Thuraay, Juno S3, 1871. PEKJULM LIST AND KEGIL1TI0.N8 ur TUB ROCK ISLAND CO, ANNUAL FAIR, TO BE Utl.D AT ROCK ISLAND, ILL., AUGUST 26th, 29th, 30th, 31tt, and KPT. lit and 2nd, 1871. orri(-ER rom 1ST I. President nod General Superintendent, S. F. liARTilAN, Coal Valley. Vice President, UKNRY DART R00k Island. Secretary, VIKQIL M. BLANDINO, Rod Island. Treasurer, HENRY HERBERT MAYO, Rook Island. IilUKCTOkS ' .lis. B. Lakik Coe Twp. Fnni: riq Ohoubn Zunm " Jou BcrroH Aedaluaia " "ii.liah Wait, Edgington " Ammiw DuHtivtox 0ol Saliey " ii to. U. Di. kXiif, Milan. David Bkaks, MI'ARTMEIT HICK BIKTa'1 l NTS. R. Montgomery, Class A, Cattle A Stock Kxhib. IHHilliams " B. Horses, Ao.end Stables It JI Dios,son, Asst. " " " " Thomas Ooruos,.. 0, Sheep. 1), Swiuo. E, Poultry. F, Flowers,, Floral Hall. , r ruit. 11, farm Prodoe. John riutlum Jubn I, auk , MrsK YVBoynton W P Poars'oll.... K M Greneli C B Marshall, A Donaldson, S J Edr'ngton, I Tho Pluinmer... B U Kimball W I. Bweenoy,... E llurrall, Jr... Mm John l.usfc.. Mis K I'luiuinar r m whimn.... Ilanry Dart I, Field Crops, Faruis.Ao. I, Pantry Stores. K, Agricultural Implc'nts L, Manulaotarers. M, Domestic Arts, Ac. N, Solving Maoliina Work. 0, Musical Instruments. V, Sculpture, raln:io,Ae. (J, Desires and Moduli). AllMlSNION TO T ii F. (JSorSDJ. T ckets for admission to tho Fair fi.-ounls will be obtained at the Secretary's office, near tlie en trance gat, at the following rami : Single Ticket-, admitting on person, om .25 Childreu, I I rears and under ll Tioketa admitting 1 horse and riiior, once... .f0 " ' vehicle and driver one ,r,n " ' - h Tse vehicle and driver once ;,o " " 4 horse vehicle and driver onoe $1.00 yaartcT-sireteh Badges. pT day f,o Single Tiokets to Amphitheatre 10 Faeh occupant ol a vehicle, otber than the dri ver, must bare a sickle ticket. A strong aad efficient police I,, roe, under the direction of the Superintendent of the grouods, agisted by a oorps ot defectives, will be on duty night and day. Parties who (refer to occupy the camping grounds' will find every necessary arrangement fur their safety and accommodation inside the enclosure. Apply to the General Superintendent. No persons wi'I be permitted to remain on the ground over ni'ht,' unless thoy hare pur chased tiokets for the next day. rtssiGWATtcji or OKFir lists. The President, Tier Presidant, Secretary. Trea surer, and mcmhars of th Hoard of Directors, will wear IV tu R;,l,ati Department Superintendents will wear Rul Siiperiat'ndent ,,f Grounds and Assistants will wear f? ftJ,. Tlie (iate Keepers and Police will wear While RU.E3 ASD IlEflrLATIOX'S. 1. All premiums wi l be paid in cash, except when otherwise note I. 2. All owardi'd pren-iums uncalled for f.r thirty days after the .'lose of the Fair, ihuU be deemed donated to the Society. ;i. Awarding o..mmitiees may r mtnond dii- retlonary premiunnfor articles of merit which mar be ex n i bifetl. i. Premiums shall aot be awarded when the animal or artiole is deemed unworthy. .. All articles most be marie.i w ith car is, which will be furnishsd i.y llie be.-retary, d. sig nutiug the elms and number; nud tliese oards t-ust not he removed until after the awarding committee have finished tiioir examination. fi. An entry of ten pur cent, ou all premiums will ha required when tlie premium is five, dollars and nnwurds. 7. Tho executive committee will take every possible preeantioo for the safe kesping of nil iirtioVs on exhibition, alter their arrival and ar rangement : but the Society will not he rc-on-siole for any loss or damage that may ooenr. They desire exhibitors to give personal attention t" t d e i r animaisnna articles, and al the close ot the far to attend to tnoir removal. . moles which are the results of mechanical or artistio still, mast be entered by the artist, uianufaoinrer, contriver or aent. Ii. Articles whloh are the products of, the soii, ust be entered in the name of the producer of the Same. Ml. A'.'ur C.trd will he attached to the animals anj articles receiring tho nrst precjiums ; Hed to those obtaining the second, and " on t.'iose ohra ning tne third. 11. All animals ooiupeting for premiums must he entered M the name o! the h mn jhle. owners, ehonhl iiouit arise, awarding committees mar reiUire affidavits of ownership from exhibitors'. 12. Exhibitors will confer a great favor on the officers of the association by mailing their en tries at as early period us possible. In no cbsc will entrie- le allow d at a later date than two o'clock of the second day of the Fair. IX. Persons renting refreshment booths will not be permitted to sell Intoxicating drinks. 1 I. Any person found intoxicated upon the Fa r grounds, or acting in a disorderly m inner, shall be immediately ejected from the grounds. No hotting will be allowed on the grounds. 8i ramxTENniNTs. Tbe Superintendents are teqnired to take charge of all articles belonging to their depart ments, on their arrival on the jround, and see that they are arranged in (hoir proper places. Superintendents must be on the ground earlv Monday niorninj to assist exhibitors in ticket ing and arranging the artitles. AWARDIM; ruMHITTKItft. The awarding committees will in all cases be chosen at the Fair. They will commenoe their duties at two o'clook of the second day of the Fair, and they are requested to hand in their re ports at the Secretary's ofiico as soon as they can he made ont. All reports mast be ma 1 in writing, an 1 l,t hanttej int0 tne Becrotary's uffica two o'clock Thursday. N. B. The Fair is open lor eompe! itioti to the world, eoept wkure otherwise limited. No person will be allowed to interfere with tho Awarding Committees while in tbe dis charge of their duties, and any person interfer ing, by lettor or otherwise, will be excluded from competition. AITTIOI SALE. Auction sab' w ill be held on the last day of eiih Annual Fair, for the benefit of those wish ing to sell alter exhibition. HV-1AM H. Bite. 1. Each ofiieorof the Society who shall be aosent from the Annual Fairs of the Sooiety shall be lined one dollar, unless good Oanse can be shown lor such absence. Sac. 2. Anim. Is or articles intended fur exhi bition, shall only bo admitted by tha gate keeper on snowing me oeoretary i oard, with the num ber and class of bis entry. Bku. .'