Long List of Pupils of Rock Is
land Schools Neither Ab
sent Nor Tardy.
Commencement Exercises in
South Eock Island to Be Held
at Aiken Street Chapel.
Superintendent Hayden Give Out An
nual Statement cf Honor Roll
in Grammar Grade.
For Summer Ironing Comfort
Eight Receive High Grade In Flna".
i - - as .T ' .
Examination Marie Hofr Win
Scholarship of District.
i m
r -
r Appr1niapl-V 4v rP" la the Rock
IsUnd rublic s1001 below the high
cbool had perfect attendance records
during tie last year. A number of
ttem. Quite a larce percentage. In fact.
jut brm neither absent nor tardy
;f0r more itan one year. Following is
ithe honor mil made public today by
' Superintendent H. B. Hayden:
Hawthorne School.
De Anr.ocd Aprle. Ellen Rounds. Li
tter! Ingog'.ia. Ellsworth Karr. Helen
Brbon. Georee Lodge, Olive Hamp
ton. Gwendolyn Smith (two years),
Perer Weber. Helen Reynolds. Lillie
Licata. Lester Iyidsre, Lela imith, Al
berta Young. Xora Rounds (Two years.
Lou'.se Matthews. Ruby Surafrs. Jo
ph Gillman. Margaret Montgomery.
Oscar LindTuist, (two years I. Blanche
Xerrick. Astrid Johnson (two years).
Eugene Young (three years), Lillian
Klie. Meryl Washburn (two years),
Clifford 1'nar.gst. I.eroy Smith (two
years'). George Gregg. Paul Potter,
Fanny Goben. Don Hampton, (Philip
Licata, Lmeoln Pickup, Hannah Go
ben, Edna Young. Joseph Pealstrom.
Elvera MaJmrose (four years), Doro
thy Wood (two years), ltr!s Goben
ftwo years). Edna Moltzen (sixyears).
De Silva Drake. Ruby Karr. Alva Rori
son. Lot Smith. Richard Taber. Beu
lah Vaughan. Marguerite Chalk. Mar
shall Hendren. Catherine Yeagr. Mil
dred Messcl. Alice Heimberk. Thelma
Scherrer (two years). Paul Vogt (sev
ea years). Kathryn Kale. Agnes Von
Fostel (four years), Oenone Apple,
Gladys Jfalmrose. Edwi3 White (three
years). Hado'.ine Van Theoms'-he,
Irene EIHott (four years). Edith Lind
cuist (two years). Gladys Montgom
ery. Gertrude Pattiny, Eva Kcpp. Carl
liemann. Arthur Huber. Mabel Mc
Afee (four years). Harold Montgom
ery. Harold McAnally. Raymond Sohen-
ert (six years). Harrison Sporry. Eth
el Swar.son (thre. years), Helen Wcis-
ler, William Streed.
Kemble School.
Ellen Welch. Francis Murray.
Gladys Steele. Elizabeth Rtnck. Hazel
Long. Harold Seuss. Claire Hanna. Al
vin Wagstaff (3 years). Julia Moller
(2 years), Ralph Dodds. Lea la Lukens.
Wllma Curtis, Madeline Brown. George
White (3 years). Raymond Park (4
years). Ivory Bronson (2 years).
Lincoln School.
Departmental seventh and eighth
p"ade Meredith Ackley, Margaret
Arnold. Hortense Bassett. Richard
Bennett. Marie Bruner 13 years).
Frank Burns. Frederick Calkins (3
years). Alfred Carlson. Walter Chan
sky 17 years). Dora Daly (5 years).
Edgar DeVoe. John Dice. Edith Fricke
years i. Arthur Llndros. Louise Mc
Lean ( years). Anna Mielke (2 years),
Lora Mngier (5 rears). George Murray,
Keith Nelson. Vircir.ia Patten (5
years). Richard Ramaer (2 rears).
Juanita Funkensteia (4 years), Leon a
Gavin. Irene Hammerich (3 years).
