?3 I
I yJrrns Branch O Sices V
rar tb accommodation of Its patrons
k nnous paxts ul u city. TUo Argui
iaoLol a D'He.-n of branch of
Macr ubcrlpti"n iinii want ad
HrtaiC my be r:CTjv:d and any ln-u-iU.ii
Uit tnat miy pecuin to any
LMTtiMnt o tne pater, ntwi or bui
aio plai.ntd to l ave at racii
ti Ux branch olUcca every evtuin- a
upir of cupl: ot Ti.e Argus or lha
t.i. t ttx any J briLxr wlio iui
Mt failed unat--r ui.y uircumfUucta to
ltenr tea paper, w a u auyiu
at cure.
Ii ArxJ chain of branch offlcea
J. J. APf XIOUOU i.tTC, till (UU
E. X. Rove's pharmacy, 4118 Four-
Ua areou.
ufiodcrs drug store. tnty-iev-
a'J aireeU $KVuia avenue.
iutatiecka pLraiuc, li I ntra are
Wacsess arrocery. SH f ourtt street,
i. Wuwaa nouuu store, acvvulb
Knct iuuncntxi avecue
tUexeyer's drue iur. lilevcntii ave-
tat acd Fit teeatu nirift.
. Wclsmana trutiry, &2j EHvtotU
ba Street druar store, Ti.lrUttn street
lai f liia arenue.
Calks Dbarmacy, Sevcntn avenue
al lairty-eiKiitn street.
0iao grocery, Xiurtuei.U avenue and
thrUtUk street.
tuuer drug store, corner i If til ave-
laa aad Twtuty-tnird street.
aUauas ac ftaa iruur?. i;:s Twf:n-
t-uu aireet.
X. a Kclir A Kan . sroeerv.
bih street.
3K RENT Svn-roonj modern tiuuse.
wii iUn becond avt riue.
fjR EEXT Seren-room modern house.
ICR EENT fceven-rooni house at 1314
Oft RENT All m'di-rn seven-room
" yyj al u invuiiuiru
rR RENT Fnur-rwrn r-' tf.nse at 2"'5
f'a v-nuf. li.vair.- tl Twenty
fojrta aireet.
KB RENT 1021 Nineteenth street.
fern house; rer.t Hi. linju-ro lu04
ieoty-seeond aiieet.
3 Etnt-rorn modi rn houxe
1.:4 Seventn aven.ie. l:, jlre T.ii
--Ui-Dd-a-i.alf avenue.
'j RENT 6ou:h si .- rr.'.il-rn double
f-J-'T S-vr;-r"'T,i r.nrtiv mo.
?h"t ! Tb:rtv-ninM. .'.rcL
Juire 13- Th.rty-i.mts. Mre. t.
"-?.it- "''"J-rn five-room
aViL,T' My-tr.ird Mireet. In
atreet. K":;'- 7l Twenty-third
RRiAT Strictly moa-m eiKht
tie at Twenty-ilrst
S?!1- lnj.r Twenty ttrst
Pr.Au klM..k L.n.j
'J.f-ENT 2-.1J Klfth-and-a-half av
t,. flv-"-"!n e.,ttae; ei-irie
1,.. ''' w;.fr .and ewer.
Viir i41i H!;h av. i,u,-.
SVT An eii-:-.: -room cottage,
'J W4rn. at : 1 Twelfth ave
Jfv Ij'.ujre at lj.,1 Twelftii utreet.
"ne kwk l-.at..i
RET 3Vi'.ierr ii-r.nrn ott.itre.
