Newspaper Page Text
rtn mm A Western Illinois Paper for VJeciern Illinois People SIXTY-NINTH YEAR. NO. 22. THURSDAY,. NOyEMBER 13, 1919-EIGHTEEN PAGES. ASSOCIATED FBJSS3 LEADED WOO. ' MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU or CIRCULATIONS. PRICE FIVE CENTS.: ( 1 rn rn JUL mm 'i I ' da V 'MJ - 7 .; .-svlr BOURT OPENS IVAYTO SELL Dealers Hesitate, How-'i- ever, Fearing Reverse Higher Up. i Louisville, Ky., Nov. 13. Judge pEATSTOCK Walter Eyans, In federal district p A , court today,- in effect for the sec-f "That thepublishers iv6ry where ond time, held war time prohibition ue urged to materially increase ad Bnconstltutional, sustained an at- .prtislnr and - mthserintion - rates tack upon . the constitutionality of ; ithe Volstead enforcement act anaj8ile of their issues. v , granted' an injunction restraining) That no newspaper enter into Elwood Hamilton, collector of in- yearly contract for advertising ternal revenue for Kentucky, and, at a fixed rate, but mak? rates ad- District Attorney W. V. Gregory i from Interfering with the sale by I two Louisville distillers of their "floor stoek" of tax-paid whisky. Hate Million Gallons. .. The war prohibiiioh and prohibi tion enforcement acts were attack- ed again in Judge Evans' court here today the second day of arguments In a suit to test their constitution ality. Tbe suit was brought bf W. Marshall Bullitt. Louisville, on be half of the Wright & Taylor, and the Brown-Formao distilling com panies of this city, and seeks to , prevent government . interference wl:h sale of nearly a million gal- Ions of tax-paid whisky owned by t the companies. '.. ' .: ,r Dealerj Jleased. , Providence, iL T., Nov. 13. Rhode Island liquor dealers were Jubilant '. today- over tbe preliminary injunc . tion issued' by United States Dis- trlct Judge Brown forbidding gov- ent officers from enforcing the I '. provisions of the war time prohi-i . bit'on act affecting the sale W er.. . t:T;i;-, xx.m j i They are, however, undecided as i to when they can place 4 per cent I beer on draught A warningls ' sued by, Internal Revenue Collec- tor George F. O'Shaunessy has been ' taken to mean (that saloonkeepers , who take' advantage of the 'court's . action and sell stranger beverage t than one-half of one per cent will , become i liable to prosecution later should an upper court reverse dge Brown's decision-. J ' Lift Chlcaro Lid Soon! . Chicago. 111., Nov.. 13. Saloon keepers and wholesale liquor deal ers expressed hope tcflay that the war time prohibition would soon be lifted in Chicago. . Presentation of evidence and oral arguments in the injunction suit brought by Chicago and Peo ria liquor dealers to test the con stitutionality of the war time pro hibition law was concluded yester day and today the case was closed by the filing of briefs by both Sides. . Decision Saturday. Federal Judges Carpenter . and FlttHenry have taken the cases under advisement and . announce they will render a decision Satur day. If their ruling follows the de cision of Judges in Rhode Island and. Kentucky yesterday, an in- nction will be issued restraining the government officials from en forcing the war-time prohibition measure in the Chicago and Peo ria districts. -,,'..,.... V Attorney Levy Mayer, who rep resented the liquor interests,' in these cases, expressed the view that if the decision is favorable to the wets there will bis no appeal from the court ruling which will delay the lifting of the ban. ' State Law No Bar. ''Attorney Levy Mayer said today that the Illinois search and seizure law will not prevent a resumption of business by liquor dealers if' the court holds the wa-time prohibi tion law unconstitutional. r In the briefs filed by counsel for the Chicago and Peoria liquor in terests, it is set forth that more than 1 ,000,000,000 worth, of prop erty is involved in the suits and that 70,000,000 gallons of whisky on which taxes have been paid is at present stored) in the bonded ware houses of .the country. BELGIAN-BUTCH CRISIS ONLY TALK Paris, Wednesday, Nov. II. (By The Associated Press.) Alarmist reports of high tension and possi ble rupture of diplomatic relations between ' , Belgium . and -Holland, which have been current recently, at Brussels and in -diplomatic and peace circles' have, their source in the interior politics of Belgium, ac cording to a member of the Belgian peace delegation in Paris. - . . : "The situation is neither more trained nor better than it has been since the opening of negotiations dealing with the Scheldt and Lim bourg . questions," he delegate added. , j . HONOR ll'DEKBUElJ, Berlin, Sat. 13. Field Marshal von Htndenburc. arrived in tha cap ital and