Newspaper Page Text
1TES OF AQYERTI ruiuniB ar raa aslotts ramzma eosxr'Y, tor tash aqaare, or th .pan upid by tea lias of aolid, Oa Dollar for each i s.rtioa. Sp.oial sTotieas, I ats Pr Ha. Wh la s.rt.l I months or rnort, it pr at abovarkga Ur adrartiaiaf rates. O-iwaiiaioatio.., or artUU las.rUd aatoag reailag saetier, eats par liaa. Dailv 410 Waasiv. A dis.oant of 26 pei esut. will mad fro th Weekly rates, an yearly sad half yearly ootrta, wkea thesaat illtr la Iasert4 la both Daily aad Weekly. Doabl Ool.was will ba charged Si par east additional. TBRM8. Daily Abacs. Br Mail (payable ia advance), p.r bbb. ,$10.0S Br Mail " " six month a, 00 By Mail " S bob lb I, By Mail " " I month... .m-Br Citt OiBBica, 36 Coats per Siaau Corns t Cnt. THUMB.- Wiiilt Axecs. iagl Copy, (aybll ad vans.) ....... r.o Copies . twenty Copies m .... Thirty Coplea " . ..... S.I at wk. ..MM , X.09 . 16.0 ,. e.o Twentieth Year, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, JULY 28. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 Wor'A adv.rtiMm.e, maat If required. advance pay A Colorado saloon-keeper laid of at rongh orowd : "I couldn't get their whisky strong enough for them, to, after trying ever way, I at lait made a mixture of poiaoo oak and butternut. That fetohed them. I called it the Sheepherder'a Delight, aad it waa a pop ular drink. The firat Pike I tried it on, jelled with delight, and the next one took two drinks and tamed a double summerset in the road before the house. A peddler came along, and after he took tcTeral drinks of my Sheep-herder's Delight, he "ft off and atole hit own pack and bid it in the woods. Still AhothirI A dispatch from Wash, ington says that the deficit of $40,000 in the acoounU of Naval Paymaster Wishmo tok has been compromised, as "tber are no evidences of fraud on the part of that officer." And yet a naval court martial be fore whom Washington was brought found him guilty of embezzlement, and to pay a heavy fine. The Treasury officials are poli ticians anxious to screen a Radical rogue. Tho courtmartial was composed of naval officers solioitons for the honor of the serv ice. Whiob is most likely to be right? Stili. Anothkr Defaulter 1 The post master at Jacksonville, Florida, has "Chorp enaied" the Department to the extent of eighteen thousand dollar. Be is a carpel bagger, of course, and the son of the carpet-bagger Reed, who is tbe carpet-bag Governor ot Florida. The defaulter under took to go into the poat office business on his own account, by pocketing the receipts of the office. The Dei Mjiues Register evidently is not a Grant organ, lor it hat this t? say about Grant' minist-r to Spia ; Dnifl E. Sio'iles, who shot his wife' ljver fur having committed the same crime the purity of mttrimouy which he hta never denied be had committed himself, ought to have been huug, and ought to-dav to oe in the grave with his victim, instead of being United Slates Minister to Spain." LOCAL NOTICES. Tkv It. Mrs. Whitcomb desires all to try her Syrup; it is the great children's sojihiiig remedy, and sold at the low price of Zj cent.-. Kenne's l'ain-Kil!ing Magic Oil is recom -meuded to use both externally and inter nally, and n used faithful! acoording to the direction on eaoh bottle, it cures pain "Vike a charm," and when one nsed by any per a m, it has a new friend to praise its good virtues. The best praise is to try a bottle W e take pleasure in recommending Dr. Pr ce's Special Flavorings, Vanilla, Lemon, etc , as also, his justly celebrated Cream lx a; Powder, oonbdent that their supe nor excellence will stand the test of use. la the oulinary department they are invalua b.e. No Pastry, Custards, or Creams so fine and delicate as those containing Dr. Prioe'a Spocial Flavorings ; and no Biscuits, Cakea or Corn bread so light, sweet, and healthful as those prepared with his Cream Baking Powder, Get them of Grocers. Skc Ice King &erigerator, m'u;o created sauna sensation, and took lu.i rirst premium at tbe Cincinnati Kxpoai t'3u, .St. Louis Fair, Illinois State Fair, and a!, me Fairs throughout this State geuerally I. ai iuaiOQ, is now for sale and can be seen iu actual 02cration at E. W. Spencer's li lujouoli Furuuning Goods Emporium, on II. iuut. airtiel. lad ttelrigerator possesses many aivao tatja over all othera ever manufactured. amoug wbioh may be mentioned the faci that it saves Li fry per oentof the ioe required iu any other Refrigerator of tbe same s .ze. It id a preserver, not- a consumer, liltr, the numerous ice matters called Kefrige' ators. It produoes a dry, cold temperature in the p.