Newspaper Page Text
HUES OF ADVERTISES. rctLiiHiD it tan for eaoh Sqaar, or th pc eBid by iiaee of solid aBparll, Ob Dollar for ak in sertioa. Special Hotic, It nil pr lis. Whit ia serted I months r nor, 0 pr t abov regn ler advertising rtMi. Ooeamaaieatioas, or articles laaerted M readlag matter, SI e.ts per lis. DAILT aid Wbsbit. A dieooaat of 16 per at. will be atad from th Wkly rat, yearly aid half yrly eoatraaU, wha thme mattar li iaeerted In both Daily and Weakly. Doable OoIbbbbs will be charged li per eent additional. For -U transient adrertteemea advano pay Bent It repaired. AAaus r&zzrvxzra coair-v. TERMS. Dailt Ai. By Mail(pajableia advance), per annm,$10.C0 6y Mail aaoniu., .vf Bt Mail " " moatbe,,. Jat By Mail l month. 8 afEr Citt tliini, 20 vnt per wee. Biolb Coptll Cents. THRMS.- WiniLT Abbcs. Mori' Copy, (payable! advanee) t.H Ten Copies " " iO.OO Twenty Copie, .. .. 16.00 Thirty Cop!, u . iCO Twentieth Year, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, JULY 25. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 iOtTl ITiXW il-'imiYliTv I.M 1 1 Wfrv mVV TO AiAi Yptt 1 XEatORY'S Hill. Oh ! a etrang old oaetle ii a Memory's Hall, With He tower and tarrete soblliii; For He portal are guarded by spectre, tall The spectres of year, that come at the oali Of eohoe that lire la tht clime. II (tend in the oonntry of "Long Ago," By the ide ot the river Time, IF hole water aarge on with an endle.s flow, Aid ing a son aa they geatly go, A a aoft aa the vesper ehiine. To the door of the eaatle wo often go, For we've buried oar treasures in there; Thorn brows of beauty and hand of ' And forma we have olaeped long years ego, And tr.ssis of golden hair. Smiles that have faded, and joy bow ''' And f'ao we onse though' fair, And wreath, thatenotraled s.melovedone's head, Worda of tenderness once been laid, And robe that an t0 wear- Kohoe of reioea that oaed to Oall, Fall oa the tremuloea air ; And pictures d' 0B enbre weal, Bwo. a from the ehadowy paat recall, While we stead enchanted there, The prouot departa ami the paat returne, A. we tread o'er it dnaty 9uor ; And the heart, orerdowiog with eadneaa, baraa, And th aoal within as with wildneaa yearn Fur the thing we loved of yore. A heartlena old bachelor sohoolmaiter the other day oomeroifulW flogged a little giri eiht year old, became he laid her aiater wouldn't have him because he had snob, an ogly noae. LOO Ah NOTICES. Xnqnett on those Ihot daring1 the Riot 7stimony aboat the dis tnrbaace Secision of the Tory -Bate Ball -The Xrleh Con federation - The Sheridan Club -Xtlace and Cobnrn are going to fight. Try It. Mr. Whitoomb desire all to try her Syrap; it t the great children' toothing remedy, and gold at the low price of 25 cents. MAKRii.;a Qciob. lnUreitiog work, uuuierou engraving, 224 pages. Price 50 centa. Adireea Dr. Butts' Diapenaary, 2 North Eighth street, St. Louie, Mo. Set advertisement. R-nae's Pain-Killing Magic Oil ia recom mended to use both externally and inter iiinj, and if uaed taithfull according to th liirt juoua on eaoh bottle, it cure pain "like a c'uivrm," and when once uaed by any per eo, it has a new friend to praiee it good virus. The beat praiee is to try , bottle I'm: only Baking Powder that ha stood tu.i test for year, and been found free from a.iuiteration, healthy, and reliable i Dr. '1 it.e e Cream. Try it, and see how deeid eit v euperior to the cheap kind in the mar ket. At uma time try Dr. Price' Special F.avoriugs, Vanilla, Demon, tie, and eee bow superior iu strength and excellence thej are Ik ail other. Find them at grocer. VERY LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Clook X. iX. IV JS W Y O 31 K. WASHINGTON. Proceedings before the XTt-Slnz Committee -Evidence of J. H. Chriity-The change in tfie In ternal Revenue Office. ILLINOIS. Zeigenmever to be senttneed on Thursday. Foreign About the Civil list - What Olad' si one says-Favre insists on resigning becanae of the de cision of the Bishops. Market Reports. Reported Expreaaly for the Anau, TLc Xce ELing Xiefrigerator, Which created such a (eueauou, and tool the tint premium at the Cincinnati Expoai ti3n. St. Loui Pair, -Illinois Slate Fair, and ail tae Fair throughout this State generally lam leason, is now for sale and can be seen in w-tual operation at E. W. Spencer'. ii uehoid Furnishing Goods Emporium, 01 lihuuia street. 