THE HOCK ISLAND ARGUS, TUESDAY. MAY 5, 10U. 1 - - COUNTRYMAN OUT n FOR SENATORSHIP ; Henry County Republican Makes Announcement With Chal b lenge to Lorimer. WEST SEES G. 0. P. VICTORY PreBM've May Have Two Candi- date for Le8'Jatup In Ech District In State. f The latest addition to the ranks of candidates for the United States sen ate Is Carl C. Countryman of Buda, llenry county. He announces his can didacy as a republican and accom panies his declaration with a challenge to William Lorimer to join vita him 1n a Joint debate over the state, wheth icr or not Mr. Lorimer may be a candi date himself for the senatorshlp. Mr. Countryman affirms that he was "defeated for congress In the Sixteenth or Peoria district "by the grace of the gang and the power of gold." He says he will open his active campaign for .the senatorship on June 5. ' Sherman in Clay County. N Senator I-awrence Y. Sherman 13 ex pected In Illinois In two weeks to be fa active campaigning. His first Speech Is to be made in Clay county Jn the last week In May. National Committeeman Roy O. West expressed the Judgment yesterday that ithe republican party in Illinois is get Hing ready for a victory In November. "We have been getting most excel lent reports from all over the state "Since the spring elections." Mr. West :ald. "I have not the slightest hesi tancy In predicting that the republi cans will carry the state by between J5.000 and 100,00-V The report was around yesterday that the progressive state organization would urge the nomination of two pro gressive candidates in ach legislative district, following the lead or the dem ocratic state committee, as expressed in Its resolution adopted Friday. The progressive state committee la ex pected to meet within the coming fort sight to make plans for the campaign and to adopt a definite legislative pol icy. Want Special Committee. The course of the republicans as to he legislative contest has not been determined. A strong element, partic ularly among the members of the last legislature, urges that a special com mittee be named to take steps to have two house members nominated in each district. Legislative candidates began to ap pear yesterday. John F. Tansey, for mer secretary of the democratic coun ty committee, was announced as a can didate for the democratic nomination for senator in the Twenty-third dis trict. Senator Nets Juul, the present republican incumbent and dean of the enate, expects to be a candidate for the republican nomination for con gress. Williams Seeks Own Office, r. Washington. D. C, May 5. William Elza Williams, democratic representa tive at large from Illinois, has announc ed his candidacy for reelection. He Bald he made this announcement In order to put an end to the efforts to Induce him to become a candidate for United States senator. . Hinebaugh to Run Again, d Rockford. III.. May 5. William H. Hinebaugh. congressman from the Twelfth district, announced to the Winnebago county central committee that he would be a candidate for re nomination on the progressive ticket. PERSONAL ATTORNEY FOR ROCKEFELLERS X v -v.? -JJ. 4 v VI Starr J. Murphy. Starr J. Murphy is the personal counsel for the Rockefellers and it is he, with John D. Rockefeller. Jr., who prepared the statement that the Colo rado Fuel & Iron company had volun tarily met all the points covered in the demands of the striking miners long before the strike was called or even thought of, with the exception of un ionizing the mines., Mr. Murphy was the personal attorney for the elder Rockefeller long before the you'.gcr entered the business world and prob ably knows more about the oil king's business than any other man. CORDOVA. II Raymond Richard spent Saturday with his parents '.a Ka3t Moline. Mrs. George Griffin of Moline Is vis iting her sister. Mrs. W. L Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bruner have op ened an Ice cream parlor in the east end of town. Norman Tarrants has returned to his home in Moline after a three weeks' visit with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Tew. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hull and chil dren have moved their household goods to Colchester, 111., where they will locate. Miss Neva Asklew of Tort Byron visited . Sunday with Miss Christina FrederickEon. A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Forney Sunday, April 26. Lewis Reeves, John Reynolds, Ralph Cooper and James Grimm motored to the tri-cities Thursday. THE SAILORS ARE ANXIOUS TO FIGHT Clarence OberstaHer, Bock Isl and Boy, Writes Prom U. S. Warship. