OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1871-1872, July 24, 1871, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

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Path) Jlrflua.
Monday, Jaly 24, 1ST1.
TnmtMm fob Xrtntlnr.
Orders for J PriatiBg will meetwltk r"P
atUetiea tk Aaea Orsioa, ul b !'
tk rry st )aBr ui at roasoaeble rata.
DK1 001b.
Nice printed Lwn, l.'.cts ; Plaia black Grenadln
J ion ; 28 inch Chen 1'oplln wkii'k w re sold in
the samini at "Sets, for 40cti; i'opin sold at
40ets lor 26cts ; all Farools at cost ; all 9 loves
at oot ; all Hosiery at colt. Cum early and
seour your bargain. MAT BRO'S.,
Rock Island, - 111.
John Zimmerman's
So. 10 Vain Street,
All in.trnments warranted.
Terms reasonable.
aprS d7m
Are asanred those who make me of that magnif
ioeat cosmetic,
Aad ths ladies who d esir a Perfect Eoamul,
PpleorlH Cosmetie, and delicate perfuau coin
hined, will urn to olbor. It Is, as a boaatifier
t tk ootnpiexinn,
Superior U ay article ia tbe V. orld
So'd by all Druggists anl Coalers ia Fancy
lioods. OiO. K. LKE, Proprieior,
maT24ff aw Hertford, Conn.
John Bengslon, Agent, Suck isiaad.
a jfDiciors res op
Ulanking, for Haroe... Carriage Tops, Ac.,
and his
IMt F. ft V A T 3 V K
tiiTrn niilf.r n. m
Ii A I bii rnJlr UlL DLAbKlKb
I" or B xita ami P-h is nio-t eicelient eoocon y.
1hn articles are aiwa?a reliable, fcj taie far
Hediot, 8m tb A M.:Ci.r.iie!!, and .T. 4 M.
Tbe Western Paicjiflocfiiig (. i
Are now propared to iav the Celebr-ieJ j
Htono CemouL !:
With despatch and periBetum. I
It ia the bust Ee'eMtil kmn far Pavln,; '
Walks, t)trMi, Cellars, CtaiiUs, Hremrm! 1
ItaMuienls of blimps, 'a3l irie, 4
A perfectly rehaoie
Uuirantoed for 10 yoars. 01.1 Sbinlen and new
orated, renda-ing lhau firs prof, u.i nikmK
tba old as good as new Shop corner of Iior
and Water st., reidt n"e cnrneT o bwan and
Water streets. N K LOS PA L !ii K 1'..
maylUdim hu.,n. .Unajjar,
Aiomeetie Liaocrs, Importer and Dealer ta
VoaeifB Whias and I .lonors. rom street, oroo-
IUTnrLijiLii,, tiUt. IU.
YOCR clothing aa he slsaaad and konad asd
pressed vr, so that it will look as well a
by . WILCOX Tailor,
Wb has reeaered U West Eagla Street, under
tbe Rook Island Hunt. mcbJ-dif
ii CsUHGlff,
Dealers In
Siore, Bouse Fcrni-hlnc i9ods,
Also, Manafaetnrers of
Orleans St., bet. Ohio and Swan Sts.,
Guttering, Spouting, Roofing and Job Work,
promptly attended
Repairing and seating
feb24 dly
np Pumps.
F. 6SIE1L0N,
(Lata of the trm of Stnealon A Blemmer ) an
aoaaee that he la prepared to do
ING, Ao., As.
All work preiaptly xooti; la lh hlghast
style of the art, t abort notioa. gnax
Bbos es Mas) RagU St, opposit, the Qas
'! t
Uqgsc acd Sign Painter
Imitation of Wood and Marble. Paper Hanging,
vawossiniiig, . 6),(,p j, ftio, Row, first
auilanlm gaatMtMd. feb22-dtf
Bni F Li dreM goods, at H. H. Mayo's.
Jon Astkb. Joha Alter can supply yon
with the very best bread at fair price.
M. Livingston & Co. Gentlemen irho
want nnderolothiog should call in at Living
ton k Co's.
For Bale.
Fifty cordi dry oak wood, and five hun
dred perch building atone.
june30dlm B. Davbmport.
Teachers holding firbt grade certificate
ere wanted at Joliet, ten months for $350
to $4j0. They will hardly get many first
clan teachers at those price.
McGcc Lai divided his stock of booti and
ihoei iuto two lot, all of those on the East
ide of the store are offered at juat one half
the regular price, and are all good work.
liuKWEix &, Bailiy. For style and fin
ish, aa well as excellence of manufacture, go
to Durwell k Bailey'e for yoar hat. What
ever you wear always wear a good hat and
buy of men who thoroughly understand what
good hat ii.
Escape. A wagon and horse narrowly
escaped being smashed at the,ferry oroising,
owing to the carelesness of the driver, this
morning. Had the gray horse not backed
out gaallntly we should have had an item.
Firk. Two bojs set fire to Joseph Stral-
eigh's barn Saturday afternoon. Soon there
was nothing left but the site, Inside the
barn were a cord of wood, tome bran, and
some corn. The tliouehtlcssKess of children
is proverbial. Nothing wus insured.
