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J. :::;Mio;i on ; Hd far Tutf-tumi Cearea. 3 f Uea-ftf ijsedaiJea to Be HeM j I fWrtylwlM Caarea. j ihe 42nd annual contention of ; fVSoek Island County Sunday 1 iottl association U to be held at : j :dway Presbyterian church, 4V lMt. -s - v The frfograin to as follows: l$:H a. bu-tSobs service. Ralph rlMS, leader, r. petouonals Rer. John McGown mason, pastor of Broadway. Address Miss Pearl L. Wearer, it children'! division and educa nal superintendent; Illinois Sun y school association. I "inferences -. . H Ai unuaren's division, Mrs. W. H. Marshall, leader. . . 1 . t jj. awf' . jruwt h urniD, iuo- jeet: -Rellfione Education," led by H. J. Banta, general j secretary, East Moline T. M. f 3 ' noon Complimentary lunch- s served by the ladles of Broad ly, impromptu address : Mrs. H. Guthrie, toastmlstress. 1:80 p. m. Devotional. Rev. U. laway, pastor of Memorial Istlan church. Rock Island. -we ports of officers. 'Election of officers. - ' Address: Miss Wester. " Conferences s (al Children's division, sub- ' Ject: "flute standards," led V by Miss Pearl L. Wearer. fb) Pastors and lsyaea, snb- Ject: "Ststa standards," led y John 3T Haabera. ; :0 Adjournmeat :U p. as. Supper for delefatee atBroadwiy church. . , 7:30 p. m. JSonj serrlce aad ds votionals. led by Ralph Stolts. A model bible class, led by Mrs. P. C Ladd of Molina. , ' Benediction. i with Mrs. Law Modear aad Mrs. Elmer pooman Thursday. . Qlen Booltlninoaae - and Carl Scastraad sblppftd hogs Monday. - Mrs. C. L. Borles attended the Busy Bee meeting at the home of Mrs. Ed'Boaynge Thursday. Miss Mary Hatstead entertained the T. S. C club Thursday after noon, but, on account of the rainy day only a very few of the males were present - , Mrs. George Gray, Sr, and daugh- HAMLET Mrs.- Glen Bonltlnghouse ' pleas antly entertained Saturday after noon a club of ladlee of which she is member. - i - Miss Katherlne Orav was a Rvk Island visitor Thursday. Mrs, Xiennie King und son rlsit- IF POSLAM CAN HELP YOUR SKIN -DO LET IT It Pmimb heldi tar aoafert. any utU faettan tor rm In bdne the nut to Mine aad arvtteat inaiaia ar w tab born aklo tnmWo. lot It brio tow baoaflla at one. Thar win am m o walcoma It too nova Mfltoad tons. Tbara U no rlak: Poalsra cannot bann: Ita work ta known to b htchlr anonaafnl. Soothaa. (top 4tcbtnav brlaga quick impromanent A Uttlo dona much baeauaa It la fcicblr eeaeantratad. Clean red. inflamed ooaj pimona oremiht. Sold oeoiyvnera. For free aampla write to Enerttner Laboratorlea, 243 Weat 47th St., New York City. urn your akin to beeama ctoarar, brltbtar. bMltbier to naa of Foalaja Soap, owdleatad with Poilim. Ar. . tor, Miss Katherlne, will entertain the Woman's Mkslonary society Thursday of this week. - Misses Vers Eproston and Lola Gataes visited wiu Mrs. Wu a6 oner Bsfhday. . ;. . Rowlle Odell spent the day Son day at the home of Hiram Cooper. Miss Ethel .Whaelaa spent Sat urday algfat aad Sunday with, her friend, Miss Emily 8wartout Sanl Stockberger "was alaa a visitor at the, Swartout' home 8uaday. . PUBLIC DEMANDS FAIR TREATMENT . i. .-. ,. . . v. . - - . . , f ' . : t-" , ' . - s Whan we contemplated oar present store, w firmly reeolred to serve the buying public RIGHT. Not by patting them on the back, nor by wild predictions nor by wierd promises, but by of feringlhe very best line of merchandise at prices that are RIGHT. W do not. nor will not create a special pries to TOO, as we believe that YOU fully realise the absurdity of eodoiag; neither have we any Inflated INSTALLMENT PRICES, but a' Just price TO ALL and that the lowest without depreciating QUALITY. WB have NO JUNK of RETURNED goods, but ev erythlnrNEW and CLEAN. STEP IN and convince YOURSELF. BLACK HAWK , FURNITURE CO. M 4th Ave. j ROCK ISlAHB Phase K. L MM " - E. P. WIESLER. Sales Manager. , ' ' P. S-Stoves and Rangea WITHOUT EQUAL. ' , v L- UVU Mi o$ Fkncaltcs Mothers Way mm CM 1W dDUJ (DART OTSHTTIS 1TIHIIS MlIAIL (DMAIFIPISIE "C:i:rt kendsllliasta fend 6d bfcls fltssfci ttdkf' ,That is next Sunday's start of "Powder and Paint." The most" sensational crime mystery of a decade startles Chicago and the nation when, on an October Monday of 1919, Robert Kendall, America's greatest actor, is mur- dered on the opening night of Chicago engagement. Ten of Chicago's most brilliant women have collaborated in a wonderful serial of Chicago life. " They have written an amazing story a story of such .deep mystery that they themselves could not agree on a solationto the puzzle. The Herald and Ex aminer fortunately came into possession .of this unique manuscript, and it was decided to offer its readers a chance to furnish the final solution chapter t f , - f ' r . Wa i v- IPmd 199 t u . YOU may be the winner o'f the $500 prize. Read "Powder and Paint" in The Herald and Examiner and scheme your solution of the mystery of "Who Killed Keri , v dall?" When the .semi-final chapter has' appeared yotf will be ven two Weeks to write ; and submit to "Mystery Story Editor" your $500 chapter $500 for, say, 2,500 words. A committee of judges will pss upon the merits of the solution chapters offered. If two cnaptm are judged to be of equal merit eich wOLreceive $590. . " . .