Newspaper Page Text
HUES OF ADVERTISING, for iMk square, ar tha apace eeapled by tea liaasof solid aosparell, Ob Dollar for each ia sertioa. Special Wotiees, to ta per Hao. Wlw I, serted I month, or more, par Mat abort r. ga la, advertising ratal. OootmaaioatioBi, or articles 1b sorted amoa, readlei matter, II otati par Hat, Dailt aid W astir. A diseeaat of 36 par oBt. will be aiii from th Weekly rates, oa yearly and half yearly contracts, When tbo same Diattor H latortod ia both Daily nd Weekly. Doobl Oolaaiai will b charged Si per east additional. for U traaiiaal adrertisemek advance pay moat li required. ptjbliibid ar B TKKMS. Dailt Iihi. By MaiUpajablaia adveaoe), par annum, $16. Ot I Br Mail " " aiz aionthi, a.00 tl u ' Af m - .1.- . of JBau inoiui,.. ... 0 Mail " " 1 moata.... Si Br CfTT Gabbibb, 36 Oeatt par waak. Bibslb Corns 6 Canti. 1BR8.- Wbblt lull. Sinrle CoDT.c...kii- .it...1 ftl.M Twentieth- Year. ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. TUESDAY. JULY 18. 1871. Established Oct 18, 1851 IzSSfc. :r.:r. Mil I thirty Coplai . vv w iiii li it v it i ii v u t ;i it tutu i iuniv u iivt ityr yi . Oomaitio Tranbla. "Good morning, Uncle George." "Good morning, Lncy. Ia there ny news this morning ?" "I should think there was, nnole." " Why, what has happened now ?" "Oh, the morning paper has not the terri blest lot of piotores of 'old John Robinson's Mammoth Menagerie and Circa joa ever did see, this morning." ''Show it to me, Lacj." "There it is, Uncle George ; yon on for yourself. He is going to corn t0 town with the biggest menagerie, ""d bo bes oirous that erer was eao in the I'nited Status." "Lucy, when did th dresamaker say aha would hare that now silk dress finished for yon?" ' Sbeaid it would be finished on the very morning that old John Robinson comes into town; that will be so nice." ''Lucy, nigh on fifty years ago, John Rob inson and I went to school together, got a licking with the same stiok, and we always aaid we would be friends, but time sepa rated us, and since then I've heard John was a powerful big showman ; and I always said if John liobinaon came wiib. in a hundred miles of my place I was going tj ie bim ; so you can tell the dressmaker to Lurry up, for you and I will go and see oid uncle John,"nud I will point him oat to you. You need not be afraid, for yon bet John has got the beat, for he would not travel with a show unless it was the finest in the world '' John Robinson will make his grand tri umphal entree into the city of Rock Island, Tuesday, August 1st, 1871. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH, LOCAL .NOTICES. L,tyoY. By using Mrs. Whitcomb', Svrip for children, many a doctor's bill can 4 O'Olook X. 3X. NEW YOlK. Bfface and Cobnrn -She President The Oceaa Aace Tornado In ternational Billiard Challenge -Arrebt of a Swindler Agri cultural Sditorial Excur sion -SeUo and the Or ange leaden Trial of Oapt. Petty -Death of Cornelias V. Roose velt -Effigy. WASHINGTON. The lla-IIlax Committee Resig nation of General Parker The New Tioan - Internal Revenue Appointment Seath of Commander Wm. XHitch ell Appoitment of Br. O. W. Ferine at SSilwankee. News. saved, and much sufferinsr is-! the a'lverti.scnieit in another averted. column. a 1 t iitu : -n.Tjua t'u'f A(i.ii-a r;;i Kiihiu .'t risoU.ruC. ;iriiic. Interesting work, viujjs, 'Z'2i papes. Price 50 lr. Butts' biapens&ry, 12 dtreet, St. Louis, Mo. See Op, the tried. "It works like 'liN'NE's P;n-Ki!ling Maeic Oil is i .u lit' to una tor frost bites, chiibiaius, braises, contusions, and other pain ts. trout:(;s you ever a tt.arui " The XSew Archbishop of Paris- Dispersion of Emigration X&esting. Market Eeports. i;-M the ,S' ulral Baptist, St. Louis : "A few days since a friend handed ns a few pai'k'.Zs of Dr. Price's Cream Bakina Pow ler, with a request to 'try it.' Wt tried it, an 1 found it superb. 'We pave small packages to a tVw friends, and they all came back to us tor more, as we were not pre pared, however, to abandon the conduot of the Centra! to go into the Baking Powder buinyas, we were obliged to turn them ay disappointed. For their gratification. however, and that of the general public, we wili siy that this inimitable Powder can be at most of the leading grooerias in this r;cv, and at wholesale of Thompson, Steele A: Price, Chicago and St. Louis. BR. SBELSY'S WATER CURE A T K i.OM .-''Di for circalar. .WIS , E. BBELEY, M.I) 8fl:VIXH;A INSURANCE CQMP'Y OF CHICAGO, I LI Cash Capital, .