Newspaper Page Text
li Argus Branch Offices II For the tccommodition of its patrons la various parts of the city. 1 be Arui fcss esiabilsned a system of branch ot a,ces. where subscriptions and want d vertlslag may be received and any In formation left tnat may pertain to any eparlmcDt of tne paper. re'i or busi ness, it is aiso planned to have at each r ttieae braucn oftices every eveuinK a upniy of copic of Tbe Argus of t be day. o that any aubacriber who m-y bav failed under any circumstancea to receire tua paper. wi be supplied free at ctre. The Arcua chain of brancn offlcea tadkdes tne foaowU.g: J.J. K.lpp'a notion ttore. HIS klfth area j. U. E. Rowe'a pharmacy. 4118 Four ternLh avenue. ecttoeidera dr-g store, Twenty-aey. en til street. lievemn avenue. Cilemeyers drug store, llevectn ave ae. Klfteenth street. Wirnert grocery. M Fourth street. Ilrk. lndvm s notion store, Seventh street. Fourteenth avenue HelmbecK S pnarmacy. 2Z Third ave- aue. erneat Eberts' arocery. 925 Eleventh venue. Elm Street Arug store. Thirtieth street and Filth avenue. CoLege pharmacy. Eevento avenue nd Thirty-eichtn atreet. Olson grocery, Xhirteenth avenue and Tbtrueb street. etalner drus; store, corner Fifth art Sue and Twenty-tnird street. Uaacics; a: Fewe giocery, 172S Twin-ty-sixth street. T. X. Kelly at Bon. grocery. Kinth street OK RE XT KO) fKl. FOR RENT Five-room cotlase. neara. to small family. K. Li. k ianer. FOR RENT afay 1st. eight room house, strictly modern. II. F, Paulsen, 1201 Twelfth street. FOR RENT Modern six-room house at 'it Twenty-ninth street. Inquire at 111 First avenue. FOR RENT North side of double house, flv room a, modern. Inquire at 1404 Fifth-and-a-half avenue. FOR RENT Modern nine-room house, located 2419 Eighth avenue. Inquire 71 Twenty-fifth street. FOR RENT Five room house, water and sewer. 5 Twelfth street. lc nire ill Twelfth street. FOR RENT Mfhlrn l,ttt.mnm hnua I 121S Fourth avenue; rent. $30. In quire 1221 Fifth avenue. FOR RENT One side of four-room dou ! house at 05 Third street; water o4 sewer. Inquire within. QR RENT Strictly modern eight reora house, nicely furnished. Will rent cheap. Phone Rock Island 2372. FOR RZNT New double house, six rooms and bath, each side: strictly JOdern. Inquire 3401 Nlnth-and-a-naif avenue. FOB RENT House and two acres land in South Rock Island. Apply William Roth. Phone Rock Island Ms or 1024. FOR BALk Five-room stucco cottage "ar Elm atreet car line, on Forty fourth street; prlre $1,800: terms if desired. Phone Moline 6iS-X between lj . snd 3 p. m.. 'OR RENT Seven-room house, all modern, $2f; 43 Twenty-second street. nlqulre 45 Twenty-second street sfter 4 p. m., or call Hack Is land li. DftZSSMAKlXG AND LADIES' TAIL OHIG SCHOOL. LEARN up-to-date dressmaking and ladies tailoring-, and be independent and self-supporting. We teach you to cut, fit. design and make your own or suit from your own mater ials. Dress form given free If you enroll now. positions furnished in py shop when competent If desired, pay. evening snd private classes. O. H. Orabbe. ladles' tailor and dress maker. South Putnam building. Tel Phone Davenport 733. CARD OP THA3K3. desire to express our heartfelt thanks to friends and neighbors for kindnesses rendered during our sad bereavement, the death t the late Mrs Peteronilla H iber. Mrs. Thom- Meegan. Mrs. H. J. H"rst, Mrs. Grace llellstern. Robert Huber. LK42AL. Adastatatracer's Astir. Estate of Katharlr.a Oltmann. de Ceased. The undersigned having been "P- rlnted administrator of tiie estale ot atnarina oltmann. late of the county f Rock Island, state .f Illinois, de ceased, hereby gives notice tliht he will Ppear befoi the Hon. Benjamin J'"' Judge of the probate