!. The Secretary shall cntor each class in a separate book, for thu use of the awarding committee. Skc. 4. No animal or artiole shall be taken out ol' the Fair grounds without tiie lcaro of the President, wtio in secUTase shall give a eheok oard, walah willaduiil tho animal or article when broaght back. Sac. it. Premiums shall in no casu be given an less the object is considered deserving ly the judges. Kmc. ft. All roots, Ao., offered in competition, shall he cleaned and trimmed, and exhibited in baskets, or other open vassala. O rains andseeds may be exhibited iu sacks. Sac. 1. The Becrotary of the Sooiety shall furnish a card witli the number of the entry thereon, which shell be attached to some con spicuous part of tho animal, article or imple ment. r Sac. 8. Each committee shall be famished by the Secretary of the Society with a book con taining the number and designation of every animal, artiole, Ac., entered for tbe competition, m the olass to whiob the committee is appointed, and tha names of the respective owners shall be lurnislied by tbe Seoretry to the ohairinan of each eoaimittee after the awards are made, when the owner's name may balxed. Skc. V. Farms, lenoes, and allother objoeta of competition which necessitate a cumm'ittee to travel into the country, shall be entered for such competition on or belore thc2lilh day 0f August and the oommittoe adjudicating thereon shall' report i writing, by thoirchalrmaa.tothe Pre.j. Jjaut ol the Sooi.iy, on the loth day of Novem- l.1ch'.l!!ii A" O'i,0t, onte,ed for competition Th . Juw X'T Ute. to travel tots of two do'iar for each objeot, unless when they re situated on the same tarm. Sao. I. The Board of Direetors shall appoiat one or morn marshals and gate-keeper. 1. The offioers of the Society ofliolally attending the Fair, (hall be permitted to bar their horse or horses and vehicle admitted fee of ch&rgo, when not competing for a preoi'ua. 8kc. 13. The Eieoutire Comnitt shall em ploy some suitable person or porno" to prepare and see that the Fair Grounds are kept In order for tbe Fair. Bko. 14. Committees of award shall be ap pointed by tbe Superintendents raspeotfuUy, by and with the advice end consent ol the Executive Oeinofcitteo. Bao. 15. The Hoara of Direetors may adopt snch ralei and regulations as tbey may deem apeasiarr and proper for tbe govorument of Pair, arid " any b adopted after the printing of the promlum lists, they should be publicly pmcl'luied npon the gritunds, and tiball tborn- ai be of the same binding force nnd effect as It appearing Id the printed lift. ORDER OF THE TA1U. Monday, Anifmt 28. Ko tries of article? for premiauig or exhibition must be made al tbe secretary's olfioe oa the grounds, on Mond iy, the First day of the Fair, r at tlie secretary s olhoe in Koek island, any time prericus. Entry fees must be paid before Zo clock on iuesdiiy, and tho articles must be irought la and arranged. Tuesday, Auy. 2a. r.ntrici wi 1 be taken till i :o clock r h, after v. niou articles will b arranged ready for the cowuiiiTees ol nwaru. ii p in No. 21 Trotting, 4 rear old oolts :4 . .. 22, " 3 4 " ' 14, Riding, by lady. Wednesday, Awj. 30. i luuoioon m vommiHiea will examine tlie following olassea : No. 2, Hbort llorns. Jio. ii, l'evons. X. 4, Herd Cattlo. So. 6, Oxen, Steers and fat Cattle. No. in, Draught Horses. No 11, Matohed anil Sniffle Horsn. No. 12, Mu Ice and Jacks. No. 18, Berd Horses. No. JS and L'H.bheep. No. 81; IV.ultry. No. ?S and ::4,Flowers.' No. :5, I'ruit. No. ii, Farm Pr. ducts. No. No. No. No. :IH, Pantry Stores. ol', Agricultural Impleinsnts. 40, n;i!iutacture.. 41, 'omestie Arts an.l Mfs. li. Sewing Machine Work. No. o. No. i'-'t MqsichI Instruments. 41, Sculptaru, Painting and Drawing. No. 4i, Desigusand Models. At :$ p. .., No. 11, S'owest going Ilurs. 3 " " IT, Trotting, horses for speci fied ooniittes. ;5 " " t, Qnarterrace,catchweitrht. 4 " " 10, Trotting, never beat 2:o4. Thursdo;, Auyust 31. 10 A. u . No. 4, Na-ivesand grades " ' li, R(iitdsters. " ' N, Horses, mares and colts, 11 " 7, rttitiions for all work. M. No. 14, Slowest going Mule. " ' Is, Double team, speoitieil oounties. " 24, Running. mile dash. " " lt, Trotting bullions. Friday, Sepl. 1. M. No. 1, Cattlo. Sweepstakes. ' " 1 F, Stfillions, " 27, She,-p. " " " ii, Swine, ' v. Plowing. " ' 2.'i, Kenning, .'! in a. ' " 20, Tn.tting. ui-er beat 2:40. Ji v. 4 10 11 Tr,,tt:cg, Horses, Mares and Geldings, Saturday, Stjd. 2. At M o'clock, a. m, checks on Treasurer for premiums, issued at the Secretary's office on Fair Ii rounds . 1IST OF PRK1IIUV.S. opj:n- to the world. CLASS A. CATTLE. Kobert M.iutomerv, Supt. No. 1. Sweepstakes. Best bu:i, of any a?e or breed, dip. nnd Second bear ii - Lk-sl uiiich cow, of any age or breed 40 Second best, ditto 20 No. 2. Short Horns. Best bull and jeara old and upwards, dip. $20 It In Second best, ditto Bent bull, 2 years old Second best, ditto Lest bull, 1 year old Best ball calf Best cow, 3 years old and upwards 10 second nest, auto . Best heifer, 2 years oid S Second best, ditto Best heifer, 1 year old 5 Best heifer cait The Committee ; a this class will reqnire a satisfactory pedigree in every instance. No. 3. DevoLg. Best bull, 3 years old and upwards in Second best, ditto 5 Best bull, 2 years old Second best, ditto i Best bull, 1 year old b Best bull calf ;h Best cow, 3 years old and upward ;i Second best, ditto 3 Best heifer, 2 years old 4 Second beat, ditto 3 Beat heifer, 1 year old 3 Best heifer ca f ;', Tho Committee ou this class will require a satiijtaetory pedigree in every instance. No. 4. Natives and Grades. Beat bull, over 3 years old Muuond beet ditto Bet ball, 2 years oid I! bull, l year old Best bull calf Best cow, over 3 years old Second best ditto Best heifer, 2 years old Best heifer 1 year old Best he.fer eaif No. 5. Herd. Best herd of cattle belonging to one indi vidual, of any breed or age, consisting of cot less than one male and lour fe males. No. C. Olen, Steers and Fat Cattle. Best yoke oxen, 4 years old and upwards dip and Best lot of fat steers, of any ape, consist ing of not less than 3 in number Bast beef animal, male or female 20 i ll'i 12 1 4! 