Newspaper Page Text
,1 Saturday, Jaly W. 1 111 KILLING fcCWEIS THE PITTS-j BCttCfOfSrftY IS 1797. b Capture of Matey XXor&laxn aSnrdr of her Children and ber Xiscape from tiXidiafc In 17 OX COKUKCSD. I took it off the second time and threw it od ih. ground, Bad again closed my eyes with ibe option thai 1 should meat death; tot instead of thia. the savage again took ap the bora, tad with aa indignant, fright ful countenance, came and plactd it on mm. 1 took it off the third time, tod m determined to ffect it, end therefore three it. aa far M 1 wm able, lrom me, over tor rock. The iifuo immediately went after it. while the ooe who claimed me e hie iquaw, ana woo naastooueuu wuuw.aeu a 1 . J J '. ji i. u transection, Came up to me nod said, wen done. 1 did right and waa a good squaw, and that the other was a lazy too ot a 0 h; ha tniirht oarrr it himself" 1 cannot but now sufficiently admire the iudultrrnl cart ot a vraoious God. that at this niouirnt pre served ma amid ao many temptations, from tbetumahawk aud acatpiog knife. The lavages now obauged their position, and the ooe who claimed me aa hia aquaw, went be hind. Thit movement, I believe, waa to prevent the other from doing me aa injury; and we went on until we struck the Goue gueayaiug Lick, about t ro mile above Butler, where was an Iodiao oamp, where we arrived a little before dark, having had o refreshment doring the day. The oamp wai made of atakee driven in the ground eloping, and covered with chestnut bark ; and appeared sufficiently long for fifty men The oamp appeared to Lave been occupied f ir some time; it waa very much beaten, and large beaten paths went out from it in d if fereot direotioos. That night they look me about three hundred yards from the camp, cp a run, with a large dark bottom, where they out the brash in a thicket and placed a blanket oo the ground, and permitted me to sit down with my child. Ibey then pin ioned my arms back, only with a little lib er.-v, S3 that il was with diifioulty that 1 managed my child. Here io this dreary situation, without fire or refreshment, having an ioian to take care of, and my arms bound behind me, sod having a savage on each side of me, wh had killed two of my children that day, 1 bad to pais the tirst night of my captivity Ye motners, who have never lost a child b) aa inbomaa savage, or endured the almost indwertDabie sum;; here related many nevertheless think a little (though il be but little) what I endured ; and hence now you are enjoying sweet repose, and the comfort. of a peaceful ana well replenished bebita tion. Sympathize with ooe a little, as one, wLo wai a pioneer ia the work of cultiva tion and civilization. Hut tne trial ana dangers of the day 1 had passed, had so complied exhausted uature that, not with stealing my im pleasant aitualion, and roj determination lo escape if pb.aible, 1 inseu ailf.y foil a.leep, and repeatedly dreamed ot my escape, nod aafa arrival in Pittsburg, and aeveral thing relating to the town, of wuich 1 knew nnihiog at the time, but found to be true whan 1 arrived there The tirst niphi patsed a y, and I found no means o escape, far the savages kept wat.h tb. whole of the night, without any sleep Iti th morning ot.e of thm left us, to watch tht trail or path we bad come, to see if ant white people were pursuing us. During tbt absence of the Iudiao. the ooe that cla tneii me, and who remained with tuc, snd whi wai the murderer of my lout boy, took from his boaona his sca'p, and prepa'ed a boop and stretched the sca'p upon it. 1 bos mothers wbo hare not seen the Ii a e dme bi one of the scaip of their own cbiidret (and few if any, evn had auch toiler? t endure) will be able to form but part idea of the feeliars which then barrowed op my soul; I meditat'd escape, while he wan in the very art. I attempted to take his tnma hawk, which hung by his side and rested on the ground, and had nearly succeeded and was. a I thought, abot.t to vive th fatal blow, when aUo I was delected. The savage frit me a: hi. toiuahew handle, luruud around upon m-. c ;r.i d me, and toid me I wa a "Vaukee," tiiun iuaiuu alio? he uodirat io 1 my intention, aud l prevent me from doing .o acaiu, taoed rue My etcne to him for handling hi loin. ha k wa, the' mv cbi'.d w.nti-d to Ui with the handle of fit. Here agnin I won dered at my merciful preervatiot, for the looks of the Iadian were terrific in ike el treme ; and tbe were only an inJex to b; heart. But God was my preserTer. Th savage wbo wect opoo the lookout in the morning, came bank about twelve o'clock and ha1 discovered oo persons then the one who had baen guarding me weDt out on tne lame errand. The savage who waa now my guard, began to examine me about tbr while people, the strength of the aimy goinr against toera. Ao , and boastrd largely of their achievements in the preceding fall, at the defeat of Geo Si Clair. He thea ex amined into plunder which he had brought from our house the day before. Ha foi ad my pocket book and money in his plunder, there were ten dollars io silver, aud a bal eagle or guinea in gold in. that book. Dt r ing this day they gave me a piece of d y venison about the balk of an egg, and a piece about tba same size the day before ftr my support, and that of my child ; but owing to ths blows I bad received fioa ihtm in my jaws, I wan unable to aat a bit of it, I broie it np and gars il to the child. The savage on tbe lookout returned about dark Ti ii venitig ( Monday, tbe "3d.) they mov ed me to another station io the same fall:y, and eecured me aa they did tbe preceding night, thus I found my self tbe second nig hi between the two Indians without fire or re freshments. During this night I was fre quently asleep, notwithstanding my un pleaaaut situation, and an otten dreamed of my arrieal in PttUbu.g tarly on tbe morning of the 2-4 h a Uock of J mocking birda aud robin hovered over us, aa we lay in our uncomfortable bed, a"d sung, and said, at least to my imagination, that I waa to get up and go otf. As soon as day broke oue of tbe Indian went off again to watch the trail, as on tbe preceding day, and he who wat lelt to take charge of m ', appeared to be aleepinfr. When 1 preoeiTed this, i lsy still and began to snore, aa if 1 was asleep, and be felt aileep. Then 1 concluded it was time t') escape. 