eourt of Rock l aad county, at the probate courtroom, la the city of Rock Island, at the July erm. on the first Monday in July ', t wnleh time sll persons iiavii.g claims sralnst said estate are notified und f 1uetei ,v attend for the r"'rp''e of tsving the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said estate are re.)ues'-d 'f make Immediate payment to the un dersigned. Jjated 30th day of April. A. p. AUUY.r.S OLTMAN.V Artr.iin'.'trator. Jackson, Hurst it Staff orj, ail-rns- - : . UtlK ROCK ISLAXP AKKOS, TUESUAr, MAV 5, .vrt Y LCAVP, M UsrcfcM Vou: jj 17 SALUTE f vtr- ??9?NZr? ( iMKRSesccxn-UGHT.. siy; months ) yr You. uhtr -th ) r:t STOW BKVT ROOMS. FOR RENT 'Well furnished room: lavatory In room, lara-e -loet. and every modern convenience; 33 Sev enteenth street. Phone Jlock Island 1187-X. FOR ftKXT Furnished rooms at 1620H Fourth avenue. FOR RENT FurnlHhed room, all mod ern. 12 Seventeenth street. FOR RENT Modern furnished front room; 71ft Seventeenth street. FOR RENT One modern furnished front room; 1S27 Sixth avenue. FOR RENT Modern furnished light housekeeping rooms; 2716 Fifth ave nue. FOR RENT Three unfurnished mod ern rooms, upstairs, at 112i Third avenue. FOR RENT Furnished modern room, suitable for one or two people; 193 Sixth avenue. F'R RENT Modern rooms for light housi-kpinsr. Inquire 229-217 Six teenth street. FOR RENT Furnished room on first floor f,-r ltsrht housekeeping, at 532 Twentieth street. FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire 12i0 Third avenue. FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 12u7 Fourth uviuu. FOR RENT Two strictly modern fur nished rooms for light housekeeping at 150C Fifth avenue. FOR RENT Two furnished light house keeping rooms: bath, hot and cold water; 2312 Fifth avenue. FOR RENT Modern furnished light housekeeping rooms, water, sewer, gas; u27 Twentieth street, FOR RENT Modern newly furnished rooms, suitable for two or married "couple: 3002 Fifth avenue. FOR RENT Two nice rooms furnish ed for light housekeeping: fine loca tion; at. SOI Forty-first street. FOR RENT Modern furnished room; reasonable rental, to one or two la dies; 637 Seventeenth street. L-rin RENT Modern furnished room for gentleman; 2016H Third avenue. Flat 1. Phone Rock Island 23ag. FOR RENT Clean modern light house keeDlntr rooms, two suites, cheap; come and see; 1116 Second avenue. FOR RENT Large front room; every convenience, near all cars: gentle men only. Phone Rock Island 724. i-AR RENT Furnished room, all mod ern conveniences, suitable for one or two gentlemen; 718 Eighteenth street. FOR RENT Modern light housekeep Intc rooms, every convenience, verj n"fe rwin. b.t location; 1118 Stcont avenue. FOR RENT Furnished light house keemng rooms; also nice furnished lumping room; board if desired; 904 Second avenue. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light nouseepie. Inquire M. Reggelburgge, Transfer Station. Sears, 111- .-- I'KNT Modern furnished room, II 25 a week, centrally located, on ear line; 2226 Fourth avenue. Phone Kock isiana iue KOR RENT Nicely furnished -f00. electric light, bath, hot water heat, Snd phone; opposite court house, at i'ifi.nih street. opvr Modern furnished rooms ?orlght housekeeping or sleeping; 119 Fourteenth-and-a-half street ph'one Rock Island 23o6. rnn RENT Seven rooms at B22 Twen tieth street. Inquire Murphy Lar son's law office. Safety building. Phone Rock Island 1120. rn, -RENT Newly furnished large Modern room, suitable for two; snap I? taken at "; 61 Eighteenth ltre"C Phone Rock Island L close In. FOR . r- v-f . Hi rn month- "suitable or horse and buggy. Call 626 Sixteenth street. iiF NT The two-story steam hest f,d pressed brick building