10 1(1 Ii li 10 CLASI B. IIOKFE-t, MCLK9 AND JACKS I. B. Williams, feupt. Geo. M. Dickion, Asst. Supt. No. Stallions for all work. To the best stallion To the second best, ditto By the term " horse for all work " is meant an au.mal with sulhoient weight to pull the plow or waj?ou, and suCioient action to hitch to the family carriage, and to carry bis owner without endangering his neck br faUiiif? down. He should be from 15 to i6i hands high, and the more good blood he possesses tiie better. No. 8. LToraes, Mares and Colts. llorse showiuff tlm best five colts, from one to five years old, exhibited with horse 25 Best brood mare, five years old, or over, with colt by her side Second best, ditto No. i). Roadsters. 20 10 Best Btailion,fouryears old and upwards, in harness Second best, ditto Best stallion, three years old, in harness Second best, ditto Best stallion, two years old do do one year old do horse colt, suckling Second beet, ditto 20 10 10 5 8 5 Best mare or gelding-, four years old and upwards, in harness Seot nd best, ditto Best mare or gelding, three years old, in harness Second best, ditto best mare, two years old do one year old do colt, suckling Second best, ditto No. 10 Draught Horses. 20 10 10 5 f. 3 4 2 Best stallion, four years old and wards tap- $20 10 8 4 10 Seoocd best ditto Best stallion three years old Second best, ditto best brood mare, with colt by her tide aeoonu oest ditto Best pair horses, mares or geldings, 6 lestea; To be Continued. 10 Why aro there so many nnbappy marriages It is because many enter into that state From un? worthy motives, while others hare their system filled with the virus of Scrofula or Syphilis, and th hidden enemy does not always lay quiet hot breaks out when least wanted ; then the trouble begins with bickerings on one aide and remorse on tbe other. This fast hi already known to thousands On this point we shall say no more in this ar tiole except toountion those w ho contemplate mar riage with their system in the above condition to STOP. First oleanseycurselres of those impuri ties before job bring misery on your offspring. Ana as wo otter advisu wo nlso olier free of obarge until a positive cure is etioetcd the SAMARITAN'S ROOT 4 11LJKU J C ICES. This purely vegetable remedy is a positive cure for Sorotula in all Its forms, any kiudof Soro8,Pnn plea. Blotches or any dieaases arising from impure oiooa (.unike the many inmtures witn which the country is Hooded, a bottle of which cannot be ob tained without Orst laying down the price the ow ners having ao taith in them.) tlie Koot and iierb Juices will do all that is claimed for it, thus ma king it the greatest blood purifier the world hss ever produced- And the unprecedented offerof fur nishing the remedy free of charge until a cure is effected bas given an opportunity to thousands who hava bee trilled with and who bad given up all hopes of even relief, to be cured and restored to sound health. Ladies who desire a brilliant com plexion with fresh rosy eheeksshonldusetheF.oot and Herb Juices. All who desire the medicine on tho aborotsrms wijl please send good reference mat tney win pay when cured. Koot and H Jnioestl.2i perbottle. DESMOND A CO.Prop'rs V13 Haco street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' 1 1 H K only real and positive cure for diseases A arising from indiscretion. Balsam Copaiba and Mercury discarded; only ten pills effect cure. They are purely vegetable ; cure in from two to four days. Porno other reason than to avoid being exposed tbe Samaritan's Gift should be used. Men id experience kuow that tbe uied iomes iiven by quacks are Balaam Copaiba and Mercury. Tho first can bo smelled from tbe breath worse than bad whisky, and the Marcorv ruias tne system. And,, no person who cares anything fcr his reputation wants to be seen going into the shops ol tha venders of those disgusting drufs with which the .-illlioted are gorge.1. Mine packages 2 ; female $;!. Sent by loan ut ny aa,res. Sold by Druggists geners'.ly. liAS. Bnasaa, corner liliaois and Marks: street. Asrent for Book Island. nichSd w ly EVEEY LADY IK THE LAND SHOULD KNOW White Glycerine Is AND ItVlistt it Does. WHITE GLNEEIXE Is now acknowledged to be, in every respect. the superior of any and all articles t-sed to brnetit the skin and improve the complexion. The skin which bas been long filia l with imparities. spo or d iscolorations, or which b been injured, us is often the oaso, by the application of poison ous co.-rcetics and lotions, may be perfect: v rea oraled by this rcmarkai.le fluid. thoroughly impregnated with "White Glycerine the skin grows purcrand clearer, nntil it reaches a penrl-like transparency and beauty, unattainable by any other known means, after which but little, comparatively, Is required to maintain a rich, healthful, natural and beautiful complexien. It is also unequalled as a speedy and positive cure for chapped hands, rough skin, etc. PEARL'S WEIIE GLYCERINS Is i -,'d by ail wholesale and retail Druirgists and dealers in Perfumery and Toilet Articles. jo I, "idly THE UTE BISHOP SOOLE. TT IS A -i- that av WELL article w ESTABLISHED FACT bich has been thoroashlv tested, and which invariably gives satisfaction, must bo a good anioie. EL tie." SPI LL'S LIXIMEST Invented by the lute BISHOP SOI LK, bas proved by its own merits, that it has no equal in toe world for the cure of $-;,rtira, lujlaiiinintori and Ciinmif Iihiu nm'isiit; -Y 'Ura'yin, Kiihii-i and Sj-ina! C-i,ij,;ai,it, Sort Thr.Kif, Lame lUu-l; SprtniiX, Ji-r. This IJainit'tit iriU instantly xf"l all juiinx fa