1'be Refrigerator potaetse many aivaD taa over all others ever manufactured among whioh may be mentioued the fact that it aaves fifty per centof the ioe required in anf other Relngerator of the same size. It ia a preserver, not a oonaumer, like the nuuierju ice melters called Refrigerator. It produces a dry, cold temperature in the preserving ohambers. The temperature can ba reduoadto fourteen degrees below freezing p:int. One artiole of food will not partak. of tne smeil or taat of another. The pro VMtnn ohitmher are always dry, sweet an 1 r!en, as they have no drippings from :oe F.h, game and meats of all kind can a 'i..t frozen any length of time, aiid in a pdrfdotly dry and preserved condition. The Refrigerator is divided into two separate and dietinot compartments, and also has a Watei Cooler attached, which furnishes an nnlimt ited supply of ice cold water without putting ice in the water. It eonsomes about ten cents worth of ioe every twenty-foar hoar. TbU economical piece of furniture costs do more than any other refrigerator, and ia manufactured of all sizes, and suitable for Hotels, Restaurants, Grocers and for familj purposes. Call at E. W. Spencer's the only agent for Rock Island, Moline and vicinity, and see the workings of this indispensable artiole in actual operation. aprlK dwiim DS. BBtBTTB WATER CURE Kl'.KOSflA Send for ciroalar. majUd worn A T .WIS E. E.BEELEY, M.D. mmm insurance comh OF CHICAGO, ILL. Oasli Capital, J6200.000.00 orpins, 37,820.64 apr Dsdrick & Suaw, Agents, !l-d1y Hock Island TH B 8 Re AT AXZKICAN HKALTB REST0KBR. variflea th blood and cares Barofui, BypkUla, Bktn Dla eetn, Rhenaatiaai, Pieeaeeaof Wonea I and all Caronie Affratioae of the Blood I Liver and Kidoeya. BeeosBmeaded by ! the .Ileal Vaoulty and maay tho I anda of oar beat eitisena. - R.&4 the Ltlliniiiv rtf nil v.ial&B. aad peti.ala who have need Reeadalia; send for our Roaadalia ft a id to Health Book, or almeoae for this year, wkleh wepas- u ur grtitos dutribotlOBI It will give jau maoh veleabl. information. W. Oarr, of Baltimore, ear a t. pleasure la reoomaaending yoar Ro,d; M T 0werfal al- eeranve. I t,T, M it lu tw0 eaaea with hDn, ,.u.. 1. . .... of aeao.dary ..phm., ta whi.h tB, tieat prottounj k:.. j . r... A Us k,TU,Jk,?M b0UlM f 7" di eine. The other U . ease of serofala of .g .....g, woa u ld, ,m 0T, ..g ...ev . .u, a tB, lBdi0.li0Bt are that the patient ,1U ,00, I have earefally oxaml.., tn, fo , by vkiebyoar Koaadalla i, mBae ,nd tad tt aa oxeelleat sompeaa. of .1,.. atlve logredieata." l"" Dr. g park a, ef HleholeviHe, Uy he has aaed Roaadalia la eaaea of 'go,,, fa la and Seeoadary Syphlli with ti.' faotory reaolt a. a eleaaarof lh.bw4 I kaow no better remedy. feUmael 8. MeFaddon, Karfreeabore, Teas., ay : "I have a ted eevea bottles of Soaa dalis, and am entirely eared of Xheam atiaas; send foar bottle, a I wiih it for my brother, who has asrofaloaa ore y." Ben"jamia Bejhol, af Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suffered for twenty yean with i aveterate arnptloa over hit whole edy ; a tahort time aiaee I pur ehad a bottle af Reaadalls and It ef fected a perfeet ear.' Roaadalia le (old by all draggiit. Laboratory, tl Bzehange Place, Bal tlaaore. Or. CLIKU18 00. . Proprtare, fbJ84od4,tA New York., July 24. The Tribune of to morrow will have the following : "A movement i on foot auiocg a large number of oapitalial, who propoae to reaist ioe further collection of monicioal taxec until an olboia! showing of the city's 6 nan es is completed. This movement of capi ahsts has not vet taken shape, but from very side there are expressions of readiness oa not seldom or impatience, ioe mem iers of the Produce Exchange are canvass- eg the subject of reform id the oity govern ment earnestly." Mace and Coburn signed articles to-day to "ight November 30th, within a hundred mile of New Orlean for $5,000. Jno. S MansSeld and others were indict d some time ago in the United States Or juit Court for the Southern District of Illi nois, for conspiring to delraud the First National Bank of Decatur, 111., by misapply- ng the credits of the bank; the indictment tod bench warrant were sent to the United Stales officers of this District. Mensfielc was arrested and admitted to bail in 1 5,000 by Judge Blatchford. The names of th rther parties are withheld in futherance of the ends of justice. Nsw York, JoW 24. This morning Cor nier Young commenced the' inquest ovei he bodies of those shot during the riots fhe inquest took place in the Eighth District court room ; but few were present when i ommeuced. Assistant District Attorney Sullivan was present, and the following Ju- nrs : Jno A Doganoe, Marshal Lfcffertg, J o Demarest, Wm A Prime, Henry A Com itock, Algernon Noble, and Jno Duane Stephen Almeoy appeared a counsel fortht relatives of some of the dead, but Coronet Young decided to conduct the inquest with out the aid of counsel, and said he would do o in his own way. Nearly all the witnesses testified as to the shot Bred by the crowd before tbe military fired. Dr C V Lordly teitibed Hat wbeo fh procession passed Z4tb street e sav woman wave a white handkerchief with an orange border, when a man walked ui to her and shot her. Several other shots were Gred, when the military fired into the crowd. After the examination of several other witnesses, all of whom testibed tbattbe mob ired on the military first, though some ot them stated only one sUot was fired, the Coroner said he had tried to obtain all th -vidence he could which would throw lieb in the subject before them, but failed to obtain anything more than what had already been testified, and he was ready to postpone tbe inquiry if the jury thoogbt necessary The jury saw no neoessity to postpone tbe investigation, and retired at 2 o'clock, anr1 returned