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( u I'llK ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, MONDAY, MAY 4, 1914. S 4 "il! Hi f . THE ARGUS. J. Published dally at 1(34 Second ave : nw Rock laland. 111. (Entered at the . poet once aa second-class matter.) ; Rack Ialaa UraWr ( tka Asaaeiated BY THE J. W. POTTER CO. TERMS Tea easts pr week by car 1 rter. In Rock Island; ft per yr by mail la advance. Complaints ef delivery service should ba made to tha circulation department. ' which should sUso ba notified in every laataace whera it la dealred to have ; pa. par discontinued, as carriars nave no ; authority In tha premises. AU communications of arsrnraentatlve character, political or religious, muat ! have real name attached for publica- tlon. No aucb articles will ba printed '. over fictitious signatures ' Telephones In all departments. Cen i tral Union. Rock Island 145. 114$ and j J 141. CTRADES!Jr!'jcOUNCU- Monday, Maf 4, 1914. . Colonel Lowden 1 logical man: ! Cal Feezer asserts that Lowden can ; lead party to victory." saya newspa ! per Head. Very well; If Cal Bars . we might -well all get into the band j wagon. i Representative A. N. Abbott of Mor- rlson, announcing ho will not be a candidate for reelection, makes a state i roe nt urging the support of the repub j 11 can party and candidates. Evidently j he Is t laboring under the Impres ) sion that his advice la going to be i generally followed. ntntnn Advortiarr been y, sued for $10,000 by Robert Stanley of il TWttltt vhn alleees libelous state- manti inlnrlnna, tn Tils refutation re- gaxding the sale of Ford automobiles ! Uj P rn. iOfl Ai T"U III w- felt sympathy to the Clums. We, too. have been coed. i William Bayard Hale, who was Pres- ident Wilson's Investigator in northern I Mexico, describes Huerta as "an ape j like Indian, aged, one-eyed, and eub- ; aisung on oranay.-" imagination nans ' In contemplation of what Mr. Hale's , description of the usurper would be . bad he got a close range view of him. f Another of those who have been per- i alstent In obstructing the measures ad- i xocated by President Wilson will here- after be rated for what he Is worth. ' Senator Poindexter the other day in ' troduced a Joint resolution express . lng the thanks of congress to Doc Cook for "discovering" the north pole ' and ordering the presentation of a $300 .gold medal. .-Rather than Impair Its surplus, the United States Express company, went out of business. The Adams company, walling about confiscation, in the last half of th year did $18,468,644 of bus iness as against an average yearly business of about $32,000,000 previous to adoption of parcel post. It Is pay ing dividends of 12 per cent a year, and it can continue to pay that rate out of Incomes from investments of excess earnings In the past if future - operation should yield no profit. ' NOT ALL.BAD. ' When we see an individual being painted in dark colors we usually look for compensating virtues. The law. of averages teaches us that there Is al ways a bright side somewhere and usually its effulgence is in inverse ratio to the aombernees of the aspect to which, attention is called. Here 'In Rock Island we feel that this same rule applies to cities. Out alders who come here to Investigate our evil repute seldom find their worst fears realized. And the longer they stay the better they like the city. Na tives of the city know that compensat ing virtues are numerous and strang ers quickly learn that we are not so bad as report has it we are. . In sentencing white slavers in Dav enport Friday, District Judge Smith McPherson is quoted as saying: "We have got to stop this white slavery business right here. I have an Idea that the looseness of this town across the liver has got some- t thing to do with this. Davenport is a pretty decent place and Mollne 'seems to be well governed, but I understand that this town of Rock Island is about as tough a place as rou or I ever heard of. If you men here don't want to be brought before me at the next term of federal court . yon had better stay on this side of the river.' Evidently the court based his opln T Ion on testimony given from only one side of the case We are not as bad as that all the way through, at least. '-- r.M whltA elft-TA r.prnf rn It doubtful if either Mollne or Davenport . has any real cause to invite compart - son, if the truth were known. When f things happen in most cities they ; cover up the facts for the sake of ap j. pearances. Here we have a faculty of braying them to the world. If Judge McPherson or any other i person who thinks ill of Rock Island ; investigates he will find that braying Is our greatest falling. CROSS-EYES. One of the most conspicuous and ..annoying conditions that may occur ,'. la the eyes of a young child is squint. or what la commonly known aa "cross- ' eyes." It occurs chiefly between the ages of 2 and 6 and comes on