umi in tinnmtitrr-
Saturday, July S3. 1871.
Vremitm Tob JTrictlur.
Orders for Jb Printing will sst with pressp'
atuatioa til Absbs Orrica, and b xil
b th rry beat ih at reasonable rs.
Nice printed T-n,15cts ; riain black Gr.nadln
loots Z!S tocb Chen I'oplin which w re told is
th. sanui.r at 75ts, 'or 4(eta; 1'opitns told at
40ct. tor 25ots ; all rinnullil null; all Q loves
at eost ; all Hosier? at coil. Come early and
secur your barg-ami. MAX B&OS.,
Eock Island,
for rtisrvp-
piaxos m oum
John Zimmerman's
So. Ill I'a'n Straet,
All instruments warranted.
Term, reasonable. apr6 A'tm
Ar ataared thoe who mike of that magnif
iovnt cosuiviic,
Asd the Ljie who desire a Perfact Enamel,
Splendid Cosmetic, and delict, perfuui com
bind, will use no other. it It, as a beaulther
to tha oouipiexion,
Snprrior to any article ia ifce World
So'd by all Druggists and Dealers in Fane;
Goods. UuO. K. LiE, Proprietor,
meyJdBta Hartford, Conn.
Jtha Bengston, ifeet, Bnck Inland.
Bianking, for Harness, Carriage Tops, Ac,
aad hi.
For Boot, and Shoes i. most excellent eooaoinT.
Thase articles are always reliable. Foj sale fcv
Benedict, Smyth A jicContell, and J. A i.
Bosenneld. jelOdwlj
The Western ParinsriKooIlDg Co.
Ars now prepared to lay the Celebrated
Stone Ociueni I
With despatch and perfertion. I
It is the be-t rca:e-ial known for Pavini I
alas, streets, Lei ars, r-tvutt,
Basements of etnpe. Faotjr.e", Ac.
A perfectly reliable
Ou.rantead fir 10 years. O.d Sh-nlet and new
eoated, rendering thsA lire prjuf, aud making
the oid a. good as new Fhup comer of De-r
and Water .ts., residence east end o Etrlwston
Kow. A'KLSO.f PAL i EX,
nisvlliljm Business Manager.
HscTimg ahb MAitrrACTCsca op
iioaestis Lioaors, I mporter and Dealer la
Voseiga V snejs cd Lienors. Jercnt ivmi, oppn
U tarew, k-t taUod. Hi.
EOrSD 0T!l,e
'VT0CB elathiag ean b aleaned aad boaad, aad
A presses ever, that tt will look as well al
w. by B. WILCOX Tailor.
Who has reej.ved to West Eagle Street, nader
ine Hons Island iioa.. mchS-dtf
G05S i. fcsUSIGl.Y,
Dealers la
SUres, House Forui.hing Goods,
Also, Mannfaeturers of
Orleass St., bet. Ohio and Swan ft.
.?alor,B"' """"t' ""of" j"job"work,
Promptly tended t. Bepawing and .wttin,
JJ" fb2-dlv
(Latsof the Srm of Smealoa A Blmr,) aa-
aoanees that be ta prepared i
i kin sv A.
i" work pre.ptl 5 h WghMt
Vis of th art, at short sous. -Baop
., aa,t. Bar-. P",,", 9u
PHILIP Js 81313805,
House and Sign Painter
ImUati.aot Wood an Marbl. Paper Hanging,
Oaleosaining, A, febop ia Palao Row, first
tattsfaiiOB aaraateed. feb2J-dtf
Bcrr Lit" goods, at H. H. Mayo's.
ScBVMA'i Self Instructor for the Piano,
ia tba title of a moat oseful work for the Be
of beginners. . , ; - . ,
Children like it end take it readilj, Nor
man's Chalybeate Cough Syrup, for Coughs,
Colds, &q. Sold everywhere.
For Bale.
Fifty cords dry oak wood, and five hun
dred perch building stone.
joneSOdlm B. Davehpokt.
Go to Wing & Burst's for the first water
melons of the season; also for groceries, if
yoa want to get a parcel or two of the choic
est in the whole trade. They reooive, daily,
fresh vegetables.
Geo. VT. D. Harris. The best man to
deal with for all kinds of Agricultural lm
plemects and Farmers supplies is George
W. D. Harris on the levee, who will give
you every possible satisfaction.
Concert at Tcrner Hall. This
evening, commencing at 8 o'clock, Mr. and
Mrs. Trattner, the tyroliao siegers, will ap
pear in their national costume, and will be
assisted by Mr. Soholtze, the celebrated
pianist. Admission only 15 cents.
Y. M. C. A. The Young Men's Christian
Association will hold an open air meeting
to morrow evenieff, at five o'clock, on East
Cagle street, near me post cilice, it is
hoped there will be a large attendance of
friends, Everyone is invited to be present.
Hill's Livery Stable To-day being
Saturday, ail those who have not bespoken
their equipage for to-uinrrow, should hurry
up and do so. Mr Hill's enterprise in pro
vidmg the beat carriage riding accuaioioda
tioo tor the public is well known to every
body. Give him a call.
