Newspaper Page Text
...--to ifer." -ii- 'r-."'aari. HUES OF ADVERTISING, rUkLIIKD BT TBI , '. '. . far anon square, " eeeBpied by ew lines of aolid OBpnreil, One Dollar for each ia. sertion. v t Special Kolieai, J9 seats per line. Wber la. i.rted S monthi or mora, 0 per coat above rgu lar advertising rates. Oosnmanieatioaa, or articles inserted among raiding mattar, J eaati per Una. TEEMS. Dailt ;aboos. ;lr Mail(payebteia advance), per anoam, $10.00 Uy Mail " six aaonths, b.0 By Mail t monthly. I tO By Hail 1 month..... 85 B-Br Citt 0 , 25 Ooats par week. Sisolb Cones 4 Cant. TERMS.- Wbbkit Anaus. iule Copy, (payable1 a advanee) ....$2. SO Tan Copies " " J0.00 rweaty Copies " ' . 16.00 Thirty Copies " ' . jj.Oj Dailt abo " a " r" aant. will be suede from tha Waakly ratal, raarly and half yearly eontraets, whan tha same matter li inserted in both Daily and Waakly. Doable Columns will be charged J par cant additional. Tor -".I transient adTorUsemoii advance pay ment ia required. Twentieth Year, ROOK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY. AUGUST 5. 1871. Established Oct. 18, 1851 DR. WALKB38 CALIFORNIA VINEGAB BITTERS. , la disaharge or iu datiai, the press has to ipak upon arery kind of subject. Some subjects are pleasant and interesting to des oant upon, and others not so. Still, as they oome up, they must bediipoaed of fairly and justly. ThtMjnestion of "Bitters" (which are an acknowledged necessity in this high pressure country, where the busy brain steals klniw) L. -f. 1... i ... nuia ui unoa uegiectea Stomach) is a most perplexing one. Some praise the Bitters they make use of, because of their ill-disguised alcoholism; seeking a dram by deceit, often being professed total abstain ers. Others have an eye to both stimulant and touio, and choose ther bitters accord ingly, and ignorant); little thinking of the injury done to tha muoous membrane and nervous system by the nse of alcohol. R. H. MoDonaid, cow of the extensive wholesale Drug warehouses of 32 and 34, Commerce street, New York, and San Fran oisco, California, t length suooeeded in of fering to the pablio a new kind of Bitters, which are having an astonishing and enor mous sale. Mr. McDonald began business in a small way as a d-uggist in the Golden City ; but being a skilled practical chemist, and an energetio enthusiast in his profes sion, he soon began to rise and be sought for. After many successes ia other things, and great study and medieo-cbemioal re search, bis geuius outminati'd in the produc tion of the most powerful, invigorating, in nocent Bitters ever presented to suffering humanity. These were the now world renowned "California Bitters; known as "Dr. Walker's California Vin egar Bitters,' which have worked the moat astoniahicg curst. Mr. McDon ald's standpoint is that theae Bitters are fwdy tegetahle, and contain no alcohol. What the ingredients of this medicine are id a much ooveted secret, only known to the inventor ; but what they hare done, and are doing ever day, is a subject of the highest importance to the public. They have cured nrd are daiiy curing dyspepsia, in all its forms; bilious aud nervous disorders, of every pbaao ; female derangements, of the must severe forms ; fevers, bowel com plaiuts, rtieuuiatio ailments, throat diseases; ci m lily and disordered weakness of the genital organs; sick headache, incipient t'Dosuoiptian, chronic constipation, ague, diseases of the kidneys, scrofula and many o t'uer diseaaos and weaknesses, which were sapping valued and valuable lives by thou sands. When we look at the perfection of this great medical disoovery, and have it proved to us, as now, as a great public ben efactor, it is impossible to withhold our ad Ui kiu uad reapect from Messrs. II. II. McDonald & Co., for bringing to light their Dr. Walker's California Vinegar bitters. These Bitters are sold by K. B. McDonald 4 Co., at No.'s 32 and 34 Commercial St., New lot, aud in every drug store in tne L'oited Statei. VERT LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 4 O'Olooli X. NEW YOIIC. tetter from the fiXayor and Comptroller-ratal Shooting Mutate Bast I all -Discussion of the City Government Fonda -The T7. S. Arbitrator to Geneva - Funeral of Phoebe Oary She Sxaminaticn Into the Westfield Explosion. WASHINGTON. She Matter of SSilitary land Warrants. IVCnrder by a ETegro after an at tempt at a dark crime. LOCAL iNOTIOEB. A Word of Adtios. Mothers know the importance attached to the care of teething cliiilren. Rnad the advertisement ot Mrs Whuoomb's Syrup for soothing infants teeth- OHIO. Organization of a Secret Society She Nat onal Camp SSeeting at TJrbana. Foreign c"vs. The Treaty of Washington' Ship wreck in the Indian Ocean - Strike of Coal XXi ners Dr cadfal Mar der ThiurB and Indemnity for Xiosaes from the German Invasion -Inw of General Amnesty for Political Offences. man named Burrig, at House Heads, last night, mistaking him for a paramour of his wue, tor wnom ne was watching. All the parties are colored. The bokfords. of Brooklvn. defeated tha Red Stockings, of Boston, yesterday after noon. Boore. 