was- received with military honors, ' - Newspapers Urged to Cut on . Size and Advance" All Rates New York, Now. 13. The con vention of tbe American Newspa per Publishers' association; called lo consider the news print paper shortage, yesterday adopted unan imously the report -of the resSlu tlons committee, -which says: "Paper manufacturers say there is a world-wide shortage." At pres ent newspapers are using about 10 per cent more paper than is being produced, creating an Annual short age of 200.000 tons. , Your:commrt teewtherefore recommends': r ? "That the regulations of the war Industries board for the .conserva tion of newsprint be strictly ad hered to, and that the full text of til these regulations be sent to all the, daily and Sunday newspapers rf fit 'TTnlt4 StatAa'' whAthl ni nt th( , mmfcr of the A. N. a'na at the, same tine limit; the' justable monthly or Quarterly. That the A. N. P. A. send out a standard form of adjustable con tracts for advertising.' Synthetic Whisky Salesman Jells How People Fett For It Chicago, IlL, Nov." 13-Four. men, one of them, a gfaduaj chemist, today were under arrest to connec tion with what the police said; was a schenie that had resulted in the sale of more than 1100,000 worth of chemically compounded grain alcohol, coloring matter and water, called "whisky," -to- Chicago caba ret and saloon owners since the prohibition - law- became effective. Tbe Irresi followed a raldton the St., iwrence Baountctiirnig coni nanvr makers Oi hair .tonics and natent medicinesv organised, polios said, last spring by Reuben Bot- LEGION 60ES ; ON RECORD AS tlOtl-POLITICAL Three Days' Session of World War lrrans finds Wltn D'OUet ' - Commander. .- , . Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 13. With the election of permanent of ficers the - first annual convention of the American Legion came to a close ( last night, concluding a three days' 1 session. Franklin D'Olier of Philadelphia was elected first national commander with a salary of $6,000 per year. , The con vention recommended that congress consider further bonuses for. ser vice men. t' ' ..:.-. Meet Next FaU. , - , Cleveland was chosen , as ' the next annual meeting place and the date of convening made Sept. 27, 1920. Indianapolis won out for per manent national headquarters. The convention discussed broad variety) of subjects at- the , closing session., tt-aeciaea to escnew poli tics as an organization. '. ' Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 13.- One member from each state delegation remained here today as delegates on the national executive commit tee after the close of the onvention last night . , - FLYERS FALL TO DEATH STARTING 'FOR AUSTRALIA London, Jiov 13. Lieutenant' R. M. Douglas of the Australian Fly ing corps, and . Lieutenant J. S. Ross, his "navigator, who started from Hounslow today for a flight to Australia were killed 'shortly after they .began their ' Journey. Their airplane crashed near.SuhU ton, in Surrey. Lieutenants Douglas and Robs were entrants in - the . reliability flight from England to .Australia for the ' Australian' government's prize of 350,000. The conditions of ithe (light art that the distance of 11,6000 miles must be covered within thirty days. - U. & PROSPEROUS? SEE HOW LUXURY IMPORTS COUE IN New York, Nov. 13. Unprecedent ed prosperity is indicated In statis tics from the. collector -of the port of New York.-which show an in crease in luxury Imports of 125 psr cent over a year ago. Duties on 27 articles on . the luxury list rang ing from tova to ostrich feathers totalled $57,684,446, for the three months ending Sept. 30 . , "That .the paper committee strongly discourage -the hoarding of print paper. t j: "We reoommeni , the president appoint a committee) on conciliation to adjust differences between pub lishers in comnetitire territories; that each member of this commits tee be given allotment over certain territory .and be authorized to apr point-sub-committees to deal with conditions in cities or competitive territories within that area. "It -is further recomnlended tkat this committee keep the print pa ner committee of the A. N. P, A. informed as to' its problems- and accomplishments; that the entire membershin of the A. N. P. A. co operate with this committee to the end that It may resultin the great est benefit to all most vitally con cerned." - " - Sv " A committee of the publishers conferred with a 'committee of the American Pulp and Paper Manu facturers' association, which- be gan a four-day convention. R. & Kellogg: secretary 1 of the news print service bureau1, told the con- vent ion that' the mills were unable to increase production, as they were running at 100 pec cent ca pacity. . ; , kin, chemist, graduate, he said, of, Columbia university : ana member j of a prominent New. York' family Harry.. Connors, alleged "sales man," said-that.' operating under the raise of amanufaeturer. Bot- Lkin obtained ail the grain alcohol he desired ' without attracting sus picion, ': ; , "! v -V "V '-- - "You. should have' seen them at all' the swell, cafes and gardens." Conors said"wheu the proprietors passed' the .word around jfe were going to deliver , barreLv Limou sines and automobiles, would'" be lined tip in Iront of the place like the opening night of the opera." LADOR HAKES PARTY TICKET. DURING r.'