ZrTS and E.ghth av ti ua
i .'"i-nir.tu . ., i e:eren...s. Call
laiaiid 1 1 - ..
eTRE?"T llo j-e or Mj r'orr.s. modern
mmJt J"'1-"'" ."'. Seventemtu
- muiie j.-k-h I-I.-ii.il 3'i7.
a?.? Seven -room modern hoiise
SI- lit,. k( T.'.a ...f UU
aK. Ser ,e ,t
r. '"i"e nf six r' '.Tn. mod-
avU "rr-i'r' 17 Eleventh
tV rrnt 17. I"l l:r- V e, J-ev. n-
JB Street. ,..,.,.. , JsUllj
e'I Nicely firr.!t,e seven
hoi.se. r:i blocks from
wu I" J T" t; ,'rom "
' t?L i-tl! ""'v. references ye-
" Phore R k Isijt.d 270a.
h flV?T"Tf','"r''''m In South
i'rri r".ae,, j,gi.t. g,,. u..ih.
in cistern; la. g- l-.t. Inquire
t, '" II - R. Dack.
kork Island 1C.-.7-E.
lxti ,T- rn " ven-r'iom house.
t-trm, -ieenih av. r. if an.lTain
nrt atret. i,, a .....
Zllnx "tr.et
t-j. l"iite,i ,, i-.i.v .11 til
' . Silt', r' .- . ...
. n.'i' in n.e-ro'ifi
s2T. 1 ''"'-e I'.o, k lni..iid
40hk- " " .
i cl ri house hui.tinr. cotn
1,., ,W'il asaiat o.J to get j-
0 "TVY
m m.
A ?fcr-2l
FOR RENT A well fumlfhed. (rood
Hized bay room, with hot and cold
watr In room; modern home; resi
dence district: near board and car
line; ultahl for one f.r two persons.
Call Ilock Island 11&7-X.
FCR RENT Modern rooms for light
hounekeeplnz: 2312 Flftn aTenue.
FOR RENT Apartment of two. large
rooms at 527 Xineteentn street.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
front rooms; 1S27 Sixth avenue.
FOR RENT Furnished light house
keeping rooms at 1807-1S21 Sixth av
enue. FOR RENT Modern furnished room at
614 Sixteenth, street, rnuna oaca is
land 40.
FOR RENT Newlv furnished modern
rooms; 2427 Eighth avenue; use of
FOR RENT Modern furnished room,
suitable for two: 2016 1-3 Third ave
nue. FOIt RENT Furnished room, suitable
for una or two; 929 Seventeenth
FOK RENT Modern furnished room;
l"i2 Seven Cetnlh street; walking dis
tance. l"OR RENT Modern furnished front
room, with telephone; 4s Seventeenth
FOR RENT Strictly modern furnished
room for two, close in. Fhone Kock
Island 23-i.
FOK RENT Modern furnished room,
one Hock from Harper house; 106
Sala Flats.
FOR RENT Furnished light house
keeping rooms at lso-l21 Sixth
FOK KENT Suite of thro" light house
keeping rooms, modern, inquire 181tf Si
Third avenue.
FOK KENT Parlor room, suitable for
one or two: 1134 Second avenue. Phone
liock isiand'3161.
FOK KENT Two nicely furnished
rooms lor light housekeeping at sal
Forty-lirst street, city.
iUK KENT Two furnished lighthouse
keeping room, modern; call even
ings; 237 Sixth avenue.
Fult K14NT Eargepleasant front rooms,
on Hist floor, lor light housekeeping,
at iJ2 Twentieth street.
FOK KENT All modern furnished
room, cooking privilege If desired;
lzZ'i Fourth avenue.
FOK RENT Strictly modern sleeping
loom; aioo light housekeeping rooms,
at o43 Seventeenth street.
FOK RENT Four furnisred rooms
f-.r light housekeeping. Apply b-!
Twjiiietii street. All modern.
F.K KENT Modern furnished room
f.r light housekeeping. Phone Rock
!.. 31J2: 2112 i itui avenue.
Fcrlt KENT Four connecting down
stairs furnished rooms, or will rent
singly: 23y Thirteenth street.
FOIt RENT Modern furnished rooms
for light housekeeping; 2212 Fifth
avenue. Phone Koca island 3122.
lJtl RENT Modern furnished room,
with first class board: :'2 Twentieth
t-treet. l'hone Kock Inland 224s.
I-'OK ItENT Three strictly modern un
furnished rooms; heat and gas fur-l.l.-lird.
414; at 929 Twenty-first street.
FOR ItENT Nicely furnished modern
neat light housekeeping rooms, also
lu.-msiKd room, 1127 Seuond avenue.
