as you may sea fit. Dated at Rock Island. lit, this 3rd day of April. A. IX 1914. oay oi pr, ot;OKUfc, Wm fJAMBLE. Cierk of Said Court, Walker. Ingram at Sweeney, solicitors for complainant. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY. FOR SALE East front lot in Glen hurst court. Inquire 523 Eleventh street. FOR SALE New nve-room house, part ly modern, price $1,400. Inquire 1421 f orty-nrst street. FOR SALE: New bungalow, on hill, at a bargain; partly modern; easy terms. riione nock island 214. , FOR SALE! Two good lots; a bargain. inquire .1610 Tnirty-secona street. Phone Rock Island 888-K. FOR SALE Good uavinsr rooming house; good location; cheap If taken at once; Z6Zt t ourtu avenue. FOR SALE Four-room cottage: water, sewer and gas; lot 66x265; $400 down, balance monthly. Inquire 120S Twenty-ninth street. FOR SALE Lots in J. G. Scheurman's addition; price and terms very rea. sonanie; 4us r.ignteenin aveuue. Phone Rock Island 2454. FOR SALE Five-room house; gas, electric light, furnace, water, and nice attic; on car line. For informa tion, call Rock Island 73S-L. FOR SALE Fine lots. Fourteenth ave nue between Thirty-second and Thirty-fourth streets. Inquire A. W. Lamp, 3311 Thirteenth avenue. FOR SALE Bargain, eight-room mod ern house on Twenty-third street: owner wishes to leave city. Address "X. X.," care of The Argus office. FOR SALE For quick sale $450 takes 5o-toot corner lot near two cur lines; sewer and water paid. Brien Jfc Groom. 301 Safety building. Phones Kock Island 1935 and 777-Y. FOR SALE My modern nine-room home at 748 Twenty-third street, at a very low figure; lot 75 feet, east front; location ideal; property iu best of condition. George F. Roth. FOR SALE Are you looking for a snap? Three-story brick building, downtown: rents for $68.50 per month; price, $5,800. This is sure a snap. For particulars, call Davenport 5suo or 4587. FOR SALE Lots in J. C. Schuermann's Sixth addition, from Fiftn to Seventh street and Fourteenth avenue to Ksgateenlh avenue; payments, $5 down, $5 per month. Inquire 1700 Sixth street. Phone Kock island 1296. FOR SALE Lots in South Heights, south of Aiken street, between Twelfth and Seventeenth streets, on easy terms; $25 down, balance in five years. E. V. Robinson. 1454 Rich mond street. Phone Kock Island 1165-K. FOR SALE The modern double house (six rooms each side J at 749 and 751 Twenty-third street, at a price that will net a high rate of interest: lot Co feet front, house good as new, nev er vacant; desirable location. Inquire of owner, George F. Roth. 7-1S Twenty-third street. PROFESSIONAI -ATTORNEYS. SEAKLE & MARSHALL Attorneys-at-la. Otflce, 302-303 Safety building, Kock Island. JACKSON. HURST & STAFFORD At-torneys-at-law. Office in Rock Island National bank building. WALKER. INGRAM & SWEENEY At torneys and counselors at law. Money to loan on real estate. Rooms 200 203 People's National bank building. WILLIAM M. WALKER Attorney; irtncral law business; corporation. I probate and real estate law; 311 Peo ples bank tiuiiuing. I'noiie rtuc is land 349. .BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALK A money-making business. For full particulars, see us ut once. Eckhart Buffum. DO you want n business of your own at u moedrate price for $300 cash and balance on easiest of terms or can trade for equity in real estate? Busi ness established in this location for j years and a money maker. See me for everything in rial estate. Phone Rock Island 2".6::. L. L. Hance, fourth floor Safety building. INSURANCE. i INSURANCE prospect; write for un ev-1 cning call. w. jl. Hakes. 208 Eigh teenth street; office 217 Kock Island. WE WILL BOND VOL' Executors', ad ministrators', guardians', trustees', or any kind -f Judicial bonds; lodges and society officers; city, state, or U. S. government officials; contractors.- po sitions ot trust; in fact, any kind of bond you want (except bail bonds . Terms reasonable. Hayes & Clcavc Unu. resident managers. Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland. MASSACK. SWEDISH MOVEMENE Miss A. Ein arson. graduated Swedish masseuse, gives treatment in private homes and at office by appointment. Phone Kock ls'.and 2158. Ortlce. 61S Seventeenth atreet. BICTCLK9 A.sJI MOTORCYCLES. i n ra (.i makes), accessories lamps, a-c $35 Flying Markla "icVclei at whdesale prloa. $2 (or ansa and blue enameled); 125 East Third street. IavnporL U Classified Rates II One cent per word for first Insertion, under regular classifications. One and one-balf centa per word for two insertions. Two cents per word for thraa Insert ions. Three cents par word for six Inser tions. Six cents per word for IS Insertions. Monthly rate, 10 cents per word for 26 insertions. No ad less than $1. No ad published tor less than IS cents. I Agents, salesmen, canvassers, solid-, tors, etc., wanted, one cent per word each insertion. No ad less than 36 cents. Cards of thanks and special notices, SO cents each Insertion. Classified page closes at 11 a. m. each day. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. , SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, on. ' face and arms permanently removed with electric needles. Address Miss A. M. Kittredge. 1 Argyle flats, Brady, , street, Pavenuort. Pnona 313. LEWAl. Skrrlff'a Sale. By virtue of a special execution is sued out of the clerk's office of the . county court of Rock Island county, and state of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make tha amount of a certain Judgment recently obtained against 11. B. Giimore in fa-, vor of New Harper Hotel company, a corporation, out of the lands, tenements.! roods and chattels of the said H. B.I Giimore, I have levied on the following described property, to-wit: The north I fifty-five f55) feet of the east fifty (60) , teet or lot number one l . in block, number two VI). and the north sixty j icet oi me west inirty uuj reel ot i. lot number one (1). in block number) two 2 , in the old town of Stephenson, ! now Rock Island, in the county of Rock Island and state of Illinois. Therefore, according to said com mand. 1 shall expose for sale at public auction, all right, title and interest of the above named 11. B. Giimore In and to the above described DroDertv. at IS o'clock a. m., on Monday, the 25th day or .May. 1914. at -the east door of tne court he-use in Rock Island. Dated at Rock Island. 111., this first day of May. A. D. 1914. . O. L. BRUNER, j Sheriff of Rock Island County. ! Administrator's Notice. Estate of Katharlna Oltmann. de ceased. The underslarned havinir been n n- pointed administrator c-t the estate of Katharina Oltmann. late of the county of Rock Island, state of Illinois, de ceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the Hon. Benjamin Bell. judge of the probate court of Rock Is- - land county, at the pronate courtroom, in the city of .Rock Island, at the July t rm, on the first Monday In July next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and re quested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the un dersigned. Dated 30th day of April. A. D. 1914. ALBERT OLTMANN. Administrator. - Jackson, Hurst & Stafford, attorneys; Mnny of Napoleon's generals rose from the ranks. Bernadotte, the grandson of a blacksmith; Mtirar, the son of n tanner; I.anncs, the son of a small farmer; Nov, the son of a poor Alsa tian cooper; Suchet, the sow of a silk weaver: Jounlan. the son of a conntry Jeoch; Mortier, a brewer's boy; Oudinot, a farmer lad: MtclVnsId. grandson of a Ulst. crofter, ami Lfc-firbvre, n barrool oom brat. ; 1 We Don't Care Who You Are 1 If you aro considering borrow ing money on Diamonds, Furni ture, Pianos, Horses, Fixtures, etc.. it will pay you to investi gate our rates and easy payment plan. $25 Total costs J3.50 . for three months. S40 Total three months. costs 15.60 for Other, amounts from 5 to $150 at proportionate rates one month to one year. . Call, write or phone. Tire-Oily ILsiaD Co, 1H Brady SC. Da van port. lows. Over I. A I. passenger station. Phone Davenport S42S. Established 10.' c O