.0tlTII Lenders Say They Propose to Drive ihe Twe Old Parties Oat : rr.: ofr Existence. v:- Chicago, HI., Nov. 13. Deter mined to make its 'Strength' felt In national' politics, the -ear-old La bor party .will nominate at a con-, vention Nov. 22, . a candidate for president to run in the coming election.' .' -'-V-1 ' That intention, with the further statement that war would be wag ed on the Democratic and Repub lican parties, in the order'' named, with the idea of rendering them impotent, -was announced last night by John Fitzpatrick, .presi dent of the Chicago Federation of Labor. - . , The Democratic party will be at tacked first, Fitzpatrick said, be cause "Wilson's party had by its anarchistic attitude toward union labor and the working classes," forced .compilation of a "working man's slate." . - . Expects 2,000 Delegates. Under the call issued yesterday, 2,000 delegates are expected to at tend the convention, Fitzpatrick iadded. They will be representa tives of the non-partisan league. farmers' organizations, granger mm cieties ana state ana local unions. Fitzpatrick is chairman, of. the national committee - directing the two months old strike of steel mill employes. -. STRIKE OUT BILL AGAINST CRONES Chicago,' 1112 Nov. . 13. The three indictments against Jean Crones, former chef at the University blub, accused of having poisoned . soup served at a banquet tendered Arch Bishop Mundelein in 1916, have been striken from court records, it became known today. The state reserved the right to reopen the case should. Crones be captured. He has been missing hlnce .Feb. 1, 1916. , - ZEROINUARITAL AFFAIRS IS UNION r ; WITH CHINAMAN v Paris, -Nov. 4. The ' increasing number t- 6t . marriages between French girls and Chinese laborers in France baa resulted in the min ister of .the . interior ' warning French women that most' of the coolies already have wives 'with China. " where, nnon artival their husbands,1 they would be re garded merely as secondary wives HIT CLOTURE RULE TO Ef'D PEACE TALK Cummins Rules Effort of Democrats td Be Out ; . o'f.Orderl V . Washington, Nov. 1'. An attempt by" Democratic senators to . invoke the cloture rule sq as to limit de bate on the foreign relations com mute reservations to the" peace treaty failed toay in the senate. . By a" vote Jl 44 to 36 with all of the Republicans present and Sena tors Reed, Missouri, and , Shields. Tennessee; -Democrats, voting in the affirmative, the senate adopted a motion by Senator Lodge to table an- appeal from a ruling that- the Democratic move was out of order. v Baled Ont by Cuunlns. - After a long discussidn as to ths probable effect of the cloture. Sena- ; tor Cummins, the president pro i fem, ruled the petition out of order. I Senator Hitchcock immediately an- pealed from the decision and Sena- tor Lodge moved th lay the appeal on the table. The Democratic petition for .clo ture had been held out of order by the chair because it sought to Nf11 debate only on the reservations "arid not on the whole treaty. It was for this reason. Senator Lodge - said, that- the Republicans, opposed the mow. .. . . ' ' WSJ Try ipJn. , Senator McCumber of North Da kota, prominent amoqg the "mild reservatlonlsta" on the Republican side, announced that in a very short time a cloture- role cnvertngi the entire , treaty would be pre-J sentea. . , - . The senate voted down, 68 to 4, the proposal by 1 Senator Walsh. Democrat, Montana, to 'amplify, the reservation - tearticle X of - -the League of Nations covenant, so that other nations Would be un der no obligations to aid the Unit ed States in preserving its terri torial integrity.,. 