FOK KENT Furnished light house
keeping rooms, also sleeping rooms,
on nrst floor. Inquire 12ua'i'turd ave
nue. FOK ItENT Modern furnished front
rw'Tn . board if desired. Phone Kock
i.'.ind 2313. Inquire 736 Seventeenth
Foli KENT Modern furnished front
room . board if desired. l'hone Rock
Island 2313. Inquire 736 Seventeenth
street .
FOIt RENT Modern furnished or un
furnished rooms for light housekeep
ing; " 112k Fourteenui-and-a-half
street .
FOK RENT Three nicely furnished
light housekeeping rooms, to couple;
parity modern; references; 2110 FTfth
FOR 'ItENT Two furnls:ieT or three
unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping; modern; 9u2 Fourteenth
FOR RENT Modern furnished front
room: board if desired. Phone Rock
Island 231. Inquire 734 Seventeenth
FOR RENT Modern furnished room;
board If desire-; private home; 714
Seventeenth street. Phone Rock !-
land 1411-X.
F'R RENT Strictly modern furnish
ed rooms, opposite public library, at
4 12 Nineteenth street. Phone Kock
island 3047.
FOrTItENT Two large pleasant rooms,
strictly modern: private home; board
If desired; 1 22t Fourth avenue. Prions
nock Island 220.
y&nr. , this repwru m fs. a. i a czw - s . . e -r-o .
... .
FOR RENT Two modern furnished
front rooms for light housekeeping,
by courle without children, ut 61S
Twenty-first street.
FOR RENT Three unfurnished front
rooms; toilet, era ronse connected,
water.. Phone Rock Island 1164. 10T
Thirteenth street.
FOR RENT Furnished steam heated
front room, over Empire theatre. Mrs.
l.oring. room 7. 1'hone Rock Island
1969. Call after 5 p. m.
FOR RENT Nice modern room for One
or two, gentlemen preferred: best
residence district; walking distance.
Address "F. H.." care of The Argus.
FOR RENT Three furnlshe-1 front
rooms for housekeeping; gas range,
electric llarht and gas; rent reason
able: 03 Second avenue, phone Rock
Island 1274-Y.
FOR RENT Suite of rooms, furnished
for light housekeeping; modern; rent
reasonable: club of employed women,
teachers or nurses preferred. Phone
Kock Island 142C-X.
FOR RENT Nicely furnisned light
housekeeping rooms, good location,
near all car lines: lluht and heat fur-
nlshed: 1400 Third avenue. L. C. !
PI oh, grocer.
FOR RENT Two or three modern fur
nished light housekeeping rooms, in
private home, suitable for ladles or
married couple; very desirable local
ity; 1510 Eighth avenue. Phone Rock
Island 11J3-K.
FOR RENT Modern seven-room flat.
Inquire 420 Fourteenth street.
FOR RENT Modern six-room flat,
down stairs. Inquire llo'J Fourth av
enue. FOR RENT Five-room fiat, opposite
Rock Island passenger depot. Phone
Rock I-sland 399-L.
FOR RENT Modren flat at 1816 4 Third
avenue. Inquire t03 Third avenue.
Phone Rock Island 731-X.
FOR RENT One modern six-room flat;
Payne apartments. Inquire Flat 1,
or telephone Rock Island 2759.
FOR KENT The new Negus flats 1229
Second' avenue; modern. Inquire W.
O. Negus Kock Island house.
FOR RENT Furnished modern flat,
very reasonable if rented immediate
ly. Phone Ruck Island 1426-X.
FOR KENT Modern furnished apart
ment; Kosenileld apartments. liula
Third avenue; references required.
FOR RENT Modern five-room fiat at
60 Seventeenth street. Inquire J.
Silverman. Phone Rock Island 16G1.
FOR RENT Modern upstairs six-room
fiat at 508 Sixteenth street. Inquire
1714 Fifth avenue, or lsiib Third ave
FOK RENT Building, good for restaur
ant or rooming house, at 3112 Fifth
FOK KENT Second avenue store. 20x
CO. at 1S05 Second avenue. "Inquire
E. H. Krell.
FOR RENT Furnished camp, with
boat, on Watch Tower grounds.