A Fol'L Stomach, aside from its Jiiootn
fort, is often the source of a bad breath
This is remedied by the use of Tmx, which
is the somewhat singular came of anew and
beautiful perfume for the breath, counteract
iug foulexhalatiotis from any source driuk,
tobacco, bad teeth, or foul stomach.
Bettkr than the beet. Norman's Chaly
beate Cough Syrup. All Druggists keep it
Try a bottle ; only 50 cents. s. Two sermons at the Metho
dist Chur.h to-morrow, by the pastor.
Morniug Exsdus xxiii. III. ''The feast
of harvest." Lessons of the harvest season.
ETening The life that uow is and that
which is to come. Text, 1st Tim iv. 8 ''But
godiiuess is profitable unto ail things, hav
ing promise of the life that now is, and ot
that which is to come."
Fcxeral. This coou the funeral of
Mathew Buckley, the teamster who was
killed on the canal woritook place. The
remains of deceased were transported from
Rocklainnd to Davenport in his own wapon,
drawn bv the span of bay mares that caused
his death. About twelve wagons and buggies
came over from Davenport to furm a funeral
procesMon, including the parents, brother
aud sisters, and fridiids of deceased ho,
fortunately, was unmarried. It is said that
a s.iJden start pivtn by his team, while he ;
j wfcs dumping his iotil, caused him to pitch
! heavi.v on bis head. Atyhow be died in-,, acd lo mark- was to be fjucd
on his bodv.
I'M of the most efficacious remedies for
j Prspepsia known is Norman's Chalybeate
! Tonic.
Tr Walucb 'lorsit. As a really A.
Xo. J, fir-it class house, it ia well known by
t-ave:ers through that section of c unrv
i.'.i.t the tVaiiace House, Sterling, 111., hi
lew equals and no superior. The proprietor,
Kr - A" M- netfield' understand.
hat "re th requisites, in every depart
uii-ut, of a good hotel. Ilia clerk. Mr. J. N-.-'i.i.urd,
is not up to the mark in every
pint of vipw, but is so thoroughly good
natured aud pleasant all the time that it is a
ire a: inuauemect to seek this house in order
o be treated well and made as comfortable
as possible. v e reached bier. leg, the other
evening, by the ears, which arrived very late.
V.'e required refreshment, but ail places
were closed save three or four saluotis, which
we had no desire to enter. We knew it wa
too late to expect anything to eat at the
Wallace House, and yet, no sooner had we
entered aud toid our tale than jlr. Pollard
took us djwn stairs where the good things
are kept, and regaled us w lib, pie and iced
miik lo our heart s content, chatting pleas
antly ail the time. He is the prince ol
clerks. The Wallace House at Sterling is
close by the railroad depot. We recom
mend it heartily.
Norhan's Ague Fills are warranted to
cure when used according to direction.
Trial of Oliver Peaslei Itwill be re
membered that our fellow citizen, Oliver
Peaalee, was indicted by the Grand Jury for
man. laughter, laet November. The esse as
brought out in evidence is briefly thus :
"Oliver Peaslee, who is an engineer on the
Chicago, Hack Island & Pacific Railroad,
was driving bis engine at regulation speed
six miles per boor on Jefferson street,
Jol-et; wkere, just at the crossing, a man
deliberately stepped on the track; notwith '
standing the fact that the bell was ringing,
as is usual at crossings. The engine knocked
the man down and killed him. The trial
wa commenced at Joliet on the 10th inst ,
aad concluded on the 20th; when the Jury,
after a few minutes absence, acquitted the
aoensed, ad, farther, gave him a certificate
of innocence, complimenting him on bis con-
uct. It must be a great pleasure to Feas
lo recollect that bi. employers, and a
number oi ids ptu...-. . . . v.
I. St, P. Railroad have backed him up
through his trial, and several of whom were
present Mr. r. A. Hall, Assistant Gener
al Superintendent, was a witojss on the
stand, as was also Mr. H. E. Woods, fore
man at the Rock Island shops. Mr. Hall
took a prominent part in the defence, which
waa conducted with great promptness and
ability by Messrs. Snapp & Ooodspeed. of
Juliet. The Prosecuting Attorney was Capt
Hill, of the same city, who did the best for
his side that he pos.ibly could. A vital
interest was evinced in court for tbe acquit
tal of the prisoner. Peaalee is a Gne fellow;
A. 1 iu his profession, and, as has heen
shown above, highly esteemed by the Com
pany. Every one who knows him, thinks
highly of him. He has been running, as
engineer, on the C. R. I. & P. Railroad ever
since the year 1856. and has been a resident
of this city ainoe 1862. He is now receiving
constant and hearty congratulations on all
Normaic's Universal Magio Liniment for
Sprains, Burns, Bruises, to , cannot be
We learn that Mr. Edward Russell has
sold his one-third interest in the Gazette
printing and ' publishing business to Mr.
Waldo M. Potter, of the Omaha Republican.