4 to 6. WA6H1HOTOM. AueuHt. 4. Soecolation has been going on for some time as to the matter of military land warrants, which a ciroular from the General Land Office to day ui pot an end to. fames having hied claims for warrants would be informed by soma person whom they supposed to have means of learning in the Department, or in some way at any rate, they wonld be im pressed with the belief that there was little obance of their claim being allowed, the way being thus paved tor a good bargain, the pplicaotwill be induced to make an assign ment of the warrant, in advance of its issue, ith date blank to be filled np when the warrant had been obtained, the prioe paid being insignificant, of oourse, on aocount of the pretended risk. It is more than likely that purchasers bad information of the prob able suocess of the application in anv par ticular case which they entered upon. It is not known how extensively the fraud has been praoticed, nor how many claimants have been thus swindled. Bcrukgton, Aug. 4. About 3 o'clock tbis morning, a negro entered the residence of a German named Saizor, living in the southern part of the city, it is supposed tor the purpose of stealing, bnt seeing a young Eirl lying on the bed, he determined to exe cute a darker purpose. His efforts to grat ify his passions aroused the girl, and she screamed for her father, who was sleeping down stairs. The old gentleman proceeded np stairs followed by his "wife, who carried a lamp. The nep-ro seeing them, drew a pis tol and shot the old crentleman through the heart. He leaves a family of eight children. The negro escaped and has not sinoe been beard of. . COMMERCIAL. CSL-OlcX 1.12 1-2. Rock Islaud, August i. Tms Flour market la corrected, at Waraar'a Mills and tha quotations are the ruling prices oi the Rook Islaad market. Wmtia VTanar Ft-ocaWhoUiale... ...18.40 " " " Ketatl t) Braise Wma&. fiooa Bpnag Doable Jlxtra ta bbls, wholesale $6.80 ............ 7 .6 0 atau Caekaat wholesale., K.lall , . ., Leose,a wkola Jnetail , Git'i 8a f KiigHQ Flo i' a Retail i Barrel, lacks 4 ni " i-i6" " BocEwaaAV If lou a Wholeule Ketail Whbac .... ...... Coat OiTa Kew .. Bablbt " Bejeeted . ...... BoTiaa Choioe iou, for satalling, will bring. Oniasa N 1. Factory Lasb per lb PoiToaa ... ArrLia per baahel eas per dos ....T.os .7.40 $1 50 1.24 65 tu.oo 1U.0U ..ial.2u 40 ,.20a26o ib . 40a60 15o 11 .. lOello ... 30a50 l.Otl . 12io The above prioes are the firet hand. POCLTHT Live Turkies, per lb......... Dreaeed " " Chiekens, live " . " dreaaed .. Dooki " Hoaa Live ... Oattlb Live weight, eonxmoa rholesale fgurei at lOe 12 so bo lOo 10c I504.0P ilARiUA'iii Guide. Inturesliog work, numerous eugravings, 224 pages. Price 50 ctiuU. Adireas Dr. Butts' Dispensary, 12 Nortii Eighth straet, St. Louis, Mo. See ft'lvpr'itfenjent. Market Eeports. Reported Exprea.ij for the Aneoa. i'.;jje i'aiu-Kil'uiig iligic Oil is sold by mjit of our Druggists and Merchants, aud is considered one of the best remedies for pain in market, and is Boolean and delicious o use, that it is rather of a luxury than a medioine. For sale by John Bangs ton. It id a true remark, that "the main en ternce to man's heart is through his stom ai;h.'' Practical young ladies may be inter ested to learn that few are go obdurate as to withstand the genial influence of Dr. Prioe's Crem Baking Powder and Speoial Flavor ing The inoreasing demand for these articles testifies of the entire satisfaction afforded to those who have used them. WATER CURE K i;osu Snd fur ciroular. iuy2d wtiui A T ...WIS H. E.8KELET, M.D, 6ERMANIA INSURANCE CQMP'Y )! CUICAGU, ILL. 0sh OapitaU 200.000.00 Enrnlns $57,320.64 Dsoeick &. Shaw, Agents, apr21-dly Rook Island. m an. iiRBATAMZRlCAN HEALTH 1 UR4TORKR. naritea the blood nd .r. 8iroful. Bvpkilla. Bkio Dla ...... Rnaaaiatlaai. Diaeaaeaof Wenten .nit all Gnrouis Afasttona of the Blood Lirer and Kidneys. Keoommanded by the at dioel Faoalty and maay thona .nili of oar beat oitisena. Real the teatimoav of pbysielans and natieats who hare naed Reaadalis; aoDd for our Roaadalia Guide to Health Book or Almaoae for thia year, whioh we pub liah lor uratuitoas distribution) It will lre fou maoh valuable Information. Dr. R. W. Oarr, of Baltissora, savs "I take pleaaara ia reoommending vour Hotanaiia aa a very powenol ai terative. I hare aeea it ased ia twe eases with happr retails one in a eas of seaoadarr arphilU, in whioh the pa tient pronounced hiataeH eared after having taken ave bottle of vour medi cine. Tha other ia a eaae of aorofala of loaf steading , whleh la rapldlv improv log aader lte ase, and the ladioeiiona are that tha patient will toon reeover. I have earefall examtnoa me loratol by whioh your Roaadalia is made, and Bni it an ezeelleat eompoand of alter. stive Ingredients." ' ' Dr. Sparks, or NIebolsvilla, Kv-.tajs he has aaed Roaadalia in eaaea of Scro fula nd Secondary Syphilis with satis factory reanlta a. a eleaaer of she blood T know no better remedy. Samuel Q. MoFedden, Marfreeaboro, Tenn., says : "I have nsed saves bottles of Rosa .una. and am entirely cured of Rheum atiam; send ma foar bottles, as I wish it for bt brother, who has sarofoloos Ben'Mamin Bejhol, ef Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suffered for twenty years with t aveterate eruption over his whole cdv: a tshort time sinea I pur- ehaaed a bottle ef Roaadalia and It ef fected a perfect core. Roaadalia la sold by all druggists Laboratory. 