the following verdict in five ruin utes : -no unusual inese parties came to thei deaths on the 12th instant, by gun-aho wounds at the bands of parties to us un known. Th jury, htving signed this as a verdict id 42 cases, were discharged. A meeting of tbo French international workingmen's association in this oily, was held yesterday, and the subject of the re oect riots disoussed. Citizens Guatbatel and Labruvere argued in favor of permitting a sects and parties to parade the streets,wbiU others made speeches in opposition, fin ally a resolntioa was passed recommending the suppression of all prooessions except those which oommemorate purely American National events, end oensaing the st'othori ties for their course previous to the riot. The mutual baa ball club of this city, started 00 tour west last evening, to be bsent till August. A messenger of the Bank of New Y'ork was knocked down at the corner of Broad way and Warren steets, Saturday afternoos, at one o'olook, and robbed of $30,009 in government bonds. The thieves escaped. 1 he lrub Confederation met yesterday, and voted to have a leotur- at the Cooper institute, by Thos. Clarke Luby, instead of a mass meeting aa has been propoeed. Une the speakers said in this country the "ih were constantly craving excitement Unie Von kolll Itnratkntl mnA k 'ofltnatory speeches, jou con d not 1 weive person wounded ia the late" riots are yet at tne 8ini hospital. in uenerai Sheridaa club of the Irish conteaerattoa yeaterdav. adonuil tions characterizing the firing by the militia on the mob, oa the 12th, aa the foulest blot oa tbe civilization of the nineteenth century. ;' WisHIUQTOir, July 24. J H Chriaty, of Athens, ueorgta, was examined to-day by the Ku Kloz Committee, and ae teitiaad in substance, that be knew of no Ku-Klux organisation in his district, or any portion ofshe State. , In answering to an inquiry as to what facilities for knowing anything about it be bad, be stated he had been twioe elect ed to Congress from that district, and usually attended the courts in the western eirouit, as well as a portion of those of the northern cireuit, and in response to interrogations he stated he believed that he was personally acquainted with the people generally. No more crime was committed now than before the war, in his section of the State. He admitted that there had been some violations of law by disgnised persons for the purpose ' of punishing men and women for living in adultery and fornication, and for theft, etc. He stated, also, that it was the general opinion in the community, that the people took the law into their own hands because so many criminals had been pardoned- It is exceedingly probable that the change long expected in the Internal Revenue office wih become an accomplished fact in a few days, by the removal of Pleaaantoa ; there are no indications at present as te who will sooceed the present Commissioner, and it is thought the position will be held open for some time, with Depnty Commissioner Doug ass as acting Commutioner. . One of tbo unfortunate results of the state of affairs uetween the Internal Revenue offioe and th Treasury Department, has been the resign, tion of Mr Chesley, chief of the revenue law division. Chicago, July 24 In the Crimical Court this morning, the argument of counsel ft Zeigenmeyer, convicted recently of the n a Jer of Gumbleton, was heard on the applica non for a new trial. J ad ge Booth overruled the motion, and announced that he wjulrl prononnce the sentence of tbe jury on the prisoner on Thursday next. At Meredoaa, ill., yesterday, a man named Cdmundson approached William Henries .ad asked him for a amall sum of mon y which he alleged Hamrick owed him. llam rick denied the debt, when Edmundson struck him a powerful blow on the neck. dislocating it, and killing him in.tantly. t Sorts were made to arrest tbe tn rde -er, bnt he was armed, successfully resisted the offioer, and made his escape. Lokoon, July 25 In the House of Com mon, George JJnon, member for Birming ham, wished to koow if the reduction of the civil list was possible. Gladstone replied that he oonsidered tha. the question arose from a misapprehension ot the character of the list, which he said was a solemn compact made between tot sovereign and the people at the beginning 01 each reign. Any economical advantages which resulted were to be credited to tht Crown, and not to the oonntry. it would bt "til for Parliament to maintain this view ul .he civil lint, as it would cou tribute to en tourage the Queen's servants to fulfil then Junes. Paris, July 25. It is reported thatFevr persists in his resignation, because of th petition of the bishops urging tha govern meet to support the temporal power of thi Pope. It has been referred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The municipal elections yesterday re sulted in the choice of sixty republicans and f'Ooaervativee, and 49 moderates. The vou a very small. Washikgtoh, July 25. The following private aispaich from loikville, souil Carolina, dated yesterday, ha been receiveo oy a gentlemen in Washington : I he sab-committee ot Southern outraget arrived here yesterday evening. At lh .upper table of tbe hotel Hon. J as. E. Stev eneoe, of the committee, and Hon. A. J ilace, representative ot the District, wer ssaulted as they took their seats, by Mj amei Harry, a prominent citizen, a..d . pitcher of milk was thrown over thorn. Wal ace drew a revolver, but Barry was sur rounded by friends and left the hotel. A. ine o clock the committee was eerenadec bv a negro band, and a crowd colieced a the band was retiring. An affray took plaor, and one negro was shot, receiving thru wounds. No arrests have been made COMMERCIAL. 