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! 10 THE ROCK ISLAND A KG US, TUESDAY, 'MAY'S, 1914 mtr" -J, una mi mi r -- jejjBHHBiasBlrMfflnMPfflI5 M (ll Mn--niMMJDlliri ' - - wnrp W'IIT""", "J' Mumajijuiu... j--r.u:TTns 1 'T J A True Sale in Every Sense of the Word! Can You Afford to Miss This Sale? Come and Save Money by Spii Here! 6 R1 S3 fcj TWO WEEKS Of Remarkable Savings for Home Outfitters of the Tri- Cities Rugs, Carpets and Linoleum's' Lawn and Porch Furnishings i i si REFRIGERATORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION The Grand Glacier and Northern REFRIGERATORS Require No Scheme To Recommend Or Sell Them Our Hne of re frigerators are sold strictly upon their reputation and merit. We bare ban died and sold thousands of this Grand Rapids manufacture i n the past 20 years, and if Hff there was any- f thing better man ufactured you can depend upon la. 11 Til Y I . . 11 lilt? X31& XYUBy Store would have it. ote Our Special Offer for $19.75 Just like Cut. SPECIAL jrST I.IKE CIT OTE DESCRIPTION" Q" Q built of selected hard wood fronts and tops Oi-tl t) with round corners and raised front pan els. Golden oak finish. Insulated with charcoal cheat ing and wool felt. Eight walls. Re-tinned wire shelves and new patent waste pipe and trap in bottom of provi sion chamber, all removable for cleaning. White enamel lined. Solid brass lever locks and hinges, nickel plated. The bet value in the trl-cities at the price. Oar "Little Wonder" Refrigerator R A Small Family Size at B 1 eEMffiUraJ l.'fch We Are Making a Wonderful Sale In Our Rug and Carpet Department You'll find the most extraordinary rug values ever offered in the history of the tri-cities. The best rug and carpet bargains of the year, a complete range of prices and beautiful designs to select from. You can find without a doubt just the kind of rug at the price you want to pay in this big sale now going on. $9.65 Buys Fine Tapestry Brussels Rugs Best value ever offered at the price. While this is not a Body Brussels rug. It Is of a high grade, well made tapestry Brussels, a rug that will give splendid service, suitable for most any room in the home. Fine range of patterns await your selection. Out Sale Price for full 9x12 size is CQ a?PT -)J,J-J High Grade Axminster Rugs Unmatchable Values A beautiful selection, many new patterns, colors and designs, in flo ral and medallion patterns, makes this the best popular-priced Axmin ster rug ever offered at the price, by any concern in the trl-cities. While they last, for full 9x12 size. SfS cm i...v;.:;S At ft record price for a good re frigerator of genuine apsurred quality ct a low cot. Grand Rap Ids construction. In connection you'll find a complete showing in all styles and designs at a remark able saving In (JA H'- CT..:?fd: Hill! M II ,M High Grade Royal Wilton Viy7f73r 9x12 size, sale special. Wa have fif V 1 1 1 illlll lh several high grade Royal Wilton JSillL HI 1 1 v& Iffii While they last, a big $35 value In r II I III till il -eO Rugs we will include for th 3 early dryfliu 1 1 III lljrjy buyer. First come, first served, x B 11 ff I p7S77S Royal, Wilton Rugs, goes in this j YIlllllll 1 1 1 special sale at flOQ HVL JS&AT ' liJl25 I is-f S16-.90 r--u: r.wo'a n Sa? Get, you - 'wmmmmM you j w'wJl .77. i MiTiTirrTlf!t,i' jgy Value I J.Til l,U.1VVTOMr,.'IT.I, ill hi 2l2 buys Extra Heavy Genuine Body Brussels Rugs, full room size, 9 by 12 Unmatchable values an opportunity rug buyers cannot afford to miss. We want you to compare the quality, compare the price with any body Brussels rug shown elsewhere in the tricities. Never in the history of this Big Busy Store have we shown the equal in value at this extraordinary price for a genuine Extra Heavy Body Brussels 9x12 rug for only $22.35. r " Lawn and Porch Furnishings of Every Description Just a hint of what you may need Vudor Porch Shades, they fool the sun; Porch Hammock Swings, Lawn Swings, Porch Swings, Rockers, Chairs, Tables, etc., at a big saving in price throughout our entire line. HQ3i : ii : m Quick Auto Delivery Service for Out of Town Buyers T r'.rff.vfiT,v.7.:;"7.v,T.iiiri a i I I I I MM T a- . T . h I J . J mm 1 J a;. -.7 J 1 I t J I I j. m u mm m I09-III East Second Street, Davenport, Iowa Thousands of Yards of Linoleums at Mill and Factory Prices Our prices In every instance Bave you money and give you best quality regardless of price. High grade inlaid linoleums. si.18 A large assortment of good in laid linoleums, 93 C Extra heavy printed linoleums. 