nurd hy iit i Its, fcave your Doctor's bill; buy it; try it; use nothing else, and you would not be without it in your house for ten limes its cost. PISHOt' SO! I.K S LINIMENT wiil cure all of the above complaints, and is the only sere cure tor that dmadful disra-e Sciatic. For sale by Drug gists. Price 75 cts. and $1.75 per nortle. F. W. KVDBK A PON, Proprietors, T503T' N , M ASS. THE BATTLE AND THE YiCTGEY. The fipht is over. Competition is at an end. The humbugs who have disfigured so many beads and endangered sg many lives, are "a hip ped cat," and IriiUiloro's Txcclsior SIsIr Pjf. remains master of the field, and is acknowledged to he the Standard Hair Dye of America. A LIST OF THE KILLED AND WorXDKD wculd show scores of charlatans stretched on their barks. Endorsed by Protester CiilL'i'ON as pure and harith ss, uud accej.ttd by the pub lie as matchless ic its operation, the Lxcoisior Hair live laughs all rivalry to scorn. As an ex quisite d reusing after dyeing, use CHKISTADOKO'S HAIR PKE?EEVAT1TE. UseEenae's Pain Killing asAG-io oil. Tcrks like a Charci." KlADKH Retiue s Pain-Killing Magio Oil cures Headache. Senile's Pain-Killinit Mairio Oil oures I,Hitlm.n Kcnrc'sPttin-Killing Magic Oil cures Neuralgia Kenne's Pain-Rilling MagieOilcures Cnolora. neunee i ain-iinng -viagioOilcuresKheumati m Kcnne s t am- Killing Magio Oil cures Lamece Kence t rain lulling Magic GilcuresSa in Disease ftocie tolks seem to be proud of telling how lame their shoulders are ' of "my crick in the oca or, a nave got the sciatica and de light in bragging that "nothine can cure me I but when we get each "awful folks" to use Ben- Be s i'ftln-K.Ullng ffiagio Oil, faithfully: we not only cure their lameness and charm avav their pains, but we actually take all that kind of "brag out ol them I" and they frankly own up, and say it works Hko a charm ! " X-Sold by all Druggists, MerohanU i. Grocers It is put op in three sues, and called "Trial Rise," "Medium Bize," and "Large Family izo', vi an. Jt fcrs Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, je6-d4weowly Pittslield, Muss Bold Wholesale and Retail by John Bengs- kuH, iruggisi, noes: island. 33 igelo w, CosOdeniial Physkf&B, 179 South Clark Street, CHIl'AttO, ILL., Pri vate and Chronic Diseases in botli sexes success fully treated. Dr. Bigelew hasoured more sex ual and venereal diseases iu the last 20 years than any other physician iu the western conn try He cores Nervous Debility, or Involuntary Sem inal Emissions, and restores the enfeebled organs to perfect health and vigor. Ho onres Syphilis in all its forms, whether acute or chronic, with out the use of minerals or vegetable poison. Bend for his "Guide to Health," published monthly free of charge, If you think the writings of the greatest Specialist of the present day worth reading. Ladies send for descriptive cir cular of Prssabic Rf.mxdib, universally used by married ladies. Adtl-ess C. BIGELOVT, M. D.. mehldwly P. O. Box 184 Chicago, III. HAW 8. Established ih 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' BUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS I Axai, Piles, Cast Bteel. Kill Fnrni.Mn. and Hachinerv. te,Get the be.t, they will prove the cheapest Price reduced. Bend for price Lietand eiroular.! vTKjLCH sh GRIFFITHS oJ3dwlyJ Boiton, aia,,., xetIoU mt Why Br. Echenck's lXediclnes are so Popular. Why is Sohanek's Pulmonic Syrup is euca general demand ? The answer is a very simple one: It is ia demand because its healicz pro perties are greater than those possessed by any other medicine In use for the cure of Consump tion. It purities the blood one of the first steps towards a curj. Without pure blood disease can never be eradicated fram tho system. As well expect water to run np hill of its own volition as to core consumption without a complete purifi cation of the blood. This is the peculiar pro perty of Dr. Pohenck'e Pulmonic gyrus. But it does more than this. It not only purities the blood, but it allays Irritation of tha bronohia tubes. It collects and nneus the imcure mat ters oollected there, and enables the patient to thrw them off by painless eipeotatien; This great syrup baa anohter virtne. It possesses nutritions qualities which give sustenance, and, consequently, strength to tbe invalid. Now combine these three qaalilies, and you hare an answer to the inquiry. WHY IS THE PULMONIC SYRUP IH Sl'CB DEMAKD? Thousands have testified it with c mplete sat isfaction; thousands have ud It and been eared; thousands ate using it and being cared. But. Dr. Schenck has other remedies. There are other agencies to be employed in the cure of coasumption, and ho has provided them. If it be asked why Sohenok's Mandrake Pills are so popular, tho question is answered as readily as in the case of the Pulmonio Syrup. SCBKXCK'6 MANDRAKE FILLS have almost universal application to hnman diseases, and, though they have bean mainly re oommended in puluioBary cases, thoir virtues in other maladies have been ao oompVtelv aud sat isfactorily demonstrated that the people will havethem. Now, w hy are they so essectinl to tbe cure of consumption? Became the irgrt:! i ents of which they are composed aot directly oi'On the liver, causing that important organ to threw off its torpidity, and make healthful se cretions. The Mandrake Pills CONTAIN NO CALOYLL io spread its poison through the patient's eys teiu. Iheir operation is simple and effectual. By their use healthy bile is secured. A? a con sequence, impaired digestion is restored, food is properly assimilated, good, healthy blood is the result, and, ef course, strength is renewed, and the great process of healing thoroughly inau gurated. Whole pages of newspaper coold be tilled with testimonials from those who have used the Mandrake Pills and been benifitted tv them. A thousand boes arc sold to-dar where ten were sold four years ago, aud the "cry ie t till ihey come." -The facilities for manufacturing thecn have become too limited, and, as a conse quence, Dr. Schenck