-s.urviog chambers. The tempera ture can be reluoedto fourteen degrees helotr freezing paint. Oue article of food will not partakt of the smell or last of another. The pro vision chambers are alwaya dry, sweet aui clean, as they have no drippings from ice. Fish, game and meats of ail kinds can be knpt froien any length of time, and in a porfeotly dry and preserved condition. The Refrigerator is divided into two separate and distinct compartments, ard also has a Water Cooler attached, which furnishes an unlimr ited supply of ice cold water without putting ire in the water. It consumes about ten ohdU worth of ice every twenty four hours This economical pieoe of furniture oosta no more than any other refrigerator, and is manufactured of all sizes, aud suitable for IlnteU, P.tfBUurautj, Grocers and for family purposes. Call at E. W. Speooer's the only agent for Rock Island, Moline and vicinity, and see the workings of this indispensable artiole in actual operation. aprlH dwiim DSL. SUELD-iTS WATER CURE A T WI9 H. E.6EELET, M.D. K SOS HA "o4 for eiroalar. INSURANCE COMP'Y " CHICAGO, ILL. Cash capital, ....$200,000.00 Snrpius, C57.SaO.64 ipr21-dly , UB..., unfit. Kook Island. LIME AND - CEMENT I Winkoop's CortHrla White Fia- isHsOg Lime. PORT BTtOS & D1Y EXPORT LIME. LOUISVILLE AND UT1CA CEMENT. PLiSTEtt PAKIS, L1ND rLISTEB, PL1STEXIXG HUsl, IT0., P dtf ETC. ETC MATTHEWS A CO., Back Island GS0CEBIE8. G. "W. HIITELB AEGEBa 1 Saoeessoi U K0BT. KCEHLER,) Cor Iltinois and lagle Bts., - , ROCK 1MLAM1), - . - ILLS. Staler in GR0CERIES,PR0VISI0IS Queeasware, Coffee, Sugar, Fruit and Vegetables. The Cbeapest store la tbe City Cash paid for Coontry prodsee. farmers oall and exam In. his fi rat-class stock. Goods delivered ia th eity fr... fbJ4d VERY LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'ClooLc Jb JX. IV 12 W YORK. Death of Cnrtis T. Gilbert of the T rib nao Arrival of a Japanose Frinca and Party Bast Ball Resignation of the President of the ZsXntnal Life Insur ance Company. WASHINGTON. Proceeding! before the XIn-IIlux Committee -Prominent arrivals Tobacco Tax Statistics -She Kansas Indian Xanda -Secretary Belknap returned. IIuLtNOIS. Zie tter from Ex -Governor Oelesby Sentence for Imprisonment for Life Destruction by the Sail Storm. FatU Boiler Zxplosioa at Quebec Bxtensive Fires In the Woods near New London. Forei trii News. Blonder of &Xr. Gladstone in the ZZonse of Commons The Ballot Question -She Committee on Slave Trade Adjournment of the Court Martial The Oovemment to re main it office. Harket Heports. E.portad Bxpr.sslj forth. Aaacs. Niw York. Curtis F. Cibbert, for some i ears oonuected with the New York Tri bune, died this morning. Be had been Bat tering for a long while from disease contract ed in the army while a member ot Colonel rVeH'a Battery, raised at Ottawa, Illinois, and from that cause met bis death. . Judge Blatohfoid, to-day, rendered a de cision denying the motion ot Heath, Rapha el 1 &. Co., for an injunction restraining th Erie Railroad Company from issuing 20,000 additional shares of stock, the plaintiffs hav ing failed to show that there was anything irregular in the issuing of the bonds or the jonversion of tbem into stock. Janet Blatohford also decided that Jay Gould must, within sixty days, restore its register- d value to thirty thousand shares of Erie itock, which the court has ordered him to restore to the reeeiver, James II. Coleman, and denied the application of. Heath & Raphael for an injunction restraining tbe farmers Loan and Trust Company from in creasing tbe register of Erie slock. rrince scheuidzo Ingad, of Japan, with twenty companions, chiefly from among the nobility of that eountry. arrived in this city to-day. The party will soon be divided a mong several prominent American institu (ions, in which they propose to spend some time in study. Eckfords b, Athletics i, to day. Dr. Walton H. Peck ham has resigned the presidency of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, and will be snoceeded by Wm. T docker, formerlv of Hartford, and President of tbe Continental Bans of this city A letter from Alexandria, &ypt, states that ex Secretary Seward passed through that city recently, on his war to Cjnstasti nople. While in Alexandria Le was the gest of the Khedive, and tne recipient of ostentatious attention. -It is tboojtht he and his party will at onee tet out on their home iourn.v. Considerable exci'emeit was occasioned in - j j Hoboken, lait evemug, by the breaking of aa overcrowded bridge leading to the