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Oberstaller. 1323 Twenty-fifth street, have received a letter from their son. Clarence, who Is a seaman on the U. S. battleship Georgia. It was written April 26, when the boat waa on the way to the Mexican coast and waa mailed at Key West, where the Georgia waa due Thursday. The letter says: "When we left Boston the whole navy yard was packed with people to see ua off. They say It was the big gest crowd of people ever In the navy yard. They had the police keeping them back so they would not fall over ths dock In the water. "We have two chaplains on the ship. We are taking them to Mexico with us. Yesterday noon one of our ships went to New York to get a bunch of marines to take down to Mexico. That ship was 85 miles behind us. She la making 15 knots an hour and we are making 124 knots an hour. She Is suposed to catch up with us before we reach Key West, We are down where It is starting to fcet good and warm. We are still wearing our blue suits, but I guess by tomorrow we will have our white suite on. "I am in the landing party. All the landing party will go on land and fight. They will only let a few stay on the ship, because all the fighting will be cn land. If I get killed, which I hope I won't, I will die for my coun try anyway, bo don't worry about me, I will be all right. I don't think I will hardly have the heart to kill a Mexi can, but if I don't shoot him first he will thoot me, that is the way I look, at it. I'll have the heart all right1 when I get down to it. "One of the officers had the whole bunch of us lined up and asked us who did not want to go on land and fight. There were only three of our bunch who did not want to go. Of course, they have to go anyway. He t-.-s Just trying us out to see who of us were cowards. I won't be able to write to you very often, but I will write whenever I get the chanco. If I ever come back home I will have some very interesting things to tell you. We have about six days before we reach Mex ico, and it may he all settled I-y that time." DAY IN DAVENPORT Imaginary Heart Trouble. '- Do you have pains in the region of the heart? Does your heart thump? Its terrible pounding alarms you? What 1st wrong? Do you believe these symp toms mean heart trouble? Organic dis eases of the heart very seldom occa sion much pain. Nearly all of these pains are caused by some derangement of the stomach. Meritol Tonic Digest ire Is especially recommended for in digestion and dyspepsia, and for re storing the stomach to its normal func tions and no more "heart disease. H. O. Rolfs, Rock Island, 111., exclusive agent (Adv..) 1 NEEDLESS U CTIFFFDIVr. w tM;i i blunt 3 TORlG LENSES If yon have bY c k a c h e, h e a d a c h e, toiiach dis orders and.' other annoy- lng Ills, knew t right glasses might mean to you In better health, you wouldn't waste a min ute is coming 'here for ku ex amination. Three In ten persons wear glasses seven in ten need them. But the need Isn't apparent because the neglect of our eyes has grown Into a habit. If you have the slightest suspicion that glasses mTght help you, let our scientific ex amination make sure. J. Ramser's Sons OPTOMETRISTS. We fit and recommend Torle Lenses. Mayor Mueller Assumes Stand "I will refuse to vote for any prohibition ist, no matter if he is on the republi can ticket More than that I will not work for anybody of prohibition prin ciples," said Mayor Alfred Mueller in addressing a crowd of 000 people at the May festival of the German-American alliance held at Northwest Daven port Turner hall. The mayor's state ment came as a big .trprise to many of his listeners, for although he had been supposed to be on the wet side in sympathy he has never been known to take such a decided stand in op position to the dry element, which is known to compose a large part of the local republican strength Mayor Muel ler gave his address in German. Mayor Mueller's address followed a gymnas tic program by the actives of the Northwest Davenport Turner society and several vocal numbers by the Ladles' Singing section