Newspaper Page Text
. at v . fi ... .... , U...II wswaswswwawawaa if . .' , ' . . . J' Savin Oi The November Sales Off er S.3 Pre-Holiday Clearance of Ready-to-Wears Handsome Baffin seal plush coats for women and misses. They re that much desired coatee style in short and three-quarter lengths. Lined witnVSkinner satin in hand some floral patterns. Full backs with kimona sleeve effects. Regular $125 Values Extra quality seal plush coats for women, full lined with handsome floral silks. Large loose belt effects with flare cuffs and large convertible collars. Regular $75 Values Long plush coafs for women : fashioned of that peerless - plush which every woman knows. Full silk linings, belted and loose styles. Large convertible collars, ' patch pockets and bell cuffs ' Regular $40 Values j Extra fine quality velvefeen coats for misses and women in all sizes from 1 6 to 44. Extra large plain and ker ami plush' collars. Loose back - and belted effects? Novelty pockets. Full floral linings. t Regular $30 Values Dresses for women and misses of good quality taffeta with georgette sleeves and collars. Two pockets. Fitted waists. A number of charming styles to choose from. The shades are plum, grey, navy, copen, brbwn and black Regular $25 Values Coats for women fashioned of tfesirable wool fabrics, meltons attd mixtures in nu merous colors. Full or half lined with fitted yokes, and loose or fancy fitted belt. . Regular $30 Values Slllc taffeta and satin dresses, and satin and georgette combinations in blouse, tunic and panel effects. The styles are chic, with touches of unique trimming. Shades ot brown, taupe, navy and black. .Regular $50 nines fine quality wool velour, frost glow cloth, and crystal cloth coats with large convertible collars of plush and fur. Some are full lined in both loose back and fitted belt styles. The Bhades to choose from are burgundy, navy, brown, grey find black. Regular $35, and $37.50 Tallies Dresses for women In sizes 16 to 44. Fashioned ot fine quality men's wear serges and gabardines. Handsomely trimmed with fancy silk braids. Tunio and sjde panel effects. Vestee effects. ...Regular $35 Talues All suits for yomen and misses that spell perfec tion in style and quality. Fashioned of wool ve lours, tricotines, broad cloths, wool serges, 'sue denes, silvertones, kerseys and gabardines, they rep resent the choice of the season's favorite mater ials. . Originally Priced at $30, $40, $45, $50 and up Women's serge and Jersey dresses for women and misses In Russian blouse and short waisted models. Button and braid trimmings. Vestee and em broidery fronts. Regular $35 Tallies v j PER CENT DISCOUNT KNIT UNDERWEAR SAVINGS mi .Women's wool vests and pants, long, elbow or sleeveless vests, ankle length pants in grey or white, -all sizes. Regular price, $2, M EQ sale price lU Children's heavy fleeced vests and pants, long sleeves, beading trimmed' top vests and ! ankle length pants, in grey or white. Regular Q price, 59c,-sale price'' Children's part wool vests and grey or white Regular price CQA ' $1, sale price V iv 1 1 vv umcii a t Miiv aim wool vests, silk beading top, sleeveless or elbow length. Regular price QQp $1.50, sale price ' Women's heavy fleeced or medium weight lisle un ion suits, long, elbow; or sleeveless, ankle length. Regular price Q $2.25, sale poee1,J-yJ Women's medium weight cotton union suits, long elbow or sleeveless, ankle length Regular price, $2, S . $1.39 Women's silk, top , union suits, cuff knee in flesh or . white. Regular price, faie5price ...... $1.39 Children's heavy fleeced union suits, long sleeve, ankle length, in grey or white. Regular price 59c (sale price QSp SILK UNDERWEAR makes a pleasing and practical gift Women's Italian silk or crepe de chine eneveiope suits, lace or embroider . ed trimmed bodice tops, in flesh only. Regular price $5,00, sale price , $3.95 Women's crepe de chine or satin camisoles, fancy embroidered bodice tops, in flesh only. Regular price, $2.50. Sale price $1.79 Women's silk bloomers, hemstitch ed or lace trimmed.' Regular price $6.50. Sale price $4.49 3 - ; : . y ; v Women's satin Italian silk or crepe de chine gowns, fancy ribbon or hand em broidered trimmed. Reg ular price, $8.95. Sale price $6.98 MILLINERY SALE Trimmed hats in every possible style and . shape can be had in this lot: Trimmings of flowers, chenille, yarn embroidery, feathers and fancy novelties. These are the very best values ever offered at this price. 