Phone Kock Island 54.
FOR RENT Well established paint
shop. Inquire Klockau Auto and
Carriage shop. Sixteenth street and
Fc-urth avenue.
Maaonlo Temple, Eighteenth street and
Fifth avenue.
J Lodge No. C7. A. F. i A. iL,
will b held on the first Thurs
&vr of each month, at 7.20 l. m.
The craft are Invited. Special for work
on E. A. degree In lonlc hall on
Thursdav. Sept. 17, at T :u0 p. m.
Visiting Masons are cordially iiivlteo.
By order of John Pearson, W. M.;
W. B. Petllt. secretary.
43. A. St.
BUFORD POST, 4. O. A. R, n:eet
regularly on the second and fourth
Saturday evenings of each month at
TiO in Memorial hall at th court
house. W. 5a. Johnston, commander;
E. 1L Buck, adjutant.
nrv urn i. hoNU TOL' Eaecutorf. ad
mlnlstrators', guardians', trustees", or
any kind of judicial bonds; lodges and
society officers; tlty. state, or U. S.
tovcramial officials; contractors, po
sition ot trust; In fact, any kind of
bond you want teacept bail bonds!.
Terms reasonable. liayca a Cii-ava-land,
resident roana.-ira, Fidelity 4t
Deposit Company of Maryland.
VPERFiCvOVilr moleswaMsTon
(ace and arms permanently removed
wltai electric needles. Address Miss
A Jat Klttredae. i Arsryle flats. Lrudv
street. Davenport. Phone 04. Out
of town until Oct. 1.
rr m w klU'lilV Farm sales a special
ry; aruarantee satisfaction. Phouu
Rock Island 1151, or 2,2.
Copyright. 1014, by II. L. Goldberg.
)r x
VANTKr Experienced sc-lleltor and
collector; 31i Twentieth street.
WANTED Solicitor for good paying
proposition. t'a!l Olobe Mercantile
Agency, room 514 Rest building.
WANTED A high class salesman; one
that can sell life Insurance: a special
proposition to the right man. Farmers
-National Life, Chicago. 111.
WANTED L.ive ipresentatlve to sell
greatest invention or the age; ll.ono
to S5.U0O required: will pay S2.000 to
o,uue yearly; no experience requirea.
National Dlsslcating company, 315
Woolner building, Peoria, 111.
WANTED Salesmen ror membership
in organization selling automobile
tires anil accessories to members at
cost; god commission rate. League
of American Automobilists, 24 IS
Woodward avenue, Detroit. Mich.
WANTED Salesmen; we desire a force
ful and aggressive salesman for a
high class calendar leather and novel
ty lino to represent us in Kock Is
land, also for several counties in Illi
nois; will consider applications only
from men of reliable character and
real selling ability. Thomas J. Beck
man company; 627 Filbert atreet,
Philadelphia. Pa.
WANTED At once, on account of the
European war, men to learn the bar
ber trade and fill vacancies; thous
ands ol' fwreigneis barberttig in I'nit
til States going back to light for their
country: can prepare you just now for
good jobs at exceptional wages; tools
ir-cluded; Ret the dope on this today.
Moler Karbcr college. 105 South Fifth
avenue. Chicago. 111.
WANTED Salesmen in every state;
honest, energetic men only; experi
ence desirable, not essential: perma
tint, pioiitabe business in your home
countv; gn'd references required.
Sexton Co.. Importers, Manufactur
ers and Whoesale Orocers, the largest
house in the world selling farmers
und large consumers. John Sexton i
Co., Lake and Franklin streets, Chi
cago. 111.
WANTED Oirl to do general house
work. Inquire 1521 Ninth avenue.
WANTED Ltrl to do folding; Driftlll
Printing company, 219 Eighteenth
WANTED Girl to do generau house
work; 2225 Seventh avenue. Phone
Rock Island 1797.
WANTED Girls over lfi years old at
W. L. Ganserl candy factory, 221-223
Eighteenth street.
