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THE HOCK ISLAND ARGUS, MONDAY, JUXE 22, 1914. THE ARGUS. S moon and read tnusny novels e poor, tired ma washes (he dishes. ' . 1 , .1 , . 1. - . 1 . Published daily at 14 gfcona v- urri luruusu ins umt-r ma ui me ;nv Rock Island. III. lEntereJ wt tas ' feestofrice as second-class matter.) : r is, k lalaasl Htatrr t lk AaeeclateJ PrcM. BY THE J. W. POTTER CO. i .TERMS Ten cer.ts pr week by car 1 vler. In Uock Iiar.d. S per year by mall ; In advance. , Complaints of d-I!rery sorvle should , te mad to the clrculticn department, j Which should also be notified In aver ' instance where It Is desired to have . j'Sper discontinued, as carrlerj bave to aothorltr la the pr-rr.iJ. ' ? All commur.icati Jns of argu:ntntt:e Baracter. political or rctlglous. muM : l real name attached for publlca : lion. No such articles will be printed , ar fictitious slgnaturce. ; Trl'phonrs In all departments. Cen- 1 trai Union. Rock Inland 145, 1145 and IKS. ie Monday, June 22, 1914. household drudge? Does she talk about a career for women while little brother runs about with holes In his pants and hair uacombod? Is she afraid that the stain of toll upon her dainty fingers might queer her with her beet young man? If so. put It down as a 10 to 1 shot that els will end by becoming a fret ful, discontented female, a nagger as a wife or a "bachelor girl" whom chil dren will fear and wise men keep away from. But If she pitches In to ma's relief, sings as she elusts and sews and cooks. tidies up the old home till It fairly shines with charm, why. there's hope for her, for good housewives are soon going to be rare enough to be In de mand, fa the story book, the prince, you remember, often went courting In disguise, taking his first peek Into the kitchen. If what he saw there prom I.vd favorable results, be retired, donned his finery and reappeared at the front door. There is a lot of sense In fairy stories. As between the bare-armed maiden In the rear of the home, with the roses of hotaest In dustry in her cheek, and the dolled-up Indolent on the front porch the prince never was fooled, not for a minute. Capital Comment BY CLYDE H. TAVENNEE Congressman from the Fourteenth District. UMLOOf ' S Former Pre silent Roosevelt says he will not run for governor of New York, iiuj wants to be tho next president. Jr. . S It Is now regarded as good form to type" love-letters. If rubber-stamped ( Signatures also are permitted, hus J bands of grand opera stars and actress ; ef will breathe easily once more. Great i : science. ' f -A youth of 19 has been sentenced to JnUi at Jroaton. Ohio. The only way tr become r-concill to this decree of ;tie law is th; knowledge of tho fact '.tkat the culprit brutally murdered three people, two of them a defense-1 lens woman and her young daughter. He should be no more afraid to meet -Bis fate and square the account with the law than he was afraid to send Ms victims to their doom. - LET US HAVE PEACE. V Throughout the long contention over She Woodmen affairs The Argus beg ged for peace. Recognizing that differ ences, and even serious difference of opinion as to policy, are unavoida- ble, and that In an organization found ed on the American principle of pop ular government, there are bound to be factions, it repeatedly expressed ;the hope that in the end it would be demonstrated that after all the war ring elements would prove that in first 'principles they are Woodmen, and that the order would come out of the fray unscathed and as strong as ever. This, it id believed. Mill be the out come of the Toledo couveotion, where the majority has ruled, and the admin- . lstration has triumphed. Hock Island will extend greet in? to tho returning delegates, proud of being the home city of the greatest fraternal society in the world, proud of its achievements, its accomplishments in benevolence, fraternity and charity, and firmly trusting that the seeds of discord have disappeared, and that it will flourish as of yore. In the words of tho hero of Appo mattox, "Lot us have peace." BED CEOSS SEALS. More than 40.000,000 Red Cross Christmas seals were sold last Decem ber, according to a report Issued by the National Association for the StuJy and Prevention f Tuberculosis, and Che American Red Cross report for anti-tuberculosis work in various parts of the United States. The sale In 1913 is a gain of 4.000,- 000 over 1912. or 10 per cent. It .'s hoped that this year the 50.000.000 mark will be reached. The seal de sign for 1314 has been selected and orders for th printing of 100,000,000 seals have been placed. Plans for the organization of a larger sale this year than ever before have been perfected. (New York state led In the country last year with a sale of over 10,500,000 seals, or one for each man, woman and child in the state. Of this