Mr. Russell has f jr a long time been the editor
of the Gazette; and, as much as we may dif
fer with him, we must say that his course
has been that of a connistent radical, always
taking advance grounds of his. party and
maintaining them, eves at a oost to his bus
iness; and, while there are some of his party
who may not regret the change, there are
many who will. Under his management the
Oazelte has always been a live, enterprising
newspaper, fally op to the times in all matters
of state, political, religious and general
news, in fact the molt reliably radical re
publican paper in the state. What it will
be in the future is only known to the new
editor. This much w do know, Mr. Potter
has had a valuable experience, as editor of
the Saratoyian published at Saratoga New
York, and later of the Omaha Republican,
which paper evinced a thorough, as well as
scholarly management. If our memory
serves gs aright, this Mr. Potter was at one
time clerk of the New York House of Rep
resentatives and was counted in political
circles as an able manager and a mau ol
considerable influence in the republican
party in Eastern New York. Educated in
the New York school of republican politics
he will probably have his own ideas and will
be a hard customer for the Prices, Lowrey.,
Davieaes Lyterg, Hosmers, and Germans to
twist about as they please. We also believe
b.9 is a relative of Judge Cole of the Supreme
Bench of the state, aud will be thoroughly
in the big rings. He pays Mr. Russell $13.
500 for one third of the establishment klu
assumes all accounts and liabilities
takes possession August 1st Mr Ras.ii
will devote his t!m to the Post Oihc hi
pya bun tlrte lboi.s!id a tear.
Links tirt-es goods, at 11
The picoio given oa Big Island yesterday,
by John Warner, to inaugurate the estab
lishtneut of the Rjck Ial lid Fishing Club,
was, pr jOab'y, oua of ttie most successful
picuics ever given anywhere. Close upon
oae hundred persons attended ; and the
concourse presented a moat interesting
a:hl. There was present men of almost
every known occupation, and every shade ol
political opinion ; all as merry and jovial
aud hearty with one another as it is possi
Die to conceive. Men of every age were
tht-re too. Mr Crop ptr, a gentleman ol
nearly e'ghiy years of age, who has never
been away trom home for tbirty-two years,
might be see a conversing with a youth aho
has traveled far aud wide, and probably
wishes he could stay at home a lu'ie mure
than business will allow him. There they
were, strui!icig about under the enabling
trees, or lying full length on the green
sward but always brim full of fun aud is
joyment; revemud gectieuit n, lawyers, mer
chants, pressmen, artists, manufacturers,
men of independent means, and
in fact siK-h a medley as is sel
dom Sttn. Then the dinner I To
give anv adequate idi a of the marui¢
and splendid repast, etiti must imagine eve
ry thing possible-acd every thing reaeona-
The dinner wai cooked on the Ialand,
on the spot where the pis nic was held. aid
was a masterlv success in the w&v cf cook
or? ati catering. After ail was discussed,
a resolution of thfnks was unanimously
parsed, thankicg Messrs. John t arcer ai.d
Phii A ilea fur iht ir respective exertions in
providing and conducting one of the pVas
antst pio nits that ever was.
The diunor was, as we preious'y an
nounced would be the case provided bi
John Warner; and its so great success is but
auot'iur ftaiher to the great number cf
' feathers in the cap'' which that geut.emiin
has won in the cause of pic cics.
Da Hcklst's CALiroKMa IXL Bittsks
"il ttera" is a name which pu2es sume
people; aid we have heard the question
asked, more than once. 'What art bitters:''
Bitters is the "singular ' form of a "oluraii- J
ty" of inred ieti li, legitimately compnsiu a j
pure spirituous lienor in wnicn oilier titrtie
ar, d roots have hnen steeped : thu whole
forming a tonic which cannot be excelled
tor removing debility, and giving strength,
vi;or of acticn, and ''lone" to the ahuie
system By its nee ail the healthy funcnut s
are restored, arid one can eat, drii.k ai.d
sleep, with rereehment and satinfaction, ai.d
do a day's work well, aud fill our position in
society to the best ..d venture. It is not
perhaps, generally known, that the exhibi
tion of pure spirituous liquor is absolutely
necessary to Craw the full virtue eut of the
bitter herbs and roots which only can pro
duce this admirable tonic. Dr. Henley's
California IXL bitters fulfill the above
requisites in every particular, and is the
t-st liver regulator ever known. Dyspepsia
and its host of concomitants flee from it;
and every family should have at least one
bottle in the bouse, if they e.udy their own
good. The solo proprietors of this fine
remedy are the well known, enterprising
firm of Gross &. Co., 11, La Salle street,
Chicago. Sold in Rock Island at the Har
per House Drug Store, and by John Bengs-
Raii.road Doings Every railroad man
know who is tbe General Western Passen
ger Agent of the Lake Shore & Michigan
Southern R. R. Mr. F. 15. Morse.
The Chiiago Railway Renew says that a
he was setting down to hi. desk the other
morning he found lying oia his desk a list of
hi. "Personal Railway Friend, and Fellow
Employe.." Accompanying the communi
cation, to which ninety one name, were
.igoed, wa. a $500 watch, with massive
chain and cameo charm and locket, all ot
most exquisite workmanship.
The re was no speech making or formality
but only these few words:
We, the undersigned, personal Railway
friends and felloic em jiltyes . would ask your
acceptance "J the accompanying gijt as a
testimonial of Friendship and good icill."
Just what one might expect from men
showing their regard for an old time asso
ciate aud highly respected friend. Every
oae named seemed to be speaking in the old
familiar way, and it is no wonder Mr. Morse
was deeply affected. What man would net
be by an act so genuine and considerate
and it we may be allowed a word todividu
ally and ao deserved.
