Newspaper Page Text
WES OF ADVERTISING For each square, or the ipwi ooeapied by Un lias, of eolid nonpareil, 0 Dollar foroaeh i s.rtiou. poiat Voticos, St ' P' Wee la. sorted months or mora, 10 per coat above ragu lar advertising rate. Communications, or articles Inserted among reading matter, 11 eonti par Una. Daily aid WaaiiT. A diiaoaat of 25 pa? oaot. will b made from tha Weekly rate, aa yearly and half yaarly contracts, woe tha aasia matter la iBserted la both Daily and Weakly. Doable Columns will be charged Ja percent additional. FDBLIIHID IT TIB Asiaus r&xsraxxxo corar-jr, TERMS. Dailt Aaecs. . By Mail (payableia advance), per annam, $10.00 By Mail " " aiz months, a. 00 By Mai! " " S months,... J.ii By Mail " " 1 month.... 85 afBr Oirr Cabbibb, 26 Oeots per week. Corns Centa. TERMS.- Wiiili inii. -tickle Copy, (ptTabie! a ad ranee) $1.19 Ten Copies " 10.00 Twenty Copies 35.00 thirty Copies ' . eC.OO Twentieth Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, JULY 15. 1871 Established Oct. 18, 1851 For .il traaiiaat edvertisomeii mant la required. advance pay A Big Hoe; Story. Pork the Klis). ''I say Jim, you know that confounded bog of mine, that haa caused ma and all the neighborhood more trouble than the rebel lion T" 'Well, Tom, I should think I had good reason not to forget him, einoe the time he went through my corn orib, like "' through scire." "I told that hog to-day." "Who on earth wanted him, Tom ; he wasn't no earthly acooant, for he belong to the reure bread, and all tba oorn in Illinois won't fat him." "Well, yon leo, Jin, feller comet along to-day, and aaya he to me : 'Stranger, want to part with that porker?' Says I to him : 'Muter, I 're railed that hog from a little pi jr. and got sort of 'taohed to him like, and don't know' I care to sell him,' and all the time I was wishing he wonld offer me fifty cents for the cussed varmint, when he 'ays, 'look here, stranger, rattlers and blaok snakes are very powerfal plenty on my ranch, and I think that there hog is worth jest ten dollars to me for to clean 'em out ; what do ye say, will yon take the money or keep the pork?" "Jim, compare me to a woodpeoker ?oing for a June bug, and you can form some idea of how that hog and the ton dollars changed 1 oca' ions, and you see I was trying to find some article tbat I could sell, to boy the tickets to see old John Robinson's big Menagerie and Cirouj, when along comes that man and bays the worthiest critter. Well, it's an 'ill wiud that blows nobody good' and if the suaku had not been so tarnal tLick on thtt man's farm, I should have had t') hare sold something else to raise the wind, but I am going with the old woman and all the children, sure, for the town will be chock full of people." 'Well, Tom, 1 was coming to town, aud Martha says 'Jim, you had better take some mi and butter along, for the children will ict"-.! to go to the Menagerie and Circus of oid John Kobibson, for when he cornea with h':i b 1 3 abiw ihere will be a sensation,' and I intend to let tho chikren have a grand ii )i i iv au i enj y themselves, for 'you know ho I: is juuraoif we were once children." And tauH the old friends parted, to meet at t'u-! Ifeuierie and Circna of old John Rob i:,mu, '.ii Rock Tuesday August 1st Ax anxious inquirer is informed that the Presidential pardon does not make the per son claiming so to be Congressman Bowen's wife. The pardon remits the penalty, but does not alter the fact, of the verdict. Were Bowen to die, the person in question would have no more right of inheritance than the dupecser of the pardon himself. LOCAL .NOTICES. Twn-JTr Five Cents. This amount will buy a botrle of Mrs. Whitcomb's Syrnp, the trreat southing remedy for all diseases inci dent to iotantH and children. MMtRtAOK Gems. Interesting work, i.;itnrous engravings, 224 pages. Price 50 i-eats Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, 12 X ir'.'u Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo. See advertisement. S&vkrb pain will not get out of fashion j it for a long time, and so long people will atvl a good remedy Renne's rain-Killing Mi "ic Oil is just what the people need, to cure kieviaune, rheumatic, neuralgio, and ,Mier painful complaints. VERT LATEST TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olooli Jt ir. IV E W Y O X Ii. Investigation of the Disturbance in front of Bcllevn Sotpital nilled and Wounded Other Items. PENNSYLVANIA. The Beat of the Weather. ILLINOIS. Suicide Poisoned S entenced Life. for I-oreisrn. News. Market Beports. and Twenty-third street. Tha remain, are to be interred ia the plot of the regiment at Woodlawn cemetery. The entire regi ment ia to parade in fall dress. Other reg iments are ezpeoted to join in prooession. j - The Express says two things may possi bly revive the riotous proceedings on Sun day ; on that day will take place the funerals of the two member, of the Ninth Regiment, who fell at their posts of doty ; and also the funerals of some seven or eight rioters. It