number, more than .C,82j,00O were sold outside of New York City. Ohio came next with a sale of 2.R00.0OO, Wisconsin third with 2.700,00(1. and Illinois fourth with 2.800,000. Hawaii sold the most seals per capita, the total sale being (Special Correspondenco of The- Argus.) Washington. June 20. Within a few days Uncle Sam will begin the biggest Job of detecting which be has ever un dertaken. There are some 700,000 tax doCgers in tho United States dodgers of the in come tax and it is Uncle Sam's Job to ferret them out with such thor oughness that it will be an object lesson, the good ef fects of which will be felt for years to come. The government will undoubtedly call in an immense force of detectives to aid in this work. Besides the regu lar force of inter nal revenue depu ties, a body of men numbering several thousand, it Is like ly that the secret service branches of several other departments will be call ed upon to aid in hunting down the tax dodgers. It is to be a man-hunt on a scale never before seen in the United States. "A man is a fool who attempts to avoid the income tax." said Commis sioner of Internal Revenue Osborne several weeks ago, and the commis sioner knew exactly what he was talking about when he made that statement. For the future fiscal wel fare of the United States since it is the plan of statesmen to gradually in crease the income tax and other forms of direct taxation, and gradually aban- fcff '.""SB""" CLYDE H. TAVCNNER don indirect taxation it is essential that the income tax be started off with a collection of the most complete sort. Consequently it is likely that the full power of Uncle Sam as a detective will be thrown into this work of finding the tax dodgers. The same intelli gence and cunning which has upset the shrewdest of counterfeiters and smugglers will be employed to run down income tax dodgers. The trail ers of bank thieves, of white slavers, of border gun runners, of conspirators against the government, of mail swin dlers of all the various classes of crim inals which the government is called upon to apprehend and punish, will now take the trail of the tax dodger. The fraraers of the income tax law calculated that the collection would be about 154,000,000 the first year. They estimated that the number of citizens who would come within the tax would be 1,600,000. The actual re turns have fallen far short of the esti mates. To date the assessments are only 130,750,000, with some 800,000 per sons making returns. The government sleuths therefore will set out on the trail of 700,000 dodgers and, 123,250,000 in taxes. The task is not so difficult as many might imagine. The detectives will have access to the books of banks and corporations. Those whose incomes are above $3,000 a year are generally well known in each community. The dragnet will be fine meshed, and tfie government does not expect many dodgers to escape. Heavy penalties are prescribed for evading the tax, and the government will undoubtedly at tempt to exact these penalties to the last penny as part of the object lesson. HENRY" HOWIAND BUSINESS dffJ The Daily Story The End Of a Duel By Euth Graham. Copyrighted. . r Associated Literary Bureau. glory above That will do for the lame and the blind. But it isn't business. A Chicago busi ness man saya that jao business man' i could live up to' .tbs principles of .the rolden rule. Oh. let's have' dona with the! Golden Rule, For It Isn't bust-! nese; It may do for tha dreamer still or. the fool. But It Isn't bust-' nees. Let the poet sing on of brotherly, love. And the Joy that is earned through belnz kind; -Let the preacher prate on of meek and the to gouga Tou may fall. If you please, where you can. But that isn't business: Tou may hat to bear hard on another man. But It Isn't business! Tou may scorn to undo one who's weaker; than you. And seek no more than you know you've. earned. Tou may treat other men as you'd have them treat you. But, beaten and poor, at last you'll have learned ' That It isn't business, Must we deem it somewhat over two for each inhabi tant. Rhode Island came second with a sale of two per person. Beginning with a sale of 3,500,000 in 190S, in six seasons the revenue which these little holiday seals have brought to the anti-tuberculosis campaign has more than tripled, an aggregate for the period of over Jl.800,000, or 180,000,000 seals. THE IDEAL INTERNATIONAL CITY A grandly idealistic project has re- women, and open fields and athletic INFANT MORTALITY. The federal children's bureau of the department of labor is planning to ' make a careful investigation into the causes of infant mortality. In the United States. 