baths About 200 persona were preoipitated ante the water. Fortontely, all were rescued. The crowd were witnessing a boat race. ' The Italian ' associations in this city named "Fraternitia Nazionale," have renal ed to celebrate Italia unit and the reaiov al of the capital of Italy to Bom. It was unanimously agreed at tbe meeting, bow- ever, that tnere snail do do prooession in the S'reeU. Washihotok, July 27. Gen. John B. Gordon, of Atlanta, Ga, was examined for five hours to day before the Ku-Klul com mittee, bis testimony being much the same, in substance, as previously given by Gen. Wright. Secretaries Bontwell, Delano and Bel knap, and Attorney General Akerman are now in tha city. Secretaries Fish and Ro beson and Postmaster General Creswell are expected in a day or two. . The records of tbe Internal Revenue UrSoe show 86,178,900 pounds of tobaoco. and 7,328,005,100 cigars, upon which a tax as paid darmjr tbs year. Aejeordinjr to the census retornA af 3,0u,U00 inhabitants, h above would five each person 214 pounds of tobaceo end 35 cigars during: the year endloe Jnn. SO , Nona of tv bii tfl01 fu 0JH Bd for be Kansas India bands are above two dollars per acre. They tmo(rlJ from $10 to $2. Many or the foor hondred bidders are here in person. Secretary Belknap returned to waahing- 10a mis morning. Chicaco, July 27. Ex-GoveroT Osles by, in a letter to the Jonrnal, published this evening, peremptorily declines to accept the nomination for Contressmaa at large ia this State, under ov crcamatances. Alfred Zeienmeyer, recently convicted in tha Criminal Coort of tha, reorder ot ht. W Gombleton, to-day received the sentence imposed npon him by tha Jury, of imprison ment for Ufa in the State Penitentiary, the first day of January aad June in each year to be spent in solitary confinement. It is estimated that tbe hail storm last evening, destroyed glass and other property to the value of eighteen thousand dollars. Quebec, July 28. A boiler exploded yesterday and almost demolished the build ing. Parts of the machinery were thrown hundreds of feet. About ninety persons were at work, but only one (Hickey, a wheel wright), waa killed. Two others were fatally and aix senoosly injured. Toronto, July 28. Very extensive fires are raging in tbe woods on the line or tbe Northern railway, la the neighborhood of New London. It is reported that three children have perished in tbe flames. London, July 11. la the House of Com mons, this evening, Mr Gladstone handed to the Speaker a royal message urging that provision be made for Prinoe Arthur, up on tbe speaker apprising Mr. uiaastone that tha message was addressed to the House of Lords, there was much derisive langhter from toe opposition benches. The Premier apologized somewhat lamely for his mistake. The question of ballot was discussed with much animation until adjournment. The committee of the House of Com mons on Slave Trade, will, on Monday, ex -amine tbe British Consul at Havana rela tive to the recent landing of alaves in Cuba. The Crown Prince Oscar of Sweden yes terday laid the corner-atone of a church at Rotherhithe, to be frequented by Scanda navian sailors. Paris, J air 27. The courts martial have again adjourned. Fresh arrests of com munists were made yesterday. A duel has occurred between Senor Del plice and Col. Middleton. the latter an Eng lishman, who had written articles for the ptess insulting to the Garibaldian army. Middleton was wounded. Journal das Debats censures the govern ment for siding with the minority of the As emb'y, and demands changes in the minori- A dispatch from Paris says it is reported that Thiers has induced his colleagues in the government to remain office. Excitement at the 1 a . Plunder More cor ner Illinois and Buf falo streets. Street Oars run each way ay every 20 minutes COLD VT1TEK SOAP. WING & BURST SELL Warfield's COLD WATER SELF-W1SB1SG Washes ia Cold or Warm, HVd or Soft Water WITHOUT BOILING AND Withoat injs?T to Clothes, O K WITHOUT RUBBING -v rnr-r1 -vi"- ennn TT Baring LSDor, nine ana foeii This Soap has been used by many Ladies ia tbe city, and th.y all pronounce it superior to any other they ever use J. It saves time, labor end preserves the elethes. (OLD WATER 8CAP fOMPASP, 63 Korth Desplalnes Street, CHICAGO, ILL. For sal by all Grocers. aprl-dwdm For sale in Bock Island by Wiog A Burst, at itard's old stand. Brand) for the Kitclieo Thlj Cognac ponr la Cuisine Is a par brandy of high proof and dalicate fla vor, iadisnensible to oulinary pnrposes: and as a beverage is nnaarpaaaed by any other French