1 Biohaore Place, Bsl tlaote. Or. CLIKHTt 00. Proprietor feb38deed-t,tA Kew Yobk. Aue. 5. At some of the city clubs Democratic and republican members like censure the conduot ot the lammanj Rino-. At the Union club rooms threats are made ODenlv bv prominent members to take such course as may rrlieve the club from the odi um whioh might attach trom continues membership of those whose peculations are suspected, the principal officers of the Tam many aesooiation being members of the olub. The following let ter will be published to morrow : Mayob's Office. New Yobk Cits, Aug. 4, 1871, j Hon. William L. .Dodge, President, Cham ber of Commerce or in his absence, Hon. George Opdyke, Vice President: Dkab Sir : In view of the gross allega tions continually made by a parlizao jour- 1 in relation to the accouuts of the city and county of New York in the expendi ture of publio aett ana city resources, tne undersigned respectfully request that the Chamber of Commerce appoint a large aud influential committee ot well-known and up right citizens, to make a full and exhaus tive examination of the public aocouots aud condition of the public debt, and then report the result, when completed, to tne people oi this city. The accounts will ail be publish ed at an early day, but it is tne desire of the undersigned that the original accounts and vonchers shall be at once thoroughly exam- ni i j i.i r. i u : : 1 loeu. xne uoucrsigneu wouiu n:ei ooii(bu, in case there is nu regular meeting ol the Chamber within a few davs, it special meeting could be convened expressly fur purpose indicated. Inn nnderaiptied make this proposition irrespective ol their own personal considerations, and beceuee of the assaults made upon the city credit, and it is adoreased to you becauf.e your body is com posed of non-parlizao und commercial gen tlemen. Very respectfully, your ob't servants, A. Oakut Hsi.l, Mayor, Richard B Covsollt, Comptroller. Frauds in the city government contirme to be disouesed in social and political cir oles with unabated interest. The Evening Mail says Charles FrtAncis Adams deohnea the position of United States nrbitrator to Geneva, and that Sena tor Frelinghuysen and other prominent Ntw Jersey politicians are urging W'm. V.'alttt Phelp, of that State, for that place. Tha Post this v. M. announces on trust worthy authority, that the famous Gi rtnan tenor Wachtil. will sail next month for a concert tour, through, the United State s, tbis fall. The funeral of Phebe Clay oocm -red at Rsv. Dr. Bellow's church, this p. m., the services beinsr conducted by Rev. A. G Lawrie. of Erie. Pa., and Rev. Pet ers, ot WiHiamsburg. Horace Greeley, Oliver Johnson, and O. J. Vinton, were among the Dell-be irors. and the remains were u iterred in Greenwood. The examination into the cause of t.he late disaster on the ferry boat Westfield w.s con tinued tn-dav. Mr. Martin testi Ged : Be thought the boiler of the Westue Id gooa boiler in every sense of the word ; thouen it must have taken all of the 32 p ooods oi steam to burst it. He instructed two as sistants where to fix the safety va! 'e so as to blow at 25 pounds though it migt it some times run up to 27. He bad car tied 25 pounds of steam in the boiler wbenl (could put a knife blade through the cracks iu it, and oould have knocked holes thro jgji it with a small hammer. John S. Smith, practical engineer, -was examined and gave professional testimony as to the pressure of steam on tha bailer o f the Westfield ; he said there was no doubt of tha fact bnt that tha explosion was the result of aa excessive pressure of steam. At the oonolaston of his testimony, the inves tigation adjourned till to-morrow. , Elmiba, N. Y., Aug. 6. A a named Thompson shot a ad instantly killed another A secret organization, known as the Union League of the United Sons of America com posed principally of young workingmen, is forming hare, to oppose Catholicism in all shapes. All nationalities will be admitted. The National Camp Meeting at Urbana is progressing favorably. The nambers thus far have hardly reaohed expectation, though tne meetings are inoreasing in both nom bers and interest. About 4,000 rteople were there to-day. London, Aag. 5. It is probable that Parliament will be prorogued on the !th inst. The ship Maeaera is ashore at St. Paul Island, in the Indian ocean, and it is feared she will prove a total loss. The crew and passengers are safe. In the House of Commons last evening. Sir Charles Bowyer Adderly, member for North StaSbrdshire, made a speech of some length in denunciation of the Treaty of Washington. He said that