$200,000.00 nrplns, S57.820.64 Dedrice & ipr21-dly Sbaw, Agents, Rock Island. DAVENPORT ADVERTISEMENTS. M2H. fc. A. D0rLA8, LADIES' VAUIETr STORE AHD FAIBIOIABLI Mllliaerj and Dress jHakiag ZSTAXLIBBKXVT, o. JS IIII Itllll, bAVKNPOBT, saptJJdly IOWA. W. L. CABSOLL, AECUITECT AXD BIPEEISTESDEST 0? EULBHG, Sstvenport, - - Iowa. Alio, la aoanection with Dodga A Monn, Waioiniton, D. 0., Ui forma, Examlaer In th Vii-nt OlBaa, bai aaparior (aoiUtiea for attend in to all kinds of 0 It o basinasa for IN -VUSTOHS. aBavldBB. i S: A I TaK URBiT AUZKIOAN HHALTH KKdrOKBK, purine, tha blood aud cures Sjrofui, Bypbilla, Bkla Dls aaias, Haeamatisn, Oisaasaaof Woaen, and all Onroais Alfeoiion, of the Blood, Livar and Kidnajs. Heoommendai bj tha ktsdioal Kaoulty aad maaj thous ands of oar bast oitlsena. Read tha t.ittmonr of pi Jiiolans aad patiaata wbe hava aaad aVaiadalis aand for oar Rosadalis Saideto Health Book, or Almanao for this roar, whisb wo pub lish Ijr grataitoas distribation; it wlli giva joa maab valaablo Information. Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, sars: "1 taka plaaiara In raoomnandiag oar Rosadalia as a ry powarfal al Mratira. I bara saan it naad ia twa oasas with happy results ono ia a aaa. of sesoadar ayphili,, la whish the sa lient proooanned hiasself aired after having taken St. bottles of roar medi- eine. Th other ia a ease of serofnia. of long standing, whish ts rapidly lotpror. ing aader its use, and tha iadieations are that tbo patlaat will sooa reooTar. I bars earefullr examtaea the fornnla br wkionroar aosaaaits ta saade. and tad It an siaelleat compoand of alter ative laKredtents.' Dr. Bparks, of HTanolSTUle, Kt.,,.t1 ha bas need ttosaaaiis ia eaaea or Kara. fala aad Saaoadarr Srpbtlis with satis. f aotory results a, olaaaer of the blood I know no better reoaady. Bamaal Q. MsFaddea, Marfraesboro Teaa., says : '1 hare aaei serea bottles of Rosa dalis, and am entirely oared of Rheam atissB ; send ma roar bottles, as I wis it for my brother, who has tarofuloos sore eyes. Bea"jamin Bajhol, of Lima, Ohio, writes, I hare suffered for twenty years with i areterate ernptioa erer bis whole body: a tshort time aiaow I par- ehased a bottle af Rosadalis anal it ef- feated a perfeot oara." Rosadalis is sold by all druggists Laboratory, 61 Kxohaaia Plaew, Bal tlmoia. Or. CLIKIXTa 00. , fiopiMters Reported Expressly for the Aaecs. JNsw 108K, July 17. John Koe was r rested at the instance of Joseph rord, ot Astoria, Fulton county, 111., fur swindling we tatter to me amount ot fcioli. t ora paia money tor counierieti notes ana received a bos of saw dust. The Agricultural Editorial excursion par ty will leave this city to morrow morning tor Mammoth Cave, Ky.t Kansas, Colorado, and the Kocky Mountains. In the Board of Police, to day, Commis' sioner Manierre offered as preamble declar ing the occupation of the publio thorough iares br parades to nave grown to be an vil of such magnitude as to require police regulations or prohibition, ana tnat sucb occupation, which is not a right but only toleration, has become odious and danger ous ; therefore Resolved, That, excepting parades of the .National (mard and funeral processions, no processions of any kind shall be permitted to occupy tbe streets of New York without permission of the Board of Police, in which event the Superintendent shall give an es con and proper protection. Commissioner Barr offered a resolution tor obtaining legal opinion on the besi method of dealing with street processions ooia resolutions were referred to s commit tee composed of Bos worth and Barr. Mayor Hall, in seconding Barr's resolu tton, denied he lawful right of any proces sion, except military, v ocenpj the streets. ana saia tne aumoriues were perfectly iusti c i : c - . uou iu iuiuiuuiuj; piuveasions ; mat It was done in the recent instancefor the firsttime simply to snow tne question was never before presented for decision. INever before did any procession ena osaer circumstances threatening a breach oi the peace. On the Mayor's motion, three days leave ofabsenoe, in batches of a hundred at a si me, was granted patrolmen who faitbfullv performed their duties on tbe tweittn. -X' Ti 1 j T Ki jKV ItjKh., Uiy lOi tltiui Ji.VT, ur pugilist, has iasued a card waiving the decis- of the releree in bis favor in tne lus match with Coburn, and offering to tight the latter for $5,000 or $10,000 within one hun red miles of .New Orleans. In the event Coburn declines he is willing to transfer the hallenge to O Baldwin Great interest ts felt in tbe result ot tbe ooean race between the Oity ot Brussels, the crack ship of the In man line, and tbe Oceanic tbe pioneer ship of the recently established While Star hoe. Both ehipt sailed from this port on Saturday, the th iust., st ten 1. m., and they are consequently bout due off Queenstowti. Tbe tornado that passed over this city Sunday r. k committed great Carnage tc ahiDDiiig in the harbor CvriUa Iion has issued notice, in wmco he oballeni-ea any one in the world to play im a eanieot three bail or trench carom billiards amount of stakes to be not less than $300 a side It is thought in billiard oircles that an international contest will be the result of the challenge. Among tha importaot Documents bearing on the causes of action first taken by the civil authorities in regard to tbe recent troubles, there is published this morning