Exnely Harper. Lester Horst, Dorothy
Howel (2 years). Willie IJams (7
Tears). Joseph Schieberl. Homer
Smlti. Tazwell Smith (3 years). Clif
ford Stone. Theresa Thomas (4 years).
Myrtle Walden. Marjorie Walker (4
years). Clarence Wnietts (2 years).
Sixth grade Jante Berry. Elsie
Fett. Dorothy Ken worthy.
Fifth grade Marcus Beal (3 years.
Fourth grade Marie De Smct. Clar
ence Doll. Arthur McDougall 2 years).
Third grade Charles Nutter.
Second grade George DIckman.
Robert Willis.
v"2 '
3 V ,-U.
y Si J t
New York. June 3. The- Cunard line
steamer Aquitanla. Great Britain's
newest and largest liner, is now on
her maiden voyage to New York. She
is due here Friday.
The new liner glided from the crad'.e
at Clydebank la April. 1913. Ia fit
tings, furniture and Interior decora
tion she has been called a floating pal
ace, luxurious beyond the dreams of
ease and comfort, a winged sea-girt
citadel, a temple of taste, and epitome
of Anglo-Saxon art In particular for
two and a half centuries.
Her Interior tells the story of the
nations from the day of the "goodlie
ship, the Great Harry," down to the
Napoleon. It Is said a trip on her will
be a sort of preparatory course to n
Intelligent enjoyment of the art galler
ies of Europe, the ancient landmarks
and the English mansions.
The term cabin and the term state
room, may be taken in the same sense
in which the word stateroom Is used
in describing Windsor Casue. Kens
ington Palace and Hampton Court.
In her decorative details the new
Cunarder embraces the Tudor times,
the deys of Hans Holbein, of Sir "An
thon!e," Van Dyke and Inlgo Jones,
the periods of domestic architecture
between the Restoration of Charles II
and the middle of the reign of George
III. the stern classicism of Christopher
Wrenn. the French master in the
early part of the reign of Louis the
Magnificent, and the lighter motives of
the Adams and the Dances. The
Dutch influence of the end of the 17th
century are also felt in the decora
tion of the wonder ship.
On the grand staircase is an origi
nal example of General Antonio Panlnt,
who loved to conjure up Roman rains.
Then the voyager comes face to face
with the carving of Grtn'.ing Gibbons
the portraits of Lely and Kneller, and
the Iron work of J eon Trijou.
The Aquitania is also a fine exam
pie of the engraver's art, the sculptor's
art and that of the tapestry makers of
Mortlake. The reflections of the great
painters of the 18th century will be
found on the bulkheads in Une-engrav
Inga by Hollar and Faithorne, by G. B,
Cipriani, Sir E. Strange and Frances
co BartlozzL
There a: bo are to be seen Penn.
Nel6on, Washington, the two William
Pitts, George 111 and Benjamin Frank
lln. as weM as the graceful forms and
charming features of those women of
the 18th century perpetuated by the
skill of Reynolds. Romney. Gainsbor
oueh. Reburn and Hopper. Then tnere
are themes from Greenwich hospital.
Kensington, Bromley Palace and
Hampton Court.
The smoke room is Carolearr, the
lounge Christopher Wren, the draw
ing room an Adam. The swimming
pool is Pompeiian, the trellis gardens
Italian and even the gymnasium an
object lesbon In high art.
The Aquitania Is the biggest steam
ship under the British flag. She is 901
feet long, has 97 feet beam, and Is 9
feet deep from the boat deck, with a
gross tonnage of 47,000. She has ac
commodations for nearly 6,000 per
Deaf class Flora Dunavin (2 years),
Donald Stroud (2 years).
Eugene Field.
Dorothy Sharp, Albert Harper. Rob
ert Ehlers. Otto Berner (3 years), Mar
garet Monoe. Marguerite Colling, Rich,
aril Frey. Marcella Caughlin, Rollin
Engman. Albert Gross, Vlrden Hargis
(2 years), Howard McCulloch, Jacob
Poster. Margaret Hall. Madeline Lun
dy. Walter Lundy (2 years). Emma
Reed, Corrlne Reese, Irene Zimmer
man. Violet Schultz. Lillian Meyers.