Sociable and Reception On the eve
ning of July the 26th tbe members of
Trinity Lodge No. 208, A. F and A. of
Freemasons, of Davenport, will give a
sociable and reception in Trinity and Le
Claire Hal a. The committee of arrange,
menu are John L. Swits, J. Lewis Drew,
and O. H, Watsoo. Arrangements have
been made with the ferry boat to accommo -date
those attending from this city. A very
pleasant evening, and a large attendance, is
Chocolate Links dress goods, at H. H.
Mayo's. ;
Rivi Ngwg. The Bella of La Crosse
leaves tomorrow up; and the Red Wing
down. Freight is good, and the passenger
traffic, so great that all cannot be accommo
dated with rooms. The river is still cn the
Likex dress goods, at H. H,
To-Day' g Advortisem'ts
Physicians Recommend and Over
500,000 reople Indorse
tie in the homo. Reliat' to Il Dyapeptics,
A boh piea.auc tuulc and sppeti er.
Hea lavhi, Ki iosenes an l Constipation , Gen
era! Debility and !,os of Appetite, ail areeaue i
by the iternnxemcnt ff the Stomach Liver and
othrr fu-ictioas c-f the svsi m. The IXL Bitt rn
haf I) "n sner-iifulA- uad, and are warrant
i( h!K ia'i- tf t- t-ufit-i-. r in tli nhi'Ve rai-?.
'i li'i'TiV-i, Miiauta ituri'i and Pro rietor.
jlS -trfct Sn Frfcieo, Cl 1-. Oro-
i1' . 11 ' H i.' ST. t, OLt.-iigU ' t-JHt fw lf
I HOLDERS of the Meiioe A Ruok UUo
Hor.e Kai road Co., for the election of Directors,
to , will oocui on
Wednesday. July 26th iast.,
at 4 o'cleck p. iu., at the oSoe of the Secretary,
in th Gaa Bull ling.
koek Inlanj, Julv IS, 1S71.
jylSdtd Stcretary.
Western .riles !
Manufaoturel from
Best Cast Steel
r.LIE i FKSi? S!S,
BEAVER FALL, PA , nesr Pittobursh.
meh4-J satfm
- -
AI .ilSnSS? ,G1Ifl'.
ifATB OF IL1.IS Oil", icvk l.litd Cnnty,
h ttii- Circnil Court the S' jHrHinr Term, A, it.
Ado)(.has Kyder vs. trrsybtll hi. Sard. Attack
fiutice is heresy sTn to deftnaaol,
lit.' bill K. bat.1. Itat ike acave entuied f.m,
i. nw pending- in sail Conn, aad lbt a w it o
attai-hnent was isaoed tliei eto fiom saiu eoentv,
-n the tweuiy .ijith day oi kit . A. l 171.
.he sen at the eid plaietiK', Ad. lthns K'der.
against tbe estate ol the said tr ayt.ill K. Hard
f r ihe sum ot orre tiinred and ihuly three dol
iars sad fclieea c.nt.. which has been retsrsed
le'ied upea tke estate of Gravni l K
Bani. aad uoles- the Itravhili K tsard shall
f(.ear, gita bsiil aad plead r. the Srsi day nl
the nexl term of s d Q.mi-t, to li hul.1n a" the
"i.ari House in hock Ijland. ia fald connty. f
tbe flnt Monday of 6epteuih,.r next, jadirtoeDf
will he entered upam.t b an. the aid Oraybili
K Baid. in faor of the sail plaintiff, aad th
eat Me tta bet wir he soH.
Paled this twentv f-urth cUy cf June, A. D.
I 671.
Clerk of said Court.
Covmi.i v A MtXsiL,
Attorneys for Piaiatif. jr24d4w.
oT ATS OF ILLIS018, Bi-ck Island County,
Iu the Cirevit Cuuit
tJ. 171.
J the Stj'Uwhtr Ttrmt A.
Xehejiiah therwooi. ii.ha C Ware, anu Ed
ward 1?' Ciik, paitners, Ac , N r-trwood i
Co , vs. Uiay i ,.i k liars Attachu.ccl.
Notice is her. i.y given tj the s.ii d-i'endaa
Urayoiil K irl. tat the above enut.ed eauat
i now ptHJiDg in said cou t, ai d thi a writ i
at iii-La.'Ci ws ihertin tr-in the sid
, ,-,,urii.i
i o! '
ihe ihirii Bis: drv ,i A l, 171.
it ot tbe s-ld plalBtlf.c, Vl.-Ujiut, Mier
i s ....
V vaie, anu Kdwa'd r. Clark.
nz und. r the Era toe and s'jh
r, u
of N h. ra ouii A Co., the titnts oi tk
id firjr..ii K Bard, lor u u a of tbirty-twe
loiiars and sixty five cents, wli, h hs been re
urned levied upon ill" e.-tiite e ! Th Oray
'ih K Eitrd, an 1 unie., tbe aid liravloil K
I5tird shHil apjiear. g n e fcai i eiid pl arl ot. th
flftdsvof the next teriii of ssd Cou't. to he
o'.d.n si the Court House, id the cit of Iliic'. !