at 316-318-IV Eighteenth street; can give pos ition July 5 Inquire of owner, VXri" F Both. 748 Twenty-third treet. VIRTZS all makes), accessories, lamps, e-c cut prices: $15 Flying Merkie c"vcle at wholesale price, S21 (or ange and blue enameled; 125 tast ':rd street. Davenport vrtn RFVT Two strictly modern con noting front rooms, furnished or un- ?,T?nlshedr 'r wo: Pv, bat "d kitchen; 937 Twentieth street. rOR RKNT MISCEI.I.A EOH. i per FOR RENT Brick warehouse at Twenty- f.urth street and Third avenue; Iteim heat elevator; low rental: suit able for storage or light manufactur ing Inquire 2410 Third avenue, Kock Island. BICYCLE- AN i sotosi. .. SALUTE, YOU susf ?su; ee Man: -sail535Wv rWss&i? lis r . MALE ULJ. . WJANED Boy who would like to learn wagon maker's trade. Apply William Klockau. Sixteenth street and Fourth avenue. WANTED Experienced millwrights for starch factory. Oouglas company, - Cedar Rapids, Iowa. WANTED Strong youngr man about IS ears or older. t' assume rhargo of shipping room and learn ofll-e work; moderate salary to begin; references' required. Address Luck Box 3ti. Rock Island postomce. WANTED High class specialty sales men, to handle irtir iVptomint chew ing gum and other brands through jobbers: exclusive territory. We of fer an exceptional opportunity to o with us. 1- V. larson, Jr.. Co., 321 323 Nc. Sheldon street. Chicago. 111. WANTED At once, a number of men to learn tbe barber trade and accept positions offered my graduates throughout the country. 1 can pre pare you for much better wages than you can command without a trade. 1 will give my personal attention to the Jlnxnlng of my summer class in my post-gmduate department. Only place in tne world svnere this degree of protlciency can be obtained. Tools given, our diplomas are recognized everywhere. Tne best Jobs are seek ing the best men. See what 1 have to offer. Write today. Catalogues tree. A. B. Moler, president Moler aysiem of Colleges. 105 South Fifth avenue, Chicago. 111. WASTED SITUATION B. WANTED Position as stenographer, from 8 a. m. to 12 m. Audress "Sten ographer," care of The Argus. WANTED Situation by middle aged lady taking care of invalid. Address Invalid," care of The Argus. WANTED Position by experienced lady stenographer; bookkeeper; familiar with all kinds of otnee work. Tele phone Kock Island 2194. WANTED Position by refined lady as cashier, -attendant in doctor's office, or any similar light work. Reply at once. "li. 20." care of The Argus. jTOR. F-LATS. FOR RENT Five-room modern flat. Inquire 1201 Twelfth street- FOR RENT Modern three-room flat; 831 Fourteenth-and-a-half street. FOR RENT Four-room modern fiat, with heat: 603 Forty-fourth street. FOR RENT Modern seven-room heat ed flat Inquire 420 Fourteenth street. FIR RENT - Five-room modern flat. Inquire Taxman Bros. Phone Rock Island 305. FOR RENT - Five-room modern flat, inquire Elm street pharmacy. 8000 Fifth avenue. FOR RENT Five-room flat, opposite Kock Island passenger depot. Phone Kock Island 399-L. FOR RENT Nicest apartment in the trl-cltles at 1117 Second avenue. Call Rock Island 1018 or 2154. FOR RENT Modern five-room flat at 633W Seventeenth street. Inquire Baker laundry, 633 Seventeenth street. FOR BENT Two furnished modern apartments, two rooms each, for light housekeeping, at 1518 Seventh ave nue. FOR RENT Modern five-room flat; 1035 Seventeenth street. Inquire 1603 Second avenue. Phone Kock Island 1449. FOR RENT housekeeping suite, new ly furnished; gas. range: phone; ail conveniences: no other roomers; 107 Thirteenth street. FOR RENT May 1. flat 3, t nverforth s apartments, 1303 Third avenue; cool In summer, warm in winter. Phone Rock Island 2806. FOR RENT Modern two-room fur nished apartment and bath, reter ences required. Rosenneld apart memta, 1511 Third avenue. FOR RENT Modern five-room furnish ed spartment; $28; convenient to street car and suvis snop ." quire 3131s Tenth avenue. Rock Is- land. mscriANToiis. WALL PAPER cleaning nnUr ": reasonable. Phone Kock Island 1608. SEWING machines repaired and adjust ed; satisfaction guaranteed; price. .. 