Dorothy Haller Shoemaker, Louise
Houldsworth (2 years).
Leon a Peterson. Fred Kick. Estella
Kopp. Bertha LIndblom. Richard New
ton, Gladys Van Etten. Evelyn Bleuer.
John Johannson. Kenneth Brennan.
Edith Freeze. Edward Goepel, Ruth
McCauley, Frances Thomas. Edward
Clow, Ethel Johnson, Lisle Robinson.
Florence Ryan. Frederick Hetter. Beryl
Williams. Pauline Nelson. Lester Died
rich, Walter Knorr. Harold Lund. Clar
ence Milow. Jennie Nutting. Marion
Peterson. Herbert Ryerson, Leona Sei
del, Viola Peterson (2 years). Theo
dore Zies (3 years). Ruth Trenken
schuh. Virginia Hickey, George New
ton, Marion Walte. Martin Dunavin.
Elvera Gilbert. Bernlce Kincald. Viola
Scherer (2 years). Louise Ohge (2
years). Mildred Felske (2 years), Ma
bel Knorr. Lucy Kopp. Charlotte Bla-
Rccogniz ing- the principle that saving
to be successful, must become a habit.
And that the greatest service this
bank can perform in the community is
the systematic encouragement of real
The Rock Island Savings Bank has
introduced a "WEEKLY SAVERS"
plan, which it will be pleased to have
you investigate. It will refer to the plan
frequently in its newspaper space.
We want YOU to be a
"Weekly Saver" at this bank. ,
There are many reasons why
you should follow this move- '
xnent and SEE WHY.
Rock Island Savings Bank
Savings and
Cr. I8th S and 3rd Ave.
H. S. Cable, Pre.
H. P. Hull, V-Pr.
P. Gree-nawalt, WP.
W. G. Johnston, A.-Cah.
A. J. LlMdatrem, Caah
I. J. Green, ACash.
del, Clarence McLean (4 years). Archie
Anderson (3 years), Henry Lamp. Le
roy Lund. Harold Johnson (4 years).
Norma Eberts, Bernhard Andrews (6
years. William Lamont (3 years). Jos
eph Exner (4 years), Mildred Maas (3
years). Geneva Zies (2 years), Harold
Arndt (2 years). '
Longfellow School.
John Edman. Helen Anderson, Lln
nea Benzon. John Dudley. Pearl Hell
man, Leslie Lincke. John Fenwick.
Karl Klrkman. George McNamara,
Gwendolen Searle, Jacob Knanishu,
Ruben Benson. Alice Heverling. Birdie
Larson. Harold Benzon, Alvln Veh
meler. Mildred Benzon (3 years).
George Crompton. Roscoe Harper I-
years). Kenneth Kempe (3 years), Bes
sie Lincke. Leslie Louden, Signe Nel
son (2 years). Stanley Nothstein, Ken
neth Pederson, Russell Krackliow,
Thor Olson.. Clarence Lincke, Maria
Froeter (2 years). Dennis Jernberg.
Maria Mielke. Ernest Larson. Arthur
KJellHtrand. Ruth Johnson (3 years),
Judd Huett. Sigurd Anderson, Blanche
Wnelier. William Hohenboken. Walter
Eisaman (2 years). Hilda Nelson (3
years), Andrew Vehmeter. Arthur Cam
eron (2 years). Tyra Mauritzson, Har
old Anderson. Bertha Madison, Will
iam Bjorkman. Louis Heuck. Marlta
Ebn. Ada Leaf. Charles Balrd (2
years) Arba Balrd (2 years), John Mc
Namara. Albert Woeber. Walter An
drews. Margaret Mielke. Lillie Ben
son. Clara Frantz. Edith Louden, Grace
Bloom-berg. Naomi Johnson. Veronica
Fenwick (2 years). Clara Froeter (2
years). Lester IIolHt (5 years). Mabel
Arnell (5 years). Elvjn Anderson. Le
on, rtutt. Harrv Hlldebranat, ivan
Hanson. Barbara Kempe (2 years). Lu
.I,-- VonnlaVm James McMUlin. Ma-
ki T'.nlon Irvlnz Olson. William
Smith (3 years). Agatha Pederson,
Marvin Lincke. Delia Linquist, George
Cllemeyer. Louis Woeber.