1.12 X-S2. Sock IstARD, July 2 5. Ten Flour market ia eorreoted at Werner Mill and th quotations are th culing prioes 01 the Rook Island market. -, Wuria Wbiat Flocb Wholesale $8.40 " " " Retail H.tlU Sparse Wan At Vxoca . dpring Doable Kxtra la bbls, wkoleial. ...... $7.41- Mlil 8.00 S.oks at wholesale...-...,....... .......7.uti HetaU .... T.ot Lao, at hotsai. 6.8k Retail ... . . T.4U flain'i Bstr K14110 Flocb 1 Retail i Barrel, aacke $2 50 S " " I.S4 " 1-16" 6a BCCKWBBAT FLOCB Wholesale llf.Utl Retail ju.oo W as at .... vial .20 Cobb .. 45 0 a v New 0 :; 5 c RVB- H.... ......... ......... ..... .....MM... 45 Bablbt 100"!'".".".'?.!....". "7." Bcttib Choioe lota, for retailing, will briag. Obbbsb N Y. Factory ...... Labo per lb Porivoes . Applis per bnshel S per doe ... The above prioes are the wholesale Cguree at first hend POOLTRT Live Turkies, per lb Dressed " " Cbiekens, live " " dreseed" Daoke ' " Boas Live IOOsJ.50 Bxtra lot. 6.00; ehoiee 6.748 00 ; medium 5.74 jommoo ehip ing 6.5U. Cattlb Live weight, cOMsaoe 45a rrime aBlppinj, per 100 lbe 4.006.6 Wood Jak, see eord ...... 6.4u .ar.o lie 6.00a7.l0 9.uouiU.ini ......14719. 1 111. , laoe . 50C0 15e 11 . II). 11a ... 3U5U Ilia . loo .120 . be . lOo . lue Biekot Coal Coal Valley Tard leveiand Ywd. ...... Bai Prairie, p.r o.... lleaoth ...... OortBB to, euaumoa to fair...... " prim to eboioe Jld eJevernaaect Java... WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Manufacturer of ENGINE LATHES 1 SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PL1XEBS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, N A SMYTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Clan 2Xachinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad Hangar, Patent Eelf Oillng Box. WAHEH0U&K: IOT I lRBRTVbl., SKtf YORK CITY MANUFACTORY : HAMMOND ST., (Opp. Jnnetion Depot), ntlHtMTtH, MS. All Trains enteriag the Oity, stop within ten rods of our orks. J, 10 dtf VCMC. 'legrapke 1 th Aseci. Obioaso, July 35. Floor Dull; winter itra $6 75. Wuit, to 2 oiui.4 atl l.'U oasband July; INe 1 el l 14i: Ne 3 tl Ul ; rejeeitd it.iano ; winter wheat No 1 red $118; o 2 l IB. Corn So 2 cioi.d at 4:4yie eash; 4sjaseler xuguat; icj. ted 4 4c. , Oats liull ; ..) 3450 cash: 3434i seller tuguit ; at Sj-';a. Hye Oioeidatued; ; 02 5SJc cash; seller .t 4tAcfor August. Eariey yoiet end easier: So 2 0o cash or August; 717lje September. H hiky tjaiet .t V2e. ' Protiaioo. Tuli ; mese pork eold at $1412. ellt-r ugu.t . Butter Choice in fair demand at 14M7c. gg Qui-tat lll2o. Ki-ocijts Fiona i, ; wheat SI, 56 : eern 271,173; oat 3,3!sS; rye 6,03): barley H. 10. Sb.pincuis Fionr 3,;i2o; when' 6,777 : eorn i2?,2i'0; oats 8.700 ; rye 33,673 ; barley nun. CMcago XiIts Stock. Telegraphed to tbe Aeca. Cbiob Bvoob TaBds, July 25. Cattle Receipt 3 618; market opened dull and priees deellued a fraction : aalee of l,n'j8 jead at $3 70S 40 for T.i.n steers ; f4 00a4 30 or butchers' stock, and nom $4 7ia5 f-0 tor lair .0 extra shipping eteera. hopt Keeripta 7,234; market fairly active at d.cnne of 10. Ioe: aalea oi heavy at $4 354 40: Ight at (4 554 S". neep Keceipta 454, market eteady at Setur ly's price. 1860. 1871. THE PIONEERMUSiC STORE. LA RGB STOCK ALWAT" ON HARD OF ii siKiiinti, MTfcCk, fc.M4CBf K, AM kH AV, M AtttlllAI.L, AND WEN DEI I. x 1 a. os, Geo. Vcd &. fo&Estey Organs and sll kinds of Musical Instruments Sheet Muic of latest ifau.s, and tha be?t im ported Strings in the citv JollX H:iYT, apt Corner Iliinoia and Washington atreet. ARTISTIC tAlLCRIRiG. zraw ASVsaxzssBcsziTB. GRAIN. Partiea holding grain will find it py to ah!p direct to PHILADELPHIA, PA., the beat of onr Eastern market. Oar business is ommismo. For information, writ ; for referenne inquire through a Bank In your vicinity. fcLKtaB A BUDDaRDIV, Comm'usion Merchants, 17, Chamber of Comiunroe, Philadelphia, Pa. 3 & 4 WAiaitrazou it., cnioAao. DRAPER.TA1LOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WLDMAG 0CTFIT8 A SPECIALTY. Clergymen will be allewed 6 per cent, CBL0I0E 10 WA LANDS. lebidly This Company is now offering for eale about six iiiuuand acre, of the finest agri cultural lands in the West. The Company sells 'J .iuai soiuers ena tbe prices are exoeea "B'J ouui., rei ging irom f 5 to 14 per acre the average being abo,t $8. The greater p.rt ot thtse l.od.