T. ..1 I,. ...rl ..,,.tV fl. 1., 4...l...- ... !
epe-Tib. r ne? i. judgment wi:I be eotered
aj,itit him, the anid (t.-arbi 1 K. Tlard. in faenr
of the sai 1 piainril7r, and the o.;ai attached
will be sold.
Dated this twenty-forrth dav cf .'une, A. D
1S71. SAMCEf. P I!OI.;.,
Clerk of 1 Court.
Attoroevs for 1'laiOiiiT. jelldtw
STATB OF ILLIJI0I3, konk Island County,
i"ie Circuit Court of the Snjittmber Term, A. D.
UeurjW.ft.Ji.nies M Bwift, and Louis A tow
ley p.rtneie, e. ilenry frwift A Co. v..
Oraylii'l B Bard. a ttachlnent.
Kotiee is here .y g.veutothu said defendant,
Gr.fhill K B,J l) above entitled eause
is dow pending i said oounty, ana that a writ ol
.tt.chmeut wa. issued theiem liom Court
on tbe twentieth day ot Aisy, A l l"i I, at in
suit of said p'aintiffs, bieury Swift, James M
swift and touis A i j 'ley .partners t rad lug uuflei
the firm naire and style of Henry bwitt A Co.
against the estate ot the .aid Umybill K Bard
i'r the sum of on hunird and thirty-eight dol
lars end thirty four cents, with inticrt itlereoii
from the 7th day of February, A I' l71,and
two dollars and twenty ire cents protest lees,
which has been ret u rm d levied upon the estate o!
the said (Iraybili K Bard, aud unless the said
Gray bill K Bard sball appear, give bail and
plead on the first d ofihe next term cf sain
Court, to be hoi den at the Court House in the city
o Rock Island, ia said county, on the first .Mod
day of September neit. judams lit will be entered
against him, the said Graybill K Mara, in favor
of the said pl.inlifl's, and the estate attached will
be sold.
I'aied this 24th day of Jnne, A D 171
rj A M 1 K L P UOOtiKS
Clerk of the said Court.
uonatxLr At kc.Mil,
Attorneys for PlaintifTs. je24 :4w
Attacbxucnt 23 mice.
STATS OF 1LLLN01S, Bock Island County,
In the Circuit Court of the September Term, A.D
Wilford Pitman and Edgar L. Vanee, part
ners, Ao., Pitiaan A Vanee, vs. Graybill K. Bard
Notioe is hereby given to said d endant that
the above entitled Cause is now pending in said
court, ana that a writ of attaobmebt was issued
therein from said eourt on the twen iath day of
May, A. L 1871, at th. sutiof the said plaiutiffs
Wilford Pitman ana tiijnr f, Vanc, par toers.tra
ding under the fiim nasi ud style of Piinian A
Vance, against the estate ol the said Graybill K
Bard, for ihe sum of fifty six dollars, which has
been ret.rned levied ot.ou the estat of the said
Graybill K Bard, and unlet t) said Graybill
K. Bard thai! appear. sve bail and plead oa the
ri day of the next term of said court, to be
balden at (he Court Hot. jB the eitT ef Bock
Island in said eounty, on the first Monday of
feptrml-er next, ju 'gment will be enter d
against him the sai'l GraybiH K. Bard, in fav r
cf th said plaintiffs, and the estate attached
will b sold
Dated this 24th dsy of June, A. T. 1871.
Clerk of the said Court.
- A tor.eytiot Plaintiffs. i.
. fefl 4
of Moth Patches, Freckles !
Ann TAN. .
TION. It is reliable and harmless. B"ld
by every Druggist la Rock lslaad and elsewhere.
Piepared only by VI. a. v.. ferry, Bond tsu
New York.
L Grubs, Pimply Erpti n. and Blotched
DUfigorations on the faco, nse Perry's Comedone
an Pimple Remedy. It is karmle and inralw
. Trepated only by Dr. B. C. PERRY.
Dermatologist, 49 Bond Street, iNew lor a
Sold by every Drnggi.tin Roes and else
where. feb 27dAwSm,
IXosadalls, the Great Slcod rnrlfier
and Scnovator. l:
Baltimobb Jan. 1st, 1SA9.
Gentlemen : It affjrdi me pleasure to add my
te.timoay to tha wonderful effeota of your tnj
sxsellest ssedicins Ro.adalis. After iuBering
for two years from a shattered soastttutioa, with
soareely a hop of restoration to my nasal health
Iwasindaeed to try your Ro.adalis; after ta
king aeeording to jonr directions, fire bottles, I
can truly say that I hare been completely re
stored, as By many fritnd. know, and I believe
snlely by the use of your raedioine. I oordially
recommend it as &a eaoelleat renovator and pu-riSe-
of the blood. Truly your.,
d-w Corner Gay and Lombard streets.