gradu . ally at first, showing coma alight turn- lng inward in one eye, at times, noui 'finally something oocura to precipitate ','a de finite attack and the eye turns J la 'jo a greater or less degree and re- mains so Frequently a convulsion on an attack of coughing, especially dur ing whooping-cough or some like irri tation to the general nervous system, brings on the atUck, and is considered h tha child's mother to be the cause. This is incorrect- When the eye la turned it will not look directly at the object at which the other eye la look ing, and doubling of the vision la the result. This "doubled vision" la very annoying, as any one may Judge for himself by slightly pressing one eye out of position with the fingers. In order to escape this annoyance the child unconsciously stops using the eye that is turned in, and this, in time, leada to changes in the nerve tissues which makes the child's sight defec tive in that eye. Formerly many phy sicians advised parents to wait until the child grew older before having anything done to the eye. feeling that an operation was the only thing to relieve the condition, or that the child might "outgrow IL" This, in the light of present knowledge, is bad ad vice. By the time the child gets to be 8 or 10 years old the sight in the eye is defective from disuse, and cannot be restored, and this failure of vision haa usually occurred even though the eye haa straightened itself spontan eously. It is very important, therefore, not to allow the child to stop using the squinting or turning eye. It is not al ways necessary to operate. Usually glasses have to be worn to stop the strain, and there are other forms of treatment which are many times ef fective. If these means fall and the eye continues to turn, an operation may have to be done to keep the eye straight and to save the sight in that eye. But not more than half, perhaps even less, will require operation. For tunately treatment is much more Judic iously given and often is more suc cessful now than It used to be, and the present generation of children will probably not show so frequently the defects caused by neglected "cross eyes " MAKING HEROES OF CRIMINALS. Here Is a fact vouched for by a writer in the New York Survey: On the evening of the day in which the four New York gunmen were executed a club of 35 boys under 16 years of age gathered in a settlement bouse, acting upon the suggestion of one of their number, considered seriously the motion that they rise and stand for two minutes in honor of the dead gang stars. The writer says: "These boys were exceptionally keen, ambitious and clean-minded, a few of them wage-earners, most or them in the public schools a club formed by the union of two gangs from rival streets, now welded together with a fine club spirit. The basketball championship won the previous week, the club's annual play now only a few days off, the debate of the evening was all . overshadowed, for the gun men bad been electrocuted, and the details of their death must be firmly Impressed on the mind of each one." When the pros and cons of the ques tion of capital punishment are being weighed and the question is more alive today than ver let it be con sidered whether this club of young Americans would have debated such a matter as paying honor to convicted murderers who were serving life sen tences at hard labor! " THE RULING PASSION." Sawing His Own Life Was a Strietly Business Proposition. In the Wide World Magazine Mal colm Savage Treacher tells the story of a German mountain climber who did not forget to be economical even In the tnldst of deadly peril. A party was crossing a glacier on the slope of Mont Blanc when one of the travelers called to the others to stop and listen. Strange cries came from the ice beneath their feet "Some one has fallen lajsp a crevasse!" exclaimed one of the party. "His proans seem to indicate that be la al ready beyond help." "We must do what we can In any rase," responded one of the guides, and he began a long and perilous descent into what proved to be the bosom of a concealed crevasse. At the bottom they found the poor gentleman who had fallen. He was, however, quite unhurt, sitting comfortably upon a bench of ice. "We've come to save you." said one of the guides. "You save me?" answered the gen tleman quite tranquilly. "How do you know I want to be saved?" "Because you called to us for aid," said one of the bewildered guides. "Perhaps I did," replied the German, "perhaps I didn't. Yon came anyhow. Now, what 11 you take to rescue me?" And before be would allow the guides to bitch him to the rope and drag him to the surface he compelled them to set down in writing the exact amount they would require for the perform ance of their life aavlng duty. He was a business man, whatever any one could say against him. and. moreover, he knew the guides of Switzerland. r "Hancock and Gwinnett. Probably John