has been compelled to erect a greatly enlarged and very magnificent build ing, to enable kim to pat up the requisite ma chinery to supply the. constantly increasing de mand for his great medicine. BUT GOOD HEALTHY" BLOOD is not tbe only requisite. The patient needs strength. The entire system must be kept in order. The weakeued, emancipate patiemmnst have tlesh pat upon and strength into his limbs. To acoompU-b, those great object is the special province ol 6chi:s;k's seawf.ld tcxic. The acidity of the stomach, so distressing t patients, and to detrimental to tfTectu ally rcinuved. Ti alkaline constituents ot the Seaweed Tonio accomplish this. Io addition to tnis it imparts tone and vigor to the system, and enables tbe patient to take tho necessary indoor eseroie without eshaustion. This is vitality ,m portant, though too frequently overlooked by men. Ta.y advise exercise without having the patient prepared for it. They tell him to go out into the cool, rasping air when be siiuu'd be exercising moderately w hore the tcm peiature is euited to hi diseased condition, and tins too without git ing him those remedies which arc calculated to impart strength while they assist m healing up the ulcerated lungs and nronciiiai tubes. In this brief recital, the public have un an swer to the question "H'y are br. ,T. , , n , !. ' "'".( ':" Toe prebien: is solved so ciear'y that none but those who are wilfully blind can tail to uude'stand it. Th w mdertill cure that bare been eiiucted ly I)r. Schenck's remedies, are tbe living, treating aud moving advortisements upon which Dr. Schenck relies. Tbey furnish the evidence that stands unc m- iruvericu ana uncontrovertible. To them the puouo ts reierrcd, with the most implicit confi . ana io mem ir. clnuc& now tnuath ant y appeals as irrefutable proof of the cor reetDeta of hia ols-ropt ated assertion that CONSUMPTION CAN LK CURED. Doctor Schenck's persouol tatenient to th Faculty of his own cure was ia these words: '.Many year aco I was in tiie last stage eou.uu.puou, c .i.naea to my tied, al.l at one my physician thought 1 could at live woek ; then, like a drowuiu man catching at i iicaru oi ami nutaitiad toe preparations which I now oEcr to ihe public, p.iid thev made a pere ct cure of me. It in me d to inei that could feel them penetrate n.y wh-le svsiem. iay soou ripened the matter in rry 'ur.irs, tsj 1 wouid spit up more tiiau a pint of oScusivf yeilow matter every morning for a Ion; time. 'A soon as thst began to subside, my oou f... ; , ' i. . . . , . 1 ,u, , j,iu unu uigui aweai all nean to ieavi nuu ii. j peeiii.e became so great that it was witli ditteuity thai I eouid keep from eating too uiueu. i noli gamed my uretgih, and have grown to fwsu ever since. 'I was weighed shortly after my reooierv,'' aa.led the Uoctor, "then looking like a mere saeiemn, my weight was but ninety-seven lbs. my present weight la two hundred end twentv live pounds, and for years I have ecioved r,i...i i,,.,.iii. " J uninterrupted h uiaeoniiuuea Hi prolessienal visits to jew lorst and Boston, but at his oh'i bo. to jnorui ruti) street, between the hours of A- M- " r. he or his eon, Dr. J. H Sciieuok, Jr., sees pat. eu.s every Saturday. Those who wish a thortugh examination with tne nespirometer nl be chag.d j. The Re piromcter declares the oiact condition of t lungs, ana patients ean readily learn whether tney aro oureanieor not. The direction, , taking the medlslnes are ad piea io me iiueiiigenoo even of a child. Fol low those dlrectl, Xi8( acd kind Kature will do too rest, ezoentiug ttiat in some cases the Man drake pills are to betaken in Increased duee uieu.oiues need no other aocumpani- uci.., ,l,u un soiiis instructions that accom pany ttieiu. First create appetite. Of returning neaiui uoiger ia tne most welcome svmntom When it couies, as it will oome.let. the dospairlog at once be of good cheer. Good blood at onoe follows, the oougb loosens, the night sweat is aoaieu. xu a soon time buth these symptoms are gone forever. morbid Uov..u,I.,.,un are constantly kept in ten of thousand of familie. As a laxative or purgative the Mandrake Pills are a standard preparation; while the Pulmonio Byrup as a ourer of coughs and colds mav be re,r..i . Tl- c .v 1, . prophylaotorio against consumption in any of Price of the Pulmonic Srrnn inA o j Tonic f l.0 a bottle, or t.ot) a half do.nn. M. drake Pills 2 cents a box. i'or sale by ail druggists and dealer. mchl6-dwl v Ladies, take Particular Rotice. The Ileal Velpaa Female Pills! tVARRAK'f ED rHEXCH, These Pills, o celebrated many years ago in Paris, for the relief of female lrn vulari tl. afterwards for their criminal employment in the practice of abortion, are now otlered for sale for " m America, lbty have been kept m eomparative obscurity from the faot that the originator, Dr. Velpau, is a phyician in Paris of groat wealth,and has itriotoonsoientioursprin ciples, and has withheld them from general ue leet they should be employed for unlawful Dr pose. r In overcoming Female Obstructions, Fallirr of the Womb, U hltc, Green Sickness, Supprest sion, Retention, or Immoderate Flow of Monthly Discharges, Nervous and Spinal '," lions, Pain, in the Back and Limb., a', C slitfht .r,.ri.,n Pli.,: r . i. 'gue on terics, Ac. and will etT.,t a n,,r v """ moans har. failed ,A .i,i.. ""other remedy, d. not ecnt.ia 'calo-.n.,S J"WlrfI rnything hurtful to the constitution 7 ' To married ladies and touch i,i. v period with regularitv. ' 8 moaJ CAt rioN.-Married Ladi.,hould neve, take them wuoa there I . . . Tr.cakc Lawltef flftO T)rOAnA a tiAT aa.k j . ofthe curio..; by Kn:? (postage stamps to M. W. MACOMPFR r , Agent for State. x- of n' tthorUed Agouu m24d wly (9 IIS (WITH IRON,) The best Blood, Stomach ako Livaa Medi cine ever offered to the public. It 1b very agree able to the taste and wnl not affect the'teeth as Iron preparations generally do. HVkii if tail! do: It will' be found vastly su perior to any of the Calisaya and Iron so exten sively used for invigorating tha systoai. It will me uiooa; likewise thicken it. It will restore the pale and emaciated, the weak and debilitated to color, flesh, health and ttreagth ia an icred !