a Utter, written, by John J. Bond, the Orange leader, to SuDt. Kelso, t wo days before the Sheriff Chisholm, of DeKalb. Miss . was also examined. He testified that disguised had committed a number of lawless acts in hit county, but they were not of fre quent occurence. A great majority of the citizens of both parties had aided him in patting down and preventing their recur rence. Just before leaving for Washington ha had been told by leading Conservatives that tbe Democrats were getting up an or ganization which would control the colored vote and make them carry all tha elections. Treelhard, late r rench Minister to Wash mgton, is at present in Connecticut. He has entirely recovered his health, and will leave for France as soon as he shall learn that tha Germans have avaouated that part of the country which includes hit estate. The brand Jury have found indictments against Hiram Oramsdell and Z. White, of the Xew York Tribune, and Chas. A. Tinker and Joseph A. Kirby, of the Western Union Telegraph Office, charged with wilfully and unlawfully refusing to testify on certain points before a special committee of the United States, concerning the crematnre pablication of the Treaty of Washington. Thie refusal is declared to be against a former statute in such cases made and ero ded The presentment in each case is founded cn the evidence of Senators Car penter, Conkliug, Summer, Trumbull and Garrett Davis. Dr. G. W. Perine, late examining tor- geon of tbe Pension Bureau, who was re moved by Ex-Commiasioner of Pensions, Van Aerman, because he was a homeopath ist, has been appointed by the present Com missioner a member of the Board of Exam ining Surgeons at Milwaukee. Commander Wm. Mitchell, who was placed on tha retired list of the Kavy four years aeo, died at his residence in this city yesterday. Gen, Parker, Commissioner of Indian Af fairs, hat tendered his resignation, to take effect Aug. 1st, and the President has ac cepted it. 1 be reasons given by ijrenerai farker in a letter to toe r resident, wnicn is published, and which is dated tne 29th ot June, is, that the legislation of Congress in regard to Indian matters, has been suah as to divest the Indian Bureau of all its origin al important duties, and made tbe Commis sioner of Indian Affairs a mere supernumer ary officer, a clerk to the Board of Indian Commissioners, and the General feels he cannot, in justice to himself, consent loogei to hold an ambiguous position. The President's letter accepting the rcsig nation, is dated Long Branch, July l.i, and compliments Gen. Parker in the highest terms for his ability and integrity in the management of the Indian Bureau, which management has always been in entire. bar mony with the policy of the Administration Subscriptions to the new loan to date, amount to $C7, 054,400; the subscriptions to-day, $21,500; bonds have already been issued on the above subscriptions to the amount of $61,605,500. The statement that Secretary Bootwell paid more for bonds on Thursday than their par value in gold ia not true. Col. Josiah Given, of Ohio, it prominent U mentioned in connection with the Com misaionership of Internal Revenue in case of a vacancy in that office. Col. Given has been for a number of years Deputy Uommia sioner in rnarge of a epecial divieion of the Internal Revenue Bureau, and is backed by strong influence. COMMERCIAL. ca-oica. 1.12 l-O. Hoc i Islakd, July 17. Tbis Flour market Is eorreoted at Warner's Mills and the quotations are tha ruling prices ot the Rook Island market. Wistbb Wbbai Floob Wholesale $8.40 " ' Retail .04 BpBise Wnaat Jtooa Bpriag Doable Bxtra U bbls, wbole,al....$7.4fl RetaiU..M.H..n .... 8.00 8aohs at wholesale...-. 7.00 H.taU ... . T.60 Leoee, at wholesale. ,.M... M.n.M,...8.80 Retail ..... ... 7.40 GaaBt's Sbif Ratsno Flocb Retail i Barrel, sacks....... $1 56 " 4 " " 1.25 " 1-16" " 6a Bdckwhbat Fiona Wholesale $.00 Retail 10.00 W BbVAV ae.eae.aae , ewe V6awl,29 Coat 45 Oats ...... ............ ....... .m.43o R v b - M.... .....m.. ..m... ...... h. 40bSq Bablbt So. 1 5al.fi0 Selected "5 Bcttib Ohoioe lots, for retailing, will bring. 15t Cbbbsb N Y. Factory. ... It Labd per lb ldallo Poviioaa ...... 60afi Apples per bashel - 1-20 Baas per doa... ...12jc Tbe above prices are the first hand. wholesale figure, at POOLTBT Live Turkiea, per lb Dressed ' " Ohiekens, live " dressed " Dacks Hoes Live Bxtra lot, 6.00 ; ehoiee 6.75,6.00 sommon ehiping 6.50. Oattlb Lire weight, oommon.... , Prima shipping, per 100 lbs Wood Oak, per eerd Biekui Coai, Coal Valley Yard Cleveiaad lard, Hat Prairie, per toa. UmotBj ......... ... Oorraa Slo, oommoB to fair ........ prime to ehotoe Old ftovernmeat Java TlAS Toocg Hyson, oommon " fir to rood " prime to choice gunpowder, oemmon to fair.... ' prima to choloe... Imperial- - -.. Oolong, eommoa to fair........ prime to ohoioe . Xepaa BAtv siae . a.m. .. ... Solar Dairy, with ta.kl...... Dairy, wilhoat saok, ........... WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Manufaaturtrs of lOo ... 