THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. KH Associated Press Exclusive Wire "SIXTY-THIRD YKAIL XO. 178. THURSDAY. MAY U, 1U. -SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. VILLA ASKS UNITED STATES TO ALLOW Hi AfifllMM TO FINISH WAR MAYO AIDING WOUNDED AT FALLEN PORT United States Hospital . Ship Placed at Disposal of Tampico Officials. N0F0RCESARETO LAND Federals Driven From City by Rebels After a Battle Cost ly to Both Sides. Tv-.OiiTirton. P. C May 14. Further confirmation cf the fall of Tampico in- j " ""ai! Mayo, transmitted through Admiral! Badger. The report says the -Mexican jl mrhnlt Vera ("rui still was op the river at the railway bridge. Mao farther reported that the federal troops blew up the barracks before re tiring from the city. By 4 yesterday afternoon firing practically had ceased. Secretary Danielt has given Mayo fall power to send American warships back up Panaco river to Tampico if In bis judgment conditions warrant. One reason fcr sendicc the Amerl an ships back into the Panuco river ,a3 because of the hirriiane season. whirh i settinc in on the coast. This makes it hazardous, particularly for i gxall boat in the torpedo flotilla, and belter il! be afforded rn the river. CaptaiLS of the federal gunboats Braro and Zaragoza, which came down Panaco river from Tampico yesterday ffiernoon, have a.sked Mayo for an in terview. He will receive them on board the Connecticut. Rough weather prevented the inter- fia x rirh f u!14 tit have had yesterday aboard the Connecticut with captains of the Mexican un- lota Tha iniArvifw aaR nnstnnnd antil this nrorainr- Accordthg tO"Tat(r J rght ever t&lng n Tampico was "fair 'f quiet." Not to Land Soldiers. Daniels explained that Mayo would .. 1 I ... ... Tnmtsr ovxint . ill quo ui trKt ruin gcui j , " imwu c - . ipeclflc orders from the department' Mrs. Close, it Is generally under He explained that he probably would stood, has received an income of J-.v place his hospital ships at the disposal a jear from her father for soma of the authorities at Tampico to care ! time, which is indicative of what he for the wounded. r gardless of their would do for her. Several millions aflegiaace. probably will fall to her share in the With the transfer of Tampico from ! estate, as well as additional niJU'ons the federals to the rebels. President! to her two children, both girls, or Wilson now feels it will be possible ' whom "Grandpa" Post was very fond, for the oil interests 6f the Tampico The attitude of the will toward Mr district to be protected. Villa and Car-; and -Mrs. Kollin Post, aged parents of rania having notified the American I the deceased manufacturer, is Proble gorernment of their w illingness to matical. but as he wote a check tare expert civilians return to the for $50,000 for them shortly before he fields and take charge of the flowing took his life, many believe that he in rells. tended this to represent what he Practicallv all men who were operat- would have them receive, ing American oil properties as well as There are two brothers. Carroll I. . German and English properties were of Battle Creek, and Orrie, o o. a. v... it, onH wrrh TpiaB. and they will, oi tonstitutionalists. It is now believed ttat all oil operators will be able to return and protect their properties against fire and other losses. United States Protects Federals. Vera Cruz. Mexico, May 14. Three American gunboats crowded with fed eral soldiers who escaped from Tampi w yesterday rode the anchors today nder tbe protecting guns of admiral Mayo's squadron. It ia probable that among the federal officers on the Mex ican warships is the comamnder whose refuial to comply with Mayo'a d feand for a salute to the stars and tripes Americans precipitated the oc oipation of Vera Crua. With the fall Tampico the constitutionalists now ontrol more than half of Mexico. Ob "er have expressed the opinion ttat the taking of Tampico by the wnsUtutionalists forms one of the tiotlng scenes of the dictatorship of Huerta. They believe his downfall Is question only of weeks, perhaps days alle. some give blm only a. few hours wore his control of the capital wm ft rwlt in possible riot or bloodshed. -c uuinn vuias guns win Pandering In the suburbs of the capi- and that Huerta will be fleeing fth the remnant of his army to Pu bla to make his last stand. Hemmed On All Sides. Hneru Is hemmed In by constitu 0caliat on the north, Zapata rervola "onallsU on the north, Zapata, revolu- brothers on the south, while his x important seaport is in tbe bands Americans and United States ships Jtrol both coasts to see no arms or muflition reach bis harried forces. In Mexico City itself revolt against Huerta's rule is thing coming soon. CooaUtutionalist agents work openly ith hand bills, while their orators "flame the citizens agaiit the dicta-tor- Huerta is believed to be In con ,lnt danger of assassination, while dty Is liable at any moment to an "tbreak of anarchy. TbI is conflrm tT refugee. THE WEATHER Forecast Till 7 P. M. Tomorrow, for Rock Island, Davenport, Moline and Vicinity.. Fair tonight and Friday, not much change in temperature, probably frost tonight in the lowlands. Moderate winds, mostly northerly. Temperature at 7 a. m, 60. High est yesterday, 63. Lowest last night. 