WANTED At once, girl to do general
housework: family of two adults;
2215 Seventh avenue.
WANTED Girl to assist with general
himsework; no washing; one who can
go home evenings, luqulre 1116 Sev
enteenth utreet.
WANTED - A cook or girl to do gen
eral husework. to spend winter with
family in the south. Mrs. F. W. Kel
meis. 914 Second avenue.
WANTED A young girl to assist with
housework; family of three adults;
a good home for right party. Phone
Rock Island 2500.
WANTED Girl or woman of good ad
dress to act as local collector; steady
work for right party: references re
quired. Address. "B. W.," care of The
WANTED DreasmaKlng. high grade.
at 1S24 "Ahlrty-niuiu street, nwa is
land. WANTED iJice. curtains to launder;
H4S Fourteenth street- Phone Rock
lsl.ind 2303.
WANTED Four adults to board and
rocm in - priwite h"me Address ' V
Y.," care c-f The Argus.
WANTED To buy for cash, 110,000
worth of second nanu goods. Betore
you sell, phone Kock island iilo.
WANTD To buy. furniture, stoves;
will pay best price. Call En if?. Mo
line ail; lt!0 Third avenue. Mo-line.
WANTED Plain sewing at my home;
competent seamstress; 1517 Seventh
avenue; good references. Phone Rock
Island 97 7.
WANTED To meet party with 31.250
they would loan lor two years at 2
per cent per month. Address "B. 100,"
care of '1 he Argus.
WANTED To buy on yearly payments,
modern bungalow in Long View ter
ritory within walking distance. Ad
dress "Buyer," care of The Argus.
WANTED Fifty old feather beds at
once. Will pay highest cash price.
Send poftal to New York Feather
company, general delivery Rock Is
land. 111. l'hone Kock Island 267?.
LEAKS" up-to-date dressmaking and
lades' tailoring, ana bo irdependent
and self-supporting. We teach vou
t cat, tit. aes'gn and make your
ice 4 a or suit :ro:n your own mater
ials. Dreas form given free if you
enroll now. Positions furnished in
auy snop when competent ir desired.
Day, evcnlr.g arid private classes. c
H Grvbbe. ladies' tailor aud dress
maker. South Putnam building. Tsi
rp'onu Davenport 731
SEPTE3IHER 15, 1914.
FOR SALE Sven-room house, all mod
ern, fine location. S50 Twenty-second
street. Phone Rock Island 127S-K.
FOR SALE On easy terms, modern six
room house, near car line. Address
S., ' care of The Argus.
fOR SALE P:esidenco property: lot
$4v and up. Williams Ac Irving.
t-none kock island 1291-L, or 12D1-A'.
FOK SALE Several fine modern homes
on 1 wenty-thlrd street, at bargain
prices. Lininger ii Meyer, Safety
FOR SALE Lota In Jos C Scheurman's
addition; price and terms very rea
sonable; 40G Eighteenth avenue.
Phone Kock Island 2454.
FOR SALE Five-room partly modern
house; hill location, on car line; Sl,
i50 for quick sale. L. L. Hance, Sfe
ty building.
FOR SALE Seven-room house, located
six blocks from the court house; lot
60 feet by 140 feel; price 12,000. Eck
liart c Buffum.
FOK SAL,E House; nice property; for
reasonable price. Inquire xbUJ '1 wen-ty-hftn
street, or Young sc McCumba'
store. Ask for P. IL. Edwards.
FOR SALE Five-room modern new
house; best location; f2,S0u. 300 cash,
balance easy term. L. L. Hance, Safe
ty building. Phone Kock Island 2563.
FOR SALE Four-room cottage; paved
street, water, sewer, gas, anu toilet;
cement basement; oO-ioot lot; price
1 1.72.. Lininger t Meyer, Saiety
FOR SALE or trade, for city proper
ty, 40 acres ot good Kock island
county land; good improvements; one
of tile best small farmn in the county.
Xfe nance, &aiety bulluing.
FOR SALE Six-room modern house.
on paved street, within 10 minutes
walk of .Market square; paving paid.