- r. !,. - t - iuis, as in airengioen ine nursing mother and increase tbe Sow of milk, also bene fit the child at tbe braast and prevent many of the complaints to whioh children are snhiect. in infancy. It will tend to restore the evesitht when impaired by continued application in read ing, wriung or eewing, by strengthening the op ticoerves. It will give vitality to the mental faculties when depressed by o'oje confinement to jtudy or business pursuits, and pievent nervous headaches. It will jpurify the blood and pre vent the breaking ont of boil, pimples and other eruptions caused bv poverty of blood. It wil" reator the genital orgun, when weak, to a healthy condition, regulate the menstrual period also rcteve debility caused by summer heat or excessive prespiration. A single trial will prove conclusively that we have not over-estimated the value of this excel lent medicine, Prioe.ti co per bottle. J. C. MAGI! IRK, Chemiet and Druggists, Sole Proprietors, 8T. LOUIS. Also proprietors of Magoire'scelebrsted Besb Plant, a ure cure for Diarrhea, Dysenterr, Cholera Morbus and the AsiathCholera. All order from rospomihle paities promptly filled. mchlT-dwiy isirscicAi,. $1,000 TBIRTT YE1HS EXPERIENCE T WILL GIVE ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS a reward tor anyoase oi the following diseases thatlb Medical Faculty have pronounced In curable that Wilkinson's Vegetable f ompoafid ALIMAijlfj I SciiOTaior and Blood Purifirr WILL NOT RADICALLY CURE. THIS remeklal agent is a certain pedy positive cure tor aad Hereditary. Constitutional and Secondary Syphi lis, in all its various Serins, snch as Old Ulcers, Swellings of tlie Neck, Hot-rated Sore Throat, Pote ' Eyes, s-kin Eruptions, tiorecess of the Scalp, Falling oif of the Hair, Pirnp's or Blotches on the Face Body or Limbs, Dry Hacking Cough, Constant Hacking up of Matter, Unpleasant Dischasges from the Noso and Langs, Breath Eitreme'y Offensive, etc., etc. Mercurial r ypbSIitie Ebitmatisai ltd XtJiralgla, Thoroughly eradicated Morcury and all dis csses arising from an impure or poisonous atate of the Wood, and I defy those who suffer from such disease, to obtain a radical cure without the aid ol this imj.oitaut remedy. It operates on toe system entering the blood, neutfaliitrg tha virus of poison, r.-establiehing i healthy function, ef th animal economy, and thereby enabling the syttein to eraS.cate the disease and cast off th obnoxious matter ly the KTT 1 Tin. l....T ... C-l- cresiu ana cam, causirnr no sensible evacuations It is pleasant to take, assimilates readily with toe iocd and docs not interfere with the asual d:et or ad ocatlon. I nclose cent stamp and send for sealed eir cuisr. AH eommuaicatiun strict'y contdentiel. Psice ?J.(it per bottle, sent iraefiom observant n, ry maii or express, to at y address, on receipt of tho money. Addies JiH?f T. lVII.KISgOSf, Druggist and Pharmaceutist, In Medical Coli?e Building, corner of Blocdeao and Seventh etreets, - ktllkl k, ItM A rotI7-d ly. Bit. CiALI iCilIIER S VEGETABLE RHEUMATIC is warrant d ender oath & foiu ple and pf rmane&t care for Rku2ati$Ei k iXearakia iu all their various forms. It is taken Inward ly only. It is positively the only ttaridard spe cific before the public, being composed of pure and harmless vegetable ingredient olely, con taining no minerals, poisonous or injurious drugs. It has actually oured ninety-five in every bun- urea ses, in ice last.ix yoare. rMuit unpar alleled in the history cf medioine. The principal advantage in taking this medi cine is, that it Is quite different in its composi tion from any other article before the public. o other preparation does or can act in the same manner. While every medioine purge and sickens tbe patient, BE. GALLAGHER'S rEGBTABLE RHEllMATIC 0"0"SUt3 at once dissolves end oarrie. off all Rheumatic Neuralgic aud unhealthy matter from th. ' m, ana tne patient Jnust from t, eoeieity toon g"i wen. a here is no mistake about it. The money promptly returned in every instance here no benefit has been reoeived. A large number of nnsolilted tesU moniats have been value. received attesting it grea' si,ooo jEi. o XV et, it 5L ill be given to any parson who can produce a many genu lae permanent oures a Dr. Gal lagher', Grtat TtgHabUPiU Curt. It 1 prepared expreIy to earv Bleeding, Blind, Cloerated or Itehiag 9il , nod forao ether purpose. Hun dred t of P" Teloian recommend it In their prac tice. It I 1U cured permanently oases of over auyears landing. Bold by Drnggits generally. Prepare, i ei, by B. 7t. Galla8Bb, Ho. 808 North T 1,1,4 Street, Philadelphia, ?a. John Bengiton, Druggist, Agent for all of Dr. Gallaf iher't preparation. X2?S UE&AX7CC szvaa,xsss & ss.o.. Seal Esia.e & igtitits, f . 5. 1 Viele' Block, DiVKSPORT, , - - - - IOWA. AUead porso,ly and promptly to the buying and selling of Real Estate on commission, rent ing Honsea aoi Farm. tovlDdom. J. M. BUrOttD. S. B. SEED. BUFOED & HEED, GENERAL f.mfUME AND- Eeal . Estate Agents, Buifalo St., opp. Express Office. Eepreiest th following Old and Reliable Companies. Security Of New Yoik, Hartford Of Hartford, Coon Of Hartford, Conn. Homo Of New York. X2.opii.llio Of Chicago, 111, Of Hartford. Conn, Of H.rtford, Conn VtTxiiviii-i Of Philadelphia, Pa. A -sOl'iljll'eJl O.'Xm York. tfe-Ilti 'IS Of Cincinnati, O. Reaper Oity Of Hockford, li CcBncclieu uluftl Life Ics. Co. Of Hartford, Conn. f 27, 00,000.00 Cash Aaseti . so;,2i-dlf w. a. iirti. c. tuitiuii HAYES & CLEVELAND FlilE AMD LIFE I.ST2.lXniAGtSCT. OF 1 ISlil LiiAniJtO k-'lRK AXIi l-lt'B ISI EA5,C tOliPAMLs. All esses euita'.tiy adjusted asid prompter Ctu! oq t jem sal' srocure a noticr on vonr pat J life and properly. Cf3ce In Bcford' Block, Kext door to th A noes OtSoe, mnhlOdly Kouk Island, Ills. GH0. W. 0PP, AQShT FOR TBE LEADING ITFORD & li WE FIEE, MAEIHE AND LIFE nsuranaa Cos ESPRKSESirSG $25,000,600 ia Capital. AT ECCR ISL1SD, ILLINill. AU leases adjusted and promptly paid at this A geocx . SBiTirdt.'