Acts directly upon i he c.utfi of these oomplaints
it invi gjrate. aad ctra..gthens the whole ya!em
acts upon the secretive organ ; all.iy. lafurma
tiun : cleanses aud cures ulceration; curts con-
sii,iilijn ; regulalea thu bcwtle; headache and
ja.n in the back ccatit ; iu fact, there ii no dis
.a or coon plaint when; the VtG KTIXE gives
o qau'k ri iief, Mid is o eRV;iive in its care, s
in wSiit io teiuied Ffcjile Weakness. It has
neer tailed in (trie instance. li is he verbal
ieMi nty ev ty oi e v. no has1 w.kt n ihe Vea"
i e f'r thee evaiplairits: tukixgfroai two I
u'c Httle, a tt in mibic caes -tnef for these
3 -inplaifits. Bold ly ail Dreggists.
Tea purest aud tweeleet Cod-Liver Oil in
the worid is Hazard A Caswell's, mad on th
.ea-.hore, from fre.b, seleoted livers, by Cas
well, Gaiard A Co., New York. It is absolutely
vur and sweet. Patients who have one taken
it prefer it to all otter. Physicians have de
cided it .uperior to any of the other oil. in
market. fb27dfri-sat,wweow.
w,t Ed7 berg-er'i,
Just opened, a full line of the celebrated Buf
falo alpacas, plain aad pla:d poplius, pereales,
linen dress good, in great variety viry chtsp,
a splendid assortment of parasols, the popn'ar
bip gcrc eorsrt for samxer wear, all sises on y
51, retail; new and .j;nd.d ttock of staple!
jood i 1 every di icri tioo. Call asd xamine(
t .r vi.urtelve.. Clothing scad to order, as be
At Wadswortij & i'arsoa's.
duel opeaed, new Japanese Silks, new Hair :
itrip Dress Goods, Lace ".hawls, Marseilles audi
j llonoy Cuisb Bed Cju'lts, in great variety, the
latest thinir out ia SkeWtoa Corset for Summer
wear. They always hav on hand the best ass
rii.entof Carpets, Malts, Rags and Floor Oil
i t be f nnd in this section, and at the
very lowest prices.
Closing' ont Sale.
Aiks is now selling good fast color Lawns
at It'c : Freash Orjanjies worth 60 at AOs ;
French Lawns wrth 'Ce at "ilo: Peroales worth
olio at 10a; Frenvh Ginghams worth S5e at J5c;
Jow.irta J5j at C'Je ; Su:uaier Toplios worth fiu
iud ;5cti'3o; do worth it) and 50o at 2oe i
i'.aiis, Poplins worth 40 asd it'o at I5e : Tan
urtmes worih ti o at 4e; a few LaceShawis very
cheap ; Summer t- uwis at haU prio ; Lsces and
White Terr efeeap.
A-.tea will :!!.. H arjy kind of goods much
oclcw regular prices, as he is determine! to get
out of traie. jeSdtt
Teaag tea's Library Assaetaties.
The rooms of the Yoang Mea'e Library Asso
ciation ar epen from 10 A. ii. antil 19 P. II.
every dny except Sunday.. A large and we t
selected assortment of wsrks sow ea ha ad.
Ticket, three dollars, whion ean always be pre
sared of the Secretary msySdly.
Tenty-six resideuo lots, in luy additions to
the 0:iy of Rck Island. Terms of salo. One
quarter cah ; balance in one, two and three
years, with interest at fix per cent, per annum.
fa. iiavaapoKT.
Attention is ceiled to the advertisement of Or.
tlohaonan, of et. Louis, Mo. Uis reputation is
that, of one of the most successful phyaieians in
sis speciality ;o tk Weit.
There is nething like Dr. 'elpa"s Fieccli
('ills fr keeping ihe complexion frch and en
tile j tree !'. m li p!'. s. The cause of which is
I'jat it regulates the entire female sjsteal. Sold
1 iirui-jti-is.
lis., ii. C LX N ,
Eminent ar.d Aunst if Chicago, will
to in hook island, at she JUar;er House, ou
the' first r.-iuar afitr tbe Erst f.I .nday in
acb, for the peri ose of treat
liij ail oi the ty and Kar,
nhethrr auriu.l or otherwise. Operations for
c'aiarac , roas eyes, alapby loma, closure of th
learduct, Ao. trench artificial eyes inserted
wiibunt pain. Chioago oiiioe liK South Clark
sUeet. sepJ-dAwlj
A bright, healthy ohile is a perennial spring
uf joy in every weil-reguloted tauiily, and where
is tnat fatter, who after the strife aud turmoil of
business, on retiring to bis home, is not beguiled
of care by tbe innocent prattle of hie child?
I'erhaps this fathar is a worldly man, and raakrs
told his idol, he ruiy have been asnoeesilul man,
and amassed riches. Vet place his child ou tbe
sick bed, and all his gold is st the of the
i'hysiciaa, and the only tetorn he asks is the res
toration of he. 1th to hi. ahild. Fathers ! Moth
er i would yon preserve your child in beaith ?
Then listen to us. There is on prer.iling huh
of tbe disease in children, and that cause it
worms. It this cause of disease is not rrm,l
yoar child will sicken and die, or linger a suffer-
ing invalid for life
I present to ycu an infai-
'ible remedy for worms; it is
Dr. Jndson's Dead Sect Worm Candy,
and is put up in th form of a stick of candj, and
so pleasant to the taste, that.bUdren greedily
tease for it. It is purely vegetable, and eannot
hurt th. smallest child. Atk for Dr. Jadsod .