300.000 chlldrda less ' than a year oM die annually. ' At the request of Mis Julia Lathrop, chief of the bureau congress has ap- propriated $164,640 for the prosecution .of this and kindred work of investiga tion. Next in importance to infant , mortality is considered labor condi tions among children. , If the various states were enforcing adequate laws for the compilation of vital statistics, many of tho social evils which now provoke formal investlga- - tlon could be treated scientifically. No business house would attempt to fix prices or to accept big contracts with ' out knowing precisely the unit costs of production. Public business, for its successful conduct, requires the same attention to detail. ; The filing with proper city or county officials of vital statistics should bo en forced by drastic penalties. ". A COURT'S OPINIONS. If the joplnlcns of courts "are con .. vlnclng arguments to Justify their con clusions." as fx-Presldent Taft inti Dated in his JPhl Beta Kappa oration jt Harvard, how is It that members of the courts themselves so frequently remain unconvinced? This is the ques tion asked by the Philadelphia Rec- crd. Nearly all of the treat cases In ryalving interpretations of the constl ' tutlon were decided by a sctai major . Ity of the Ju&ge of the supreme court. Ia the income tax dacis'-on one of the members of the court reversed him self over night, and In the legal tender .case the Jlrst Judgment of the court : was adverse to the legal money qual- . Ity of the greenbacks. It takes two-th'-rds vote of both houses of ccngrejs .and a maJor!tycf three-fourths of the state legislatures to amend the state ;ocstltut:on. cad it is a fair subject 'for argument whether more than a kare majority of a court should not be required to give an immutable inter pre ts tlon or to annul an act of legisla- "uon. -xne old rule was that doubU as 'to the const!tntlonallty of a law should - be) resolved 1q it, tmror. When four Jadges hold out against a majority of ' live the existence of doubt might reasonably t inferred. cently been launched by an interna tional organization known as- the "World Conscience society." The de tails and plan were conceived and per fected after 10 years of altruistic labor and study on the part of Hendrik Christian Andersen, an American- Scandinavian sculptor residing In Rome, assisted by some 40 sculptors, artists, engineers, architects, and sci entists, and has for its object the es tablishment of an ideal world city where all international activities are to have their home and inspiration. A review of the massive and beau tifully illustrated volume which em bodies the plan in its details was re cently published in the monthly bulle tin of the Pan-American union. "This proposed international city," writes the reviewer, "Is to be a city of light, health, wide avenues, parks. playgrounds, fountains, lagoons and noble buildings. It is to be a city without slums, a city of efficiency, con venience and beauty. Not only In be the ideal city, but it is Intended to become the intellectual, artistic and practical international capital of the world; a clearing house for the various social, cultural, scientific and political aspirations of humanity. "As designed it will cover some 10 square miles of ground. Its archi tectural plans are so drawn that It can be built at almost any spot ac cessible to the sea that the nations may choose. While there is ample room within the limits of the city for the homes of the permanent inhabi tants and the necessary business and manufacturing plants, the heart of the city is composed of buildings adapted to the unification of international in terests. These are grouped into three centers devoted respectively to sci ence, art and physical culture. The scientific center is connected with the center of art by the broad avenue of nations, flanked on either side by pal- quadrangles for international exposi tions and contests." The estimated cost of creating such a city, according to the author of the plan, would not be over $100,000,000, a sum that would not severely tax the resources of the governments of the world if equitably distributed. The in ternational committee of the organi zation is to determine the site and location of the city at its meeting next year. Numerous places have been mentioned, such as the Dutch coast near The Hague; the Riviera, near Cannes; Turvueren, near Brussels; St. Germain on Laye, near Paris; the Marmora coast, near Constantinople; the New Jersey coast, near Lakewood; the Isthmus of Panama; and recently the island, of Cuba. Many leaders in art, science, education and world poli tics in the various countries of the civilized globe are taking an active interest in the movement, and the meeting of the international commit tee next year will create a world-wide interest. FIND PASTOR IN ODD WAY Couple Wanting to Marry Obliged by Coatless Pedestrian. Granite City, 111., June 22. Dennis Fennell of Granite City and Miss Anna Stevrtis of Detroit obtained a mar riage license