1 touud it luipo.iible to injure him, for my child was at the hrea.t, as 1 could not e&eoi aoything without putting the child down, and then it would oiy ana give tbe alarm, to 1 contented mtsell with taking frum a pillow ca.e of pluuder taken from oar house, a short gown, hs.nd kerobief, aod childs frock, aud so msde my eoape; the sua then being about half an hour high I took a direction from borne, at Brut being guided bv the birdl before men tioned, and in order to deceive tba Indians then took over the hilt, and efucs the t'on negueneping creek about two miles from where I orus.ed it with tbe Indians, and Went down tbe stream till about two o'clucU io the afternoon, over rocks, precipices, thorns, briars, Ao., with my bar feet and lea. I then discovered by the sun, aod tbe running of the stream, that I was on the wrong course, aod going from, instead of coming near home. I then obauged my c Hi'se. attended a hill, and sat down till, and the evening star made its app.arance, when I discovered tbe way I should travel, aod having marked the direc tion intended to take the next morning, I collected some leaves, mad op a bed, and laid mvself down and slept, though my feel beior fall of (horns, began to be extremely painful, and T bad nothing still to eat for mvseif or child. The next morning (Friday. the 25th or May.) about .ha breaking of dv, I m aroused from my slumber by tbe flock of bird, before mentioned, whioh still continued with ' ma. and having them to guide me through the wilderness 8o soon aa it was sufficiently light tor ma to travel, and 6nd mv way, I started for tha fourth day's trial of hanger and fatigue. There was aothiaw very material occurred aa this W I waa travaling , tad I made tha beat af my way according, to my knowledge, towards tha Alleghany Hivsr. In the evening, aoout tha going down of tha son, a moderate rain came on, and I beg.o to prepare tor my bed, by collecting (ome leaves together, as I hl uous tha night before ; but could -ol eoii,ct a sutfioient quantity. aoa, getting my little boy OB -e ground ; bat as sooaas 1 pot bias oat ot my arms, be began to ery. t earful of tha consequences ot his neise in this situation, 1 took aim in my arms aod pot bias to tne breast immediately, and ha beoatne quiet. I tbeu stood and liiened,and distinctly beard the footaleps of a maa coming after me, ia tha same direotioa 1 had oome j the ground over which I bad beea travelling was good, and the mold was light ; I had therefore left my footmarks, and the exposed ssyseit to a eecoad captivitv. Alarmed at my perilous situation, 1 looked aronua ior a place oi .afety, and providentially discovered a large tree which had fallen, iato tba top of wbiob I crept with my child ia my arms, and there I hid myself securely under tha limbs. Tbo darkness of tbe night greatly assisted me, and preserved ma from detection. Tbe footsteps I heard were those of a aarage Be had beard tha cry of tha child, and came to the spot where tbe child cried, and then be baited, put down his goo, and was at this tina to n ar, that I heard the wip:ng stick strike against bis gun distinctly. My get ting in tinder the tree, and ahelteriag my aalf from tha rain, and pressing my boy to my bosom, got bios warm, and most provi deotially be fell asleep, aod lay very still during tbe time of my danger at that lime All was still aad quiet, me savage was istening, if bv posiibtlity he might agaia hear tbe cry he had heard before. My o heart was the only thing I feared, and that beat so loud that i was apprehensive would betray me. It is almost impossible to conceive, or to oeueve, tbe wonderful effect my situation produced upon my whole lyatem. 1 ne savage bad stood and listened with nearly the stillness of death, for two lours, the sound of a bell and aery like that of a night owl, aignala which were given to him from bis savage companions, induced him to answer, and after he had given a most borrid yell, which was calculated to barrow np my soul, ha marled off to ioin hem. After the retreat of the savage to his companions, I concluded it onsafe to remain n my concealment nntil morning, lest thev should conclude upon a search, and being with the light of day. bod me, and either towahawk or scalp me, or otberwiae bear me back to my oaptivity again, which waa worse i ban death. But by this tim nature was nearly exhaasted, and I found some difficnl ty in moving from my situation, that eight; vet, compelled by necessity aod a love of elf preaervation, I threw my coat about my child, and placed the end between my teeth, an! with one arm and my teeth, I oarried the child, and with the other arm. groped my way between tbe trees, and traveled on, aa I suppose, a mile or two, and then sal down at tbe root of a tree till morning. Tbe night was oold and wet, and thus I termina ted the fourth day and night's difficulties, trials hunger and danger. The fifth day, Saturday 2(ith of Mav, wet and exhauated, hungry and wretched, I started from my resting place in the morning, as soon as I coold see my way, aad on that morning struck the head water of Pine Creek, which rail into the Alleghany about four miles above Pittsburg, tbcugh I knew not then hat water ihey were, but croeied them. nd on tbe opposite side or bank I found a piiih, aod discovered in it two moccasin tracks, fresh indented, and the men who had made them were before me. and traveling on the same direction that I was traveling This alarmed me ; but as they were before ne, and traveling in the same direction aa I as, I concluded I could ee them as noon as hey could see me, aud there I pressed oo in that path for about three miles (TO BK COHTIN-riD ) t-a.OlvGlr;ifU. I. C. PECK, Photographer ! ROCK IMLANO, ILL. mV Negatives Preserved. feb2 drim i iilmhm; 8(11.411 r 4 unmamuLL, Merchant Tailors, At new .hop oa Madison street, Orleans, Koek Island, have a atnex of pieie finds, and ate prepared te make up clothing to ord.r. Perfect flts guaranteed. Cleaamg, ijourlc'. Cutting