12 feet wide, per Ktl square yard . . tjZt Printed linoleums, two yards wide, per square iy vard. only ........ Uv High Grade Low Price Floor Coverings of Every Description Including a complete showing of the celebrated Bigelow Carpet Co. s line consisting, of the Lowell Wiltons, Merrimac, Bigelow Ax-minster, Lowell Body Brussels, plain colored Wil tons in all col orings, many beautiful and delicate shad ings for your selection. ; mil The Perfection in Kitchen Craft Furniture Holbrook's Special Kitchen Cabinets Big Reduction in' Price The most convenient features of any cabinets manufactured. Many special features in construction and finish found in no other make. Must be seen to be ap preciated. ' All cabinets built of selected oak no cheap 'red or gumwoo'l used in construction. Note - the handiest and best kitchen cabinet made with nick- eloid top, op from ....... S17.85 Vacuum Sweepers Ton want it teotiM yo nd It Holbrook's Spe cial Combination Tacnam wltn a rllabl brush attachment is as simple as a carpet sweeper. And does twice the work with the same amount of labor, once over your floor, and all litter is g-atherea up with the Bruin, all done with one operation. two weeks, special price, only.. Por $5.25 - - writm . x '&Umi iWMfcg,. JU1IWS.P,J. 4,'L'WVlia J I m New Saloon Ordinance Which Has Passed First Reading in' Council It ordained by the council of the city of Rock inland. Illinois: Section 1. The council of the said city is hereby authorized to grant a license for the sale of intoxicating, malt, vinous and fermented liquors to any male citizen of the United States, . v . who has resided in the state of Ilinois for at least one (1) year last past and -C U of full ace and good character, who tt shall make application to them there--.. for. In writing, stating bis place of business and name of his sureties, apon compliance of such applicant with the following requirements: Such applicant thall kIto to the city of Rock Island a bond in the penal sum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dol lars, with at least two good and suffi cient sureties, who shall be residents and freeholders In the county of Rock Island, to be approred by the council HERE'S A REAL FOOD MEDICINE Father John's Medicine Rebuilds Wasted Tia- You Run sue Are Down. The Ingredi ents of Fath er John's Sled lem e are pur nourish- raent f o r -" those who are weak and run down, be- - cause It rebuilds the wasted tissue. , , It con ta his in a form that is easily i taken Into the system the exact ele " f menu the are needed to regain weight. HO. 1 Tuesdajr of said city and conditioned that the licensee shall, in all things, faithfully observe and keep all ordinances of said city which may be In force during the period of such license or any por tion of such period, regulating or re lating to dram shops, saloons, or the selling or giving away of any intoxi cating, malt, mixed, vinous or fer mented liquors; and that he will pay to the said city all fines, forfeitures. Judgments, debts, damages and costs that may accrue against him for any violation or non-observance of any such ordinance or ordinances afore said. For the purpose of such license to be issued, the municipal year begin ning on the first Monday In May each year Is hereby divided into two peri ods, as follows: From the first Mon day in May to the first Monday in November, and from the first Monday in November to the first Monday In May. to be known as the first and sec ond periods respectively, of the muni cipal year. The applicant for such li cense shall pay for the use of said city for such license as follows: For the term of one year, eif ht hundred (f $00) dollars; for the term of the first period of the municipal year four hun dred ($400) dollars; and for the second period of the municipal year, four hun dred ($400) dollars. Kvery such 11 cense Issned for the term of one year or for either or said first and second period, shall be dated as of the be ginning of such year, or first or sec ond periods, and shall expire with said year or first period or second pe riod respectively, provided, however, that In no case shall any such license extend beyond the municipal year. Such llrenso may be Issued for the full municipal ytor, or for the periods as herein specified upon the payment In advance of the rate aforesaid. Such applicant shall also, at the same ttme, execute a bond