is not probable that the latter will be in clined to cultivate a closer acquaintance with the military than they can help, but it will do them no barm to know that it is nn derstood the troops are nnder orders to have their muskets shotted. A lodge of Hibernians in foil regalia, headed by a band of musio, turned out to-day to bury one of their members, killed in the fight on Eighth avenne. Crowds of people gathering along the sidewalk to witness the significant pageant. The General Committee of the Irish Dem ocratic Union held a meeting this evening, when several members made speeohes oon demning Gov. Hoffman for allowing the Or angemen to parade. There is a little additional to say in regard to the late riot, and were it not for the wounded in the hospitals, and the dilapida ted condition of store windows at the locali ty whore the disturbance took plaoe, there would be little evidenceof the terrible scenes through which the city has passed. Chicago, July 11. John Hise, an old and well known citizen off Ottwa, III , com mitted suicide at that place on Monday last by jumping of a bridge into tie Illinois river. Five person, were poisoned, one fatally, near Cerro Gordo, Illinois, by drinking bit ters supposed to be made with snake root. but which through error the druggist found to be aconite, a deadly poison. The jury in the ease of Zeigenmeyer, late last evening, brought in a verdiot of murder in the first degree, and he was sentenced to penitentiary for life. Pittsburg. July 14. To-day was the hottest of the season. The thermometer indicated 105 in the shade at 2 P. M. Washington, July 15. Grant is serverly criticised for the expression iu which he announced the pardon of Bowen. Secretary Bontwell has ordered Bank note companies not to print any more new bonds, there being a sufficient supply on hand. The subscriptions onlv amount to $3,000. A praotical acknowledgement of j failure. j New York, July 15. All of the bodies killed in the disturbance on the l'.'th have been identified except one 5t in all. Five have died since Wednesday. The mob have learned a lesson that they will heed in future. During two years past the city has been freer from disturbances than for a dozen years before. Tbe incidents of the late disturbance con tinue to be the principal topio of conversa tion among al! classes. There is some disoussion on the haste of the 84th regiment in firing into the mob, bat tbe 84th are not blamed by the best in formed. It speaks well for their coolness in rnfrainining so long nnder tbe ciroum stances. Chicago, July 15. Zeigenmeyer, foend guilty of murdering Gnmbloton, and sent enced to tbe Penitentiary for life, will make a motion for a new trial. If refused will take the case to the Snpreme Court. It is the general opinion that the sentence is just. Saw Fraxcisco, July 15. The Amanda County raining strikers hare yielded and the troops have been withdrawn. oncord, N. H. July 15. Tbe House has pssed a bill making the Ssate issue bends assuming the war expenses of towns. The bonds issued in lCiU for this purpose, amount to $2,000,000. Losdok, July 15. Tbe Spanish Cortes had a stormv debate on Cuba on the 10th. There was (rent excitement on the motion COMMERCIAL. O-Old 1.12 X-O. Bock Island, July 14. Tais Floor market Is corrected at 'Warner's Mills and the quotations are the rnling prioas oi the Book Island market. Whites Wssit Floub Wholesale..... .$8.40 ' ", " Retail fi.uV Bpbins Wbba Flocb Spring Doable Bitra la bbls, wholesale $7.40 Keieil.......... 8.09 8aoks at wholesale................ 7.00 T.60 MMMilMtnfl'SO 7.0 Roported Expressly for tbe Aascs.j New Tout, July 14. It is believed an effort will be tuado before the coroner's jury to show that the troop, bred needlessly and without order from the commanding othcer. Inspector Walling, who will be a good wit oess on tuia point, is of the opinion that the tiring would have been a necessity within ten minutes, at the latest. A shower of bricks and stones were thrown from the boose tops and windows, while pistol shots were begin ning to come thicker and faster. Every moment the mob seemed to be gathering courage and strength, and it would soon have been absolutely necessary to commence firing. A large number of witnesses will be sum moned, and the investigation will be very thorough. It is doubtful whether the inquest can be commenced before the latter part of next week, annd the coroner also wishes the excitement to cool down somewhat before he begins. The Dook Commiaaioners have directed Superintendent Wentworth to furnish them the names of workmen who, contrary to or ders, absented themselves from work on Wednesday, with a view to their dis charge. Tbe effects of the riot of Wednesday are rapidly disappearing trom the streets. The neighborhood of the principal scene of dis aster is still thronged witn niornid aight teerj. Distressed throngs seeking abaeut friends, timidly venture into the dismal pre cincts of the Morgue, and eagerly seek ad mission to the various hospitals, but ether wise the city is free from visible reminders of the fray. The conversation among all parties turns upon the events of the day, however, and opinions are plenty regarding the right and t0 censure the GuJerninnt tor not daring to Retail Loose, at wholesale. Hatail ......... , Osnt'i Bblv Kiisiae Floub Retail i Barrel, sacks (1.60 " i " " 1.25 1-16" " 65 BOCKWBBAV FLOUB Wholesale , $K.O0 Retail 10.00 sstl ..... ...... ...... ....... ... S5al.20 Coal 45 0 4b'w aaaaa eee. 4ifi RTbI ee a-. O&0 B A a LIT E.jet.d.. ..76 BCTTBS Choioe lots, for rotailiur, will bring- 15a Cbisii N T. Factory ....... 