-i are aiiuied alang tbe lin. of Its railroad between the cities Lea Moiaes aad lounsil Bluns, and are in the mon acoes.ible ana lertile region in tb. tte. ciA. 1 .. . v. ... , Cc. nA.0 nit.Jn , "-"" ""ur crea" ,0' enougB uasuj VWI3) UUUU3) uivuiUIUgS) toeeaoieany inausirious iun to pay fur the 1DQ UUl OI lis orupB. iGHE&PFARfflS.FBEETR&YLL Chicago, XLeck Island and Faci&c Railroad Company 000,000 Acres 8ASU, DQO&S. 4(. 0LANDEE & HUE EE, Sueoessors to J. A. Bibdisoh, Manafactnrers of FRAMKB, BRACKETS, And everything in their line. Glazed Eaih on hand, alao Corn Meal and feed All work warranted. feb24dw6m A Card to Drngglsts and Dealers A DASGKBOl 8 AKD P0IS0X0UB COVS. TERFEIT OF Sr. T. V. Qonrand's ORIENTAL CREAM, Oa MiGiTIL BElCllFIGit, Is AttempUd ts be Palmed off on tts Fublle. BSTABLISBBO IB 1830. WELOHtScGRIFFITHS' Saws! 6awa! Sawsi SUPERIOR TO ALL CTHBRB I Axes, Files, Cut Bteel, Mill FarBishings, and acklnsry. kSfi. Get tbe bet, they will prove tbe cheapest. I Prieee reduce4. Bend for price List and eirouiar. tthLCH b UalFi-IIUH, ao23dwly Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mib Tbe landa ar held under a title direct (rem the General Uovernmett, end are not roorrt gaged or enoumber. d in any way. Full warrant; uee.ii niveo to pwrcoapers. or aapa, pamphleta, or.ny other informs tioD respecting them, address Ehhkk7K( Cook, Land Connniesionrr, UAv.nport, I-twa. x-A r LubMNti TICKETS are aold attbe Com- pav'a ticket officea at Chicago, and all other principal etationa on fta line, and if tne parcha aer beys land the amoent paid for the tieket is applied on the purchase money. TJ A. GALLUP, M. D., TJrosoopia Physician, 1.J aiaraball, wich. tend lor aamphlnt. TBaI. Agents! Head This! TTB WILL PAT AGENTS A SALARY OF V (30 per Weeh and Expeoaea, or ailew a larse commisiion to e. II oor ew and woodert) inveetioe AddreFa M. WAQKKR A CO., Marshall, Mi.b. B. P0WAB4. J. L. VBBBMAB. AWKNTH, TKK NO UK ! & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright libit Eyr, 8ong Meininger, S5cta Hare you teen Louint Comic 6ong, Saxton, 40 Darling Belle of the Bnarding AVAoo,Poter30 tfi'i-J in(A fA Ciyareltf, Comie Cordelia, 30 Jnlly itiyh Times, Cooaie. Parka, SO AW iroeiVfynM lilt to kunir, Comio Cord'la 30 Jeitellt of the Hrart, Beautiful Soog Millard30 in the MendtiK, " " Zo h, Sf Let it 'a. for Base or Alto, " 3i Yet Onre A iai, Daott for Sop. and Barr. G.bMci, 50 Quarrelling AVA4or, Coaio Duett, Aober, 75 Si-mebody't Child, with va-iations. Mack, 60 Heamtly Greeting; Pnsie Boy mailt .que, Blancrey, j Holiday I .ic.ition JarcA, illustrated title Giiaico, 40 Street Anticipation, Scbottische, ' " Gilninn, 40 Daily, FaateiMa, Krng 3 4 Any of the above sent by mail on receipt of tbe market price. Jo matter where you see a piece of Music or Music Book advertised, send to oa and you will receive It by enclosing the pub!iehrs price. BALXcXES. &. WSBB8, "MCJSIC DEALBK, m27-dcdl2m. ST. LOUIS. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BT TF!K Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch Souse, Palace Row, ROCK INLAND, ... ILLS. Whete we ere oftT.riDg unrivalled Teaa, at tbe ame low prioes aa at their "Beatern House. By importing Teee in cargo lots, they enable as te retail to the consume- at extremely low rices. Don't fail to visit the Hong Kong Te Store, at Palao Row, where will be found tbe Beat, pareet and freshest Teas, Coffees and Spi ees, at prices bej ond compe'itloc. my51w3m FJW A K! a I KIEMH, Ag'U The r!.n oor eirsnts muke m mu,3i Little Eook, July 2."i. Sarious trouble are reported in Caicot county etrnin, ?row- njr out of a dispaud .iudgtsbip. Jlatoi colored) claim to V.e the regular Looct Judge; Ragland (white) has been appointed o supereede him, but the former refuse ti. surrender tbe office On the 17th, it i re porvtd, Mason marched 409 neeroes into own nd enforced his orders. ro partiou- ars. Ovha, July 24. Tbe Constitutional Convention re assembles to morrow. It is iocbtful about tbe female suffrage ctausf leicfr adopted Tbe committee hs reported favor of minority representation, and it will probably he submitted to the people the ame a in Illinois. It is reported that the Seminole mines. north of RawliDgs, of which so much ha been said of late, are upon the surface ot tbe ground ; that all the claims coosixt of piles of stones with papers stock upon the top The stones about Rea Cloud preparing for hostilities is contradicted. The rush still continues it the Header Store, and no wonder, far thej are constantly receiving lew Goods and sell so Cheap. GROfERIF. G. W. MITTELBARGEE. f Snoce.or to ROBT. EG5HLER,) Cor Illinois and Bagle Bti., ROCK 1141, A SO, - - - ILLS Dealer is GR0CERIES,PR0YISI0S QneBware, Coffee, Sngar, Frnit aad Vegetable. Tb (beapfst More ia the Cilj. Cash paid for Country prodnce. Parmerr 111 and examine hi firat-elau stock. Goods delivered ia the oity free. feb24d Cliicag-o IRON BEDSTEAD MFG. CO. E11BS18 & ( UhllOLTI, Proprietors aud Manufacturers of MILL STOAE DUESEO, OTTAWA, ILL. Thi celebrated Dresser is a perfeot success, aid all are warranted. mySOd'y UOrSE AS D LOT FOB SALE. r OFFER MT NEW RESIDENCE A COT 1. tag, oontainiBjr seven rooms, all nwl tia. isbed ; and lot