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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
Newspaper Page Text
1 ' FRTDAY "THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS NOVEMBER 14, 1919. IHJURED lIIEII SHE IS STRUCK DY STREET CAR ' 1 BELMONT WASHINGTON HOME TO HOUSE . PRINCE OF WALES DURING SHORT VISIT g:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::: Mr. J. H. Little-, StM 5toth Ave. ae, Kefldtted raeeaaeioae From Fore of Blow. .... V"' 'i - . . ... i S. W I 1 1 1 1 f I il N citilll I 1MB ' r ' . 3 nan T I T 1 T V IS Mra, J. H. Llttlg, 2320 N'lnth ave nut, wai painfully injured when trect car struck her at Third ave nue and Sixteenth street, " about 7:46 o'clock last night. She was one of several (keople who were standing on the curb Sixteenth street waking for - a bridge line car.- When they stepped out to the track to board the car, a Fourth avenue car which was ta front, backed up, it is said, without warning and turned the corner at Third avenue. Mrs. Littig was standing near the track and she was thrown to the pavement the rear end swung around and struck her. She was rendered un conscious from the blow, and wfts removed to her home in the police ambulance. ' . . It was thought at the time that she was severely injured, but in examination revealed that no bines were broken. She Will be out lu about a week. ' PROPER COOKING I KILLS MENACING POISON IN FOODS i i BY DRF. VT. TA-YER (Associate Professor of Bactenol ; ogy of University of Illinois.) ' All home canned foods should be thoroughly cooked before serving. Comparatively recent investigations show that botulism, an acute food poisoning, may result from foods put np under the so-called "cold- . pack" process, unless the canned goods are carefully sterilized. '. Botulism is an acute poisoning caused by . eating food In .which bacillus botllinus has been grow ing. The sickness was first observ ed In people1 who had eaten partly decayed sausage. It is now known, however, that the poisoning does not always result from the eating of sausage, but that it may be con nected with home canned string beans; peas, corn, asparagus, etc. The Immediate cause of botulism is , a powerful poison or toxin which is formed by bacillus botulinus in the cans. When canned foods con taining this poison are eaten, very severe symptoms result. : Professor Dickson of the Uni versity of California reports very briefly the following case, which emphasizes the important charac teristics of the disease: "On Friday Mrs. H. tasted a small portion of a bean pod from a Jar of home canned string beans. The beans had a peculiarly irritating taste, but ehe swallowed a small amount. The beans were placed on the stove to cook and gave off such a foul odor that they were discarded. On Sat urday Mrs. H. was dizzy when she got out of bed and staggered when she walked. By afternoon visions were blurred in both eyes and a physcian was called. She stated that there bad been no pain nor gastro-intestinal disturbances and that she bad not been nauseated. "Examination showed a dilation of both pupils and a pulse rate of 100 per minute. After midnight the patient complained that her tongue was swollen and she began to have difficulty in speaking. On Sunday morning there was a droop ing of the upper eyelids from pa ralysis and beginning difficulty in swallowing. Speech rapidly be came unintelligible and vomiting commenced. Toward Sunday eve ning the temperature approached 102 with a pulse rate varying be tween 98 and 120. The patient be came rapidly weaker with an in creased pulse rate and died Tuesday morning about 8S hours after eat ing the beans." It should not be inferred that home packed foods are always dan gerous or that canned foods which have spoiled contain this powerful poison. However, if it is known that 'Such foods may cause this trouble, greater care may be taken in preparing the food. Numerous instances are recorded where the housewife merely tasted of the food. The poison is yery quickly destroyed by boiling. ... - " ' - ' ... -"' ' ' W sSs.. " tVJslSo ' r, . fMmMi ' . - ,,A " ""N ' -JrVX" i Vy,, C&Vt ' fJJ Perry Beimwn home. Washington, and Mr. and Mra. Perry Balneal. r During his, three day stay in Washington the prince of Wales is expected to. use the palatial home of Mr. and .Mrs. BelmAnt as his headquarters. 