and went to the parson age of the Niedringhaus Memorial Methodist Episcopal church to be mar ried. The pastor, Rev. Charles A. Beckett, was out of tovn. They reentered a taxicab and gave the chauffeur a commission to find a preacher. The chauffeur stopped the first man that came along. His coat was off and he carried an umbrella and looked like a minister. The man said he knew where a preacher lived and bade them follow him. In a few minutes they were back at the Methodist parsonage. The man learned that Pastor Beckett was away, and then Mrs. Beckett asked him why he didn't marry the couple. He said he was willing, if Mrs. Beckett would accept the fee for the use of the wom en's organization of the church. That suited Mrs. Beckett, and the man told Fennell he was the Rev. W. H. Pool of Olney, 111. The ceremony was performed and Fenhell gave $10 for the women of the church. Has It come to this? oT Then adieu to business! Let us back to the fields and the plow and the hoe. And have done with- business. Yet, because some weeds have grown rank and tall Ehall we say no flowers may bloom asraln? There Is greed, but It hasn't engulfed us all. And honor Is still In the hearts of men Who are doing business. Tied Down to Business. "Doctor." said the physician's wife "why don't you take a good long rest? Go away somewhere and enjoy your self. You're working yourself into your grave. You haven't been out of town for five years." "My dear," the celebrated practi tioner said, "I do not dare to leave. If I did so most of my patients would discover that they could get along Just as well without me, and my prac tise would be ruined." Nothing to Worry About. "Good, heavens!" exclaimed the bridegroom when they had been con ducted to their apartments. "What is the matter, dearest?" the frightened bride asked. "I believe I forgot to register you." "Oh, never mind. When mamma and I registered several months ago they told us we wouldn't have to do It again until next fall." Louis Morehead, convicted at 18 in covmgton. Ky, of murder, goes to prison for life. wiuiam uraay.n.D. Some Plain Facts About Meat. Hard physical labor may be done by men who never eat meat, and with en durance equal to or better than men who do -eat meat. There is probably more harm than good in the "meat three times a day" notion of the Ameri can workman. He would be healthier and happier if he ate less meat and more vegetable protein, or nitrogenous food, like beans, peas and nuts. There is no difference between red meat and white meat in the diet of aces which will house embassadors Persons who have Joint troubles. This and delegates representing their re- ou-iuonea iaea nas long since oeen snective nations. It has for Its crown- d'oPPed. White meat is Just as good Inir motif the t'z&ntic tower of urn. or bad r meat la the diet gress. which rises to the height of ui. m uio uitm, Uigien 1.000 feet or more. On the summit of lOBa lal mear. uus ana lats tena to this tower w ill be installed a wireless delaT digestion In the stomach. telegraphy plant and on the lower! Mutton is perhaps the most nourish floor of its colossal base will be found ,n. the mfit digestible and the most WMM a world printing press. The tower rises in the midst of a circular space set apart for interna- economical meat to buy. Both beef and pork or ham are dan gerous to eat unless thoroughly cook- tlonal congress buildings for medicine, I ed- The cause of tapeworm in man is surgery, hygiene, law and criminology. I eating raw or half-cooked beef or electricity and invention, agriculture I pork. and transportation, all of which are I Getting Nourishment From Meat. provided with halls, libraries, rous- The strength Of meat Is In the solid eums and accessory offices. To the I meat and not in the broth. The broth northeast is the International hall of tastes appetizing, stimulates the appe- justice and to the southwest the tern- tlte i and stimulates the circulation pie of religions. Completing the con- slightly, but it does not feed the pa- ception stand an International bank or tlent. The only way the patient can clearing house and a world reference get the real nourishment out of meat library, while in gardens near by are is to eat the meat, found the international institutes of Meat undergoes putrefactive chanee higher learning. The art center Is In the digestive tract more readily than connected with the physical culture other kinds of nitrogen. Hence non center by means of gardens devoted meat diet is advised for various lntes- to horticulture, natural history, soology tlnal and digestive disturbances, also and botany. An imposing temple of for the relief of certain general symp- art, forming the chief monument ofjtoms attributable to absorption of the this center, has been planned with by-products of putrefaction into the ;. AJPTEE SCHOOL IS OVER. 