12,0 8e 10c 10a I00J.50 medium 5.75 45oe i.OOaO.Ot 6.50 6.; l-'O , 13e lO.OOall.OO 14,00 .- ljTalSfe I lte .....S.aoOe .1.00 l.S0al.40 ,.-.1.35al.6C .. ..-.1.40el.i8 -...1.40al.6 .1 65al.75 .. 0al.04 ,...-....1.15al 0 95al.le ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING 3IACELINES, rLIXEBS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, XASMYTI1S' STEAM HAMMERS, Own Machinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting and Hangers, Patent Self- Oiling Box. WAREHOUSE .- 107 LIBERTY T., KKW YORK CITY MANUFACTORY : HAMMOSD ST., (Opp. Jonotion Depot), WORCBsTbR .M.tKS. All Trains entering the City, stop within ten rods of our Works. J. 10 dtf 1860. 1871. THE PIONEER JUSIC STORE. A LARGE 6T0CK ALWAYS ON HAND Of .rv. surimvvAY, STECK, BMKHSOK. AMSKICAS, .. H AIMS', M A ttlH ALL AM) H'ENDBI L (i. Weed & Co'Sj&Efey Organs and all kind, of Musical Instrument. Sheet .Vasio of latest issues, and the hest im ported Strings in the citv JOHN Hovr, apl Corner Illinois and Washington street. AKTISTIC TAILOHIHG. 3 4 WASHXHQVOZvT ST., OSXOAOO. DRAPER,TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S TJSE. WDL)1G OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Bhirts to Heasara Extra Double and Perfect in Fit. Clerevmon will be allewed 6 e cent. aiseoanu ieblUdly 8A8U, DOORS. &C. COLANDER & HTJBEB, Suaoet.ors to J. A. Biddibok, Mannfaoturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, KRAMKB, BRlCKRTg, And everything in their line. Gland Bash on hand, also Feed All work warranted. Corn Meal and feb24dw6m SAWS. BlTABLIIBCD IB 18S0. WELCH tSc GRIFFITHS' Sawsi ! Bawsi I 9ca,xsr-ai SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS I Axes, Files, Cast Bteel, Mill Farnishlags ana Kaehintry. V.Oet tbe best, they will prove the eheapest fries, reduced. Bend for price List and siroulara. WULCH k bMIFFITUH, aoS3dwly Boston, Mass., ar Detroit, Mib Parties holding grain will find it pay ta ship direct to PHILADELPHIA, PA.. the best of oar Eastera markets. Onr bastaess is axcLcsiTBLT coMissio. For information, write us ; for reference, inquire through a Bank in your vioinlty. Commission Merchants, 17, Chamber of Oommeroe, Philadelphia, Pa. CHUPHflfpEETrML Chicago, Rock Ztlacd and Tacific Zlailroad Company. 300,000 Acro CHOICE IOWA LANDS. This Company is now offarlnr for sale about six hundred thousand aores of tha finest agri cultural land, in the West. The Comnanv sells only to actual settlers, and tbe prices are exoeed lngiy reasonable, rarging from $5 to Sit par aoro the average being aboat t. The greater part of these lands are situated along tbe line of its railroad between the cities Des Moines aad Counail Bluffs, and are in the moil acoessible and fertile region in the State. Sales made lor oath or oa credit long enough to enable any industrious man to pay for the land out of ita crops. Tbbse lands are h.ld under a title direet from the General Uuvernmeat, and are not morrt gag,d or enoambertd in anyway. Foil warranty deeds given to purchasers. For maps, pamphlets, or any otherinformation respecting them, address Ebebezbb Oook, Land Commi.sioncr.Davenport, Iowa. EXPLORING TICKETS are sold at tbe Com paav's ticket offices at Ohieaga, and all other principal .tstiooa on Its line, and if the purcha ser beys land the amount paid for the ticket is ' applied on the purchase money. ORIENTAL CkEin. 1 Card to Druggists and Dealers. A DANGEROUS AKD POISONOUS COUH. TERFEIT OF Br, 7. 7. Oonrand'i ORIENTAL CREAM. 02 M1GICAL BEACTIFIEB, It Atttmptad tt ba Falmtd off oa tha Publio. BA. GALLUP, H. Marshall, Mich. D., TJroseopia Physician, Send for pamphlet. SUAE. Agents ! Bead This ! Wl WILL PAT AGENTS A SALARY OF 130 per Week and Expenses, or allow a large commission to sell oar new aad wonderful inventions Address Ji. WAGS I R A CO., Marshall, Mieh. a. POWABH. J. L. rBBBMAB. NEWMUSIC BOOKS SCUCMIS'S SELF IXSTEtCTOES. ...2.40 ...4.7i The rash still continues at tlie Picsder Store, and no wonder, for they are constanth reeeiving New , all j-l I fhipmenta Flour 2. tub; wbe Goods aad sell so Cheap. k;; Cliicng-o IRON BEDSTEAH ! MFG. CO. Obteai SZtvrket. telegraphed to the Antes. OwieAse, July IS. Floar Dall and unchanged. Wheat Mo. 2 to gil shorts, selling at $l,1Sa 1.17 cash or July; and closing at 1,17; seller August sold and closed at $1,11; So. 1 sold at (l,lial,!0; No S nominal. Cora No. 2 closing at 5Hs51J cash: 31 sell- r August: rejected in active demand at ol'aooj: yellow 51. Oats Quiet and firm; .No; il 4Stssi'j cash, ac cording to location: 43ja434 July; .i seiier Aucu.s. Eye Quiet and low,; o. 2 closed a oHi. Karley Doll; salesfor Aagustand September, 75. Receh.ts Flour 2,731; wheat IB, 140; corn 156,041: oatsHUS: rve7,17S; barley 4flO. beat 12,1 1 1: corn barlev 2,Sl)0. o sales. Provisions Du.l;prl;es nominally nncoangea, Butter Quiet