46. Velocity of wind at 7 a. m., 5 miles per hour. Precipitation, none. Relative humidity at 7 p. m., 39; at 7 a. nv, 69. Stage of water, 8.3, a rise of .1 in last 24 hours. J. M. SHERIER, Local Forecaster. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. Evening stars: Mars. Venus, Saturn. Morning stars: Mercury, Jupiter. Con stellation Auriga, in the northwest, is distinguishable by the first magnitude star Capella. crenrov white on th pt. ern rim of the Milky way, about 8:20 p. m. POST MONEY MAY GO TO DAUGHTER wm to Be Read Next Week in Washington, Chief of His Counsel Announces. Battle Creek. Mich., May 14. Not until nest week will it be known how the vast fortune of Charles W. Post, estimated anywhere from $50,000,000 to $100,000,000, will be distributed. As Washington. li. C, was the legal resi dence of Mr. Post, the reading of the will will take place there, and the relatives now gathering here for the funeral Friday will not reach 7ash- intrtnn hfnro Kiinrlav ThU Is the eist of an authoritative statement made by Attorney A. B. Williams, chief of Mr. Post's counsel. It seems to be the general iirpres sion here that Mr. Post, either at the time of his second marriage (to Miss Leila Young, his stenographer) or soon afterward made a settlement on his bride by which she waived her .dower rights. It is known that clauses men- .1 : t Tynt.'a u'Olvlncr thdsf) i I 11 ill ill 11 .tils. Airsio r . rights are in numerous papers whicii have been read -by attorneys B ere at rmo time or another. Attorney Wil- Karri,' libvyiver. would neitner amrm nnr rienv this fact. If Mrs. Post is thus provided for. it is safe to say that the only daughter of Mr. Post, Mrs. Marjorie Post Close, ,xifo nf F.lward B. Close of New York City and Greenwich, Conn., will be the largest individual legatee. course, be handsomely rememberoa. Carroll L. is vice cnairmau oi ber of C. W. Post's industrial institu tions, including the big rostum Cereal plant, the Central National bank. Po.?t Theater company, etc. FALLEN WILLING TO TALK TO DEVIL Former New Haven Chief Not Particular So That Desired Ends Are Attained. Washington. V. C. May l--1 of the financial methods of the New Haven railroad In the acquisition of subsidiaries, particularly the New York Westchester & Boston, were disclosed today to the commerce com mission by former President Mellen i or the New Haven, He told of negotiations with former Vollce Inspector Byrnes of New York for the exchange of 8.000 New Haven shares for 24.000 shares of Westchester stock because he thought Byrnes had Influence with the people it was necessary to reach.- Mellen bluntly said he would hare been will ing to deal with the "devil or anybody else" In the transaction. BURKE INDICTED FOR CONSPIRACY New York. May 14. John Burke, former manager of the commissary department la the Panama canal zone, was Indicted today by the federal grand Jury for conspiracy to defraud and other offenses. He was diainissed from the government service some time ago. HOIVIEHONORS TO 9 FALLING ATVERACRUZ State and City Officials Join in Tribute to Sam my Meisenberg. ALL CHICAGO MOURNS Similar Ceremonies Held in Pennsylvania, Massachu setts, Vermont, Etc. Nine of the American seamen whose lives were ended by Mexican bullets In the occunation of Vera Cruz were buried today. They were Samuel Meis enberg, Chicago: Francis Delowry, Pittsburgh; Daniel Haggerty, Cam bridge, Mass.; Walter Watson, East ham, Mass., and Rufus Percy. High gate, Vt.. and Frank Devoracek. Blakes burg, Iowa. Hundreds of sailors and soldiers with bands headed the Meisenberg cortege, while Governor Dunne, Sena tors Lewis and Sherman, Mayor Har rison, scores of fraternal organizations and hundreds of citizens and public officials marched in the procession. Ten thousand men, women and chil dren packed sidewalks, roofs and win dows of buildings on est side streets through which the Meisenberg fu neral passed. , The crowd around the synagogue where the