626 Sixteenth street. Phone Kock Is land 9S. CORPER & SON contractors and builders. Phone Rock Island 134. Jot. work a specialty. Estimates and Information free. IMICHAKCE. 1NSI RANCH prospect; write for in ev ening call. W. 11. Hakes. 2u8 klgh teenth street; office 217 Rock island. WK WILL BOND YOL Executors , ad ministrators', guardians', trustees, or any kind of Judicial bonds; lodges and .iv officers: city, slate, or L. S. xivernmeni uniciai. stttons of trust; In fact, any kind oi bond you want (except bail bonds i. Terms reasonable. Hayes riave bnd? resident managers. Fidelity Deposit Company of ilaryUnL BOOB, SALUTE 7Br Goldberg. CopTrtghlv Jtl4, br Krli fioldber. WAsTeo FEBULB HJCLP. WANTED Work as nurse girl; phone Rook Island 1725-V. WANTED Dishwasher and experienced waitresses; 227 Seventeenth street. WANTED Experienced rirls at the . Baker laundry. 633 Seventeenth street. WANTED Girl to asMst with house work, mornings only. Apply 943 Twenty-second street. WANTED M ISrELLAEOUS, WANTED Lace curtains to launitr at 1448 Fourteenth street. Mr-, L.uella TUterington. WANTED Washing, ironing and day work; work called for. Call at 231o Third avenue. WANTED An unfurnished room in good locality, by a lady. Address "A. "," care of The Argus. WANTED Boarders or roomers; large pleasant room: 310 Fourth street. Phone Kock Island 2319. WANTED Paper cleaning and washing paint; work guaranteed: references. Call Maring Bros., Kock Island 1985. WANTED To buy furniture, stoves; will pay best price. Call Knlff. Mo lice 761; 1620 Third avenue. Moline. WANTED House cleaning; send postal with phone number to Mrs. Alice Miller, S50 Dearborn street. Rock Is land. WANTED To rent, seven or eight room house, Willi barn, close in. In quire 508 1. Sixteenth street. L. Geo, Snider. WANTED Confinement cases, by prac tic:l nurse: tirlce reasonable. Mrs H. Ayers. 2S54 Seventh avenue. Phone Rock island 2312. WANTED Stenographic work to do. dictation or typewriting; neat work. reasonable price; will can; send pus uO. "H. Y. Z.. 2123 Fifth avenue. WANTED Boarders; newly fur nished rooms: electric Hstit. phone, bath; $0 a week; without board. $1.75 a week; 3v Twenty-eighth street. WANTED Your lawn mowers to sharp en at your home, too cents. Phone Mo line 921 during business hours. J. H. Darby, lo2 filth avenue, loline. WANTED Large kitchen table, half dozen Kitcnen cnairs, relrigerator, Kitsoline stove. Call Ocoru Mason. Kock Island 1666, from 7 to it this evening. WANTED Modern house, south of Fourth avenue between Seventeenth and Twenty-third streets: must con tain three bedrooms. T. W. McGlone, Kock Island house. WANTED Your carpenter repair work; screens ana sningiing a specialty sketches cheerfully furnished. Spitz naa A.- Miller, contractors and build. era. Phone Rock Island 891-5. or Moline 2451. I OST AND FOV71U. LOST Ladv's gold watch and chain name Inside Return to The Argus ollice. Reward. LOST On Ninth street, between Nine teenth and Eleventh avenues, front rubber tired buggy wheel. Return to The Argus. Reward. LOST Sunday evening, somewhere be tween Fifth and Sixth streets, on Fifth avenue and Fifth and Sixth ave nue on Sixth street, an ebony baton with silver tips. Finder will please return to 606 Sixth street for reward. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE A money-making business. For full particulars, see us at once. Eckhurt liuffum. DO vou want a business of your own at "a moedrate price for. 3uo cash and balance on easiest of terms or can trade for equity in real estate? Busi ness established In this location for i years and a money maker.- See me for everything in real estate. Phone Rock Lsland 2563. L. L. Hance, fourth floor Safety building. LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Temple. Eighteenth street and Fifth avenue. THE STATED MEETING OF TRIO XL Lodge No. 67. A. F. A. M-, r?wlll be held on the first Thurs )WV day of each month, at 7:30 p. m. By order of John Pearson. V. M-; W. B. Pettit. secretary. BUFORD POST. tJ. O. A. R.. meets rrularly on the second snd fourth Saturday evenings of each month at 1 30 In Memorial hall at the court house W. M. Johnston, commander; K. U. Buck, adj-ltan- CONTRACTORS AND BCII.DEHS. JfTTTVoik & c, CONTRACTORS AND B-DERS. Manufseturers or Bash. Doors. Blinds and Mairs. Interior finish of all kinds. lard wood Veneer Flooring, and dealers in O'asa, I' I anil 323 Eighteenth street FOH SALE KISCKIAASGOCI. FOR SAL.E Surrey, double harness and runabout, " 012 Second street. Phone 2a0. run dali Auiumuuuc, 1 1 ' - ' ' " ft ' cash or real estate; A 1 condition; 513 l niruem street. FOR- SALE Wire fencing. 250 and 200 square feet or more, at half price. Call at 526 Sixteenth street. i FOR SALE -Ayrdale terrier puppies; Shetland ponies; eligible to register. H. H. Soseman, Preemption. 11L FOR SALE Or trade, for anything, cheap work team; 318 Twenty-second street, rnunu riucn isianu ?ai. FOR SALE An eight-room modern home on Seventeenth street; a splen did investment, on easy terms. Call hock Island Zi00. FOR SALE Cheap, trap, one or two seats; also tnree-ijua.1 ter open ouggy, boui rubber urea, m gooa condition. phone Kuck Island 125 i-L. FOR SALE At a bargain. 6-horse pow er 2Z-fout launch, model bull; also runabout auto; snap; tine conuitions. Phone Kock island 1029-X. FOR SALE Two brats sidelights for launch, $4; also a pair or oalt spoon oars. Cull at 526', Sixteenth street alter S p. in. Nuiiu side of hall. FOR SALE Cheap, combination book case and writing de.-'k, boy's bicycle, gas plate, electric lamp; 1454 Fif teenth Buret. Pnone rtock Island 2390. ' FOR SALE Cash or payments, one up right piuno, one lot of household goods .one National cash register; all good as new; will sell separate. Phone Kock lsland 177, or call at 1619 ec ond avenue. FOR SALE At a bargain, at the Na tional Neckyoke company. Rock Is land. 111., Sixth avenue and First street, one 4-horse power Fairbanks. Morse & Co. a make gasoline engine, complete with supply and couiins tanks and connections; engine In t'ooj condition. ABSTRACTS C? TITLE. ABSTRACTS of title prepared or con tinued to date covering any real es tate in the county. Prompt and ac curate service at reasonaDle rates. Kock Island Title & Abstract com pany; J. J. Ingram, president; W. J. tsweene secretary; 200-203, second floor, people's National bank bunu inir. Rock lslano. LEGAL. Kxecutor's Notice, Estate of John Anthony, deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed executrix of the last will and testament of John Anthony, late of the county of Rock lsland, state of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the Hon. Benjamin Bell, judge of the probate court of Kock Island countv. at the probate court rotm In the city of Kock island, at the July term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and re quested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estale are requested to make Immediate payment to the under signed. Dated this first day of May. A. D. 1914. KOSINA ANTHONY, Executrix. Albert Huber, attorney. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Julia E. Schreiner. ' de ceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed administrators of the estate of Julia E. Schreiner. late of the county of Kock Island, state of Illinois, de ceased, hereby give notice that they will appear before the probate court of Rock Island county, at the probate court room, in the city of Rock Island, at the Julv term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notttteu and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All per sons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment to tiie undersigned. Dated 29th dav.of April. A. D. 1914. HARRY K. SCHREINER, GRACE M. SCH REINER, Administrators. James W. Maucker. attorney. Skerlff-a Sale. By virtue of a special execution ls lued out of the clerk's office of the county court of Rock Islund county. and state or Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against H. B. Gllmore in fa -vor of New Harper Hotel company, a corporation, out of the lands, tenement. K""ls and chattels of the said H. B. Gllmore. 1 hae levied on the following dem-ribed properly, to-wit: The north' nriy-nve iao jeet or tne east filly (ami reel or jot number one ( 1 , In block number two 2 . and the north sixty tin i feet of the west thirty (201 feet of lot number one 1 1 1, in block number two ill. In the old town of Stephenson, now lttx-k Island, in the county of Koi k Island and state of Illinois. Therefore, according to satil com mand. 1 shall t-xtose tor sale at nubile unction, till right, title und interest of the above nameii 11. II. tmmore In and to the above described property, at 10 o'clock a. ni, on Monday, the 2u4h day of AImv. 1914. at the east door of the court house In Rock Island. Dated at Rock Island. 111., this first day of May. A. It. 1914. t i.. nit i .r.r. Sheriff of Rock Island Cuity. PTM-TIOM OP iiwmicf works-n-c-rcfce APe OMLV SO -SCTS, ItJ Vol FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY, r uu evc asi iruni ivi in 11 hurst court. Inquire 523 Eleventh ail rei . FOR SALE New five-room house, part ly modern, price $1,400. Inquire 1421 orty-nrst street. FOR SALE New bungalow, on hill, at a bargain; partly mouern; easy terms. I'none kock Jsianu zi. FOR SALE Two good lots; a bargain. inquire 1610 1 titrty-secona aireet. Phone Kock island sss-. FOR SALE Four-room cottage, on liver bank. Rapids City, 111. Inquire c c coin, zjii Jr ittn avenue, oiine. FOR RENT New six-room modern house, large garden spot, two car lines; 140O Thirty-third street. Call -Muline 940-Y. FOR SALE Four-room cottage; water, ........... . . .i . i , : ."...): -. - tiiin .I,!,,.., balance monthly. Inquire 12oS l weniy-nintn sireei. FOR SALE Lota in Jos. C Scheurman's addition: price and terms very rea sonable; 408 Eighteenth avenue. Phone Kock Island 24a4. FOR SALE Five-room house; gas, electric light, furnace, water, and nice attic; on car line. For informa tion, call Kock island FOR SALE Fine lots. Fourteenth ave nue between Thirty-second and Thir ty-fourth streets. inquire A. w . Lamp. 3211 Thirteenth avenue. FOR SALE Bargain, eight-room mod ern house on -Twenty-tnira street; owner wishes to leave city. Address X. X.," care of The Argus ottlce. FOR SALE Six-room cottage; water. sewer, light, gas, fine condition; also bed room unu parlor set; leaving city, must sell. 24j Fourth avenue. P. J. Wagner. i ' FOR SALE My modern nine-room home at 48 Twenty-third street, at a. very low figure; lot 75 feet, east front; location ideal: property In best of condition. George F. Roth, FOR SALE Are you looking for a snap? Tcree-story Dries: uuuaing, downtown; rents for $68.60 per month; price, $6,800. This Is sure a snap. For particulars, call Davenport 5800 or 4587. FOR SALE Lots in J. C. Schuermann's bixta audition, from Fifth to Seventh street and Fourteenth avenue to Eigateenih avenue; payments, $5 down, $5 per month. Inquire 17u0 Sixth street. Phone Kock Island 1296. FOR SALE Lots In South Heights, soutli of Aiken street, between Twelfth and Seventeenth streets, on easy terms; $25 down, balance in Ave years. E. W. Robinson. 