and repairing dineeheaply ind promptly . A share of eastern r-speotfaiiy loliaired. mh8d rirtE boxes. BOXESI'BOXES! PAPER BOXES PAPER BOXES! PIPER BOXES r.LWCnifcD l EIlTFIELl', anafactarsra ef oif S mi 0 ' all daasriptio ns IT os. 75 and 7 Wabash Aveaue. atniCAGO sn, aprillSdwIy i il? m Hi WASHING. Warfield's CGLD WATER SELF-WISHING IT ashes in Cold or Warm, Ha-d or Soft Water WITHOUT BOILING AND Without injur to Clothes, OR WITHOUT RU13BIKG ON TI1E WASHBOAKD, Saving Labor. Time and Fuel I This Poap which has beea ia a In the West (or Ik last eoa(bs bss gif n, wherever intreduoed, the most ua v-rtsl satisl etion Try il aad you will ase ae etlt. . Maanfaetared by the 10LD WATER 80A.P COfJiriKP, bS Worth Desplaines Street, CHIC AGO. L I . For sale by al Oreeers. aprl-dwnm for sale In Rook Island by fTI eg A Burst, at Hard', eld stead. , KKfcr 1 HIS BLOOD i'l ttb and good health will follow. Independent ef the danger te life end tbe misery .-orolut brings o. pcrerity,buwBy uAertb. foul to r.m.ia lu me system tor a life time Ulcers and I ore that are eating away tea ver y foaniaia ot tfe er. aim enow. to go on. Pimples. Blotch- ee ead fetters alia eisngure th. fwes of ihous- lenes. iser i no tmnin for all thu l.mea. table eoeditiou, a. a few boulaa of the Samar.- teal Root and Herb Juioes will eradicate the tool taint ead leave the blood ere and healthy. some win any m.y bare ben trying in Tain both Doctors and medioine for the cure of oorotcla and given up all hoD.s ev.n relief. uoo we ay tea Kuot aod Hrb Juioea ji a positive euro aod we will fernitb it free of charge until aur ia, t na providing beyond a doubt tha ail eaa eaa be eered. - Pple end Dioiefirs removed thereby saving mary nnplea ant remarks. Lndl.s who desire a brilliant eomrlexion with fre h aad rosy cheeks ahoeld ue the Hoot and Herb Juioes. All wbo desire the medici-ie oa the abov term will plea send refer.nee ih.t tbey will pay when eured. Root and Herb Juioes si Z per battle. 4 CO. Proe'rs 815 Rase street, Philad.lpkia, Pa Bold by Draggiste. A&SAAXVA&r. axrT, is tbe enly known remedy that will radically ears arising from indesoretion. It is pur.iy vegetable. Only ten pilia to enot a ear.. last disgusting drug Balsam Copabia is still pra.oribsd for this aieas with r. ry Utile suo o.8s. rbpsicisn. ibould al one band.c its use as is frequently ebang tie disease te a more dreadtui stole than iha original It sickens th atoasaeh and eaa be ssrelt front the breath thu ij.oMn, the person using it. The Samaritans Oiftean be nsed without the ka.wU.ige of any one, ouring ia lrom two to fuor day a. Male paekagss $2, Ferns' (3, Vest bv mail We eeeaot avoid calling tha attention ot deli oat female to th Sea.ri aa Gift aa a positive oare lor vt bite. Dy lullowiag directions vou I u .v.. .. ......... . j:. 1 nwu riH vi iu .rvuuioinui eeix re oome robust and haaity. Hold by Druggist generally. ObaS. Baste., eoraer Illiaols aad Market street. Ageatfor Reek Island. mehHdwlj HAICHULOK'S UAIK UVK. Thia superb Buir D e is the 6e in tht vorld perfectly harmless, ielible and insiaotaaeous: a diaappointmeat; na rad'tt'OBa tints or cia- agreeable odor. The genntae w m. A. cat' be- lor's Hair Dve predaee Imbbbiatbi a splen did Black or Natural Brown, leaves tbe hair clean, sor, htautiul ; doa not contain a parti cle of lead or any injurious compound. Sold by all Druggist. Factory,!" B.nd street, N. Y. THE LATE BISHOP SQULE. TT IS A WELL (ESTABLISHED FAC1 that any article which ha been therooghly tested, and which invariably give satisfaction, must be a good artiola. BIdUP SOTLE'3 Ll.MMEST Invented by the late BISHOP SOULR. has proved by it own merits, that il baa no equal in til. world for the our of Sciatica, hifammatnn and Chronic Rheu matism, euralgta. Kidney and !jnval Complaint, isore Throat, Lame Buck, Sprains. lr. This Liniment u-ill instantly stop all pains caused by Burns. bav your uoetor bill; boy it: trv it ; n sotting else, and y ou wonl not be without it in your boase for ten .imes its cost. BISHOP fOVLB't; LIKIMEM will cure all of th above complaint. Bed is the oalv sore cure lor thai dreadful dire.-e f ClATirA. For sale by Drug giata. Price 75 ets. and (1.75 per cuttle. F. W. RYDIR A PON, Proprietors, jefidwly BOSTON, M A.S8. THE WCRLD IS H ARMS. Against the new buir-coloiing preparations. Science eonurmt them. They are virtually dead Meanwhile, frUUtiero's I xfrMor Hair Djp. proved by time and sanctioned by practical cheuiteta, has become tba standard a tit le of it. o!nts throughout the length and breadth of tbe laud. It is poieonlets, rapid in its operation, certain te produce the reqsired shade of oolur, aad ha no .ijoal among hair eyes, either ia tb fnit.d Stat er Europe. T. beaatify aad aof i en t'.e hair aiier dyeina use , CHKlSIADOt.0'0 HAIR PKES K vATITi as a dressing. mt: i-ausT Pstaca(;ti Hk.yiv.'Jtm EELAMARKE'E BPICIPIO Hl'g, Prepar d by UiaisriMt A l)rr-Ti j,Q . 514 Hue LniuD.rd, fans, end highly, teou.a.n ded by the entire at.diei r.cuity of France, Are the ve y best reu.eSy in a' 1 oaM, of Sperma torrhoea, or be siul a.lllB,; Nijfb ly or Daily or Premature Emis il0B, t s.xual Weak ess or I potency; ear ness aiisiog lrom c, -eret Habit, aaa rjexuat Kxeeaaes; Jteiaxatioa 0' tbe Oenital Organs ; V.,, Spin; -Lime" or Buck ut" deposit , In ,he I rise; Milky Di eharges,"ete.,ai.d J the ghastiy train of Symp toms arixing from 0ver.e et Excesses. Tbey lore whej ; other rm.di.a fail. Full directiopr ,D ech box. Price 1 per bux, or 6 bcxe for $5. Bold by the principal Druggists, or will & sent by mail, secu.elr seal.d from all observ.iioi. j by enclosing pr eeto tbe Sole irenrral Agent fui amcrisa, j y b ilOttS, 18 Cortl-ndt st.eet. New York. Pamphlets ot advue set t fre to aay ad dre.s. BH's AM' Pill MOttlC HtrbtK. are unfailing in the Care of Coagbs, Colds, Asthma, Brunch tis. Core Throst, D (f.ult ii g. Iaoipient Conrumptioa and Diseaar ef tb Lergs. Tbey bare no t.ate el medicine, and any child will take them Tboe aand have been r stored to health thst ha-i before deepaired- Testimony irivee in buetlrode o' i. A SINGLE DOPE RITL'EVEfclN TF.N MINUTES. Ask for BKYaN'8 PUL MONIC