Brandy. No family should be withoat it, as it is espe cial 1 adapted for cases of sickness. Manufactured by 2Urt7XE3 TS.2ia.2J. Cbaloa. sur Saooe. F.r sale by all Srujreists and Grooera. Ad order, to CHA9. F. F0ER8TER 4 CO., Depot 620, 522 and 624 Hnbbard street, CHICAGO. Eel. agents for tbe United States, mayz-dacAwSm JOSUD GATES & SOUS, Aianalaeturers of - FIRE -'ENGINE HOSE, Leather Belting, Snpenor Lace Icatlitr, , . - sal I notary supplies generally. -' ' LOW KL L .... .MAI1. All kinds of FIRE ENGINE H0S1, mad from the be.t quality of Philadelphia and Baltl asor Oak Leather, aad pat together with Tinned Rivets, a aew improvement which prevents them froas corroding and rotting tb. leatk.r. - j14dedly COMMERCIAL. CS-Old 1.12 1-J2. Iocs: Islahd, July 28. This Flour mark.t is eorraot4 at Waraer'. Hills and tha quotations are tha ruling pries oi tha Book Island market. Wutbb Wibat Flobb trhol.ial $8.40 " " " Ketail . Sraiis Wsitt sTLeoa Bpri.g Doable Sitra la bbls, wbelal.....7.40 K.lail .... ..... 8.S0 Back at ......7.l)VI anaU "ho Waal... S.feli Qaaxt's 8a.r KAisne Flocb K.tail i Barrel, saoka $2 5d " i " " 1.25 " 1-16 " " 6a B CCA was at Jlocb W holesal. f K.tail 10.00 Waa At ...... ..84al.2l Com t5 Oats Naw ...... ...... . ...M..I0 aHie &Ta .......i . ... ..... ..... 55 Bablst Ho. I 50.69 JeeUd 38 Bcvt.a Ohoiea lots, for ratalliag, will briag. 15c Oases N T. Factory ......... 11 Lab pr lb 10a! le PovAVoat ...... 30a50 Applbs per boiu.l Lib Bs p.r do. ...l24o T be above prices are the whole.. 1. figures at fir.t band. Pooltbt LWa Torkies, porlb 10. lreMd " ISio Cbi.keas, live " .. . b " dresdM loo Oaeks " 10s Boas Llv. 100.3.50 Extra lot 6.00; aboie. 5.75.8 00 ; aa.dium5.75 eommoo .bipicg 6.50. Oatti, Llv. weight, .OKBioa... ....... 45ac Frioie .BlppiBj, par 100 lbs. .....00ai.vt Wooa Oak, per .rd ..... 6.5 V Hiokoi ..9 Coal - Coal Vall.y Tard... Ileveiand Yard...... Hai Prairi., p.r to Tloiotb 13a 13. 6.0Pa7.00 .... 9.0U.10.00 Oorrx. Eto, avmBioB to fair ...liTalae prima to eholo.... ... 1 20. Old Uov.rom.i.t Java 2fta30o TlA foaag Ujiod, eomaioB...... .75 fair to good .........l.JUal.4U prim, to eboio....H...l.S5al .50 Qaapowdar, ecaaien to fau.... 1 .00.1.25 prima to ekolo.... ........ 1.40al.m) Im parial . 1. 1 ia 1 .7 5 Ooloag, Kmmoi to fair VOal.Ct prima tooa.i... .....l.lal 40 Japan ...USal.l. fiCABS Kaw oommon to fair...........n.l Ho " " prima to eaoto..... Halio a.saed Bacar, waahed, powdered aad rrn 14J. S. I, A ISia SO KIT. C . ISi B.Sa.4 bagar, d. C ......... 13. IdolaBM. .. lOalle Baxv jTiOSaaaweia waaa .. W..H.H 2.2 I Suiar M. 2.40 Dairy, with ukl. , , ., M. D.lrj, wiiboot .aoAi 4.7J Ll.B Fort Bjron, p.r bbl.., Ko.k, per bbl. Bidbs filrMD bfllcheri' 6 r.en GuredWM.....m... 1.14 1.00 TJaPe ,.-4alte 5art sand. ..iao ami oalf. Srica. P.pp.r, Blcgpor.. Pimento Cloves ...-.. N.ttregi So 1 ... GiBger, para...... Cav.oo. Ptppw Oils Car... Oil. Lard Oil, extra Lard Oil, No. 1 Lia.d Oil, raw..,.. ' boiled f ariTs Drief apple., ohoiea. " ' .omiDon..... 0ri.d pmobu, balf........ llio 26a2oo ...... ....J6o , 84a4o ....l.Jual.JJ ....... SO.Jfc. , 85e S0e , I.JO ......1.0 8aie bo II. 11- UaKi 3.1 l. , 12c He ...e.0aT.C0 ,...fla.B0 .... tCal.tS S.6Uai.o -2.7S ...He 1 "ante Xante CnrranU, new 1 - - nar half box... Tark "h Prune... Dried Ob"" Shot abd Po7p"" Bifle, per keg........: Ooal iline, do...M , Blavting, do. ........... Prop r-bot, per sack... Back bot, do...H..M,. Bar Lead, per lb , SEW IDVE2THEMESTS. EiOI SE AKD LOT FOB BALE. OFFER MY KW BISIDENCE A COT tag., oontainiag seven rooms, all neKlt tin- Kbed : and lot containing one half acre..itnaird Uuyer atteet, betw.en Cberry ard Atadiaon &treet. Fruit, ornamental tre.s and vine, all growing oa tbe lot. For terms aad particulars apply oa the premises, Jjailt BOBT. F RE ID. RICHARDSON'S ,Eisu LISESS w MAk, LIVES ( AMCS'f UANilKKKCIlIEFStf. W. feel oaraelr.s called on arain to OAT- TION COSSCJMERS against tbe mdi.orimiuale ute of Iriah fa) ries aiade up to imitate our goods In fold, trade mark aad general and to warn mem, mat tneir only aaiegaard is to se that tb. authentic seal of onr firm. J. H. RICHARDSON, B0K8 A OWDEN, Is stamped on each article. Determined to oonSn. ourselves, aa beretofor, to the us of yarna apun from the .hoice.t and strongest Fl.x, by the best maehioery obiaiua hle; uniform in weight and .lastioity manu factored and bleaoh.d under our own nrinteo- deuce: the oonsumer will be eABANTBED BT OC SBAI. the same durability and s.tialacti.n in the wear, wnioo to.geuuin gooas have always afford. J. N. RICHARD i05, 0H8 at OWDEN. Belfast, Ireland, b Mo. 14, 18T1. jlidw3m Rock Island easiness Icire rsilj lAlii ATJGUBT 1st, 1871, FOR v tn reception of .tad.nU, both Ladies aad Gentlemen. 