"Smole." He came into our place and
smiled; we asked liioi a qutation and he alii'
smiled. We rr tLsrked, probably he niijibt
be un business: a pleasant expression stole
over bis face, and, turning cn his heel, tt
take leave of us, he as delicious Arte mas
bath it ''smole."
Vi'HiTi Linen dress coods, at II. H
Personal. W. Spaldinir, who represents
the firm of Dugan, Case Co., the Chicago
Commission Merchants, was in town to-day,
looking after the business of the firm in this
locality, in hi usual brisk manner.
Vi', A. Draper, the agent of A. K. Lewie
& Co., of Covington, Kr., is alao 'round
taking op their numerous orders in hi we!'
known businesslike manner.
Fiuht Amohii Dt.it Hash. A the
Belle of LaCrosse was leaving Davenport
the demeanour of the deck hand was p'sy
iul. One of them had vexed the rest, and
they playfully tried to deepen hi shade bj
pelting him with pieces of coal. He final
jumped iuto the river and twain ashore,
badly rut and brassed. The officers of the
boat bad soma difficulty in restoring peace
as the fight had become general.
For. the cure of liver complaint, in all its
form, Taylor's Stomach and Liver Correct
or ba no equal It expels tbe miasmatic
poison from the system, and prevent man;
d.seases from developing themselves that
would otherwise bring i n a lingering disease.
Tbe gnat superiority of this medicine
I over ail others is, it contain
no mineral
P5""11- '"for.,, tlora rtt rro.irce
: injurious effecu whatever cpon the
i -ion.
I. i). ). r . A. !d Feliowa Hull, ot.
i :ri"".v evening the Lie, u.tt. Deputy Grand
i Anarca lirj .wer, tnstai wl tue :w!iirii I
ii ticer of lioca Island Kocaropnicnt No. 2 !
I. U. II. I'. lur.ihs term ending December!
nsrch It irj .wer
t'haa. ii. Kuox, C. i'.
liarry Ub.ii ley, U. 1'.
(ioorm- Keauh, S. V,"
Thus. A. .lohiiKtin, .1.
!. I". liar-io, Suribe.
i.rtist Krell Treas.
; itl'NAWAY. About half past ae.'eu t hi -i
uiornibi; Carl Qarsona team rati an ay, with
; the wzgoa to which they were hitched, fron:
n-ar Huford's Plow Manufactory; and rar
up Illinois street, whern, ju.st before Boford'
Block tbey turned, probably thinking thai
they were gointr to cross on the ferry boat
Tbe grey borse, however, seemed to reflect
that be bad forgotten the money to pay for
the ferriage, and abruptly hronpht tbe thiL?
to a stand azainet the new An. rs buildinr.
opposite the post ollice. The hirsts were
not hurt.
Chocolate Lixe.v dress goods, at II.
Tuts is the season of toe year when the
system should be thoroughly purged of the
humors which create disease. There is no
purgative or cathartic ho mild and effk-acioot
as u elm hold's gram fills, causing neither
TiBustn or griping pain as in the case with
the ordinary cheap patent pills of the day
most of which are composed of calomel or
mercury, and carelessly prepared by inex
perienced perBons. After thoroughly purjr
mg tbe system use tt elm hold's extract
saksai'Erilla, the (rreat Blood-Purifier, and
they will insure new life, new blood and
renewed vigor. Try them.
Linen dress goods, at II. EL
Habit. People sometimes form habits,
sach as sweariojr, lying, cheating, ic, ol
which they cannot rid themselves entirely,
though they try ever so hard. We once
knew a man (Mr. D., and who is now a very
worthy Deacon in tbe church,) who was very
profane ; in fact, it was just a natural foi
him to swear, as it was for water to run
down hill. During the progress of a revi
val meeting, this man concluded to turn
frem the error nf his ways, and was received
into the church. The church members, and
especially the minister, congratulated them
elve upon the reformation of sach a "hard
case " riotue two or three weeks elapsed,
when there waa a meeting appointed far the
purpose of hearing the "experience" of tbe
oew convert, At the appointed time the
house was crowded, the majority of whom
were there through enriosity. After several 1
had given in their "experience," Uro. D )
arose and spoke ns follows : "Brothers and
sisters, I am convinced that I am soundly
converted man, from remarkable dream
which I bad a few night ago. ' I dreamed
that I saw a ladder extending from earth to
Ileaven, npon which the angels' were de
scending and ascending. One of tbem
asked me if I did not wish to ascend into
Heaven. I replied that I did. I immedi
ately started np, and when I reaobed the
top, there was an intervening space of eight
or ten feet. While I was wondering bow I
should pass this space, Peter, who wa Hand
ing above me, reached out hi hand, told
me to take hold of it and jump. I did jnnp,
my brethren, and got one oi the d deat
tall yon ever heard of; for I jumped ont of
bed intn InA middla of th. visim ..1
- . Wv., wuu vimi
near breaking my neck."