'Now that school Is over, you ran forecast daughter' future br watch- . tsx what aha does. . Coca afce sit la the J natatorlum, gymnasia . tor men and re-. - , . , spacious halls and galleries for sculp ture and painting, surrounding a vast auditorium. The physical center is Intended to facilitate a world reunion of athleticism and to promote the sci entific development of the human form la all nations. A vast etadiuin is Its central feature. Naar It is a large blood. Effect on Blood Pressure. Excess of animal meat in the diet tends to raise the blood pressure. For this reason the amount of meat is reduced in the diet of patients who have such arterial diseases as apo plexy or Brlght's disease. In gout, which is extraordinarily rare in America, all nitrogenous foods, both animal and vegetable, are concerned in the production and deposit in the Joints of urate salts. Therefore it is futile to cut out beef, pork or mutton and substitute an equal supply of en ergy in the shape of fish, eggs or vegetable nitrogen. Most of the gout In America occurs among the poorer classes. In fact, gout is usually a poor man's ailment. Questions and Answers. IL C. R. asks: 1. How do we get the malaria parasite known as the host? 2. Can the anopholes mosquito carry it without previously having bit ten an infected person? Ans. 1. Man is the host; anopholes mosquito Is Intermediary agent. 2. NO. O. B. asks: Isn't a licensed, grad uate druggist capable of treating minor ailments? Ans. The college course in phar macy teaches nothing whatever about diagnosis or treatment. The druggist knows as much about treating minor ailments as a silkworm knows about dressmaking. e e L. M. K. asks: 1. Is the exclusive use of distilled water advisable for drinking purposes? 2. In regard to the sun baths advocated In one of your recent articles, can the same effects be obtained through clothing? Ans. 1. No. 2. No. If exposure of the naked body Is Impossible, then a very porous covering may be used. with longer exposures. The Thing for Her to Do. "The other day in New Tork a man sold his wife's shoes to get money which he spent for beer." "Well, there seems to be only one thing for her to do." "What's that?" ."Put on his shoes and then kick: him." NO CAUSE. TO COMPLAIN. "Father says you really must not stay here later than 11 o'clock, after this." "Pshaw! Why should he care? He owns stock in the electric light company, and prob ably gets reduced rates." His Resolutions. There was a man In our town Who made a resolution; "I'll drink no more." he said. It hurts my constitution." "because For one whole week he bravely kept His lips away from "llkker," And then resolved that he would let His constitution flicker. Practical. "Tour husband is inclined to be practical, isn't her "I should think he was. While we were on our wedding trip he put in most of his time getting material for a new lecture." Dr. Brady will answer all questions pertaining to health. If your Ques tion is of general interest it will be answered through these columns: if not it will be answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope is enclosed. Dr. Brady will not prescribe for individual rases or make diagnoses. Ad. dress all letters to Dr. William Brady, care of The Argus, Rock Island, 1U. Tho Truth About It. "Do you . think Englishmen really lacK the sense of humor?" "No. They merely can't see anything runny in American humor, because so much of it Is made so that the joke Is on the Englishman." Not All Dead. "Pa. why is It that the great men are all dead?" "The great men are not all dead, my son. The trouble is that a great man's greatness is never discovered until he Is dead." Carrying It Too Far. "Do you think that railroad is over capitalised?" xes. Daaiy. The president of It died, the other day. of. water on the brain. nj.f.ui Cnild. Caller My. what a big girl you arc getting to be! Vou'U soon be able to help your mother about th h.u.. Ethel Oh. I do thst already. When ever she snys "For goodness' sake. r out of my way!" I do lt-Phlladelphia Vress. Darin the middle of the lust cen tury, when the old plantation system was an institution In the southern states, there were custom which have now become a thing or tee past Among the most notable of these was settling disputes according to the code duello. In the north at the opening of the .wnnrw ttia aacrlfice of one of the most gifted of American statesmen, Alexander Hamilton, gave dueling Its auietus. In the south it lasted much lonirer. In Tennessee long after toe Hamilton-Burr tragedy Andrew Jack on fought under the code. It remain ed for a girl to show the people of that state by a few caustic words how far the world had gone beyond a custom advocated by one no less notable than a president of the United States. It was shortly after the Mexican war that Miss Belle