containing one hall acre,.ituaud on (jujer atreet, between Cherry and Madison treets. Fruit, ornamental trees nd vises all growing oa tbe lot. For terms and particulars tpply on the premises. Jjsau BI. r. K1D. 11 'llMii, LIVEN I AMB!C IIAMlktkidJILF.', A(. We feel onmelTes oail.d on airain to CAC- flON COSSLHERS against the lodiscrimiuate ue of Irish fat rice made up to imitate oar goods In fold, trade mark and general appearance, and i to warn them, that their only safeguard is to eee mat tue authentic seal ot our firm. J. W. RICHARDSON, SONS t OWDEN, is stamped en eaob article. Determined to oonfine ourselves, as heretofore. to the use of yarns spun from tbe and strongest Fl.x. by the best machinery obiaiua- ; aniform in end elastisitv menu factored and bleaobad under onr own luperinten dence: the consumer will be CBABAXTBED BT OCB SBAL the same durability and aatialactioo in the wear, woion tn genuine good have alwaya afforded J. H. RICHARD ON. BOSS at OWDEN. I Belfast, Irland. 6 Mo. 16, 1871. jelldw3n I; AND RETAIL DiilGGiSTXpA And Dealer in I 12 Paints, Oils,Wludow h l I Glass, Putty, &c. - j li vgi Physician'. Preaoriptiona c- Xjn J li Jk enrately compounded at all It i tr. hutr.. Alio, a fine assort- I ment of Pert'umenta and Toi-i I I let Aiticlea. I V The celebrated "J. C. P." fi it V tP- and "GOLDEN V CROWS" boos Bxnsino. WZZiUAIkX SSULlSa, Book Binder and P&per Eaager Shop on Orleans St., opposite Court House, ROCK ISLAND .... ILL ti. Ail kinds oi Paper Boxes made to order augiyd-tr T SB.. O. &X. EStDIMQ, DENTIS ALL DENTAL OPERATIONS PERFORM ED acsordinc to the moat acaroved erinci. plea. Ofbr in iierper' Block, oor of Illinois and Buffalo strwt. autlfc-dtf - ' fas. C5 P5 Bock Island Busirfess IniversStv W UPB" Ai orsT 1st, isri, for the reoeption of students, both Ladies ani ueni einen. p 3X. de la Brown, Proprietor of EloomingtoB Business Caiversity, ur...u,ui OI oourae ot la motion.. J"- 8HROOK, Lt Professor of Boslneaa and Ornamental Pn- aaaaaoip, j-en aad Peaeil Drawing ia Iowa Wen yaa Caiveraitv, lectures oa Commercial aarre. puBooaee, busiu. and easterns, laws of traae. etc., IB charge of writin decartmetit. Other oompetent teachers will be ia oharge tJ -& Now ia th time to get them, to laeur health and oleanneas. They are extensively used in the wet, and give universal satisfaction. Fur niture dealers, Institutions, Hotels and Board ing Homes dealt with liberally. Order. Vi mail nremntl ittan. in. For sale at the Factory, 251 and 25S Klnaie KlT.frM,h7 ,e8rPkiB E.gluh de .4. A T1a aJ 1 C i 1 . mnn. IUl. rtklCBiCQ lOVV. I f avAnt. a . , . . , m.y2-4i,tu- , " ? -f iun, taiiucl ecoaom v. laws and cuaUm o LIME AND CEMENT! tra.o.,freot all vegular atade.t. Thia institaUoa will be upon the most .Borough and Winkoop's Cordoria White Fin-1 IsklOSr Lime. quired to gothroagb every detail a in actual & busios. Iti, ,ery imprUt aad desirable PORT BTEOM & DATESPOBT LIME, that U com ,nat opeain, of term aoeeto erateamuehBnifavsaitvaad.tma.Dos.ihU. LOUISVILLE AAD UT1CA CEMENT. I Carda, .uA.crlption headieg, and a Bameatai rL18TB rlBlF. .. 1 P"" ' wocaaaaoeb'p ttbi tb pas, rLM'...i-..' ereeuted to erder. 8ed t for nsr8o. LAa7 rLAB I CKs . .. t Halt aearly oppeeiU Rock Maad H.n.e.onen nr . onlTfl wiib lj a ', - - . : r LitQ I EiaVLntg Ulll oay ana wveaiag alter rfuiy zs, i7i. for in iormaiioa Bona lor circular or addrev M Dl I.A KBAWW KATIHSWS k CO.. Reck Island V t-isdtf P. 0. Draw., AAt tti.i. t'tt BTO, 9-itf t bwiuw our aj04(i. are lirpt class; popi like them, and they are warranted. Mo.-elive Agents wauled A. H. TAYLOR, N.w B.iiain, Conn. A Month tlor.e and Uarriege turni.h sd Ki paid. H.fh. w, Aifrd,Mt $325 OALKbja hN wanted tu Travel for a Manufas- turinir Co. Uood salary, stead v empluv meni. 6. P. COOPER A CO., 166 Kim tit.; Cincinnati, U, A IHILU AfriKK. Shrewd but quiet men can make a (', rtuee b revealing tbe seer-1 ot tne business to no one. AddrefS WK.VI, Brondwav, Sf York. The uopreeedeBted popularity and naivirsal demana lor this innoeenl cesmeiio has excited the uopiditv of a bold and infamous counter feiter, m imitating tue label and the bottle oi my Cream, la the label, the dash divid ing the words "lred math," and the ptriud ties the laiitr word, are omitted. 1 her i no dot separating the collar and etnts of th price in the counterfeit. The lust word ef each lite of the "Diieetion" in ilie ie th tol lowiog : 'tH",",,a.e," "large," "ihe" and "not. t;" these word., in the gtnuiue, begin line of Ike "Direction." ihe ctunteileit la tl i. a b.ighter scarlet, and the engraving interior 1 he wax at the top is soil and ot poor quality. In other respects ihe counterfeit i. wcii cai ulated to deceit e. Druggists should be on their guard wbtn my Cream is offend at less rke lhi.Jl41 per gross, less tea pr oent discount. 