payable to the people of the state of Illinois, and conditioned as required by the statutes of said state, in relation to dram shops. Up on a compliance with the said require ments, a license shall be issued to such applicant which shall authorize the licei.Ht'e therein named to sell, bar ter, give away and deliver Intoxicate ing, malt, vinous, mixed or fenrented liquors in any quantity, at the place designated in the license, and no oth er, and which place shall be the same set forth in the application. Provided, however, that the application for said license shall be accompanied by a pe tition signed by a majority of the owners of property and also the own ers of a majority of frontage on both sides of the street or avenue on which It is proposed to Issue a license for a saloon and within three hundred (300) feet of the front door rf the premises In each direction of the lot on which tha saloon is to be situated. It is further required that every ap plication . for a license, where It mayj be necessary mat a petition snaH ac company the same, shall be filed In the office of the city clerk of Rock Is land and published In a newspaper o. general circulation printed in this city for at least ten days before the sa?d license can be Isued. This ordinance, so far as same refers to the filing of petitions above stated, is not applicable to and Is not to be construed as affecting places heretofore licensed, as long as the places so designated shall be used for the purpose specified in said license; but In event of any place that now used for saloon purposes being here after vacated and abandoned for said use for any reason whatever and hav ing remained so vacated, abandoned , or discontinued for more than seven (7) months, it shall be necessary be fore the same can again be used for the purpose designated In said license to file with their application for the same, the petition above called for. ' The number of saloon licenses in any one year shall not be increased beyond the number licensed iu the preceding year, until the total number of saloons In the city shall be reduced to one for each five hundred (500)) population as shown by the last na tional, state, city or school census, and thereafter the proportion of the total number of saloons to the entire city population shall not exceed one to five hundred (500) population. The license shall not be transferable, ex cept as- provided by Chapter 31, en titled "Licenses," Revised Ordinances 1910, as amended. Section 2. Whoever, now having a license for such purpose, (shall by him self, or another, either as principal, clerk, servant, or agent, directly or in directly, sell, barter, or shall give away, tn any public place, or for any profit or gain, or to evrde any pro vision of this ordinance, : ny intoxicat ing, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors In less quantity than one gal lon, or in any quantity, to be drank upon, or about the premises, shall be fined In a sum of not less than twenty $20.00) dollars, nor more than ona hundred ($100.00) dollars. Section 3. All spirituous, malt, vin ous, fermented or mixed liquors shall be c eemed intoxicating liquors within the meaning of this ordinance. The giving away of any such liquors, or other shift or device to evade the pro visions of this article, shall be deemed and hold to be as unlawful Belling and be punished as such. Section 4. No wholesale liquor deal er or person who shall have or keep any tavern, fating house, restaurant, coffee house, grorery. or other place of public resort, shall be permitted to sell, barter, give away, or otherwise deal In any intoxicating, malt, vinous, fermented or mixed liquors In less quantity than one gallon,- without first procuring a license : for such purpose, under the provisions of this ordinance, under the penalty provided for in sec tion two (2) of this ordinance hereof. All such places where any such liquors are, or shall be sold, bartered, given away, or otherwise dealt In, in viola tion of this ordinance, shall be deemed public nuisances, and upon the con viction of the keepers thereof, the place so kept may, by the judgment of the court, shut up and abated. - Section 5. Whoever shall, by him self or-another, either as principal,' clerk, servant, or agent, directly or indirectly, sell, barter or ' give any intoxicating, malt, fermented, vinous, or mixed liquors to any minor, either to be drank by himself or other per son or any