. 3.ZLUZ7XI3, s&e. - W. WIRTEL, A.KTAcrt-a:a or s, mists TliiTELISG BIGS, C, Ko. 50 Brafiy Et., DAVENPORT, ..IOWA Repairing ueatJy tiooe. sfiircsiosr coszsszmxoim 4iE5 ERAL AUCTIONEER OfSce in Poll ee Magistrate's Office, orh.itsLAJD. - - . ILLIKOIS ifrSk-WUl prom,.t.'y attend to al! business an sane to nis care. daclldwtf. W. EK. Aedies : XerciiciiLit. :.ooz zaz.wirs, - ZI.X ILLIKOIB STEEET, Kaxi. door to Duo A. it .suit 'a 6love Store. Soods reivd on eensignmeat, Particalar Attcction Gives to sales In country and city. ITU E both new aadsacond hand, bcegkt tod aoi nsayfalv. Warlield's COLD WATER SELF-WASEISG SOAP 2 WasiXes fia Cold or Warm, Hard or Soft Water WITflODT BOILING AND Without injur) to Clothes, OR WITHOUT EUBIJING OK THE WASILBOARD, Saving Labor, Time and Foel! This Soap which has been in ase In the West for the last eight month has given, wherever introduced, the most universal aatiif otion Try it and yoa will use ao otler. Manufactured by the 10LD WATER SOAP C0MFAISP, 63 Horth Desplaines Street, CHICAGO H,t. Tot sale by all Greeert. pil-4wtm AGBUl LTtEAL I51PLESIEM8. THE OTTAWA Machine Shops OTTAWA, - - ILI.lrtt.Iisl. W. n. W. CU'oHMAN, Prop'r. A. B. MOORE, Bup't. Manufacture Steam Engines, Reapers, Mowers, CORN PFOWS, CIDER MILLS, Horse Powers. Machinery for Grist Mill, Paper Mills, Olass Works, Zinc Factories, Starch Factories, Coal Mines, et. . OUR STOCK OP PATTERNS is very large. Our facilities for easting and sw ishing have ao superior west of Chicago. W avite the attention of Mill Wrights to our exteo- ve stock of Pattern for Mill Gearing, etc. Otfatra Reapers aad Movers, Climax lictipers'jind Mutters Victor Corn Piovs, Two Horse Wagons. Col. sft. 23. SSZoore. Superintendent, Ottawa. G-eo. W. D. Karria Is the Agent for these Works, ana Farmers de siring to purchase san see any ol their ma chines at his Warehouse on the Levee. mchlu-dwtf 3SX.XX2Ta. H. K. GARDNER & CO. TAEfSrElRS, AUD HASCVACTrRBRS 0 LEATHER BELTING ! OfEos, 129 Washington Street, SafTaio, 2T. Y. Tannery, 852 Eenoca street. oatd-daod-t.t.s-ly ORIENTAL iHE.iI. i Card to Drasrcists and Dealers A DANGKROld AMD POIS0X0U6 COUN TERFEIT OF Br. T. T. Gouraud's ORIENTAL CREAM, Ou MAGICAL BEll TIFIESJ, Is Attempted ts ba Palmed efT on the Public. The unprecedented popularity aud universal demand lor this innooent cesmetlo has excited the cupidity of a bold and infamous counter feiter, in imitating the label and the bottle ot my Creaiu. la ttie cvuuterteii label, the dash divid ing the words "Trade-mark," and the period after the latter word, aro omitted. There is no Jot separating the dollar and oents of the price in the counterfeit. The last word of each line of the ' Direotion" In tiie counterfeit is the fol lowing : "Of,'" "use," "large," "tiie''aud"noue;" these nords. in tiie genuine, begin each line ot the "Direction." 'ihe counterfeit lael i a brighter (cartel, and tha eugraving interior The " at the top is dull and of pour iiualiiy. In other respects the counterfeit is well calculated to deceive. Drugitt shouid be on their guard when my Cream is one red at less price thanil44 per gross, less ten per cent discount. 1 have never, to a firm or bouse, sold it for less, aiorever have receive 1 an orderor more than a gross at a time, nor have I ever exchanged Ihe Cream for other goods, democalrating that if any oneoSers my Crtam lor less, it is counterfeit. Allorders. to insure the genuine, should be eut to mv onlv office, Mo. 4 Eond treet, Kew York, formerly Ji- 63 Broadway and No. 67 Waiker street. T. Felix GorAtn. Jei fkusos Jlissti Police Couar. James L. liktton, cf ,i.U Dey street, was arraigned t j.jge Cox on a charge of counterfeiting the traJe-mark nd label ef Dr. T. Kelix (.iour au's original Cream, or Magio lieautifler. It apj ears that thi inrecious operator palmed oti on A. K. Sands one gross cf the puriou stufi, tor which he obtained $114, being $15.60 lei-s ihan the article i invariably totd by Dr. G. The said gross, minus six "bctiles. have fx-en honeraVly delivered by sM firm to T)r a. Tho iiiiscraaie counterfeiter dispesed of anothe gross to ritten.fen, Ao. 1 Sixth avenue. Thi ,:eu..eiiin very Handsomely returned ail he bad uesoldvii, seven dozen. Another gross was soia io ristt, Scott Co., r.roadway, ten dozen oi uicu were scld to John F. Henry. Xot one tnese nottles has been returned to Dr. (i. Th representative t .nr. Alenry a so red Mr. (i.that every nottte should be destroyed. Jstr. Ooaraud is detetmineii, if possible, to stop thi knavi business of counterfeiting, t,y leiral proceeding and tbe publisation oi th name f every vender who is M'rDirsct of the preparation br iegconn ter;ait. In tt.e meantime imrchasers cannot t x mueh on their guard : and be sure to get th Oriental Cream, or ilngical bcautifier, Ol nputa hie Urtrr-gists, and at Mr. Fe'ix 6 itracd' only acfoi, .o. 4 s nonu street. tstaOiis.'ied thirty one year, iiouracd's well krown Italian Jledi eatad oap, tor tne cure of skin diseases, price ntiy cents. i sun lor sate; also bis Poudre 8uttil. f .r upreoting uperfluen hair safely and qsicxiy ; i.i uia aoue, Lilywlnte, etc DE. (JOURAUD'8 ITALIA, MEDICATED tOAr i found to be all suthcitut for the com plete removal f;om the ts.n of Tan, Freckle and bcuturn ; or, in tact, any disfigurement wuicu ia me result ot orfiana ; while it medi ci properties are ot so powerlai a ssinr , be potent in the removal of cutaneous eruptions - " roorouiic appsaraneea, lue luding Kry sipeias, Scald Head, ait Rheam, Barber Itch mom, etc. Old bores are rapidly healed br It. and th pain arising from the bites of Mnquttoes, the st.og ot vaspsor otber .enenviu insects, immeoietaiy a.Uysd, and chaps, cracks and c hafts are healed by it. in fsot no family should be without this soap, but more especially those Co l;e remote liom cities, in place w here at an times n is not easy