Horace Mann.
Arnea BorsL Mary Hettz. Mason Car
r.,n,r fl Fassnacht. Richard
ttiimh Mm Lalsner. Elaine Rice
(two years). Clara Sewell (two years)
Annabelle Heuck. Konrad Nelson (two
years ). Frederick Williams. Marjorie
Miller. Mervalne Polley (two years)
Frank Ie Rough. Inna Ialsner. Lu
clenne De Guyter, eorge Carroll Reld,
Bertha Van de Mortel, Clarence De
Pover (three years), Ruth Druehl,
I.vla Williams (two years). Roslne
Borst. Marie Fry (two years), Mabel
I .arson (two years). Amelia Mally
(three year), Inna Rice, Irene Car
ruthers, Margaret Norton, Ruth Nor
ton. Helen Carlson (two year). Har
riet JJruehl. Helen Hurst, Henry
Koehr. Joseph Baltzer. Helge Carl
cm, Mary Clventlne. Claire Harding.
Cllftoa Henke, Roy Johnson, Marie
Kerr, Iona Robinson. Clarence Sam
ueUon. Marguerite tichleuter, Martin
Anderson (Ave years). Ruth Blem.
Ruth Uurch (three year). Gall Hun
toon (three year), Evelyn Mills,
Grace Mill (two years). Gertrude
O'Brien. Dale Rowe, Elizabeth Schro
der. Charles Williams (four years).
Bessie Cox (two years), Clara Dennis
(three etmaecutlve years, alx years in
all). Ma Grosa (three years), Evelyn-
Loadeea .(two years), llrod M.uleldt
The eighth airnnar commencement
exercises cf the South Rock Island
public schools will be held at Aiken
treet chapel Thursday evening at
o'clock. Twenty-one pupils will grad
The class under the instruction of
their teacher. Hiss Julia McGlnty, made
an excellent city record. Those re
ceiving high grades in the final ex
aminations were: Marie Hofer, Hogh
Lawson, William Saunders, William
Morrison, Rose Dasso, Roy Seefeldt,
Ruth Gilbreath and Edward Baumann.
The scholarship was won by Miss
Marie Hofer.
The Graduates.
The following pupils will graduate
Harry Lorentsen, Frederick William
McCaw, William H. Saunders. Marguer
ite Henrietta Rice, Ella Marie Hofer,
Edward Lee Crosby, Sylvia Ella Chan
dler, Mary Margaret Gloor. Ernest Ed
ward Baumann, Josephine Ernestine
Gelger, William Meincke, Edward Er
nest Casper Baumann. George William
Baker. Roy Robert Seefeldt, William
Henry Morrison, Rose Freda Dasso,
Hugh Joseph Lawson, Arthur William
DIerolf, Caroline Guldensopf. Spencer
John Anderson, Ruth Elizabeth Gil-
(two years), Lucile Ulman (three
Grant School.
Glenn Atkinson, 5 years; Rose
Fewe, Robert Beck. 6 years; Edith
Gutawiller. Roy Perkins, 3 years; Ma
rie Schroeder, Ralph Slsco, Archie An
drews. 2 years; Alven Berquist, Theal
Ewert. George Nicholson, Leroy
Krueger. Marguerite Pewe, Fred
Schwartz, Clarence Sisco, Louis Bruhn,
Frank Sharp, August Stevens, Irene
Atkinson, Frances Crawford, Harold
Bruhn, Irene Kimbel (3 years); Helen
McNeill, George Schwarx, Iona Atkin
son, Marguerite DeCIeene, Harold
Fues. Joseph Holzhammer, Alice Ja-
cobsen, Howard Karr, Ada. Rita, Nor
ma Frank, Marcella Blaisdell, Ethel
Audubon School.