3X. I Xa. Brown, Proprietor of Bloomingtoa Basiaeas Daiveraity. Q.....:fanrlans f . a at ' Dipui-vi wi vwurw ox i&nraetioni. i eT- SHROOBL, Late Professor of Basis and Or..B) P maeship, Pen aal Peaeil Drawing ia Iowa We eyan Caiversity, lecturer on Cvmmereial oorres- noeoenee, nusin.ts customs, laws of trace, etc., in charge of writing department. Other eompetent teacher, will be ia oharge of poonography telegraphing, and Xagliah de partment.. , Twenty four leotars wUl be giv.a during the fall ana winter, on mercantile la. ,..m.r. iai thice, political eceaomy, lawa and easterns of trade, etc., free to all seguler .tade.ts. Thi instiiutioo will be upon th most thorough and praciio.i -t ii-eoniy eciaai baiasat lege la Rook I.laad. where eaok stadeat 1 re quired to go throgh every detail as ia actual business. It is very Important aad desirable that all eoiBB.oe. at opening of term so a. to onate as much aniformity aad system as possible. Cards, subscription "headings and -aamaatal pen work of finest werkmaaefaip with the pea, executed t order. ' Bead SI for speiaen. .. Hall nearly opposite Rook Island Hose, opea day and erealag afUr July 28, 1871. For ia. formation send foretreular er addr- ' M Dl LA BROWK, jyI5dtf P.O. Drawer T, Reck Island, lit WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Maautaaturert of ENGINE " LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING 3IACHINES, PLAXEB8, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, N ASM Fins' STEAM HAMMERS, Quo machinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting aad, Patent Self- Oiling Box. WAREH0U8B: U7 LIBRHTVM., NKW YORK CITY M ASUFACTORY : MAMMON D ST., (0pp. Jaoction Depot), WOHCKSTkR, M !S. All Trains entering the Oitv, stop within ten rod. of our Works. j10 dtf 1860. 1871. THE PIONEER MUSIC STORE. A LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND OF sit lis Way, MK( K, AM V KU AN, H4IMS.M, MAktaBALL AM) WENDEI I. I IAINO, Geo. Weed & C o'$,&E$try Organs and si) kinds of Musical Ini'.rumenls. Sheet Masio of latest ii.u.s, and the beet im ported String, in tbe eity Mill HIMI, pi Corner Illinois and Waihinplon street. & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. A Bright Blue Eye, Song Meining.r, 35cl Hare yuv Kta L"i'e Comic Doag, Baxton, 40 Darting Belle of ike Boarding cooi,Polter30 ffirl inth the Cigarette, Comio Cordelia, 30 lliyk Timet, Comic. Parks, 30 A' 'jit trout J'tym like toknnic. Comic Cord'la30 JewrtU of the . art, Beautiful Song Millard.lO Lorn i the Meadmc, " " Zu. h, SI let it Pan. for Bass or Alto. " 35 Yet Onee Again, Duett for Sop. and Barr. Sab. ill, 50 Quarreliiiy S'eiglbnr; Comic Duett, Aubcr, 75 mebdy't Child, with va'iatioos. Hack, 60 Ifemnly Greeting; P.Beie Bovmantiqua, Blancaey, Jj Bulidoti V'ocah'oa March, illustrat.d title GilsiiiD, 0 Street Anticipation, Schottische, ' " Gil. inn, (0 Dairy, Fa.taifia, Erng 15 Any of the above sent by mail on receipt of the market price. So matter when yon see a piece of Haste or Music Book advertised, send to us and yon will receive It by enclosing the pnblUbtrs price. BAIBXEB. & VIIBBS, MUSIC OKALBRB, mJ7-ded'5m. ST. LOTJI8. Boos Ezn-Eta. Book Binder and Paper QangO Ehop on Orleans St., opposite Court House. ROCK ISLAND...... ILL. tea. Ail kinds ol Paper Boxes made to order, auglkd-tf SSZsTSZITS. S2L. O. BZ. SSZ.DZIw'a, D E aST TIS T A LL DENTAL OPERATIONS PERFORM- XV B D according to th n,ost appreved princi ples. Office in Harper's Block, oor of Illinois and Buffalo street.. auglfe-dtf J. W. STARK. DENTIST, P00M8 NKIT DOOR TO TELEGRAPH la. Offiee, Illinois street. Rock I.laad. All kiod. rf D.utal work doa ia the mo.t.pprov. ed manner. Charge reasonabl. aplO dwly ' " - ; TRAVELING SALESMEN 10 DOLLARS A DAY DONE AWAY WITH. This is the reason V7e can sell tha BEST QUALITIES 01 WINES THAN AST OTHR HOUSE. ; ; i. imzEi 4 bbo.;: i ' . ,:-r - ' IHPOlTERg, !.! 1 - ;, iffy AND RETAIL v driggistVa ' And Dealer in A : S Paints, Oils,'Wiiidow h Glass, Putty, &c. - j Physician's Prescriptions sc- fej I ha4 curately compounded at all 'I Al.o, a tne assort- IH I ment of Perfumeries and Toi-1 I Iet Art'cle- 'if V The oelebrated "J. C. P." I V TO- and "GOLDEN V V, CR0W,i". O 14 1 WH Saadolph SUt,.. 0 IJCASO asaysvasm ARTISTIC TAILORING. 3 . 