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STONE'- AIM MARBLE WORKS. Sjoat BiUr and Wholesale Dealers la tht eelebrat.d NAUVOO WHITE- LIME STONE, Window Headg and Key Stones, Sills an i Water Tables, Door Steps and Landiags, "Of all descriptions and sixes. ITALIAN MAltBLE MANTLES WHOZiCSAZiXI ATfS All sites, styles and prl" lon Xarbl. Snap, Foar Door. Wast.f Firt Nitif"aWBafc, Reck I.Und, III. P. O.BoiSao. septl&dAwly 8PECML NOTICES. Use Renne's Fain Killing BaXciSlo Oil; "It Works like Charm." TJa Renne'i Magic Oil Cm Renne's Magio Oil Use Roane's Magic Oil Use Renne'i Magic Oil Use Renne'i Magio Oil Die Penne's Magio Oil Co Renne's 11 agio Oil Us "ennetlfarie Oil li.rii win fibril.. Vf .irVi, T ti I - 1- .ii Hav. yon Lamenees? Ue Ramie's Magio Oil I "Object Have jou HaaJne? Have you T''ncn? Have you Keuralgie? Hare 7"" R-heumntiim? jj.t. you Bore Throat? 0,rToa Seietiea? -itave you a Braise? Hare yon Cramps? . K. LEWIS f& CO D1AL1RS fIS HP- B I g L AXD PROPRIETORS OF THE; KlTTIE BITTERS, MiDK OF Thiiiithe Best Family Remedy, to flora all kind, of Pain, you ever tried. It ii clean, tafe and-delicious to me, and if yon ase It faithfully, It will do yon Good ! Directions on each bottle. Buy it of the Drag, giit or Merchant where roe. trade. If they here not got It on hand they will send for It, at your request, and sell yea Genuiae Renne'i Paia Xilling Magie Oil, at the manufacturer's lowest price at retail. sP-flold by Druggists, Merchants and Grecere. It Is put op In three cite, and ealled "Trial Pise," "Medium 8ie," and "Large Family 8ie" bottles WM. RKNNI A 80NS, Bole Proprietors and Manufacturers, Jefl-dAweowIy PrrTsriaLD.Mas. Bold Wholesale and Retail by 0. A. Benser, Druggists, Rook Island. ''Rest" has gained a signal victory in Massachusetts. The parsons there are in despair about it. The people have just Hoensed lager, and the clergy fear ibis bat too truly portends the reintroduction of gin ger beer. Some even apprehend that sarsa parilla and pop will be the next enormities, and at an interchange cf tears upon this the gloomiest forebodings were SSSBXOAXi. A6H2AT MEDIO ALH!SGOERY $ Dr. "V7AimEP.'3 CAXTP02JTIA: VINEGAR BITTEES. - r S . iv. , J ft T 2 ivHuareci ci j.aouswiu.4 g ., , c o -te IBs WHAT Beur teFt!mo?Y ti tbflv Wonder lul Curative fcffcets. THEY ? I p.g-1.63 9 Parmelee's New Vegetable Pills, Containing Mandrake and Dandelion and will Care Liv.r aa Kidney Complaint, Dyspepsia, Costivsness, Headache, Purify the Blood aad regulate the Secretion., remove all Bilious mat ter and prevent Ague. There Pill are Anti Bilious and a Specific for the cure of those Chronic and Bilious Derangements. my24dwly km 1 sour mksh YV fs, 3 . "ZH -1 l r Tl VJ. 413 Madison Street, COVINGTON, KY. WW 13 THE ACCEPTED TIME. READ AN 3 REFLECT. SI I If rae celebrated phy3icia.n for the treatment op CATARRH, THROAT, LUNG, f N, I i or nxs. t;. '-i'hv for tbi diHtririit Anwplainl ii) now m.dt (n a Tn eme i l 4Bo aavo ptw. : on For im nd i- UerV.; t'reiwation?. pabll.!.tMi-b 1K- O Phfiph Bbow- Tt,f pt Titiou wasdlaoovoted t-yhim In nch i ur-ivmentiMt manuer Ibal h- ftanniH eoDftcfentioalr ba- utMMi It for r If. Me p!. Ilie lM(ireiH.'.l may b ( film. f:-rta8.i.innroopf mi Hkdwn. No. 21 (rraud Street. . jvu bu haul ty ratorn mat apr4dwly indulged. One reverend gentleman thonght the hand of Satan was plain in this victory vouchsafed to the hosts of the epigot and glass, and another was perfectly satisfied that malt liquors wonld, if allowed to go on swelling up their unhappy victims, produce a fearful explosion in the whole framework of society at a time when least expected. A third brother was sure "the cause" would yet trinroph ; and somewhat consoled by these outpourings, the assembly dispersed and went each man to the favorite purauil radical preachers, studying the political papers of their party and planning out im provements on the deviltry of the same What was the course of lager's friends on obtaining permission to take an tincriminal quaff for the first time in some years does not appear, but doubtless they placidly assimilated a bumper each, humming the famous Doctor Martin Luther's creed : "Who love not women, beer, and song, Is but a fool hi whole Ifte long." i f X If! Had v t -sir f w e a a OILS. IOI1PS r. ktlVSll. WILtlAM . WBlB. MAXWELL, WBEELEE & CO., Hanafaatarer and Deslsrs in RAILROAD LAUD OILS, Lubricating, Burning, Machinery and Wool Oils. Railroad Paint, &c. AQSSTI QZ.OSI1 OXXi CO. OFFICE 108 BOUTH WATER ST. tactory 393, 395 and Sv! Illinois 6tr.i t, feblOdeodly mwf CHICAGO, 1 1. In. RPILDISG'S &QSEM1ET 3 "si Pa a B TEGETIXE. Contain, everything (in SPALDING'S VJ '" opintn, required to I ROSEMARY n ' . Vu8"" . air. ii a neat, cls kj r.. Iruiu all lujoruiu. u oett'i, We adviee at use it, ehu desire a clean, healthy scalp a4 beautiful hair. The Rcstmary ittie lest drtss ia . restorer and hair producer in u?e. I'wd upon children it will lay the founkaia fir a u perior head of hair. Sold hv druggists every where. E. M. SKIN i EE. Pro