Newspaper Page Text
WES OF ADVERTISES. fubmsbbs it tbb for ease sqaar, or th ap" oupid by llaesof (olid nonpareil, Oa Dollar lor aaoh ia serlioa. Special Xotieae, 3 seat Pr Mb. Whea ia sorted saoaths r ssor, M par aat abor rega lar adverti.iag rata. Oosaosaaioatioas, or articles iasrtd amoas raadlag matlar, ti aaati par liaa. DiitT abb WaaaiT. A diseeaat of 16 pat aaat. will a mad frees, th Weekly ratal, aa yearly aad half yearly eoatraet., wba tka eaaa. matter if iBwted in both Daily aad Weekly, Double Oelaasas will ba charged J par aaat addilioaal. For U Iraaiiaat advertiaemea advance pa; moat ia raqairad. TKKMSL Dailt 'Abbus. Br MaiUpayableia advance), per anBum.ttO.OO . -. tM it - i.a a on ay Kail """"I " By Kail " " ' month., J.0 By kUil " " 1 month 8i Ja9Br Crrr Cabbb, 15 Cents par waak. Sibslb Combs a Canta. TBB.MB.- WaaatT Aaana. ingls Copy,(pavabiia advane).. .S J8.00 15.09 iO.uS Twentieth Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY. JULY 14. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 r went j Copiet Thirty CopUi TroubU In tfct Knral DUtnctt. nr i "i say, ueorge, wriero ar yon going io fast? yoa aot l.ka a craiy man." "Well, John, if yon bad teen what I did t j . row nays ago, you woma De crazy your. self." "Why, what on earth wag it, George?" "I waa down to the city, John, and abooi nine o'clock in the morning, I heard os awfulest noiae and yelling yoa could imagine, and rushing to the door to swo WB' 0B earth was the matter, I discovered about two thouaand men, woman nd children coming around the corner, yelling and hounting, and presently the came of all this hnbbnb appeared in the moving moon tain of flesh contained in Old John Robin ion's monitor elephant Emperor, followed by about fifty of the handsomest cages 1 ever ii", (it seemd to me aa if there were a hundred) and they were all filled with liv ing wild animals, making one of the grand eat eights it was my lot to witness, and I am now on my way to bay my tickets, for there will be a big roih, an I want to be in time for the show." 'Now, George, you jost wait till I hitoh my horses, and I will go and get the tickets for our family, too." Old John Robinion exhibits in Rook Inland, Tuesday, August 1st, 1ST i. For Sale. Fifty cords dry oak wood, and five hun dred perch building stone. janeSOdlm B. Days. port. LOO A.L .N OTIOES. Twenty Fits Csnts. -This amount will bur a bottle of Mrs. Whitcooab's Syrup, the jrrent soothing remedy for all diseases inci dent to infants and children. MtKitiAr.K Goinn. Interesting work, u;iiu?rous engravings, 224 pages. Price 50 i-cU. Address Dr. Butts' Disponsary, 12 Nortu Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo. See advertisement. kk paiu will not cet out of fashion a In tie time, and so long people will Sky y -t f-,, caei a good re-nedy Renne's Pain-Killing ,;,;io Oil ii just what the people need, to c )-- hadcae, rheumatio, neuralgic, and n.i; jr painful complaints Tin: elitar Milwaukee Sentinrt (Feb. '71) says: "Dr. Trice's Cream Baking Powdera are universally admitted to be the best in me, and having used them'for a number of ve,r we have no hesitation in adding our testimony at to their merits. There is noth ing deleterious in their composition, an im pir:aut consideration in view of the numer ous preparations now put up and palmed off, without considerations as to their effect) upon the health of the customers. Dr. Price's Special Flavorings, extracted from lao fruit, are really the most delicious flav ors we ever used." VERT LATEST BT TELEGRAPH, 4 O'Olooli XJ. 31. Mayor Hall and Kelso. WASHINGTON. In.ern&tiwBal Postal finey Orders- Intelligence. U'oreiarn Yhe Treaty with Sngland of 1850. Market Eeports. Reported Kipr.nlj for the Aaecs. New York, July 13. The Tribune ill COMMERCIAL. 