Dead Shot Worm Candy. For sal. everywh.r.
at 20 oents per packag. W. fl. COMSTOCK,
8o! Proprietor.
Ia numbers there is safety. It was upon this
principle that the formula of JcDsoa'a Mora
vat. H.hb Pills was i-repared. Dr. J....
intending to spend a fortuue ia advertising his
pills, subm ttd his reeie to th rvi.ion of th
most intelligent end learn. d pbysiomn. ef-tfaa
age, and tbe result is a simple bat most effica
cious m. icineth Jcbsok's ktotxiais Baaa
Pills. T ey parify th blood, rov. all ob
stractlons, cleanse th skin ol all pimples and
b otohes.and ar p.rlectlv tar and ..r. i. ta.i.
,n, junsos. Mocbtaiii Baas
. . rw n.inou.nees, temal irre.u ariti-.
IrO Saw innnrsa Kla-uawi aa a. .S - -1 v
U.. .U i j . " ""ranged d cession.
Use the dudsons aionetaia n..c n ...
L"k":Pn!iti9it T,rt recommend
rr7T, IU'3 both sugar-
ooatd and plaia. For sal v.,, mitn, 1
If yoa di aot feel well ,on send fn, adoetor
tie calls open ,oa, looks wise, shawls so.
110d, b..ide. the d etor's fee, for medy
nine times oat of ten not half so go.d as l)r
Morse. lad... R0 pu),, ,u but J
sent per be. 0 yon think h former th
nest, becsuse y0 pa, the most for It f Ify
do, w advis yoa to ute, just a. an experi
m nt, th- k'ors'. Indian Boot Pi Is. Tbsy
ar prepared fr,, a formnla, proaonoeed b
ths tn..s learned physicians of our antry, t
b be best aad most aairersal of family sae
dioiaes. Th Mors'. Iadian Root Pills ear
Headache, Llvar sesaplaiat, Indigeatloo, Dys
pepsia, female Irregularities, Ae, aad are pat
..both sagsraatad and plaia- 6Hv that e
trial. , tM all dealer. , -
At zaoaszovxn.
MoNMooiB, ill., May 11,1871,
Messrs. HERRINU A CO., Chisaao.
ist. On the moiniug of the Utb init.,our
town was i.iud with tb uio.t destruetive firs
eei knows here, or in tkis vicinity, destroy ins
wscty sight buildlnji, which were all stocked
with a general as.ortmeut of dry gootfs, grooer
ie.,ste. We ware fortunately provided with ona
of your Pateat Champion bates, which was ex
po, ed to a very sever test, having lain in th
ruiks for over two days. Jtverything was pre
served to otr entire satislaotiun, the writing in
our books and papers being as legible as when
l aoett in ta sate. We are pleased to bear evl
enc to th sxoellence of vonr valaabl Safes,
and shall wantaaotberas soon as w get loeated
in our new building.. Yours truly,
.... , , JOHM BABCOCK.
The Heroes of ever 760 Aeoidental Fires Th
Moat Reliable Protection from Fire known.
With Patent Crystallised Iroa, the only Resis
tant to Burglars Tools now known.
Its HI A l ii Sl'KitbT.
may 44 d.1a
The only kind made by a pnj-liral chemist, as well
as physician, with special reference to it. healthful
ne. Ompnfd of articlrs that aid digettioa. Irfeci
tn quality. Cheapest, becaiur the jmrrh. Bat, at it it
the heal hirst, lliiicuits, corn broad, cakes, pastry, not
only white (sweet) and light, but wholesome and
nutri tiouB. Vte it ; prare it. If nut as recommended,
we forfeit right to truthfulness. Many worth-
lens, cheap imitations. Be sure you (ret Dr. Vice's
Cream Baking yrmlrr. Sold by 'Grocers. Manufac
tured only by THOaPSOJi, feTKELK A I'UltE,
Cfaioago and St. Louis.
$hiYiDA illatiliS0 PstltaCCt
a. 1. TOHZ, Proprietor.
Laie Foreman at th Briggs Boase, Chiesgo.
Partleaiar attention given to Cat
ting. ' my24-dtf
Merchant Tailors,
! Hav removid to Illinois St., near Washington
j Kook lslaad, where they have a stoek of p.eje
gimas, ana wre preparea e mase up clothing to
order. Perfect flu guaranteed. Cleaning,.
Sooarleg, Cntttar and repairing done oheanly
and ptomptl, A share of custom respeotfally
They b.T a large stock ef Read,
Made Clothmir. mebSd
T. LOlh.
(la) Mait Works !
t.LSS i IUH.UD, Preprietors,
MsvtAurcturrt of
Fire Erick, Gas House Tile,
Clay Retort. R'ast Furnace Tile, Chimney Tps,
' Sewerage? I'ij'c from 3 to 30 tit. Diameter
And ail artiolee usually made of Fire Clay.
Clare. 1"0 South K.evesth street,
f-T!iaj' 8T i-OUIS M0.
(iL'. I'laTHIIiGE&CO.,
Dealers in
Railway Cils. asd Car Grease, 22n
gisa and f-Iachlnsry Oil,
Xtard and Sallow Oils.