1 hav a firm or house, so d it fr less, aorsver have received n order lor more than a gross at time. Bur have 1 ever eii.Dai.gia mr mi ui ior her guoda. demonstrating thai if any oneoceis v Cream tor le.s, it ia eouuiericn. ai i uruers, to'insure tbe genaine, should be e.nt to my only office, ho. 4 bond street, Kew York, formerly INo. 45:t Broadway and No. 07 v. alker etnet. X. Faux UorBAi'K. iEFrzesoK Mabxbt PoLira CoraT. Jamas . Hutiun.of o.40 Dey street, was arraigned Ueiure J dge Cox oo a charge ot conn eittiULg the iraue-mark and label ot Dr. T. Felix Gour- au 's Oriirinal Cream, or aigio HeftutiBer. It pj ears that tht insenioua operator palmed oil on A. rt. anaB one grijr. i r which he obtained $i!4, fce ng flo.ou let has tbe artiole is invariably 'Old by Dr. . Ihe sai,i eross. minus six bottles, iiav oetn hoaorably delivered by said firm to Dr. O. The miserable coeuterUiUr disposed of anotht-r iMC Critienden, No. 7 Bixth avenue, inis gsctlemn very handsomely returned ail he bad unsold via, seven duien. Another gross a uld to riatt, Scott A Co., liroaawy, lea ooisu f which were scld to John r . Henry, oi one of ihtse bottlee has been reiuroca io vx. km j hi representative ot lr. Henry assutea sr u.tuat every bottle should t.e destrojtd. Ur. Uuuraud is deseruiined, it potsioie, 10 iop iu auauru sn.tntss of counteneini g. by legal proceeding" and the publu-atmn ot tli.neme.l etvvei.Qer ho is oognisact oi me preparation oeing coun terfeit, i lhemeantiiue irrori cai.noi i too mtii-h on their geaid ; anu be .ure to get the Oriental Creem.or llaxical bf.utintr, oi renta ble Uroegista, and at Mr. Felix U .i.rard e only derot No 4S Bond street. Katabi.hed thirty - ne yers tiouraud a wtu Broun naiiuu nui igterf Soap, t.rthe cur of akin die-asts. price fifty o i.t. i. .I'll lor tkU ; aU' bia i'oudre SubtiU. fvr uprooting aupeifiu' us uir a.le y and quickly; Lwuid itouge, Liljahite, tU. BADGER STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! SO 1, 3 A 5 CLYBOLRH ST., West end Huron St., Bridge, ZkXilwaakee, ... Wit. F. F. ADAMS & CO., PROPRIETORS. Ordera from close Cash Buyers solicited. mch2i-dly A Clergymm, while ref id ing in Er.utfc America aa a miea'uBarr, discovtied a sale aud aimpl rtmedy tor the cure of - crvoua Weakue?. Earl v Decay.Diae.sea of the L rinarj aud reintiul Cr ISDI. and the wbuie train ot disorders bruugs on bv baneful and vicious habits. Great num brs have been cured by this noble remedy Prompted by a desire to benefit theafSicted sn unfortunate. I will send tbe recipe torprersnn and using his medicine, in a sealed envelope, to anv une who needs it, fre of charge. Adirt Jos- T. IxMt. Station D. Bible iioase.N.Y.Citv ALE & FRTEB. IKON WiiKk'. Cream and Stock Ales. ssaurszaxs. J. W. hTARR, DENTIST, DOOMS NIXT DOOR 70 TSLEGRAPB A. Cfflee, Uhaoia atreet, Rock Island. All kind ef DeBtal work don ia th most approv ed manner, c Barges reasonable. ap!0 dwly PUiLADELPOIA Grnaciental iron Works. ROBERT WOOD & CO, 1138 RIDUK AYR., PHILADELPBIA. PA Manufaetarer. of Fooatains, Vases, Statnarj, Verandaa, Summer Hoasei, Arbors, Cliajrs, Bet- tees, to., Ac, Cast and Wrcagat Iron fallinjn, For public buildings and Squares, Cemetrj lot., Garden Pencee. Belenie, Reof Castings, lo., in great variety of pattens. IRON STAIRS Spiral and Straight, of various patterne aad atylea. special atuntion given to this class ol work. LAMP POSTS, For Fronts of Public Buildinga, Hotels and oity streets, of plain and elaborate designs. STABLE FITTINGS, Of Cast and Wrought Iron of New Improved styles such as Hay Hacks, Stall Divisions, Man gurs, Caxcese Brackets, Gutters, Traps, Ventil ators, Ac. WIRE WORK, Of every description. Wire Guards, of Crimped Vf ire, Uaivauuad or painted, in plain aud ora mental patterns, for Store Doors, and Wiadows, Factory nd Warehouse W:nduws, Railing for Omces, Banks. Counter Railings .Balconies, Laws and Farm reae,, sc. GATES, For entiacce to Cetutiriea, i'ullio 8qres and Qantlemen'. Coactry Beats, of Gas Tubing or Wroeght Iron, both S.ugl cr Donbl. in elabor ate and simple designs. Fstimates and D.s ges scut on applieatien, sting the class of work designed. Purchasers may roly on bavin t all artiele arefully boxed and snipped to the pl f de ioation mah?-d6m TBAYELING SALESMEN AT 10 DOLLARS A DAY DONE AWAY WITH. Thia it th reason We can cell the BEST QUALITIES OF WINES AMI) LIQUORS Xj O T" 35310. THAN ANT OTBIR HOUSE. - J. JTEITZEL & BROa, IMPOBTBRal, . li A 1 W.t Saadolok BUet- CHICAGO I ' . J.: aaTiNsB GQH a STRONG Proprietor! oftLe Areaole Agents for Peaslee a Celebrated (riaci aad Slock Ales. For sale by the Barrel or Half Earrel. oot2V dtf WEST'f Saloon. & Billiard Uogius, Kt, 3 Harper Houss Block, tSOCK. 11LA.M),.... 11.1. Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, lad Imperted Wine & Braadies: Agent for Bands, Lilla, and Joliet Ales, alsc best Scotch and English Ales aad London Por ter tur sale. TJtiea Whito P.nd for sale by tbe rarrl. Ag nt for A. Zeller'a Billiard and PigeeaEole Table Mannfactory. apr.