. What lovely face I What elegance of
feminine forms 1 What charming adorn
ment rie in the mind when we think of
beaotifol women J And how delightfully
fair are the pictures to onr mind's eyel And
truly a beautiful woman is the masterpiece of
breathing creation. "But," said the loured
age, "beauty is only skin deep." Were we
inclined to to do, we might aplit a hair with
him upon this statement, and ondoatedly
should do so, but that in o doing we should
be led into a tomewhat diffuse erie of
de6nitive comparison between prettiness,
handsomeness, and beauty of form. It is not
with the anatomy of physical biauty that
we wish to deal, however, at present. That
we concede, and feel most retpectful admi
ration as we make the concession. Beauty
"proper"does not fall to the lot of all women,
though a sort of merciful dispensation often
conceal the fact from over sensitive minds.
For sake of argument it mast be admitted
that we know one lady who doe not enchant
us by her personal appearance. We have
never aeen her face eic-pt in quietude, and
so cannot ten wnetner or not cbe comes
under our following definition of the beauti
ful. Many so called plain women to ns are
exquisitely beautiful. When over their ill
formed or irregular features the bright flood
of intelligence flows, and the mind is appar
ent in the pure light of the radiating smile,
then must we, willingly or unwillingly, ac
knowledge the very fount of beauty. Jt
is so truly said that personal btaclj
without this vital qualification is as the
wonderful world without tbe great lu
minary of day, that our individua
lamentation over the frequent Keparat on
of the real cotistilutnts of beauty will be
quite enough to recall tbe fact as a pniiii
of great psvebo physiognomical inur
est. How the beauty of iatuial facial
expression id relieved ai.d tiihat.ced M ii:e
adventitious aids of culture ai-d ri tic en tt,
we have ail at sotiie time or other, if uui
trtqueully, seen and felt. Wheu the natur
ally aimab'.e, sweet disposition, tempered, it
may be, with the puri!ying element cf some
bodily or mental grief, become visible on
the countenance in company with the wou
derfuily humanizing conditions cf hikh
education and that nameless quality which
we term, for want of better medium to
explain our raeauing, "good breeding," then
indeed is beauty unadorned present, and we
can but confess it. And though it is so
delicious to be within view of physical
beauty of the inexpressive order, still we
prefer to experience the passive delight
which readily finds an echo in the finest
and keenest sensibility within us, evoked by
that beauty, so empirically the beauiy ol
many a plain face. How the wonderful
exponent of the lovely rnird strikes the fuli
chord of our purest susceptibilities, and fiiU
us with the tenderest awe and the most
elevating pleapurt ! We wou'd tot be un
derwood to deny as an axiom the union o!
physical and mental beauty ; wo would
merely suggest as a point fur considera
tion, that their ut.ion is, to some extent, iu
frequent. And when we consider the mat y
deteriorating iLtiuences to which external
beauty U subject from the very n.ome r,t of
its appearance in tbe world, from the subtle
or gross liatteries, extravagant booing?, aid
other such causes, almost alway operating
before the mind has had time or opportunity j
to develop into its bight r types, this is noi
aurpruiug. Yet if it is tiifficuU fur wvci-n
ta be beautiful wt.btn and ithoot, tmmt ii
j.it t'.. ;.:r.cuit i-r a man lo beautiful
i.hiu, ii"ii si-'js 1.1. at t.er esie.-talH ar
uc't p'l'aii: let c-.lhera ?
Ia our t-f ii beauti ul
;v. aa our h.h
t.'f rocK tr.nt Mbuu
li.e riv.-r au i iett.
it Fa' her c: 'Vi.t-.rs
.as curreH ut
e cxi t!ti otauty iu all its t reaenifclioijs
Aa tbe iadte pais down our .:-et t ,-fort
the public yeze tfcry l.ttle thii.k, lie iaini.e.
Low they are juried upon tlitir merits, tt'e
opine that ten now, in what Cited to be
canea ;ne. tar weit, mere are Jew in col.ee
tion in any place their peers.
In addition to ihe fotlidd-.t g wtrd "jro
uibitery," tLe laws xietlucu.p ;Le sale of
liquor in ibis Siatc, upon Sunday, pretent
many repreheLs.bie features to the public.
Tell the bibbers cf a city that they cati
and shall net imbibe therein on Saodav, a?.d
.rive tbem to understand that they cannot
do so outside the city, and, lo ! blJ heboid .'
tbey are seized wab additional tbirtt ant
-o surely as Sunday tomes round, you can
see tbetn trooping out to tbe beer irardi lis,
and other places, where they swill beer, ai.d
- bticg conprepated occasionally become
'excited " A point is that were these men
dispersed over the saloon accommodalioui,
hicb tho city affords tbey would behave
decently, not being iu a crowd at any ore
pcint. We should thus hoar less of di
urbanoes, and thei.oiny homeward travel o
men wbo, in some instances, have gone out
of town to bring Lome all the beer they
would require to lant till Monday. These
enilemen do not like to be seen carrying
beer cans on a Monday, and so are, in some
measure, obliged to carry it home ''conceal
ed." Meeting at one spot with a
superfluity of friends it is, not in
frequently, a bad thing for tbe "house purse.''