WAFERS. Je2dwly XVXKT LADY IS TEX 1ARD BHOTJLD KNOW "What TB bita Olycerine Xa AND What it Doew. I bow acknowledged te be, in every reepcot.the aportor of any and all artloles used to brBefit tbe akie aad improve the octnploxl.n. The akin which has been long tilled with imparl tie, spot or disooloratitne, or which ha been njured. as is ones ma case, by tha application if poison ous oosmetio and lotions, may be peuf.ctly ren ovated by this remarkable fluid. Ooeo thoroughly impregnated with White Gly oerine the akin grow purer and clearer, until it reach a pearl like transparency aud beauty, unattainable by any other known mean, after which but little, comparative'y, I inquired to maintain a rich, healthful, natural and beautiful Complexion It ia al.o uasqualled as a speedy uad positive cure lor obapped band., rough skis, etc. PEARL'S WHITE OLTCX AIHX Is I old by all wholesale aad reta.l Iruggiits aad dealers la ferfumery aad Toil.t A nicies jeiadly MLDIf&L. B i o I. o sjs?9 Coafidentiitl Fbjskim, 17Routh Clark Street, CHICAGO. ILL., Pri vate aad Chror.le Disease in bolh aezas suscess felly treated. Dr. Eigelsw ha cured more aex s.i ss. venereal aiseasts in in last 2 ytars than any other physician in the treatarn eoentry Be care Nervou Delility , er Involuntary gem teal Emissions, andseatores tbeenfeebled orgaa to perfect heab h -nd vigor. He cur Syphilis all its forms, whether acuta or chronic, with out th aaa ot mineral or vegetable poison, b.nd tor hi. "Geid. to Bearth." pe bli.faed monthly free of charge. If yoe think the writings ef the greatest lpeialit of the prevent day worth reading. Ledi., ,.nJ fur d01 i(tiT. oif. eelar of Pa.saaio RaeaniB, at.,.all .nd by married ladies. Add-es C. BlyEI.OW, M. D ; i mh4daly P. 0 Boa U4 Chicago. in. ; t. stxiXaJaXznro, Engraver & Die Sinkt3r. M-sd&U.Seavl Proetef, Pu Stftmpa, Soap 8tpp. -'uaor ar AVajIsT,, aVC. ,O. UH)ligBtm TRKF.T. V"o-dy CHICAGO. S?SOXJa.Zt Z7OTZ0SS. Why Sr. etaettok's Medicine, are 10 Opnlar. w. . - . pni.;. . v Why is Seh.a.k s Pulmonic Byrna is nek gsaerai aemaaa i in answer is a Tory simple one; It la ia dsmaad because its healing pro perties are greater than lbs pea by any other medi iaa la ase for the eare of Oetamp- tioe. It purines th blood on of th frit steps toward a our. Without pur blood disease eaa nev.r be eradicated from the tvstetn. A well "P0 water to run op fail et its own volition aa to cure eonsamption without a eomplete peril eation of th blood. This is the peculiar pro perty of Dr. Sohenek'a Pulm nie Bvrap. But it does more than this. Il not enlv ourifies the blood, but it allays Irritation of the brnehia tubes. It eolleets and ripens the impore mat ters collected theie, and enablea th patient to throw tLem uff by pamlass evpeotatiem This gnat py rap has anohur virtae. It possesses natritioas qualities which give sustenance, aad. oonsequently, strength to tha invalid. Ktw combine the.-e tbree qualities, and yea have an answer to tbe inquiry WHV IS TBE PULMONIC 6YRCP I SUCH DRMA5D7 Thousands hsvs testified it with eomplete sat isfaction; thousand bav seed it and bea eaied; thousands a e esiag it and being eared But. Dr. Seb.nok has other remedies. T her are other aganeies to he employed In the eare of consumption, and he he provided them. If il be asked why Sohenek'a M.ndrake Fill are ao popular, the question is answeied readily as in tne ease vf the Pulmonio Bvrap. SCBENCK'e MANDRAKE PILLS hav almost universal application to hnman di eases, and, i hough they have b..n mainly re- eemeueadaa ia tmlmoa.r cu virt... i. r j -- other maladies have bee so completely aad sat- isfasiorily deinunstrated that th people will hare them. Kow, why are they ao essential to the cur of consumption ? Became tha ingredi ents of which tbey ar composed set directly upon th. lir.r, oauaiag that important organ to tun. off its torpidity, and make heahhful - orations. The Mandrake Pills CONTAIN NO CALOMEL to spread its poisoa through the patiant'a sys tem. 1 heir operation i simple aaa effectual, By their use healthy bile ia secured. As a coo sequence. Iiupaiied digestion is restored, food is properly assimilated, good, healthy blood is the result, and, ef 00 arte, strength is renewed, and the great uroees of healing tborougMy lnau gur.ted. Whole pages of tev papers oould be tilled with tes imonials frcm those who bav us d the Mandrake Pills and been benefitted by them. A tbousend boxes are sold te-d.y where ten were sold four year ago, aud the "cry is still tbey oome." Tbe faoilitioa for maaafaotering the.a have become too limited, and, aa a cons quae, Dr. Sehenck has been compelled 10 erect a greatly enlarged and very magnificent build ing, to enanie mm to put up in requisite ma chinery to supply the constantly increasing de mand for hi great uwduic. BUT GOOD HEALTHY BLOoD i not tbe only requisite. The patieat ne.d strength. The enure system must be kept in order. Th weakened, emancipate patieLtaiust bave flesh put upon and strength rato his limbs. To accomplish these greet cijests is the specie province ot bCliENCaV.S sKiWtEl) 10 SIC. The aciaitj of the stooiaeti, so distressing ti patients, and detriment! to nuhh,ie aSoctn- .liy removed. Tu. alkaiiiie tonsiituenis ot tt.e feaw.ed Tonic noooiLlii'ri tbis. In addition to tiiis it luiparta tone and Vigur to tbe syniem, and i eaablos lu p.tient to ikc cue eeoeasery iudior ! exereiae wiilioul exaauouuii. This is vitality im- 1 portent, though too frequently overiookeu by medical uien. Tacy Ju(n exerci.e Wilhont having the patieot prepar.d lor it. They tell hub lo go out into lb. cooi, ra.pieg air when e hu d be exercising modeialei wber (ua teui eiaiure is .uild io hia disetf4 oouditioa, aud tm. toe wuboutgivii.'m l,,,. remedies wbicn mXv eloalat.U o iu,fxl ia wblle tbey Mini '-j auliag u the uicualcd langa ana ""' atbi.i tubes. lu this brie! reetlai, tl.a pubno have ao an- eer lo U qee.uoa "ha. on Vt. .At' '. tuiriMti 1. tim r 1 no protiitui 1. m1vu .0 elea. ly ti noue nut tUuw who are w.lloily olu.a can 'ail lo it. It. wonu.riul ure. lUmI bate tten eUeited by lr. &crnc rtinea tes, are ta. living, bre.ung and muribv eavoitiMa.t:ai. upon