1 . v REVENUE AGENT IN CHICAGO A TABCGT FOR CHINK BULLET Chiiago, III., f5ov. 13. Jack "Den isonhead of this, internal revenue department's narcotic squad nar rowly escaped death today in a re volver, battle with a dozen residents of -Chicago's Chinatown. . . , He arrested m Chinaman who was -charged . with bringing a quantity of opium from -Kansas City. The prisoner asVed to. be permitted to visit a house in the vicinity . and when the federal agent and his as sistants reached the" building- they were greeted with' a fusillade of bullets. Throwing, the Chinaman in front of him as a shield Denison entered the I building and searched the premises, but no opium was found. Seven Chinamen were ar rested. ,- -' r FUNERAL SERVICE . FOR HEROES WHO . DIED IN RUSSIA New York, Nov. 13. Funeral services for 111 American soldiers, who gave their lives on) the. battle fields of Northern Russia, were held today on the Long pier at Hoboken. where the Jjodies, were' landed by the transport paragah. -' The services, held with full mili tary honors, were attended by ren resentativea of tfflcial , Washing ton, many foreign governments and the- states from which the soldiers entered the service. . . Scarcely a tisiber on the- pier was visible under the decorations of lags and crepe, while over the shore entrance hung a great re verse red, white and blue stream r bordered with deep bands ot black. The war department announced that bodies not claimed by relatives would be buried either in Cypress Hills cemetery; Brooklyn, or some national cemetery to be selected later.- , GRANGE WANTS NO r , PACT WITH ItABOR Grand Rapids. Mich." Nov. 13. The National Orange will form no alliance, with organized labor, in the opinion ot National Master Oliver Wilson, and it his prediction is fulllled, the Grange.' in conven tion here, will vote to decline an invitation extended by Samuel Gompers, for such a anion. , - Similar opinion was expressed by 8 J. Lowell, membe of- the ex ecutive comm'Uee,' from Fredonia, N. Y. t , - The Grange began its second day of activities with the hearing of reports of state 'organizations and t other routlna xoatterK - PEOPLE MUST; RELY MAINLY 'NOW. ON FAITH Coal Controversy Enters 'Technical Stage, Un v derstood By Few. . BY DATDJ LAWBESCE. (Special to The Argus.) " Washington, D. C, Nov. I?.. Chances for a settlement of -the is sues; between coal operators and miners once- and for all are excel lent Government officials are mora than, hopeful they are optimistic.'! now tnat tne controversy over the injunction proceedings is at an end, the government feels free to turn its whole attention to the merits , of the grievances and claims of each side. The general public unfortu nately may lose Interest simply be cause .the strike has been called off bat the tasks of mediation here are only beginning now. v: , Yet the meeting on Friday in it self establishes a big precedent which goes to the heart of the dim-' eulties between miners and opera tors. Heretofore the mine owners in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and west ern Pennsylvania or what is known in coal parlance as "the central competitive field," have ne gotiated a separate agreement with their employers and all the other coal miners In other states have been required, to accept the settle-lers ment in the'-central competitive field as a basis for adjustment in their own districts.' -. - - Owners Object. - This has resulted in all sorts Of iniquities and while the miners in the central .district were ready and villin tftat &I1 a imIh shnnlfl be settled at a haUonal couvenUon ' at which air operators and miners , were represented, the owners in the aforesaid central district' feel that such aa arrangement might be disadvantageous to them. Their j argument was that because of in ferior coal in the central district, bringing a lower market price, they might be discriminated against by high wages if the whole question were handled in a sinde convene t tioni -,y. 'f;..j- f-,-: "-;--. Bit the department of labor Has asked Tall parties to- come here,' And while" the secretary of labor unquestionably will make an- effort to get the. operators of the central district to. abandon their old policy of negotiating a separate agree ment in that district as a basis for other districts, no time will he lost by the conciliators of the depart ment ot labor in sticking on that point Rather win they urge then the making of separate agreements concurrently. But even this will be a great step, forward for all the losses in time will be eliminated which heretofore have caused so much discontent when the minert. say in Kentucky or even eastern Pennsvlvania. i were . com Del led ' to wait the outcome bi negotiations in tne central compeuive neio swiure, they cbuld enter into agreements n their own districts. -i, y Want Early Agreement -ft so happens that because' ot the strike of last week the operators in outlying districts never get an op- portunity to present any .demands to their men because, of the failure of the principals in 'the- central competitive field to reach an agree ment - So instead ot entering into a process that might mean the ne gotiation oft one agreement in one (Continued on Page Fourteen.) FATEOFUliDR. Ill ELECTION IS . STILL DUBIOUS Dewnstate Illinois Against It, bnt . Betarns ai gprfugfteld Are ' Ket Complete. : - :;v.vv 1 SnrinKfleld. 