Hancock la the best known signer of the Declaration of In dependence. That is because that pa triot was not Ignorant of the value of advertising. One has to stand some distance from a framed copy of the Declaration to be unable to read that name, which has passed into our lan guage as a synonym for "signature." There are many signatories of the Dec laration wbo are remembered, many who are forgotten, but Button Gwin nett lingers in our memory. It is not altogether easy to Imagine a man nam ed Button by his parents as a patriot and a man of Influence, nis name was enough to single him out In that sobor company. But bis fame rests secure on Komeuung eise. uuwr ava arronnt of men for various rea sons, but Button is Important because hc was apparently cautious about aiming his name. Ilia autographs are more lJib!to$aZcJUiaB JJancock'a Washington Inaugurated 125 Years Ago April 30th i : Just 125 years ago April 80 was tne first presidential inauguration in the United States. The ceremony took place on the balcony of Federal hall In Wall street. New York, which city was then the federal capltol. Dawn of the inauguration day was rreeted with a salute of artillery and practically all of the 30.000 Inhabitants of New York and many visitors from other cities thronged the streets. The church bells were rung, and at noon a troop of horse, two companies of grenadiers and hlghlandera la kllta escorted tha president-elect in a coach of state to the scene of the ceremonies. Livings ton, chancellor of New York state, ad ministered the oath of office. Wash lngton's fervent response was met with cheers. "Long live George Wash ington. President of the United States," from .thousands of throats. From Federal hall, Washington went to the neighboring St. Paul's church to attend divine services. Artillery roared and bells rang throughout the) afternoon and evening. At dusk bon fires and fireworks lighted up the streets and gala balls were held, which continued into the following day. because so few of them are" In exist ence. Terhaps it was bard work for Button to sign nis name. American Boy. How Tolstoy Made His Will. How Tolstoy made his will la told In the annual of the Tolstoy society by AlexeJ Sergejeno, who was one of the witnesses. On July 22, 1910, he was summoned by a lawyer, who said that Tolstoy wanted to make his will with out an hour's delay. They rode away at once to the meeting place, a mile from Tolstoy's home. He met them and led the way into a dense forest "In the thickest part of all," the nar rative continues, "we stopped at a big stump of a tree. Tolstoy snt down on the stump, took a fountain pen from his pocket and asked for a sheet of paper. With feet crossed be began to make the rough sketch of his will." It was completed, signed and witnessed then and there, and then "he rose, and going to his horse said to me. 'now ghastly all this legal business is? With an activity remarkable in a man of eighty-two, he swung himself into the suddle and vanished quickly in the dark greenery of the. undergrowth." Tha Wide and Winding Rhine." From a guidebook published in Frankfort-on-tbe-Main the following la taken: The Rhine, a boundary stone of the German history, is only and solely of its kind. On bis banks one meets the vestiges of past civilization, we find there traces of its regeneration and of the modern civilization of which chil dren we are. Various impressions make arise in us so many different sensations, so that a profound enthusi asm gets place in us. On the one band the works of the hand of art. and on the other the imposing curiosi ties of nature combine themselves on the banks of the Rhine, crowned by vineyards, to an admirable symphony, in which we are touched all accents shuddering the heart and the powerful accords of the profoundest emotion. Therefore, one cannot be astonished about it, that the Rhine has always glvea inspirations to many poets to their most celebrated works. Tha Cinqua Porta. The lord wardenship of the cinque porta goes back to the Saxon period, when the five ports. Sandwich, Dover, Hytbe. Romney and Hastings, consti tuted an essential part of England's defense against France. The warden Bed Time Tales By Clara Ingram Judson. A Hidden Spark ONCE upon a time, a spark lived in a long trolley wire. For some days he ran up and down the wire, hunting a place to live. If you've ever house hunted you know just what a very hard time he had hunting a pleasant home. If a corner seemed fairly comfortable, it was sura to prove too public or if it was cozy and snug it was too near the' trolley. You see, this spark, even though he was very little was very wise, and he know that if he made too much light or noise the repair men would come and then his fun would be over. So most of the time he kept very quiet, on'y occasionally would he sput ter and craclds and really have a good time. For some days now he had been par