Meisenberg procession I formed numbered thousands. Con spicuous among the flowers was a wreath from President Wilson. At Pittsburgh business was suspend ed until 11. Uncovered thousands lined the streets as the funeral of De lowry. escorted by national guard, passed. r.n.l,y,a linnnrpil ITaeeertV with a v.ui i.i r. v ' - " - , military ceremony in whW44tonwtiy participated. j-. A company naval militia gave only a touch of official display to the serv ice at Eastham. where the men. wom en and- children who live beside the sea gathered to pay tribute to Wat son. Farmers of -the rugged north country honored Percy at Ilighgate. The na tional guard and veterans of the civil and Spanish-American war escorted the body on its last journey. At Blakesburg. Iowa, townspeople Joined the family of Frank Devoracek in ceremonies, an important part of which was taken by the Navy club of -. 1 - onmnanv nf national Jes .uumca aim o i- j , guard. Congressman Kirkpatrick ae- livered the eulogy. xfhiio nid tribute to the memory of Esau Froleichstein. Governor O Nell and staff accompanied the body to the, cemetery. Georgia S ll year , Summerline, was buried at Villacho- .... i - i Georgia's 17 year mariner, jiuaoipn chee. Ca, with military honors. Boswell Buried at Coulterville. Coulterville. 111.. May 14 Louis Bos well. one of the Americans Kinea ai Vera Cruz, was buried today after fu neral services in a park attended by thousands. There was no naval or military escort, but a brother, Francis Boswell. recently discharged from the navy after five years' service, dressed himself in his uniform and stood at the foot of the coffin and received all who called at the home. There was a wreath from President Wilson. Many Injured at Marines Bier. Cambridge. Mass.. May 14. Scene of disorder last night attended the ef fort of thousands to view the body of Corporal Daniel A. Haggerty, one of the first to fall at Vera Cruz. An immense crowd had gathered about the militia armory, where the body lay In state, and as only 12 offi cers had ben furnished for police duty the result was confusion as the throng pressed forward to the doors, Intent on paying a tribute of respect to the memory of the hero. Women, children, and men were knocked down and trampled upon. Many fainted and were taken into the armory. There w ere so -many that a sick bay was established, and this was found Inadequate. Soon nearly every room contained some who had been hurt or overcome. A hurry call was sent for police and for docfors. The latter worked for several hours over the numerous pa tients. The 20 additional police who responded proved insufficient and militia officers organized a provisional company, the members of which were sent out armed with rifles to keep the crowd In check. They were kept on guard until a late hour, although the crowd thinned out U Uie night went on. Seaman Dies on Way Home. New York. May 14. The hospital ship Solace docked with 101 patients from Vera Cruz. There are 31 wound ed and the remainder are suffering with disease contracted In Mexico. Colonel Roosevelt has been accused by English geographers as not having discovered a new river in South America. j WOMAN GIVEN 20 YEARS AS SLAYER Dirbuque, Iowa. May 14. Mrs. Dor cas Brazzell was today sentenced to 20 years in the state reformatory for the murder of her husband, who was a street car man. - . - - Many" of the latter are convalescent and will be sent back to Mexico. Hun ter Dobson. a seaman on the battle- I ship Wyoming, died of apendicitis 'on the voyage up. SPRINKLER PUTS OUT A BAD FIRE Blaze in Paint Shop of Eock Is land Plow Company Is Promptly Squelched. A serious Are was averted by the sprlnkier sy8tem at the Rock Island romDanv D,ant at 2:10 this af- ternoon, when a can of benzine ex- pioded on the third floor of the paint i an 1, n AmnlnvAs linri illKt: shop. One of the employes had just drawn a can of the oil at the large tank and after walking several yards set it down. From some unaccounta ble cause the can exploded. The burn ing fluid was thrown in every direction and the flames crept along the wall to the ventilators in the ceiling and onto the roof. The sprinkler system soon started working from the heat however, and quickly extinguished the fire. The blaze on the roof was put out with a small ho6e which is pirt of the com pany's euipment. The damage may amount to several hundred dollars as the water poured through the first and second floors below, damaging some of tbe tools. Some plow beams near the fire were badly scorched. Knox Wins Spelling Match. Galesburg. 