Conway went to Ten nessee from Ohio to take the position of governess in the family of Colonel Rathoone, a retired planter. That was before it became customary for young ladles to earn thdlr own living. Miss Conway had been educated In Connect icutwestern girls and boya osuaiiy went east In those days for an educa tionand had evinced a superior mind. She had not long returned from school when her father died, leaving his fam ily without an Income. There was then a field In the south for teachers. and northern graduates were sought after. Miss Conway -waa comely, but not beautiful. She possessed character, and it showed Itself In ber personnel. Character In hep was allied with good sense. She was more self reliant than most of the southern girls of that day, whose intellectual and practical facul ties were not readily developed under a system wherein their slightest re quirements were attended to by their servants. Miss Conway was treated as a mem ber of the Rathbone family, and where they were Invited she was Invited. She did not capture those she met as some dazzling southern beauty would have done In the north, but from the first there was a steady growth In her fa vor. Girls of her own age were not jealous of her; they rather admired ber for the possession of those traits which they did not possess themselves. for with them beauty and coquetry were more in keeping with their sur roundings than Intellect. As for the young men, they saw In ber something different from that to which they had been accustomed and were gradually attracted to it. Fortunately there was no son of Colonel Rathbone of an age to fall in love with the governess. The man who was most thrown with her was Archibald Dabney, who had recently returned from the University of Vir ginia,, where henad studied law, rather with a view to using it In political life than as a profession. Mr. Dabney was Just the man to be attracted to such a girl as Miss Conway. While she was northern born and bred, be was representative of the best there was In the south. Mr. Dabney found Miss Conway companionable. He loved to talk with her express his opinions to her and get hers. While he did not realize It she was magnifying his views on many subjects, and this Is doubtless a reason why he found her Interesting, for he had that caliber of brain which Is capable of development and could recognize a better position than one he held and step up on to it. Neverthe less, as a typical southerner born and bred under the peculiar systems then In vogue In the south, be could not step over that gulf of Ideas which separated him from a progressive north. Mr. Dabney's pleasant intellectual companionship with Miss Conway re ceived a sudden shock. A planter, Markland Carr, a few years older than Dabney. a widower who was looking for a wife, saw her and, benefiting by the experience of a married man. was struck with the idea that Miss Conway was exactly -the woman he wanted to preside over his household. He straight way began a courtship as a widower would naturally conduct such an affair. He did not dally, and he did not make undue baste; be planted bis foot firmly on each step and. when ,he considered it advisable, took another step. The moment Mr. Dabney realized Mr. Can's intentions a great revolution sprang up within him. It had suddenly been revealed to him that he could not spare Miss . Conway. His manner to ward her changed at once. From an In tellectual companionship he stepped Into friendliness, and from friendliness became tender. Indeed, considering the rate at which his rival was proceeding, be felt that be had no time to lose. Both suitors were prevented from making a declaration by the fact that they met with jio definite encourasrn. ment from the lady. Mr. Dabney was uncertain: Mr. Carr did not recognize a sign indicating an invitation to speak. Each suspected the other's Intentions and each supposed that the reason he did not get the requisite encouragement was that the other had the preference. AM thin made the usual bad blood lhat exists between rivals. Unfortu nately, Mr. Dabney was Just entering me ueia or pontics as a Whig, and Mr. Carr had for some time been a promi nent iemocrat The election th land ed one of the two leaders in ,T upon Carr political status was a sott flcatlon to him tfjot If be wanted lliw Conway be must fibt for her, not wfta his fists, but with the weapon eo. inonly used among gentlemen In the, days, a Derringer pistol. DahDey atit no reply to Carr calling biin a liar, br.t later sent a friend to him demanding', retraction and an apology for the suit Carr refused either to retract r apologize, and a meeting was arranged between the two men. The political discussion that had tt en place between her two suitors ab4 the insult one had given the other so&. came to the ears of Belle Conway, tn