and easier; prime 15al7. Eges Dull and easier at 12el2. Tor the riano - - - For the Violin - - -Tor the note - - - Either or all mailed to aeipt of the price. any - 75 cents. - 7 5 cents. - 75 cents. address en re- GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY TBE Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch House, Falact How, ROCK ISLAND, ... ILLS. Where wa are offering unrivalled Teas, at the same low prioes as at their "Eastern House. By importing Teas in cargo lots, they eaable ns to retail to tbe consumer at extremely low prioes. Don't fail te visit the Hong Kong Tea store, at Palace Kow, wnere will be found the finest, purest and freshest Teas, Coffees and Spi aes, at prices beyond competition. my&dw3m KOW AKM FKSKMAH, Sg'ti PRONOUNCED by teachers the most useful and best series extant. Liberal ditoouat on quantities to the trade, 'TOE TREASURE," A new and bright book for Sunday School,, High Schools, or tbe Social Oirele. Sample vopies maiiea at o eenu ; per nundrea "SI DAY SCHOOL 80SG," The most popular and cheapest Sunday Sohool Book extant. Price 1U seats 51U.UU per bun dred 206 KORTH FIFTH STREET PUBLISHERS. mS7-dedl2m. ST. LOUIS. Now 55 OMcajo Ziive Stock. Telegraphed to the Anort. L'biob I-vocb Yabbs, July l. Cattle ReceinU 2,547; market dull, buyers and sellers ai art; Texans sold to butchers at i2 60a4 i0, and a few lair to goott snipping is- ,iTi at i Utiao 50. Hcg? Keoeipts 3,Cot ; fairly active ann arm; theentire range u, mv.. S4 Ja 4 64 lor heavy and light. gneep Quiet and nom nally nnsnangea. riot, ia which ba implores that functionary Caf- is tbe time to cot them, to insure health o. oieanaess. Thev are extensively used in the west, and give universal satisfaction. Fur niture dealers, Invitations, Hotels and Board mg Houses dealt with liberally. Orders by mail promptly Httended to. ror sale ri tne ractorj, 251 and 20S Kinaie street, patented loOU. may2-dly tues d utrcs. A. SJ nT VO . X- V A -J y AND RETAIL BLicxsMrrnixG. Remored to Hairs New Building, Wasbinfton Street, WALTER DATJBEE, 'II QlCHARDSON'S1""11 Llxws' 1,1 II JUMkS, USES t iMBR'G W. feel ourselves called on again to OAL- TION COSSUMfcRS against the indiscriminate use of Irish fatnoa made up te imitate our goous in fold, trade mark and general appearaace.aua 10 warn them, that their only saleguard is to see that the authentic seal of our firm, J. IT. RICHARDSON, SONS A OWDEN, is stamped cn each article. Deteimined to confine ourselves, as heretofore, to the use of yarns spun from the ehoieest and urongi'St Fl.i, by the best machinery obtaiua Me; uniform in weight and elastiaity manu factured and bleached under our own auperinlen lence: the consumer will ba GBAKANTBEO BY OtS SBAL he same durability and satisfaction in the wear, hioh the genuine goods have always afforded. J. . RICHARD jOH, SONS & OWDEN. Belfast, Ireland, i Mo. 14, 1871. ielldw.lm 's.nnilfifilCT to'UfttUUli3 (li if a .i n..i.T ; Paints, Oas,Window ' g Glass, Putty, &c. - I r"H Phv.ioian'. Prescriptions ac- td ' ..- . ll L , ui curaieiy p. I V. hoars. Also, a fine assort- , ZA meut of reitumerie. i"'- i l let Article.. V 11113 IMjBVU.a " ' w I and "GOLDEX (JT W CROWN" Ik to stop the Orange denv.unttration, aad spar the effusion of blood. Capt. Petty is o be tried to-day. Lieut. Macklin and otbert belonging to the B4tt rariment testify in this behalf. Cornelius V.8. ttao seven, ona tne known oid merohanta i u thie city, died at bis summer residence on Iiong Island thia morn A large party of rougbs in tne i ward, Brooklyn, hung an effigy U")i- tnn anna., this marmoi, laoeieu, uuu Hoffman. OoverBnf tf New Xork. Oiea Jnly 12th, 1871." Fort Qmiltoh, J u!y 18. The Pretident anrl n.rt. ar on B brief VUll W Uen . r J Yogors. Tbe rresia ent was rec"" a talute of twenty-one gnet, ana b the Itoods of the -jamson. te win re turn to Long Branch this afternoon. Pi bis. Jolr 18. Ilia evoBouneement that the ArehhUhon of Tourt 'will euccecd the I . : r ..... , t, . . 'aia Uarboy as Arob bishop oi raris, it co Losnox.Jnl.l8 .Tha solioe of London hare di. pureed a mMting in Hyde Park, tha object of which was emigration from the United Kingdom. Thia was rendered necessary by the noiaa and confusion incident to tha proceedings. , Washikotow, Jo!y 17W, H. Fornay, a lawyer of Alabama, was exajnined by tbe Ku Klut Commtttea to-day. He admitted tha existence of brindt of armed and dis guised men, and tha perpetration of oceaa ional outrages, but considered tha purpose of tha organisation to be to keep the peace Of Rock Island ConntT. .hoes Horses n tne most workmanlike manner. killfnl workmen: shod without oain. Having a practioal aad ex tended experience in tbe basinasa, 1 solicit yeur patrons ge, confident that I oan please yon, and do better work than anv other shoer in the city Shop Sign of the BIG HORSH BHOb, oa WaahlngtOB street, near the river. mayt dtf WALTtR WAlsa J -tr.iwu GENERAL HORSE SHOER