pri.tor, je!5Jo4weoly 2?7 Tremont E t., Hestos. ePlHC BED MITTIE88 E. YEOMAN, hire kiil:xc. MTtia foaa:d to B iniria ob Misled from auiy drug t (erewy City, S. J., nd it -AXD ALL- CHRONIC DISEASES, nit': ioo.itel ia Oaveoport, sordially invitee all wuojaay be suftriag with Chroa Disease, to eaSl at his lam la Faltoa's Block, S3 Perry lrret, Gilf Block North of Post Office. ' f i H .1 1 t. mil kmaa m the f vaaiar of thMoutreal (0. E.) Me Ucal Institute, and pro tiri it r of the Blejtro Helical latitat, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. nOT7as--D to'l; a to; and 7 to 3. CONSULTATION FREE. 3X. A.T HOOD : HOW LOST, HOW REsTOitED Just pub lished by Dr. Lewis, l.6 page, Xtnra Lai tlou, the Alsdioal Oompaniou and liuide to Health, on the radical cure of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, in voluntary Hooiiual Losses, lmaoteiicy, Mental and Physical loaa paoity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc., and the Venereal aad ByLLillitic Malaaies, with plain and elear direetions for the speedy eure of Sec ondary symptoms, (ioBorrba'a,Gleet,tkrietorve, and all disease of the skin, sueh as Seurvy, Serofula, I loers, Boils, Blotohes and Pimples on the face and body, Consumption, Epilepsy, aad Fits, induced ty self indulgent' or sexual ex travagance. The celebrated author, ia this admirable treat ise, clearly demonauates, from a forty years sne eesstul praotice, that the alarming oonsequence of :tl( aboi. may be radically cured, pointing out a mode f cure at one simple, oertein, and effectual, by maans of which every sufferer, no matter what hi eondition may be, ean be effect ually cured, cheaply, privately and radically. taT This book should be in the hands ef ev ery youth and ever man in the land Bent under seal, in a plain envelop. Prio 60 cents. Address, DR. LLWIS, Xo 7, Beaoh St., New Tork. junell-dAwly Running bob, female bi fkrage. Two thoiisaaJ women are at works in the harvest field of Wisconsin TUB it tO MBMIIllK. LANGE'S PLUGS RESTORE HEALTH l STRENGTH ! ' L V i f g4 OIVgST HIS RVriUE ATTENTION rOR THE PAST Hfusu vn. t) to treatment of fJUKO.yU OniiU., inuidaot to boUQ sexe, and his soo- iws bu ,ir"i.iaei iaujia,? retails. Muy are toey who hve implanted in their systems, by the aj'op it ma of Oaloinel. soo is woioh have prod need au aaooa! crop o! d isease. To saoh, be would IT UJ a i -t a a II ?i J L tu U l u isutsri BUI juut iruuuitti hiij uo, vuuie uu ici tup 0 .olor ii.oias your ose. If it is carable. he will tell yoa so ; if not, he will tell you that; for he Viil ooi 'is isrtuke a eat unlosi he is cmndeut of effseUn a euro. It will cost yo nothing for 1 3Julttion, s plaae oaii and satisfy yoarseives whethox the Doctor understand your ease. Dr. i 't crj&sos.s JLizn dissakss or she sz.oos. YOtJIVC MEN! .uf ba t from the effaot of youthful follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail them es of this, tn greatest boon ever I ail at the altar of uffnng humanity. Dr. SPINKEY will -nte to forfeit O.VE UOSDHED DOLLAHS for every ease of Seminal Weakness or Private of auy oharioter which he undertakes and fails to oare. He would therefore say to any an LOOK TO VOIR CHILDREN THE GREAT SOOIBINO B. BBS SB'S-. MRS. ( Cures Colio and Griping WHITt oMB'S i in the Bowie and faeUi BYRUP. I tateatheprocessofteething Sabdue Convulsions, and over-f TRICE eomoa all diseases inoident to in- V 25 lam. and thililred. J CENTS. MRS. ( Care Diarrhoea, Dyscn- V HITVOMIt'S ! tery and tiuuiaer Com BTRUP. plaint.intbileranofallages Believe pain, weakness or ex- PhlCE haustion in 15 or 20 minuU,giving tone and power to the Bystm. J CENTS. It is the (ire at Infante' and Childroc'g Sootb ieg Hamedy, in all disorder brought on by teeibing or any other causa. lie particular in calling for MRS. W HIT CO Mb' 6 B KIP, aod take no other. l'reparod by the U KAK TON MEDICINE CO., Et. Louis, Mo. Sold by Druggist and dealers in Medietas everywhere. Lange's Pings FOR MRYOISMSS viva foa ii:iu:t.o, LOSS OF Kt.MAL 1M raTUCiL F0SCE, FOR FFLLNrSS AFTER EAT1SG. J. C. LA9R A SOK, PitUbarg, Pa. FULLKR, FINCH A FCLLKR, 'itenu, feblO-dAm CHICAGO. Chancery Notice. i i B.OK Kelt 1UK AtlLLlwS. TUT STtTtTl If? 1 A Private Counsel iSLalbSilJXXiEi J or to the Married or jy TTA I those about to marry, jUXls I on the physiologieal my stone and revelations of the seiual system, with the latest discoveries in producing fend pre venting ocsprmg, preserving he oouipiaxiou, Ac fc r r- ' " k . e i n a I rnn intllln nuuicroua engravings, uud contains valuahie in- i . , ' , T , nt.n.. i.wva. stauu. .... , J .1,1. ikai nn .r. lruJI.. !, nin.n,oMniun..hi,iTnii i lorniauou lor vnoae wuu are mariita or rauwui- IDalv manrai wuu iuaj c .. . . u j, j - - -r "r n j , ht delav in soekiair toe nron-jr remedy f r your eomplaint ; and may be in the nrit stage, oib-tr yoa ars appro.cotng the last! If yoa are bordering upon the laM and are suffering soma i of its ill rfct, rsmember that if you obatioately peratst In procrastination, TBB TIME ITOJVE WKBS TBS MOST SKILLFUL