1454 Rich mond street. Phone Kock Island 1166-K. FOR SALE The modern double house (six rooms each side; at 749 and 751 Twenty-third street, at a price that T ill net a high rate of interest; lot 0 feet front, house good as new, nev er vacant; desirable location. Inquire of owner, George- F. Roth, 748 Twen-tv-third street. PROFESSIONAI -ATTORNEYS. SEARLE & MARSHALL Attorneys-at-iaw. Office, 302-803 Safety building, Kock Island. JACKSCN. HURST & STAFFORD At-lOrneys-at-law. Office in Rock Island National bank building. WALKER, INGRAM & SWEENEY At torneys and counselors at lav.. Money to l-'ian on real estate. Rooms 200 203 People's National bank building: WILLIAM M. WALKER Attorney; general law business; corporation, probate and real estale law; 311 Peo ple's bank building. Phone Rock Is land 349. CLAIRVOYANT. Marvelous Isabella Duvnt Famous European Spirit Medium and Trance Seeress; speaks German, French and English and Roumanian; is so different from all others, in a class distinetlv Hlnnf ; rends your Innermost secrets: tells your name in full, uiso full names of husband, wife op sweetheart: tells you whom and when you will marry, also date of marriage; never fails to reunite titose separated, settles lovers' quarrels, family troubles, brings about your every wish in a short lime, and gives never-failing help and advice on business, law suits, investment, specu lations: tells vou exactly when to buy or sell: all about your secret troubles, the cause and remedy. Positively nu fee will be accepted unless perfect sat istar-tlon. Isabella Duval, tnat strange woman, of rnstery. succeefls even in the most dilhcult cases, where all others have failed. Hours. Iti a. m.-to i p. m. daily: Sundays from 10 a. in. to 3 p. m. Sncciul readmits, for two days. 60c and $1. Vou must positively bring this ad for ivn renee. Permanently located Hi her i wn private home, the Argyle Ftata. on Bradv street, between Seventh aud Eighth slreits. Davenport. Iowa. HOUSES WAIV1 n. w E can get you a tenant for yv eant houss or rooms If you telephone " send us a ital as soon as v.eanW We do not charge lor wn- Summerneld's. 114-116 feecond street. Davenport, KXrRKM AMI TRANSFER. WANTED Moving and transfer work of all kinds, phone Rock Island ZbZ. 11 cyrtfeR Tvo sers- Acfce LOi V, vw ' - I -1 1 u ClassiBed Rates One cent per word (or first Insertion, under regular classifications. One and one-halt cents per word toe two insertions. Two cent per word for three lnser lons. Three cents per word for six lnsar tlona. Six cents per word for It Insertions. Monthly rate, 10 centa per word for 26 insertions. No ad less than $1. No ad published for less than li cents. Agents., salesmen, canvassers, solid tors, etc., wanted, one cent per word each Insertion. No ad iesa than 34 cents. Cards of thanks and special notices, 60 cents each Insertion. Clas. tilled page closes at 11 a. m. each day. MASSAGE. SWEDISH MOVEMENE Miss A. Ein arson, graduated Swedish masseuse, gives treatment in private homes and hi office by appointment. Phone Rock Island 21i8. Office, 615 Seventeenth street. . SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, on lace and arms permanently removed with electrlo needles. Address Miss A. M. Kittredge. 