11 La KB per lb lOalle FotAtoaa tiOaii Apples parboshel 1 W less per dos - .... 12jo The above prices are the wholesale figures at first hand. PoCLTRT Lire Turtles, per lb Ivo Dressed " " 12e Chiakens, live " be " dressed" lOo Daoka " " lOo Hoes Live 00a3.5 Extra low 4.00 ; ehoioe 6.756.00 ; medium 5.75 eommon shipping 9.50. Oavtib Live weight, eomia.. 5ae Prime ahlppiaf, par 100 lbs. .......... .5.006. 00 Wood Oak, per eord.. .... - 5.50 Biekot ,. Coal Coftl Valley Yard. l."e Cleveland lrd. ..i'e WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Man ufaetarers of ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINEN, PLAXEBS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, NASxrrns' steam hammers, Ood machinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, ShaRing and Hangers, Patent Self Oiling Box. WAREHOUSE: 107 LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK CITY MANUFACTORY : HAMMOKD ST., (Opp. Jaaotion Depot), HOHCB8TER MASS. All Trains entering the City, stop within ten rods of our Works. JalO-dtf II IMC. 1860. ISTI. THE PIONEER MUSIC STORE. A LAR'IH STOCK ALWAY? ON HAKD OF MHNlVAl, STtCk, EMEM'1'. HsH('A, HAINK!, MAkslIALL AND WEXDEI I. ARTISTIC TAILURIKG. 3 & 4 WAaHXXraTOHT ST., cnzoAoo. DRAPERTAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WEDUIAG OUTFITS A BPECIALTY. Bhlrts to Measare Extra Deakle ana Parfaet in Fit. Clergyman will be allewid 0 par cant, discount. teblsdly $in, noons. &c. &0LANDER & HUBER, Snooessors to J. A. BismsoH, Manafacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, FRAMES. BRACKET, And everything in their line. Glazed 6a.h on hand, also Corn Meal and Feed All work warranted. feb2dwf!m Parties holding grain will End it pay to ship direct to PHILADELPHIA, PA., the best ef oor Eastern markets. Onr easiness is bxcli sivaLY conxisiiiow. For information. write us ; for reference inquire through a Bank In your tioinity. ELKIJJS 1 8UDDARDS, Comuii.sion Merchants, 17, Chamber of Oommeroa, Philadelphia, Pa. PraTriVperto. .. 10 .00.11 .64 j CCti & f O'S.&EslfJ OrgSnS Timothy - - and sii kind, of Musical Instrument ESTASLISBBO IB 1830. WELCH 5c GRIFFITHS' 8awa ! &m.xxrmt I tS A-cxrat SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS! Axes, Files, Cast 8 teal, Mill Farnishiags, and Machinery. teC Get the best, they will prove tha cheapest. Prices reduced. Send for price Listand elroulars. WELCH te GkimiHH, Bo!3dly Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mien n. rowi.j. J. t. rimail. Oorvaa B to, common to fir " - prime to choice Old Uonromii.l Jv Teas Toang Mj.on, com good.. 41 fir to frood prime to ehoioe Qaapewder, ofcrnmoa to fair..,, " prima to choise... Iaperial . Oolong, eommon to fair.... prima to ohoio Japaa ..M ... Kebabs Raw oonunos to fair - " nrime to ehoioe...... .... Refined Sagar, arnshei, powdered and gran . 1 4j o S. ., A ISie do extra 0.. .. 13?e Sheet Mosie i,f latest ifsues, nd tha best im- 1 jTli9 ! ported Strings in the eity I ito i anw IIOYT, .2S30e ! apl 11!;D lis r,d Washington .treet. l.Cu .l.J1.40 1.3.'l..-0 ...... 10 1.401.60 1.65al.7S WCal.04 l.Ual-40 .. yi1.15 llallle ll,al2o ?NEWHUSI0 BOOKS SClimitX'S ELF W8TEI CT0HS. Refiaed Sncar, do C. atolasses bnger ... 8AI.V FiBe,i...i ...... ...... ...... .. Solar Dairy, with aaaks., Dairy, without saeas., iaa ..lealle ... I He 2.4 0 ,.o.e 4.74 Thk oiilax Milwaukee Sentinel (Feb. '71) k'Or. Price's Cream Baking Powders admitted to be the best in t used them for a cumber of says are univer uis. and bavin years we have no hesitation in adding our iestimony as to their menu. There is noth ing deleterious in their composition, an im portant consideratioa in riew of the numer ous preparations now put up and palmed off, w ithout considerations as to their effect, npon the health of the customers. Dr. P-ina'a Sneoial Flavorings, extracted from the fruit, are really the most org we ever used." delicious WATER CURE A T wrong of the parade and the aotion of the troops ia firing on the rioters. On one sub ject alone everybody seems unanimous, and that u the magninoent performance of the police. President bmith htates the Hoard -will soon direct the Superintendent to issue an order congratulating the force on the gal antry and efficiency displayed by them on Wednesday. It ia wonderful that the torce escaped with so lew caaualities ; only one seriously