wbich lr. rcbcuck r.ii.s. int-y futui.B the eviece iUAt suials une"ii- trOv.i id ena uroontrovrtible. To them tbe o.blie is relerr u, wan tbe most implicit cinO- u.nue, and to them Dr. CMbeaca now iriuoavh- oty appeal as irrelet.kie proot of tie cor recuieks of his oit-repratea as.ertion that COKSrMPIIOH OAS EE CURED. Doctor $chenok's personoS st.temtut to the I .cully of h.s wn cure was ia tbe.. words: "Many years ago I was ia the last stagea of ooc.uui,ti'jn, eoLbued to my bed, and at on .iui. u.y paysician ih.ught 1 could aot Use a eeek ; iticu, liae a drvwumg Ui.u catching at a struw. I Utaid of and obtin.d (he preparations M'bich 1 now iuei lo ib. public, and they made a j,e.icct our. of u-e It seeuid 10 mo that 1 jould feel them u,y whole syst.m. Ta-y soou riptaod tbe matter ie my uegs, and 1 would spit ep more thaa a pint of ooensivc yellow matter evey morning for a long time. ' Ainikk a that iHael 10 suosiue injp oough, .ever, paib aad U-gtu se.ata ail tvkn lu liv s. my aprtl ttecuav. mi grl laal 11 a. enb d.tticuity iieJ 1 oould keep trou vaimg loo uiucb. I tuon gaiuea 10 y .u.Baib, aud bae grown to fits eter Sine. "1 waa weighed sboruy alter my rsoorerj ," -dued ibe euvtor, -'loin IvoaiLg viae a 11.1'ii Skeleton, my eiklit as but nuelj nui. lit my preseui weigbt lo two BobUted eiia twenty nve llo) peuaus, and lor year 1 hae eajoyed amelexrupleu beaitb.". Dr. boheack baa diacoatiuued bis professional vi.iU lo Hew York eua lioslou, but at his ouo Mo. Ii North Cixib uet, Ul s tbe hours ot V A. M. aed C I. at., he or b.s son, Dr. J. il. 6clicu.k, Jr., see (.stibLls every Baturdsy Tbose who wish a tbori.ngU exauiination with the KeepiroaseW-r wial b charg.U jKa. Ihe Bta pirometer ueolarca tbe .lact coLOition ot tlx langa, and patients aaa reauily leara whe.her they are eure.ble or not. The dir.cnous tortaaiug the medislnes are ad apted to tii. inteiiig.Uoe eveu of a child. Fol low tbe e direction., and Bind Nature will ae tbe rest, excepting ttial in some cases th Man drake pill aie to be taken ib incie.eed doses ibe three medioine nee a no other eooompsoi' ments than tha ample instructions that aieum paoy tlii'lu. First oreate-ppeute. Of returning health he ger is the a.ost welcome symptom WheB ii 00 me., as it will oome,U. .he de.pairiag at oooe ne 01 gooe cuecr. uooa 0100a at onoe lillows,tba cough loosen, the nigbt sweat is aba d. In a snort time both these morbid symptoms are gone forever. Dr. Behenck's medicines are constantly kept in lens of thouianua ol lamilies. Aa a laxative or purgative the Mandrake Mils are a standard preparation; while the Pulmonic Syrup a a .lurer ot couebs snd oulds may be regarded as propby lactone againai consumption in any of 11a toruia. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and 8aaweed Todio SI .SO a bottle, er $.60 a halt doaen. Man. drake Pills 2i oenla a box. For sale by all druggists ana oeaiers. mblSdwly Lftditb, Uke Particular lUUce. Tbe Real Velpaa Ftmale Fills! VtAHMIMali frokPitU, These Pill, s eelebratd many yaass age ia Paris, lor tbe 'eliei of female irrtguiariuca, and fterwaidr for tbeir criminal employ u.ent in the praenoe ol abortion, are now otieitd for ale lor ibe br. time in America. . Tbey bave ben kept in eouiparauve oo.cuiuy ritm th taet iht the origiBator, Dr. V I pan, is a pa lician in P.ris, of great wealth, a d ha strict oonajieotiourspria oiples. and has withheld them from ceneral as., lest they should be employed for unlawful pnr poses lu Fema ObatraotioB. Falling of tb Womo, hltrs, Greea Sickness, euppres. aion, Retention, or immoderate Flow ol the MoBthl Dinhargts, Nvrvous sn Spini.1 Affee Hons, Pins in tbe Back aad Limb., Fatigue oa shbt exeilion I's pitstn a f ibe lieen, Hy lncs. Ac. and will eflect s euro when all other aieens Lav, faiUd ; and, altaoegh a poworful remedy, da not e ntaie calomel, autim ay, or r ny thing aurtful to the caxtitution fa ma ried ladie ed young .Iris who bare never been regulated, they are peculiarly suited. Tb J will, in . hbort time, bring en tb monthly p.rol with ree-elenty . - ! .... , , CatiTios Married La4UboH aevei' ake tares beo there is eaj reasea to believe them selves presnaat.for Ibey will baser to produce miscarriage. .... tali, eas preeBraBex.s.aled from the eyes ef the eerioas, by enclosing eee dollar, end si aoMae. iwjt te U W. M ACQS' PER, Ge.ersi t A rant for Hotted Blase en vsasoss, ai ainaev 1 H. T, ar ef aay aa tkerised Ageat. ... aay Us vlf Ho I tL. vaaaes aaaaca. J,, a. FBATT BARNUM'S HOTEL BAENUM A PRATT, . FbopsUitjeC Becosd aad Malnut street. ST. LOUIS, MO. The Aaacs kept ea file. VBAak W. WBKTWOHTB. CBA. D. WOOLWOBTB, BR1GSS HOUSE, WEHT WORTH A W00LW0RIH, Proprietor Cor. Randolph St. and Fifth A venae, CHICAGO, .......... .ILL. AMERICAN HOTEL, Cheatntt V OPPOBITR OLD ISaPaJilRRCX ktAiO. Pbiladslphia. M. BRULlNtiS, . - PROP'R Daily Rocs Islaso Aksus kept on at. WALNUT STREET HOUSE, DA via & TTJCIXIIIL, eProprie' I Corner ef Walaotaad Gains Btreei, CIK.IKXATI ..OHIO a. a. DAVIS. J. 0. TVCKBB, Lata of I. C. A L. HOTEL, Cor. 4th a&d Myrtle Etr.ats, ST. LOUIS.......... ..MO. PU18 House has just beea r.Ctied and tbor- A oughly renvvawd. Is centrally located. The proprietor will spare no paiaa te make it a good nrst-elass, eecoad rate bouse. Transient price, (z,v per day. aev2i dly U. C B ACBY, Proprietor. P1L1LU 001 E, CHICAGO, ILL. This new aad magnificent Hotel (th finest west ol ew lor.), situated colour fetal, aad Quincy atre.t, was completed and opened 8epu 2S, I87t. It bus two hundred and fifty rooms (macy of which have bail, rooms and water elos- etsattaehed) ebiih are made aesessibl from the ground floe, where tb graad rotea4a and omoe is situated, by ''tis Toll a bet passenger elevator. V . V. F !Esh,Ki., Prop. EVERETT IsOTfcE. BYRON A. BALDWIN A CO., Pbopbietobs. Corner Clark and Van liursn Str.etis, iHIHGr, .... 