Rosella Writhrow. Mildred Olson,
Helen Brown, Clarence Stegeman.
Estelle Meier, Ethel Lorlng, Orville
Kanary. Edward Bailey, Helen Bailey,
Marie Roehr. Medelsa Loring, Jule
With row, Zola Evans.
We Sell Both G.E. and Hotpoint Irons
6-lb. $3.50
3lb. $3.00
Peoples Power
Petition for Continuous Cleaning
Turned Over to Commissioners.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds of
Milan and E. E. Reynolds of Rock. Is
land attended the Decoration day ex
ercises at the Reynolds cemetery Sat
Mr. and Mrs. John McGinnis of Dav
enport spent Saturday with relatives
here and attended Decoration day ex
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Ripley, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward McXall and Mr. and Mrs.
Lyman H. McNall of New Boston, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Hesser and Mrs. E.
Norton of Muscatine visited Saturday
at the James McNall home and at
tended Decoration day services.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mewes and fam
ily of Wrayville attended Sabbath
school and preaching at the Baptist
church Sunday morning. Mrl Mewes
gave a very interesting talk on Sab
bath school work.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Swanson of Mo
line and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hesser and
Mrs. E. Norton of Muscatine were call
ers at the D. A. Kieist home Satur
The regular weekly luncheon of the
Rotary club was held yesterday at the
Rock Island club. witH 40 members in
attendance. Robert L. Hunter gave an
interesting address on "Commercial
Photography." He told of the difficul
ties which confront those In this pro
The petitions which have been cir
culated throughout the downtown dis
trict on the continuous cleaning prop
osition have been turned over to the
city commissioners for action. The pe
titions circulated by the street vig
ilance committee of the Woman's club
were turaed In with them. The ladies
canvassed the residence district. A '
lengthy discussion of the continuous j
cleaning question was indulged in
The next meeting will be held next
Tuesday at Hotel Harms.
The forest service has been request
ed a cooperate with the port authori
ties of Coos Bay, Washington, in plant
ing to control shifting sand dunes.
Jack pine trees planted ten years
ago in the pand hills of Nebraska are
now large enough to produce fence
posts. Last year the first seed was
gathered from this plantation.
The agricultural experiment station
at Pullman, Washington, is establish
ing an arboretum in which it is pro
posed to grow a group of each of the
important timber trees of the temper
ate zone.
Owing to the number of other exam
inations to be held June 6, the state
civil service commission has set July
3 as the day on which to hold exam
ination to provide an eligible list for
the position of deputy state fire mar
shal. This examination will be held at the
capitol building at Springfield, and will
be open to all male residents of Illi
nois between the ages of 25 and 6
years. The examination will cover the
training and experience of the appli
cant, and will include questions on
methods to be used In investigating
causes or fires, on laws regarding1 ar
son and on method of prosecution-In
relation thereto, and on building con
struction and inspection with relation
to the fire risk. The salary ranges
from $100.00 a month at the start -to
$125.00, and necessary traveling ex
penses. '
Bulletins and circulars covering the
work of the state fire marshal depart
ment may be had by any one Inter
ested in this examination by address
ing the state fire marshal at Springfield.
Business Men of Tri-Cltie. -I
Tri-City lodge No. 133, Switchmen's
Union of North America are not doing
any soliciting of any kind in the Trfe
cities. if
J. B
over mn BODY
Began With Small Red Spots. Cried
Almost Day and Night. Used Cu
ticura Soap and Cuticura Oint
ment. Well in One Week.
R. F. D. No. 2. Jackson, Mo. " Our
daughter who is ten months old was utter
ing from an eruption ail over the body. Ia
the beginning they wars
small red spot and after
ward turned to bloody
area. V' tried all aorta
of olntmenta but tbey did
not procure any relief for
our child. She had no
rest day or night and we
tried everything to pro
cure relief for our baby.
Fh cried almost day and nlgbt and
scarcely could touch ber. because aho waa
covered with eorea from bead to foot.