4 WAinxnaioir ts., onxoAao. DRAPER.TAILOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WLDMG OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Measar Extra Deoble and Perfeot in Fit. Clergym.n will b. allewed 6 per cnt, diseonnt. febldly DU01S. At. EOLANDEB & HUB EE, Bueo.ssors to J. A. Biddisom, Manafaotarer of Sash, Doers, Blinds, Monldings, FRAME. BRACKETS, And evorj thing in their line. Glazed aih on hand, also Corn Meal and Feed All work warranted. feb2dw6m Establish an n 1S30. WEIiOH&GRIFFITHS' (Sa.x7sa 1 i axtcts ! fa AXrasi! SCPKR10K TO ALL OTHERS 1 Azss, Files, Cast Steal, still FerniskUgs, and Maohlnery. ktA.Oet th. be.l, they will prove the Pri.M r.due.d. Bend t or prio Liaiaodairoaiara. WhLCH A G.lrFllUa, Bo23dwl, BoiIod, Mass., at Detroit, Mi.h XHAS. B. POWABS. J. L. rstsmi. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY THE Hong Kong Tea Com'y, Branch House, Falae Row, ROCK ISLAND, ... ILLS. Who. we .re offerisg unrivalled Teas, at th. same low prices aa at their "B.aurn Hon.." By aaporting T.aa ia cargo lots, th.y aabl. as to retail to the consume- at extremely low pr.oes. Don't fail to the Hong Kong Ta dior, at Palace Row, where will be fou.d th. B 11 est, pure.t and freshest Teas, Coffees aad Spi- ees, at prices bey on competition. my5dw3m POWlKs A (KeKMAH. Ag t niLUAlkEfc.. BADGER STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! OS. I, 3 At S CLY BOURN ST., West end Huron St., Bridge, oSilwaTxkee. - Wit. F. F. ADAMS & CO., PROPRIETORS Orders from close Cash Buyers solicited. mob25-dly IiiOV WORK. PHILADELPHIA Ornamental Iron Works. ROBERT WOOD & CO., 1 136 RID4E AVE., PHILADELPHIA, PA Manufastarer. of Fountains, Vases, Stataarj, Verandas, Summer Bosses, Arbors, Chairs, 1st tees, Ac, Ac, Cast and Wrought Iron Ballingi, For public buildings and Squares, Cem.try Iota, tiarden fesoes. Bale. nies. Root Castings, ate., in great v.n.ty or patter... IRON STAIRS Spiral and Straight, of various aad style., apecial altealioa given to this alas, ot work. LAMP POSTS. r Public Buildings, H ia and elaborate desij For Fronta of Public Buildings, aad eity str.eit, of plaia and elaborate designs. STABLE FITTINGS, O f Cast and Wrought Iron of New Improved styles such as Hay neck., Stall Divisions, Maa gers, Harnens Bracken, Gutter., Traps, V.nlil atora, dc. WIRE WORK, Of every doicripiion. Wire Guards, of Crimp. d w ire, uair.nit.a or painted, la plaia and .r.a .,.,.. aBJ W aren.u.e vt mduw.. Bailings fo Om.e, Ban ' Counter Raiiia gs .Balconies, Lawa aad Farm Feao. b.UES, Forentrance le Cem.tries. l"l aqeares an Gsntlemen'. Ooontrv Seats, o. Tubiog Wreoght Iron, both clingl oc Doable, in eiaDor ate aad s mole d.Mirns Kaliui.l.s aad Designs sent on apiioauo atatiar the e'ass of work desifa.d. mav relv on haviag all artt.le. carefully boxd and shipped t the plaee f ds tiaation OZ.AIS. STAINED GLASS V7CB.K3, HO. 23 MARKK1 T.. PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM NELSON, Glass Staiaerend Me tallio Sash Manufacturer bast adapted for church windows. Having erected the most complete and eit.naive apparatus for tb inanu- faoiur of oolored and ornam.ntal window glass, he is prepared to furnish r. y varity for church es, privet residences, office windows, etc , in superior style. Orders from all part ef th ountrv will receiveprompt attention. . f.eledly. .. DeHAVEFS iiiiin nnrnni? LU Uil IUVI 1)1 The Best Tonle iu the World .- FOS Rvsnpnttia. indiCStion, loes of Appetite, GEN-SAL DEUL! 1 Y, CHILLS, Etc. , THE ILD XHLRBY BITTERS TT AH MO BCV' - J ..ti...ui,..d by v who ha A im avr.a'--o" take it. to be Ik. .. - : Best itemeay For th dt ad evs m . Denot, 44 Laaall strt. - CHICAGO,. .... ..i ILL. . . ri.HAVBS A WALES, gal Meaafectarers. lot sal by Druggists. j22-dw6a sraw Asvs&xxasBZSzrva. GRAIN. Parties holding grain will find it pay to ship direst to PHILADELPHIA, PA., the beat of oar Eastern markets. Oar bastaess is comusMoa. For information, write us ; for refer.noe inquire through a Bank In jour violnitj. ELKINS A SrDDARDS. Commission Merchants, 17, Chamber of Commerce, Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, Keck Xalaod and Pacific Railroad Company. 