of the Daven port Turnegeinde. the Davenport Maennerchor and the St. Joseph Maen-nerchor. Dismisses Suit vs. Pullman Co. Mary B. Kulp. plaintiff in the case of Mary K. Kulp versus the Pullman com-pany, in which 330 damages are asked for the loss of a suit case, filed a motion for dismissal of the euit, set tlement having been made out of court Woman's Club Incorporated Arti cles of Incorporation of the Davenport Woman's club were filed with County Recorder Frank Holm, incorporating the club for a period of 50 years. Ac cording to the articles the object of the club is "to promote social and mental culture, to further education anil to make itself a power for good in the community? The annual election of the club will be held in second Mon day in each year, the first meeting to fall next Monday. The incorporators are Mary Harrison.Snlder, Emily R. Coleman. Helen II. "Watzek. Mabel Martin Hall, Ida Barnes Hutchens. Bessie Day Kerker. Ida K. Priester and Adah Elizabeth Wright o Groom Speaker at Ad Banquet j "Some Waste In Advertising ana now to Prevent It" will be the subject of the address by J. K. Groom, advertis ing manager of the Aurora, 111., Beacon News, who will deliver the principal talk at a meeting of the Daenport ! Ad Men's club Thursday night at the Commercial club. Mr. Groom Is a veteran of 32 years' experience in the advertising field, having entered the business on the old Gazette in Dav enport. From here he went to the Rock Island Union, and in 1885, to gether with P. S. MeGlynn, bought out the Moline Dispatch. Since severing bis connection with that paper he has been connected with the Portland Ore goniar and the Aurora Beacon News. An offlrlal of the Canadian Grand Trunk railm-ay is also expected to be a speaker at the meeting to talk-on the national convention of the Associated Advertising Clnbs of America, of wbirb the local club Is a member. Army of Tramps Slumber In Jail The cells of the Davenport police sta- tion bartered 175 hoboes during the t month of April, according to the report J made by Chief Schramm. This is an exceptionally large number for spring time, but the wild rush for accommo dations in the Hotel De Schramm may be accounted for by the fact that April was decidedly chilly and that park benches were not set out until a late date. The police made 203 arrests in April, of which 90 were state offenses and 113 city Eight Smallpox Victims Freed The house at 1104 Harrison street, in which eight smallpox victims were found several weeks ago, was ordered released from ' rantlne by Health Officer John Mullen. It was feared for a time that Davenport would be swept by a smallpox epidemic, but Mr. Mul len announced that the situation was well under control. That this city's method of dealing with smallpox is an excellent one was evidenced when Health Officer Mullen received a let ter from the health authorities at Nia gara Falls. N. Y., in which they stated that work in Davenport had been call ed to their attention. Particulars were asked as to the method of handling the disease in this city, together with statistics .as to number of cases and deaths. Woman Demanda Damages of City Mrs. Margaret Pillion filed claim for $425 damages against the city. Mrs. Pillion 6tates that on Feb. 14 she slipped and fell on an icy sidewalk on the north side of Park Lane, as a re sult of which she was confined to her home for eight weeks. During this entire time she was under the care of h physician. Offers $10,000; $20,000 Raised- Very Rev. J. T. A. Flannagan, pastor of the Sacred Heart cathedral, an nounced that a friend of the pariah had offered a donation of $10,000 pro vided the parish had paid in $20,000 by Jan. 1, 1915. towards the erection of the new parochial school on East Eleventh street, north of the church property. Already $20,000 has been subscribed by 40 or 50 members of the parish, so that the prospects of re ceiving the donation the first of next year are most encouraging. Notable Singer la Coming Here Building Materia! "AM' TDM E(Sn w America's Best .Pudges IBuy of Gordon-Van Tine's real success has come from having values so good that they have been approved by the best judges of building material in every state, county and township in this nation. We believe that no other building material firm has been able to satis fy and sell so many contractors and carpenters and the reason must be that no one has such qualities and prices and the great assortment for them to select from. Then the service to get the goods to the job promptly. We invite the carpenters and contractors Everyone in The Tri-Cities May Now Buy 5000 Different Articles fln Building Material At Wholesale To Consumer trices. I'Uitf iji"i k ! Ill One Panel FIR DOORS 2-8x6-8, 1, $2a64 YnowPin"B"Dnor, 2 6XM.1H. t l.t5 Yellow Plne"A"Door, 5X Panel. 