For quick sale, xz,500. 1. L. Hance,
Safety builuin. Phoue 2563 Rock
FOR SALE Lots In John a. Schuer-
mann's Sixth addition, from Filth to
Seventh street and Fourteenth avenue
to Eighteenth avenue; payments, S5
down, 35 per month. Inquire I7oO
Sixth street. Phoue Kock Island 1296.
FOR SALE Lots in Soutn Heights,
south of Aiken atreet, bet wen
Twelfth tnd Sevenf mth strets, on
easy terms; 325 down, balance in five
years. nr. W. Robinson, 1454 Rich
mond stret. Phone Kock Island
FOR SALE Two cottages located on
Twelfth avenue and Fortieth street;
lot 100 feet by 140 feet; room to build
two more houses; price only 33,oou
for both places. For particulars, see
Eckhart Buifum.
FOK SALE Four-room he-use; city wa
ter, gas and light, sidewalk and sew
er paid lor; lot worth 31,000. If you
are looking for a small house, can't
do better than to buy this one at 31,
350. Locateed on Long View car line.
Bofore purchasing a home, come and
Inspect my big city bargain list of
homes; prices from 31,20n to 37.000;
on easy terms. L. L. Hance, Safe
ty building.
FOR SALE Five and 10-acre tracts,
close to Milan; tine for gardening;
nice terms. Eckhart & Buffum.
FOR SA LE Well improved 120-acre
farm, six miles west of Andalusia.
F. J. Sehave, owner, Illinois City. Hi.
FOR SALE Or trade, a number o-f
larms; also am able to make a lew loans
ranging from 350O to 32,000. x. L.
Ilanc-e, Safety building.
WANTED Fosition by German (Cath
olic) lady, ns housekeeper: reler
ences. Inquire 4io6 Third avenue.
WANTED Position by lady stenogra
pher and bookkeeper; good, experi
ence, reliable worker. Phone Kock
Isiand 2194.
SEARLE Tc MARSHALL Attorneys-at-law.
Otllce 3v2-3u3 Safely building.
Rock Island.
torney s-at-law. Oilice in Kjck Islund
National bank building.
torneys and counselors at Ijw. Mney
to loan on reel estate. Room 2lio
203 People's National bank buiidixig
general law business; cc-i-jKjrai.ia,
probate and real estate ltv; 11 1'eo-
tle's bank builuii,-. luui:e l.rk Is
ind 349.
A11S 1 It ACTS of tlli prcrrreC or c:,.,.
tlnued to date cover.ng any r.n.il e.
tale in the county. Pro.-i.pt a:.d ac
curate c-errlca at reast:. Mu j-ares,
Kiok Island Tloe v Abstract com
pany; J. J. Ingram, pr. sir.er.t; w. J
Sweeney, secretary; 200-2o3. secor.J
t)or. People's Nuiional U.11I1 build
injf. Kock lslan
WA YS.-By Goldberg.
) BCEi "TpRlBLG" SI wee" ;;
r-7ri&: cammoaJ balls 1
FOR SALE Red Globe onions; Edward
Jens. South Rock Island.
FOR SALE First class cinders at a
low price. Rock Island Brewing com
pany. FOR SALE At a bargain, four-burner
gas stove and oven. Inquire 1031
Twenty-first street.
FOR SALE Gentle horse, buggy and
harness; 161 s Third avenue. Phone
Rock Island 455.
FOR SALE Household furniture: 1038
Fourteenth-and-a-half Btreet. Phone
Kock island 2S29.
FOR SALE Horse, weight 1.000 pounds,
price, S35; 408 Eighteenth avenue.
Phone Kock Island 2454.
FOR SALE Pure grape wine, Jl per
gallon, delivered. Ueorge Glockhun,
South Rock .Island. Phone O09-X.
FOR SALE Goor team of farm mares.
six anr eight years old: cheap if sold
at once. Call loir Fourth avenue.
FOR SALE Jewell soft coal burner,
largest size, suitable for oflice; 520
Thirtieth street. Phone Rock Island
FOR SALE New liafht weight surrey,
easy riding, electric light, rubber
tlred, dust proof axle; bargain. Phone
Kock Island 200.