000,000 .crea CHOICE IOWA LANDS. This Ooaipany is now ofr.nag for sale about six hundred thousand acre. f tBe nBest agri cultural lands in the West. Tne Compaav s.Us only to, and tb., ar. exeeed ingly r.aaonable, rargiag from $5 ,0 git p.r acre the average being .bo.t $8. The greater part of th.s lands ar situated alosg the tin. oi Its railroad betw.en the cities lies Moin.s aad Coun.ii Bluff., aod are in the mo.t acees.ible and fertil. rrgion in th. State. Sales made ior oaeh or on credit lo"g enoDgh t. eaable any industrious man to pay for tbe lead out of it. crops. These lands ar. held under a title direet from, and ar not morrt gag.d or encamber.d in anyway. Full warranty deed, .iveo to purchasers. For maps, pamphlet., or ny other information r.apeetiBg tbem, adjrei-s Ebrhezkb Cook, Land Commis.ion.r. Davnpor, Iowa. EXPLORING TICKETo" are sold at tbe Com paav a ticket offices at Chicago, and all other prtnoipal station, on Its lins, and if the purcha ser bays land the amoant paid for th ticket is applied on the purchase money. BA. GALLUP, M. Marshall, Mich. D., Uroseopia Physician Send for pamphlet. Agents ! Bead This ! T7H WILL PAT AttE'TS A SALARY OF ft 30 per Week aad Expeos.. r alio. an commiasioa to s.U onr new and wonderful vsalioas AddreF. M. WASHER A CO.. arsball. Mi.b. AiE!vTH, TAKE NO ' ICE ! Th reason onr ag.nts make eo uiuoh mouev. becaue. our goods are firet class; p.opl. like them. aad they are warranted. Moe live Agents anted A. B. TAYLOR, N.w Britain, Conn. Q -i n) r A Mntk Horse and Carriage furntah OOweJcd Expens.tpaid.H.bhaw,Alfr.d,ate SALkfcil hN wanted to Travel for a ilaoufa. turing Co. Good salarv, .te.dv emptor ment. P.COOPER A CO., 166 Elm St.; Cincinnati.0. A MILLION DOLLARS ! Shrewd but quiet men can make a fortuae by revealing the aecr-t ol th. busmen, to no one. Address J. WKoT, 6SS Broadwav, New York. A Clergym.n, 1 hilereeidiag in Soutb America as a missiOBary, discovered a sate and simple remedy tor tbe cure of liervous Weakness, Early of th Crioary and Cem uul Or ans, and the whole train or disorders brought on by baneful and vicioub habits. Great num bers have been cured by this noble remedv Prompted bv a desire to benefit the .filleted and unfortunate. I will tend the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a seeled envelope, to any one who needs it, free .f charge. Ad Jos. T. Iisiab, Station D. Bible Hease.K.Y.City in us is & cnistioui, Proprietors and Manufacturers of HILL STONE BUESSEB, OTTAWA, ILL. This celebrated Dresser is a perfect suocets, aad all are warranted. mySOd'y ALE & FOSTER. Cream and Stock Ales. GOB & STRONG Proprietors of th MERCHANTS LDNC0, Are sole Agents for Peaalee s Celebrated Cream and Stock Ales. For sale by th Barrel or Half Barrel. oclSI. dif WEST'S Saloon & Billiard Rooms, H , 3 Harper Hons Block, SOCK 1LA.M,.. .ILL. Dealer in Fine Bourbon Whiskies, And Imported Wise & Brandies: Agent for Eacdr, Li'la. and Joliet Ales, also best Scotch and English Ales and London Far ter tor sale. Ctira WMte Snd for sale by the I arrel. ' a g nt for . Z ller"s Billiard and Pigeen Hole Table ,tl.,..!;. eprt-dif ' H. E. WEST, Proprietor. TII0MS H. BRQVtWS Novelty Carriage Works. ay M&afftetarr of Gentlemen's Boad and Familj BUGGIES, SkeletonWagons A SULKIES. 44 Adam. Street, CH ICA 0 0. Light Work a Specialty. Repairing aeatly Ud promptly done. .hl7 ddweowly osoonxxss. ckc JAMF3 KELLY, 6U1 aad Fancy OsaMri.s, Provi.tons,, Glassware, Wood aad Willow Ware, A.. Corner Orleans end Ohio streets, BOCK ISLAWD. - , - s t - -i- lit. For quality f goods aad pri, I defy oa petlUoa. msnisaiy DISEASES OF THB AND oinac Mercury or Calomel Is the great remedy that physicians appeal to and us. almost entirely ia all disease, of th Liver. are thousands at the present time ttiat ar sufiering with the rheumatic p in. to th. juints, caused by the us of Calomel which has created a diseaee of its own worse than that whion it was intended to cur. There is no drug that leavis its mark more prominent ia the .y.tem. Vet, perhaps, there are times a hen it can be given, and have a beniSeial effect, but hould not be dealt out as it has been, and is at tbe present time, by those that pretend to know what tkey are doing, but in reality do not. Tb Liv.r i. mors liable to disease than any other otg.n in the human system, aad whea that faila to do its duty it leaves th weak poiata of th body exposed, as the bile is not thrown off, but taken up by tbe blood, as it passes tbrosgh this great filter of tbe system, and becomes impure. Then follows a traia of diseases, who. nam. is Legioa. Ther are many tk at suffer from p. in iathesid and across th. body, dull, heavy, drow.y feeling, bead ache, paia ia the right side, often sever pain in th bowels, eoetiver-oss, flat ulence, diarr Lea, more or less indigestion, loss of appetite, tallow skin, white of tbe eyes yellow. sinking 01 fle-h, drpreation of spirits, at oiner tim. a gret eravng lor 100a. com. 01 taee symptoms are eaosed only by torpidity of the Liver. It is impossible to give all the symptoms of a deranged