in that instru ment England had made a vast concession in favor of peace, npon the question of the fisheries and the Alabama claims. England was clearly in the rieht in the attitude she formerly held upon those subjects, and yet that position had been conceded and America indemnified. Sir Charles continu ed bv vieorousW eendemnine the form of arbitration provided for in the treaty. Mr. Palmer, member for Richmond, lol- lowed in defence of the treaty. Three hundred workmen employed in the coal-pit at Norfolkshire have struck in con sequence of receiioir their pay only fort nightly from the Purveyor. Trouble is ex pected. A dreadful m order has occurred at Erra- noocy A woman waa ruthlessly suieo ov some rnffians who also seriously wounded her father and two children. Paris, Aug. 4. It is reported that Thiers has accepted the principle that the State ahou'd indemnity proven for losses sus tained from the German invasion. The Assembly is to be questioned to-dey concerning the alleged appointment of Duke Cbartres aa an officer of the Algerian forces. Madrid, Ang. 4. The Oficial Journal promulgates a law wVch has recently passed the Cortes authorizing the govoro ment to grant a general amnesty for political offences. 4iae Prime shipping, par 100 fbs ........ 4. 0&a6. 00 WOOD, LIGHT & CO., Hanutaetarers of ENGINE LATHES I SHAPING AND SLOTTING MACHINES, PLAXEBS, Bolt Cutters and Upright Drills, XASMYTHS' STEAM HAMMERS, Gnn IMachinery. DOUBLE MILLING MACHINES, Mill Work, Shafting and Bangers, Patent Self- Oiliog Box. WAREHOUSE : lOT LIBERTY T., SiliW YORK CITY MANTJFACTOBY : HAMMOND ST., (Opp. Jaaetion Depot), VYOR C RSTKH, MAJ. All Trains entering the City, stop within ten rode of our Worka. Jell) dtr I860. 1S71. THE PIONEER MUSIC STORE. Catisstr Urk)t. Telegraphed te the Aascs. CnicAee, Aug. 4. lonr I'ntl and weak. Wheat Aittik.t txoited and irregular; Ho 5 llu.g down lo one dollar each: 6:o seller August ; closed firm at (1 tl cash and t?4c sutler loa August ; o 1 sold at II OJal 04 ; winter wheat quiet; Ho 1 amber $1 06 ; Ho 2 do $1 Uoa 1 or. Corn ActiTe and irregular ; Ho S selling down to Hie cash, and 4Vjo seller for Augart ; olosed firm at 4. jo caan, and 41&41 jfo aeiier for Angust; rejected 40e caah ; 44a44Je on open board. Oate Active ; Ho 2 ae ler at SOo caah, clueing ateady at 2SalUcon the 'change. K j e Eaiior ; closed at STja.Tic caah, and & lo for Augu.t. Bariey Fair demand ; He S 64a65e eaab;60a 61e for September. Reede Timothy active, bnt priees weak; amies at f 1 75a3 7.i; cluver quiet at H "j. Y hiky Quiet at W2e. (jroTisiom Dull. Purk Eaaier at f 13 25 for Angnat. Lard He ceah. Chicago Lire stock. Telegraphed to the Anecs. Daioa Bvook Tiaai, Aug. 4. tattle Keeeipta l,5.ul ; market qoict pricea unchanged ; aaiea Temui 2iiio; lair to good cuwa;4c: fair to choioe shijipmg ateeraeieren te thirteen evt , 445ie. Hoira Beceipta 7,iVt : market dull and 10c lower ; snlea rangea t:'. 8l4 30 for heavy; (4 2aa 4 80 for I .ahl: as oat sales f4 a0a4 bi). Sheep Keeeipta 1,177 ; market fairly active ; pneoa firm and nnehanaed ; sales range t'3 lAs 4 00 for cood with a lot of extra weighing lu- ponedaat ii 00. A LARGE STOCK ALWAY9 OH HAHD 01 I Kl Hi W A , KTBCk, SJ.MIiRw'W, AM St KU AN, II A 1 N ES, MAstSUALt AXD WEJiDEI 1 I3 I A. IN O , Geo. Weod&Co'&Estry Organs and all kinds of Mulical Instruments. Sheet iiuBio of latest issues, and the beat im ported Strings in the citv Jlllt lil.l I , pi Corner Illinois and Washington aireet. ARTISTIC TAILORING. ffBW ASVE&TXSXIBXZIXs'Ta. 3&4 VrAXBXWIOTS OBXOAaO. DRAPER,TA!LOR AND IMPORTER OF Fine Woolens, , FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. WLDMG 0CTFITS A SPECIALTY. Shirts to Meaanre Extra Denbla and Perfect in Fit. Clergymen will be aliened 8 per cent, aieeonnu teblhdly . . r T T I.' i 1 1 . TV 1 li I f 1W. etltute, Hew Haen, Coun. Preparatory to College, Business, Scientific rchool., U. 6. Mili tary and Haval Academies, la. I aesaion, thlr-tf-aiith year begins Sept. 13. For Catalogues, etc., address the l'rincipai. 8ASU, DOOitS. tV. 0LANDER & HUB EE, Successors to J. A. BinnisoN, Manufacturers of Sash, Dor, Blinds, Mouldings, FIAMBI, BHACaiBTS, And everything in their line. Glazed Saih on hand, also Corn Meal and Peed AH work warranted. feb24dw6m EsTASLISBSD IB 1830.1 WELOH&QRIFFITH3 Saws! Saws! Sawss! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS! Aies, FUes, Cast Steal, Kill Fnrnl.ihlngs and atachinsry. k.Oet the best, they will prove the cheapest Friees redueed. Send for prioe Lis I and airculara noJSdwlj Boston, Maaa., er Detroit, Mieh tin- Athmu. ltr l'. Ail Ih y tmr. rfc. "Nothinir mi mu-,-,.!ii1 " T. Mktoai.F, lfW. linntim. U" Min:ii'n'li"'l'v lr .W. Hnlnies. Jtalmipa rrlii-m. JCS. E-SSETIS CO, Bostou. Mass. tool.! l.y Hll lrut?