1.12 1-8. Ti.e Ice Sing Sefrigerator, Whidh created such a sensation, and took the tirst premium at the Cincinnati Exposi t:3o, St. Louis t air, Illinois tate lair, and ali tha Fairs throughout this State generally liit sbadon, is now for sale and can be seen in actual operation at E. W. Spencer's Hmiebold Furnishing Goods Emporium, on lluuou street, lbs Reirigerator possesses many aivan ta,'nj over all others ever manufactured, am .1.1 whioh may be mentioned the fact tli it saves iifty per cent of the ioe required m a '17 other Ketrigerator of the same size. It m a preserver, not a consumer, like the nutneraus ice melters called Refrigerator. It proiuoes a dry, cold temperature in the preserving chambers. The temperature can be reduoedto fourteen degrees below freezing v iiiit. Que aruola of food will not p arias of the smeil or taat of another, lbe pro vui.jq ohambers are always dry, sweet 1 i . l. : iow. Fish, game and meats of all kinds can ba leapt frozen any length of time, and in ptrfnotly dry and preserved condition. The Refrigerator is divided into two separate an distinct compartments, and also has a Water Cooler attached, whioh famishes an nnlimr ited supply of ioe cold water vrithout putting ire in the water. It eonaumea about ten oents worth of ioe every twenty-four hours This economical piece of furniture oosts no more than any other refrigerator, and is manufactured of all sizes, and suitable for Hotels, Restaurants, Grooers and for family purposes. Call at E. W. Spenoer's the only agent for Rock Island, Moline and vicinity, and s3 the workings of this indispensable artiole in actual operation. aprlS dw6m 9B. SBEZiSVS WATER CURE KEMOSHA, Send for circular. may29dw6m A T ..WI8. B. E. BXELKT, M.D. GERMANIA INSURANCE COMP'Y OF CHICAGO, iLX.. Cash Capital, .$200,000.00 Sorplna, $37,820.64 Didrick & Shaw, Agents, apr21-dly Rock Island. PAPER BOXES. BOXES! BOXESI PAPERBOXES PAPER BOXESI PAPER BOXES BUNCHiftD & HiTFIELV, anufaaturers of Pepsr Bsz.taf all dascriptio ns Vos. 75 and 77 Wabash Avenue, HI C AGO, H. i.nw.HWM.HWwtlll' apiU18wly "' " " to morrow, give an account of an interview with Mayor Hall ; who takes upon himself the entire responsibility of Superintendent Kelso's order foibidding the Orangemen's parade. Mayor Hall det'enda the position. New YoRK,July 14 The Coroner is to bold inquest over the bodies of the persons killed in the late disturbance in this ci y, and it is reported that efforts Till be made before the jury to show that the troops tired needlessly and without orders. Although it would have been necessary to tire in tea minutes from the time as sbowers of brick and stone commenced to tall from the house tops and windows and pistol shots com menced to come irom the mob, while the masses were crowding forward faster whioh would have rendered firing necessary. A large number of witnesses will be summoned principal among whioh is inspector Walling. The inquest will not be commenced until after all the excitement is passed, probably the later part of next week. The District Attorney will call the Grand Jury next week, and Reoorder Hackett will also sit next week on the oases arrested on the rioters' docket. Commissioner West worth will furnish the names of the workmen who absented themselves contrary to orders, on the 12th, with a view to their discharge. oharge of conspiracy to create a riot will be brought against E. L. Carey, a well known leader of the Hibernian Society, on the strtngth of his speech to the Irishmen in the 1'rince street Hall on Monday night. It is thought the Court of Oyer and Termin er now in session, and will find an indiot- ment on this charge against Carey. Also that he circulated the report that thousands of Hibernians were armed to nrevent the parade. The Grand Jury will also indict the rioters for murder, who were canght firing into the procession. 1 he Morgue is still crowded with peonie. anxious for horrible sights. They also crowd the hospitals. Other than this the city is free from the effects of the disturbance, aud even me scenes ot the bchtinir present no appearance oi the hght, while people are discussing the right and wrong ot the affair. The police, city authorities and Gov. Hoff man are praised by all fur their noble stand and gallant action. The president of the Hoard ot police will soon issue an order oongratuiatmg members of the force for their efficiency. Everybody is surprised .u. me iorce escaped with so few caauali . . urevs have oocurred since mid- mgnt, and the entire city has Deen quiet since yesterday morning. it ia now oelieved that the fearful vollies l 7. I7, lbe Jlh mnd 8tB Kegimeots ohecked the mob and Drobahlv arl im valuable lives, for in a few minutes later the melee would have become general, and ter ribly desperate. It is now said the sixth regiment fired into the mob without orders in relation of aisault upon one of their offi. cers. The 22d reiriment are hiBhl onm. plimented for not firing without orders, for which they were highly complimented by their Ueneral. 