111.. Nov. 13. Incom- Trfete official returns in the office of the secretarv' of . 'state show tha,1"8 to abide by the decision of defeat ot the initiative and referen dum, the 'gateway, and public own ership propositions " in downstate districts of Illinois. Returns naive hot been received from Cook, Hen ry, Kankakee, sangamon ana Win nebago counties. , - ; , , The official returns from the 97 counties show the vote on the in itiative and referendum to be: Yes, 92.722; no. 12L286." Major ity against, 28,364. ' Gateway Yes, 83,038: no, 119, 015. Majority, against, 35,917. ' 'Public ownership -Yes, 93,091 no, 115,032. Majority against, 22,- 941.1' - .- . ; .-.y. Heat fat Soon. , The official returns-from missing downstate counties are expected today or Fsiday. When all figures are compiled the state canvaflaing board will meet to canvass the re turns. ... ,;, -.,., TO MAKR WORLD JJBJ. . St Louis, Mo, Nov. 13. Plans to make prohibition worldVwide were considered today by the ex ecutive committee of the national Women's- Christian Temperance anion, -which -opens its convention her Saturday. KEN ON DUTY WALK OUT AS ORDER COMES Only . Miners in Smaller fields Are Disposed to Return to Work. . Springfield, 111.. , Nov. -13. Offi cials of the Springfield sub-district, United Mine Workers of America, todaV in a telegram to a Chicago newspaper, . declared' , "the mine workers will stand pat for a living Wage, six hour-day and five-d.iy week,"- and expressed the opinion that Federal Judge Anderson, who ocdered the strike called off, "should be immediately deported to Germany and be presented with the dethroned kaiser's, crown." The telegram, which was a pro test against a newspaper story sug gesting that Illinois miners were disposed to go back to work in re sponse to the direction of official, was signed by Freeman Thompson, president, and John Watt, secretary-treasurer . of the Springfield sub-district, a stronghold of the in surgent element. - Springfield, 111., Nov.- IS. Head- finflrror nf tha flllnnla min a wnrlr. pr0fessed today to be without information of the reported deser tion oi engineers, pumpmen, muie tenders and other union men , at coal mines In Benton and Duquoin. . In the absence of officials, at taches of the office expressed the opinion that such action .would be a violation of the letter and spirit of the strike order of Nov. I, latei rescinded at the behest. of the fed later eral court in Indiananolls. which nfrnvirinfl thai Annnth nnion man 1 be left in the mines to protect com pany property. No one in the offices would com ment on the probable violation of the strike injunction. " ' . ., From operators it was learned that the' men charged with the care of the mines at-Duquoin had left their posts following a mass meet ing at which international miners' officials were denounced and res olutions : passed asserting f he de termination of the miners to con tinue the strike. - 1 r - : The operators further announced the spread of the Duquoin infection today to two mines at Benton. , . After Mass Meettnav v Dnnnotn. Ill . Nov IS romnlv- ing with an order issued by local union miners, following a mass meeting, here late yesterday, all hoisting engineers, firemen, pump men.' mule feeders and other union men who have been permitted to keep the mines at Duquoin in the 12th district In working order, left their posts last night ' The1 mine "superintendents, man agers, top foremen, assistant bosses and" office clerks were Immediately called upon to flit the places ot the men who had quit ' ' '.May Violate Injunction. Whether this is a violation ot the injunction granted the govern ment by Federal Judge Anderson at Indianapolis, was not genetlly known among either operators or miners, owing to the fact that the call was made at a mass meeting and not directly by officials ot Du quoin miners. - . - Del? the. Court " The men attending the mass meet ing which was held last Monday afternoon, adopted resolutions stating that "We, .the members of all local unions in Duquoin and vi cinity, declare 'that the ' injunction issued by Judge Anderson to be un fair and one-sided, that it is plain ly proven by his actions that he knew one week ahead as to what he was going t9 do. "Therefore, be it resolved,' that we, the miners of Duquoin and vi cinity, are good law, abiding citi zens' and willing almost