(ri!'ta- GRAIN. CR1LMALCUEAM. i Card to Droggists and DealerSa Parties holding grain will find it pay to ship I direct to PHII-ADIiLPHIA, PA., the beat of oar Eastern markets. Onr bnslneas is ixcLtsivsLT coMMismo. For information, write ua : fur reference inquire through a Bank iu juur iiuiuiiy. JiLKISSA SUDDARUa, Commission Merchants, 17, Chamber of Comineroe, Philadelphia, Pa. SB A a. B. POWABS. L. raiaaia. & BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. Excitement at the Plunder store cor ner Illinois and Buf falo streets. Street Cars run each way every 20 minutes Ui&BIS &. CUISUGLM, Proprietors and Manufacturers of MILL mm DRESSEB, OTTAWA, Il-I- This celebrated Dresser ia a perfect saooesa, and all are warranted. mySOdly mW iDTEZTaSEKlESTS. U0IE kD LOT FOR SALE. T OFFER MT KEW RESIDENCE A COT A tags, containing aeven rooms, all newly fin isaed ; aud tot containing one half acre, aituated on iuver atreet, between Cherry and Madlaon street.. Fruit, ornamental treee and vinea all growing on the lot. For terms and particulars apply on the premises. GEO. Ha LAWT0X, A Bright lilue Eye, Song Meinirger, 35cta - . r. o. a . jin Have yov f'n Lvm't ,omic noeg, dj.iuu, ti Darting Belle of the Boarding 4VAoo,PoitsT30 ffiri trith the Cigarette, Comic Cordelia, SO JiMy Hiyh Timet, Comic. Parka, 30 JVoir iruuliln tynu tike to kiwin, l,omiO,v-ora laov JetceUt of the Heart, Beautiful Song, Millajd30 Lv,c in the M,:ad:c, " " Znch, S5 Let tl Pan; for Baaa or Alto, " 35 I'd Once Again, Duett for Sop. and Barr. Sabiitl, 50 ?uirreZ;n(7 Keiiihbnrtt, Comie Dnett, Anber, 75 Xneftniy i Child, with va-iatione. Mack, 80 Hrarcnlt Greeting!, Penaie Hovmantique, Biano'eev, 35 Holiday l'dCatiolt Marrh, illustrated title Gilsina, 60 Sweet Anticipation, Sohottische, " " Gilsinn, O Dairy, Faataisia, Krug S5 Any of the above acnt by mail on receipt of the market price. Ho matter where you aee a piece of Maaic or Muaic Book advertised, send to ns and yon will receive It by endowing the publishers price. BALBXSB. &. WBBSB, MUSIC DBALKKS, m27-dedT2m. ST. LOOS. GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS! BY THE Hong Kong Tea Coin'y, Branch House, False Eow, ROCik IsLASD, ... ILLS. Wbeiewe are offering unrivalled Teas, at the same low prioes as at toeir "Eastern House. By importing Tees ia cargo lots, they eaable a to retail to the consume.- at extremely lo roes. Don't fail to visit the Bonn Konz Tea tore, at Palaoe Row, where will be found the nest, Barest and freaheat Teaa, Coffees and Sol oes, at pricea beyond competition. mvSdwSni POWAKS FKBHMAH, Ag ta CHE&PHRUETRML Chicago, B.ock Island and Pacific Railroad Company. 000,000 Aoroa CHOICE IOWA LANDS. This Coaipany is now off.ring for sale about six hundred ibuuaand acres oi the finest agri cultural landa in ihe West. Toe Company sell: only to actual eeltitrs, and the prices aie exceed ingl reasonable, largmg fioiu ib to $ls per acre the average being aboat iS. The greater psrt ol tbese lauds are situated along tha line ot lis railroad betwten the cities Dee Moines and Counsel BluSa, and are in the most aceeaaible and fertile re a ion in th. gtate. Sale, made lor caoh or on credit lo"g snongh to eaable any industrious man to pay for the land out of Us crops. Tbese lands are held under a title direct from the General Governmeat, and are not morrt gaged er enoamber.d in anyway. Fail warranty deeds given to purchasers. For maps, pamphlets, or any other information respecting them, address El "iezbb Oook, Land Commisaioner, Davenport, loa. EXPLORING TICKETS are sold at the Com pany's ticket offices at Cbioasro, and all other prinoipal atationa on Us line, and if the purcha ser bays land the amoent paid for the ticket is appliea on tne purcbase money. ililUtUli UAlUllljlla, AMI) CommiBsion Merchant, 61 Perry Street, DAV'EJiPOsIT ...IOWA jy2S-d!m METROPOLITAN HOTEL, BROADWAY NEW YORK, Will re-open under tha new management AUQTJIT 22nd, For the Reception of Guests. The spacious building has been thoroughly j renovated, and newly furnished throughout. Ihe Proprietors nave made every exertion to adapt it to the comfort and convenience of its patron;, and have sparsd neither paths nor ex pense to secure thnt end. TWEED A GABF1ELD, jy"8 dwlm Proprieto-s Si.tai. f AND RETAIL y 1 !a n:t TTJiTiflnw h g Glass, Putty, &c. - Phjaician'a Preseriptiona ac- td Zicurately comKounded at all .Who.ra. AUo, a tne assort- Q Bi.ut of Pertunien.a auo J.v.- . O tet T- , f The oelebratea J. . i I V rO buJ "GOLDEN QT ., CROWH" zyl ACADEMY OF THH Immaculate Conception DAVENPORT, SCOTT CO-, IOWA. CONDUCTED BTIBE SISTERS OF CHARITY B. V. M. Will oommenee its S6lh Semi-annual Session Wednesday, August IGth, 187 la cii Beini inoorporated in accordance with the lawa of the State, this Institution eonfers the usoal ooUagiate degrees upon its graduates. For Circulars address augl-d3m SISTER SUPERIOR. Carbolic Salve. DiCHARDSOfi'SUi&u L1S08 DA- H MlStS, LI1EM IAKC2IC IinUKtlitiilEF', tr. We fool oarelves called on again to CAU TION CUSSl'MtKS against the indiscriuiiuate use of Irish fal ries made up te imitate our goods in fold, trade mark and general appearance. and to warn them, that their only safeguard ia to aee that the authentic aeal of onr firm, J. N. RICHARDSON, SONS A OWDSK, la stamped on each article. Determined