1 he 7th were authorized to ore which shows the confidence reposed in them by the commanding otlioor. Washington, July 13. The formal arti cles ot the convention negotiated by Dr McDonald, of the Post Offioe Department r . l . l f T. , . ... . F ' ior me exenango oi rost uaice Money Or ders between Oreat Britain and the United States, have been received to-day from the General Post Office in London, by the Post Waaler Ueneral. ihe interchange of Post Ultice woney Orders is to date from Octo ber 1st, the limit fixed for single orders be ing fuO, or 10 Sterling. A letter has been received from lien. Ter rell on the subject of style and address, in which tt wss stated that the Government will only print on envelopes the names and addresses of sender without mention of his business farther than titles of distinction, such as Dr. Rev., eto., or corporative title. Wasrisotos. Jnlv 14. It ia currently reported that J. W. Douglass has been ap pointed deputy commissioner in place ot Pieasaoton, and that he will probably be ommissioned. This appointment will be mads pnblto in a few days. All controversy has been pnt at end by Gen. Pleasanton, who said in conversation that he should not resign as ha thought he was right. He does not want a foreign commission, and that he will do nothing to relieve ttontwell in the matter, and that if the President wants him to leave be must name his suocessor no threats will win. Four members of the Civil Service Com mission have drawn $50 per day for 10 days for their services thnsfar. Paris. Jnlv 13. The Question of the modification of oommeroe between France and England of 1850. is to be brought for ward, tor which purpose a representative nas been lent to England. Berlik. Jnly 13. I Diplomatic represent ation ia deferred nntil the German army has completely evaouated France. s. Ottawa. Jnlv 14. The Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada is in session here. Grand Master Stevenson delivered the annual ad cress, i he Lodge is discussing the ques tion of acknowledging the Grand Lodge of Quebec. ..-y-.-'' Hastfobd, Conn., July H.Tbs treas nry laws wers repealed to-dav in a bill which was passed by the almost unanimous vote of the Senate. Ihe Newark, Hartford, aad New Haven Railroad consolidation bill waa passed by majority af 34. Omaha, July 14. The Constitutional Convention is in session at the State Capital. It is now thought that female suffrage will be submitted to the vole i both males and females, at the next general eleotion. iocs Iblahd, July 14. Tais Flour market is eorreotea at rTaraar's Mills and the quotations are the ruling print ot the Keek Islaad market. WiwTga Wbiat Floub Wholoiala $8.40 " " " Kstail .00 Bpbixs 'Waa AT Vboea Spring Daabie Bxtra la bbls, witolaial $7.40 K.tll. ...... 8.00 6aka at waolo.ala............T.OO Retail T.t Leosa, as waoli. .. .. e.8o Katail . 7.40 OaAit's 8a iv Baisixs Floub Retail i Barrel, .ack.. tt.M i " " 1.15 " 1-16 " 65 Bcckwbbat Floub Wholaula , $9.00 Botail ... 10.00 W bb a .. al.20 Cobb 45 Oats .. . .......43s Eva tOaSg Bablbt So. 1 ........... 5al. 00 Eajaotod ..76 BOTtaa Obaioa lots, for retailiag, win bring.. 15s CbiesbN T. Factory ....... 11 Labd par lb. KlaUa Povatobs 60a6 Apples per baihel 1.35 leas par do. .. 12io Tbo above prioes are the wholesale figures at firtt hand. PoCLTBT Live Turkies, par lb. .............. .................. 10 DresMd " " Ui ObUkens, live " 8o " dre.sed" 10o Daoks " - 100 Hoes Live IOOaS.50 Extra lot. 6.00; ohoioe 6.75a6.00 ; medium 5.75 oommon ihipying 6.50. Oavtlw . Live weight, man 45aa Prime sbtpaiBf, par 100 lb.............i.00a.0i Wood Oak, per eord 6.50 Biakoi j. 6j Coal Coal Valloy Tard 13a Cleveland Yard... 13a Hav Ptiiria, par ton. ..... ... 10.00all.00 Ttmotk jIMmm. - 1 4,00 Cortsa llo, eommoa to fair .................. ...... ...liTalf. pnme to eooio. ............... ...... l zue Old Sovarnmeot Jave... !"3Uo Tbas Teitag By.aa, oommoa .1.00 tair lo goaa ..,......... l.juai.tir Brim to oboioa...