to do anything for our government that is fair, but we are not willing to abide by the decision of Judge An- derson. ' , "And be it resolved that we. the (miners ot Duquoin and vicinity re- Judge Anderson, and that every member of our union stay at home on and after Tuesday, . Nov. 11 1919, until we have an agreement to work en. " 1 meeiing. , . (Signed) "COMMITTEE." While union leaders admit that the mass meeting was held and theat 2:30 o'clock this afternoon was resolution adopted, none- would as sume responsibility for the resolu tion today., - t -At Work In Small Fields. Chicago, 111., Nov. 13. Bitumin ous coal miners today were expect ed to return to work hi increasing numbers in many of the country's lesser, fields but what they -would do in the great Pennsylvania and Illinois areas, and the Indiana and Kansas mines remained uncertain. The workers generally t. hp wed a dis position to await format ratifica tion by their immediate union offi cers of the strike recall message sent out by John L. Lewis, acting president of the United Mine Work ers of America, in responses to a federal court order. - Leaders Predict Ko Break. ' -. While the recall order had been received m Illinois, Frank Farring- WORLD WOMEN WANT LEAfcUE RATIFIED NOW Messages From Abroad Received By Amer ican Council. St Louis, Mo., Nov. 13. A warning against bolshevism was sounded in a cablegram from the national Council of Women of Fin land, read at today's session of the national Council of Women of the United States, in convention here. A message from a similar wom en's organization in Great Britain and Ireland, urged immediate rati fication of the League of Nations covenant "to assure worlds peace." ton, district president, said he did not believe the men would return : to work. Alexander Howatt, presi dent of the Kansas .miners, number in aDnroximatelv 10.000. also was aiioted as Ravine he looked for nn eener&l resnmntinn of nrnductionia m that field for the present In Indiana it was indicated mining on an extensive scale could not be re sumed before next week at the least ' -J v ' In the two Pennsylvania districts opposite outlooks prevailed. In aiBirici w. i,, rresraeui juuu tiro- nh .m ,o. . . . i rtHhI . .. rk. work by the miners as soon as the , local union officials could explain the situation. In district No. 5 it was said the president, remained at Indianapolis and had sent no order to his sub- wiu uwi bcui uu uiuer ui Ilia nuu-. ordinates to return to work and it J . i H.i i j . be done. - - Ftom West Virginia, Arkansas, Missouri, -Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah came optimistic reports. In the majority of mines in these states it was believed nor mal production would be reached j Workers o( America, who will par by Monday. . . ticiDate in" the confernce in Wash- In district No. 21, Arkansas, Mis-1 mgton tomorrow with the opera souri and Oklahoma, it was said torg and Secretary ot Labor Wil that while the men probably would !Mni today are on their way to the return to work today, a new wage 'capital m an optimistic frame of scaie i- jsi oe nxeu opiore me men . Would be entirely satisfied, Go to Work In Dakota. Bismarck, N. D., Nov. 13. Cov ernor Frazler of North Dakota, an-1 nounced this morning that he bad received assurance from union min ers throughout North Dakota, that they would return to work today after being on strike since last Sat urday: v ' : : ' They will retain, said Governor Frazler, at the same wage scale that has' been in effect. since last January.' -.j. .1 .it r The proposed increase ot 60 per cent,' rejected by the operators, brought about the strike order. VAsks Federal Aid. - Governor Frazler also telegraph ed Attorney General Palmer of the United tSates, reciting action taken by him in taking over the mines, and asking the attorney general's cooperation.- State control of the lignite prop erties will not effect the operation of the plants, it was announced to day - by, Adjutant General Angus Frasier, who was placed in charge of the situation by the governor. STOCK MARKET IS DEPENDENT, UPON THE MONEY RATES New York, Nov. 13. Stocks were buoyant in, the last hour on the ex change today, recovering a considerable- part ,df their recent losses when call money dropped to 12 and then to 6 per cent the latter being the normal amount Sales were in excess ot 2,000,000 shares. New York, Nov. 13. Stocks were strong at the opening of today's session, indicating that liquidation had Tpn its ' course for a time at least. It was recognized however, that the market's future was wholly dependent upon money rates. General Motors, the central feat ure of the recent depression, made an Initial gain of 15 points and Texas Company and Mexican Pe troleum, other conspicuous features of the recent decline, rose 6 and 9 points respectively. Trading was on a moderate scale with signs of substantial support, especially in the high grade shares. PRINCE TO CALL UPON PRESIDENT Washington, Nov. 13. The prince of Wales, as one of th4 last acts of official visit in Washington, will see . President Wilson late today. He expects to cell. at the White house for an informal visit with the president and Mrs. Wilson at. 5:30 o'clock.