Every one who has ever been in a saloon
knows how, when four or Eve acquaint antes
meet, the beer or a point of etiquette t?oes
round four or 6v titties or even more, tin
many of the folks interested on sutb occiim
ions on the Sabbath know that this forcible
txbibition of acquaintanceship is wholly
unnecessary. Then again, a certain, and
large portion of those living in the
heart of our city have always been used to
send out for a reasonable amount of beer ;
which they prefer to nse at dinuer to nsing
tea or coffee. Some of these same people
have persisted in taking a glass of beer to
theirdinner notwithstanding that they knew
that they had no right to do so on Sunday.
Tbey did not know that this was a free
country though they had heard that some
where, and, perhaps forgotten it as soon as
tbey saw how the thing was really working
in Rock Island The children and hired
helps of these citizens, as well as themselves
have as the laws now are to crowd, or
insinuate, themselves into what is, probably,
an assemblage of men who are, in conse
quence of what we above hinted at, hardly
in a drawing room at the moment when the
tender and fair ones enter. Enough has
already been said to fairly display tbe par
tiality of the Prohibitory Law. We just
itemize the fact that we can bay our cigar
on Sunday without let or hindrance Those
wbo deal should be allowed to deal fairly.
Tin Leavenworth Dailt Gazette.
We have ou onr desk a copy of the Leaven
worth, (Kansas) Daily Gazette, of which W.
H. Rossington is the editor. It will be a
source of satisfaction to Mr. liossington's
friends to know that the old Argus man is
doing well, and doing hi best to do good.
W heartily wish him good lock. The
Le'enorth Gazette is a good sheet, and
will lose nothing b, having such aa Able
writer as Mr. Rossington.
Capt. James Mat's 80,0D0 Suit We
find the following in the PitUburg Commer
cial, which may be of interest to many of
oar citizens who have known of the long
and stubborn contest that Capt. May has
had with his suit:
We learn that our old friend. Cact. James
May, formerly a resident ot this eitv. bat for
a number of years past a citizen of Bock
Island, Illinois, ha just succeeded i obtain
ing a decree in hi favor, in the United
State Supreme Court, in Washington, in a
case wherein he claimed some f 80,000
The litigation commenced eleven year ago,
and the Captain ha pressed hi claim, tep
by step, until jast judgment ba been ob
tained. The case was one wherein Capt.
May not only claimed the sum stated, but he
charged in bis bill in equity that Antoine
Leclaire, John P. Cook, Lbenezer Cook,
George B. Sargent, Louis C. Dessaint and
George L. Davenpott, all of Davenport,
Iowa, bad been goilty of fraud end conspi
racy, in endeavoring to deprive him of his
legal rigbts. It appears that the Supreme
bench bave maue a unanimous decision.
awarding the Captain substantially what be
claimed, and Sustained tbe material allega
tion in hi bill. Captain May is well known
to many of onr citizens, who will be pleased
to learn that ne ba been successful in bis
suit. The parties against whom the decree
has been issued are amply able to make the
restriction which the Court demands of
Police News. Justice Cropper disposed
of a few items to-day, which were probably
important to the hernials, and mote so to
their families.
Henry ltosen field bad disturbed the peace
of the city, r.nd was, in consequence, mulct
ed in the penalty of $5 and curts.
Elias Ingrabam was proven to have been
overcome with probably benzine and beer
and cote.
It was tlieu showu ta tie wortLy Magis
trate ttiat IVicr Krickfon had been very
drunk; so much s;, that the guardians oi
brt peace had to assist. He whs fitted
aud C06U.
Ni xt, (iotiieb killer and Jycob Lass won
Cutivicted of havibg dilurht-d the peace,ai
he tine was individually assessed at 5 and
A Davesport IIoxob We met an old
acquaintance today, a lumber merchant
from Wisconsin, whom we know to be i
straight forward man, who tells us that b
sold a lumber dealer, of Davenport, a bill o!
lumber eome time about the first of May,
and left some of the details of the trade to
the said Da ven porters honor. He is now
of tbe opinion that if a min's honor is to
keep him from the place that is "paved will
good resolution," that Davenporter will cer
tainly be obliged to go there.
Notice (o Steckhelders !
1 H0LPF.K3 of the Molioe A Rock Ishii
Horse haiiroad Co., for t!i elec tion of ll'ireotors
Ao , will urcui on
Wednesday, Zuly HZth iast.,
t 4 o'cleek p. in., at tlie ujc uf the fctmry.
in iba lias Boilne.
f uak Islan i,'u:j 17I.
jylSJtd Exnrvtary.
Physicians Recommend and Over
500,000 Tccp:e Zsdone
s i all i
s w
tie in the house. Relief to ,l Dyspeptics
A mu?t plea. not t-nic and sppeti or.
H-ili. Bi iosne?j an i Constipation , lien
eral Debility and Lose of Appetite, ail are cause",
hv t!ie deraniemi-ut of tbe Stomach. Liver an
other functions tbe ijsS'tD. TiielXl. Bitt-r.-have
l en tuec(-Krat!y used, and are warranted
to allevis'e thesnfienrin the serve cne.
H EP3TI.V S, Manufacturer anl I'mrieir.
'I-" Front street, Ean 1'ru.nciico, Cal. h. (irutt
. Co., 11 La 5!le street, Chicago, Depot for the
West, ' iv22-d('m
Chancery Notice.
In Liio Circuit Court of K.ilIc Isitiud couLtT k
the treptrtLber letlu, A. D., laTl.