0 QC Regular $10.00 values for . . . vO.JJO Trimmed hats for dress and semi-dress occas ions. These hats are made of Lyons, velvet and beaver cloth, in ah the newest shapes and colors. Trimmings of ostrich, glycerined novelties, metal and jet ornaments, flower or ribbon effects, dC Q $1&50 values vO.JJO Beaver and velour hats for children and misses, in colors of black, white, brown, navy, cardinal, taupe and beaver, r QC Values up to $12.00, for . ..!,.... SILK HOSIERY Of the better sort always makes an acceptible gift Women's boot fibre silk hose, extra elastic top, linen v heels and toes, all colors. Regular price 49c Women's fine silk lisle hose, flare tops, rein forced heels and toes, all colors. Regular 35c, sale price price 29c Women's full fashioned pure thread silk hose, linen hee)s and toes, all colors. d0 QC Regular price $3.50, sale price . . . v00 Women's pure thread silk hose, fancy lace de signs, silk lisle garter welt, reinforced heels and toes, in all of the new colors. fc 1 1 C Regular price $2.25, salep rice ... 1 v Women's pure thread silk hose, elastic hem top, linen heels-and toes, all colors. Q C Regular price $1.75, sale price ... Women's full fashioned pure thread silk hose, ; flare top. t Regular price r 7Qp $1.50, sale price ........ .-. . . . ."; ". ..7 , BLOUSES THAT MIRROR THE LATEST WHIMS OF DAME FASHION , ' i Women's fine quality georgette blouses, lace, embroidered and beaded models. All new colon.; Regular $9.00 values, special $6.45 Women's new Russian Mouse in beaded and yarn embroidered mod els, in plain and fancy georgette. Special . $10.75 to $25.00 Crepe, da chine blouses in flesh, white and navy, with embroidered and plain fronts. Special $6.50 811k taffeta waists In stripes and plain colors, a large assortment ot patterns to choose from. Special $4.50 Jersey smocks, hand embroidered, beautiful designs, with pockets and belt, colors of grey, navy, maroon and brown. Priced special $18.50 to $30.00 A BRUNSWICK IS THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT PRICED AT $100, $125, $150 and up i AH finishes. Ask about our Easy Payment Plan. Brunswick parlor, second floor. seven day; , TOILET il IUG SUNDRIE LEATHER Starting Saturdav motmn -o . - . VJ a seveo-daywre-oouaay saio Leather GooBs ana leweiry. . Iv reduced inorice. and thk startle necessities as "well as not be neglectedTSCoote earj choice. 4 Ladies' dinner rings, set with cameo, saphlre, garnet, pearls and etc, in Roman gold, green gold and silver, $20 values, special Ladles' solid gold rings, with small diamond setting, per feet stone, $30 values. tyC i special 14.98 Hisses' sizes, solid gold rings, set with small diamond, tlA QQ $15 values, special . ...lU0 Children's bracelets, plain and en graved, bright finish, f"A $3 values, special vltJv Ladles' top strap purses In pin seal, rocco, etc, silk lined. Regular $6.50 values, special Ladies' flatetrap purses in colors, silk ular $3.50 values, special Fancy velvet ..bags,' elaborate moantii handle, silk lined, purse and mirror eq values, special Fancy beaded bags in dark shades, la? silk lined, trimmed in bead fringe Children's canteen bags, equipped wi all shades. Special ., Music rolls, in seme bag style, safety ( special Men's collar bags, in calfsklnfl tan and brown, sateen lined, $1.50 values, special .... 98c t! King White Coco Castile Soap 30e Gnm. Brmno Qninine SS. 25c Bill'. Cueara Quinine tU 25c Week' Cold Tablet .....lee 35c Pkpe's Cold Compound tee 25e Phenolar Wafer. ...Cle 35c Loran'e Rocky Mountain Tea ...9e 25c Beecham'a Pills . ., St. 25c Carter's Liver Pills ' IB. 7Sc Hall's Catarrh Remedy A9. tl.5 Lydia Plnkham Blood Purifler. !. Babcock's jJpjjk Talcums BOe Velvette Uduld Fee Powder. 10c Kirk Olive Soap 30c Hydrogen Peroxide, t. . . . 25c Mavte Cold Cream Tubes. le tl. tie tl. tl. SSe 25c Palm Olive Cream Tubes, 25c Plexo Cleansinr Cream. 25c Hind'. Cold Cream 40c Orchard While 60c Son Spi Deodorant .... eoc Eicaya void vream eve 60c Eicaya Vanishinc Cream Me 60c Eicaya Witch Hazel Cream 49. MUtO Tooth Powder 25c value 6C as 6 1 25e Butterfly Talcum It. 25e Honeysuckle Almond Cream .r. .tie 25c Charcoal Tootpaste .tie 26c Palm Olive Shavinr Cream Me 80c Sanltol Shavinc Cream tee S5e Sanltol Liquid Shampoo tS 25e Marinello Eye Brow Pencils, brown law 91.00 BarineUo Hair Tonic 25c Per o' My Heart Talcum tie 25e Woodbury's race Powder tie 60s Pood s Extract Cold Cream 4Se 25c I Kay Face Powder tl. 60c Pond's Face Powder 48. 26c Spiro Perspiration Powder tie 60e Stereo's Depilatory Powder 43c Women's, welt sewed, Louis heel, 9 1-2 inch top, immita tion tip, black lace shoe, A to D widths. Regular price, $11.50; sale price $8.63 Women's black kid, Louis heel, welt sewed sole, new recede last. Regular price $8.50. Sale price Black kid, lace shoes, plain toe and imitation tips, Louis heels. Regular price $6.50. Sale price Boys, army last, black shoes. Vali; Sale price t ur SBBBBBBBSr . BHST "naVaWr $6.38 $4.88 $2.f i;gm SSutni 3C UikiatiitiS4 , .ff i,-.-