-. .l.SSal i0 The rush still continues at the Plunder Store, and no wonder, for thej are constantly receiving New Goods and sell so Cheap. V' iD TESTIS EM EST?. UAH BIS & CBISH0LM, Proprietors and Manufacturers of MILL STONE DRESSES, OTTAWA, ILL. This ealebrated Dresser is a perfect snooess, and all are warranted. my30dly BOUSE kl) LOT FOR SALE. I OFFER MY NEW RESIDENCE A COT. tags, containing seven rooms, all newly fin ished ; aad lot containing one half acre,aitaated oa uaver atreet, between Cherry and Madison treat.. Fruit, ornamental tree, and vises all growing ob the lot. Tor terms and particular. apply on the premises. iySdtf BOBT. F. BEID. BiCHARDSQN'SIB,8n lkemVda USES tlBi!C UlNDKEKCBI&FS&r.. We feel oarelves called on again to CAU TION COBSUMEBS again. the lndUorimiaate u.e of Iri.h fat rios made up to imitate our goods ia fold, trade mark and general appearaaee, and to warn them, that their only lifeguard i. to aee that the authentic seal of our firm, J. B. RICHARDSON, 60NS ft OWDEK, is .tamped on each article. Determined to oonfine ourselves, aa heretofore, to the a.e of yarn, span from the choice. t and strongest Fl.s, by the be.t machinery obtaina ble; uniform in weight and elasticity manu factured and bleached under oar own saperinten denee: the ooniamer will be GBABAKTSED BY OCB SBAL the same durability and sati. faction in the wear, which ths genuine goods have always afforded. 3. R. BICHABDS0N, OOSS & OWBEH. Bel faat, Ireland, 5 Mo. 15, 18T1. jeltdw!tm WOOD, LIGHT & 0., Maanrastorers ef ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PLANERS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASMYTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Own Xv2achinery DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad Haafers, Patent Beft- Oillng Box. WAREHOUSE : lOT LIBBRTVsI., NEW YORK CITY MAKCFACTOBY : MAMMOXD ST., (Opj. Janction Depot), HORCKSTLB ...MAI'S. All Trains en teriag the City, stop within ten rods of our Works. jeiu-dtr ARTISTIC TAILORING. Saw ADTaXtTIBBXEHTa. 3&4 wJaAsxarosozf et., gzizoaoo. DRAPER.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WEDDING CCTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Measure Extra Double and Perfect in Fia. Clergymen will be allowed 8 per cent, discount. teblSdly GRAIN. Parties holding grain will find it pay te ship direst to P11II.ADEI.PIUA, PA., the be.t of our Eastern markets. Oar basinets s Bxcu-.ivaLY coHBissioB. For information, write us ; for reference inquire through a Bank in your ticmiiy. fcLKIHS ft 8CDD5RDS, Commi.aion Merchants, IT, Chamber of Commerce, Philadelphia, Pa. TilLCElJfG. 6a ipowd.r, eemmoa to fa ir.. ...!. 40a1. 40 prime to ohoioi. ........i "ai ou Imperial l.ial.7S Oeleag, eommoa to falr.... .. tlOal.SS prime to ohoice.. .......... 1. Japaa ..n Bpsabs Ba oomsioa to fir.mM. lUc Briise to oaoica -llalia B.&aed Sugar, erashad. powdered aad graa "'"J A I ISie do extra C.... laie Baaaed Sagar, ao C. . 13e Sfolauea Bag as ........sllc - 2.40 ..oil -4.?5 Fine BoUr Dairy, with Basks., Dairy, without sacks...-., Bibbs 6reea butch.rl' Orees eurd... Part eared. fireea oaIf.. I. ma Port Byron, per bbl.. atoea laiasd, per &bl., fcrioa. Pepper, Bigpox Pimento . CloTe. ... . ...... ........ Hutmeg. "o 1H H winger, para. .7ia8s tal0 13i l.l ..1.0 ....16a3Se 4e SiaAfte ....1.2al.JJ ....... JUaitc (Hill ITT & SUESCBiLL, Merchant Tailors, At their sew .hop on Madison .treat, near Orion., Rook I.laad, have a .took of piase good., and are prepared t make op clothing to order. Perfect fit. guaranteed. Cleaning, Seouriag, Cnttiag and repairing don. cheaply and promptly. A ahere of canto on re.pectfally nlteited. mobfd 1S60. 1871. THE PIQMEER JMUSIC STORE. A LARGE STOCK ALWAYS OK HAND OF XV STKIMWAY, iTECK, AMSHUAN, IIAiN(. MAH8KALL AI WESDE I f Geo. Weed & Co's,&Es(ey Organs and ali kind, of Mu.ical Instruments. Sheet Music of latest ii.n.s, and the best im ported String, in the city JOHN H)YT. apl Corner Illinois and Waahington .rreet. SA81I, DOOiS. sVC. EOLANDEE & HTJBER, gueoe.aor. to J. A. Biddisok, Manufacturers of Stsli, Eoors, Blinds, Mouldings, FRAMES, BRACKETS, And every thing in their line. Glazed fia.h on hand, alao Teed All work warranted. Corn Meal and feb24dw6m ESTABLISBBD IB 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS ' CHUPF&RrASJBEETB&VtL Chicago, S.ock Island and Taciic Slailroad Company. 