PHYSICIAN CAN RESDEB YOO A'O AS- i' I S'OS; wneu tie d.or of hope wilt be olosed forever against yon; when no angel of mercy . i -ria y iu rehaf! tn no oase has the Dootor filled of success. Then let not despair work itsel. a yo jr iutar:ation, bat avail yourself of the beneficial results of his treatment before your ease ..vood the reach of medio! skill, or before grim Death burrie yon to a premature grave, MIDDLE GtEaD MEN. I'n , .re maav of the ma-e of thirty to fifty who are troubled with too frequent Evacuations of Bla tder, often aceompanied by a smarting or burning sensation, and weakening the system In a i l uer the patient oannot acooant for. On examination of the Criary Dereit roj.y sediment ; of'.sn be f juui, and soosetimes sntall prticlee if albumen will appear, or the color will be a thin I i.ikiahhue aza'ohaziog to a dark and torpid appearanoe Thireare many men v;ho die of I ' .' Vit; f,B,an of the eanse. which is the Sl'OOSDSTAGE OF SEMINAL WEAK ESS. flVBrot t Uflfi IS til IttOB CH,mu iuoww; Itriwiauua ui w i plate marriage; still it is a book that ought to i be under lock and hey, aad not laid carelessly about the house, bent to any one (freecf post- age) for 60 eeete. j i,Notic. to the AEioud aid Unfortunate. Before appiyc to tiia notorious iuaoaLa who advertise in puoiio papal a, or using any Quack Remedies, peruae ir. Butts' work, no matter i w hat yoai disease is, or how deplorable y our oou- dition. Ir. Butt can be nonsuited personally or by j mail, on the disoasea mantiored in hi works. Office No. 12 H Kighth street, bet. Market and J Unestnut t., t. Louie, Alo. corio-dvj STATE OF ILLINOIS. KOi a; ISAKP ColkTT, Id the Circuit Court, to the September term, A 1). Ihil. In Lhanct-ry. 1 John E Brown and Laura M Brown vs Rob ert H Morrison, Isabella Bill, Daniel 11 Bill, Harriet Irwin, James P Irwin, Sa- j san M Avery, Alphonso C Avery, Anna j Jackacti, Robert 11 Mornsoo, Jr., Joseph O Morrieon, Aified J Murrisou, Anna ; Barriugtr, Fanl Barricger, Rufus Bar ; ringer, Tezaa Twitiy. 1 heodine B Twit- ' t and William A Eiiiuit. Bill for Par tition. Atlirfavit of tbe nou rfiHf cce of nil cf aid df'udtiU Laving t-n filed ia said cause, i.otioe ia hirek v given vou, said defendant!,. end every one of yon, that the above entitled unit ia now pending in eaid Court, and that Fummocs liHS bten isiued against yon ibrrein. Now, unless you shall personally be aad appear before the said Court, on the first day of the next term thereof, to be bolden in the Court House in the city of Rock Ielacd in the county and State aforesaid, on the first Monday of September next, to which time and place the said summons is made returnable, and plead, answer or demur to the bill of core plaint in ba'.d suit filed, that tbe same will he ttken for confessed a and decree entered accordingly. Jnlv let, A. 1) 1871. SAM I'LL I'. HODGES, Clerk of Raid Court, OsunKX A CritTia, Com pi' I Solicitors. juljC d -lw. 4 I i X THEY ABE SOT A VTLE ' o FANCY DRINK, Pi Made of Poor Rbdi, Whlakey. Prwof Spirt te tsid Refnae Linrs doctored, spiced and sweet ened to please the taste, called " Tonics," " Appetiz ers," Restorers," a, that lead the tippler oa to drnntecnese and TOtn,bnt are atrneMedIelne,made from the Katlve Boots and nerbs of California, free from all Alcoholic fstlmnlnnts. They arc the CHEAT Bl.lion rt ttll'ltrt nnd A LIFE OIVINS3 PRINf'IPI-E aprf.ct r. novator and Invhroratorof the Bystcm, carrying off ell poisoner. matter and reetodnKthetlocid to ahcalthyeondltlon. Ko person csn take these Hitter according to cv.rec. tlon and remain lone; unwell. $100 will be (riven for anlncnrable case, provided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs vasted beyond the point of repair. Fur Inflammatory and Chronic Ehenms. t'arn nnd tiout, Dyaprpela or Indigestion. Biltona.Resnlttent nnd Intermit tent Fevcre Piarautea of the Itlooil, I.ivcr, Kldnf esit Bladder, these Bitters have been most success ful. Such Diaeaees are caused by Vitiated j Blood .which is generally producedby derangement j of the Vieentlve Orean. DYSPEPSIA Ott 1SDIGESTIOX, M?ad. ache. Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Ernctatlons of the Stomach, Bad taste tn the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, TalpiUtlon of the Heart, Inflammation ot tha Lantrs.I'aln In the regions of the Kidneys, and a hnndrcd other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of nyapepsl. They Invigorate the stomach, andstimulate the tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled eSicacy In cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and Imparting new life and vlpor to the whole system. FORBKI5D I SEA SES, ErnpOons,Tetter, Salt Khuem, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls,Car bunclot. Ring-Worms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scarfs, Dlscoloretions of the Skin, Humors and Dtsease of tbe Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dogup and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In uch cases will convince