1L.L. BraV Thia Hotel, near Michigan Southern aad Kock Island Depots, is oeatrally located, aeatly and clegsatly furnithed. and will afford to visit or and oua ry merchants as good accommoda tions as can be founu in Ibe city. Term 12. iO perdy mchlS-dtf FOOD. AgreeabU, Tigestille, 2iouriirhinf, Stilisfy- ing thmti ktrenythhitng. This farinaeoua preparation costal a all the elements necessary f"r growth and repair. Il Las tor year breo ibe prino pal food for Infants and invalids ia En'srtd and tbe Coloniee, an I is provd bv xpe icnoe to be th beet every day JtH'd J-ir children. Sold I. cane of all aizea. and in 2S cent pack ets for tbo million by druggies and grocers gen erally. Ll1; Randolph street, Chicago, Agents je.;-4iy Vii. BLV'S PAltM I8L3X! 8kc LEGS THE AIATOMIAL' LEG ! Ig guTamted tot v years. Those with oat siUe-moiioa are for coa'ort and durability anri vaiiett. Uriels tr-m S-aO to tliO. fioadv.aee payuteat rwjuieed. 8Mtirfaciioa gaaranteed. (ithar bines ot Legs altered, repaired or made to order. U. 8. soldiers famished ou Government ac count. Prmpbleis aud blar.fcs scut tree. Address I I Wl IDlbWDOll, (et dSwly 1 Piv Pt.. Lnels Me cz.3a.axjt a e s. G. WOEEER & BROS. Carriage MuQufarlnrers ! may2d4m . DAVENPORT, IOWA. MASON & EVANS, OARRIAG15 Manufacturers, Corner It aod Reek Islaad Sis., DAVE FOB r, - IOVA LATEST ETTI.ES OF Opes and Top Bsgic., AXIS CA&RlJmOlaS, Kept constantly oa band and made to order. fSt Repairing promptly dons. ' aprlt dly OOOPEII k SMITH, (Successors to STILES 4 EOOPfiR,) Manufacturers of every desariptioB et CARRIAGES SULKIES, SKELETONS, Light Spring Wagons, Ao.,, Ac, Ac. Particular attention paid to FI.N'B WORE. All orders promptly attended to. Repairing ia all branches attended to with dispatch. Hon but first-class workmen am ployed in this ewuirawi, x, ft. HOOP K, ja2 dAwly Hs-MRY fciITH. II UrACTU RS R5 OP Farm, Spring & Freight Boggies and ges! AIX.WOKK WARRANTED 1 W bav recently removed te cur new spa cious Shops, situated en tbe Moline'Vater Pew- preer, and are pared te Hit all order wi t pom ptBss and dispatch. sjar-Lock for ear Trad Mark b each Bo- ar. gwMiae. See set Pvtee Wat e 1 sv : ---- , r.,,,,,. tiJtht .1 th-11 a j .lV .r 1 ,,'- r ka ii j JbtvakduYi r . i 11 II II .. I IfWil -lo-l MRSAPAR1LLA BITTERS (WITH mors,) Ths heat Btooo, Stomach aud Ltvaa Medi cla ever attend te the public. It ia very agree able to the taste aad wta act anect in uein as Iron preparations generally do. What it witt dot It will be found vastly u- nerior to aav of ih Calls v a and Iron soeaten- stveiy ud for invigorating th ejsteia. It will make blood; likewira thicken It. Il win restore th pale and maoiatd,the weak and debilitated toeolsr, tissh, health and strength In aa i Dered. ibiy short time. It will ttreagiben the narsiag mother aad lnoreaae the flow of milk, also bens Bt th ehild at the br. est and prevent many of the eemplaini. to which children are .abject la infancy. , It will teas te reator th eyesight when impaired by coatmued applieatiua ia read ing, writing or aewiag, by atrengtaeaing the op tic nerve. It will give vitality to th mental facalti. ahn depieed by los confinement to study er business pursuits, ana prevent nervous headaches. It will peril y the blood and pre- vent the breakia oat of boil, pimple gad ether eruptions canted by poverty oi oieoa. it wu restor- the artel organs, when weak, to I healthy condition, regnlata tba menstrual paried alee relieve debility caused by summer heat ar aoeasive prespiratioa. A single trial will prove eeaeluatvely that we have aot over-estimated the vales ef thia excel lent medicine. Prie,$l-0upr bottle. i. dk C. MAGUIRB, Chemist and Drue-gists. Sole Proprietors BT. LOO 18 Also proprietor of Mageire'seelebr-ted Berb Plabt. a aura cure for Diairbea, Dyeeatery, Cholera Morbus and tha AtiathCbolera Alt orders 'rom responsible pa. tie promptly filled. mcni7 dwiy ZSXIBXOAZs. SlsOOO JEFL o -w L ir d . THIRTY YE1RS EXPERIENCE T WILL eiVE ONK THOUSAND DOLLARS L reward for any ease of the fallowing diseases thatth Medical Faculty have pronounced in curable that Wilkinson's Vegetable Compound ITERATIVE SYRUP, Benorator aad Blood Purifier WILL NOT RADICALLY CUBE. rpHIS remeklal agenti a eertaia spssdy aad X po.ltive cure tor Hereditary, Conrtitational and Sacoadary 8y phi lis, in all ita varioaa forma, sacb as Old Ulcers, Elw.lliLg of th Neck, Uleeraied 601. lhroat. Sore Eyes, kin Krupuons, 6orenof th acalp, Falling off ol tea Hair, Pimple or Blotebe on tb lac Body or Limb, Dry Hacking Cough, Cos stsnt Hacking up of Mailer, Unpleasant DiscB.sgee from the Nose and Lungs, Breath Kxtreme'y Offensive, ets., etc Mercariai ar Syphilitic BbinmaihEi and Necralfla, Thoroughly eradicated Mercury and all dis ci sea arising from aa impure er poisonoas elate of the ClooU, aad I defy tho.e wbo suffer from such disease to obtain a radical cur witkont the ale of this important remedy . It operate oa, tee eyeless entering the blood nBt,aliaiBg h. virus of poison, veataeiuibia to. beaiibv fuuetioea, of tbe aa ratal eooeomy aod thereby enabling the sysiem t eradicate thi disease and east off tb obnoxious matter by tb newels,, and akin, causing sensible evseuatioi.s It is pieasaat to take, assimilates readily with the focd, aad do not ialerfer with the asual diet or advocations. Enclose S ceat damp and send for s.aled cir ul.r. All eommusieationt strictly confidential Ptice Si. 00 per bottle, sent free from observation by mail r ext res., to any addrers, enreeeipt of ice money, aaaress JllH T AVllKIilTI, , Druggist aad Pharmaceutist, 1 1n Medical Collage Buildinr. corner of Blood can aad Sevcnih street, - kl Ob.UK. IU A ni2? dly. VEGETABLE RHEUMATIC is vrarrsntetl ondfr oath a ctn plete and pernirnent rare for HfaeFmathia k Neuralgia 1 j all Ibeir various forms. It ia taken inward ly enly. It la positively tke only stand ard spe cific before the p&blic, being competed ef pure and harmless vegetable ingredient solely, con taining ne iinere', paisesoe or injurious drugs. II has act tally cured ninety-five in trery hun dred etses, i.n the lastsix year a result unpar alleled ia ti history ef medioine. Tbe principal advantage in taking thi medi oine Is, that it is quit different ia it scmpoti ticn from aay other article before the public. No et'jer preparation does or can act ic tha same meaner. While every medioine purges and sickens tbe pati tnt, DB. GAF-LIGUER'S VEGETABLO RHEUM