Man . Wagner, complainant, vs. Lelty block
m hr o n rijtot end as A Jui;m:ra.tr1x ot u
eiate of Aaron block, ateeaft,.d, C uia lilock,
framotrl Block, fecoiaOHU B:oi-k, ai.,1 .Morr.c
Ronenfield, as guardiiin of su.d Cittra liivek
Baiiiuoi Bhck,Knd jiiium llio-.k, d foi.d
a&ts. In Chancery.
AlTjuavit of the Don resic!nnee of Dttfy II ,cl ,
Clara I'l.ick, iSamuel lilook. and l,et:j.,iu,,
blook, tour of tte flofoi. Unts shot " Baioed, har
ing been hied in tlie ofboe o f the Cit.'k of said
Circuit Court of Koek iniand County, noT'ce i
hereby given to the 'aid Betty Bio k, batuun
Block, Clara Block, and Benjamin Block, th t
me complainant filed her lull ef complaifit ii.
said Court on the t huncery alio thereof, on the
20IB day of April A. D., 1871, and that an aliat
NumoioiiS thereoi on Mfued i ut ot said Cour:
against said non resident defendants, returnee,!,
oa the first Monday of September next. (IfcTl i,
a? is by law reqaired.
Now n.'iless you. the said Petty Block, Clam
Block, SauiUel Block and Benjamin Block, shall
pcroon:y be and appear beloro the Circuit
Co art of Rock Island Cuuty. n the tirnt day ol
i lia next term thereof, to be holdon in Kock Ic
'and in said County, on theftrt Monday of Sep
temtier. A - u-, t-i 1, ana p eaa, annwor or demur.
tntteaid uomplainaut's bill of complaint, lb
nine in,; toe m!ters ami ihiogn there u ohargred
and slated will tw taken aa confessed and a d
crca entered aga'nst you acoordiog to tbe prayer
of said bill.
6. P. HODGES, Clerk.
P. T. MoELrjERnr, Cons "iainants Solicitor,
jel fldlw-oaw-mon
Chancery Notice.
Kock Is. AXi Codtv, j
In the Circuit Court, to the September term
A D. Ib71. In Chancery.
Job u K Bro wu and Laura M Brown vs Rob
ert li Morrison, Isabella Hill, Daniel Ii
Hill, Harriet Irwin, Jaoie P Irwin, Su
san M Avery, Alpbonso C Avery, Anns
Jackson, Robert li Morrison, Jr., Joseph
O Morrison, Alfred J Morrison, Anna
Barringer, Paul Barrioger, Bufu Bar
ringer, Texana Twitty. lheodme B Twit
ty and William A Elliott. BUI for Par
tition. .
Affidavit of the non residence of all ofaairl
defendant having been filed in eaid cause,
notice is hereby given you, said defendants, j
ana every one ot yon, that tbe above entitled
suit is now pending in said Court, and that
summons has been issued against you
Now, unless yon shall personally be "and
appear before the said Court, on tbe first
day of the next term thereof, to be bolden in
tbe Court House in the.city of Rock Island
in the county and State aforesaid, on the
6rst Monday of September nest to which
time and place the said summons is made
returnable, and plead, answer or demur to
the bill of complaint in said suit fil.d. that
the same will be tiken foe confessed as
against yon, and decree entered aeoordinfly.
t)-I.TIJ Y T1 1 . .
Atoca Astana, iu juiy ist, A. JJ. 1871, .
Clerk of said Court.
OsBotr A .Ccrtis, Compl'u Solioiton.
V "' -trr''"--"--it'r-
For Moth Patches, Freckles !
TION. It is reliable and harmless. Bold
by every Druggist la Rook island and elsewhere.
Prepared only by Dr. J3. C. Ferry, 49 Bon Bt.
tiew xorK.
Grubs, Pimply Eruptions and Blotched
D'ufigarations on the faee, Perry's Cossadone
an Pimple Remedy. It is harndr and invalu
able. Prepared only by Sr. B. C. PERRY,
Dermatologist, 49 Bond Street, New York.
Bold by every Druggist in Rook Island and tlae
where. feb 27dAwt!m.
John Soot's Bitter are a family medicine
John Boot's Bitters cure jtneral debility.
John Boot's Bitters cure dyspepsia. Us
John Boot's Bitters cures fever and ague.
John Boot's I ittars cures all bilious dis
John Boot's Bitters cures rvonsnsss and
headache. Try it. They are warranted.
John Boot's Bittars cure indigastion. Try
Jhn Boot's Bittsrs are not a whisky drink
Root's Bittsrs for sale at the Harper House
Drugstore. may 22-deod-m,w,f Awly
J-hn Soot's Bitter are sold by al drug-
gifts. Joha Kingston, Rock Island, 111.; liar
neon A Ilulmau, Davenport, Iowa, wholesale
and retail druggists.
(Jbapped Hakos, faas, rough skin, pimples,
rins-worm. salt rhBin. and other eutaneous af
fections, cured, and the skin mad soft and
smoot h, by using the Juniper Star Soap made by
Caswell, Hazard A Co.. New York. It is more
sooTonient and easily applied tban otner reme
pies, avoiding the trouble of tno creasy oom
pounds now in uio. m-t,weow,
&t Sat berger's.