the most Incredulous of their curative effect. t Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find Its Impurities bursting through the skill inPtmples.Emp tlons or sores ; cleanse it when you nnd It obstructed and sluggish In the veins ; cleanse it when It Is foul, and yourfeelfcigs will tellyrm when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WO K1S. lnrklngln the ystem of eo many thousands, are effectually destroy ed aad removed. For fall directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed In four lan guagesEnglish, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. B.H.MoDOSALD A CO.. Prugglst and Gen. Agent, San Francisco, Cel. and 82 and M Commerce Street, Kew York. tW SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AJTD DEALERS. John bengstoa, ana C. A. Benser, Agent, Rock Island. NATURE'S REMEDY 18 tlb?W The Cat j1000 A valuable Indian compound for restor ink the health, and for the permanent cure f all diaaaeea arising from impurities ef tha blood, nch as Scrofula, Scrofulous Humor, Cancer, Can cerous Humor. Erysipelas, Cattte?-, Salt Rheum, Pimples and Humors on the Face, UUets, Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Neuralgia. Rheuma tism, Paint in the Side, Vys- jiep.sia, Conslipatian, Cos fineness, Piles, Headache, Dizziness, Iferaousness, Faintnens at the Stomach. Pains in the Ba;k, Kidney Complaiids. Female Weakness end General Debility. This preparation is scientifically aad ehemi- Will S:MMIf& FOR CEMETRY LCTP, COTTAGES, Ae. WIRE GUAEDS, For Store Fronts, Factories, Asylums, Prisons, Ao IRCS BEHSTEADS, WithWireEacking.arecleanlytrong durali! Vaper ZKZanafactnrera' Wirea OtMMEMiL IE.N W0IK, Wteught Iron Frame Fences, Faney 'Window Screens, ete. Rvery information by the maeu faetwrers. M. WALKER A BQNS, Ko. 83 Market t., Philadelphia, Pa. jel4deed,m,w,fly Patentee and Manufaolu er of Yeenian's Spring Brace Every fpring ws.Tanted, the bolster en be raised or lowered lo sn fick people to an easy reclining position, or so a. ,0 ,;t upright, or re moved t'r'.m the tied alttgett,, , . r3o!d with or without eipria'g Bolster, whole sale and retail. TAX, 5 OAF. 171 South Clatk street, CHICAGO, - mv" d- oJ .infi ILL. KIEDXGAX.. Persian liealiiig or Pine Tar Soap. rtrNsllH ilwML ( LMl LDf ClslES ClTARkB And all diseases arising frem it, sn ha Neuralgia, lieadivhe, Lizzinrss in the Head Disagreeable Sounds in the head. Drop pings in the Throat. Unnatural Discharges from the Mucous Membrane, Aithma, Derangements of the Bladder and Kidneys, and 1'ains in the back. Also Colds, Coughs and all Curitumptive Tendencies. It cannot cure con firmed Cousuinptiou. but will nip in the bud in cipient Consumption. Indirect. y it has wonder ful enect on Bkia Disaates and Everything of a Scrofu lous Character. ..., . -pACH eake is stamped "A. A. Constsnttne'e from roots, hsrbs and WarVt, that its good eff.ct .Hi Per ian Healing or Pine Tar Boap, Patcnt- aie realised immediately after comuienctng to ! Alarch t , I507 Po ether is genuine. take it. There is no disease ef the hnreae ys- , '""he Toilet, Bath aad ui..,r,, th. 6oap ii an uu u a.'. urcsriita iiic uviicliun lair. ten for Thich the VEUETIXE cannot beused' with perfect safety, as it does not contain any metalic t'ia.poond. F r eradicating ail impari ties of tbe blood from tbe system, it has noequal. It has never failed to efleot a cure, giving tone and strength to the system ctbihtaled by dis ease. IUwonierfal effect upon tlieae eomplainss surprising to all. Masy have been onrtd by the VEGET1NE who have tried many othe remedies. It can well be ealled THB ORB AT BLOOD PURIFIER. Prep -red by UUMTOX, MASS. Price $1.25. S lid by all Druggists, mchll deod-m,w,f wBm removes alt oanarutt keeps ine hair and silky, and prevent it if m talliLg uC, ki is the '-best Hair henovator in u." IT CLKLrJ chapfed hands, lituiLn. salt rbeam. fro.ted feet, burrs, ail di.fafe. the scalp and skin, catarrh ( the head, and is a Good fcha.iug ioaps This F"flp ha already won the praise and es teem ot very many of our first families in this city and throughout the country. IT 18 I'SEl) extensively oy our best physi cians. Whatever nsed it has become a bou.e bold necessity. We advise all to try it. Fur sal. by all dealers. One agent is wanted in eaeh town. Address A. A, (OVSTAMIM: dx CO.. 43 Ann atreet - - Slew York. Or by all Druggist in Reck Island, mchtdeod-tn w f-wly Victor Scales ! Chancery STATE Notice. Dr. 3. will guarantee a ,.