Proprietors and Manufacturers of MILL mm DilESSEE, OTTAWA, IUL. This celebrated Dresser is iod all are warranted. WILLS & MUBBAY, CHAMPION HORSE SHOERS AND Blacksmiths, Corner Etgle and Orleans street, (Blythe A Stod dard's Shop,) HOCK ISI,AKD,..... Every description of Forging done in the moat workmanlike manner, baimaetion gaar ante4 or bo pay. fobl3-dSm LIME AlCEMENT ! Wiukoon's Cordorla White Fin Iiung Mine. PORT BT10S & OAVESPOET LIKE LOUISVILLE AND VT1CA CEMENT. PLlSTEtt P4EI8, LiSDPLiSTEB, PLI8TESIXG BUI BTO., STO., " TC. soon BZZfSXSrO. iniLH&rjKEE. BADGER STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! DOS. 1,3 k6 CLY BOURN ST., West end Huron St., Bridge, ZtXilwanbee, - Wis. F. F. ADAMS & CO.; PROPRIRTORS. Orders from close Cash Buyers solicited. mch!5-dly 1B0 WORK. PHILADELPHIA Ornamental Iron Works ROBERT WQQO & CO., 1138 RIDGE ATX., PHILADELPHIA, PA Manufacturer" of Fountains, Vases, Stataarj Verandas, Summer Hoasas, Arbors, Chairs, let' tees, Ac, Ac, Cast And 'VrouglU Iron Bailings, For public buildings and Squares, Cametrj lot. Garden fences. Balosniea, Roof Castings, eta. in great variety of patterns. IRON STAIRS Spiral styles, work. and Straight, of various patterns and special attention given to this elass oi UKT, TAKE .(HK ! The reason oor air.nts make so much monev. because our poods are nr.t-ciass ; people like More live Ageats Conn them, aad they are warranted. wanted A. K. TAYLOR, Sew B.itain QQOK Month Horse and Oarriage forntsb tpOeJed Expeneespaid.H.bhew, Alfred, 41. CALE6M15 wanted to Travel for a Manufae- O taring Co. Good salary, steadr emplovment. 8. P.CuOPER A CO., 166 klm St.; Clncionati.O. A Shrewd but quiet men can make a fortune by revealing the secret ot tbe business to no one. Address i5I, 60S Broadway, New York The unpreoedeated popularity and universal demand lor this innocent ce.metfc has excited the enpidity of a bold and infamous counter feiter, in imitating the label and the bottle ot my Cream, la the label, tba da.h divid ing the words "Trade-mark," and tbe period after the latter word, are omitted. There is no dot separating the dollar aad come of the price in the counterfeit. Thela.t word of each line of the " Direction" in the counterfeit ia the fol lowing : "Of," "a.e," "large," the" and none:" these words, in the genuine, begin eteh line of the "Direction." 'lhe oountevfeit la' el ia a brighter scarlet, and the engraviag interior lhe wax at the top la dall and of poor quality. In other respects the counterfeit is well eai ulated to deceive. Druggist, should be on their gnard when my Cream is offend at less price than f ill per gross, less tea per cent discount. 1 have never, to a firm or house, 10 d it for lea, or ever have received an order for more than a groea at time, nor have I ever exchanged the Cream for other gnoda, demonstrating that if any one offers my Cream lor leas, it ia a eounienew. 11 1 oraera, to insure tbe genaine, should be ant to my only offioe, Ko. 48 Bond street, Sew York, formerly No. 453 Broadway and o. 91 w eixer street. T. BBL1X UOCBAID. jErrEBSos Mabxxt Policb Cocbt. James Unttoa, of eo. 41) Dey street, was arraigned before Jdge Cox oa a charge of eoao erfeuing the trade-mark and label ot Dr. T. Felix Oour- u 'a Original Cream, or Megto Beautiner. It PI ears that thia is (enious operator palmed oil A K. eanoa one grosa ox nm .panou. nun, for which he obtained $114, being 15.60 lesa ban the artiola is Invariably oid by Dr. li. lhe said cress, minus six bottles, hava teen honorably delivered by said firm to Dr. G. The miserable counterfeiter disposed of another .mute Critteaden. No. 7 Bixth avenue. This gentleman very handsomely returned all he bad unsold vis, seven dcien. Another groaa was sold to Piatt, Scott A Co., Broadway, ten doten af which were aild to John I . nenry. zoi one of these bottlea baa been returned to Dr. G. The repreaentative of Mr. Henry asaured air U that every bottle should be destroyed. Mr. Gonrand . determined, if possible, to stop inn anaTisn bnsines. of counterfeiting, by legal proceedings and the publication oi the name ef every vender who is cognisant 01 tne preparation oemg oun- terfeit, la the meantime purchaser, cannot te too mush on their guard ; aad be ure to get the Oriental Cream, or Magical beautiner, 01 npsta- hle Druggist., and at Mr. Felix Gorad s only depot. No. 4S Bond street. R.tablished tbirty- one years. ouraua e wen Known iiauan mtoi eatad Seap, tor the cure of skin dietaees. price fifty cents, ia still tor .ale ; also hie Poudre Subtile, f r npreoting taperflu"n. hair safely and cjaiokly; Lio,uid Rouge, t-iiywhiie, ato. Card. A Clergjmin, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the cure of Kervons Weakness, Early Decav, Diseases of the Urinary and eemtnal Or gans, and tha whole train of disorder, brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great nam bers have been eared by this noble remedy Prompted by a desire to benefit the amicted an unfortunate. I will send thereeipe for preparin and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, free of charge. Address Jos. T. Ima, Station D.Bible Hoase,X.Y.City ALE & FORTES. Cream and Stock Ales. GOH & STBONGw Proprietors of tha MERCHAiMS LUMH, Are sole Agents for Peaslee'a Celebrated Cream and Stuck Ales. For sale by the Barrel or Half Barrel. oet29 dtf LAMP POSTS, r Publio Buildings, 11 in and elaborate desij STABLE FITTINGS, For Fronts of Publio Buildings, Hotels and tity streets, of plain and elaborate design.. Book Binder and Paper Hanger. 