ticularly good and quiet, and it was getting very tiresome. "I'll declare." he said to himself one morning, "IVe ben good so long that I'm afraid something is the mat ter with me. HI don't do something dreadful pretty soon there won't be any sparkle left In me. But what is there I can dor" He kept very still and thought the matter over carefully. "One spark alone." he decided, can't do anything much. I must hunt up some other sparks." So every time a trolley car went by Us wire home the spark called out "Crack-k, Crack; if any of you sparks want some fun, come here!" i And would you believe it, from nearly every trolley pole that passed a jolly little spark jumped to the wire. ; TiU by evening doiens of gay little sparks filled the wire. Of course they were very crowded, but nobody minded that, it's only when a crowd is cross that it seems uncomfortable. Patiently they waited till twilight, but nothing happened. And one little spark plucked up courage and said, I thought we were going to have lome funl- Of course this is all very Today on the steps of the United States sub treasury building, the exact spot where Washington stood when he took the oath of office, stands his bronse statue, whose legs have been worn shlney by the urchins of Wall street who have tried to climb up to touch the bronze hand of the father of the country. The point today . ia called the monetary nerve center of the country. The trees which shaded the narrow thoroughfare In Washing ton's day have all gone, and all about are buildings whose atony monotony towers several hundred feet above the scene. The land where Washington stood sold at $2.75 a square foot at that time; today it is valuel at $600 a square foot, and la one of he most valuable tracts in the world. The buildings about it are said to repre sent a real value of $300,000,000, and in their vaults there ordinarily reposes about a sixth of all the money in the United States. A stone's throw away St. Paul's church stands with its back to Broad way preserved Just as it was when Washington knelt there for his first prayers aa president of the United States. was a highly Important personage7who exercised civil, military and naval Ju risdiction, being at once sheriff, custos rotulorum, lord lieutenant and admiral. Winchester and Rye in later days were added to the five towns, but the name remained cinque ports, as of old. In the days of the first Edward these porta were bound to furnish fifty-seven ships fully equipped and manned at their own cost for fifteen days, in con sideration -for which they were freed from certain taxes and granted special privileges. London Standard. How tha End Will Coma. The professor of natural phenomena bad acquired a gasoline car. "The day is coming," he said to his class a few weeks later, "when the tire will sag and punctures pierce the in ner tube and the cosing blister and then this old earth of ours wi'l have a blowout that may shake the Dog star from its kennel and hurl the Dipper t kingdom come!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. In on tha Ground Floor. "I have always been suspicious of good things," said a well known New York lawyer, who has a reputation for a large philosophy. "I remember when I was a young man I had an oppor tunity to get in 'on the ground floor of what looked to me like a load of easy money. "I consulted one of the old time coni servative men of Wall street. He smil ed and said: 'Listen to this story and then decide: " 'X wife arriving borne in ' high spirits tells her husband she has pur chased a new bonnet. "And, sweet heart," she said, kissing him, "1 got something for you too." "Good!" exclaimed the bap;.y hus band. "What is It?" "The bill," she said. "New York Sun. Catacombs of the Druids. Eleven miles southeast of London, In Kent, not many years ago were dis covered the catacombs of the ancient druids, which are now much Tislted by sightseers and are lighted, for a part at least, by electric lights. Over fifty miles of chambers, cut in the chalk cliffs, have already been explored. The druids lived in these catacombs when attacked by their northern enemies, and here they buried many of their dead. The stone in which the human sacrifices were made is still to be seen, and also the well, from which water is drawn to this day. pleasant, but I thought we were coins to really do something." ; "Sure enough we are," said the lit tle spark host, "only I'm waiting till dark. Who ever notices sparks in the daytime? But now it's amost time.' When that next limited goes by, you must all be ready to jump out and sputter and spark the very loudest and brightest you can." Thert uas a sfuttr and flash ef t dose sparks. All the little sparks chuckled to themselves and got ready. In about ten minutes the big limited came rushing along. Just as it reached the pole where the sparks were hiding there was a sputter and flash of a doren sparks. i "Dear me!" exclaimed the conduc tor, as everybody jumped or screamed, "where did those come from a wirs must be loose." And the gay little sparks chuckled to themselves to think he didn't know it was just a game. Tomorrow Almost Fabls. - flOKR mm' HOWIAND Tha sua mar shlna strain I a'poee It wllL But. I'll not ears a euae nor about with alee: The orchard treee mar blossom ea tha hill. But that'll make bo difference to Tha ones who like tha small of new- plowed around And think a wUd rose beautiful and sweet Will probably atUI want to tramp around. Glad that tha aod is soft baneatn their feet. Tha boys wUl build their little boats and let Them float on rivers 1 could step across; Tha yearnngs, with their scraggr coats, will get Out In the fields and gain a shiny gloss. The oows will stand and chaw their cuds and dream. But I'll not ears a cues nor shout with alee: The fisherman win loll beelde tha atream. But that will make no difference to me. The people In tha buay town will try. No matter what tber have, to stlU have more: The lights wlU flicker and the flags will fly. The wheels vrifl keep on turnln aa be . fore. On Sunday mornings they will ring tha bUB- At qulttln time theyTl blow tha whis tles, too: . , The home run will be followed by loud yells. And men may sing at what they hava to do. The world will still roll on, but there ia one Who said last night that "it could nevel be:" I spose we'H stlU have sunshine from th sun. But that'U make no difference to me. Hardly Fair. "All's fair in love and war. yon know." she said, after she had refused to let him have the kisa she had prom ised him if he would get passes for her and her mother to attend the mat inee. "Oh, yes." he replied, "but this isn't war, and there's no love about It, la there?" Cold Wave. Nellie They say mustaches are coming back. Mamie Do you care? Nellie Certainly. I think most men look much handsomer and knightly with them. Mamie Well, of course, I suppose you know. I was too young to take notice when they went out of style. Our Curious Waya, "We are queer people." "Yes?" "We elect men to office and then condemn them." , "But that is not all. We have um pires to officiate at ball games, and we mob them for insisting on offici ating." IT DEPENDS. "How long has y ou r husband's suit for damages been going on?" "Let me see! I think it Is eleven years." "Eleven years! Does it take that long to get a lawsuit settled?" "Yes, when you can find a lawyer who Is willing to fight on for what he can get e"rt of it at the end." He Knew It "Pa, an aviator has just fallen In our garden." "Confound it, I told your mother it' would be useless for us to try to have a garden unless we kept a dog." Whof It Is easy enough to aava money. No matter how amall your pay; Tou have only to learn ' To spend leas than you earn But who wants to save that way? The Long, Long Run. "I believe honesty pays in the long run." "So do I; but I often wish it were not such a mighty long run." Poverty. "Remember that it la no disgrace to be poor." "Oh, I know that, but being poor, isn't anything to boast about, either."; The Balcony Scene. "The balcony?" exclaimed Juliet, drawing back indignantly. "I couldn't get orchestra seats." ex plained Romeo hurriedly. "Don't make a scene. Louisville CouiiersJournal. Cautious Reply. Long Stayer Don't you like a man with enterprise about him. Miss Pert?" Tired Maiden Some kind of enter prise. I certainly like one with some getup and go about him. Among the curious taxes Imposed in Germany oil various objects are those on baby carriages, where the amount la 40 cents each, and $1.50 tax on caged nightingales, of which there bare not been any for many years, and tourists, for whom the hotel keeper Is taxed 2 cents, which is add.d to the bill. Mr The Daily Story The Claimant By Louise B. Cu minings. Copyrighted. Hit. by Associated Literary Bureau. There Is In man a faculty for devel opment that the lower animals do not possess. An Illustration of this diversity be tween men and animals occurred dur ing the eighteenth century in the case of a young Irishman who emigrated to America and later returned to his native country. Arthur Donovan was a younger son of the Earl of Btrongford. Young Donovan was devoted to bunt ing, and. since there was a fine pack of hounds on the estate, be occupied him self largely with the sport. Neither of his two older brothers cared for it, so that the dogs came to look upon Arthur as their maater, and he never went among them that they did not show the greatest affection for him. Arthur was not only beloved by his dogs, but by every one who knew him. He was a fine, manly fellow, while his older brothers were disposed to lead a dissolute city life. The heir to the title and estates spent most of his time in London, while the second was an offi cer in one of the aristocratic English regiments. Arthur, having only the re motest chance