wounded. trom an early bonr yesterday tbe city nas been unusually quiet, but a singly atfray of any description was reported at polie head quarters sinoe midnight Wednesday I he limes this mornicir serrs mat ice men of the 9th and 84th regiments acted hastily and ill advisedly ic. a military scene, in using their muskets without tbe word oi command from their officers, still it is quite evident that the spattering volley given by these regiments, proving so eaaiy in us ireneral effect, checked the belligerent ten dency of the mob, and probably saved many lives, as in a few minntea more the melee would have become general and desperate. The 6th regiment also tired on the crowd being incited thereto by an assault on one their officers. Tbe 22d regiment distin a-uished itself by not firing a shot, as tbe men received no orders from their officers. This conduct excited a few words of praise from General V arean. A large number of people continue to congregate at the entrance t fJelievue Hospital, eager to gam news as lo tne num ber of additional dead, and the condition of the wounded victims ef the riot. There were two additional deaths last night. There now remain six dead at the Bellevue Hoa oiUl. Bodies of others have been taken awar by friends for bnrial. Crowds are inquiring as to the condition of the wound ed, both at Mount Sinai and Centre Street Hospitals. Everything in tbe city is qmel to oay. It it said Mai. E. L. Carey, a well known laader of the Hibernian societies is to De nd treating not. VT 7 k- .1.; !.;.,. ! Prinoe patients who have need Rasadalis; sand ts,rey a " for oar Rosadalis & a Ida to Health Book m face a vote, bet trierc to e i plain us action on the ground of not having power to ex tend laws to provinces made since the home revolution, nor abolish slavery until tbe sup pression of insurrection is accomplished. The debate laated all nifrht, and resulted in tbe determination to send 20,000 men to Cuba to suppress the rebellion. BL1CK8MITDING. Removed to Hull's Sew Building, Washington Streets WALTER DATJBEE, CLicftro Earket. telegraphed to tha Aaecs. OaiCAsa, July 15. Flour Pnll and weak; not quotablv lower. Wheat Lower, but moderately active in a de cline; No. 2 olosing ateady at $1,17 oath or seller July ; $1,12 teller July and Aagost ; $1,102 sell er year ; No. 1 sold at $1,20: So. 3, $1,10. Corn Steady cd modaraely active : Vo. I closed at i'.li h; iL' seller month; Mia52 Au gust; rejected 604 vellow 54ia51. Oats In good cUmsiid nd firm, olosed steady; No 2 47 cash; 42J July; 353 August. Bj Ucll and lower; closed heavy: No. 2, G2 cash: 59 tor Aoeast. Barley Dull and lower at 75 for September. Receipts Floar 5,1 10: wheat 10,725;corn 106,- 980; oats 14,li; rye 6.100: barley 350- Shipments Floor 4,749: wheat 1,068: eorn 301 S44: oats 27,018: ry 1,809; bark'y 1,600. Whisky Steady at 91. Provisions Pork quiet and caser; $14,25 cash or ?ell-r Aarn.t. Lard 10i cash. CMcag-o XiiT Stock. Telegraphed to the Asses. TJaiox Svooa Yabbs, Jsly 15. Cattle Receipt. 1,278; market dall and flat; pen. full of all kinds of stock; Texans sold at $2 80a4 50 for eommon throarh and eorn fed, and a few fair to good natives $5 00a5 75. Hogs Receipts about 7,000 and less active ; (al5e lower; elosing weak ; sales range $4 4 65 heavy and light. Sheep 497; firm, all sold at la4 -.0. -fiEKOSHA Sond for ciroular. -....-WIS. H. E. BEELET, M.D. !i GENERAL w- r SERMANtA INSURANCE COMPLY OF CHICAGO, ILL. Cash Capital, Jt200.000.00 anrplns, S57.820.64 DinmcK & Shaw, Agents, apr21-dly RockJg!and. Of pnl. Countv. shoes Horses in the most workmanlike manner. f .killfnl workmen; horses .hnd withoat nain. Having a praeuoai M i.nd.d .merienee in tbe business, I solicit yonr patron? ge, confident that I can please von, and j i...... -o.k th.n ui other sboer in the oity. KhonKim of the 1!1W llt-iKBD. cuvi, Washington street, near tbe river. may5-dtf w atiim ' WILLS & HTJSRAY, CHAMPIOX '"PHE GREAT AM2R1CAN HKALIH 1 RGST0RHR. narifl.s tha blood and cures 6grofuia, Byphills, Bkla Dis aasas, Rouumitlsia, Diseases of Women, and all Chronis Affoations of tha Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Reaommeoded by the Medical S aoulty and maay thoaa anas at oar best citisens. . ij;,j fn, nnnsnirarv aaa . 7C HORSE SHOERS Read tha testimony of physioiansi AID Blacksmiths, ... .i a Ci.J Corner Esgle and Orleans street,(iytno m - dard s enop,; Tot tne Piano - -Tor tbe Violin - - -For the rinte - - - bitber or all mailed to any seipt of the price. - 75 cents. - 75 cents. - 75 cents. address on re- PBONOI'XCED by teachers tha most useful and best series extant. Liberal discount on quantities to tha trade. "THE TREASURE," A new and bright book for Sunday Schools, High Schools, or tha Sooial Cirela. Sample Copies mailed at 60 cents ; $45.00 per hundred. "81XDAT SCHOOL S0SG," The most popular and cheapest Sunday Sebool Book extant. Price 10 eeats $10.00 per hun dred 206 SORTH FIFTH STREET PUBLISHERS. m27-dedl2m. 6T. LOCI8. CHEAPFARfilSJBEETRMEL Chicago, SLech Island and Pacific Railroad Company. GOO,000 iVcroa CHOICE IOWA LANDS. This Company is now offering for sale about six hundred tlioosand acres of the finest agri cultural lands in the Wes. The Company sells only to actual se Itlers, and the prices are exceed ingly reasonable, rarging from $a to $15 per acre the average being aboat $8. The greater part of these lands are situated along the line of its railroad between the cities Ilea Moines aad Counsil Bluffs, and are in the nio acoessible anu icrtile region in tbe btate. Sales made lor cash or on credit long enough to enable any industrious man to pay for the land out ot its crops. These lands are held under a title di.