Liver, and they ar all eureabl without t;. aid of Calomel. Congestion of the Liver, Th symptoms of which are, pain in the right side running to tbe shoaldcr, a loss of strength, appetite anu energy, a tense of oppressicn, low aes ot spirits, squeamishnesa ot the stomach, a yeliowi.h e ated tongue, restlessness, fright ful dreams, ail of wh:h yield to the i. ol 'TA T LOK'S STOMACH Ai.'D LIVER COR RECTOR," of ahioh enough should be taken to ..use a speedy and free evacuation of th bowels Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Is a weakness or want ot power of the digestive juices ia the stomach to eoavorl our Kou and drink lntu healthy matter lor tbe nourishment 01 tbe whole sj .urn. It is caused by every thing that tend, to we.ken tbe bouy,and moie parl cuiarl) tbe .touauh nul quite one h 11 el tbe diseases, to which we are liable, proceed liom it. Indigestion pioauces a great variety ot unpleasant tteling.. Amoig th most aroiciftabi ot 11. mieeraal. . tela are, a wsnt ct, or an inordinate appetite, aow.uu.ta attended wiih a con.tant craving lor driak, sour stuBkech, grinding pain, in the ktOtteib, o.pre. sion ot .pint., gtoum ot mind, fietiulne.s, wast ing ol he.h, loas ot energy anl .Uesglh, very irritable, heart bum, ULpt.a.ant leti in tbe muuth and mmbliBg in tb bowels. In tone caeca of aepravea ikdigestion, tltte is a com plete aiirenth lor looe, t other times a jersta o afflicted can eat heartily without much grati fication. A long trin ol aervtus s)mptcms are also frequent attendants, general delitlt) , great languidnes. and incapacity for exertion, lb anna, of person. .0 a&licted frcqaentiy tecon.e irritable aod de.ponding, and great aaxiety ia obt.rvabl in tbe eoanteaasce; they sjpear thoughtful, melancholy, and dejected, vnder great apprehension of torn, imaginary danger, will start at anv unexpected noise or oeeemace, and mu.h agitated, let for all this th mind ia exailrai.d without much difficulty, plsaktag .vent, and society will for a tint di.aipat all appearance ot dieeas. Other symptoms are, vi olent palpattuon, sestlcs ness with a seise 01 weight and odprcma apon the cheat, nigbu mare, etc. At 1. aimo.t impossim 10 stmt an the aymptom. o thi. ievad.r upon the constitu tion, a. in a' most every ease of indigestion. tber will probably b somellung pe.uliar to each, but b what they may, tkey ere all occa sioned by tb food keoming a Burden, ratber thaa a support to tbe ttomacb, and in all its sta ges, the medicine cost wanted is trial wnicn will afford speedy atsistarce to th digestive or gans aad give energy and a'renctn t tbe ner vous and muscular ay ate m, and a n.w life to the whoi boAy , and nothing eaa be, and there i. nothing, that will give .0 quick relief, as Tay lor's Stomach and Liver Corrector, the Great Remedv for Biood, Liver and Skin Ditea cs, and from one to four bottles will effett a cure. Sick Headache Those that are subject to it only know wtat a distressing eoasplaint it is, and ia a v.ry ua w.ioome Al first it caaes a dim.... of vision, followed by a terrible p.ia, at the stomach, .Ld vomiting aad then for a day or two, a person f.els as thoush thej bad a fit of sickness. Cne dose will cure hr B first at taoktd, and one to three bottles will effect a per- ' manent cure. Jacndicc. WI,ro you ef a person aa yallow as a saflron bag, (a common e.ying,) you very naturally com. to the conclusion that It it Jaundice, caused l,v a dorangemeatot the Livet, by the bile biff obnr.eted and flowing with tbe blood tatojpoat the .y.tem, instead ol passing 08 ia its natural eeurse into the bowels. On. to three bottles will ear th worst case. Costiveness. This Iseaus.d by a sluggish, torpid Stat of tb Liver, aad derangement of th a hoi system. t ia that ther aie so Bias traabl.d with ibis disir ..itg disease and give U se littl attentioa. Tke diaaas that follow babitual costiveae.s .re niany , of which Biek Head at b.. Bu.kof Bl.od to th Had, Dvspeytia, Piles,, Luog and Skin Die aad F.iral and Kidney Complaint ate always aggravated by it. M anv leeorl to pills, ai.d never have a free avaeualion f th bowele without their aid. To the, I say, stop aad eoasld.r, as every pill yon tsk eontaias mercary, which wilt in lima eao.e yoa to regret the enure you have taken Bv using Tavlor's tomach and I ivr Oorrecvr, yo will not need to take pills, two to four bottles will cure j ea. For f'aleby all Druggists aod Dealers In Medi cines. h THE BEST MEIUCISE ETEE FOB MAX. XT S. TAYLOR, SOLE PBOPELETOE, ; . '. . 134 Wabask Avna.,..i.- ...:JCHIC AGO mhded-wowI ' ' "! " - "