Juit opened, a lull line of the celebrated Buf
i'alo alp&oatf, f laia atd tilad poplins, percales,
lioen tl-em goods in great variety vy chap,
a spltodid aitorluient of parasols, the popular
hip gore corset for summer wear, all sizes on'y
fl, retail; new and splendid stock of staple
iroods of every descri tion. Call and examine
lor yourselves. Clothing made to order, as be
At Wadawortb & Larson's,
Just opened, new Japanese Silks, new Hair
Stripe Dress Goods, Lace Shawls, Marseilles and
Honey Comb Eed ljuiits, in great variety, the
latest thing oat in Skeleton Corbet for Bummer
wear. They always have on hand the host ass
ortment of Carpets, Matts, K-ua and Floor Oil
Cloths to be found in this section, and at the
veiy lowed prices.
Closisg- out Sale.
Aires ii now selling good fust color Lawns
at 2llo : FreatU Orgndie worth 60o at 40e ;
French Lawns worth 0c at SOo: Percales worth
i:!o st 20c: French Ginghams worth 35c at lie;
lo worth ?oo at Pc ; Summer Poplins worth 6u
tod 75c at iOc ; do worth 40 and 60a at 2ae;
I'laids, Poplins worlli 4t and j0o at 2io ; Tan
urtlnes worth fc'Oc at 4t'c; a few Lace Shawls very
.heap ; Summer Sawla at half price ; Laoes and
Vhite TrimuiiLgs very cheap.
AikcB will wiil sell any kind of goods much
below regular prices, as he is determined o get
jut of traie. jeSdtt
Oil 'allows
Rock Islaad Lodge No. 18, 1. 0. O. F., xasaU
Tery Moaday erenlng at Odd Fellows' Hall,
uaihstst ojroer of Illinois and E&g'.a Sis., at
ri o'oiock T. a.
Gca Stkmocl, K. G.
H a brt Emir, R. S.
Tstnj.li cf Eonori
Rock Isiand TsraT.ie r.f Hon-ir No. 17, tneets
v"y Thorij evening, and foetal Temple So.
i, every Taeday k-.,io at T o'clock, a: Odd
. elloas Bi:,, :. ii. KINoKY. W.C.T.
A. A. B-.-eri , tr. H. dcJ2 dtf
tasg Mtn's Iiriaty Asscc&titn.
I rooum if the Young Me&'s L.tr&ry A.ro
jiaiion are frcto 1,1 A. K. ontii !0 P. M.
avery uty exotpt bumitjt. A large and well
leleoted asaortcient cf works new ca hand.
Tickett three dollars, which ean always be pr
iared of the Secretary. maytdly.
Jar Sals.
Tweaty-sn residence lots, in my addition to
he Cr.y cf Rock Island. Terms of sale. One
Barter caeh ; balance in one, two arid three
ye, witli interest at six per oett. per annum.
""H. B. Kavebiokt.
Attention is oailcd to the advertisement of Dr.
Bohannan. of Bt. Louis, Mo. iiie reputalioo is
that of one of the most sucoessfal pliyeioiune ia
ais svncialitv in the West.
. -. j
Th-rr? is r.othing lit Dr. Veipsa's Freoi hj
i'l'.'tt lor keeping the complexion frp.h and ea- j
tiroly free liciii ipis. 1 he caus-e of which is j
ibftt it retrulatos the entire fomale system. Sold
ov all Iruj;gi.ts.
- I
E2. Ii. OLIS, j
i'be Emlnertt Oculist and Anritit of Chicago, will
be in Kock Isiuoii, ot tbo Harvr House, oo
the Crt Friday attvr the iirst Monday in
dfcoh nuoath, lor toe purpoa of treat
ing all dicea.es of the lye and Ear,
whether surgical or otherwise. Operations for
Catarac, . ross tyes, staphyloma, closure ot th
learduct, Ao. jr ranch artificial eyes inserted
without pain. Chicago oflioe H'9 South Clark
Meet. aep3-dAwlj
A bright, healthy ouiie is a perennial spring
of joy in every well-r guloted lauuly, aud obeie
i. tuat latner, wbo aflr tbe strlle and turmoil ol
busitiess, on retiring to his home, is not beguiled
jt care by the innooent prattle of his child ?
Perhaps this fatb.r is a worldly man, aud tnakr.
old hie idol, he miy have bean asucceaiful inn.
nd amafsed riches. Yet place hie ohild on tbe
-ick bed, and all his gold is at tbe di? po.a of the
.tajnioiae, and the only return he at I a 11 the res
toration ot health to his ehild. Fathers I Atoih
,r i would yoa preserve your ohild in fceultb ?