to procure medical at leuoance. Neither should tbe Seaman be with out it, as it is a complete remedy for scurvy, and e.u w t iu nar or salt water as well as oft. In addition thereto, it is i.erfectlv buovant. Ihe Italian Medicated Feap may therefore be mijuuereu as tB0 greatort boon which modern science nas conferred on mankind. s Tf Be F0E KSSt F" Erysipelas, ... o-,, iuJa ln ,ce xio, chaps, chafes redness, sallowncts, and all skin deformities Ring W orm, boaJd Head, Scurvy, Barber s Itch etc., the soap must be made into a thick lather aea wen ruuoed in several time a i, t.l, urusn. xor Pimple. Tan, Freckles, uuourn, oauownes. Kouihness. Mnsoniio bites, or Tiaemou stins-s. it ihnnM or fuur time, a day. In .ererc cases make a paste and apply, provided it doe. not croduo. . smarting enation. This soap i mor.over the g'oviou ccmpouad lor baving over iuven cu a, tea wiiii ciibtr bard or soft water, acd no se-fcican faould -o n . ii a ooiupiitii aatidou to scurvy .lit AlTlia k rt k ' T 1 i" n iueioiuwing is selected from a umWif oomiuumoaiiona In pranc of Dr. Gouraud LI. l'R. I jlii GoCRArn : Dear 6irA. a lea.lio. A, r. .. . 1 - o , .B " oouipcnej o rove oooulonallv uaviug never seen anything of the kind equal to yoar Wgeteble artiole, having atriven in vain ' I'locurc It in Una eitr. 1 ah I k. obliged (should it not be too insignificant for ,ua .aviso me now and at what eost 1 can procure a bottle with the lent r,h . son. j-iease aaare " , Philadelphia, Pa." Certificate from the eelebraUd Dr. H, :, praise or j.r. bouraad's P0UDR8 SUBTILE for uprooting sutieruuon hair fnm n. ., ih i, s.j". I i nave uaa an opportunity of oliservin operation of Dr. eUn Gouraud' pretaration for .mw iuitt,ai 111 sunernUOU naif, nun am, ,IA.f.n ly satisfied of it peculiar efficacy. After an an alysis or tnecornpositioo of these powder, I ean without any hesitation, pronounce tbein perfect ly harmless, and in ever way infinitely superior to any preparation of tbe kind ever offered to the public. I have pleasure in giving them my recommendation, being thu fully convinced of their value. JAS. A. ITOrSTOS. M. D., Lditor N. T Lancet, T. FELIX G0rBlU, Ma D.t an.1 Practical Chemist, 43 Bond street, formerly -foil Broadway. To be had of Dr. T. Felix Gouraud. No 48 Bond troet, New York, and Wholesale in New or k t ' C Well A Co, 192 Fulton treelt J F Henry College Place; W II gehleffelin A Co. No I til William street; McKesson A Robbins. 81 Ful ton street; Arnold A McMary, 47 Park Place; Onttandcn, Btn Avenue; Hiadi, Vaumann A Murphy, (U Barclay street; Iiegemaa A Co. 203 Broadway, and Druggist generally. jwiiuouuji.viiajwoeatsm EW ADTESTlSEMEXTri. CARRIAGES COiX i TE. SiOERE, Oarriaf S3annfactnrinr Company A.argc ariety of Elegant i;arriage.H, Liyht Tup and Open liuyyhs, 67 A 6J Adam tt. Omuibusses, Stage Coaches, Con cord -buggies, &c, at Factory, COH. ASS sk W. KAMIOI I'H ST. CHICAGO, ILL. THE FAMOUsi H A L F O It D Table Sauce, FOR FAMILV USE. ALL t; ROC KM HAVE IT.-sJa. II A I St GOODS, AMD flAiK JEWELRY, Manufactured by F. CAMPBELL, 101 Wal""h A0TuiCA(i0. G. tr.MlTHE.Vr4, (Late firm Brown A Mathews,) DRAPER-ASD TAILOR, IMPORTER OF jTine Woolens, cf Wect of Eng land, Scotch and rrecck Manufacture. ll Waba-h Avenue, Corner Washington St. CUICAlio. crsaillcs Springs. S.Z2SCB.T- Springs Alkaline and Chalybeate. HOTEL NOW OPEX FOR THE SEASON. For particulars address L. P. WHEELER, Vc-raille, 111. Manufacturer of FIRE WORKS, Flags, Chinese GotnL;, Fanry Lanterns, fcc. 57 Dearborn Street, CHICAQO. To avoid the rush for the 4th send order ic early Ko id Itoad Scrapers. Scrapers. For Durability and ease of Draft the Mis chesteb ScBAraB excell all others. Railroad Contractor who have used thru buy no other. Address MAX ( IIFTIII! JUJiFTFlCT't; Ctt., MANCHESTER. IOWA. OWE'S FOR SIMPLICITY, OF MOVE MENT THEY EX kCALES. Eaaminebefcrf vou purchase. P. 1. WAKE A CO., Sole 'Agents, ."'.7 State CEL ANY MADE. Street, CHICAGO. SAtKMtiN HAXTED, to sell good at Wholesale by sample. Liberal salary aci expenses. BROWN A FAY. $4 Washington street, CHICACO W0RKE5; EVERYliODY. Sotnath.i.g Fortunes easily and o".i k 8HELDON LEAYITT. Orand Kapidt. Mich. ly made. Address CHICAGO LEAD & GIL 1T0BES. Established 1S54. Buret! Rebuilt, 1? :-. Manufacturers of LEAD PIPE, SHEET llAU BAB. &. riCt I.23AU, Btvr Liaseed Gil, Coiled Lfr?ffr, ASD OIL CAKE. All Oi! guaranteed strictly jure and fail . , : OFFICE OF TBK CSICAfiO SOOT TOKEE (03IFA'.V Maaufactnrcr of DROP AX D nt'CK. SHOT. IIUr.LSST' A SO II A R 1.EAH, Orders from She trade aolieited. end prcmptlr lied. K. W. BLAK DFOHD A CO. 0 North Clinton 8tret. MASOS &. IfAMIX CABINET New W are rooms lVew Stock. NEW ASD REDUCED PRICES. New Styles In Resonant Cases. New and Valuable Improvements. New and illurratd Catalogue with full in formation will be sent free to anv one sending his full addrcs to ROOT A CALT. 7 Washington street, Chicago, III. Is rapidly superseding all otber preparation for j.roducing Elegant, Sweet and Who! esf me Rolls, Biscuits, Bread, Buckwheat aid other Griddle Cakes. Perfectly rure and P.rli. bl and alway ready for Immediate us. The Cheapest Baking Powder in the M or: ;, ai d ii will keep en Land or Sea, in any cliu at.-. i,,r yers. It is well adapted to 'be ue r,l liourc kecpers, Miner, Mariners, Emigrants, Ac., n-.d is in fact, in every resnect. tbe Hest v.i I'. Jar made "for the Kitchen, tha Csirn. in. C..1 lery." Soli by Urooers and dealer. Manufactured by DOOLBY ABI'TI!KR. 61 New street, New Ysk City. rnoToeEAPiis. C.W. FLORENCE '5f ar-; ----- TV Yw .r. -. a rr iJ FiiotoaDher ! T Illinois Street, bet.. lL e s . . . . ? s fl i-agie A iuha It ROCK I-LA.NI. Sa! istactica guar anteed. Prices ow. Vii. Come and Card Photograph Pcrirai.t For Albania, la tbe mcH artistic airl. had at A. S.SAYIOH: AMEllGTYFES. rVetiaixMsed thi side of Kew Tork. tain A. B. Q AT f&Kb'r . EGTeCE.lFHS. A (lass, in IS. aighast style of art, tc ba 1. B. Ctjfei-ei's 6aIIr. Ia Wabbar't Blosk. PKIOB NOOB1A1R. llnrrirfflf tjiaAji