2-8x6-8. at $209 4 Panel White Pino"A" Quality Doors, 2-8x 6-8. IK. at HM SX. Panel. 2-8x6-8. IK "A" Quality Doom. at M Save Often HALF Roofing Composition Rubber Roof-Ina-. 108 sq. ft. (one roll). UK : two ply. 95c. "QUALITY" RUBBER ROOFING. Guaranteed to trear 7 to 12 years; used on 6H.0OO building now. Per roll (in. q. ft.. ll ply. $1.25: 2H ply. $150: SH ply. 11 80. Prices Include all necessary nails and ce ment for laying. Rooflnr samples Free. JAP-A-TOPSlate-surfaced Roofing In Rolls or Shingles (Red and Gray Green). 44 Shingles, per square $4 75 Per Roll, price for 108 sq. ft. fZ.25 QQ FINK WdoVakWJ PV0RT. wn 1 LATH So. 1 Northern lath, extra quality, clean, briarht stock. 4 feet in length, price per 1000 laths. $4.40 No. 1 Northern Lath. 32 Inches, price per 1000 laths $2.50 SHBNGLES Extra "Star A Star." 6 to 2 inch, price per 1000, $3.10. Theite are tha very no cat Washington lied ltu Hhiunle. a bt. Wr grade tlian )on would vatially tvare at Bt any loettJ retail jard. Also are maktns penial prca on HevH Hiritn or Clap boards. Hod Odnr Hiding. Whit Pin HLdiita. etc.. etc. direct to the Con aumr. Ak about tnia. WINDOWS and Glass At Cut Pr eaa WIKDOWS single strength . $1-24. 2-Liffht. 40xM and 16. H check, top leaded..... 3.90 . GLASS 810 window glass, per liRht .... iHe Screens Don't befooled by cheap, hoddr oreen- that hardly Ja-t a year. Gordon. Vaa Tina ftcretjQi are made with special j?are. On Iv vary beat grade, 9Q.ci1Y kiln -drW!. Wf.Ura Whit f lrt ul. nucni -o .. UmJl nd rail 3 In. wid-. V:rj. Glvmntai Wire. Copier BrMM Wir. All isM at any tstiMimiMi window ex door. On?l Srrwwi r hinmm, ptjtl sitriny book and r and asxewa. Ja aanaoH Hnih , . tO.tfi ErrTn Dror L-tra 6c t .So broan ioor Taal OmfruatloB Bf-rrow and 6 tana Saab llaaaara. r trt 10 Two Ugfat Bcraf? Wl- 9 lndow . . c artd up Cottas Seraan Win. 4owm . . 51.47andwp i Ik r A Screened Porch! Add an extra room, year best summer room, at surprisingly low cost. Build your porch of our materials according to our Grand Free Catolog page 55 and it will last tor years. Paint it every year or so and no telling how long it will last. Erect the porch or take it down in an hour. Re fer to our catalog. Wall Board ES BPffg " Cheaper than lath or plaster. Ap plied easily. Clean, dustless, warns, dry, strong. Non-inflammable. Comes ready to apply. Makes finishing up extra rooms easy for partitions. stores, bungalows, cottaces. etc. "Quality" Wall Board, per 100 7eet $220 Roman Wall Board, per 100 feet 2.25 Oak Flooring Costs Less Than Carpet!! Come and see samples of all kinds of finished hardwood flooring. You can lay it yourself if you wish. Per fectly matched. All at wholesale to consumer prices. We recommend our special thin Oak avs. Flooring Price per 10O -RlIC lineal feet BUILDERS' HARDWARE! This splendid new department where you see every article displayed sells everything at wholesale-to-consumer prices. Here is a quality line at rea sonable cost. And you may be sure if is strictly modern. Every item shown is the newest style. It's a satisfaction to select from this complete up-to-date stock. All in plain sight. Our Stair Dept. A Wefarnhh all materials for complete, handsome.' modern stairs, or repairing, at wholesale to ceo. sumer prices which often save half whst yeu id pav elsewhere. A fliW of stairs eoss- $23' plete Quality Paint An ideal special Gordon-Van Tine mixed paint for houses. Full mea sure and full satisfaction guaranteed or n ew paint free. All colors shown in free catalog or at ourstore. Quarts . H Half Gallon ,. Gallon Cans-- unn 1Ti nr crallon 1.17 Also Quality Barn Paints at even lower prices: 7S per gallon and up. llQualrrf Porch Materials wy, -sy Add to the beauty and value of your hojne by building a porch or remodeling now at wholesale-to-consumer prices: Colonial Columns Colonial Newells - Porch Newells Porch Lattice per 100 ft.... Fancy Porch Brackets ,. Ufoalnn T? a il ner foot RAttAm Mission Rail. Der foot. Also Porch Balusters. Spindles. Face Brackets. Ga ble and Corner Brackets at equally low wholes e. to-consumer prices. See samples here at once and save money. 