to confine ourselves, as heretofore, to the use of yarns spun from the ehoiceat and etrongest Fl.i, by the best machinery obtaiua Me; uniform in weight and elasticity manu factured and bleached under our own superinten dence: the consumer will be gbabastseo bt oca sbal the same durability and satisfaction in the wear, which tha genuine goods have always afforded. J. H. RICHARD ON, SONS ft OWDEN. Belfast, Ireland, & Mo. 15, 1871. jelldw3m WXXiLXAEX EXT7XiX.Sa. Book Binder and Paper Ranger Shop on Orleana St., eppoaite Court House. ROCK ISLAND, ILL 44U Ail kinds of Paper Boxes made to order. aoglVd-tf T sr.. a. bx. Esisraa, DENTIS A LI" DENTAL OFERATIONS PERFORM XX E D aocording to the n.oat anaroved erirci pies. Office in Harper's Block, oor of Illinois ana Duoalo streets. augle-dif DENTIST, DOOMS NIXT DOOR TO TELEGRAPH Ai Offiee, Illinois street, Rock Island. All inda ef Dental work done ia the moat approv ed manner. Charges reasonable. apIO dwly The Important discovery ot the A UBOLIC ACID as a CLEAA1N, PlJBIl YlftG, and Agent is one of the most remarkable results of modern i.nedlcal research. During the late civil war it was extensively used in the Hospitals, und was found to be uot only a thorough disin fectant, hut the most won derful aud speedy 1ICAX1KO JiEAEDY ever known. It is now presented in a scientific combination with other Boothins; and healing agencies, in the form of a SALVE; and, having been al ready nsed in numberless cases with most satisfactory and ben eficial results, we have no hesi tation in oflering it to the pub lic as the most certain, rapid, and effectual remedy for all gores and Ulcers, no matter of how Ion? standing, for Burns, Cuts, Wounds, and every ABRASION of SKTW or FLESH, and for Skin diseases generally. Boldly all Druggists. Price 25 cents. JOHH f. BEHET, Sols Prcp'r, NO.8 COLLECE PLACE. How York. suohsV-d-satAwom Bock Island Business Cuk ersitj J ILL OPEN AUGUST 1st, 1871, FOB V the reception of atadents, both Ladies and (ienl em.n. JI. Ie Use, Brown, Proprietor of Bloomington Business University, Snperinwmu.ui oi course ot lnsiruotioui. .X. SUR.OOKL, Late Professor of Business and Ornamental Pen snanship, Pen and Pencil Drawing inlowaWes eyan Cnireraity, lecturer on Comuiereialoerres- puD'iecce, nusin,ss customs, laws of trade etc., in charge of writing department. Other eompetent teachra will be in oharge 0f pnonog,apny telegraphing, and English de oarimenv.. Twenty -four leotnres will be given during- the fall nnd winter, on mercantile law, commercial thics, political economy, law, and customs o trade, ete., tree to all regular students. Thu insti ntioa will be npon the most thorough and practical oasis lte only actual business eol les-e ia book Island, where each stndent is re quired to go through every detail aa ia aotual business. s is very important ana flesirenie that all oonasaenee at opening ef term so ae to create as muoh nniforsnity and system as possible. Cards, subscription headings and en amenta! pea work of nnoat workman sb'.p with the pen aiecnted to order. Bend tt for specimens. , . Hall nearly opposite Roek Island House, open day and eveaieg after July 2S, t7l. Jfor in formation send for eireulsvr or address - - -M Dl LA BROWN. -yl5dif T. 0. Drawer 44T, Rook Island, IU. BOOS SmOZZsTO. SZ1 13 TESTS. MILW&CKKK. DH. COLLINS' Painless Core for the OPIUM HABIT. BADGES STATE TOBACCO WORKS ! HOS. I, 3 A S CLY BOURN ST., Vest end Huron St., Bridge, ZtXilwaabee - - - Wit. F. F. ADAMS & CO., PROPRIETORS. Orders from ekse Caah Buyers solicited. mchJS'dly DR. COIXIW' ANTIDOTE. Enables the patiens to diacontince the nse of Oniom in any form, at once, without pain or in. cnnvenince, and without any interruption of ordinary baeines. It rebilds the broken oun atitution and restorea the broken energies. DISCOVER FI IN The Only Painless Cure ever Discovered TIIERIAKI: A5II TEEirt IjAST Doau. A book of over 100 pige?, containing letters of FITZHI QH LCDLOW, the well known lerter of G A. T- exoosiog the intrigues of HARPERS MAGAZINE and LCDL"W, aro a full description oi the Antidote, aeat free td any addrea- Address. DR. BAMIEL B. COLLIKB, LaroRTB. Inniaaa. A DANGEROUS AMD POISONOUS COCH TEKFEIT OF Dr. T. T. Qourand's ORIENTAL CREAM. Olt MlGlXAL BKimiFlEK, Is Attempted ts Is Palmed off on the Fublio. The unnreoedenled popularity and universal demaca ior this innocent ceameiio has tinted iheoupidity of a bold and infamous counter feiter, iu iuiitaiiiig the label and the bottle ot my Cream, la llie label, tne desn uiviu ingtbewoida "lrad.