Then listen to us. Then is on previiing oute
of tbo dieas in children, and that oavso is
worms. If thts oanse of disease is not removed.
your child will sicken and dio, or linger a suffer
ing Invalid for Ufa. e present to you an infal
'ibl remedy for worms; it is
Dr. Jndson's lead Ehot Worm Candy,
and is put np in the form of a stick of candy, and
so pleasant to the taste, that children greedily
taase for it. It is purely vegetable, and cannot
hurt tha suiallett ohild. Ask for Dr. Jadsod i
Dead 6hot orrn Candy. For sale everywhere
at SO oenta per package. W. H. C0MST0CK,
decs' Bni D,r .,,r
Ii th" safety. It was npoa this
. .,... , ,, u f ...... i . , .
prmcipi, "?" """- 'I'usos i Mors
rAis Uskb 1 "-ts WM P'epared. Dr. Jnd.on,
intending to .'v,u fortu'ei adTertising his
pills, subm ttad A" e to the revi,ion of the
most intelligent all Jrntd physioinns of tbe
go, and the result if . simple but most effica
cious me icine th Jrcsoji's KornTAiN Behb
Pills. T' ey purify t 'i blood, romov all ob
structions, cleanse the v'n ' a" pimples and
b otohes, and are perfectly rv and saf la tkeir
operation. Th Jcnsos's Mocstaim fieas
Pills cor Billicasness, Fomale 'rregu aritie.,
Ueauaohe. and m.ny of th dis..'e arising
fro impure blood an 1 a dno.j . station.
Use the Jadson's Mountain n0,u D, . '
when yoa have proved their virrn. "d
them to your friends. They ar. both.ncai-
:oated and plain. For sale everywhere.
If yon d- not feel well yon send for a doctor
hs calls npon you, look wise, scrawl, so
hieroglyphio npon a piece of paper which you
'to' there p., 60 eoct. to
100, ba.ide. the d etor's fee, for a remedy
nine time ont of ten not half so good a Dr
More ' Indian Ro. t Pill,, which 0ota bat i
eent per box. o you thiak lb former the
best, because yoa pay th most for It? If you
do, w advise yon to nse, joat as aa experl
n nt. th Mors' Indian Root Pi Is. They
are prepared from a formula, pronooncd br
ths most learned phys ioians of ear eoantry, te
ba he best and most bs I venal of family -dioises.
The Mors' Iadiaa Root Pill oar
Headaohe, Liver eosanlaiBt, Indiwaatinn. Dv.
pepsin, Female irregularltias, A.., and are at
bwh sagar-ooatad aad plaia. Siva then a
trial. Sold ay (! aa,lar. i
as ivxosrx&ouxxx.
- MoimociB, 111., May 11, 1871.
Messrs. HERRINtt A CO.. Ohieago.
Bests On the motning of tho Vth lnit..ar
town was visited with the most destrastiv fire
vet known hare, or in this vicinity, destroying I
1 . t J . . . Ll.L -11 -. 1- ,
weniy eigne ouuainf s, waica were ait aiuoavu
with a general assortment of dry goods, grocer-
let, etc. We were fortonately provided with one
of yoar Patent Champion bales, which was ex
posed to a very sever test, narmg lain in t&e
reins for over two days. Everything was pre
served to oar entire satisfaction, the writing in
ear books and papers being as legible as when
i aoed in in sat. We are pleased to bear evi
nce to the excellence of jour valuable Safes,
and shall want aaother as soon a we get looated
in our new building. Yours truly,
The Heroes of ever 760 Accidental Fires The
Most Reliable Proteotion from Fir known
With Patent Crystallized Iron, the only Resis
tant to Barglars Tools now known.
4U STAliS AlHStfeT.
The only kind made by a prtical chemiet, as well
as physician, with ipecial reference to its hoalthtul
nCMl. Omptsrd of article that aid digenitm. Frrfert
in quality. Cheapest, became tlit frurext. Bet,4uiiis
the healthiest. Biscuits, corn bread, cakes, pastry, not
only white (sweet) and light, but wholesome and
nutritious. Use. it ; pmoee it. If not as recommended,
we forfeit right to truthfulness. s-Many worth
lews, cheap imitations. Be wire you get Dr. Prim
Cream Baking Pnrder. Nld by Grocers. Msnufao
tnmionly by THOMPSON', hTEBLE A PKH'K,
Chicago and tU Louis.
mco 7-lnoiu
Shavisg& Bathing Palace,
A. J. rCUS, Froprletor.
Lale Foreman at the Brigga Boase, Cbioago.
Particular atuntioii given to Hir Cat
ting. my24-dtf
MIIiiIT & Ml KM a ALL,
Merchant Tailors,
Have removtd to Illinois St., near Washington
P.ook Iilaad, where they have a stock of piaaa
goods, and are prepared ta make op clothing to
order. Perfect fits guaranteed. Cleaning,
Soouring, Catting and repairing done oheaply
and prompt!, A share of eastern respeotfoliy
elicited. They have a large slock of Ready
Made Clothing. mebBd
t lltUl,MlA
FIjRE briox
Clav Eetert Works !
EiCJiS i IlUWiUD, Proprietors,
Ijlanufacturera of
ire Unci., (.as Rouse Tile,
Clai Retorts. L'axt furnace Tile,
tttind- Ih-iiamtxtal Chimney Topt,
Seir,:r iL:c I'.j c J'rvm .'1 to 30 t'. 'Diamt ter
And ail articles usually inada of Fire Clay.