perBon intoxicated, or is In the habit of getting intoxicated, or to any person' when forbidden to 'do so by written notice from husband, wife, child parents, guardian, employer, or other person subject to be Injured In person, property, or means of support in consequence of the Intoxication of such person, shall" for each offense be fined not less than twenty' $20) dol lars, nor more ' than one ' hundred ($100 1 dollars. Section C. No license under this ord inance shall be granted to any person who has' been' convicted', of 'gambling, keeping a digorderly house, or other misdemeanor, or " immorality, made punishable by any ordinance of this city or any law of the state, except upon the' written' recommendation of not less than six reputable' free-holders residing In the neighborhood of the place sought to be licensed, and no licensa shall be granted to conduct a saloon In any place where there are wine rooms or stalls In coanectluu therewith that have doors, screens, or curtains attached thereto, which pre vent a view of the interior of said wine rooms, or stalls, from the outside thereof. Asy violation of this provis ion, by attaching such door, screen or curtain, shall be deemed a sufficient cause to revoke the license of the one occupying said premises. Section 7. No person shall keep opru any saloon, dram shop, bar room, or any place licensed under this ord inance at any time In the night time between the hours of 12 o'clock, mid night, and 5 o'clock a. m., nor upon Sundays, nor upon election days dur ing the time polls are open. During the time that saloons are directed to be closed by this ordinance it shall be the duty of all keepers of saloons to remove all shades, screens and ob structions which may prevent a full and complete view from the street or alley of the bar room or part of the saloon where intoxicating liquors are sold or drank, and provided further that all cafes, restaurants or dining rooms in which intoxicating, malt, via ous, mixed or fermented liquors are sold, served or drank, must during the time that saloons are closed remove all shades, screens and obstructions which piay prevent a full and com plete view from the street or alley of the cafe, restaurant or dining room. Section 8. Every persor licensed under this ordinance shall Immediately cause his license to be posted, and to remain posted In some conspicuous and accessible part of the room or bar kept by h!m under such license. Any person who shall fail to keep his license posted as a fores-, id. or who not belag licensed, shall cause or per mit any paper or document purporting to be a license to be or remain posted in his place of business, bhall be fined in a sum not less than twenty ($20.00) dollars and not more than one hun dred ($100.00) dollars. Section 9. Any having a license under th!s ordltnance, whose piece of business is located in a build ing containing other rooms beside the room in which he is licensed keep a saloon, who by himselt or other, either as principal, clerk, vant or agent, directly or Indirectly, sells, barters, or shall give aay sny Unri.ntiniT malt virnilS. HliXd & fermented liquors in any of the room of aniit hiiUdine durine the time loons are reouired to be closed stw be. subject to "the penalties herein Pf vided. . . -' ' " Sorfon : 10. Anv Derson , licensM under this ordinance who shall vioia any of the provisions of tha.w" nance, shall be fined not less than flW ($50.CO dollars or more than two nnr dred ($200.00) dollars, an 'i the councfl In their judgment or discretion. nJ i Kimnxnrl Raid license for any 'per .1. ..nnv.,i-1 LATHI. said license may bo revoked by l council and whenever a salooa fccen Is revoked by the council, no n r cense shall be issued to said per or to auy other p:rsou for the P licensed unless there U at the tiros the revocation of said licinse ! than one saloon to each live huJir of the city's population, and then ow upon pelition as required in, Sect one (1) of this ordinance. Section II. All ordinances aad P of ordinances in conflict herewith hereby repealed insofar as they r conflict herewith. , Notice. Office, Customhouse. St.- Louis. April 15. 1914. Sealed proposals i furnishing piles, will be recelv eC ' this office until 11 a. in.. -May . aud then publicly opened, on application. C. McP Col., Kngra. (Adv.) S. Easta? informal' Town"3, iftary l ira mul eou .. from It U:idu . This bird JJ tmnkes auj ,cn.-easily ki rl twice Us size. . K.artb.t