FOR SALE Riding or driving horse,
surrey, harness and saddle, at 1227
Fourteenth street. Phone Kock Is
land 1305.
FOR SALE McCormick corn binder
and shredder, used two seasons, cheap.
Twin-City Rendering company. Phone
Kock Island 403.
FOR SALE A launch 24 feet long: car
ries 10 passengers. Inquire Henry
Hanshaw, corner Sixth street; 520
Fourteenth avenue.
FOR SALE On account of child's death
will dispose of her first class violin
and almost new high grade piano at
a bargain; 901 Twentieth street.
Phone Kock Island 1936.
FOR SALE Furniture, including dav
enport, dining room table, sideboard,
bookcase, etc.; all In good condition;
at a bargain. Call 502 Twenty-third
FOK SALE One mare six years old.
sound, city broke, works single and
double. Inquire Henry Dasso, South
Rock Island, one block wesl ot Cen
ter Statlc-n.
VOR SALE Pair of horses, set of har
ness and surrey; all in good condi
tion; horses weigh about 1,000
pounds each, suitable for driving or
light delivery work. Charles F.
Shaw, Ross building. East Moline,
Notice of Publication.
State of Illinois, Ruck Island Coun
ty ss:
In the Circuit Court, September
Term, A. D. 1914.
Stella Hobson vs. Frank W. Hobson.
In Chancery.
Aitidavit of non-residence of Frank
W. Hobson, thtt above deiendant, hav
ing been filed in the clerk's oiKce of
the circuit court of said county, notice
is therefore hereby given to the said
non-resident defendant that tile com
plainant iiled her bill of complaint In
said court, on the chancery side there
of, on the ISth day or August, lali, and
tuat thereupon a summons issued out
of said court, wherein said suit is now
pending, returnable on the third Mon
day in the month cf September next,
as Is by law requires.
Now, unless you. the said non-resident
defendant above named, Frank W.
Hobson. snail personally be and appear
before said circuit court, on the lust
day of the next term thereof, to be
holdtn at Rock Island, l:i and for said
county, on the third Monday lit Sep
tember next, and plead, answer or de
mur to the said complainant's b.'i.' of
complaint, the same and. the matttrs
and things therein charged and stand
will be taken as cwiii rwJ. and a de
cree entered ogalnut you according to
the pruver of said biii.
Rock Is' ind. 111.. Auff. 1. 1914.
Scbrivel Sen raver, complainant's
Ruse of a Noble Scot,
William C'arstairs wa-j W.r.iam Ill's
chief counselor in ecclcsiist'-cal mat
ters. What a noble man this sturdy
Sect was! An Episcopalian curate who
has been ousted rom Jis parish and
was a thorough irreconcilable called
upon him one day by appointment. He
was then principal cf Edinburgh uni
versity. He found Carstairs !n a rae.
Has tailor had sent in a misfitting suit.
Ho threw the cliothes about the room
and then, looViinp; r.t his visitor, thousht
that they would fit him. Woiild je
not take them as a sort of atonement
for the ill temper which he had shown?
T'ue cext day the vi.-utor came back to
restore a ten, pound nota which he had
found in the coat porket. "No," said
the prlnc'.pral. "When you took the
ccat you had a right to all t'.tat was -to.
it." Carstairs had planned the whole
affair. From "Th& Scot of the ElsV
teonth Century." by John Watson,
Classified Rates
One cent per word for first Insertion,
under regular classifications.
One and one-half cents per word fol
two insertions.
Two cents per word for three lnser
Three cents per word for six insert
.Six cents per word for 12 Insertions.
Monthly rate, 10 cents pvr word fol
26 insertions. No ad less than 31
No ad published fur less than 11
cents. -
Agents, salesmen, canvassers, solici
tors, etc, wanted, one cent per word
each insertion. No ad less than 2i
Cards of thanks and special notice
SO cents each insertion.