ATLC at onoediasolves and oarri I off all Rhsamatio, Keuralglo and unhealthy m atur from th sys tem, and tbe patient must from necessity boob get well. There is no m lstak about it. Tb saeney prompt'y returned in every Instance a here ao be nefit ha beea received. A large number ef assolisiud testimonials bav be. a reeeWed at testing it. great value. x,o OO Will be given- te eee persoa he eaa produce a maay x.nuUe Bermeasbt as l)r. Oal- laghm'o Great VegefU Pile Cur. It ia prepared MpressTy to care B' diog, Blie dtTleerated er I ehiog Pile, aad for bo etber purpose. Hub dradsef Pbyta aasreeommead It la their pree tlee. It was r tfed perataaaBtiy eeee of er 80yeae.tBa ing. , Sold by Druggists generally. Prepared -4y by B. F. G BLLaeiiBB, No. SOS Vertb Thlr 4 Street, Philade? phi, ?a. B ysgstoa, tragglst, Agsat for all ef i. WalKaABr areBaratieBS. - ? W r -diss AGfcUi CL1 II MIL tMPLKMEftTft. THE OTTAWA Machine Shops And Foundry, OTTAWA, - ILLINOIS. W. H. W. CU&HMAN, Prop'r. a. d. auunt, bup t. Manufaotar Steam Eigines, Reapers, 5Iw f rs, CORN PFO WS, CIDER MILLS, Horse Pwr, Machinery for 6rist Milts. Paserl the - MiUs, Ulas Works, Zibo Factories, etara rasieries, voal Min.s, etc. OUR STOCK OF PATTERNS isverylarc. Our facilities for easting aad hn- ishiaa have ao sup.rli r west of Chicago. W avlte tbe atteaiion of ssui wngau toeur eztea 'va stock of Patterns for Mill Ueaiiag, etc Ottawa Reaper aad Movers, Climax Reapers' and Mover Victor Cornl Plow,' Two Horse Wagon. Otl. A. S. Xoore, Superlntesdeat, Oitswa Geo. W. D. Harris la the Ageat for lhar Work, and Farmer de nting to parches ran see any of thsir ma chines at bia nartboBsa on lb Lv. eh 10 ml - IZbVIsB. Store & Dense Fnrniohlns: Stores JI. L. NWILER, Formerly of Bwiler 9l Spencer. Has opened a S T - AND House Farnhkiog Store, Wlih a new sad compete (tuck of goods, on ILLINOIS 3 Kt-ltl, oedor watol the tirat National Bank, where evesy thing in tbs Bouse furniahing lice can be lound of th bast quality aad at reduced pries. I have th agency of John 8. XZcrron & Co.' Celebrated Stoves, AsaOBg which is the "IclfaliO" Cook. Which hat bn improved durli g the part month making it ia all respects a first olass stove. Also THE CfliaM," A new pattern, with all th latest improvsmsnts. 8T0VB KLP11B!-. I shall k.ep ronstantlv on hand a full atoek of grates, linings and repairs for the Idsbo, Challenge, P.ivaland all the leading cook atovea that have been Id Ib Kock Island. Particular alleatioB will be paid to all kinds et tin and shot iron job work. Well and dstara pump kept constantly on band. Thiakful for past patroness I would respect fully ask my old friends to call at mj newplac .1 business I am determine'' to spare no pains toplesse those who favor me with their natron age. M. A. BWILER. mcblo-dwtt Patronize Home Indcstrj ROCK ISLAND STOTB 0. STOVE The Best and Cheapest FOR 8ALK AT DAVID DON'S, Oppeaitethe WAD8W0RTH'S DRY GOODS 6T0RS. eackUAwly Bojal HTaa Lettcrj oi Cuba. tIONDCCTED BY TBE SPANISH GOT Vernmeat 1300,00 in Oold drawn every sev- eateee daya Prises cashed ana Ini'irmatioe ferel.hed Til. blabrst pr'oe raid for Doub loons and all kind s rf Gold aad Cilvsr. TAL0R A CO., Banters, febSdly II Wa I 8 tree t. Raw York. MlSiC OIL. &BdBX!ZX ! Have yon a head to ache? Zhrnyou are intereited In knowing-what Renne's PAIN KILLLXGMAGICOIL DOklS lUB UKADACHB, "It Works Like a Charm." iUatf ihe.e Ltittrs, but above all 1UV IHE MA(il( OIL ! Atbbrs, Tena., Sept. 28, lst9. Mr. Rns Dear Sir: Iwi.kloe.y a word for year Pais Killing Megi Oil. I bare been a great sufferer from that awful t-ick iieaoach. It generally aUaeka m earli ia lb. morning, grew ia intensity all day. ail night, aad all toe Belt day aad genaraiiy, ihuuga noi alway, goes off during the aeennd niBlii. it oome. upon me at least enee a month, aod ollsa two or three times, always eonaoibg sue to my bed for about iluxty-aix te torty hours, ead paining me ao t rribly thai it teems as if my beau would burst op.n in spite ot skull aud everrthiust l.e. A person's hand w utd be thrown eutnely off by Us throbbing. In abort I agony indesoribabic. Ucr boat Physi cian tailed in my ease, aad I bave estd most e the popular remedies sold, wbsch are reeosamead ed as "sare to cure" jus auoh cases, but they no only tailed to eure me, but seem a to aggravate mi situation. A few months ago, I foiieaetely ebtaiuea a bottle of your Pain Killing Magic Oil, aud as you olaiet "it works like a chrrm !" hen t ftel mr ola pleeue eemiBg on, I ase ihe ManieOti bo ib extern. lit aud internally, freely aaa faithfully, aad bow I do aot even bave te ston niT werA. bat g abeat my business a usual. . I estare yoa on fellov-maa has beea beae Stted by yoer invention, and for which I lee) s-raleful Mar God reward lea. Ia my house aad fanilv. veer Ma .U Oil is a ladupensible a Beer. I hope my letter may be the aieens letliag other , poor- . suBerer iiw virtu.a of jour Waaia Oil, aud you may my Berne as a reference if you cjoose. , Gratefully, I am yoer Ac EDifABD A. COBLKIOH. evr - d u s Vat, T) a r Rim. ' . f.' l-..,l . C Meia-h. Is from . 11 b. .ufi.r.d irnatlj from Head aob., b-t ba recent , toon ecore by u.iBg yanr P-,n hilling-Mskio Oil- rUV Bre. Speaee, Ber ue yss altieOd .a aeoamiier rreaj lb vret beadaWie !Ia ao use i' in my family and bad it excel eut ie several ailments. i 1 trast you ere doing the world good, a wall a getting some p.caliary beeebt to yoorsen, wHb year Pain KiiliBg Magw aa tru'y yours. . , S i N.K. COBLEItff' t BmlJ.. Vstlsni athae, Bait Tea a. I am conlldenttbatevery family-'11 luf a"1 i by keeping, aad esiag y agio Oil. ift Pbysieiana na end pweenbe it ; ae beeefil n.i. hr n.ti te the ramife PsvuImss aa be depended upon, as a eleaa. safe and delletcaa ismrdy fn aU Had af Pain. .are re tveimmediate rvlief, and a.v.r d. ber-- DtoB. eo. as. . ; Yeerttrely, . Wg, gUSSI, . Manuractarer. PlUsttlH, Mast. ' Call tor i wbirAia anally trad, i bold by all Dregeta, MerobaBtg aad (Sroeers. .'ijasjwaaa- .; nv-)--, v.. AlfltHtlg'Sr ftuilCE. STATI OS lLLllOIB,aock Island County, as. In the Circuit Court of the September Term, A. It. loll. Adelehas Byder vs. Gray