6hop on Orleans St., opposite Court House. ROCK ISLAND, ILL. fc. Ail kinds of Paper Boxes made to order, augind tf Of Cast aad Wrought. Iron of New Improved styles such as Hay Hacks, Stall Diviatona, Mea ger., Harnesa Brackets, Gutters, Traps, V'antil. ators, Ac WEST'S Saloon k Billiard Rooms, He, 3 Harper House Block, BOCK 19LAXD, - -ILL. Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, And Impertf d Wine k Brandiest Agent for Sands, Litis, and Joliet Ales, also best Scotch and English Ales aad London Por ter for sale. TJtiea White Sand for sale by the barrel. A g- at for A. Zeller's Billiard and Pigeea Hole Table Manufactory. ' apr4-dtf H, K. W EST, Proprietor. KtW il) VKSTlE.'VlE t t'S. perfect succsfs, myllOdiy GOl SE AKD LOT FOtt SALE. OFIEtt MY NEW RESIDENCE A COT- l tags, containing seven rooms, all newly fin- shed ; and lot containing one half acre,.i tuatetl Gayer .treet, between Cherry and Madison treets. Fruit, ornamental treet and Tine, all growing oa the lot. For terms aad particulars pply on the preaatses. JJaii BOBT. F. Kfciy. SIX, G. TO.. SSZ.BXZ7G, DENTIST. A LL DENTAL 0PKRATI0N3 PERFORM X- ED according to the most approved princi ples. Office in Harper'a Block, cor of Illinois and Buffalo streets. ' augle-dif J. 15 . STARK, XEIS'rr.XtST. OOMS NKXT DOOR TO TELEGRAPH Offiee, Illinois street, Rock Island. All kinds ef Dental work dose lathe moat approv ed manner. Charges reasonable. aplO dwly WIRE WORK, ORocnaiiig. 6lc Of every deacripiion. Wire Gourds, of Crimped Wire, Galvanised or painted, in plain and area-1 mental patterns, fur Store Doora, and Windows, I Kaotory and arebouse Windows, Bailings fori Offices, Banks, Counter Railings .Balconies, Lam aad Farm Peaces, dc. JAMES KELLY, un 1 tw I For entrance te C.u.. tries, 1'uhlio Sqaares and Gentlemen's Country Seals, of Gas Tubing or I Wrought Iron, both Single or Double, ia elabor-1 ate aad simple designs. Estimates aad D.signs sent oa application, stating the elass ef work desigaed. Purchasers mar relv on bavin c all articles I carefully boxed and shipped to the plaae af des tination mem-asa DR. GOL'RAUD'S ITALIAN MEDICATED 50AP is found to be all sufficient for the com plete removal from the skin of Tan, Freckles, nd Sunburn ; or, in fact, any disfigurement which is the result of actitii.w ; while its medi cal properties are ot .0 powerfal a nature as to oe potnt In the removal ef cataneona ernptieaa and all aoorbutio appaaranaaa, including Ery sipelas, Scald Head, bait Rheam, ar.bsr s Itch, Moth, eta. Old Bores are rapidly healed by it, and the ain arising rrom the biles 01 jsusanuca, u. tings of Wasps or other venemous insects, is mmediately a.layed, and chaps, cracks ana hafts are beaurd by it. In tsct no iamuy snoaia be without this soap, but moie especially those who live remote from cities, in places w here at It times it is not easy to procure medital at- endance. Neither shoald the geaman be witc- nt it. as it is a complete remedy for scurvy, and an be used in bar or salt water as well aa soft. addition thereto, it is perfectly buoyant. The Italian Medicated Ssap mav therefore be considered as the greatest boon which modern science has conferred on mankind. DIRECTIONS FOB 16E. For Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, worms In the skin, chaps, cliaits, redness, saljowncss, and all skin detoimities, Ring W orm, Boald Head, Beurvy, Batter s lien, etc., the soap must be made into a thick lather, aad well rabbed in several time, a day with a having brash. For Pimples. Ian, Freckles, Sunburn, Sallowness, Bongbaess, Maiqaito iles. or v,.nemou stisg., it should be aed three or loor times a day. In severe cases make a paste and apply, provided it does not produce a marling sensation. Ibis soap is moreover wie most glorious couponed for shaving aver laven veated, and can ba need with eith.r hard or soit water, and so seaman aaould go to sea without a upply, as it is a complete aatiUote to scurvy. iQ cents a cake. Tbe folk wing is selected from a numbr of communications in pratse at Dr. Goureud a LI QUID ROL K : Dr. Jblix GofBArn : UcarBir Asaieauing aotress, I am compelled to rouse oocksioaally. Having never seen anything of the no equal to yoar Vegetable article, having striven in vain to procaro it in this tity, 1 shall ba greatly obliged (should it not be too insignificant for you) if yon advise me how aad at what aott I can procure a bottia with Hie least truunie to my- sell. 1 lease address , Philadelphia, Pa." Certificate from the celebrated Dr. Bon? ton, in praise of l.r. Gouraad's POL DRK t-1 BT1LJS, or uprooting euperuuous nair lrom any j'en " the human body t 1 hava had aa opportunity ot observing m. operation of Dr. Feiia Goureud a preparation tor tbe removal of superfluous hair, ana am pernv.