111.. May 4. Knox col lege won the spelling match with Lombard college last night. Columbia Wins In Twelfth. Philadelphia, Pa., May 14. A base on balls, two errors, a sacrifice, and two hits in the twelfth inning gave Co lumbia three runs and the game o trainer Pennsvlvania. 8 to 5. Penn- svlvania made five runs and tied the score In the ninth inning by bunched hits, an error, and two bases on balls. METHODISTS FOR PEACE IN MEXICO Bishop Cranston Requests Prayers in All Churches in Land Next Sunday. Washington, D. C, May 14. Prayers for the success of the mediators com posing the Mexican situation have been requested in all Methodist church es Sunday. May 1". by Earl CranBton, senior bhshop vt the church. PREPARING FOR HIS CRITICS ROSE TESTIMONY BECKER'S TARGET Lawyer Tries to Prove Accuser of Ex-Policeman Caused Rosenthal's Murder. New York, May 14. The real de fense of Charles Becker, the story re lied upon to save him from a second conviction, ran through th.e cross ex amination of Jack Rose yesterday as a brook wanders through a forest, some times revealed, sometimes concealed. It was lost sight of now and then in an underbrush, whole thickets of words, but in open spaces it was as clear as sunlight. That defense which Attorney Man ton labored for five hours to establish from Rose's own statements and ad missions, was that Rose is a vile creat ure, who could not tell the truth to save his life and who, therefore, can not be believed when he accuses Beck er of ordering the murder of Rosen thal; that Rose himself caused the murder of Rosenthal because Rosen thal had spread the rumor that Rose had framed Selig, the gang leader, and nut Selle in neril or 14 years In Sing Sing, gossip which would have caused Seller's crunmen to shoot Rose If Rosen thal had lived to spread such talk, and that the interlocking stories of the four informers. Rose, Webber, Vallon and Schepps, was a mass of perjury pnn nocted In the west side prison in weeks of communication provided by the district attorney himself. TCnnft can sav if Mr. Manton failed or succeeded except the 12 men who must decide Becker s guilt or inno cence. Becker's lawver is confident that he guided the eyes of the jurors to the puzzle picture in Rose's testimony, the nlrtnre of Rose's emilt hidden in the maze of accusations against Becker. Mr. Whitman is equally confident that Rose's testimony about every es sential point of Becker's connection with the murder was unshaken, and that Mr. Manton was able to get be fore the lurv onlv such things as the prosecution would have conceded, that Rose was a gambler, a perjurer, a blackmailer, and a murderer. Had he not been all of these things. Whitman says, Rose could not have done Beck er's work. It cannot be said that Rose faltered or broke under Mr. Manton's attack. In not dosena but scores of particulars the cross examiner brought out vari ances from the testimony in the former trial, but Rose's reply was always ready; he was giving the substance, not the details of his former story. Rose maintained his composure even under Manton's merciless analy sis nf his nant Ufa. Men nf leaa finrril- hood than Rose would have collapsed rrom sname. ttut mis extraordinary Demon met Mr. Manlnn'n planre nnrl without a blush or a grimace endured the lawyers indictment, that he had done about all of the bad things a man could do. Rose was alert, crafty, resourceful. Pnr PTflmnla ha trwilr ArtiuntAarA nf A slip by Mr. Manton and got into his testimony, like a flash, the statement that he had sent Sam Schepps to Becker's house the night after the murder. All of Manton's objections and protests couldn't get that out of the record. LIMITED TRAIN IN WRECK; NONE DIE Detroit, Mich.. May 14. The Wol verine Limited on the Michigan Cen tral, New York to Chicago, jumped the track earlv today near Buxcon, Onta rio.- - . None of the passengers was injured in the wreck near Buxton. WILLIAM BROWN HEAD OF KNIGHTS State Convention of Catholic Society Comes to End at Quincy Decatur Next. . Quincy, 111., May 14. After selecting Decatur as the next meeting place this afternoon and electing officers, the state convention of the Knights of Columbus adjourned at 9:30 last night. The following officers were elected : Deputy William H. Brown, Chica go. Past deputy J. Le Roy Hackett, Chicago. Secretary Edward Houlihan, Chi cago. Treasurer J. F. Keshner, Edwards ville. Advocate W. D. Rose, Springfield. Warden R...E. Davies, East St. Louis. FINDS MAN IN HER CABIN; PAYS HIS WAY TO AMERICA New York, May 14. When Miss Al ice Brown of Logansport, Ind., came down the gangplank of the steamship Uranium yesterday her father, Joseph Brown, a harness manufacturer, who