bill LBard. Attash- meat. Moti.ela herebr aivaa to said dcfsnda.t. Gr.y bill K. bard, that tba above entitled cans, ia new pending ib said Court, aad that a writ of attachment waa Issued theieia from said eonnty, e the twenty sixth day el May , A. D. lbll. st the sail ef the lud piaiatm, Aaoipnns rijdi r, against tha estate ot the said Oiaybill K. Bard far tbe sem ol one hundred and thirty-three dol lar! aad iltaea cbU. which bas bcea r.ti4 levied apea the estate of the UrajtiillK. Bard, aad unless tbe said Urejoni a. ara snail appear, gtvs bail and pieaa b tne nrst uay m tba next term of said court, to be heldsn at tbe Ousrt House ia Hock Island, ia said touaty, firt Monday of September, judgment will be entered egaintt bias, the .aid Gray bill K. Baid, 1b favor of the said plaintin, ana tn. estate stta hed wil' be sold. Dated this twenty fiuttU day oi June, a. jj. 1871. SAKl -L r ltuuua, Clark of said Court. Cornell t AS McsTbal, Attorneys for Plaiati. jeJ4d4w. VrTAtDllENT NOTICE BTATI OF ILL1H0IB, Bock Islsn County, Jn the Circuit Court of the September Term, A, 0.187 1. N.hemiah Eharwood. Ills ha C Ware, and El- ward F Clark, partners, Ao , N bbsrwol 4 Co , vs. Gray bill K Bard Attachment. Notice is hereby given to the said defendant Grejbill K Bard, tkat ths above entitled eaujc ia now pendiag in said court, and that a writ of attachment waa Issued therein lrom tbe is. 4 court ob the thirty Irst day of Kay, A D, 1ST I, at the suit ot tbs ssid plaiBllfls, Ntfituiiab rber- wood, Elisba 0 Ware, end r-aweia r. viarx, partacra trading nadar ibe arm aaase ana style ef N Sherwood A Co., ag-inst the estate of ths said Gray bill K Bard, for tbe sua of thirty two dollars and sixty ive cents, wklcb nas been re turned levied upon th estate of th.ssid Uray blll K Bard, and unless th said Oraybill K Bard (ball appear, give bail and plead ot, tbe first day of the next term of said Court, to be bolden at tbe Court House, ia the eitj of Rock Ia'and, in said county, on the first Monday of September nert, jeHement will be entered against him, the said Oraybill K. Bard, in favor of tba said plaintiffs, and the estate attseked will be sold. Dat4 thia twenty-foarth day of June, A. I). 1871. SAMUEL Y milium, Clerk of aaid Court. CONNILLY A McNIAL, Attornev for PlaiBliff. jslt.lU AlTlCUMLNTKOTIflC. 8TATI OF ILLINOIS, stock Island County. SB. the Crtevit Court nf tht September Term, A. II. 1871. Beury gwift, James M Swift, snd Louis A Low- - . . r- ir. . .1 ejf partners, e. xteury eiih n. vu. vi Oraybill K. Bard. Atteohmeat. Moioe Is kerei.v Biveo to tba said defendant. Oraybill K Bard, that tb above entitled easer is now pendiag ia ssid eounly, and that a writ of 1 . 1 : a t' . attaebsaeat was issueu luerem n iuun on the twentieth day of May, A D 1S71, at the suit of said plaintiffs, Henry Swift, James M Swift.and touts A Dley,parters tradiag under th firm, bbit and tyle of B.ary Bwift A Co. againiittk iUta of the said Oraybill X BaiJ. for tb sum of on hundred aad thirty-eight iloi lars and thirty four cents, with interest thereon from the 7ib day ol tebruary, A ' led. oli two dollars and twenty Mae eenta protest te-. which baa ba.o returnidlevied upon tne estste u the said tiray bill K Bard, and ueles the ssid Oraybill K Bard shall appear, give bail an i plead on th. first day of the sext term ci (aid Court, to be Boiden at tne uourt nousein ine cry of Rock Island, ia aaid county, ob the first Men day ef September next, judgment will be enter i; against him, the said Oraybill K Bard, in favor of toe said plain tins, ana tne estate attaana win be f!.l. Dated this 2tth dy of Jan, A Dlhil. SAMUEL P B0DGF.8 Clerk of the aaid Court. COBBBLLY A MCXSAI.. Attorneys for riaiBtins. je.'4'4w Attacbiucnt 27 c ice. STATE OF ILLINOIS, Rock Island Couniv, ss. In the Circuit Court fftht SepUmbf T-rm,A.ll. 1871. Wilford Pitman and Edgar I.. Vsncc. part ners, Ac, Pitman A Yanee, vs. i. K. ijrd Attarhmeat. Notice u hereby given to sail ds'itdsLt. tbst the above entitled causa It bow j- i, i rg in ssid Court, and that a writ of attachm;.i m u-uea therein from said court on the teemitih cay : May, A. D 18;i, at th suit of tie tai l (.'.s.r,: tt Wilford Pitassn ana fcdjar i..t ancpar-.i cri.tra- 'tina underthe firm name snd style ol I'r.u.s: A Vance, against theesialeot ihe said Gravbili K Bard, for ihe sub. ol blty six doiian, wl'.cii i.b been returned levied upon the ssia'e cf tbe raid O rev bill K Bard, aod unless tl e sani it.;, i : i K. Bard shall appear, give bail end plead . n me Brat day of Ibe next term of aaid court. t e bolden at the Court ia tbe eitv cf Ecrk Inland in said eonnty, on I lie first Miu lit I Beptemfcer next, ju'gment will be enters! against him th said Oraybill K. Bard, In fnv.r cf the said plaintiffs, and the estate attsibrd will bs sold - Dated this isth dsy of June, A. 1fi"l 8A.MCKL P HODGES, Clerk of the aaid Court CONNELLY" A McEL, A'torievsfor Plaintiffs. BOILEBS. Boiler Works! Tb BBdrtiga4 are aseparsd t maaafscmrs to order Bailers for Steam Eigines all Eiads, Style and Glaee. Alee, every va riety ef SCTBST XZ.OI7 WO&S. All ear Boiler work is warranted. SjsT Repairing f all kinds dons prompt j ana cheaply, 8aop near V.lia. Iron Works. Ifftiv. aoa t LLINfl BR A TRTVrl I.' FLOCK. JOHNSTON'S MILLS ! Manufacturers ot Choice family ST" L O X3 From selected Spring sad Winter Wbtat, pressly for th eity taade. - ALL KIKD8 0 Flour and Meal Oakasd.and i.Svered FREE Or CBA KG t la tba uity. JA8. A. BOYLR, Agent. tagla. hetwaea reS aad Iliesa ' esekSdif rnoTCBAPiiH. of She ase drd f hc(c rjf h Portraits Far Albams, ia tke sest artiatis stvla. . . A.B.flATrORD fr. bad at a" 4i..i -, j , r. Ji ' 6Besr to U I FLoaaRcaA Ht)rsB, ! SI S Photographer t If IIUboU Btreei. act.. I ii Eagle A Bufalo. a $ - KOCK SL ' ! 8a isrsclion gaar-f " I "g aateed. Prices ' ow. J sw?c5 . . . St- i 3 AMEEOTYPES. tKet laressssd tki'iUJ of YetV, ta&ei' i j..-'u,v... v- -v.r i ' :A:B. SAYFORD'f- rC0TC8APE8, - - - V .4 . !. . v.i W . - A slass, Ib tae aigheet style af art, t be 1 1 f isBsfiajfari't Uallerj. ;cVl'"J5ii'w.k'iKsk. raiCBs; modbkatb. 1M 4. .: treJB4S3CT il,4y tu'&0tmX.9t9G. W&tX