'The bouse, is on ?ew Hampshire avenue. 1 Municipal Matters CouocO Meeting Held Oct 27, 1919. City Council Chamber, Rock Is land, III., Oct. 27, 1919. The city council met in regular session at 3 o'clock p.. m.. Mayor Schriver and all commissioners present. The minutes of the regular meet ing held Oct. '20, 1919, were read and approved. , Commissioner Rudgren submitted the following weekly pay roll for week ending Oct 25, 1919, . which on his motion was allowed " by unanimous vote: P. Donaway ...... R. T. Connell Fritz Gest Sam Knox . . . . . . .'. J. Schaab ......... Edward Searle ... Jot Buster ........ i. McMahon ....... Al Rigle .......... George Pettit ..... J. Slebrandt ....... August Bodaker .. Art Searle ......... Dan Williams ..... Charles Nesseler .. h. Din Will Kellar J. Mc&M-l ......... Fred Swanson .... H. Utke H. SchulU ........ T. McDonald" ...... Art Donaway..... Charles Davis ..... Thomas O'Conhell Sam Parrlsh-: . . . ; . Bose Wilson ...... James Brooks .... R. Gerde? . . George Huehman . D. Rooks G. Jacobs William Glass Louis' Ehlers .... . R. Paulsen -. . Hugh McGee ..... 23.00 19.35 20.40 19.55 19.35 19.S5 1 19.3.5 6.9S 19.55 17.85 20.70 19.55 19.35 153 24.60 36.00 21.95 21.95 23.00 25.55 23.00 23.00 21.95 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 ' 20.00 20.00 6.6S .. 18.0C . 18.0 20.40 20.40 20.40 6.31 . i 710.51 RECAPITULATION'. Street and bridge 4l9.t8 Sewer fund . . '. . i.y: 66J5 Garbage system .-. . 126.88 Waterworks expense ..... 40.80 l Waterworks 'construction.. . 36.00 Reservoir expense .. . :. -. 20.40 ' " :; : . :"; ? ' 710.51 Commissioner .Fitzsimmons- of fered a resolution that the follow ing named persons, towit: -.Frank Dandy, 308 Twenty-second street,' and Josephine Cirvello, 512 Fif teenth, street, he granted soft drink licenses. Carried by unanimous vote. Commissioner Wich offered a resolution that the ordinance pro viding for the Improvement of Forty-first street from the south line of Fourteenth avenue, to the north tine of Eighteenth avenue, by grad ing, draining, curbing and paving with brick, 'be adopted. " Carried by unanimous vote. Commissioner Wich offered a resolution that the ordinance pro viding for. the construction of a 10-inch watermain ' on Thirtieth street from Nineteenth to Twenty first avenue, and an 8-inch sewer on Thirtieth street from Nineteenth to Twenty-first avenue, and on Twentyfirst avenue west to Twenty-ninth street, be adopted. ' Car ried by unanimous vote. Mayor : Schriver read an ordin ance regulating the location of public and private garages, which on his motion- was considered by unanimoifs vote. Mayor Schriver read a report of the board of local improvements, recommending the adoption of an ordinance providing for the con struction of a 6-inch watermain on Thirty-fifth street from Eighteenth to Twenty-first avenue; also an es timate of the probable cost of said improvement in amount of $4,495; and an ordinance providing to said improvement, which ordin ance on his motion was considered by unanimous vote. Adjourned on motion of Com missioner Mnrrin. M. T. RUDGREN. v i City Clerk. DR. 17. 0. COFFEE Pnetic limited -to m. ear, nom and throat - dfafcsam. straighten crow -errs. remOTea adenoids ml one visit, no chloro form. Treats deafness. loss of heartnr. nead noises, catarrh, tonsils and most ere diseases by a non-anrrical method. He i in hi Davenport offices in the First National Bank Bldr., corner of Second and Main streets. . on Saturday. Monday and Tuesday, from 9 a. m. to 3.30 p. m. Pbooe Davenport 7814. ., .... Boy Scout News j . O : -O The court of honor which meets at the court house tonight will find a large number of Scouts prepared for merit badge tests, first class and second class badges. Everv court of