-n.aik," aud the ptriod attur the latter word, ara omitted. There is no dot separating the dollar and cents of the price in the euuaicitVit. Thelast word of each line of llie "Direetion" in ihe counterfeit is the fol lowing : "Of,""nae," "large," "the" and "none;" these words, in the genuine, begin each line of the "Direction." Ihe counteifeit la1 el ia a brighter scarlet, and ihe engraving talerior lbe wax at the top ia dull and of poor quality. In other respeots the counterfeit ia well eai ulated to deceive. Druggists should be on their guard when my Cream is offend at less price than 1144 per gross, less ten p.r cent discount 1 have a firm or house, so d it kr leas, aor ever have received an order lor more man a gross at time, nor have 1 cer excbatgd the Cretn for other goods, demonstrating ih.t if any oneofiers my Cream lor leas, it is a cuuuirncn. mi uium, to insure the gtneine, ihoulu be snt to my only office. No. 4S Bond atreet, Kew 'ork, formerly So. 453 Broadway and no. o, vtaiher 1. IKUI UUIS&IH, Jeffeksos Misiit Polks Coubt. James L. Hutton, of o.40 ley atreet, waa arraigned belore Jdge Cox on a charge ol coun entiling the trademark and labs I ot Vi. 1. telix Uour au 's Original Cream, or isagio Beantifier. It api-eara ihat ihis inienious operator y aimed off on A. K. canas one gross ui mo .puiiuu. ..uu, lor which he obtained 1 14. being $ld.6U less ban the article ia invariably 'Old by iir. u. The said groas, mmua six bottles, nave ueen honorably delivered by said firm to Dr. G. The miserable counterititer disposea oi antmec grotstc Crittenden, K. 7 Sixth Bvenne. ibis gentleman very handsomely returned all he had unsold vis, seven allien, fiuvu.. ft' -aold to Piatt, Scott A Co., Broadway, ten doi.n of which were scld to John . tienry. --oi one of these bottle, baa bten returned to Dr. J 1 he repreaentativ. of Mr. Henry asaureo sr u iner. every bottle should be deetrojed. kr Gouraud a determined, it possioi-, io np mi. u.iru bnaineaa of counter! euii g. by legal proceedings and the publication ot the name f eerj vender ho is eognisant ot trie preparanon ceiug coun terfeit. In ihe meantime pnrcn.sers catnor ne too muh on th--ir guard ; and be sure to get tha Oriental Cream, or Magical besutintr, oi renta ble Proogiste. and at Sir. Felix G'lWerd'e only depot, Jio.4 Bona streei. siiiwiiim iniriv- one Uourand s well a own iianan jieai- cat.d Soap, fr the cure of skin diaates. price fiflv cecta is still lor sale ; alao his Poodre iubtile. for cpreoimg aopernu-os ueir eeieij aru qnickly ; Liquid Rouge, Liljwbite, etc IK0 VfOKK. PIHL1DELP0I1 OrDamcDtal Iron Works. ROBERT WOCO & CO., I ISA KIDflE AVK.. PH1LAL ELFHJA. PI iVIDufcturer of Fountains, Vases, Slatuarj, VermttdnS, Summer Hutaei, Arbor, Chftirs, t- teet, io.. o., Cast and Urttugbt Iron Sailings, For public buildings and Squares, CenietrJ lots, Garden leocee. Blo;nies, Koof Castings, elo., in great variity of paiteras. IRON STAIRS Spiral and Straight, of varione patterns and atylea. fepeciat attantiun given Iu this el-s ol work. LAMP POSTS, For Frooti of Pub. 10 BuiMiog , 11 oUIt and oil J tfsiet of plain ttud t'ltoboriv desigm. STABLE FITTINGS, 0 f Caat and Wrought Iron of New laapreved tylee such aa Hay Hacks. Stall Diviaiooa, Usa ge") Harneaa Braekeia, Gattars, Trans, Ventil ators, Ac. WIRE WORK Of every description. Wire Hoards, of Crimped Wire, Galvanised or painted, in plain and eraa meatal paiterna, f or More Doors, and Windows, faotory and Warehuuae Wmduwe. Bailmga for Otoes, Banka, Counter Railings, Balconies, Lawa and farm Peaces, Ac. Agents ! Bead This ! WE WILL PAT AflE'TB A SALARY OF (30 per Week aad Expense., or .Mow a large commission to a. 11 onr new and wonderful inventioas Address M. WAGS BR A CO., Marsh. 11. Mi-h. ACEXTS, TtKEXOTIfK. The reason rrnr ag.nlw make so mil'-li money. is heeause our igoods are first ciasa : p.ople like tb.m.eed th.y are warranted. Mo,-e lire Agents wanted A. st. tTVToRnTwB itaicTConnT ALE & FORTES. Cream and Stock Ales. GOH a STRONG Proprietors of tha MERCHANT'S LUNCH, Are sole Agents for Pe&siee'e Celebrated Cream and Stock AScs. For aale by the Barrel or Balf Barrel. oeUU dtf RUTCQ un i lo I Forentrance to Cemetriea, Publio Sqaarea and Gsntlemen'. Country (tenia, of Gas Tubing or H ro.gni Iron, both Hmgle or Double, in elabor ate and simple designs. Katimates and Deaigns sent on application, swing me class or work aesigned. Purchasers may rely on having all articles carefully boxed ami a hipped to the place ef des- tiaation rach7-d6a TRAVELING SALESMEN J5.T 10 DOLLARS A DAY DONE AWAY WITH. Thia is the reason w7e can sell the BEST QUALITIES OF WINES AND LIQUORS Ta O "VC, ES 3rJ- THAN ANT 0THIE H0C6B. J. WE1TZEL & BRO., ' IHPOITKRM, ? 14 A 16 Weal Randolph Street...... CHICAGO aaaySOdSm OXiAS. rXTTSBTJS.Gn STAIiMED CLASS CTOB.ES, SO. 23 MtRhtl t.T., PITTSBURGH WILLIAM NELSON, Glasa Stainer and Me tallic Sash Manufacturer best a laDtea for church windows. Having erected the moat complete and extenaiv apparatua for the manu- faoiure of colored and ornamental window glass, be ia prepared to furnisheve.y rarity for church es, private) residences, offioe windows, eto , in uipetior style. Orders from all parts of ths nouatrj will reoeive prompt attention. ie"isa I y . DeHAVEll'8 WILD CHERRY BITIKS The Eest Toaif in thetfcrld WEST'S Saloon & Billiard Rooms, He, 3 Harper House Block, OCK ISLAND ILi'- Dealer in FLue Bourbon Whiskies, An 1 1mported Wine & Brandies: Agent for Sards, Li'ls. and Joliet Ales, also bestrcotcb sn- BngUafa Alea and Locdon Por ter