000,000 Acre CHOICE IOWA LANDS. This Company is now offerlor for .ale about six hundred thou.and acre, of the finest agri cultural land, in the We.t. The Company sell. only to actual aettiers, and the prices are exceed ingly reaeonable, rargiag from $5 to $ IS per acre tbe average being aboat $3. The greater part of these lands are .ituated along the line ot Its railroad between the citie. De. Moin.s and Couneii Bluff., and are in the mod acsas.lbl and fertile region in tbe Slate. Sale, made ior cah or ob credit long enong to eaable any industrious man to pay for the land oat of it. crops. Tbese land, are h;ld under a title direct from the General (iovemmeit, and are nut morrt agtd or encambcrtd in anyway. Foil warranty deed, given to pnreharcr.. For map., pamphieta, or ny otber information re.peotiag them, add ret. Edebezbb Cock, Land Commi.noner. Davenport, l"wa. EXPLORING TICKETS are .old at the Com pany's ticket offices at Chicago, and all other principal .tatioo. on Ha line, and if the parcha ser bays land the amoant paid for the ticket ia applied on the purcha.e money. DISEASES OF THB AND B.xcas i I 8UPSRI0K TO ALL OTHERS ! Ares, Tiles, Cast Steal, Mill Furnishings, and M.ohiaery. fcSGet the beat, they w.'U prove the eheapeat. Price, reduced. 6end for pr. Li. land airoulars. H aCLCH GKlsf'yiTHH, Bol?,dw7y Botton, Ma..., ei ;v'etrit, Mieh IpNEWMUSIC BOOKS StDJJMiX'S SELF ISSTirCTOES. PHOTOGRAPHS. i. o. feck:, Photographer I For tbe ?iano - ror the Violin - -Tot the Flute - - Either or all mailed to seipt of the price. ROCK ISLAND,. Kegativea Preserved. ..III. feb24-df.m LIME AJTDjCEittENT I Winkoop's Cayeana Pepper 8Sc Oils Canta Oil 20c Lard Oil, extra I Lard Oil, No. 1 1.J0 Linseed Oil, raw.. i.C " " boiled . l.ui faeim Dried appiea, okoioe.... a8c eomoaon......M...........M...... fic Dried peashaa, half..... ......lialSe " quarter. . lie Eanta Carrasta, new ......I lle Bail ins, in layera, par box, new- . S.2a " " " par half box...... ...... I t 5 Tark lib. Prone .12s Dried Cherries .... lie Boas abb Casslb. Weraovk ft Bal.toa'a C. E.par lb.. ...6Jc Bonry Dart's Boas' X. K. per ib 7i MoBride's German Molted, per bar 7x, per lb. 7e Star Candle, IS oa BaOI ASD POWDBB Bifle, par keg .......o.S"T.OO Ooal Mine, do.... . Blasting, do..... 40. 00 Drop Bhot, par lack -S.60a2.75 Baok 6 hot, do . 2.76 Bar Lead, per lb....- 1J0 J. W. WIRTEL, C&learo SSaraet. telegraphed te tka Abccs. OaiCAee, July 14. ITlour very dull, and prices alinoat nominal. V beat Dull and lower; tio. 2 clo.inir at t 1 18ial,18 eaah or seller July; $l,13al,13i "Her Augu.tjNo 1 sold ia .mall lot. at $ 1,11: No 3 $l,l21all4; rejected $l,0:!.al,04i. Corn In fair demand and steady; No. 2closed at iizj .oner i mj rejeciea si; yellow 45. uats r.iriy aotive and firm; Ko. 2 46ia4J okhu; u;idi .viier August, Kye Dull and lower. No. 1 .old t flf,iVT. K o t: i c. -1 : . - . ' ' liarley Dull; sale, for Auenat vIA. . n. SO. " - " BeoeiptsFlonr 42(11; wheat 14.338; corn 107, 64; oat. 15,910: rye 5,411; barley 900. ion Jfn "onr M2i,: whe,t f2,m; corn u.'i si.vuu: rva I.Kli- h.... l ojf; Whisky BUady at Kl. ' ' Cblcajo Zlive Stock. Telegraphed te the Aebds. TJbiob Svoea Tabbs, Jaly 14. Cattle Rsceinta 156?- .f , HB,U"" kuj Tciaa. and clhomV.. almost excln.ivelv flogs-ReceipU abont 9,000 ; market opened fairly active and steady and eloaed rather quiet; price, unchanged j whole raase 4 00a4 b for u7 moa "gbt ; sales mostly S4 15a4 05. eity ,lrm fr bMt res, owisg to soar Cordcvia White Fin- Lime. PORT BTKOX Sl DATESPORT LIME. LOUISVILLE AND UT1CA CEMENT. PLASTER PARIS, LAAD PLASTEO, PLASTKRWG DAIR, STO.. ETC., ETC. 9-dtf MATTHEWS ft CO.. TausrES, s&s. ATAtTTrBB OF trunks, mm, TS1TEUSC BAGS, C, So. off Brady St., DATENPOKT , Bapairiag neatly don. IOWA, MR. S. A. DOUGLAS, LADIES' VAE1ETY STORE AMD FASHIOW ABLR Ml'.Usery Dress Mtkia? TABLXSHSS9T, IS Kill ItKllt, - - IOWA any - 75 cents. - 7 5 cents. - 75 cents. address on ra- B. POWABS. J. l. raBa',,AB. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BT TBK Hong Eong Tea Com'y, Branch House, Palace Bow, ROCK ISLAND, - - - HIS. Wheia wa are offering unrivalled Teas, at the tame low prices aa at their "Butern Hou.e." By importing Teas ia cargo lots, they enable as to retail to the eoasumer at extremely low priee.. Don't fail to the Hong Kong Tea Store, at Palace Row, where will be found the taeat, purest and freahe.t Teas, Coffees and Epi eea, at price, beyond competition. myaaw3m POW ARS FRBKMAH, Ag'ts T) A. GALLUP, M. D., TJro.eopia Physician, JJ. Marshall, Mich. Send for pamphlet. Agents ! Head This ! 