-dtf H, E. WEST, Proprietor. oaocsatxus. &e. JAMES KELLY, GLAUS. xiTsaBTjuan STASHED CLASS HO. 23 MARK.KI KT., PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM SELSOS, Glass Stainer and Me tallic Sash Manufacturer best adapted for church windows. Having ereetsd the most complete and xteniv apparatus for the manu facture of colored and ornamental window srla, o ia prepared to furnish ovei y verity for church ea, privet residence., office window, to, in superior (tylo. Ordera from all parte of the country will reoeiveprompt attention. leMHdiy. DeHAVEN'B WILD CHERRY-BlTTEIiS Tbe Best Tonic ia Ike World FOR Djspepsia, Fedigestion Loss of Appetite, GLNEBAL DELILI1V, CEILL8. Eir THH IYILD CHERRY BITTRS ' HAS TZO BQtTAS. It i acknowl.dged by v on hs takes it, to bo tka Best Bemedy For th disease Beeaed over offered. Depot, t LaBail aWeet, . . CHIC AGl, . ...... ,.., . 1 HAVEN 4WAa.ES, a . b-i:t.. , BoU Maaafaetaivr. ffei aals by SrugUt. s s ., - j23-dwea ctafle aad faney Uroeeri.s, frvirtou. Uaeansware. Olasswar. Wooden and Willow Ware, Ae. Corner Orleans and Ohio street. ROCK ISLAND, .... ILL For quality ef goods and prieee, I defy com p.tltion m.hlidlv 7AXiZi TAriUS. Just Received! Twenty thousand rolls of Wall Paper, iVew and Beautiful Patterns, Elegant, Ch eaj) Window Shades, Scotch and American, liu ff, Green, and white Hollands, Cords,Tas; sels, Fixtures, &cl A fine assortment ot wal nut, rosewood ana i.t, and gilt mouldings, at Wciller S. Gates9. DR. UCUKAt'D'S ilALIAN MEDICATEIi -J&f is touuu to be all suitci nt for tLe com plete r.'-.uv., hem te tkin oi lan, ritcklts, na sunLuru : or, in tact, aoy ai.lignitn.ti.t men i. thu re.u.t of atixi while it. B-tai-ci ir-perlies are ol so owerl.l a saiiiit at to k.e iyt.tei.1 in the remote! ot culaiietu. trupiuLa aud all scurLuiic ap.encets, in lud.Lg Kr-, Scald lltad. talt Rhenm, Barbere lu:., HolU eic. Old cotes are rapidly hta'.cd Ly it, and the pain arisine- from tne bie of the tiugs ot Wai(.ur other veneuous insects, is uiuitdia'-eiy a.ltrtd, and cds)S, cr.cks .Ld alts aie Ltkua i) it. In i... family ehiuid ue ithout liii. scap, tut n.oie epeiai ) those who live remote i.em cities, in place, a btre at .li times it is not easy to procuie si t- i-enter thi uld tbe te.asn te a itL- uut it. ae it is a comuite rtmtay lor seorvv,ai.a can be ued in bar or salt waftr as atlJ as toll. addition theieto, it is erf. oily tuijitt. The Italian Medicated ceap stay thereiore te considered .a the greatest boon which model n science has c nf.rreu on mankind. LHaKCXiONS iOR UeB.For Rrjsite'ai, alt fchtuia, worms tn lbe skin, cLp, iliatts, cdi.eFS. SailowLiss. and sll skin a-loimitie. (line orm, bcald Read, t?eurvy, Laibcr t Itcb. .ic , the Si.ap n.n.t be made into a thick laiiicr, aad ee.lrabbed in s.vei.l oaj with a .havitg broth. For PittipUs. Ian, Prtckl5, ut.burD, c-allowne.-s, riougcnits, oit.s or v. neniou. stiKgs.itsncuid ceaptu inree r four times a dsv. in stvere casisaakea raste aud app'y, provided it des not produce a martisg eensatii'n. Thu S".P is moreoterTfie suit glorious c Bpoutd for tbsvitg aver mvec venied, end can b nsed with sithtr tarn r s-ft trater, and no sttonld go to sea without a supply, as it is a complete aotidote to scurvy, SO cents a cake. Hi. I'olli eiLg is selected from a numler of aauiunieutioua in praise of Dr. Ouuraui'a LI. tJLID ROtliK : Iir. Felix (Joibacb: Dear Sir A a leading aotres. I am compeiled to rouge occasionally. Having never seen anything of the kino equal to yoar Vig.table article, heving striven in vain to prut a re it in thi city, I shall ba greatly obliged (should it bo be too ibsignifcaat lor you) If you advise me low and at what eost X an procure a bottle with the least trouble to my self. Please address " , Philadelphia, Pa." Certificate from the celebrated Dr. Hoeston, in praiseof I.r. lioarand's l'OljDKB MHI1U, lor uprontinc su('.inucB hair tn.m any part oi .he human body : "1 have had an opportunity of observing the operation ot Lr. Pell liuur.uJ . pn-f er.tKO lor me removal of superfluous hair, aud am j erfiet ly satitti. i of its p.culier eilu aoy. After an an ilys a of theenmpusitioo of these powder. 1 n a iv htsiiatii.n pmnounte ittio 1 trlu t y liaiiLle-f and in enr y iutiiiiieit '.peririf o ist prpitifi of the kind vtr . ri.-rsd to he pub ic 1 pl:aPU' in git.r th.-m my rec..u:miiid..tion, Itii g thus fn! y ciLiitced of tbeir tolue. .1 A. A. liOT'.-TON. i!. D., fcdit-r -V. Y l ancet. T. FELIX ft' ieUl .K. D.. hd 1 !',' ical Chemist, it street, foitiKiiy Proaday. T be lied of Ir. T. Koiii tt.iursud, "o 4? fc. rd cet, New . or k. end Wholesale ill Kew iork, of F C Well Co, 1'.'2 Klnn street; J F Eo ty Collei;. l'la-e; W II cbieLli A Co, No I Til tfillisui su.t ; MeKs n Rekbies, 91 Ful ton street: Arnold A WcSrv. 47 Prk Place: rritt.nd.n, th Avenne; limits. 5aumann A Murphy, H lin: clay street: liegeman A Co, 2(' Broadway, ani lmgsisu gtBereHy. J.14 lroi.t.tJ woaoj'm H. H. GARDKEU & CD. taktiehb, Ann MiMtricTrrKU or leather mum Offict, 129 Washington Street, SoSTalo,. IT. V. Tannery, 652 Seneca street. oetA-deod-t,t,a-y COPP & DEO., Livery., and SaSo Stables. ' Office under Cart's Hall, rock islam u, . -iiie Most Complete!isbment ia the City Particular attl lion paid to t'uraithing Crn:c for parties, Bails, Pruoes.ions, ete nsbtd ly PUdTOGEAPnii. I. O. PECK, Photographer! COCK WIsKUl... gaj ' JTagetlvea Prstuvti, ' .ttl.. fcW A 46m