" We bad heard about the Cuticura Soap
and Ointment and made a trial with them.'
and after ualnK the remedies, that la to Bay;
the Soap and the Ointment, only a few days
passed and our child could sleep well and
after one week she waa totally well."
(Signed) August F. Bart els. Nov. 23. 1012.
Prevent dry, thin and falling hair, allay
Itching and Irritation, and promote the
growth and beauty of the hair, frequent
shampoos with Cuticura Soap, assisted by
occasional dressings with Cuticura, Oint
ment, afford a must effective and economical
treatment. Sold by druggist and dealers
everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed
free, with S2-p. Skin Book. Address poaV
card Cuticura, Iept. T. Boston."
WMn who shave and shampoo with Cu
tlcura Boap will find 1 1 best for akin and scalp.
Yesterday in the county court
Mrs. Rose Salisbury was named by
Judge B. S. Bell as guardian of Earle
Nickerson, 4 months old son of Mrs
Rose Nickerson, East Moline. Mrs.
Salisbury will have custody of the
child as well as $300, which recently
became his property.
Judge Bell also found Victor Rhu
maker, 13-year-old son of V. B. Shu
maker, to be delinquent and ordered
him sent to St. Charles.
Peorian Succeed Coal Valley Man in
Hampshire Association.
Peoria, June 3. Charles E. Bunn of
Peoria was elected president of the
Illinois Hampshire Breeders' associa
tion, which met in annual convention
in the assembly room of the associa
tion of commerce yesterday. L. F. Ste
phens of Carlock, III., waa elected sec
retary and treasurer. The meeting was
called to order at 10 ocloc'k by Presi
dent Sharp of Coal Valley, who told of
the progress of the organization dur
ing the past year, after which a report
was read by Secretary E. C. Stone of
Peoria. A committee, consisting of W
A. Potts. Peoria; L. E. Stephens. Car-
lock, and C. E. Bunn. Peoria, was nam
ed to draw up new by-laws for the as
The annual capacity of the forest
nurseries of the government is about
25.000,000 young trees.
Cornell university recently dedicat
ed a forestry building in connection
with the state college of agriculture.
It la said that the best times of day
to see forest fire from lookout sta
tion are Just after daylight and Just
before sunset.
Instantly Clear Air Passages; You
Breathe Freely; Dull Headache
Goes; Nasty Catarrhal Discharge
Try "Ely's Cream Balm."
Get a small bottle anyway. Just to
try it Apply a little in the nostrils and
instantly your clogged nose and
stopped-up air passages of the head
will open; you will breathe freely;
dullness and headache disappear.. By
morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or
catarrhal sore throat will be gone.
End such misery now! Get the
small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at
any drug store. This sweet, fragrant
balm dissolves by the heat of the now
trils; penetrates and heals the inflanjr
ed, swollen membrane which lines tlvq
nose, head fend throat; clears the air
passages; stops nasty discharges and
a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief
comes immediately.
Don't lay awake tonight struggling
for breath, with head stuffed; nostrilaj
closed, hawking and blowing:. Catarrh)
or a cold, with its running nose, foul
mucous dropping into the throat, an$
raw dryness is distressing bnt truly
needless. !
Put your faith just once in "Ely'
Cream Palm" and your cold or catarrh-
will surely disappear. r(Adv.)
Just Unwrap the Loaf
that the grocer boy brings, and one
duty is done. The other duty is to
sec that the loaf is just what you
ordered; that it is genuine original
IkaikiLill linil B
19 q
lil it
' t(7e and Sc
Plf it should prove to be a substitute, call the grocer's
boy back and tell him that your order distinctly calls
for KLSEN-ilAID. Tell him that while others mutate
the outside appearance of the loaf they can't imitate
ine tnsiae goutiness. jj
Tell him that jou know KUEXM-tlMD. You know it's
press upon him the fact that all your trade with him
decends on this whether you telephone, go or send,
r you must have KLEEN-flfHD BREAD.
Rock Island. III.
',1 "
t; ;
i t
t 1 :