7B WILL PAT AGENTS A cALAKl Of 130 per Wees aad ixpec.e., or allow a lars comsaietioB to s.ll our new aad wonderful inTentioas Address M. VTA8KER ft CO Marshall. Mib. w AEKT,TAKENOiltK The reason oi.r aont. mkc so murh inooev. is im.uM mr KooJb ;'e first class : people like them, aad they are warranted. Moe live Agents r.ia A. E. TAYLOR, New J;iin,Copa Mercarj or Calomel It the great remedy that physicians appeal to and use almo.t entirely in all di.eaae. of th Liver. There are thoaaanda at the present time tbat are suffering with the rheomalie p in. ia tb joints, caaevd by the u.e of Calomel which ha. creeled a di.eaae of its oa worse than that whicn it wa. intended to euro. There i no drug that leavca it mark more prominent in the .y.teui. Yet, perhaps, there ate times ben it can be given, and have a benifieiel effect, but should not be dealt out aa it baa been, and is at the present time, by those tbat pretend to knew what tkey are doing, but in reality do aot. Aha Liver i. more liable to di.eaae t baa any other organ in the human syatcm, and bee that faila to do us duty it leave, tbe weak point, oi tna body expo.ed, as the bile is not thrown off, but taken np by tbe blood, as it pastes through this great niter of the .y.tem. and beeotnes impure. Then follow, a traia of di.eaaea, whose name is Legion. There are many ikat raffer from pain in ths side and acroas the body, dull, heavy , drowsy feeling, headache, pain ia the right aide, often severe pain in the bowels, eostiveL.n, Cat nlencK, diart bea, more or less indigestion, loas of appetite, sallow .kin, white of tbe eye. yellow, sinking of fih, depm.ion ef spirit., at oilier times a great eravng lor tooa. rem oi met .ymptom. are eao.ed only by torpidity of the Liver. It i. in-possible to give all the.ymptomt of a deranged Liver, and they are all cureabla without tbe aid of Calomel. So25 A M-tltl .nrf ll.rr!..,. 'urfii.h eit,i.ii...ri.;J H .kh.. AirJ Mt SALk. SMKN war4td to Travel for a Menufas turing Co. Oood salary, steady etnplovaent. S. P.COOl'ER A CO., 16G Kim 8t.;Cincinnati,0. PBONOISCED by teacher, the most useful and be.t series extant. Liberal dtacouB t on quantities to the trad, "THE TREASURE," A new and bright book for Sunday School.. High School., or the Social Cirels. Sample Copies mailed at 68 or nt. ; $45.00 per hundred. "SrSDIY SCHOOL SOXG," Tba most popular and cheapest Bnaday School Book extant. Priee 10 ceat. $10.00 per hun dred SAZUSSa. & CTEBSB, 206 XOBTB TIFTH STREET PCBLI8HEBS, n37-dedl2m. ST. LOUIS. 'r AKD RETAIL . y f IS Tl..l.rll 1 Paints, Oils.Window h J iUOUi I Phyaician'. Preeaription. ac- curately compounucu rr. . hoar.. Also, a fine assort- l-M ! umene. ana Jioi' Articles. SO. DATESPOBT, apt32dly. W. L. CAEBOLL, ABCEIIECT ARC SEPERKTESDE5T OF BCILPiXG, Saveaport, - ows- Alao, in connection with Dodg ft Mann, Washington, D. 0., the former Examiner ia tba Patent Offise, has superior feosHtie for "attend ee to all kinds ef Patent Ofllee basic., rot An- TBKTOBP. aaaylKUOB!. THOMAS II. BROWN'S Novelty Carriage works. 11 fT3 ment of reri 1 lt Articles. I V The celebrated "J. C. F." J7 , V rO and "GOLDKN . , CR0WS" & soon BirrDiwa-. A MILLION DOLLARS ! Shrewd bat quiet men can make a fortune by revealing the secrt of the business to no one. Addrees J- WEST, 6SS Broadway, New York. MILWAUKEE. BADGER STATE TOBACCO WORKS I KOS. 1,3 Jt 5 CLTBOURN ST., West end Huron St., Bridge, ZaZilwansee, - X7is. F. F. ADAMS & CO., PROPRIETORS. Orders from close Cash Buyers solicited. raohJJ-dly A Clergyman, while residing in South America a. a missionary, discovered a safe and aimple remedy ior the cure of Jtervona Weakness, Early Deoar. Disease, of the Urinary and Bemlnat Or gans, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habit.. raat num. ber." have been cored by thi. noble remedy Promoted bv a desire U) benefit the afflicted and unfortunate. I will send thereeipa for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to anv one who needs it. fre of charge. Addre.s Jos. T. rMAi. Station D.Bftla Honee.K.T.City ALE & FORTES. 1&0S WORK. PHILADELPHIA Ornamental Iron Works. ROBERT WOOD & CO., 1136 BIDOE AVE., PHILADELPHIA, PA Manufacturer, of Fountains, Vases, Stataarj, Veranda., Summer Hub..., Arbors, Chairs, Set toes, Ac, So., fast and Wrougst Iron Bailings, For public buildings and Sqnerta, Cemetry lots, Garden Tenoee. Balconies, Boof Castings, eto., in great variety of patterns. IRON STAIRS - Spiral and Straight, of various pattern, and tyles. Special attiation given to tlus class ot work. lamp parrs, wtxuasx Book Binder and Paper Hanger. Shop on Orleans St., opposite Court House. ROCK ISLASD - ILL. feaj. Ail kinds of Paper Boxes mad to order. aogld-tf - BEHTISTS. Manufacturer of &. a. ZsX. BBSsSZKO. DENTIST. ALL DENTAL OPERATIONS