-eot trom tna general tiovernmeit, and are not mort gaged or encauibered in any way. Full warranty deeds given to purchasers. For maps, pamphlets, or any other inform. tion respecting them, address Ebkbezkb Cook, Land Commissioner, Devon por, Iowa. f..Vfl.Uril TlLh.fc.l S ara sold at tbe Com pany's ticket offices at Chioage, and all other principal stations on Its line, and if the parcha ser bays land the amoant paid for tbe ticket is applied on the purchase money. ORIENTAL CREAM. i Card to Druggists aad Dealers. A DAKGEROl'S AHD POISONOUS COUN TERFEIT OF Dr. T. T. Qonraad's ORIENTAL CREAM, 02 MAGICAL BEACTIFlERt Is Attempted ts he Palmed off on the PubUo. BA. GALLUP, M. D., TJroscopta Physician, Marshall, Mich. Send for pamphlet. Agents ! Head This ! VyH WILL PAY AGESTS ASALARTOF II $30 per Week aad Expense., or allow a large commission to ssli onr new aad wonderful invantioaa Address M. WAGFER i, CO., Marshall. Mieh. AfcKMH.TAKK.VUIU.;.' GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY THE Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch Hou?, Palace Row, ROCK I.-tLASD, ... ILLS. Wheie we are cfferiar. unrivalled Tees, at tha same low priees a at their "K.itern House." By imporiing Teas in cargo l"ts. they enable as to retHil to tho consume- at extremely low pr-.ces. Don't fail to vi"it the Hong Kong Tea Store, at 1'mace now, wnere will be found tha finest, porest and freshest Teas, Coffees and Spi ees, at prices beyond competition. mv6dw3a POWilb k rKsKMAS. Ag U Th e rwin oor ee.Tit. mnke o mneh rn-inev, heeaus ,tur ieooi are tiret-ctai!i : people hke them, and tiiev are warranted, wanted A. K. TAV LuR, X Moe live Ajrents liiiluin, C'u QO Q C A Mantk Horse and Uarriage famish OOJ. J K.xpenseipaid.H.chK,Aifi.l,Me SALHSMhS wsnted to Travel f.T a Manufa tarinff Co. Quod salarv, .tesdr einiilvmeDt. B. P.Cu-PKR t CO.. lriti aim St.: Ciucinnati.O. A MILLION DOUlTl Shrewd bat quiet men can make a fortune hy revealing the secret of tUe bueiucBB iu uo oue. Addrest J. WEST. 68 Broadvav, New York. 51ILMACREE. BADGER STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! JiOS. 1, 3 & S CLYBOUBS ST., Ik West and Huron St., Bridge, ZfcXilwanbee, - Wis. F. F. ADAMS & CO., PROPRIHTOBB. Order from close Cash Buyers solicited, mchft-dly The oapreoedeated popularity and anirersal demand lor this innooent cesmelio haa excited tha cupidity of a bold and iufamoua coanler teiter, in imitating tha label and the bottl of my Cream, la the label, the dash divid ing the words "Trade-mark," and tba period after the latter word, are omitted. There is no dot separating tha dollar aad cents of the price in the oounturfeit. Th last word of each line of ill "Direction" in tha counterfeit ia the fol lowing : "Ul',""ie," "large," "tba" ud'none;" these words, in the genuine, begin each lis of the "Direction." 'lb counterfeit la' el is a brighter scarlet, and th angraving Inferior 1 l,e sit at the top Is doll and of poor quality. In other respects the counterfeit is well oaKulated to deceive. Druggists should be an their guard when my Cream is offered at legs price tlias$l 14 per gro.a, less tea per cent discount. 1 have never, lo a firm or house, sold it fur less, aoraver have received an order for more than a gross at a time, nor have I ever exchanged the Cream for other goods, demonstrating that it any oneouers mv Cream tor less, it is a eouuteneu. Alt orders, to insure the gennine, should be sent to my only office. No. 4s Bond street, Hew York, formerly No. 45.; Broadway and No. 87 Walker street. x. iiui uocBArn. Jr.i'rtKfos Mabket Policb Corar. Jamas L. HottoB, of 4U Dey street, was arraigned before J.dge Cox on a charge ot eosnierfeuing the trade-mark and label ut Dr. T. Felix liour au 'a Original Cream, or Hiagio I'.eautifier. It appears that this ingenious operator palmed off on A. K. bands one grots oi me .psrioui nun, lot which he obtained $114, being $15.60 ls ihan thi article is invariably .Old by Dr. ti. The said gross, minus six bottles, have been honorably delivered by faid firm to Dr. ii. The misorable eoeuterleiwr disposed of anothir Crittenden, X". 7 Sixth avenue. Ibis gentleman very lindfomly n turned all he had ucsold viz, seven doien. Anoiner gro.. old to l'l.ti, t.