-y organs. All communications striotly confidential. fHbout delay. Post Offioe address, Look Box 360, Davenport, Iowa All letter eontaining (tamps for reply, answerd S1.Q09 deod weowly KEYSTONE GL1SS V0HriS. A. R. SAMUEL, Manufacturer of PATENT FRIIT JARS, S. E. Cor. Howard A Oxford tlr.cts, PHi:.4I)GLPHIA, - - PA. ranb4-w CAKLTK. BASKETS. WILLIAMS MISIFACTCR'G CO. N0RTHAMPT0,.... ...MASS. Establishad I860. Mannfaetnrars of all kinds of Oak and Batten Basket.. For sale in Chi ago by Warner A Felix; L. Oould A Co.,; fa han White, and Marston A Peok Bros., and in St. Louia by Hamuel Cupples,and Warren, Cbee ver A Co. mayDOdly PAPER BOXES. BOXES! BOXES! Attarneyaa PIPER iffi PAPER BOXESI A TT0KNKY AT LAW. Hull s Blook, cor. XA. Washiuirton and Illinois streets, Booh la land Connected with Bisbee A Marsh' Law and Oolleotlon oinoe of Chicago. m. ISdly Atiai a. iu,, aims W. INOIIM ALLE5 BlMwiteS. A. TT0RSKT8 AID COOHSaLORS AT J LAW, Bu.k island. IU OEs us Baton's tk. yS3dly. si. n. oollt .. ktesaAt., C0MELLY & SStSEAL, Attoraeya and OoonaeUora at Xw aOCKUlAXD, - - ILLINOIS WILL GI v'B PROMPT ATTEHTIOW TO all business entrusted to them in Bock Isiaad and adjoining eonntlM ta Illinois, and kcott aouttv and adioiniag ooontiel in Iowa. Ofaoe In Pot Olllee Blook. fb3dw1y PAPER, nm RISWARD For any case of Eillld, Bleeding, it hiug, or Llcerated rues tnot iiwa mi's Ft Lis. Klit.L. fail to cure. It is pre pared eipresly to cure tbe Pile and nothing else, and ha cared ease of over 20 years stand ing. Bold by att uruggin. VIA Fl'Gi. D a. Bine's Via Fuga 1 the pure j uiae of Barks Herbs, Root, and Berrie, for COM SUMPTION. Inflammation of the Lungs ; all Liver, Kidney, and Bladder diseases, erganio Weaknes;, Female Affliotiont. General Debtliiy, and all complaints of tbe TJrina y Organ ta Male and Female, pro- dnciog Dyspepsia, Oostiveness, uravet, dropsy and ticrofula, whlonmosi generally terminate in Consumptive Decline. It purine ana enricnes the Blood, the Btlliary, Glandular and Secretive system; oorreol and trengthen the .Nervous and Muscular forces; It acts like a charm on weak nervous, and debilitated females, both voona- and old. None should be without It. Bold everywhere, iianratory it...". Baltimore, Md. jy j-uw . j OF ILLINOIS, Rock: Island Covkty In the Circuit Court of said county, to the September Term, A. V. I S 7 1 , In CLan eery.. Patrick McKlhe rne vs. Jmes McManusond Charles Shultz. Foreclosure. Alhilavn of the cuu-resideocft of James McMauus, one of the ttbove iiamed defend ants, bavitig been hied in the oiace oi tnt Clerk of the Circuit Court of Rock Island j county, notice is hereby given to the said James McMauus that the complainant here tofore filed his certain bill of complaint in said Court on the chancery side thereof, and that a eummons thereupon issued out of said Court against all of said defendants, returnable on the first Monday of September A I). 1871, as is by law re quired. Now, nnless you, the said James McManus aod Charles fccbultz. shall pertoo ally be and appear before raid Circuit Court of Rockr Island County oa the first day of the lint term thereof, to be held at Rock Island, in said county, on the first Mondav of September A. D. 1871, and plead answer or demurrer to the said complainants' bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered against yon according to the prayer of said bill. 8. P. nonce, Clerk. P. T. McElherk, Complainant. jy3-d4w Dr. V liittier. AREiiCLAP. GRADUATE 0FMEDICISE as Diploma at ofiice will show, has been iougtr eigg d in tbe treatment of Veueraal, 8eiul and Private disease than any other (.hysician in St. Loui. rjyphil.a, Gonorrhea, Gieet, Mriciure, Orchitis, Hernia, and Rupture, ah Urinary Disease, and SjphiliticorMereuria Aictionsof Throat, (skin or Bones, are treat ed with unparalleled suecess. tpetmatorrbea,' Eexual Debility and lm potency, as the result of seit-aiiOse in y ou;t, sexual excesses in me turer years, or other chits, acd which produce ome of the ioiiowicg ert.cts. as nocturi.1 emis sions, blotcses, oebihty, diiniiesa, dimness oi sight, eonfasion of idiais, evil forhodings.arers- iou to society cf femaUs, less of meoiorv and sexual power, and rendering marriage improper are permanently cured, la. Doctor's oppor lenities hospital and private practice are unsur passed in fet. Louis or any othei oity. Ba.kl tie of St. Louis papers prove that be ha beei looated here longer than any other to adrerti siag. The establishmect,library.labortory,and appointments, are anrivalle in the West, an surpassed anywhere. Age with eiperieaoei ean be relied apos, aad the doctor eaa refer tol many pbysiciaas thrcughect tbe country In! past sueoess and present position he stand without a competitor. The writings rf a phv sieian whose rerutetien if TTnion wide should be aorih Teadlrp. Dr. Whitt er publifhc a jMediCHl Pamphlet relating to Teteresl diserfeh and the disastrous and varied consequence ef self abuse, that w ill be seat toanyaddr in a soaled envelop for two flac ks. Mao phyrieians introdue patients to the doctor a' ter red'ng his med'cal pam.hiet. Communi eation eondenal. A Mendly fa's wlllconyoc nothing. C'Siee central, yet retired. So. 17 ' Charles s rt, Et. Louis, Mo. Hours (t.n to T p. m. furdays 12 o t p. m. . , . . i HlllllftTHiAXII SS; I rrvtf''' H' o"--'?."3'-rir" 7 2 . 1 J.-r- m ir--ii.JJ'--s, -S?2 ...aal S j .. . . '.1.15i i V a. . i 1 feiT53li!3 fitiSnriSl The 2mt iz Cheapest! ftj"il I .."a.i"Trf 51 Uf c L V"'- '.IHIV 1 - -- j.. I-Tourer e, Sew F.,!. . j - rJt """"i1" ' " "' ' ' ii '....' ,-,.,it Sif-'j-Cakt 3H V -"fl .0 tbis fPtui-v. raSaWfeWi-l Thev req-tirr r. i fonn.