PERFORM ED according to the n.ost approved princi ples. ' Offie in Harper's Block, cor of Illinois and Buffalo streets. auglS-dtf For Fronts of Public Buildings, Hotels and elty street,, of plain and elaborate design.. STABLE FITTINGS, Of Cast aad Wrought Iron of Bew Improved sty lea such aa Bay Kaccs, Etall Dlvialona, Mi gera, Harness Bracket., Gutters, Traps, Ventil ators, te. WIRE WORK, Of every description. Wire Ssards, of Crimped Wire, Osuvani.vd or painted, in plain and orna mental patterns, fcr Store Doors, and W'Bdowa, Faotory aad Warehou.e Windows. Railings for Offioes, Banks, Counter Railing. .Balconiea, Laws aad Farm Feac.s, Ac. Cream and Stock Ales. the Liver, GOB a STECmGv Proprietor ofth MERCHANTS LUMB, Are ole Agents for Pea"" Celebrated Cream and Stock Ales. For aale by the llarrel or Half Barrel. ool2U dtf Saloon k Milliard Rooms, Hi, 3 Kai per House Block, HOCK IsLtKU -11.1. Iealer in ' Fine Bourbon Whiskies, And Imported Wine Sl Brandies: Agent for Sands, Liila. and Jeliet Ales, alao beat Scotch and En glish Ales and London Por ter tur sale. Ctic White Sane' for .al by th rart.l. AgEt for A. Zeli sr't Billiard aud Piteon Hole Table Mannfaetor) . aprt-dtf H, E. WEST.Propnrtor. GATES Gcptlemfn's Road and Family Skeleton Wagons ASD SULKIEa. 44 Adams Btrt, 0HI0AQO. Light Work a Specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly don. mohl7 deedweowly J. W. STARK, DENTIST, ROOMS B1XT DOOR 10 TKLEGRAPH Offie. Illinois street, Rock Island. AU kiads ef Dental work done ia th most approv ed Banner. . Charges reasonable. aplO dwly , TONSOBIAL. HARPEE - HOUSE SSiaviof& Bathing Palace, ILLINOIS 8TRERT. ----.. wjr avava m i-ate Foreman avt tr m,: ."6ftJ vr 'i. . X ." I - wawwuuwawaa ITfll IU mm SaAaV U ts V GE0CESIE8. G. W. MITTELB ASGEB, (Saenessoi to ROBT. K02HLER, " , Cor lUiaols and Sagi. St.., BOOK ISLAND, - . ILLI Dealer ia GK0CERIES,PR0YISI01S Queea.ware, Coffee, Sugar, Fruit aad Vegetables. Tbe Cheapest gttre la tbe CItj. Cash paid for Country produce. Farmer, eail and ezamin his firat-elaa. stock. ' Good, delivered ia th eity free. fb2d " JOSIAfl GATE8 & SOXS, Uannlaeturers ef 5 . W" Ba v -if -Z -'tmrr- Jm FIRE IMIM HOSE, Leather Belting. Superior Lace leather. . : . and Factory supplies generally. LOWELl. MAJ 8, AU kinds of FIRS KNOIRK H08S, mad. i'rotB the bast quality of Philadelphia and Balti- a ore Oak Leather, and put together with Tiaaed I iivwts, a aevr invprvvesBent which prevents tlhcaa froa corroding aad rotting tk leatan. Hdeodly TRAYELIXG SALESMEN AT . 10 DOLL ARS A DAY DONE AVfAY WITH. Saia ta tba reason Wa can aell For entrance to Oemetrie. PoMie Sqeares and Qsntlemcn'a Country feats, of Ga Tubing r Wrought Iron, both rlaugl or Doab! ia elabor ate and simple designs. K.timate. and Design, sent on application, tatiag tbe das. or wers assigned. Purchasers may rely oa having all artiei earefnlly boxed and .hipped to the pla.a f des tination. mcuj-dSn. ax.ACs. rZSTBBTJB.OS STAINED CLASS WOB.SS, KO. 23 M1RKE1 ST., PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM NELSON, Glass Staiaer aad Me tallio Sash Manufacturer beat adapted for church windows. Having ereeted th sooet complete and xtnsiv apparatus for the manu facture of colored and ornamental window glass, ha is prepared to furnish eve. y varity for church ea, privet residences, offie windows, etc , ia superior style. Orders from all parts of ths sountry will reoeivepromp t attention, feelsdly. Tb. symptom. ? j? side running to the ul ' . ' appetite ana energy, a "n,e W"" o spirits, s,ueami.b a yellowuh coated tongae, 1 . ' , ful dreams, .11 of yield O ' '; ! ;' "TAYLOR'S STOMACH AD - RECTOR." of which enough .houlu T " eause a speedy and free evacuation of Dc kdigestion or Dyspepsia, Is a weakness or want ol power of the digestive juice, m the stomach to eonveit our ina aud drink into healthy matter tur the nournhaitnt ot the whole syeiem. It i. cait&td by tiary thing that tend, to weaken the body, and mora particularly tbe .tomach. eai 1 , it toi o,alt one-h.'