-ott ., Broadway, tea doieu of which were scld to John F. Henry. Not one of thes-e bottles bus btea returned to Dr. ii The representative of Mr. Eenry aisured Mr l..t.':t every bottle should be destroyed. Mr. I.ouraud is determine, if possible, to stop this knuviMi business of oounleriei'.irg. by legal prcoedirg" aud the publication of Ilia name ef aery vender who ia cognisant of the preparation beiugeonn la the meatitlme parebafers cannot le t'Ki mueh -n tlilr gaard : and be ure to get lha Orient! Cream, or Magical be autifier, of reputa ble LrJi.-gi.te, aud at Mr. felix orrd's only depot, o.4 Eoud street. Esteoii.uea tcirty one vers ilouraud's well krovo Italian Medi- sat.d Hoap, i'r the cure of skin diseases, nc. fiftv cents, i still lor le ; also his Poudre Subtile, for opraoting superfluous hair saiely and qaiekly ; Liquid Rouga. LilywhiU, ete. saves. The rash still eontinnes at the Plunder Store, and ao loader, far the) are eoastaath receiviag lew av r Goods and sell so Cheap. KEV AllSl.TWii;Mt:.i -s. s6r AND - RETAIL T i aaw1 A ,1 Ttaalnf i l S Glass, Putty, &c - Physician's Proscriptions ac- irately oompoonded at all lioars. Also, a nue assort- --i ment of Perfumeries and Toi- let Articles. l UC - w . rft and "liOLDEN (JT kL S30IZ SXTSIZ7G. WZZ.X.ZASX SITZsZ.B2L Eook Binder and Paper Hangers Shop on Orleans St., apposite Court fioase. a0CK ISLAND : ILL, V&. Ail kiorls of Paper Boxes made to ordor. augUd tf PHILADELPHIA Oroameatal froa Works. ROBERT WOOD & CO., 13 RID6E A VS.. PHILADELPHIA, PI MaDut'actnrere of ouBtains, Vases, Statuarj, eraadas, Bummer Hoasss, Arbors, Chairs, Bt- tes, Ao., Ac, Cast and Wrougbt Iroa EailiDf s, For public buildings and fiqnaree, 0mtrj lots, Garden fences. Balconies, Koof Castings, ate., in great variety of patterns. IRON STAIRS Spiral and Straight, of varions patterns aad tyles. Special attention given to this class ot ork. LAMP POSTS, r Public Building-, H in and elaborate deeig STABLE FITTINGS, 0 f Cast asd Wrought Iron of New Improved Styles such as Bay hacks. Stall Divisions. Han- Harness Brackets, Gutters. Traps, Ventil ators, ac. fVCRK, Of every description. Wire Jor., of Crlmpad Wire, ualvantsed or painted. In plain aud orna mental patterns, for more Doors, and Windows, ifactory and H arehon.e indcws. Railings for OfSaes, Banks. Counter Rn'.Mn gs , Balconies, Laws and fsrm t eneet, c. or Fronts of Fublio Buildings, Motels and aity streets, of plain and elaborate designs. hll Mondav niirht w-r of an tnllam-1 urn-u isv. avn ILIB. atory character and the Urana Jury oi tne Eyery detcril)tion of F,ging done in the most Pnnrt of Over and Terminer, which is now ;. ....inn intends founding an indiotment nnon them. It ia also said that uarey uaea his influence with the Mayor to have the having taken It bottl.. af em rnadi' sin. Tha other Is a aasa ef scrofula of 1 long standing, whUh is rapidly improv- I lng nader its uss, and tha indications I ara that tha patient win loon recover. A or Almanac for this Tear, which wepab lish for (ratnltoaa diatribation ; it will give you moh valaabia information, Dr. K. W. Carr. ef Baltimore, says I tak nleassre la recommending 7r osada;is a a Ttry powanni ai- " . tn affBC, . I .i.;. k. .iMnl.ud a reDort that thons f sacoadary syphilU, ia which th pa- M(i 0f Hibernians had armed themselves tiant pronoanud hlai.lf nursd after! j a th. narada at any 00t i . . . j . . u . the grand jury also intena so muio. .u .:.... ..nahr f, pin it at tha rirocession, for Tha e-rand lury will adiourn to-aay, euo I have aarafully examined tha formula I j,ct to the oall from the District Attorney 8 by wklehyoar lasadall. i. mad., .ad JfR to jnvestiirate the riot, and Reoorder find it aa axeallaat oap.acld ef alser- .M w41l ait asil week to try the oases B ..... 1 . T m. .nc t.rf .. .in, ara Df. Bnarka. of lonoiSTlll. K . .... OI luoao - h has nsad Rosadalis ia eaees f Bo,.. I n,m rr P.tiitt.' aaed 22. wag iniUntlj fula and Saeoadarr flyphlli. with ..t .L. tr,..M7 Twtil- looking nt the faatory results as a olaaa.rona.bUod v" " ' " . " h. m,rried t u 4. nrnrwaa on. He m eogared to be tnarrieu ...... IV , frt. t.nnvs a Bamaal . MeFaddea. Jiarirwaaooi, i ,n tv0 weeal. lAii bsuuimu ii Taaa., sayst . J ravin v maniac , "I have Bead swveB hattla of osa- . p.H..m- r..m.i Maoev wa aasauiteo dlis, and am entirely oured of Bhaum-1 d j. nnded thU tndrninf, atl.m ; sand ma roar bottles, as 1 wish ... . J... W1 h .om. oersoB Lnlli., wh k.a .jreofulonj I I"""'""! " ' ' ' , .AT. ..... D oi . aiin a T..M. .inio. i n ubi.i.u writes. I hav suffered for twenty years I Six more wounded Oied to-aay as so. with i avetarato eruption over his I different hospitals, making forty nine ?iobm wholohady; a tsh.rt time siaea X pur-1 - u . chased a bottle of Rosadalis aad It of. , -.norien for the daily , ionrnals footed a pwfMteara.- . , . 