-:i:-. t '. . ' . -r . : . !" ' V' "7 ."':' ''' I'.f ir i a? : .- . w . -, ;. ' . : . ; 1 .1 ' ee !B,t ft' n Cvon-j ''; t d L j s '-'ci U' r- men w-i- n wu eiation. i reiiai.-l. a.iin 1'. t l-t- i-'or ej- '-'i ' , r.l ' vu i i'a -cl "r ,Sf --,' - -i, -j.V " sre5E9asr-- -tsA .t - i i- W A i i i U u it & , SORiiiAAPlO-N, ilASS. Tbis celebrated Inetitatioa, inelxding 60 acres of (".rest Park, fl.aai bn.asi ana Karaans, was purthaa.d by Dr. tiackoa at Nv kork, April iat, is7v, aad Uiuiuugaiy reatovateii aaa re-opened to tbe puelie as a tieavth lattitueaad Hotel of (he first-class oraet in two departments, replete with ev.ry cvavenienc. fur tne cumtort and amu.ement ot tne in alia or ple&aure seek er, lnciuaiiig the celebrated I'ntai.h, Itlevtro CheuiiaaJ, ana ftus.ian apor LaiLt, improved 0 uinaatic, feeoih &ot tn.eiits, bowl,ilg, bii naras Ac, six hours trout 1. ork ty At . liaven Boat or cars three hours from Boaton, and tnree Aibanj-, on main route to While ' Mountains, aad Montreal Open all tbe year, j with moderate prices, and superior aecoiLmoaa- j tions for 2t'0 guests. I B. P. BACKI S, M. D., Propri.tor. i irtl ITi 1. 1 er. t and four I nun t tirn. ai and Mecbanicnl Purchaser. iii -tJ-' so 1 mi c: m f tine; scales for pain, bay r.d stocs. purposes, baying this seal.. Every Scale guaranteed. Address VICTOR SCALE fOSPASI, SSOAXSZI, ILL. fHIfAGO (ICTSC, 158 Stale Street. je30 deolm.w.f ,wly A CoLgh of Twenty Five Years' Standing C'urtd. Catarifc, with Dropping in tbe 1 hroal, Causing Feeling ot Strangling, Cured. Dizziness, Fain ia Side, and Weakness ta Kiduejs, immediately re lieved. Sj. stem Seetniug'.y Mad. Oier New by L'e ol One bjttie. Wprs. Litlli Ccld A Hayes, Proprietors of Con titunoual Caiarih Keuiidy, taticlivbtiT, N 11. L live iu Maucue.ier now, and have lived over fifty ears in, aoout two mile fioia beie. 1 am 77 y.ars Old. 1 have had Catariii f .r li Jtart, and a bad Cough tor 3 ysara, es pecially aprmg and (all. Ooud deal oi mat time i hae bad ui.itnet in the Head. During tbe 16 year. 1 huve had droppings frm tbe heal upon tae luugs, hItng my throat with ph-egtn, causing tickhug in the throat, and whenever I was down with faver creating a feeling of suflo eatiun and struggling. People faav. thought that 1 had the Consumption. 1 was doeiored tor Cat. I have consulted a great many physi cian, but aever got more thau temporary relief. About two months ago 1 had a ditty spell, fell down, and w as insensible for eoste tie.., and did not know my own folk for over mx hoar. My brother told me of y oar 'uflfta'toM'W Catarra Kemeiiy, and advised me to buy a bottle. He had Catar h and took ibis aod it lett. 1 got a bottle and in tea days it cnired the Catarrh, re moved the phlegm, tickling in the threat, and my coukIi. and 1 was abl. to saw font eords ot wood, working six h.iur a day. I never saw anything like it. It seemed to make me all over new. 1 now have none of the old trouble un less I get cold, and then a teafpoonlul of the Constitutional Catarrh Remedy removes every thing I wuuli not le without it a long a I could get money to bay it with. My grandson and hs wfe hav had Catarrh, au i they are trying it and find immediate re lief. I have had paint in the small of my hack and wcakne.K of the kidneys lor msay year, ana though 1 work hard daily, ehovoling at this sea nn ol the r, mv kidneys have found gitat re- : It-1. and th liains have beee gratlt dimin shed. JOSEPH fiEOHGK. MsrcttM.r, N. H-, Ap: ' itiih, t. ! c kii t !'t J.-e-pn tlsorse vary well. He j i; u-'!t?', iii1uiire man. and we should put en- , iu' in net b nitr.t say. ivirt.-r cf N . hitt'i I ;ik. I vi r. ni t. i;- jilt :ii tiie lr ju-i r. r ifrc 'e are t!cl I'!-- le-titi i ny it three ic .how tba Capt. t. rpe i. a eiy paritii:r. jyldoowfm the ' tu.r; 1 --f K- ck tu.w.r )r. Crook's WINE OF TAE! Croat and Lc?s. PRAIRIE B BALM. la a Prt'pftrtion whicU h9 hvn triJ by the pnblic for t?a v-r. and proved itlf "in ihou srnnp opibiof rnnnff ol) wss-s ot the ir. Crook's WINE OF TAE! TRADK ilA RK. for Chrome Couphs, or Coughs MDtt O It rornptly cures thmail.'iun pmn Tincec in racisp.. 0. CBRTSU1. II0V.BK SLiS. laler id COUJiGBimSUME, Pig Iron, and f eke Office corner Main and Second Streets, RACINE WIS. Old Companies' Lehigh, Pittston, Lackawan na, Bloishurg, Brier Hill, Willow Bank. my2-dly For Xxilialntioii. ugts ccnsiaiptifa H si; ef )r. Crock's WINE OF TAE! The P.onnd Hill Hotel is cowded with visitors during the warm month-, attiscied not only by its FUjierior advantage, lor regaining health, br i by it hou-e eomfurts, social pit-Mure., pno- i The taethed cf treating D-saed Lung. Astb, iiioui-n ait, aod ih, fame ot lie b.aulitul ' n'- Catarrh. an t all TuUe'cuiar Aflecliunj. by In oeiierv . .v . in. .i A'-Vteoe. ; balatiun, is an ac'.t.ewKdgct! tseecs. By in -So' ii.ej'ici"i4.Mitut."on stands Uit-her than i balati n ..f the Vi p( !K fron. the LAl.i! every eel th-Koonl Hill Water Cuie at Xurthampton, I of ,n I-' Xli s reached snc eipanded. at