tul . A v. Ctiw it- v r; lor ffcie 1 j the rarr.I. Ag nt for A - Ztlijr'a Billiard and Pigeon Hole Table Blanufii tcir. apr4-dtf H. K. WEST, Proprietor. COLD WATER SOAP. WING & BURST ELL FOB Dyspepsia, kdiestioa, Loss of Appetite, GEXKfcAL OELIIIIT, CHILLS. Ele. 1110 CHEBHY BITJfHS HAS WO ZQTAI. Tt is acknowledged by every one who has taken it, to be the BeMt Rwedy For the diseasea na' "er offered. , Depot, t-sJalle street, , CHICAGO, n.HAVKN A WALES, ; ' Sole Uaou'actar-rs. Fot sale by DrttggisU. Je22-dw6oi War field's COLD WATEil SLF-UiSUIXS SOAP. Washes in Cold or Warm, Ilad or Soft Water WITHOUT BOILING AXI WitLoiii inj'T) t Clothes, ! " WrrJIJUTlEUBBING ON TIIE WASHBOARD, faring Lzbor, Time and Foel! This Soap has bees uaed y many Ladiea ia me euy, ana tney all prooouaca it superior te any other they ever used. It saves time, labor sou preserves tne eieinea. 10LD WATElt SOAP CO 51 PAS F, 43 Berth Desplalnes 61 rest, chic ago.. ,...'...;.........ii.t.. For sale by all Drocers aprl-dw6m For aa'e ia Bock Ia'.and bj King A iurat, at liard's old stead. DR. GCUKAI D B ITALIAN MEDICATED SOAP is found to be all suflicitnt for the com plete removal frcm the skin of Tan, Freckles, ad Scnt.urn ; or, m un, t i,,.m.... rhich is the result of actinism w bile its ttedi- cal propertiea are of to powetiai a naiere as 10 te potent iu tte remotai .i cuienno. if raid all aeorkutic appearsneea, in' lndy g Ery sipelas, Scald Head. Sait Bhenm, Barber a Itch, Molb.ete. Old gotel are rapidly healed y It, and Ihe nain arisne from the bit.s of UusqnUoes. the stings of Wasps er otter venomous insects, is immediate !y aliased, and eiiata, cecks and ckafta arebeaUd ty it. In f-ct no family shi eld be "Ithoat this eccp. but score erpecially those whe live rcxete Ircm cities, in place. hi re at all t-mea it ia not eaay to preenre medira) at tendance. eitler fb eld the Fosnjen le with out It, as It is a complete rtmeoy ior senrvy.era ran be nsed in bar er salt watr aa U as soft, n addition thereto, it is per'eelly rucyart. The Italian Wf diealfd Fesp wsy tbsre'ore le ennaid(rd s the greatest beon ahich n.cdern science has c nferred on rrsrVind. Dl hECT'ONS FOR 1'Slt For Irjahe'es, Salt kbeum. wurms In the aV in, rl ap, 1 halts, rrdness sallowi-f.a. and all skin Ring worm. feeeJd Head, Fcurty, Patter s Itch, etc , the ei.ap o nst be nisde into a thu k lather, aad .e lrabbed in several timse e 6h wi'h a shasing brnih For Pinrples. Tan, Pncklss, Sunburn, PallewnefS, Koogbness, Mniqnito bitsa or v.nniou rxiags. it slculd leodthrte or fonr timea a day. Ia a vere casissrakea paate and app y. prtviHed it de ml produce a smarting senaation. This aosp is the esost glorions crwpi nrd far slsvii g eter isven vented, and can be ased with eiih.r karri or S'lft water, and no searran sonld go to sea witkr ot a supply, as it is a complete atlidute to scurvy, 50 cents a cat e. The foil. wir,g is selected from a nomter of o-'Biiminicati"ns in praise of hr. Gouraud'e LI. yi. ID ROTt.E: 1'b. Fklix titans : Deirtlr-tis icauing actri s I aiB cumpeteu to ronue occainnaiiy. Usving never sean an; thing "f the kind tquul to jour Vegetable article, having striven iu ein t prucniv it in thia city, 1 sball be greatly ubl gul (shuuM it no b too itf!; LiCca.t fir jou) if you adise me how and at wbal eott I can procure a bottle with the ! ast trouble to my self. Pleate address " , Philadelphia, Pa." Certificate from tlie celebrated ir Bouf'on. in prsiseef l.r. tiour.ed j POCDKR r-t BULK, for uprooting supertiueus hair from say part of the human body : "I have had an opportunity of ofcservir,g the operation ot uourauu a pri inu. u .- lbe removal of eeperfluoua heir, and am perfirt ly ,atisi!ed oi its'iar efficacy. After an an alyses of theconniosition of these I 'an witbot t any hisitatirn pronounce item perfect ly harmless, and in ever way ioBnitelj u,erio to anv preparBtkn of the kind even tier. d to tbe pauiic I have plea.-ure in ginng tbtm my recommendation, Uing thus ful J c.nviteed of their value. .- vt w n JAS. A. HOI ?T0V. V. D , Editor N. Y Lancet. T. FELl'T GCriU D, M. D., aoJ l'raetical Chemist, 4S Bn ,,f.rn. -r! M rudJ. To be hau of Dr. T. Felix GoL''tl Ko 48 L'oari street, New Yoik. and Wholesale New 1 ork, of F C Wells Co, 162 Falion atre.'l i F Benv College I'lice; W H Schieffeiiu A ', No ijtl William street,- McKess n Ribbiaa, St Fnl tns'r.t; Arnold A atcNary. 47 Park Place; Crittenden, fith Avenue; Hmde, Kauuia.m & Murphy, 1 Barclay atreet: liegeman Co, SOS Broadway, and Drujrists general j. jel4deod,t,t s A wr aml'm SIZ.riZsTO. 21. H. GARDKER cSc CO. TAKrTEn.i, Ay a HaBcracTrBEBs LEATHE2 BELTING ! OS01, 12 Wasbin-'ton Street, Enfialo, Iff. "H-. Tannery, 652 6eneca street. ' octrtdeod-t,t.s-ly G0?P & BUO., Livery and Safe Stables. OSce under Earl's Hall, HOCK ii.t,... ;....III.e. Most Com pu t. E 1.1,. it Bitot in the City Partlco'ar att 1 tion paid to furni.'bing Carriages for eartiea. Balls. Pr.-ceaions, etc mbtdi PUaTCGXAPUS. I. O. PKOTC, Photographer I iocs' iws. n m. Kwativee Preserved. Ait.. Ul2i den