Ulano, 10 Sooth Eleventh etru
bt tons, MO.
illli). 1'iUTRIDGEa.CO.,
Dealers in
S-aiiway Oils, and Car Grease, Ha
gine and 12 a chin cry Oils,
Iard end Tallow Oils,
Diamond IlluiLiaalor.i Ire Test, 1st
Coal Oil, Axle
Grease, &c,
So. 712 N.
Main Street, BT. LOl'lr).
Z-XrK.ia.CT3, die.
its",? rktvl
With great carp, by a new iirocea, weetnw.t from
the tnr. eelect Prmij: ami AroniHti. ea 0 i-haracter-istic
flavor, and produce t'lavonr for (Vken
C uBtartlB, Jollies, Creams, etc.. of rst ejxeUrmx. Of
great Hirnffth and jmrfej purity. Aayonff artificial.
Irery flavor at represent,; V dtceitZeh ' bmtlt
". hit; ay , other. Tl
mx! derate, UI,cum, flavor , ever made.. rV miperior
to the cheap extracts. Ask for Dr. Price's Soecu.1
Jlavorines. Manufactured onlv by 'Oeci&l
Chicago and 8t. iJouis.
Ar warranted equal to any mad. They we
prepared from th fruit and will be found much
Better lean uaay oi tue titract. that are (old
VaniUa, Lemon, Fin Appl, Strawberry, Rose
Orange, A. , '
is without doubt th Best article la thsaarkt
for Blueing Clothes. It will enlw nor water
than fonr times the same weight of Indigo and
conch more than any other Wash Bine ia th.
Bl. ""'J S""wu' pUS QB m
ilfred rTtllkerfer'. Ding urt,
S38 lorth Second 8t., Philadelphia.
Th label have both Wil'berger's and Bar
low nam oa tbem, au other ar counterfeit
Will be fosad on trial ta be a superior article
Always en hand for sal at reasonable prisa
Par Ground Spices, Oenaia Hediata, Cha
mois Skins, Sponges, Tapioca, Pearl Sago, and
all arusles la th Drag Lin,
It Alfred WiUkerfcr'i Drof tun,
Ko. tSS Hart Saooa sU.,PaUadlaia.
1 i-?5B-.'
i-V -'. - S CS i- il l
"-(to 3 ,
SfcVE YOUR E.ifllitl FOR
Tizesday, -
The Only
Firit Grand Triompbal Tour of
Ohio River
uii r a. , ,v
3 IMEoximti? IPavilioiis
One exclusively for the Museum, another expressly for the Menagerie and Caravan, and
the third devoted to the Equestrian l'etforiijaiice.s, all adjoining and concerted together,
but only one price of admission, and one ticket admits yon to all. ADMISSION to the
entire Ccmbii.atcn, Menugerie, Caravan, Mucsum and Circus :
Adults, 50 Cents; Children under 10 rears, 25 Cents.
B "5
The only Real Menagerie and First-Class Cirens oa the Road.
Drawn hr beantifol matched Cream and Dappled Horses all the Circe Retinue
Largest and Best Parade ever seen on tlie Public Streets.
Diagram cf Old Job a Robinson's Moseum, Caravan.
Menagerie and Cirens :
t -i u K
hr-.i mi in" nin r it i in anfti it nil. niaii.g . 11 n ...my r r . -
Mace erect like the Forest Monarch, requiring over
Zwo Hundred Foacda of Fresh Fish daily for their tubsistance !
The only ones on exhibition in the World, and can be seen in this Mensierie, st all hours
ViUl Tartarian
From the Deseru of" Tartnry, with lono;, beautiful hair growing from his back to tb
.y Vvf.'U' ntV- T's 1 s. t . 1 j fN. r. ar- dl t'- ja
1 IV .X i
7 w
k 'J
1 j A-j-rc.i.
Don't eonbund this with
ny Small
rtl v v w liTiCrttV ill ft Tatrintlinm
Vlitl JOilll H.0
Is triumnhantl. m...l , . poiuveiy exuioit at UOCK ISLAi f, IL.LI i Ulb
ind lrBBort Tr "fi ' Md ",h thU Gi"ti0 Organization with the Y.tkee
Rw. ? K ' : Do 1 'oofounu r, in pa.t times, nor wi'h he James Robin.on
rir. iLt .F tr,"eItd lhi8 coun' 11 the so-called J. W. (Gale.bnnr, Illinois) Rob-
I f ,ter8 ia8t . o' t to entice and delude the people of Illinois
inson, a iraua, nnmbua; and impostor, seekin anting himself and Show as Simon Pure,'
into an rat-trap of a concern, by falsely ren. mh either or any of them, bnt is the Old
ror is is is i no w,y, thape or manner, eonnocted vsixty.five yearsof age, with fifty years,
Original JOHN ROBINSON, ef Cincinnati O hi speit years of toil and va.t sum. of
expenenee as an owner of a Menagerie. H- ha, ravan and Cirens to the high state of
Challenge Champion Show 'of th World'
nt. Wait for us, for we
Do not forget that we are coming with an A ralanche of Tale,
are eomiDtr to
Rock Island, Tuesday, KuL 1( '71'
ulst - X, "FX.
and Original
the States West and North of the
in Five Years.
wtl'i I.. J
Show or Keatgerie, but bear in mind that
vuu aswsioiuail,
M fit'-?,'1

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