d tbe j Mass.. under the care of i'r. Bactus. .o sum- ! bealing nuaiitirs (.t the .M i'.ulL iNL are l.n.utit merrewrt nrpait in lielti.ea at.d ia all j d'' action npa tbe oigatsdiseased 1 iio ; (resources calculated to graitly ite tastes and j " -tt-u 'roai wnirn t!i, WI.M is isiit, was j promote tae c.c tori cl victors '' ft. L'vi AVy,. i discovered by a well known professional gi ntle- 'ln all tne etourees wnich render attta Ethza. ErcacUtis. lia cured ho msfy cases oi Asthma and Bronchi tis, that it has ia-eu tru nouueed a upt-cihc for thee eompUmts. If ai flieted.wili you let preiu iie prevent you trom r!riEr -omi )ei - Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAE! J.H.TEfSPODLE MlXCFACTtEES. G. P. WDITCCMB, a&ttor&ST od Connaelor at 3aw, 80 Dearborn treet, CHICAGO, ILL. Prompt attention given to oolleetlng and all other business. Charges moderate. 0errepoa denee solicited. Refer ta Editor of the Aaocs. deo7-dtf . DR. BOIIAIWAN Office Ko. 619 Horth Fifth street, (between Washington Ave. ano Green streets;, gAINT LOUIS, - - MI1SOUKI. Established in St. Xcocia 1837. CTJRKS ALL CHE0NI0 AKD BPECIAL Disease in a hort time, either in Male or Female : charge low lees ; ne no Mercury. . r 1fcX- DR. B0II AN NAN'S "Treatise on Eroc lal luaaaaaa." which fullv explain the nature, causes, ymptom, eto., of "Bpermaterrhea" or "Seminal Weakness," Syphilis, remaie com plaint, all impediments lo Marriage, and val uable information on other delicate ubjects, ser.t KB EE to address in a plain sealed envelop, on reoeipt of one stamp. &EL5K1L WEliiSESS COED. DR. BORAKNAK'S "VEGETABLE CU RATIVE" permanently cure all forms of 'Sper matorrhea" or "Seminal Weakness" ia from two to seven weeks time. It restores "Lost Power" and brines hack tha "T oulllf ul vi?r" of tilOSO woo have destroyed it by sexual excess or tm ana me puoiic generally to hi large and com "!laSa. 1fs!. ' Thomas Yates, (8uosso to Jacob BiUy) Ga the Leree, Eock Island. Br&Ks &nd Iron Work, ASD STEAH PIPES LEVKK, NEAR TERBX LAXPIKG. The subrcriber, at hiahop on tae Levee, near Woltmaa's, invite the attention ot hi friends EAGLE MILL, PATKKTED AUG. 17, Ifi6. Manufaetarer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in VAMIM MILLS AKD MILK SAFES, Constantly ea hand or made to order. Ko. EO Main street, DAVENPORT ADVERTISEMENTS. anufaoturars of t??f BiistoT all di.unptio ns Ko. 75 and 77 Wabash Avenue, MIIICAGO - IX aprillSdwly CTEEI EUSINESS 1311. SiOOl.0 ADVERTISE im mm A ERRB QQQQ U U S8 Ai B RQ QU US A A HEBE a U U 8 AAA B BG QQ U TJ 8 abb aaaa uutj : ea HS. 8. A. ISC IC LAS, LADIES' YAE1ETY STORE AMD FAIBIflRABLB MlUiBtrj and Dress Sl&kiaf I3TAELL3EAtEJiT, BO. Jl III! USUI, IATHNP0BT, .-- IOWA. "wpuidly. ' . nraetina. . Tumi aa.a a utter in a- trom the eneet or that dreadfully destructive habit of Belf Abase cw us. tins medicine with the aouranoe f a speedy and Permanent oure. This remedy has been used by old Dr. BoUannan in his pri vate practice for over thirty years, and has never failed in ouring even the worst oases. Prioe ti per package. Sent to any address (frae from observation). Bold only at Dr. 0. A. Bohan nan't offioe, Ko. 619 Korth Fifth streee, St. Louts Mo. Established In 18BT. ioh23 dwly "" W. L. CAEH0LL, AECCH CCT ASS 8CrEISTERDEST CF EtlLKlSG, Smvenport " , - - Xovtu Also, la eoBBMtioa wttb Dodr Nana, Washington, D. 0., th former Examiner la ta Patent Offiaa. ha a perior faeilitie for attend ing to all kinds ef Patent Offle basin. for IS- 1.5. B0LMES, ! jl.tic) Et.i r jo is: o rr , I A0 . '-i Bperiaten4ent of Bnildiafi Offlee over Lundy's Anction Store, Keek Island. - - - - Illinois Plan, with earefal end atiaiBt. spMifi.atioa. and r.liabl detalhtd - werkeoet deawins, fur aish.d for all kinds of buiidingt. Also, all kind of aacBABlCAa, DBAWIBa SCtJOtTIB. I (hall alas, throurh the jrodueU af the QTJARB aad PINCIL, to Bit tit pabli patroa- MWrkeailMSatiter7. apilMly. pl.t. stock of Brass A Iron eoods, such as Steam Cooks, Valves, Water Ganges, Wkunlee, Oil Cap Beer toeas, Pamps, 8 as aad ripe or aU sixes, Zino, Babbit Metal, eto . eto. Steam and Gas Work promptly attended to auu put up ta worfcmsaltke manner. Copper. Smithing and Sheet Iron Work In all its branches. Also Done oa short notice. pHe has a sor.w eutting maehiae, which eut screws upoa gas and steam nine from i of a looh to 4 inohe the largest machine west of umoago. . THOMAS TATKB. tne a resort for invalids or pleasure seekers Koond Bliilstands alone nnd unrivalled, its charming rural acenerv and inimitable landscaps hav e ao ouired ior it a world wide reputation. J nny Lind, after a three month rei"-ence, canca it the "Paradise of America. Bosfon 7 ravelter. W. freely recommend Round 11 ill as a de- itrhtful place of reRoit. The Inndrospe i of un rivalled beauty, valley, hil. and river giva it ex- bau.tless variety. Forty acre of forest park afford a delightful ramble aad refreshing shade while the carriage drives pre.ent a charming variety to mountain scenery. The Water is sup plied trom hviasr aaountnin