Classified page closes at 11 a. m. eacll
arson. graduate Swedish masseuse,
gives treatment in private homes and
at oillce by appointment. Phone Rock
Island 21.i8. Uinoe, 615 Seveutecutn
LOST Elk's clmrm, set with small dia
mond. Notify Kock Island 301. ste
ward. LOST Between Eleventh avenue and
Fourteenth street or. corner of F 11
leenth street and Third avenue, Nu
miai teatner. Liberal reward. Return
to The Argus oilice.
TIKES (.all makes) .accessories, lamps,
etc.; cut prices; 335 Flying Aicraiu
bicycles at wholesale price, 32a (.or
ange and blue euameied; 12a East
'I mrd street. Davenoort.
Notice of Cunsuijiuition.
State of Illinois, Kock Island Coun
ty ss:
To Whom It May Concern:
1'ublic notice is hereby g.;--n that at
a special meeting of the stockov.'"ers ol
Keck Island avuinS iank, a ti-.i-utioti
duly organized and existing u. -der
and oy . virtue of the laws oi the
state of Illinois, held at the oilice of
said bank. No. 231 Eignteeath street,
111 the city 01 Kvck Island, Hoc It lslanu
county, Illinois, on tuu lath day of
August, A. D. 1914, at the nour of 4
o'clock in the ai ternoon of said day, a
resolution was duly passed authorizing
and approving the consolidation of sain
Rock island Savings Bank with Rock
Island Savings Trust Company, a cor
poration duly organized anu existing
under and by virtue of the laws of suiu
state 01 Illinois, and ordering and di
recting the oniccrs oi s.nd Kock island
Savings BanK to take sucu further steps
as in. gut be necessary to complete tne
said consolidation, and to permit the
said consolidated company to eommencu
businss 111 uccoru-tneo with law, the
name of saiu consolid.alttjl corporation
to be "Kock is. and "Savings Bank.'
Stockholders representing mure than
two-thirds t2-3 of the entire capital
slock of said llock Island Savings Bank
being present at sa.u meeting, in per
son or by proxy, and the saitl resolution
receiving tne anir;native vote of more
than two-thirds 2-3) of the whole cap
ital stock of said Lock Island Savings
That in pursuance or said resolution
of said stockliold i-s, an agreement 01
consolidation lias hecii duly entered
into and subscribed by said Kock island
Savings Bank and said Kock Ii-land
Sav::igs Trust Company, respectively,
and under the corpoa'uio seal of said
banks, respectively.
And a. ci I '.iiicate of the proceedings
of said Keck li-land Savings Bank rela
tive to such consolidation, veriiied by
tho aitidavit of the president of s::id
Kock island Savings Bant:, and under
ti.e seal ot said corporation, has been
riled in tin: oilice of tiie auditor of pub
lic accounts of the state of Illinois, and
a love certificate has been filed for rcc
oiu iu the otln e of the reorder c-f deed.-
ot ti.e county of Kock Island und slate
01' Illinois, as rctimri-d by law, said Rock
Isiiitid county being the county in
which the principal business oilice of
a ic:i corpora 1 ion is located, and the
.iul.1 cons liiia;icii of said Kock Island
Savings Hank with said Kock Island
savings Tr.isi Company has been fully
That tne name of said consolidated
corporation is "Rock Island Savings
Ban k."
That the principal place of business
of said consollda'ed corporation is in
the city of Rock Island, in the county
of Kock island and state of Illinois.
1 hat the capital slock of said Rock
Island Savings Bank is the sum of Two
Hundred Thousand t I'.'OO.OOO.OO ) Dol
lars, divided Into Two Thousand (2,000)
tihaies of the par- value of One Hundred
t $1 oo.OO D-dlars each.
Th-t the duration of said consolidat
ed corporation la Ninety-Nine 99)
y ars from tr. date of the. organization
of said Kock Island Savings Trust Com
pany. Dated at Rock Island. 111., this 4th
day ot September. A. D. 1914.
By H. S. CABLE. Its President.
Aitor.-; . 5-dstrom. Its Cashier.
Jackson, Hurst & Stafford, attorneys.
Manufacturers of Sash, Doors. Blinds
and Stairs, Interior finish or all kinds.
Hardwood veneer flovrtng, and dealers
-,ia; 321 and 326 Eighteen lb aajreatA.