UiasoBd Iliitmiuattr, Fire Test, 180,
Coal Oil, a&zlo
Grease, &c
So. 712 K.
Mala Btreet, BT. LOUIS.
With great care, by a now procees. wcvxtraet from
the true, select Vkuand AroniHtic. each cuaracter
istic flavor, aud produce I'Umtrmgi for Cakes,
Custards, Jellies, Creams, etc., of ran titxiietw. Of
great ttrenath and perfeet pterity. Xatlung orriifrini.
Every flavor at represented. Ao deceit each ' battle
fuU mature. Ute them once, wM ute wa otAer. The
most delicate, delicJviuJIqrari ever made, go superior
" the cheap extracts. Ask for Pr. Price's Special
Flavorinfrs. Manniartiired onlv by
Chicago and Bt. Louis.
Ar warranted eqoaJ to any ssad. They ar
prepared from th fruits and will be found muoh
better than many ot th Extracts that ar sold.
Vanilla, Lemon, Fin Appl, Bt'awberrr, Bole,
Orange, A. ' '
I wkhoot donbt th Best artiol ia tbe tsarkat
for Blueing Clothes. It will eoler nor atr
man lonr times toe same we ftbt of Indigo and
Bach -aor than any other Wash Blae fa tha
mars . in, 0nly genuine is that pot ap at
Alfred RTtilierper's Diug Store.
SSS Korth Besoad St., Philadelphia.
Th labels bar both W il berf er's and Bar
tow s aaas oa them, all other ar eonatesfeit
Will b found en trial to b a superior article
Always oa band for sal at reasonable price.
Par U round Bpieas, fienain Hedicia, Cba
avois 6kias. Tapioca, Pearl Sago, aad
all artUlae ta th Dreg Lis,
It Alfred vmberger'i Drng Mere,
Ho. aS Ifwrtk Seeoad a4.,PhUadeip hie. .
prldwts ..... i
C? Ill "-I'i i
s a ,3- tr jj w 1 1
ill - m o ? S 69 O I
: V C " I ' w f
yl j " n
The Only and Original
First Grand Triumphal Tonr of the States West and North of the
Ohio River in Fiva Years.
- f
S 3!o23.i3"to2r
One exclusively for the Mtiscnm, anothfr
but only one price of admission, end cno
entire Combination, i enitere, Laruan,
Adahs, .50 Cents; Children
i -- . a . . . t
.a A. 'W! I 1
The only Real Menagerie and First-Class Cirtns on the Read,
Drawn ;ty beautiful matched Cream ami Dappled Horses all the Circes P.. tii,ue
Largest and Best Parade ever seen on tha Public Streets.
Diagram of Old Joha Robinson's Slcsefim, (nravati.
Menagerie and Circns :
Sf!.HV-9dtcU.'' "l'..L.iJ! .1J..4JI jaill 1- Ilia, - . , -Ji
'-ir- s" ""'l.ri i,'--! - (.rifJUr-'J
; v " I " v B "1"'" i-t&e'i
: - - .i -'a- -
e - - s- i r v - 4SJ -v jrfir.'W5
vr.-.i. .u-:. Tr x Tvnrr vvnrr r"Q
I r . 1 : 1 .1 I.'
H Iliii
jiDuc crcci u.e int. j. ui-.--, jii'ubicub, re-ninn over
fwo ZZandred Founds of ZYeslx Fish daily for their tubsistance !
The only ones on exhibition in the World, and can be seen in this Menagerie, at all hours
From ilie Deserts of Tartary, with lon-f, beautiful hair growing from his back to the
. ' ri
Don't confouLd this with any Small Show or J-'emgerie, but bear io mind that
Old John Robinson, the Leviathan.
Is triom phantly marchinfr on, and will positively exhibit at ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS'
and Davenport, Iowa. Don't confound this Gipnnlic Organization wiih the lankee
Robinsoo Show which traveled this country in pa.t time, nor wih the Js Rohitscn
Circns that .bowed here last .ea.on, or with tbe so-called J. v. (Galesburg, Illinois) Rcb
inson, a fra od. humbmr and impostor, seeking to entire .d delude tbe people of Illinois
into bis rat-trap of a concern, by falsely representing " "w aa oimon rure,
for it ia in no way, .hape or manner, eonnocted with e'1",, cr ""T ' ,k,i bnt the Oid
Orttrinisl JOtTN ROBINSON, ef Cincinnati, Ohio, 'J fi" jearsof age, with fifty years,
experience a. ao owner of a Menagerie. He b. P'nt Je,rs of to' d a-t sums cf
money t bring bm monster Museum, Menagene. Caravan and Circus to tbe high state of
perfection which it now assumes, tha v
Challenge Champion Show of the World.
Do not forget that w are coming with an Avalanche of Talent. Wait lor us, for we
are coming to
Rock Island, Tuesday, Aug. 1, 71.
IHE MliDfill OF f.lEBlT.
, t
expressly for the Menagerie and Caravan, and
ticket admits yen to all.
Muesum and Circus
under 10 3 ears, 25 Cents.
rnivrvrc cn tt r-nn vtg
ii !PJfl'('"aWrBW'Js!(it,JWM'SU,j