1 Arg-yle flats, Brady street Davenuurt. Pnone 1116. t.KeSAl, Master's Sale. State of Illinois. Rock Island Coun ty s a. In the Circuit Court. In Chancerv. Foreclosure. General No. 7077. Hialmar Xcslsr. comniainant. va. William A. Olsen. Lillie Olsen. Grace M. Oisen, Harold W. Olsen, Lydia Ann Ol sen, Elmer Kdwln Olsen, the People's Savings Bank & Trust company, ad ministrator. Cum Testxvmenta Annexo. of the Estate of Mary Olsen. deceased. and the people s savings Hank Trust company, guardian of Harold W. Olsen, Lydia Ann Olsen and Elmer Edwin Ol sen. minor heirs of John A, Olsen and Mary Olsen, both deceased; defendants. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of said court, entered In the above entitled cause, on the tenth (10tfc day ot April. A. D. 1914. I shall, on Thursday, the seventh l7th- day of May. A. D. 1914. at the hour of 10:16 o'clock in the forenoon, at the east door of the court house In the city of Rock Island in said county of Rock Island, to satisfy said decree, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the certain parcel of land, sit uate in the county of Rock Isalnd and state of Illinois, known and described as follows, to-wit: Lot number one 1), In block number one (1), In Howard's addition to the city of Rock Island, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy the amount ot money herein before adjudged to be due to the com plainant, with legal interest thereon and the costs In this case, and which may be sold separately without material injury to the parties Interested. : Dated at Rock Island. 111., this 15tb day of April. A. D. 114. j JOSEPH L. HAAS. 1 Master In Chancery. Rook Island Coun ty, Illinois. : Axel Kohler. complainant's solicitor. T Notice of Float Settlement t. - Estate of Eva Begins Jahn. deceased, v Public notice Is Hereby given that the ' undersigned, Paul A. Jahn and Martin G. Jahn, executors of tbe last will ad testament of Eva Reglna Jahn, deceas ed, have this day filed their final report and settlement as such in the probata court of Rock Island county, and hear ing on said report has been set fr March 28, 1914. at 10 o'clock a. ra, at wnlch time persons Interested may ap pear and make objections tl.ereto. and if no objections are tiled, said report will be approved at that time, and $i)e undersigned will ask for -an order -of distribution, and will also ask to -He dischuge j Kock lsland. HI, March :. It: 4. . i PAUL A. JAHN, , t MARTIN O. JAHN, Executors Last Will and Testament at Eva Keglna Jahn. Deceaseo, j ii i i v , aviirivr. KiiwrucjrK . Kxecutor's Notice. Estate of Frank R. Harrington, de ceased -' 5 The undersigned liavlng been ap pointed executrix of the lut will and testament of Frank R. Harrington, late of the county of Rock lsland. state of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives - notice that she will appear before the Hon, Benjamin Hell, judge of the probaae court of Rock Island county, at the pro bate court room. In the city of Rock Is land, at the July term, on the first Mon day in July next, at which time all per sons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same ad justed. All persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dutci 22r..1 -Jay of Aui ii. A. D. 1914. t ANNA E. HARRINGTON. Executrix..; Walker. Ingram A Sweeney, attor neys. " " War in the Air. Purine; tbe hottest flchtlng at the battlo of Chtckaraauga sa owl. larru ed by tli uouaunl sooud. was frlgbt ened from Its usual haunts. Two or tbroe crows spied Iilm snd made pu stilt. and a flsht fn the air followed'. The contest was observed by a soldleK Be dropped bis (rnn to tbe crooad and exclaimed: "WhewT Erea tbe rery birds lu tbe ait flghtil igr - - c