It was public property. Indeed, It wai commented upon by every newspaper In the county. No one but the prioeiMk- In the affair knew the real cause of the difficulty Denina toe one that was pot forward to the world. There was n mention In the Journals of a probtbi ?i duel between the two men. hn k . - . - . MCIf was an expectation or one. Miss Conway saw a mention of th, trouble In print, but had no idea of Its purport. She neither realized that so slight an affair would lead two men to try to kill each other nor had the faint, est suspicion that she was the real cause of it. She could not understand how so gentlemanlike a person as Dab ney could accuse another gentleman of Impure motives or how the other could fling back the accusation In a way the considered fitted only for a rowdy. Nevertheless she knew enough of southern customs to realize that so gentleman there could call another a liar without serious consequences. During the morning a carriage vai driven up to Colonel Rath bone's noose. and a Ja ay augntea. a lew mlnotes later a colored servant came to Misi Conway, who was at work with thi children, and said: "Missy Belle, Missus Dabney down in de parlo and wants to see yo" right away." Miss Conway looked at the messen ger with astonishment. Why should the mother of Archibald Dabney wiib to see ber and so hurriedly? Iaring the children and their lessons, she went at once to the parlor. There she found the caller evidently moved by a great emotion. "Miss Conway," said the latter, "an yo' aware of the cause underlying this quarrel between my son and Mr. C&T "I am aware of no cause except a political difference." "That Is merely a pretext To art the real cause." -I?" "Yes, yo. Had yo shown a prefer ence fo' one or the other this unfo'to nate affair would not have occurred." "Why Is It so unfortunate?" asked Miss Conway anxiously. "My son and Mr. Ca' are going to fight a duein "Fight a duel? When where?" ,"' "I don't know." "I must see these men, and together. I will decide between them at once." It would be impossible for Miss Con way to see them together. There was ' but one way for ber to act in the mat ter. Mrs, Dabney promised to find oat If possible when and where the affair was to take place, and Miss Conway was to be there and make an effort to stop It The next morning at sunrise In aa open space In a wood near Mnrfrees boro, while seconds were pacing off the ground for their principals to fight on, a carriage containing Miss Conway drove up, and the lady stepped oat She was greeted with astonishment by the dueling party. "Gentlemen," she said, yoa men of the south are men of honor. As sack I ask to know if I In any way enter Into the cause of this affair." The question was received in silence. "I have the word of one whom neither of you would question that If I had shown a decided preference for either of you this affair would not bavt occurred. If my Informant is correct and yon will drop this quarrel I will decide between you." Though there was no reply It was evident that both principals assented to the proposition. "Do you promise V asked Miss Con way. Both men bowed an assent "Very well. I would not on any ac count ally myself with cither one of two men who would fight for me in stead of making me the sole arbiter between them." She turned and re-entered her car riage. Neither of the men helped her into It, each giving way to the other. Whea the lady had gone Dabney said to Carr: Mr. Carr, as the aggressor In tbla quarrel I feefit Incumbent upon mo to recall what I said to you at the club." - It was subsequently announced that explanations and apologies had passed between Messrs. Dabney and Carr. After this affair there w?r n duels between persons of prominence in the south. The custom died as it had died In the north. But Dabney after a time renewed his suit with success. - war witn Mexico in the presidency was coming on. Carr supported Lewis Cass ana Dabney entered the field for Zach. ary Taylor. There was nothing In this to antagonize the rivals, but, both want ing tne same woman, It helped to do so. une evening at a social club when politics was being discussed Dabnev cast an aspersion on Carr's motives In supporting nig candidate, and Carr gave him the lie. In those days to call a man a Har was to receive a blow In return. Rut these two men understood each.arhr i)th knowing that Dabney's .aspersion i June 22 in American History. 1837 Paul Charles Morphy. long tn world's champion chess player, born In New Orleans; died there 18S4. 1SS Captain W. S. Schley's relief pr . ty reached Cape Sabine and res cued lieutenant A. W. Greely and six others, only survivors of U14 Greely polar expedition to Franklin bay. 1898 General Shafter's corps made tl first landing on Cuban soil at Da'' Quiri. . 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