- During his visit at the White house he will take tea with Mrs. Wilson. A trip to Mount Vernon by motor another event on the day's pro- gram. The Weather Generally fair tonight .and Fri day. Rising temperature, with low est tonight between 15 and. 20 de grees. .,- Highest yesterday,; 25; .lowest last night, 14. - Wind velocity, five milea per hour. ' . Precipitation, none. i 12 n. 7 p. m. 7 a. m. yester. yester. todav Dry bulb temp. ..22 21 it Wet bulb temp. ..18 , 18 13 Relative humid., ..48 55 ' 90 River stage, 7.7, with a rise of Jt in last 24 hours.- J.M. SHER1KR. Meteorologist, BROAD LINES LAID DOWN IN COAL COM Question 6i Prices Con-, sidered Also by Mine Men Tomorrow. Washington, Nov. 13. Fuel Ad. mlnistrator Garfield today accept- ed an invitation of Secretary - ot Labor Wilson to attend the confer ence here tomorrow between coal miners and operator! o negotiate was under new wage scale. It stood that the principal reason for invitine Dr. Garfield was to obtain advice as to how much if any wage ; increase granted should be passed on to the consumer. Scope Broader. The scope of the coining confer-. . . K ,j.- ence, officials said, will be broader than the negotiations ot a new .- fh ina-o, nf th public in the future prices of coal will be taken into consideration. More than two hundred opera tors and about one hundred miners' .. A representatives arc -expected to ar- rive ujuikul ttnu uiuiwiu. lng for the conference, which will be called at 11 o'clock at the enter or department Miners Optimistic. ' .. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 13 Rep resentatives ot the United Mine mmQ- The one nossible obstruction to aneedv agreement is the question ot when a new wage agreement -will become effective. The mln- era Will insist that this be made at- , fective at once. . . .. .( -. ., :- Hold lp AppeaL . Pending developments at thaV Washington conference, attorneya , ' for the miners announced here last night, the "appeal from the ruling : ..- ot the federal court in the injunc tion proceedings instituted by the government, will be held up. In the Indiana coal fields' the- . ' miners apparently wera .awaiting s. the results of the Washington con- '' ference before deciding to return to the mines. LONDON NEWS IS FORCED TO ADMIT PRINTING A LLBEL f London,' Wednesday, Nov. 12. our cabinet members, Austin Chamberlain, Sir Eric Geddes, Sir Auckland Geddes and Walter Hume Long, in the lord chief Justice's court today, publicly denied state ments printed by the Daily News with reference to , their holding shares in various public companies in consequence of which - they brought libel suits against the newspaper. , . , After their testimony the .an nouncement was made that "the suite had been settled on terms ar ranged outside the court The pro prietors of the Daily News agreed to pay to each of the plaintiffs 250 -guineas and also the costs. NAVAL SEAPLANE WHICH FLEW OVER . OCEAN SETS MARK v Washington, Nov. 13. Piloted by Lieutenant Commander Read, the naval seaplane' N. C.-4, which made the first trans-Atlantic flight, re cently established a new non-stop record for that type of craft when, carrying 12 passengers, 'it flew from Pensacola, Fla., to Memphis, Tenn., a distance of 635 nautical miles, the secretary ot the navy an nounced today. The total flying time was 9 hours and 33 minutes.; " WORKERS IN SPAIN BACK ON THE JOB Barcelona, Wednesday, Nov. 12. Delegates . of ' the employers and workmen tonight signed the agree ment calling off the lockout 'vhich had paralyzed Industry hr-s for a week. Work will be resumed to morrow. " . . . - ... a EXPEL STUDENTS FOR BEING AWAY ARMISTICE, DAY Hamilton, Ohio, Nov. 13. Eighty students of the Junior high school yesterday were expelled for cele brating the armistice anniversary Tuesday Instead of being in school. The students were- told not to re turn until brought back by their i parents. . . j Waco, Texas, - Nov. IS. Three hundred Waco high school studenta,-.. boys and girls, were suspended In definitely for quitting school yea- -tertiay and staying out all day ha cause they were not allowed am - "armistice day" holiday. ' 0