- iy satisfied of ita peculiar efficacy. After an n alys's of thceomposition of these powdars, I ' without any hesitation, pronounee ttfm prrfert. ly harmless, nnd in ever way infinitely superior to any prepaiation of the kind everifered ta 'he public I bare pleasure in giving them my recommendation, being thus fully convinced of their value. JAS. A. HOUSTON. M. D., liditor N. T Lancet. T. FELIX CClBirD, M. D., and Tract ieal Chemist, IS Bond street, formerly 4i3 Broadway. QX.ACS. Eock Maud Business Uuirersity WILL OPEal AUGUST 1st, 1871, FOR tbe reeeption of andante, both Ladiae and Gentlemen. 31. le la, Brown, Proprietor of Bloomington Business University, Superintendent of aourse of Instructions. Late Professor of Business and Ornamental Pen manship, Pen and Pencil Drawlnir in Iowa Wes- eyau university, leotureaoa CommerSialoerres Bondenee, business and onatama. laws of trade. etc, ia charge of writing department. urn -anient teaobara will be la abargs 01 puug,apny telegraphing, and English de BSIUUCuw. Twenty -foar lectures will ba girea during the fall and winter, oa mercantile law, tomniercial ethics, political eceaomy, laws and of trada, etc, tree t all tegular students. This institution will be apoa the meet thorough and practioal basis Tte only actual busiue,, col lege ia Rock Island, where each student is re quired to go through every detail as in aotual basiaesa. 11 is very Important aad desirable that a" comment at opening of term so as to create at much auiformit v aad system as possible. Cards, subscription beadirgs and arsameatal pen wore 01 snoat workmanship with tbe pen, executed to order. Send $1 for sneelmens. Hall nearly opposite Rock Island Hoase , opea day and eveataa after Jtrly 28, 1871. For in formation tend for etroular ar address t . M 1 U BROWH, v jyl5dtf P.O. Drawer 41T,aVookI.lanl,LU. TRAVELING SALESMEN AT 10 DOLLARS A DAY DONE AWAY WITH. This li ithe reason We can tell the riTTEBUXLOn STAINED GLASS worms. HO. 33 MlRKEl ST., P1TTSBUUGH. WILLTAM NELSON, Glas. Stainer and Me tallic Saab. Manufacturer beet adapted far church windows. Having erected tha most complete and extensive apparatus for the manu facture of colored and ornamental window glass, he is prepared to furnish eve. y Tanty for church es, private residences, office windows, eto , ra superior style. Orders from all parts af the country will receive promp t atten tton . feMBdly. or AND BEST QUALITIES WINES LIQUORS T . O "W. ES THAN ANY OTHIR HOUSE, Js WEITZEL & BSOs, 14 A 10 West Sudolnh BUeet.n CHICAGO Staple and Fancr Gro.erl.s, Provisions, i Queens ware. Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Ac Corner Orleans and Ohio streets, ROCK ISLAND ILL For quality of goods and prices, T defy com petition. msnieaiv WAZ.Ii r.YZ2Zi. Just Received 1 Twenty thousand rolls of Wall Paper, yew and Beautiful Patterns, Elegant, Che a p Window Shades, Scotch and Dyspepsia, indigestion, American, B u ff , To be had of Dr. T. Felix Gouraad, Vo 48 Boad street, New Yolk, and Wholesale in New 'Vork, of F C Wella A Co, 1H2 FalioB street: J F Benry College Place; W U Scbteffelia A Ca, No 170 William sueet ; McKesson A Hobbies, SI Ful ton street; Arnold A McNary, 47 Park Place; Crittenden, fita Avenue; Hinds. Haumann A Murphy, 1 Barclay street; Hegeman A Co, !03 Broadway, and Drags tt generally. jel4deod,t, woesaJm sazsszsio. N.H. GARDNER &. CO. B BASDSAOTCBBBS DoHAVEH'D WILD CBERUY The Best Tonle ia the World LEATHER BELTING! Oftos, 12 Washicgtoa Street, Buffalo, X?a 7a Tannery, I5J feneca street. aetB-deod-M.s-ly FOB Loss of Appetite, GESEKAL DELILIIY, CBILL8, Etc. THE VILD ..UEiH BITTf RS HAD NO BQXTAX.. I is aeknowlsdgei by every ona who has taken it, to U tha i; - BestHemedy For the diseases aed eret offered.' , ,'v T , Denot. 44 LaBalle street. CHICAGU,-.. .............. ..Itl,. . , TIbHAYEK WALES, , , ' ' ' Sole Manufactarrs. J an sale by Druggists. je22-dw6ai Gree n, and white Hollands. Cords,Tas- sels, Fixtures. &c. A fine assortment of walnut, '. rosewood and , gilt and gilt mouldings, at Walter S. Gates': COPP & BRO., Livery and Sale Stables. Odee under Bart's Salle ROCK ISLAND,. ..ILIH. Host Complete F.stabli.kmant ia the Ciry" Partisalat aturtion paid te furnishing Carriages for parties, Balis. Processions, etc.. - . mb4 iy PUOTOGEAPDS. I. O. PECK, rhotograpnei 1 ! - ROCK I8I,AirD,.-.........lLr.; ' tV KegatiTc. Preserved. fab24-d0m feeledsed-t,Ut , and prevent the negroes from atea ling 9 dtf KATTHXWS A CO., Beck Island aySOdJm