was at the Brooklyn pier to meet her, was surprised to see her have in tow a shabbily dressed young man with long hair and large "specs." Miss Brown had found the young man a stowaway in her stateroom: and after hearing his romantic story had paid his way over rather than let him work an unromantic passage. "Why Alice," Mr. Brown asked, "who is this?" "This is Willard Brown, papa, and he is going to work in the harness factory," was the reply of the young woman, who spoke as one having au thority. Then the manufacturer heard the story of the stowaway, but reserved comment. Miss Brown, who had been studying artin Munich, tired of Europe a few weeks ago. KING GUSTAVE IS WELL MAN AGAIN Stockholm, Sweden, May 14. King Gustave has completely recovered from an operation of ulceration of the stomach, and today resumed tbe con duct of affairs ot state. SALTILLO TO FALL NEXT IS REBELS; PLAf J Army of 25,000 Men to Test Strength of Fed eral Stronghold. BULLET SUPPLY SHORT Suggests Commission to Super vise Importation of Enough to Finish Campaign. Tampico, Mexico, May 14. Mobiliza tion of rebel troops for the campaign against Saltillo came to a close last night when the last units left Torreon accompanied" by Villa. This concen tration has brought together 25,000 men to test the strength of the fed eral stronghold. Villa exacted a prom, ise from newspaper men that nothing concerning the disposition of his troops would be sent out at present. Commenting on newspaper reports pur porting to indicate President Wilson and others would be glad to see the rebels take Mexico City and end the present unrest in Mexico, Villa said: "To establish a constitutional gov ernment throughout Mexico w-e need more ammunition, and I am willing that the United States supervise im portation of it." For a Limited Supply. "How can we take Mexico City If we have no ammunition?" Villa asked. "After fighting at Saltillo our supply will be depleted. Of course the Unit ed States must keep in mind the pos sibility that some one might provoke war between the two countries. It would be injudicious, under such con -fdithwrs,- to TCTmirrurnrmiTed importa tion of ammunition into the country with which battles might have to be fought. For that reason I am willing to have a commission ascertain the amount of ammunition we will need until Mexico City is taken, with a view to having the embargo lifted on the" quantity we will require for that pur pose. Ammunition admitted oy tne commission into Mexico will not be large enough to leave much, if any. after our operations, for war with the United States, which is the very last thing I think possible." 1 ; Rebels Drop Bombs. Mazatlan, May 14. A rebel aero plane dropped bombs into the federal fortifications yesterday. The bombs exploded directly within the federal lines. The casualties were not report ed in the city. PANAMA CANAL IS CARRYING TRAFFIC Washington, D. C, May 14. For the first time in history water borne traf fic is now passing through the Panama canal, according to reports received at the headquarters o f the Panama railroad in New York, forwarded here today. According to the Panama railroad reports service actually began last Saturday and steam barges. In tow. are now passing through the canal. Tremendous congestion in interoce- anic commerce caused by suspension of the Tehauntepec railway In south ern Mexico incident to the rebellion. ought about rather premature open ing of the canal to the trad a Several great freight liners recently appeared at Colon and Panama offering cargoes for transhipment overland far beyond the capacity of the Panama railroad. Find ing Colonel Goethals willing to assist them by clearing an adequate chan nels for barges, at least through the Cucharacha slide, the company ob tained a lot of barges that had been used for harbor purposes at Colon and Panama and established a service as an overflow to assist tbe railroad la meeting trade demands. Goethals has not yet reported when the canal will be opened to merchant shipping, but it is understood the waterway is prac tically finished and even now there is sufficient channel through Culebra cut for almost any warship or liner. Married Fifty-Seven Year. Belolt, Wis., May 14. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary here yesterday. Mr. Thompson is m pioneer manufac turer of this city. Another Black Hand Victim. Chicago, 11L, May 14. While pars ing the mouth of an alley today Leon. ardl France was shot and killed with a sawed-off shot gun which the murder er tossed into a garbage box and es. caped. The police say It Is another black band, .murder,