1 ... Wadnesday. eworn in a ipeoia! Kosadaltala sold by au arurgisis. , t " " ... i Iiaboratory, (1 Sishang Place, Sal- polioemen ana am goo" tlssore. Sr. CLX71K&TS 00. I Th-funerals othe late Sergeant Wyatt Propo.tors. ... . claoe on San- UU avi ? w -B)W ----- , -r a nVi..V VAnrih atonnn Alfli. .L. I diT irOQl UITI1T wflWM, --- workmanlike asanner. Bati.laotion gaar- antued or no pay. fubl3-d8m Avoxxoxsr u O0XSS2fZ0&r a unknown, but supposed to be an enraged sjosbXa rAj&AAivM 6ENEB1L 1CCTI0HKEB, Office in Police Magistrate's Offioc, ROCK ISLAND, - ' - - ILLIK0IS. aa,Witl promptly attend to all business ea- in.t.d to his aara. lietioa aad Coooissioa THerclisaaat. ; &OC2E XEiAlffO, - - Plaoo of basiaeos oa ILLIH0I8 STREET, Kaxt door to Don BlUoK's Stove 8 tor. ... ssbwoM3 . Seeds received ob eoaaigaaeat, Partiealar Atteatioa Girt a to sales U eoaBtry ad oltf- FURiiinru e beta saw aadsoooad hand, ksaght aad sola, saeyMlr. ' ' Projiriators and Manufacturers of MILL mm DRESSES, OTTAWA, IL1,. This celebrated Dresser is a perfect suseess, and all are warrauted. mvimdiy IIOrSE AKD LOT FOE fjALk'. IOFFEE MT NEW KISIDENCE A COT taga, containing seven rooms, all new j Cn iakd ; and lot containing one half acr,sitoted on Gnyer atraet, between Cherry aad Madison streets. Frnit, oruameutal tree and vines all growing oa the lot. For terms and particulars apply on tbe premises. jjSdtf K0BT.F. BEID. RICHARDSON'S lB18H liners, ba". MASKS. LIS EI IAMBX1C IIAKDKEKCBIEFb, AC. Wo foal oartelves called on again to 0ATJ- 1AUJM VOHbC AlEfts against the iadUcriminaU use ef Irish fatriea made op to imitate our gooda in tola, trade mark and general appoarancaaa to warn tuem, tbat their only saleguard it to sea mat tne autben tie seal of our firm, J. H. BICHARDSOK, E0K6 OWDEH, is stamped on eaeh article. Determined to eonfine ourselves, as heretofore, to the as. of yarns spun from the choicest and strongest Flax, by tha best machinery obtaina ble ; uniform in weight and olastieity manu factured and bleached nnder our own snperinteo- w)uwxo. oonsamor win no .j eEABASTBED BT OCB SBAL the same durability and satisfaction in the wear, whioh the genuine goods have always a lorded. 7. V. BICHAEDS0H, SOUS & 0WUEU Uelfast, Ireland, 6, 18T1. jelldw3m SZZS-TZSTS. r?E.. a. sc. Bsismc DENTIST. LL JJESTAL OJ-KRATIOFB PEBF0KM ED according to the n.ost approved vrioci- vmee in rJ.rj ers Jiiufk, cor of liiiools aug!8-dtf les. and Buffalo streets. J. W. STAiilv, DENTIST, P00M8 K1XT BOOK TO TELEGBAPQ Ah. Office, Illinois street, Rock Island. All kinds of Dental work dona lathe mostapprov ed manner. Charges reasonable. aplO 4wly - LIME AlTDjDEMENT ! Winkoop'8 Cordoila White Fin- igblBg Limes POET BTKOH L DAVES POET LIME LOUISVILLE AND UTWA CEMENT. FLASTEtt PAEI8, v LASD FLAsTEH, , .-w.;v.J-PU8TEinis HAIS, 9-dtf MATTHEWS A CO., Soelk 119 TRAVELING SALESMEN - a- 10 DOLLARS A DAY v DONE AWAY WITH. Sxtit if the reason We can sell tbe BEST QUALITIES OF WINES AND LIQUORS TffAK AST OTSBR HOtTrlE. J. WEITZEL & BBOs, ' , IMPOETEBS, i j ; 11 II Waat Bandolpk Street,. asaj3dlm .i t - 1S0 A Clergy mtn, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe end S'.mple remedy tor the cure of Kcrvous Weakne.s, Early of the Urinary and Seminal Or gans, aud tha whole train ot aisrUers trocgnt on by baneful ana vicious habits. irri.t nam hers hve been cured ly this noble remedy Prompted by a desire to benefit the aliiicted scd unfortunate, I will send thereelp for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs It, free of charge. Address Jos. T. Iisii, Station D. Bible Hoase.N.Y.City ALE & FORTES. Cream and Stock Ales. GOH & STRONG Proprietors of the MERCHANTS LUNCH, Are sole Agnts for Paaslee a Celebrated Cream and Stork Ales. For sale by the Barrel or Balf Barrel. oci2a dif GATES, For n!rBce to Ceiutirks. I'uolio Sqaare and GeutieLuen' Country Sais, of tias Tubing or Wrought Iron, bo;h f?ingl or F-oabl in elbor- ate and simple denizes Kstimciasand Drsiiras st'iit on applioation. stattag tbe Ciaes of wot k oe.igaed. rurchasera may rely on barinr. 'l artleles carefully boxed and shipped to the plc ef des tination mcliT-dnm Saloon & Billiard Rooms, He, 3 Harper Bouse Block, BOCK ISLAND, ILI Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskiel;, Aid Impcrted Wine t BrtndicM Agent for Bards, U'ls, and Joliat Ales, also beat Eeoteh and English Ales and London Por ter for sale. TJtiea White Pnd for sle by th Varrtl. Ag- nt for A. Zellar's Billiard and Pigeon Hole Tabl Manufactory. apr4-dtf H, E. WEST, Proprietor. OaOCZ3S.!X33. &c. JAMES KELLY. GLASS. rsiTaJBunais STAINED GLASS WORKS, KO. 23 MAkkk.1 IT., PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM XELSON, Glass Stainerand Me tallic Sash Manufacturer best adapted for church windows. Having erected tbe most complete and extensive apparatus for the manu facture of colored and ornamental window glass, he is prepared to furnish evey verity for church es, private reaidenees, office windows, eto , ia superior Style. Orders from all parts of tha country will receive prompt attention. fa18d7y. DeHAVEN'8 WILD CHERRY Tbe Best Tonic ia tke World FOB Dyspepsia, Indigestion, ; loss of Appetite, GKSEHAL BELILITf , CHILLS. FAC Staple and Fancy Grooeri.s, Provisions, Qeeensware, Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware. Ao. Corner Orleans and Ohio street, BOCK ISLAND, .... ILL. For quality of good) aad prices, I defy com petition. !nchlly X7AX.Z. rAXZ3S. THE V71LD X1IERBY BITTtHS 1 HAS ISO SQJJAI,. It U acknowledge b ovary ona who has Uken It, to b tk " "' ftiBestRemedy For th. dls" named ever offered. Depot, 4 IiaSalle" strt, CHICAGO,...... . "bHAvES a wales, tl ' - Bol MaBufaetarers. For sals by Druggists. ' - j22-dw6m Just Received Twenty thousand rolls of Wall Paper, New and Beautiful Patterns, Elegant, Cheap Window Shades, Scotch and American, B u If, G r e e n. and white Ilollands, Cords,Tas sets, Fixtures, &c. A line assortment ol 'walnut,' rosewood and gilt, L and gilt mouldings, atl. J "Walter S, Gates!. DB. GOVliAl D'8 ITALIAN MEDICATED St)Ap is found to be ail sufficient for th eom piel removal iiom th skin of Tan, Fieckles, nd buiiturn ; or, in tact, any disfigurement waich it tn result cf actmitm ; while its medi cal properties are ot so powerfal a nature s. to Le otect . ti tb removal oi cuianeoos empnons and ail scorbutic appearanees, including Kry sipelat, ecaid llead. salt lihaam, Barber a Itch, Moth, etc. Old Boras ara rapidly healed by it, and the pain from in bites of Uusqultoes, the stings of w asps or other venemmis insects, is immediately ailayed, and chaps, cracks and caafts ara hetlid by it. In fset no family should be witboat this soap, but mot especially those who live remoia from cities, in place here at all times it is not easy to procure medical at tendance, iieitbcr ihoald tba Sisman te with out it, as it is a complete remedy for seurvy , and can be mod in her or salt water aa well aa soft. In addition theieto, it is perfectly buoyant. The Italian Medicated B.ap may therefore be considered as the greatest boon which modern science has conferred on mankind. DIKECT10NS FOR USE. For Brjsipelas, fait Bheum, worms in the skin, chaps, chafe;, r.dnsss, mellowness, and all skin deformities, Ring worm, Beald Bead, Eeurvy, Bailors Itch, etc., the soap must be made into a thick latiier, aad well rabbed in several times a day with a shaving; brnsh. For Pimplaa. Ian, reck If.-, Sunburn, Sallowness, Kuoghneea, Ma.quilo bites, or Vt.nemou. sting., it should be o.ed three or fonr times a day. ia severe cases make a paste and apply, provided it does net produce a smarting sensation. This snap is moreover the most glorious cemponad for shaving over iavee vented, and can b ased with cither hard or Bolt water, and Bo seaman should go to sea without a supply, as it is a complete aatidoto to scurvy, oil cents a case. lha folli wing ia aelected fosa a number of communications In praise of Dr. Gonraud's LI- yllD KOCGE : Dr. Fblix Gocbatb : Dear Sir As a leading actress, I am compelled to rovje occasionally. Having never aeon anything of the kind equal to year Vegetable article, having- .t riven in vain to procare it in this eity, I shall b greatly obliged (should it not te too insignifieaat for you; if yon advise me how and at what cost I can procure a bottle with the least trouble to my self. rioas"1 address . Philadelphia, Pa." Certificate from the eeleLmted Pr Hoe?'";i. in praise of I.r. Gouraad's I'OUFRB STBTII-E, lor iij, rooting auperCueus hair from any part of Ttte human body : "I have bad an opportunity of oi-servitig li e operation of DrTeli Uouraud'e pr- r srtit o fcr tUe removal of superflm us heir, aud am perfict ly ti?fid ot its peculiar effi a--y. Af er uu an aly e of thecompo.itioc of these pc it-rs. I eon w it bun ' ai.J t,eitaton pr r;ct perfect ly taru,;..? in ever Ttav iifr!t'y superior nv j r araik.n of the iic.l -rer i fierd t thi ol ;.- I have pleaMiio :b aiwns: them my re-.,'iiimeiid.lioD. btiuir tnus ful J COBvicocd of vaii,e. ja?. a. i:or,-T05: x. d , f !i' ,r N. T l.aneet. t. i kux gci An, sr d., aad Pruetiral Chemi t, 4-1 B md i-treet, forim-r!y iiiZ Broitdwai. To be h.lof Or. T. I'eliB Gouraud.So 4S l;,,ad street, Nc York, and WWeta.'e iu 't litk, of F C Wells Co, Ml Fulion street: J F Ernrv ( Co.'iejre Place; W 11 SchiefTeiin Co,-"o i; William cueet; McKess.-n A Kobbis, tl Ful ton siraet: Arnold A McSary, 47 Park Plac : Crittenden, fith Avenne; Iliads, Haorrtetio A Murphy, 1 Barclay street; liegeman A Co, -13 Broedway, and Drug, lata generally. j.MJeod,t,t t AaoaaoJtn K. H. GAEBKEU Be CO. ABO MABCBAOTCBBBS OF LEATSEE BELTIXG ! Ofo, l"i Wasbingtoa Street, BnfTalo, K". "ST. Tannery, 852 Saneca streei. octS-daod-t.t.s-iy D. & J. HILL. XEW LIVEItl STABLE, . . , (Dimick sOid Stand,) Waftaiug-toa Jtreet, : - - Bock Islaad Partieular attention paid to furnishing Carnages for Parties, Balls, Processions, Fune rals, Ac. PrlTdtf :C0?F & BEOs, livery asd Salt? Stables. ' OSeo under Dart'a tZali, ROCK ISI.A lt .V."-V:..t...II-I8- Vost Complete Establishment" ia the City? Particular attertion paid to furnishing Carriage for parti, bails, Freeassiocs, eto, - sahtaly HmtMtt lawa J B 4 - or