.f of the, to which we arc liable, proceed from it. Indige.tion produce a great variety ot unpleataut leeiltg.. Amoag the most prominent oi its miseraLl ettcte aie, a want of, or an iaordiuate appetite, soinalim.s attended with a oou.tant craving ior dritk, soar stomach, grinding pain, in the stomach, atpree- sion of .pint., gloom ot mmd, tietiulnes., Batt ing ot tiesn, loa. ot energy an J atrengia, very irritable, heart burn, unpleasant lasi in th mouth and rumbling in tbe bowel.. In sen. case, of depraved indigeetitu, tteie is a com plete disreueb. tor loos, at other times a peru n o aiiiicied een eat heartily without much grati ficauou. Along train ot nervosa .npttru. are also frequent attendants, genera debility , gj eat languidness and incapacity for exertion, ihe a-ind. ol person, so attuned frequently become irriiabi and de.ponding, and great aaxitty is observable in the countenance; they appear tbuughtlul, melancholy, and dtjected, vnder great apprebeii.ion of .urn imegmary usnger. ml: etart at an unexpected none or occiitrtcce, and mueb agitated, let for all this the samd is exhiierated without much dimculty, pliasmg arent and society will for a time dissipate all appearance ei disease. Other .ymptom. aie, vi olent palpattuon, MSile. . nb a itlte oi weight and odpression upon the clitst, Bigtt- mare, etc. it ia a.rm st in.pce.itue I'liimt sji the .ymptom. oi thi. invader opon the conelltu- .L..n as in Kimciit evcrv case ot lnais estior. there will probably he something peeuhar to each, but be what tbey may, they sr. all occa sioned by the iood becoming a burden, raices than a support to the stomach, and in all it. sta ges, tbe medicine ru"tt wanted is that wdics will afford speedy as.istace to tbe digestive or gan, and give energy and strength te tbe ner vkus and muscular systttn, and a new life to the whole body, d aothing eea be, and there is nothing, that will give to quick relief, as Tay lor's Stomach and Liver Corrsct&r, the Great Femedy for Blood, Liver and kin Dista es,and from one to f yur bottles will effect a cure. ailOO EHIEB, 4.C. J A MR S KELLY, C V'i) ? Staple aad Far ey Groceri.s, Provisions, Oaeen.ware, Glass' vara, Wooden and Willow Ware, A o. Corner Orleans and Ohio streets. ROCK ISLAND, - ILL. For quality of gfio Is and prices, I defy com petition, inch I idly DeHAVEFS WILD CHERRY BITTEItS Tbe Best Toaie io (he World BEST QUALITIES WINES a LIQUORS OF FOB Dppepsia, kdigestion, loss of Appetite, GENERAL DEULI1 V, CBILL8. Ee. THE THAN A.NT OTHIR HOUSE. J. WE1TZEL & BKO., fc IMPORTsRS, 14 10 Weet Kasdolpk Uet,..... CHICASO saaySUdlm V1LD XHEBRY BUMS XXAB XaTO EQTAie t 5. acknowledge T B7 who has taken it. to b tka -? f - .....f . Best Aeiiiecly Por th di "' aaated ver offered. Depot, H La&alle sUeet, C H I C A G 0.,. : 1.1.. , . TiaHAVEN A WALES, Sol Manufaotar-ra. f es sals by Druggists. Js22-4weas Just Received Twenty thousand rolls of Wall Paper, Sew and Beautiful Patterns, .Elegant, C h e a p Window Shades. Scotch and American, Bu IF, Green, and white Hollands, Cords.Tas- sels, Fixtures, &c. A fine assortment ot walnut, , rosewood and,? ilt, and gilt mouldings, at Walter S. Gates'; Siek Headache Those tbat are subject to it know waat a distrefr-jt eomplairt it is. d i. a very un welcome visitor. At first it a dimoee. cl vision, fr.l'owed by a terrible v.ia. .ichncrs at il,, .t.,mn, h. and vnniiim d tbtn for a dy or two, a perMa feel. a. tboutii thei baa a tt of.ickness. U doe win cur- "" tacked, and cue to three hotiles will effect a per manent, cure. Jaundice. When you tee a person as yellow ss a .affroa bag, (a aaying,) yoo very naturally come to the coaelasion that It iaJaandice, caused by a derangement ot tbe Liver, by the bile being obstructed and Sowing with the blood throogost the system, instead of passing off ia it. natural course into the bowels. On to three bottles will cuts th worst cas. Costiveoess. This iscaussd by a at.taorth Livsr, and drangment ofth whole sy.Um. It is surprising that there are so muy troubled with this distressing disease and cive it s little attention. The diseases that follow habitual eostiveness are many, of whioh Rick Headaeh. Such of Bleed to th Head, byspevsia. Pile., Heart, Lung and Skin Diteaas aad Female and Kidsey Complaints, are always aggravated by it. Many resort to pills, ar d never have a free vaenatioa of th bowele without their aid. to these, I say, stop and eoasider. as evfrv pill you take eon tains mercury, which will in tim cause yoa to regret the course yoa have taken. cy using Taylor s Ftoinach and Liver Correcinr, yoa will not need to take pills, two to four bottles will sure you. 4 P . . U.l. 1. .ii t j ti i . . w ii viuirim igu xatere ill oui- aines. THE BEST MEEICISE EVER MADL FOB MAM. H. S. TAYLOR, SOLE PROPRIETOR, ltd W.bai A.ena,. : Ba 20ded- eowl .CHICA60