springs, and i no ted for its softness and puritv. The hotel 1 well kept, by a host and hostess of Christian cul ture and experience, who spare no pains for the comfort or amusement of their guests." V. 0. Pieuu.e. ROUND EI1L COACH, Will meet ail trains, and private carriage to order. jcl3Jeodlm msn oi lioston upon th. rK AUI t - in the V I.t-fc. V of the M..IPPi through t instinct of horses affected with tbe Heaves, and is therefore a GKKiT KlTttaiL EEMFDY. Hrt cured himself of CO Sisal; MPT ION when told by hi Physicians tbat bscoald net live over six week, aad now recommends tt ua becitatinglT to be public Price tl.iO per bot tle, Including inhaler. WKfVKS & POt TER, General Agents, 170 Washingt:n street, MILTOX AOTIM, PROPRIETOR, BOSTON, MASSACHV8KTTS Jel3 deod m,w,t ly BACISE. . Poet Off oe Box WIS. sovli-dly Manofacturers ot Sasli, !?esr asd 11112 ?. MlaJ PULMXG A55) 5ilTC!HJr, Scroll IV ?r!: and Jfe-Sawiv? done tn crdtr. All orders promptly attended to. Factorv between rie and St. Claire Streets. West side ol River. RAOINE.WIS. Prioes as low as any other house in the city, rooh28-dly TEE GENUINE DICKEY BtfTj ! II- . ,u. .4... a. i a ,,- i IMPERIAL DR.A.G.OLIJN let Waibiagtea St. Clicairo. So cneoassfullv treats and eewinliea- ted Veaersal fiiseaaea aad Barvatta Debil ity a to bring Pati.nU front every Stale. S o ataWer who failed: tell him v our arivate I Etroahle ; he oare eases given up by other, j Sena stamp for xealeai tys ; aU tbe I Joubtf.l, eurions orinqaisittveshoBldknow. j rrtvat ctrenlar went so Indies foe nwip. riilaajf!?! i i..i 'I'M. ,;, , 4 ! ?-:L "a B 1 &1 ALBEETT. " WCEET, i - At : ' ACI IS B ........ Witt Oko. W. D. Baaais, Rook Island i V.i.stidt A Paiasraa, Davenport, Awt. .-.5. SMaSa-eUy k 'k t SHIP f BAKDLFET. aCaUawLITY. R'noTte9 and Iiivifof- Bii'i nt"'1l nitfrt? Kx baufia! MrnTTh. The tfry n-pit.ij 'or the wtrtL nn-i dHditHed. )?. Crook's WINE OF TAE! petite. Sto-saci. 5- LiTer. h?ii o r the A t (nf ti t, fetrfngthn the Stoni iv h, rlaxp(i the L:tt, ani puts them to work j onus-a the food to dnf9t, o i mKkPs pore tltxd. G. uv ih;a: 0. B. fARI FMIl , GILBERT HUBBARD CO, --rTfiTiV - -rii"iii t 'ir! t a it ' ib.. . .-ia.. 1 jt'Ji'-'i ' -si " '- v was .. y -4-- v y Ur .if t- 1 -" )r. Crook's WINE OF TAE! Its ivtion on the UrinarT Orjrrt9 are both prom i t T and murked. It ""rrfr. eda sWbWawBaTasW in rpproduiiig; the u n ri ft ry g'H'r-r'tions whv-n oth ?r owwr'iil diuretics hftTP tR?!. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAE! 1 r!h in the niefi:cinrtl qusl tie!- of Tr, rom-b-.ned w;th Teppt.-itt! in gredient of imdnu fted Tulii", whirh m ke 't od-p-xtTp janwi for the com- plaini! enumerate. rcien devn Ccnstitutlcs, 3i. Crock's WINE OF TAE! KmOTe pain in Breast, it- a niojit erTeotire Kegti lat'rof the Liver. Or. Crock's WINE OF TAE! made miuiv p-rtonf .trne nni hen.thj who d tk4?-n unable to work. ilk for yar. kept i n i If life-g towc properties tried by Ml THese 33it;027 ARB KNOWN Most Favcrabl) ia Earope Where they originated. They are reeommeneo by the most celebrated f bystciane e the best retnedy fur CroEic, ' tj'sjf pU, ii .a iffC tica ot tbe Kfdaeji ted Bladder. They nr. an excellent tonic, biooJpurifler apfietiser, and are not on'y agreeable to the taste, but free front every inj jriooe property , be ing composed of the finest .materiel kaewn to po.-neta medical virtue. Manufactured aad old iy a Victor Eivaud & Co., ' 'o. 430 and 438 Main St. , LOUISVILLK, KT. Proprietors ci the celebrated ' " BIVAUO'S COCKTAIL BITTIiKsJ. apr8-4odly ZZ Sliip Chandlers 4 V,f'ij as rtwK? And D.alets ia TWiXES ASP fORf AfiE, 2DS and JUT Soutii Water fitreet, rniCACiO We would oall particular attettion of thctrada lo oar stock , ' Bt' a" times have the largest nl best eortuitat in tbe VVet(j0f corros aki) fi.AS urcii. (A.lTTidtb) titcLisg Hopes, Manilla and Tarred Ecpef, Bags,Baggiag. Burlaps, Canvas, Oakura, Pitch, Tar, Tackle Bloats, Chaics, Coal Tar, Hoofing", ?itch and S'eltisg' Irtfc- ROk'K, Either IRON or fcTEHL far Mining Hoisting er Ferry purposes. Tent of every kind, Tarpsuilas, Wagoa Covers, . of plain and Rubber-coated Peck Of Silk er liuatiag,' a per Army Regulation, eouttauuy an hand er mad t. order. iyWiy j All 1 Ft sti- .t T- iWrs&ZO ft ti ma ; The Jafci.Ve II itl( lt.d qualiti1?" of p.ike H'.j.t are cmbiced v.'.'n '.he lf-Kt Tonic pT--:-.: if IroL. in IJI. fRfWIK'V C MP 1" G-T .T TJT Z? rCiai-l iiCwi 1 Jai.!ti the piepn: n the t-st Atvrn ;vr i To fix; know n ' r Tuaors, Scrcfuicrs Eiseases cf tbe Zyes. irsnn? ires C'oronic SisuAes, Z:v kea-dsa Cosst:ra iLcee, or requiriCo iemeivtoptir.f7asa ar;eh tieiik:-! Til) 2ZZT to te ct.ii.:- .ju. Wp and reli&'cla ia ae on. Faias in aits, Incases oi -e 6-;-. 2'culisE. tir.l:z, flails, Trtter, -2- zcra, Sa.ViJ's-'-ir cA".i-2ej3. IZztvu and Sc?ci "i rl1. cared Ij the -?e e it. Any iis- -e de;.i!nai:.5 a oefre e-md '.lnii f thf Blornl rt:n be enred sy it. Tiv ! K.nle.. gi?ts; Prejiarod only by Oliver Crook & Ca Dayton, o. saaya-dMd Awew6m TaSXwatH. ii amaja.iioaa. aa-i.