to inherit the title, be came restive and did what a great many younger sons of British noble men did in those days he emigrated to America. Arthur Donovan was but eighteen years old when he left Ireland for America. The last goodby he spoke was to the dogs. Going out to the ken nels, he called to them, and they gath ered about him. barking their Joy. sup posing that they were going for a hunt. There was one dog, Hector, of which Arthur had made an especial pet He was very young, but Arthur had found him capable of being train ed far easier than the other hunters. Hector loved his master, and hla master loved Hector. When it came to bid ding farewell to this dog Arthur's eyes became wet, and, breaking away from his pet and waving adieu to the pack, he returned to the house, where a con veyance was waiting to take him to Belfast, from which point he was to sail for Virginia. Arthur reached America not long before the breaking out of the Revolu tionary war. In civil strifes the side youngsters take Is liable to be decided by circumstances. Perhaps yonng .Donovan was Influenced by a heredi tary antagonism to England, but the Immediate cause of his advocatJng.the American cause was meeting with John Paul Jones, who became famous as a naval commander. Jones. was aa much Scotch as Donovan was Irish. Donovan joined the future conqueror of the Serapls and was with him during that famous battle, receiving a wound in the face which left a scar which largely changed his expression. At the end of the war Donovan had been in America ten years. : Between eighteen and twenty-eight there ls al ways a considerable change In a man's appearance, but in this case there was much more than is usual. When Ar thur left Ireland his face was smooth. Now it waa covered with a fceard, which he wore partly to hide the scar he had received in battle. Then he had a thick head of hair, which was now thin, and be had inherited a fam ily predisposition to become gray early. As soon as hostilities ceased, with some prize money he had received he bought a tobacco plantation in Vir ginia, and, settling down on it, there was every prospect of his living the life of an American southern planter. When Arthur Joined Paul Jones he wrote his family in Ireland of the fact, and his father ordered that his name should never again be mentioned by any of the family. Eight years passed without a word between him and them. The oldest son died' of dissipation, and the next younger brother, who had been sent with his regiment to Amer ica, was killed at the siege of York town, which occurred near the end of the war. Neither of these men was married. This left Arthur Donovan Earl of Strongford by right, but there was a barrier between him and the title which would be difficult to pass, la the first place, a cousin, Herbert Dono van, a keen and unscrupulous lawyer, was next of kin and, with Arthur out of the way, would possess the title and entailed estates. Secondly, Arthur, hav ing had no communication with his family for years, would likely have dif ficulty in proving his Identity. Thirdly, in endeavoring to establish his claim against his cousin his having fought England, especially with the so called pirate, Paul Jones, would prejudice every one against him. When the Earl of Strongford died Herbert Donovan laid claim to the in heritance, taking the ground that Ar thur was dead. To prove this be sent an gent to America with instructions to find a record of the death of some one bearing the name of Donovan and man ufacture evidence that the deceased was the youngest son of the Earl of Strongford. This was not difficult There were plenty of Donovans in America, and a record was found of an Arthur Donovan who had been killed at the battle of Trenton. Ireland was much farther from America in those days than now, and to make up a case proving this man was a son of the Earl of Strongford was not the task It would be today. The position taken by Herbert Dono van was well fortified before Arthur beard of the great changes that had occurred since he left home. The occa sion of his hearing of it at all was that the case became known to a IJublln at torney, O'Rourke, who knew the Strong fords, especially Herbert, and through a desire for gain, aa well aa a sense of Justice, concluded to find Arthur If alive, and notify him that his inher itance was about to pass to another. He, too, sent an agent to America In the matter of the Strongford title and estates. Arthur was riding over the broad acres of his tobacco plantation when a man accosted him and handed him a letter from O'Rourke notifying him of the death of hla father., and brother and saying bis cousin bad laid claim to ihe titie and estate. Arthur at ones put bis affairs in America in a pod. tlon to go to Ireland and took the next vessel that sailed from Philadelphia. Arriving in Dublin, he went straight to O'Rourke, whom he had