41.50 and np . 1.40 and np .37 and BP .34 and na .05 and BP .07 H .05 H Remember the Proof of Quality Time is the real test of quality. So that we point with satisfaction to the permanency of this enterprise. For 49 years the U. N. Roberts Co. has stood for the best in its Wholesale-to-Dealers department and the Gordon-Van Tme Co. in the Wholesale-to-Consumer department. Today the volume of business is the greatest of any period in this halt century. Thus time and growth together are significant evidence that in every state in the Union our quality standards are recognized as The Highest. t We Absolutely Guarantee Every Article Bought of Us. . Three Fast Trucks Make Delivery on Tri-City Orders. Grand Catalog Free To AH Who Register. Plan Book 10c. of the Tri-Cities to take full advantage of the qualities and bargains- we offer, plus the wonderful service we have organized. It means a great deal to contractors and to their customers to have a delivery system backed by three of the finest and fastest auto trucks ever built. It guarantees instant delivery on all orders, great or small. No such thine as workmen being held up in the middle of a 'job for material if orders are entrusted to. Gordon-Van Tine Co. The coming of Leon Rice, the eminent New York tenor, to Davenport for two free song recitals to be given at St. John's M. E. church on Tuesday and Wednesday are events in musical cir cles not to be. duplicated In import ance. It is seldom an artist of inter national repute, such as Mr. Rice, is heard in concert program in a church. The public is Invited to hear this dis tinguished artist Priester Hurt on Steamboat Adolph Priester. state manager of the Ger- mania Life Insurance company, Is confined to his home as the result of a painful accident which befell him Sat urday evening. While on the steamer Helen Blair, about to leave the Daven port levee for Keokuk, Mr. Priester slipped and fell in such a manner that he sustained a severe fracture of the left shoulder joint. Something over a year ago, Mr. Priester met with a similar accident in which the right arm was severely fractured. Motorcycle Struck By Auto While riding his motorcycle Ross George, 322 East Second street, was run down by a speeding automobile driven by Si mon Ziffera, at the corner of Third street and Western avenue. George was thrown to the pavement with ter rific force under the motorcycle. Zif fera was placed under arrest, but was l.:tei released. Some Ume ago he was arrested for speeding, according to the police, and it is likely that prose cution will follow the episode of yes terday. Another accident occurred at the corner of Fourth and Brady, when Ben Reidenbacker. C01 Clark street, was run down by an auto driven by W. E. Alberton, residing at 118 Eighteenth street, Rock Island. The victim was slightly bruised about the body but his injuries are not considered serious. Licensed to Wed Frank Grunsky and Juliana, Yantschi, both of Daven port, and' John H. Hilscrick of Prov idence, R. I., and Isabella F. Bryant of Salo, Me. Obituary Record George W. Mc Meekan, 4 years old, died of appendi citis at Mercy hospital. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. McMeekan of Matherville, 111. The boy was born in Matherville on July 11, 1910. Jack Potter, 43 years old, a student at the Palmer school of chiropractic died at his home, S21 Brady street. Mr. Potter came to Davenport last De cember from York, Neb. . He is sur vived by his wife, Mrs. Delia Potter. Mrs. Louis Fromme, for many years !a resident of Walcott, died at thj home of her daughter, Mrs. Lnan Uimm in sunDury. mo ;( taken to Walcott. All the news all the time The Bingo Takes Off Calluses Wear your sfcofj rial; n: way. ,0,l!7 pain or burolo Onlr . "OT'.JS ixiin and quick 17 mores wor eoret dilltites, no plasters, salves J euttlng wlta "75 tt blood poison. A a3s . u!'""u-7r-. am Tor sale In Kocs I ny i it Store, 167 Swood Ai. fAJ A.aa rnsmisof, wum ---- ll llllilM JheXbmJ) T75&Wmft?n ' Black Tan White 10r y TigDAixnr Hamilton. Cot"'