honor member will bave a defi- j . tiite task to perform when he comes to the meeting. The following i Scouts have qualified . for merit badges: Marvin Builard of troop No. 11 has qualified for badges in mining, camping, safety first, craft- work in wood carving, craf twork j in wood and first aid; Lester Pari- j dan of troop. No. 2 for scholarship; I Charles Sackville of troop No. 5 in j awimrnlnaf anil flrat aiil : Eno-pnA I n. ftf rrnnn Vn K tn nathflnriinv Arthur McDougall of troop No. 6 for camping, and Eugene Young of troop No. 8 in pathfinding. The fol lowing Scouts have qualified for first class badges: Eskil Ekholm, Eugene ' Young. Mac Weiss, Med ard Do Rocker. Second class Scouts are: Elmo Bledsoe, Walter Lundy, Wllmer Litterest, Leroy Whitton, Philip Clark. Gilbert Gus tafson. Several other boys have qualified for second class Scouts, but s con tm asters have failed ta end In their names. The meeting will be held at the circuit court room at 7:30 promptly. Call to 1 colors will be, blown by Merit Badge Scout Marvin Builard. Rer.C. P. O'Neill will give a short talk on "Scouts as Loyal Americans.' Was Eva Booth, upon whom the distinguished service medal waa recentlr bestowed la recognition of . her work daring the war, has com pleted IS years aa eonuaander of the Salvation Army forces In the United Statea. BUEHLER BROS: STORE IS JUST LIKE HOAlE to the hundreds of patrons, because they come at their leisure, select 'their wants and are al ways sure that they have saved money. ADDITIONAL SATURDAY SPECIALS 24c 18c 20 c Pork loin ' roast," 'lb -. Pork shoulder roast, lb .... Fresh spare per lb . ... . . . Beef hearts, "IO JLn n..r IK 4 2 Beef liver, sliced, lb . . . Bulk kraut,' per lb ...... Pickled pig feet, per lb . Red beans, per: can ,'. . . 2: cans vege table soup . . Big Five cof fee,, lb ' 10c 8c 10c 9c 19c 50c 24c : Pork butts, per lb- - Whole pork 00 p shoulders, lb Loose sausage OA per lb Pork hearts "1 Pork liver per lb ...... Mince meat , per lb Pickled tripe 1 fn per lb :AvL Macaroni," ;per lb ...... 2 bottles of catsup for .. 1-2 lb black tea for . . . . . 5c 17c 5 c 23c 25 c 1628 Semd Ave., Rock bUnd. (CUtef SUtea reef AeMtrtntieB Lhesm He. CMMti.) Join Sl I - ' I II HaVJ U ; n J I 1 C- . - CS . . K- . TT . aa ; Gate Leg For all purposes. Made in fumed oak and brown mahog any. v . Tea Wagons es wprl mahoe; fumed oak. The Gitt That Satisfies and Beautifies This is the plan select the present you wish, pay a little each week until Christmas. If you succeed in paying far, same by December 25th, we will give ypu a discount of 10 percent. Come early make your selection for father, mother, brother or sister. Save the cash discount and draw a dividend of love and happiness for Library Tables In all finishes and sizes to choose from, including period designs. n - Makes wprk easy. These come the years to Come. til llldllUKiiri V, WctlllUl (1IIU The Royal Easy Morrig Chair . Sewing Machines The FREE machines sew fast- er. Made in regular and cab . p.,.u inet cases. i -the i Button and Rett These are made in different finists aai covered in imitation and real leather. Spinet'Desk For double purpose desk and table. Brown mahogany fin- i " to , Hear The Cheney ' Talkinsr Machines 3 1 km i dr it - Like ' a violin, the Cheney Improves fith '; ' age. Cedar Chests 5 he ideal gift Every article - is safe m this. Our lamps will please you. This machine is made in different woods to match the best, furniture. . Be sure to compare before you buy. Plays all records. , The latest reed bird cages. Buying at Shallene's Means a Good DeaL Peninsular ' I and Riverside Ranges and . Paters w m . , a . -- l . W II AasssK Y7, Ml aaaaaaaaaaa. ' ' aaSv SaF .LBBB uaaL Bonds accepted on this club. Sole Agents for Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets iii::!iiiii!::iiiih::i;:::::;:!!i::;:.::::::;:iiiiiiiiiiii:::::::::: "FPinnr,iiiiiipp,"",,imiiip,"""Mi miimniiitkeiuiitiililllllli laiMiamiiiMHMiipiiaii baiikkliuiiiiiiiiiilivlrtkr)i llllllllll All the News All the Time The Argus 3 -'H - ,