-The contest wfll end not later than Jan. lCs, lC. . . , : - , ' . r: Deed FIrct Installment Sxanday, Nov. 1G, afcd OtCzt Vcst Ccpjr trezi Jczx newsicaltr Tcaj T ANDICHjKlOS. V f t .Wholesale Distributors Chicago Herald-Examiner ' ' ' . ' :- PhcaR.L183S i j ' 1 6fl& ' - T TERE is a brand new idea in ; jJ Nayf A' yk pancake flour a blcndxof in- lSp 'WiSf lilu gredients never attempted before. V--- Sc ft rwiiK Many pleasant surprises are in t-00 b i M ViuilllSlf j store for you if you, foMow , the ' ( I 'I v. nilll II s, economical worth-while reci- 1 OVuIl5rWl CS n CVCry P3;cka6C ""C i feajf fLisp YM Not only Pancakes, but y V-Sw s5fjf "Waffles, Muffins, Doughnuts, , Sjf T"i Biscuits, etc., made from ,( i ' I5x .Armour's Pancake Flour are sure ,- V !r jJZL t0 P0886815 a ncw delightful .- i'aT ' flavor, an unusual lightness, velvety ' y- ; . ' texture and food value. . . The Safety end Tax Exemption off Joint Stock Land Bank 5 Bonds and the meanlnj of these features to large Investors v SAFETY j These bonds are issued under the Federal Farm Loan Act. They are declared to be instrumentalities of the United States Govern ment, and are prepared and engraved by the Treaaury Department The bonds are secured by Government ap proved first farm mortgages, or by United States Government Bond or Certificates of Indebt--. ednesa. . . .v-.-," ' The bonds are a legal investment for all fidu ' ciarjtand trust funds under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, and are acceptable as secur- ity for Postal Savings Deposits and for all de - posits of Government funds. - The constitutionality' of the act and the valid ity of the provisions exempting the bonds from taxation, 1ve been approved by the Attorney General of the United States, as well as by some of the most eminent legal talent of the country, including Geo. W.Wicersham, Esq., and Wm, G. McAdoo, Esq. - t -''o-'.. The Federal District Court at Kansas City on Oct II, 1S19, dismissed the oit attacking the constita Uonalitr of the Federal Farm Loan Act -and the Tax Exemption ot the bonds, thus In effect establishing the validity tit the. Act and all of its provisions.. An appeal, from this decision has bees; taken to they supreme court, which has been asked by all parties to advance the case for early hearing. - ($,000,000 Dated May i, 1019. TAX EXEMPTION: These bonds are exempt - to the same degree as the Liberty Loan 3Hs in other words, they are exempt from all taxes,' ex cepting only inheritance taxes. This includes exemption from Federal Income Tax and local personal property taxes. v 'The' value of the exemption from Federal In come Taxes alone, to individuals of large incomes,' is indicated in the following figures, which would be furtherjnereased if the exemption of the bonds from other taxes were considered: . Net YieM el Joint 9teck BoaeV 50.000 69.000 100.000 200.000 500,000 1.000.000 (Ta Oatlaaal Date) 1 Etahalaat ta r 6.52 8.3) 10.22 . 12.50 15.52 16.07 s (Trmm Oat! Dan to Mai 7.25 9.25 . 1 1.36 13.89 17.24 17.8$: : . . -The top line represents the net rate realized. ' from Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds, regardless of the income of the holder. The remaining figures represent the gross rate which must be realised at varying incomes from taxable securities to pro-' cure the net rate at the top of the column. Ootional Mav 1. 10,000,000 Dated Nov. 1, 1919. Optional Nov. I. 104. Due Nov. 1. 100. Redeemable ,t par and accrued interest on any interest date, after five years from date of issue, .Coupon Bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomination, $1,000 and $500. Interest payable semi-annually. May 1st and November 1st Principal and interest payable, at the - v . bank of issue or at The Equitable Trust Company of New York. v ' ' -.'....-.. " . , . , XH iWeWtniMitt thtst bmttt ir Inmtnwnt . ; PRICE 102 AND INTEREST " ' - YWfing Over to Optional Maturtty, 5 Thereafter naiMI '' art Mal. ar taaai aeaa lehcauttoa wkltk wt mmri a rIUbla. a. wna iMaa thaav law ara Ika aata Va kkk a kan.arlat la laa awcaaM ( tkata toooa. . Hcboy, Stuart & Co. 28 tO.' tA SAUK fT CHICAQ ) . NEW YORK ' innUDCUvllA., ' BOSTON DETROIT r ST. UQUIS . ' MILWAUKEE William R. Compton Co. US SO. LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO ST. LOUIS CINCINNATI NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS ' - Tho gquitabb Trust Company of N. Y. BOND DEPARTMENT 17 WALL STREET. Ktt YORK