known be. fore leaving home, and introduced himself as Arthur Donovan. He re celved his first setback in the fact that the attorney recognized nothing in h! appearance of the youth be had aeea more than ten years before. Ha anked Arthur what proof he had of his Iden tity, and Arthur was obliged to confen that the life be had led as a MJior daring the American war had resulted in the destruction of every paper ha bad possessed connecting him wlta the family. O'Rourke was disheartened. He haa spent some money in sending ta agent to America, which it now ap. peared he was likely to lose. He was very doubtful about hla client bein the real Arthur Donovan. But Arthur, wbo bad learned in his experlenci with the colonists how to pat op good fight, persevered and succeeded by narrating events which had hap pened in his family with which O'Rourke was conversant la putting sufficient confidence in the attorney to induce him to undertake his case, though Arthur was obliged to send to America for means to pay the costs. When Herbert Donovan saw the claimant to the Strongford title be felt qaite comforted. He had seen his cousin frequently in years gone by and now saw not the slightest re semblance between this man and Ar thur Donovan. He had taken posses sion of the late earl's residence and ransacked the bouse, searching for any papers or likeness that might aid In establishing Arthur's claim. He had found some letters and a miniature painting on ivory made when Arthur . was sixteen years of age. He bad de stroyed the letters and kept the por trait till be could discover whether it would aid his own case or his cousin's. Death and change had played havoc with the Strongford household. Lady Strongford had died before Arthur left home. Most of the servants had gone elsewhere, and of those who remained many pronounced him an impostor, the rest being in doubt Michael ilont han, the keeper of the hounds, was still there, though but two or three dogs were left of the pack, since n member of the family had hunted since his departure. Michael when he saw Arthur was In doubt whether he was the man he had known as a youth or an impostor. Asking Arthur for his hat. he put the lining up to his nostrils and drew a long breath. "Ah, Mr. Arthur," he exclaimed, "you're the rale hunter that went to Amerlky! I know you by the fine per fume of you." Arthur at once communicated the fact to his attorney as important proof. But O'Rourke saw nothing in it, and If there had been he said It could not be utilized in court If Michael had not seen Arthur since his return to Ireland and would pick him out by his per sonal odor among a number of men It would go far toward establishing his claim. Was there any one else who had not seen him who would recognUe him by this odor, which was very like musk and agreeable rather than un pleasant? Unfortunately not a person could be found who had ever detected this per sonal odor. Arthur worked hard to get other evidence, but for every bit he got in his favor his cousin secured one fr.c.- him TTi.a counsel took the matter up for trial with misgivings, but hoped for the best Michael Mona. han made an excellent witness, and O'Rourke told Arthur that if he could get anything in the same line to re enforce it he believed that he could win the case for him. . Arthur asked Michael if any of the dogs he left behind when he went away were still living. Michael thought awhile, then replied that there was one left, old Hector, but he was half bUnfl After a conference between O'RourM and Arthur it was decided to bring nector into court as a last hope. The scene when the old hunter was led up to Donovan was long remem bered in those parts. Hector cast glance at his master and looked sway. Donovan drew nearer the dog till M was within a few inches of the ani mal's nose. Then Hector began to sniff, nosing about as though trying , remember something. Then he gavs a low moan, which he kert repeating. "Hec!" said Donovan. . Hector started, whined and ralsea himself till his forepaws rested against Donovan. , ' It was now evident that the dog re membered his former master, laying his head against Donovan's breast ana crooning like an old woman over a newly found child. The case was won. What It is o' cult to describe in words was easy rr the Jury to interpret Donovan won and soon after took possession of tnt tltl and estates. The most T' creature on the premises was old net tor, which died at the advanced age V thirteen. May 4 in American History. lTT5-WaBhlngton started on horse back from Mount Vernon to attenu the Continental congress in Phila delphia. ' . 1864 The United States congress vot ed against recognition of the em pire of Mexico. General It. I" marched hia army into the vlrPi7 Wilderness to confront the re eral Army of the Potmac'.-r, eral W. T. Sherman's army. 'VT strong, began its march toward lanta. All the news all the time-Tbe AJP.